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$c -. : vKiM urston. ; v-' :;;;,' ■ :'A iafgely-iattcnded meeting was':held or Wednesday night'in. the brderly'room of th( Manawatu Mounted Rifles of those'interestec in the.' fonnatiori 'of an. : officers 1 - olub Lioutenant-Colonel Pringlo "occupied ~ 'Mk olvair,-f It 'was decided that a club- to, bt ljiiown' as ''!The MailawatarOfficers' ..'Club' 1 should- ;bo'■ formed, those eligible for member--ship';being; all commissioned officers 'of <the Manawatu.'district,. including thoso hqldino .commissions 'on: the reserve Hist,. and. retired officers ■'< holding commissions in-:,the t N;.Z. or ','lmperial >':'forces,: whether naval or : military!-'-- and v. the '■■,' and'■:, education oadets. Officers ? wore fleeted ?s'' follow:— Patron,' His ; : Excellency the Governor;, presir dent, '••Keutenant-Colonel--, Pringle: - vice■preaidenfe,"'Captains' Peach' r ahd Moun3ey; hon:' I ';!secretary, -Captain -Palmer; , hon. treasurer,' Captain Jickell;.'committee; .Captains M'Murray, Foote, and Warden (repre•sentihg the Palmerston Guards, Defence, and 'Sehooh;'Cade'ts);- : -and...tli6:-dfficers; ex .officio; hSn. auditor; Captain -Fairbrother; trustees, 'Lieutenant-Cojpnel Pringlo, Captain Peaoh; a,nd' Lieutenant' Smith, i The. .objects for Whioh the club exists are to afford facilities 'whereby..the,officer's'■;of the ."district may irnproyo -theiri military -knowledge,., inoreaso their; efficiency,; and cultivate comradeship. It 'was decided.-to meet, fortnightly, and to hold.tho inaugural meeting on May 12. His Excellency the Governor will be invited to be preserit,':as well as Lieutenant-Colonel Robin, Chief .of; the General'''Staff, and LieutenantColonel Bauchon Officer Commanding Jie district,■■: who jwill,.bo asked.-to ■ .deliver', a lecture./ It, is."expected that 'the club, will havb an:active membership of about thirty. ■■'•'I On Wednesday,evening a meeting,wasVhold for, tho purpose of considering the advisability of forming a citizens' league in Palmerstbn •North.; / After, discussion., it whs' decided to form> a league on similar lines to those in Auckland, which 1 were reported'to be doing good,'work.-' /.The object of the' league' is'.to further .the'interests-'of-Palmerston-.- North wherever/possible, .it was decided to select "a, -^ticket'_' tor '.{he forthcoming election:;'- of borough councillors'; the following candidates being decided...upon.'.—Messrs'.-■ E. ■> J. Armstrong, .0. -N.'Clausen, H/Haydon, j\ Mbwlem, :W;-M'Kenzie, M. O'.Reilly, fl. '■■ T. ■Palmer, 'W.': Stubbs,' arid .'J. .-.Tasker. .The league itself ■to further ;tho. interests of, these- candidates. .Mr.' MaoPhersoß was appointed secretary pro temi." ~ r . '-ji'ho' annual,.installation of W.M. and in-vestiturei\of-"officers of Lodge Manawatu Kilwinning' was held oh Wednesday night at the Masonic Temple, therb being a Jarge'attendance. of- brethren from all parts of. the'district.' The installation ceremony was 'carried 'out by P.G.Mi,: Bro-s R;; ; Fletcher, , of Wellington,' Wor. Bro. J;-.A. Nash' assisting as D.O. The • officers installed; for the ensuing term were:—W.M: Bro;{A. .N. Gibbons; S.W.,' I Bro. W: H. Collingwood; J.W., Bro. A. .Tortenson; S.D„- Bro. A. Clark; 1.G., Brp, S. R. Fulbrook; S.S., 'Bro. W: Mouldey; J.S.; Bro. B. Mugridgo; Tyler,, Wor. .Bro. : Whalley; D.M.yWor. Bro. J. A. Nash; D.C., Wor. Bro. A! E, Bennett. At the conolusion ,'of the ceremony an adjournment was made to .the Opera. ;House" supper' rooms, where . a ' banquet; was held ,\at which the ■: usual loyal 'and lodge, toasts were honoured.; T: •',..:'•■'' \ '-.-'■ f : -'•■ ■ ' ■:■■■ - •■--''-'-.' - - j■■ ' ■ '■ V £ :; ; o,;;:> ; :;mastertqn." ;- . ;:..At' rt-. nieetingVbf' c the Technical School managers,: to .be held this:evening, arrange-, ments 'will;'be made' for equipment' of- the classes; in wool classing, which , are shortly to be inaugurated under the. instruction of Mr.. $, Wood, ; who .is "at : present - acting a'B instructor'in,thfs work to Napier and Hastings Technical Schools.'' The- classes..-will, most probably }>e< commenced" during the first.week in ..May. l ..; ~... At the MagistratoVCourt yesterday before Mr. C. C. Graham, S.M;, Mrs. C.'L. Beale claimed from the sum of £30 .'damagesj sustained through a bicycle, "col-, lisipn;';}':'Jiidgmbnt-was given for plaintiff for the-amount' claimed, with costs.'' '~ : ■ ; 'The;;, annual meeting of■; .the Wairara'pa Hockey; Association was" held '7. in tho Y.JLC.A. rooms last evening. Mr. 3. B. Rue 'occupied the chair, and delegates wore present' from, tho Groytown Ramblers,- Huia, High,School,"DaleHeld, and Carterton clubs. The annual.balance-sheet showed a credit of £3 17s: 9d. Tho report stated that ' the assooiatioii hi)d had a very successful year. The following ollioei'swero elected:—Patron, Mr. A. C. Major; president, Mr. W. 0, Buchanan, M.P.; ; vice-presidents, 'Messrs. J. Macara, J. B. Ruo.W. H. Jackson, W. Barton, W.-Moore, R.G. Welch, and Dr. Bey; secretary, Mr.\B. Iveson; treasurer, Mr. J. B, Riie. .Regret was expressed: by the various delegates at Mr. J. ]}; Rue (who has been secretary sinco 'tho association was •formed) being unablo. to carry on tho duties, and eulogistic reference : was made to the manner in which he had conducted tho af-fairs;-6f, the, association."... It. was decided to commence the championship matches on May G. The following teams havo entered for the: senior championship:'—Greytown, Huia, • Ramblers, Mastortoh High Sohool, and Carterton. It was resolved to hold a. junior competition; if Suitable' arrangements could

bo inarle. 'J'h'o following teams would probably compete:-—Knjhblers, Mastorton High Daleficld, Carterton, and Carterton High Sohool, If a junior competition is not inaugurated, Dalefield will play in tho senior division. '"'; FEILDING. '

• closed yesterday for the borough/elections. The Mayor, Mr; Trewin, arid Councillor S. W- Fitzherbert, both lawyers, are candidates for the Mayoralty, and the following are candidates for the nine aqats on tho council: —Messrs. A. H. Atkinson, J. T. Barry, iJ. W, Bramwoll, h. T. Brown, E. Goodbehere, G. J. Harford, G. 0. Hubnor,. P. J; Kelly, .A. Richmond, G. H. Saywoll, H,,Tolloy, T. West, and A. Williamson. . • An endeavour, is being . made to form a branoh of tho Rugby Referees'. Association' at; i''eilding,' The Feilding Beautifying Society, at.its annual meeting on Wednesday night, elected tho following oonimittee:—Messrs. A. R. Mayo,. J. Cobbe, F. F.-,Haggitt, W. ' H. Groube, E. A.'Barton, 0. N. Gillespie, J. E. Barltrbp; and D. I\ Barrett. -" JMr, J. A, Gilbertson has exchanged his Feilding properties for farm in the Thame's district, and will leave , for that place, in ■ about six weeks' time. • At a,.special meeting of the .Borough Council,' hold yesterday morning, the following motion,.proposed by Counoillor Cobbe, was; carrrjed ;—"That the Town Clerk ■ telegraph, to the Valuer-General,.' stating '• that' tho council is dissatisfied with tho excessive valuation, and that an official from the Department .be asked ,'tb" visit Feilding at once : to"confer with tho, counoil." .A meeting of objectors is to be held. :." \

"Nominations j for Mayor arid councillors closed, yesterday, : when the .retiring Mayor, Mr, R, B. Gardener, was returned unopposed: He was nominated by Messrs. Jas. . and Edward Malcolm, ' Mr. ,Gardener has been Mayor since Levin was created a borough three years ago,'and is .thus entering upon' . his 'fourth term of' .office. : The following; . were/ nominated for-the office of "councillor: '- Messrs. P. L. Arcus; Geo. Cameron, "\V;-E. ' Faulkner, H. B. Franco, W. H. Gallichaii, ! D.'Ha'nnan, T.,A. B. Hudson, T.M.Khigdori, E. S. Lancaster, E. F: Levy, H. D. i Mackenzie, Chas. H. L. Palmer, Jas. Prouse, Richard Prouse, and A.-Thorfie. ■.■■./ Mrs. A. Thome has presented :a hockey , stick for the most improved player in the ■' Ladies' Hcckoy Club this season, and Mrs. ] Birss has presented a goM'medal for the ] player who scores most goals. : j . A roadjcyole. race, promoted'by the Palmer- ' ston Cycle and Motor Company, in conjunc- < tion with tlio-Levin Fire Brigade, the pro- J ceeds of whiqh are to be handed over to the \ brigade funds, was held on.Wednesday after- i noon,, -Hie-route was from' Levin to Foxton, t thence on to Shannon and -baok to Levin, 'J nearly forty milos) The day was wet, and' t the- roads' bad,'but no fewer than 23 started I put of.2S.'entries.' The prizes: were: First, 1 bicycle; second, ornamental-clock;.third, l sot -1 of tyres j fourth, shaving outfit. /' Gold medals , Were' also - awardd for the fastest and second i fastest,times,'. A large qrowd assombled both c at tho starting and finishing points. Captain 1 R. J. Jones., of the Fire Brigade; was' B starter, and Mri F. J. Glacktn time- v kpeper,. - Tho■', result ■ was .as: follows: —J. Coulter ;(10min.), lhr. 50min. 35sec\ I (fastest time); 1; W. Mawhinny (18min.), 2hrs. lmin.' V 3osec., ; 2; -A.''. Schlayer, { (16miri.), lhr..: 59min. 30sec,, 3; W."- Pin f (9min.), lhr. 54min. 2sec. (second fastest), 4; n E. 0. Youjig.(l7min,),'2hrs. i 2min. 2sec.; D. s Musgrove (14min.), 2hrs. lOmin.; A.. Hens- S man (18min. lOsec), 2hrs: 6min, 24sec; A. i Donald (Bmin.)-, lhr. 57min. 56soc.;' A. E. T Parks (4min.),-lhr, 55rain. 59sec.; J. Cooks- S ley (13mm.)', 2hrs. 7min. 22sec.; 0. R. Jones y (14min.),' 2hrs.' 18rriin. 25sec.;- Wcipihana 1! ,(18mm.), 2hrs, 22min. '26sec.; W. Schultz Kllmin.), 2hrs. ,15min., 27sec.; and R. Devon- ' shire (14min.), 2hrs. 22min. 40sec. H. Henderson,/of Palmerston North, the-scratch B man; Was going strong as far as Foxton, •" when a pin punctured one of his tyres j compelling him ■to give up.' ■',' ' ' ' '■■ "■ v.-':;-':'■■■■ GiIEYTOWN. }'- \' ;.

A number of prosecution's took place beforo the Magistrate -on Wednesday, the charge -being tha,t of failing to keep fruit gardens free of codlin moth and mussel scale. Fines' of lOsi and costs- (285.) were imposed on the following :-rMrs. 'L. Bright, and T E. Kerapton,'H. Tibbutt, A. Finn, Wm. Orr L..;Hastings,J. F. Wallis, W. ,W. Bicknell' and ,G.'Workman. , ■/. • . ;.v..; ...' 0. •• J. Hare, J; Maguire, and H. Morris/were 'each fined 2s. 6d. and 7s. costs. for; allowing cattle'to stray on the public roads,''-'!' \ ; : .""■ ■■>;■ ■ C. \C.'."6raham is acting as 'jtfagis■trato while Mr. W. P. James is on leave of absence..;' .... : , r ... : The. following-nominations were made on .Wednesday: in connection. '' with the borough elections:—Mayor, Mr. D. P: Loasby, unopposed r; coimoillors, Messrs. Baison,'- Kempton,' Webster, Coo, Trotinan, and Haigh. As nine councillors aro required, additional nominations are necessary to fill the 'vacant places.. •' ■• .■■■• I v'\'.-".'•■> •'. -..,:-'.'■ .'.■' ■'.;:.'. ', . >.•- ■ ..Thirteen 'nominations', have; been received: for the position of borough'councillors.' Pre-' sent members, with the exception of-Mr. R. & Noedl, are all seeking re-election." Mr. H. Bennett, the'retiring Mayor, has 'also been |. nominated.'.. '. •, . ', • .- _ A wet night marred tho attendance"at the loresters social, but tho entertainment, to ■ some extent'.made up iii quality'what it . lacked in , quantity. ~ The committee had decorated: the hall prettily, and catered for a large number. A very enjoyable' cvoning r was spent, a number of songs and recitations being givon, with a danco afterwards. It is the Foresters' intention "to hold A a social; annually. ' . ;■■>.■ : ':.v'/ EKETAHIJNA; \ : |.;" Mr. Edward Page, solicitor, was.yesterday ' elected Mayor unopposed. Mr. Page, who is •a son of; the. late Mr. Page, formerly Wellington tow-n treasurer, is at present captain of the Eketahuna Mounted Rifles, and has hold tho position as..president of the' Chamber of ■Commerce. ~.■•'■ ,':.:'>:. Tho>.following nominations have beenrethe. Borough ; Council .—J. Carter, J. J. A. Haswell,.W. Thomson, Fi C, Tumor, Thos. Parsons, J. S. Trijie 6 Je&son, W. Korshaw, P. Pike, and W. m' i f2 n- T } ° first thr6e nam&i are members ot;the retiring council. The number ,of ■ vacancies is six. \ ■'■'. V / FEATHERSTON.

A meeting of'the parishioners of St. John s Church was held in tho Town Hall on Wednesday evening, tho Rev. A T B Page boing in tho chair. Tho balance-sheet," showing a orodit balance of £10 7s. 6d. was adoptod, together with the report, After tho meeting a very pleasant social was held. Tho first part took tho form of a concert, after which a progressive euchre tournament was hold. The volunteers hold an instruction parado under Lieut. Saunders on Tuesday evening when musketry and manual instruction Mere given. Tho Riflo Club will fire thctast two ranges in thoir championship meeting on Saturday The bo COO and 700 yaids. Mr. Sjrr.monds, .of South 'Fcathorston loft for a,tho Old Country by tho Corinthic yesterday. It is over thirty years sinco Mr. Simmonds was in England and ho now intends visiting tho Eccnes ofjns youth. The district has oxpoiicnccd a voiy heavv wind hero during the past few days. It has had tho effect nf thoroughly cleaning up all dust, papoi, loose tins, and boxes and seems to have left tho town woaiing quite a new aspect. Tho first shipment of steok over tho Main Trunk lino from hero was a lmo of store shoep sont by Dalgety and Co. on Wcdncsdav Tho Pakakoura Ladies' Hockey Club wish to acknowledge donations from Mrs. Matthews and Mr. Palraor.

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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 489, 23 April 1909, Page 7

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PROVINCIAL NEWS. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 489, 23 April 1909, Page 7

PROVINCIAL NEWS. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 489, 23 April 1909, Page 7