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BU3INESS;NOTICES. BUSINESS NOTICES. PRIVATE MATEKNITY. HOMB. ' m . <$» »„•' _• '„ . ~ M RS/ STAEKIE, PRACTISING MIDWIFE, ( .LntTo Lord Vluuket.) S HOME STREET; Kent Terraca .•' ' ' u 4^S&!lSEm' * C 713 "VIOLETS.—These favourite' flowers may now- ' 11—, ; ; : ~ - .-bo obtained in any quantity, fresh, daily, NOTICE OF- REMOVAL. '' '"' ,frpm-MISS Florist,,. 35 ■' —<■««. «»'••• 'Willis Street ■ (G-doors' above ' Grand Hotel). F. de" J. CLERE, F.R.1.8.A., Architect, :• ■" ' C 771 ■' i'-S-. lias removed to Commercial Chambers," ' : ; ; — Hunter Street. -"•• 855(1. • H MOULT,, ELECTRICAL ENGINEER. • ' ELECTRIC .LIFT SPECIALIST. V. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. • Sole New Zealand Agent—Archibald. . Smith, „ • - • and Stevens. London ?-d Manchester.'' i./TVUR Business will?hen'c'ef6rtli"be carried'on"' '• ■AJ' at our New Offices—St:' George's Build- LIFTS FOR ALL PURPOSES. ing, Brandon Street. -'," ' \ 'V "/"/'-777,-' '. ' MEEK ANlfvO'tf "HAAST, '(First M00r),;'..'.. Barristers and Solicitors, Wellington. FEATHERSTON..- STREET, .WELLINGTON;. £-■■■.. 8172 -■' C7SJ THERE'S MONEY IN IT. - WRE DK. ( BLA CK, A.M.Inst.E.E, !, . . CONSULTING ELECTRICAL . -'X .. ENGINEER ■ '' 7 ' F OB S 0» GRO a cIRY!,BUS?NESS a , h?o?o ; Por • and Llßit of the soundest country towns in the North , ■ . °' '• Island; a good investment.-.-Apply ''Fortune," ; v "Dominion": Office. . 8238 ' - THE KING'S CHAMBERS, -- • WELLINGTON. NOTICE OF -REMOVAL. ' >>•" Address, "Kilowatt, 'Wellington"- . — I . ; ' AND . TOLLEI, HUGH DOUGLAS, .' . 7 ".y 1■ . ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, 'r ' BOOKBINDER, PAPER RULER,, AND '• Manners Street. • ACCOUNT BOOK-MANUFACTURER. SPECIALITY: Douc:lns ,I Paten , t''Loose-Leaf '• ,', -■. , . T ■ w .- ~ . » -r'u, . ' Agents for: Langdon-Davies Motors, .EclipßO. v . Account Books., ~ , .... Flame Are Lamps, Simples Conduit, Tantalum Factory Brass : and" r , Wellingvon. CSOJ Bronze Fittings.' 1 " , ' , C6U OEIBNTAI TEA MART."- ; KIMBOLTON COACH SERVICE. « W " CA M?S EL V Q . DAW'S Mail Coach leaves FEILDING '2. GROCER AND PROVISION'MERCHANT, P» daily, to 'connect ' with APITI! and ■; 21 MANNERS STREET. RANGIWAHIA Coaches, returning in. time for 39; RIDDIFORD STREET,, ■ ;; .Southern Express. 160 CUBA STREET;:- V ■ '-' ; > " : .. ' /.. , v TOT"' CRABTREE AND • ■ SON^ SPECTACLES We are'ispecialjstW. - ami. ENGINEERS, BOILERMAKERS,' ■ ~ l , . tjotow-; «"y-,AH,.. Patterns; •• Manufacturers' of High-class . . SPfcCTACLbS stocked. -'Quaaty high,-- priccs .• • r ,-.. . . ■ . . , . . SPIiCTACLiiS low. Consultations'".tree.. "Buy- • . ; Engines and Brick •. SPECTACLES from us. It will pay you. ~ • P p^i a H ßt3 ' in Sawmill-, Machinery mi Log O'DONNELL AND BROWN, Consulting ; Haulers. . • . • r Opticians,. 41 "Manners" Street;-Wei- ' : '• • ' '' • ■■ ■' '' lington; 7 doors- from Opera; Houso (same: — . side). Look . for the' Eye- our the Window. CITy FOXJKDKV. EVA STREET. ; . ■ ■ CS7i THE WELLESLET. LUNCHEON AND WANTED, , • supper rooms . r \ :: - rttato the Wellesley Clnh),""; . GOOD JUDGES OF FRUIT, TO CALL AT - JOHNSTONi STREET. ■.: ."fit I N T 0 N'S, MR. J. JACIvSON, has taken over .thesa cen- '. trall.v-situated premises, whern he has F E'D IT. IMP 0R T E'R S; made-most extensive alterations-.and additions,- . :*• ~ Vi'ttW. -'cifpppm : ? ■' L whore, patrons can Ke'.'.supfUed' with etery ' .. ~.i-. ouda aiiiniLi. .. - - luxury. 1 , ' ■■ J . ■ ..-•■■■■■: ;■ y"*. , Meals obtainable froin 12' till midnight,•'Hot', ' '" ' PLANTING SEASON. Lunches 12 Kll 2 (five- courses). Six Lun-' 1 . , —" cheon Couiyji-is for five shiUinsv' ' ' , . i ■ EVANS iAND' SON, '.Hill View Nursery; in- ; , vite. inspection-of ;their: large stock' of - r cpicinv, . - ~ . Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. Rhododon- \ ' drone, Azaleas, '..Roses, Carnations, / Hardy. ' —r l . C'imbers, Forest Trees, Deciduous Flowering Shrubs, and Nursery Stock of every descrip. . "T ITI R 0 M 0 A Si,! . tjou . ' To „- n ; address :-51 WILLIS STREET,- • MURITAI. - ■ - WELLINGTON. 'Phone 2147. SUPERIOR Homo is offered to Visitors re* .WATCH REPAIRS A SPECIALITY, quiring, rest'and change..of air. ..Terms ' reaßouttbla " * ■" CJfl • ' " MISS-HALL. -A" ttAWK]S,. practical Watchmaker, SS , xSI. Willis, btreet, Wellington. Every-de. v rcription of Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery : r , : : : ~'. thoroughly ; cleaned and repaired-at popular . Tf rices. Geneva Watches- cleaned from'2s. M 6d.; , .ever Watches ' cleaned from 3a.; Watch - INVESTMENT-"CO.; I 'LIMITED, has Glasses, Gd. All other repairs at equally low REMOVED TQ..KEW- OFFICES, 219 LAMB- 'prices. All-work guaranteed. Note— ■■ TON QUA.Y: ! ;;,v ;v;; ''r ', v 'r :'; 35 WILLIS STREET (over May'sXafeiJ ' Deposits Received :-r-12 months, 4i per'cent.'; ' G months, 3 V per cent. ..T ~ . v ■ Second and Third ■■Floor OFFICES TO LET, ; . WHAT IS VIBRATOEX MASSAGE?.' ' ' ' Apply' ■■> ' ( . ■■~.- ; '. .... .... 1 :. ■" 7CSI , R. E. RAWNSLEV, Secretary. :: ' -V." ' V '■ —^^ KiSPECIALLY good for enring falling, and •j V r 'i;'weak- hair, baldness, without tho uso ,7Z .i • j ... ~ of lotions. c Also, it is the' surest and quickest . —-" ; . -■ mjthod of i breaking iUP .stillnesj .of joint* FOR SALE, a splendi'd' new 'Wroomtd Villa antl''muscles. Tones ,_np. weak and' wasted Residence, Clyde Street, Island Bay; ex-' muscles and nerves. Revitalises tbi' whole cellent position, nrar school and tram. Will physical 6ystem--a most delightful treatment, sell on. .exceptionally easy, terms..Price, .and, electricity. At vibratorium, 13 Kent Ter» .' all. particulars • trom . ■ ■ C. iKD A/ODLIN, TIMBER 1 MEBCHANTS.' ■ " '■ ; " .. .CABLE STREET. / ■' 'CTOXTON-LEVIN COACH SERVICE.- Time* ■ 1 ' i . ■ ' '- -C 623 -IP tables-Leave Foxton G. 30 a.m., arrive : : Levin 5.30 a.m.; leave Levin 10.30 a.m., arrive Foxton 12 noon ;..leave Foxton 2.30 p.m., arrive ' WAIKATO FARM FOR SALE." - - : Levin 4.30 p.m.; leave Levin 7.30 p.m., arrive ?; -. ~v .I. a 1.-, , ~v 93. p.m., , , ~■'. , ■ - ~■ .- - -. ■ 1 - L'cavo Foxton 11 a.m., arrive Shannon 12.30 .1. ■ . ■, _ ... n.m.'i ieavi Shannon 2.50 p;m;, arrive Foxtoa . I orA ACRES FirSt-class Sheep and Cattls J™ ' . ... 10017 Country, mostly improved,, near , ■ 1 ■ • , !i;. ltuilway and Creamery. ' 5832 C. F. JOHNSTON, Proprietor.- y , ' Price, .€3 !os. per acre, £100 cash required; —-—-—— ; ——- . or eschahge' for' ... ROTHERHAM'S WATCHES. ; . , W. CHAMBERLAIN, ' ' — Dominion Land-Agency. Woodville. C7OO r "HA'yjj: jfi S fc received a parcel of these cele- . ' : ' '""v " . J. brated WATCHES in Gold, Rolled Gold .' (10 and. 25-'year'cases),.'and Silver. I don't, IPHB • "DOMINION" MERCANTILE-'know of :any watch I can recommend nloro , JL AGENCiT. Confidential Trade Reports, strongly. And' L.also have a_full supply of ..» _ _~ 7. tr i^JvV.:. I.V . . I.' my well known Hall-Markcd Wedding Rings. . Debt Collections, .rracle. Assignees, General l' W EUDWIG,-Watchmaker,.Jeweller, and Business', Optician, 214 LamhtonQuay. ROOMS-ft and 8a "COLONIAL MUTUAL ' "" " ' " ! : ' BUILDINGS, CUSTOMHOUSE, QUAY. ...... ' . STAR FOUNDRY. P.O. Box 264. ,Teleiih6ub"lßßo. Bankers'" Revans' Street,' Wellington South.Bank of New South • Wales. ' \ ' .0680 ; ;A: SrD^r WAT fc„. ' M'KEEGAN BROS., LTD., '■ -•fi/TANUFACTOEERS; of "Star" .Wrought 111 / Iron Pulleys,, Steam, .Hydraulic,' Gas, , . TO LET and.Printers''Engineers: . Agents' for .Victor: . Folding Machines and Relianco Wharfedalo — — ~ Machines;- 'Phone 1245. . C6B? c . PRIVATE FAMILY.. TOTEL ; y- cv--IN ONE OF TIIE PRINCIPAL COUNTRY i " FREEZING SHEEP AND UAM3S. TOWNS ' ' ~ THE WELLINGTON MEAT EXPOS? COMPANY, LTD., nished; .house always. 'f\iir. i,, ' Takin g !' average ' , .. '. about £55 per week. - Owiier' .will "either seil ; s prolla • • fieehold,. or lease for .a , number of ■ '..PURCHASE - FAT' SHEBIV AND LAMB 3 1y . .Frontage of 100 ft. to Main Streetl, : • j>j weisbt per hood. Tho hotel can be thoroughly recommended, ; ' — having tho reputation of being a first-class j| )0 Company also cflers clients overr facility ; country abode. ... /'• (or im-zing •on their own account" : Further particulars'"may" be""obtained;"from" .' ■ . ' LTD. \ p r i CC g can "be obtained on application at th 4. ,C 786. ' ■ ::Aji&'.S&eet,'.Wellington. Compa'ny'o offices, or from any of the Buyers i«. tuc couatry.' . - - :;, V , LUSB AND CO,,'.' 'l>.raiTED;: ' ! MARINE, HYDRAULIC;J:'DAIRY, : ' :ANS :"; LANKSHEAR'S for all, manner of Plain an<3 GENERAL ENGINEERS.,; '; !' Fancy Stationery. . BOILERMAKERS, IRON AND BRASS LANESHEAR'3 for all manner of Leather. ■ " v ■ rOUNDEES. "• ■ : Goods. LANKSHEAR'S for ' all manner ot Printing, 1 Estimates Given For Every Descriotion at • ftt Lowest City Prices. • Mechinerj-j Bu'lders and Lontractora . ■ • ' ironwork. • . LANKSHEAR'S for Pictorial Post Cards, ant FOR SALE:. General Stationers' Novelties, New and Second-hand, Eusinoa and Boiler • — gulleys, Bearings, Shaftings, sto. ' Only Addiess— MANNERS STREKT. WELLINGTON. "r A N K S H E I B, • • C 671 JU ' „.f ■ '.. - r 1 : ■ GENERAL PRINTER AND STATIONED, .FLY &'.YOUNG,' lambton quay MASTEETON. (Opposite Bank of ?' .v - ' • . CGSS ■ /PIENERAL CARRIERS ' and MAIL CON- | T "n'Wp ll^l vp ll 'l ll vn 1 " """ ""l br TRACTORS, Agents N.Z. Espress. Co.. ' W ALIi,E O.EE AND r^OMPANY. Mastorton. Goods and-Parcels forwarded, to' * _ ' all parts of tho world; Commercial Samples j - - VENETIAN BLINDS. - speciality; new and up-to-date Sample Room; FOR-HOLLAND BLINDS. in Exchange Buildings; country trips arranged FOlt SUN BLLVDS for; all trains met; Hospital l Ambulance oa | ' ' Only Address— ; ' ' ' hiro at chortest notice,-day-or. night. Stable* QUIN STREET WPTTmrnvMi, and Store Rooms, Bannister Street. 'Phoai . 'Phone JtfSiß9S so* Maalartaa* — C.ra

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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 178, 23 April 1908, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 178, 23 April 1908, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 178, 23 April 1908, Page 3