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I'ALHEIiSTON. A meeting of the County Council is to lio held on February S to consider reports lrom tho engineers regarding tlio bridge and site, unci general business. .V spccial meeting is also to lie lickl to adopt a special order making a special, rate in connection with the bridge loan. At the next movtinjr of the Master Bakers' Association ;:n attempt is to he made by some of tho members to induce the Association to mnktv an endeavour to briny into forca the cash system of trading. Ono pro-

minent member considers it can bo dono without a great; deal of trouble il all will work together. . Dairy butter is quoted at 1 Oil. and lid. per lb'. Business people, judging by tho staie of tho market, are of opinion that butter will reach Is. -Id per lb. (hiring tho nutnmn. ['resent supplies nro being stored. Tho Bunnythorpo Dairy Company has decided to raise tl'io prico of butter-fat for the month of January.

'I Lyo Moon, a Chinese grocer, of Foxfon, has been adjudged bankrupt, his statementshowing a deficiency of £1171 lfjs. s od. The amount owing to unsecured creditors, chiefly Wellington Chineso merchants, is £076 '2s. 3d., and the assots amount to £204 Os. Sd. It is stated that Councillor Luxford will be. nominated to contest tho Mayoral chair against Mr. R. -Essex,- the present Mayor.


A project to shift tho site of the Masterton A. and P. Show Grounds from the present position to Solwnv, a natural park on tho railway .Jino, two miles from town, is to be considered nt- a meeting of tho Masterton A. and P. Association on Saturday next. Sol way Park comprises 130 acres of land, Including 10 acros of nativo bush, a terrace, and plenty of water. The property can bo turned into excellent, show grounds. The Association will havo tho option of securing t.ho whole, area or only SO -acres. Tho present show grounds arc ndmiraMo in every way except as regards position, which should bo near the railway line, and it is felt that a change is necessary, if the Masterton Show is going to hold its "own in competition with Hawke's. Bay,- ilanawatu and "Wnngnnui. Tho now proposition is said to be favoured by farmers generally. Should tho proposal pass at the meeting tho grounds' will probably be cut up for business sites. Mr. ElliSt Goodin, of Carterton, who died last week, was a very old pioneer, and arrived in'Wellington-in tho Martha, llidgway in 1840.V Amongst his shipmates there re-, main now only four, namely, Mr. T. Hay, ■ecu., of .Claroville; Mr. Brown Hunt, of Masterton; Mr. John Judd, of Groytown; and Mr. Colling'.vood Goodin, of Clarcvillo.X Mr. Gebrge F. i, ;3room, youngest, soir of Mr. Henry Broom, of Auckland, died-in the Masterton' Hospital on Sunday, February 2, aged 27 years. Death was due to an ,attack of typhoid fever. Mr. Broom had lived nearly air his'life in Masterton, and the news of his death was received with regret, by a large circlo of friends and acquaintances. The. Minister for 'Marine'is inquiring into tho position of the Whareama Rcservo,.which is said' to be at present leased by a private individual, and which guards some very fino fishing grounds...- Should tho 'reserve be thrown open'to the public, writes our Wairarapa correspondent, it is likely that a company will ho formed iri Masterton to pronioto tho'fishing industry.


The practically free from infectious diseases.' ./ •• / The Palmerstou horse sale oil. Saturday was quiet, alid thoso disposed of under tho hammer were, comparatively cheap, especially draughts. Light, - unbroken, rising' four-year-olds-were disposed of at £13, and other goood draughts sold up to £30. Thcro was no great demand for hacks. ■.The schodules for tho, national dairy show aro now in 'course of distribution and show several improvements. • Two classes ;have 'boon; adclefl .to':"tlie. .batter and cheese division for the. championship of: Now Zoaland, under tho auspices of the Butter and Cheese .Makers' Association-. .

During January there were. registered' at the .Feilding Post Office. nine births, < five marriages, and three deaths. The garden party given by. Mrs. Cobbe on Wednesday last resulted in- tho addition of tho substantial, sum of £41' to the organ fund of tho Weslcyan Cliurli. - ' . Mr. Owen Pleasants, sen., of Halcombe, accompanied by his wifo and daughter! leaves next month for a visit to the Old World; .

On Wednesday, Miss Annie Peterson, eldest daughter 'of one of the oldest residents at Mount Biggs, was married to Mr. G. J. Kcw,' tho second son of Mr. M. Ivew, of Mount Biggs, and for some 21) years a resident of Sandon; ■ An old resident of the Feilding district passed away on Saturday morning in tho person of Mrs.' Esther Bosher, of Makino, relict of the late Mri'Henry Bosher,'at the ripe ago of 79 years. Mrs. Bosher caino to New Zealand with her husband in tho ship Euterpe, in 1874," and tliev came straight to the' Manchester Block/ At.-first they .tool; lip their, residence in Feilding at the time of the Miflux of the English immigrants, and after-' w;ards moved to .Makino, where tlicy followed farming pursuits.: Mrs. Bosher took a great interest, in Church matters, and with Mrs. Mount-ford (mother of Mr. A. Mountford. of Feilding), started the-first.'.Church of England Sunday School in tho old Corporation Barracks, Kimbolton Road; Mr., Henry Bosher- died 30 years ago. She leaves .a family ofj.three sons and'.four daughters, besides 35 .grandchildren. Tho„topic of the hour in Feilding oil Saturday morning was tho swimming carnival organised - by tho cricketers as a means of raising' a substantial contribution- towards the cost. of converting a portion of the South Street reserve, into a cricket ground. Tho suggestion,-that swimming sports should bo heldftCamo from ?.lr. Charles Carr, who offerwtvtho use. of the lino sheet of'"water on his grounds, oil Ranfurly Road, for tho carnival*' A'thousand peoplo attended and tho sports .-were a great success. To ,-Mr. Fred PiraniJ 'general manager of the .sports, is duo thi&eatest credit in organising and carrying tliem out. Tho secretary, Mr. Hadfield, and'- Mr. Chas. Carr, were also wholehearted w'orkors. It is reckoned that £10 will-result fronr the carnival. Tho prizes -went pretty evenly, alt-hough tho Woodvillo team did most of the winning. Tlio Waiiganui contingent had to bo content ivit-h seconds. ."Three.Wellington.College-boys,- including Barton and Carr, of Feilding, entred and won two firsts- mid a second. Mr. C. Scha'uer, Government Health Inspector, was in Feilding on Saturday,^and ■-with Mr.- M. O'Brien, local Health Officer, Visited Cheltenham, where the Cheltenham Hotel was inspected. - ' -j Tho average attendance at tho. schools ill tho Wanganlii Education Board's district during last year totalled 10,956, as against 11,901 in 1908,. the decrease being duo to the prevalence of opidemics' during thewinter. Thero were 5838 boys, and 5098 girls attending, and the average roll .number was 13,17(1, as against 12,871 tho year before. News was' received on Saturday by Mr. Ronald V S. Watson. of tho Feilding Hisrli School, and son of-Mr. T. Watson, of Fcild'ing, tha\he had been successful .in winning tho Vulo No. 1 scholarship. This scholarship' is offered by the Presbyterian Church of Now Zealand to candidates for the Ministry, and is awarded on t he marks obtained in-the matriculation examination. 1 Tho winner is entitled to £25 annually for three years, and is expected to keep terms at a University College. It is Mr. Watkin's' intention to study at Victoria College, Wellington. Tho services in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday were taken by Mr. D. J, A. Shaw, of the Theological Hall, Dnnedin. Mr. Shaw is a student deputy, and is travelling during the summer months ill tho interests of homo missions, lie gave instances ill his addresses of the manner in which Sunday observance was neglected in the back blocks," and urged that, special-efforts should be mado in the immediate future by tho Church to provide religions services lor (he neglected i settlers. '


<3 , A general muctiiifj; of tho l'uhiatiiii Amusement Club adopted the balauce-slieet of tlic

recent meeting, showing a . credit nn hand of .CA'S cxM. It was decided to approach thq Horough Council, in conjunction with , the cricket club, to have the grounds nnd,track improved. '

31 r. Kills Gordon died at Clareyille, on K/,i;,| day evening. He was 84 years old, arid arrived in Wellington in ISIO by the. .ship Martha' ttidgwuy.. He has .been residing in, tile Carterton district for -10. years. ... ; . A peculiar accident happened ,t» (i;mau, named Colquhoun,. residing-,aV.''.tlm- ;Club Hotel, On Saturday morning, at,.about,.2 a.m. tlio sounds of groans, a.ttrjxctcd' thq:.attention of two neighbours; . .Messrs. Can}iil and Simpson, who found Colquhmiii. - attired in his pyjamas, lying on. tlio- footpath , alongside the hotel. It appears, that, Colquhoun thought that the balcony extendiM all; round the building, and stopped througli'liis' open window, sustaining a .broken"legjas tho result of bis mistake. Ho was. atteudiju by Dr. Johnston and removed .to Mnsterton Hospital. ' ■ *


The adjourned annual meeting =', of, the Shannon Lawn Tenuis mid Bowling Club.. Ltd., was held last-wcqk;j. Mr. J. 1!. Stallsell was re-elected chairman,of .directors,''arid. Messrs. W. H. Gunning and G. Litjd reelected directors. Mr. Stanse|l "presented feathers for competition', aud.Mr. 'Alf. Smith presented a force-pump lor,'th'q la\i'n;','.;Mv., Alf. Smith received Mrs..,' Gunning's';;gold; medal. Sir. G. Liiid was appointed'treasurer. The local school opened■ j*ostfi'rdaj\ ■ The weather is ouco more clear and.wafni;

On Saturday tlie Shannon Crickct'Cliib'de-? feated Tokomaru at Toko'maru ,b'y pn'q;rnh.; ' Tokouiaru scored -18, and Slianhbu replied with 19. • •• v • • .]fc- is reported that Mr, '.Ti' Liggins,'of'To-. ; koniaru has made arrangements'' with -' 'the' " Wellington and ManawaUi'r'RiiihViiy pahy for two niou to traverso' tho'riiilwhy lino after every traiii has 'passed through thp Makoroa swamp in order/to check any' incipient- firo which might, ariso' lrbm .a'' spark" from the locomotive, i Thc_ Arrangement,'; be lor three months, or until sucji timo tho danger of -fire is over! The Company is?' to pay one man's wages, while tlio r adjoining property owners aro 'to ;;b.e resjionslhlo. for the second man's. ' , 1 : ... Oil Saturday night a vrliare, belonging ,t6 Mr M. Moynihan, and occupied' by 3lr; Jones, was burned down.'' 'All Mi\ belongings wore burnt, aniV'he' ha'd ajisrrbw' escape himself: . h -i'■'i . ■ The paddocks of Mr. M'DonSld; of i'oxton, were swept by fire 'on'Satiirday;' About 12 tons of fibro were'destroyed, No-' body seems to know how the'tiro"; started., :


A- meeting to consider the fprmatipii ,of, a bowling dub for Otaki was held pn Friday' night,-Mr.' T. O'Rourko in' tho chairs'.'All'present were appointed a'cp'/tt' 1 ase'er- : tain particulars as to ground and ;tlio 'support likely to bo accordcd if iho' iwasformed.

. Another step is to bo ing a recreation ground ,fos'. , pt'aki,'.aiid l i>vitli tho funds now availablo a portion/of,'jtjjo land under offer will bo purchased, and a" move mn do later on to secure tho remainder. Tbo billiard match, Braggo v. G. Pepper, of this township, took . on ;Thursday night, and was well-attended; Tho, former conceded his opponent 35Q, ! put. .of • 750, but failed to get within 148.,' V $ragge's highest breaks were 74 and 71, arid, Pepper's 23 and. 19. The latter, 'although tho .winner, played ; much below his usual form. Braggc gavo a fine exhibition , of' fancy strokes. -t* ; v , A lire at Kereru on Wednesday night destroyed the post-offico store. ~ ■ Tho Horowhenua cricketers hove 'decided to play a return'match with's.tho .Wellington Wodnesdajf Wellragton ; on' Wednesday, Fobruary. 12.."','" ' The local representative from, Pahnerstpn. having : met'the Wednesday representatives,..thcrc ( j l ,and T .BUfv fercd defeat by three \rick#s, ,4•• ~y Rain, which; has threatened./forj. several, days, has at, last fallen, arid all are juhilani;'.! Farmers were.. and.' heuso-wives, on account ,6f 'were starting, to'.complain.' - heavy, showers : fell. on _Wodncs'dayV'.''bvoning|",'ahd': conseijuently the air is much cooler,'although' still somewhat oppressive.'^',.Heavy''"raiii-' fgjl. for>a timo on Friday. _ ' The weather, through its. inclomeiicy,; in'-, torfered considerably 011 Wednesday'with''thb Anglican Sunday • school pibni6y.held;!in tho picturesque grounds of Mr, "T. Horrpb.ifl., Howovor, there' was a good'..rittbndarice,. and amuseihonts of various jiajri ticipated in during tho day.; t ,,-A',; plentiful 'supply, of refreshments was also . partaken of,. Credit is duo to Mcsdames.Stdjiley and Rollo,' , Misses 'Daniel and Rollo,-imd'',Jiessfs". .Dunn and. Joiies, all of ,whom j.wcro;.untiviifg ; ,in 1 Catering for.tho wants of'tbe'-TOUngstors. 7 ' At the Polico Court 011 Thursday,'ii iiHargo' of assault was prefered.. : ,hy ". .Harry,;" Sleet', against Dr.'-Power. Neither, ai|/ap;; pearance,- and the' information was dismissed. Prohibition, orders ' wera.;'issued 1 ' "against' Thomas Cloudley ; and Richard Edhousft."!_,V.', . At a. meeting yesterday jjlie^directors,, of.', the' Lovin and Otaki -creamcfies decided _tp consider, the advisability of'.tb.e twb"coriipanies' amalgamatinc for the purp'ose'.-jof ','<!iiteri.n'g ' into.'somo sclieino for the saio. qf' froish'jrnijk in Wellington. Messrs. Hudson; Griffith, and Swabey were''appbintcd'ii conir. nii.tte'e to,iiiquiro into tho. mcnt of a milk depot- at Wpllington:.," Mr. .Charles-. Waddjr/.. pf "fi'awsa'niie. .'who. was .recently admitted to'?'th'e hospitali.witli 1 . a fractured leg,' caused by ; _a, l : bal.o of wpbl/fall-., ing', is making good reebvery.,'ffsi' peot-ed"that Mr. Mark Ayr'o, ![ 'ivlio' alsp-ihad' ■liis leg broken, will bo dischargc'd''wit,hin'''tlie' .week. A new patient' Mr. Jcsepli ; Keeley, of Shahiioii; fell' over (in. embankment and ,injured Lis head and arm. 'Tho'. iman Crichtpn,. w'hp was so, severely/injured at Levin, still lies'.;.in .'the hospital, but is prpgressing . • Thero are - somo twenty' inmates''at'" the Sanatorium, and on Suncj.-ii'' tllb' 'Metlipdi'st choir attended, and took part-in' tho, conducted by the Rev. P. R. Paris'. ; " "


• The bacon-curing firms operating iirthis district are now paying per IbV'for.pigsf Tho new price commenced''from ''Saturday.. A line ;of cows in full .milk were' orf',Friday disposed of at public auction at! two'guineas apiece. The herd,was the'property,of a'man : who had his grass .burnt in' r the rcceiit' fires'.". I Mr. A. W. Hogg;. M.P.;;, will,.it I 'Ss :s said; bring tho most distressing cases' jn .connection with the bush and grass''fires'under the notice of the Government'.':'' : •


. Mr.'- E. Cloake, of the local, has been /promoted to tho' position'of'storb 1 - 'man at Wanganui. ' Tho annual {picnic if the;Presby,tprii}«;S<in-j day School was held .on Friday in;the,Towni, Hall, when an enjoyable "time was ■ spent- by: a largo assemblage. During the. proceeding's,:. Mrs. L. F. Keys was presented with a |V)ilu-. ; ablo pair of silver serviette'rings' from,,the' congregation, on the occasion of lier apprpaobing departure for Wellington!".So'rao prizes' were distributed during tiie . afternoon. thp, principal of which werei^Class'.'l., .boys,:, Hfirry Aitcheson, .1; frank ~ ..,'M!Nab.j... 2.'. Girls': Vera Aitcheson, 1; May, Hun^eii,.(catechism prize), 2. In class 11.,; Cora Received a prize. In three days last week,. 3459 sheep. for, Ngahfturanga were scut., , away,. frouu. the. Feathcrston railway statiou.V Tho Feathcrstbn, Greytown, aud Master-,, ton Volunteers went into camp at.Papawai on Saturday night for a day|s training., Camp was struck tho next evening by .tho' Greytown and Masterton nieii, tlio Featlierston party returning on Monday morning. Major Tate, Captain £>. Kent-Johnston, and Sergt.Major M'Xair wero officers in charge. ' A young peoplo's bo held; in tho town Hall hero on Wednesday evening under the auspices of the Methodist. Church. Jn the Magistrate's Court 'on 'Monday a prohibition order to apply.t:6.tho Wairarapa district was issued against^arryjWillis.,,

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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 112, 4 February 1908, Page 9

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PROVINCIAL NEWS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 112, 4 February 1908, Page 9

PROVINCIAL NEWS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 112, 4 February 1908, Page 9