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■ THEATRE ROYAL. . •The. vaudeville ..programme at the Theatre jiWal for the current week is well up to the nigh standard Ect ' The star items are particularly Road, and among iliem, the turn of Mr. Allan Sliaw, the clever cojn manipulator, must be.,held to take premier place. lio will be here for three more evenings. _ The list nights of the lolecns, whose danng wire-walking and sharp-shooting performances are orio of the features of the entertainment, are.also announced- The little playlet, "The Lighthouse Keeper's Daughter," as played by Miss Ida Chester and Jlarry balmon, is an excellent ■ performance. I The other members of the company, Mtidamo Blanche. Carelli, Miss Nellie Power, the Lucas Sisters, Messrs. Joe Watts, Bob Lloyd, and Tod Calloway, were in their, usual good form, breezy, humorous, and entertaining, each after his or her particular branch of . vaudeville art. ' ' WONDERLAND. ' ' .The management of. Wonderland is unsparing. in its endeavours to add variety to the many attractions which are' to. bo found at the "Mecca for Merry Souls." Last- evening, those, who were" hardy enough to brave the uncanny stairways and winding passages ,of the katzenjanimer' castlo fonftd that a new terror had been added to their corie journey— a giant skeleton. To-morrow ■ afternoon a punch and jiidy show, freis to all, has been arranged for. In the evening a grand fancy' dress and poster .carnival will take place, when prizes ranging from J2l to, JGS ' will .be given -for.' the - most effcctivb'. poster; most' comic .dress, and the best- fancy dress, ftriscoll. and Luella will perform i their mirth-provoking burlesque trapeze 1 act, and ' the - celebrated 'swing soiiij, from the pantomime of "Mother Goose,'*;will be repeated. HIS MAJESTY'S THEATRE. The new' series if kiricniatographic funis presented for exhibition during the current week by the' management of the "Royal Pictures'' is an exceptionally fine one, and should draw good houses.. Tho palm for merit, -if one is to judge by its popularity, is undoubtedly tho striking film depicting the conflict between Redskin and Cowboy, as depicted by the. robbery of the mail coach by the Indians, the abduction of mothur 'and child, and the .jtrirsuit by the avenging cowboys. The mechahical •pfleots and 'dialogues/- which are ingeniioiisly • int.riidiiced during the. portrayal of some of- the films add-a touch.-of realism to the scenes, depicted, Other, good films arO\thc "Cloc-kmiikor's Secret", and.,"Little' Jules Verne'.''- Additional variety was introduced, to tho- performance last evening bv tho "liitierick" ■ competition, for which'prizes, ranging, from half-a-guinea to two . guineas we're 'offered', to'the successful competitors.

PERRY'S BIOKAMA. ; The entertainment.provided by Perry's' Bio•rania Company at tho. Opera Houije consists, partly of kinenlatographic pictures' and -partly' of .vaudo'villo litems.; .Last evening witnessed the opening of tho season, which is limited "to three nights. . . Tho pictures arc a vory good collection. Among those " which ' call; for', special'' praise mipht be riientioncd- "The Cliff Climber?;" a . striking film depicting . the work of, the .Ijirdnestcrs among.-the .precipitous Cliffs: -about Flamborqugh Hcad/on the En*lish The bird-nester - is lowered over !tno ed^c, ; . aiid,< at the imminent'risk.of swinging against tlje cliff sides, , engages in'e task of .collecting the, eggs of the. searbirds,; which, aio deposited on ledger of rock', exposed to view; . Another fine scn.Cs is- , that '"which., shows- lie 'famous Channel swimmer, Annette .-Kellcrman, in some' striking (living, and swimming performances. "'Sc-ettc's from Fiji" and "Saving (he Celour.V' aro twej gpod-'filins, although'. the• former,.' in soma.inexplicable way,, duplicated .sbmo of. the .scenes. A, particularly striking ' scene . in/this lilm, which included pictures froin Hotbrna, was the giant, geyser,„• Waininngu, inaction.;-, Jnteir ffpersed throughout', the performance ; were items contributed by Stan .Chester; comedian;. Miss Eva .songs); Little lieah, . the juvenile, singer.; . - and Athos,.' dethe king/or skaters. . Athos,., whose attire, is. a. {irotesque;. caricature .cf cr.treme poverty, performs some- really u'onderi'ul feats on his skated. Lite most sensational : among them being _■ his- dating', leap', over..,a -distance spaced .by live'chairs. The. performance will bo repeated this evening, and to-iiicii.TOw afternoon a' matinee p'erfonnaiico will' be given. ...

"BREN'STEIi'S MILLIONS.'' ■ Judging . from ,the number of scats booked yesterday for the' forthcoming performances of the' ncw : comedy, " Brewster's' 'Millions," there seems ,to. bo every ''probability of, a- brilliant season. This will be inaugurated at the Opera House .on ■ Thursday evening next, wjien the comedy wit! be produced I'or tho first time here. Apart from the fact that. the piece itself has won. warm approval, 1 the. roappenrancs of. two such favourites as Mrs. Kobert Brough and Mr. Thomas Kingston is a' notable event, to theatre-goers. ■ The: picco is, very strongly c-ast, those filling the various, characters being artists who -have already, nchioved nigh reputations in connection with other companies under, the directum' of Mr. J.. 0., Williamson. The effects of the yacht scene arc said, to be tho. most remarkable yet. seen on'any .stage;' -As an Auckland contemporary says:.-"'lt'.stands out by .itself as an attraction for the playgoer, though in reality only, forming nn incident in an altogether attractive and original piny. The last act,, instead .dealing,- with tj.resomc, unravolliug of Hi reads \of ■complication, carries the f nil en to the last moment, and the curtain is down before .tho audience has begun to think' of ceasing its lo lighter.'

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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 112, 4 February 1908, Page 8

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ENTERTAINMENTS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 112, 4 February 1908, Page 8

ENTERTAINMENTS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 112, 4 February 1908, Page 8