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The Kaitaag&ta Horticultural, Induat rial and Conservation Society opened its autumn show in the Presbyterian Hall oil Friday afternoon, an€ it was brought to a finish on Saturday night. The weather was bad for the opening day, militating against a good attendance, but the public was well represented in the evening. The Mayor (Mr W. Coulter) in opening the show expressed his pleasure at the very" creditable display made. He commended the society for its interest in the beautificatiou of the town, and hoped the members' efforts jn that direction would be : ewarded. '

The entries show a falling off from previous shows, on account ot the bad neason. The judge of the horticultural section of the show (Mr S. Cousins, of St. Clair) expressed the opinion that, considering the season that had been experienced, were very good indeed, some of them, such as sweet-peas and the cactus dahlias, being especially fine. A row of sweet peas shown by Mr George Aitchison; was quite as good as anything the judge had seen this year. The show is rather early for the best display of cactus and show dahlias, but the ones that were shown were very good. Several of this year 's novelties in dahlias have not yet bloomed,,aud were the show to be held abouj; a fortnight later the. display in this section would have been much more attractive, while the show would also be in good time for the second rose crop. The decorative sections brought out one or two very fine exhibits, some of the baskets especially showing tasteful arrangement and grouping. & falling off was noticeable in pot plants, which the judge considers should be a feature of the society's autumn show. A fine display of sweet peas was staged by Mr Gumming, of Waikouaiti, fpr exhibition only.

Miss Charters and Miss Renton (Mosgiel) judged the cookery and fine art sections, in which there were good entries. They expressed pleasure with the quality of the exhibits as a whole, and specially commended Mrs Lamb's work. Children's exhibits were strong numerically and helped in no small measure towards the attractiveness of the show.

Messrs G. Aitchison (president) and W. R. Mechaelis (secretary), with the assistance of a good working committee, carried out jjll their duties without a hitch. The ladies' committee had charge of the refreshment room, where there was always a refreshing cup of tea and dainty cakes and sandwiches to be had. In the evening's short programme musical items and recitations were highlyappreciated. Appended is the prize-list:—

SECTION I. POT PLANTS. Asparagus, sprengeri—Mrs D. Middlemass 1. One entry. Balsams, two varieties—Jas. Reid 2. One entry. Begonias, double —J. T. Ramsay 1, .las. Reid 2. Two entries. Begonias, double and single—J. T. Ramsay 1, Jas. Reid 2. Cactus —A. Bissett 1. Oue entry. Fern—J. T. Ramsay 1. One entry. Fuchsia—A. Bissett 1. One entry. New or Rare Pot Plant—J. T. Ramsay 1. One entry. Petunia, double—A. Bissett 1. One entry. Petunia, single—Mrs J. Bennie 1 and 2. Three entries. Pelargoniums, single—A. Bissett 1. One entry. Pelargoniums, double—Jas. Reid 1; One entry. AVindow Plant, geranium—J. T. Ramsay 1, Mrs J. Hislop 2. Two entries. Foliage Plant, not scheduled —Jas. Reid 1, J. T. Ramsay 2. Three entries. Pot Plant, flowering, not scheduled— J. T. Ramsay 1. One entry. Table of Plants—J. T. Ramsay 1. One .entry.

SECTION 11. DECORATIVE FLORAL. Floral Basket —Miss .1. Smaill 1, Miss Lilias Cornish 2. Three entries. Hand Bouquet—Mrs Machaelis 1, Mrs Cornish 2. Three entries.' Shower Bouquet—Miss M. Robertson 1. One entry. Gents' Buttonhole —Miss E. Smith 1, Miss ]£. Smaill 2. Four entries. Bowl—Miss J. Smaill 1, Mrs Tosswill 2. Four entries. ' Bowl of Sweqt Peas—Mrs G. Aitchison 1, Mrs Lamb 2. Two entries. Lady's Dress Spray—Mrs. Mechaelis 1, Mrs Tosswill 2. Four entries. » Decorated Table (4ft x lift) —Miss J. SmaHl 1. One entry. Decorated Table (married .ladies only) —Mrs G. Ait<')iison 1, Mrs It. Cornish 2. Three entries. Decorated Bamboo Table—Miss M. Robertson 1. One "entry. Decorated Vases—Miss J. Smaill 1, Misg Ina Snjaill 2.3 Pour entries.

SECTION in. \ • CUT FLOWERS. Asters, three varieties —A. J. Ferguson 1, J. Break 2. Four entries. Asters, six varieties —A. J. Ferguson 1, Jas. Reid 2. Two entries. Asters, collection—A. J. Ferguson 1, A. Bissett 2. Two entries. Begonias, six blooms—Jas. Reid 1 and 2. Two entries. Carnations, tbr#e selfs, varieties — Jas. Reid 1, W. Allan Three entries. Carnations, six varieties—Mrs P. Haggart 1, W. Allan 2. Three entries. Carnations, collection—W. Allan 1, Mrs John Bennie. 2. Two entries. Dahlias, three show varieties—J. T. Ramsay 1. One entry. Dahlias, three cactus varieties—G. Aitchison 1. One entry. Dahlias, three decorative varieties— J. T. Ramsay 1, Mrs J. Henderson (Crescent) 2. Two entries.

Dahlias, six cactus, Varieties —J. A. Bissett 1. One entry. ' Dahlias, collection of true varieties'— A. Bissett 1. One entry. Dahlias, collection of cactus varieties —_Geo. Aitchison 1. One pntry. Delphiniums—Mrs J. Sharman 1. One entry. „ varieties—Jaril Reid 1, Mrs J as. Sharman 2. Two entries. Gladioli, six varieties—J&s. Reid <l. One entry. Grasses, ornamental —Mrs Jas. Sharman 1, One entry. S Hollyhocks—A. Bissett I.* One entry. Lily, one stent —A. Bissett- 2. Three entries.- t ' Marigold, Reidl. One entry. $ Marigold, Frtaneh—ilaS. Reid 1, W. Allan 2. ' Four entries. • Mignonette —W. Allan 1. Nasturthinis—Mrs Lamb 2. Two en-

tries. Pansies, fauey —Jas. Reid 1 : , W. Allan 2. Two entries., ; . Pansies, collection-.of 12 varieties — W. Allan 1, G. Aitchison 2: Two entries. Picotees—W. Allan 2. Two entries. Phlox, perennials—Mrs .1. Sharman 1. One entry. Poppies —Mrs Jos. Terry 1. One entry. Rose—K. P. Lavery 1. One entry. Roses, six varieties —Wm. Sniaill 1. Three entries. t ßoses, collection (residents and 11011prizetakers in roses) —A. Bissett 1. Two entries. Stock, three varieties —A. J. Ferguson i. Three entries. , Stock, six varieties —J. Breek 1, A. Bissett 2. Three entries. Sweet Peas, collection of six varieties —E. P. Lavery 1. Ono entry. Sweet Peas, collection of 12 varieties —G. Aitchison 1, Mrs Jas. Sharman 2. Two entries. Sweet Peas, collection shown in glasses —Geo. Aitchison 1 (extra special). Ono entry. Sweet Peas (non-prizewinners) —Miss K. Smaill 1, F. McFadyen 2. Two entries. Violas—Jas. Sharman 1. One entry. Cut Flowers not Scheduled —Mrs G. Aitchison 1, G. Hislop 2. Six entries.

SECTION IV. ' FRUIT. Apples, six dessert —Mrs P. Haggart 1, W. D. Carson 2. Three entries. Apples, six cooking—Mrs Humm 1, Mrs Tosswill 2. Pour entries. Grapes—A. Bissett 2. One entry. Plums, yellow—Mrs Hufnm 1. One entry. Plums, red —W. Duncan 1. One entry.

SECTION V. VEGETABLES. Beans, broad Windsor—W. R. 'Mechaelis 1, P. F. Bennett 2. Two entries. Beans, long—Jas. Sharman 1. One entry. Beans, runner —W. R. Mechaelis 1. One entry. Beetroot—J as. Reid j. Three entries. Carrots, table, long—Jas. Sharman 1. Two entries. Carrots, table, short —J as. Reid 1, A. Bissett 2. Six. entries. Cabbages—Jos. Terry 1, A. Bissett 2. Four entries. Cauliflowers—Miss Smith 1, Miss M. Robertson 2. Two entries. Lettuce, two varieties—Jos. Terry 1. One entry. Lettuce, two cabbage —Jos. Terry 1. One entry. Onions, spring sown—Jas. Reid 1. One entry. Onions, autumn sown—N. Rollinson 1. One entry.' Parsley—Mrs Rollinson 1, Jas. Reid 2. Three entries. Parsnips—J. Terry 1, Jas. Sharman 2, Three entries. ; Peas, pods—Jas. Reid 1, Geo. Hislop 2. Six entries. Peas, shelled—W. Dunn 1, Jas. Reid 2. ■ Five entries. Potatoes, six varieties—Jas. Sharman 1, Jos. Terry 2. Four entries. Potatoes, early (not kidney)Jos. Terry 1, P. F- Bennett 2. Nine entries. Potatoes, kidney —W. R. Mechaelis I, Jos. Terry 2. Three entries. Potatoes, new varieties (named) —E. P. La very 1, Jas. Sharman 2. Three entries. i Potatoes, seed—Jas. Sharman 1, Mrs Smaill 2. Five entries. Rhubarb—Jas. Sharman 1, Mrs N. Rollinson 2. Six entries. Shallots—Jas. Sharman 1 and 2. Four entries. Turnips, yellow, garden—Jas. Reid 1, N. Rollinson 2. Four entries. Turnips, white, garden—Miss M. Robertson 1, A. Bissett 2. Four entries. Vegetable Marrow—P. F. Bennett 1. One entry. / Collection of Vegetables—Mrs Jos. Terry 1, Mrs Lamb 2.

SECTION VI. COOKERY, ETC. Eggs, lien's—F. McFadyen 1. One entry. Fruit, preserved—Miss M. Robertson 1. One entry. Jams—Mrs Lamb 1. One entry. Jelly—Mrs P. F. Bennett 1, Mrs Lamb 2. Two entries. Marmalade—Mrs W. R. Mechaelis 1 and 2. Four entries. Pickles—Mrs Lamb I One entry. Biscuits—Mrs Lamb 1. One entry.. Cakes (fruit, gingerbread and sponge) —Mrs Humm 1, Mrs Hastings 2. Four entries. * Fruit Cake—Mrs Lamb 1, Mrs W..R. ' Mechaelis 2. Six entries. Gingerbread—Mrs P. F. Bennatt 1, Mrs P. Haggart 2. Four entries. Loaf, home made—Mrs Lamb 1. Two entries. », Oatcake —Mrs Lamb 1. One entry. Pikelets—Mrs Lamb 1, Mrs, P. Haggart 2, Four entries. Plum Pudding—Mrs Bissett 1. Two entries. ; " " I Sponge Saudwich~Mrs Lamb 1. Two [ entries.

> Scones, girdle—Mrs Heetian-l, Mrs f. Haggart- 2. - Four entries. ■' '-#■ • Scones, ovoti —Mrs Hecnan *l, Mrs Lamb 2, /Three .entries. £ Shortbread CaKe—Mrs Lamb 1, Mrs ; f. Haggart 2. Throe entries. Shortbread, fancy—Mrs Lamb 1; Two entries. Smkll Jjainb 1... One on"try/" ;■ ■■ ■ Sweets—Mrs Lamb 1. One entry.. Tartlets—Mrs Lamb L One entry. ■ ■ ■ i. SECTION VlJi. I \- INDUSTRIAL AND' ART. Painting, oils, landscape— Steele 1, Mrs E. P. Lav.ery 2. Three entrips. Painting, oils, landscape from Nature —Mrs N. Rollinson 1. Two entries. Painting, oils, not landscape —Mrs E. P. Lavery 1 and .3, Mrs W. G. Sijteele .2, Five entries. Painting, water colours—W. R. Mechaelis 1. One entry; Painting , from Nature—Mrs W. G. Steele 1. One entry. Wood-carving, relief—E. P. Lavery I.' One entry. • Woodwork—E. P. Lavery 1. One entry. Afternoon Teacloth—Mrs J. McCrostie 1, Miss Christie 2. Three entries. Fancy Cotton Knitted Article—Mrs Parfitt 1. One entry. Crochet Work, cotton—Mrs W, R. Mechaelis ], Mrs Jos. Terry 2. Four entries. Cushion—Mrs W. D. Carson 3, Miss Elsie Mitchell 2. Two entries. Daintiest Article for Toilet Table — Mrs W. D. Carson 1 and 2. Throe entries. D'Oyleys—Miss Christie 1, Miss M. Robertson 2. Two entries. Drawuthread —Mrs Rollinson 1, One entry. Eyelet Embroidery—Mrs W. D. Carson 1, Mrs R. W. Brown 2. Three entries. Huckaback Darning—Miss E. Smith 1. One entry. Ivory Work—Miss W. Terry 1. One 'entry. Mountmellick Work—Mrs Tosswill 1, Miss Christie 2.' Three entries. Ribbon Work—Mrs W. D. Carson 1, Miss .1. Smaill 2. Two entries. Shadow Work—Mrs W. D. Carson 1. One entry. Tea Cosy—Mrs W. D. Carson 1. One entry. Ten'?riffe Work —Miss E. Smith 1. One entry. Wool Work —Miss May Coop 1, Miss Jessie Coop 2. Two entries. , Specimen of Work not Scheduled— Miss May Bissett 1, Mrs P. Haggart 2. Seven entries. SECTION VIH. SCHOOL CHILDREN. Annuals—Alex. Reid 1, One entry. Flower, one bloom—Alex. Reid 1. One entry.

Sweet Peas—Jessie Coop 1. One entry. Pot Plants, flowering—Freyda Bennie 1, Arch. McAllister 1 Two entries. Pot Plant, foliage—S. Jarvie 1 and 2. Four entries. Vegetables—Alex. Reid 1. One entry. Buttonhole—Jane Gage 1, Jane McFadyen 2. Twenty entries. Lady's Dress Spray—Doris Fraser 1, Rhoda Green 2. Three entries. ' Brushwork—Robert Newburn 1, Mary Hamilton 2. Five entries. Brushwork (junior)—A. Penman 1, L. Ramsay 2. Sixteen entries. Essay—A. Reid 1, I. Shore 2. Ten entries. Map Drawing—A. Marshall 1, A. McAllister 2. Seven entries. Drawing—l. Murter 1, Stanley Bissett 2. Twenty-five entries. Drawing (junior)—G. Beadle 1, V. Hill 2. Twelve entries. Writing—W. Rarity 1, J. Parker and Mary.Blancy 2. Sixty-two entries. Writing (junioj)— Bertha Todd 1, J. Archibald 2. Nine entries. Dressed Doll—Rhoda Green 1, Annie Carter 2. Three entries. Postcards—Daisy Corston 1, Alex. Read 2. Seven entries. Stamps—A. Marshall ], R. Aitchison 2. Four entries. Plain Sewing—Connie McCrostie 1, Ada Hastings 2. Six entries. Plain Sewing (junior)— May Reid ], Anna Sawers 2. Five entries. Worked Buttonholes- 4 —Eva Bortlnvick 1, Hilda Sneddon 2. Nine entries. Handwork for Boys—R. Aitchison 1, Stanley Bissett 2, Three entries. Handwork for Girls—Connie McCrostie 1, E. Mirldleraass 2. Five entries, ■ Handwork for Girls (junior)— Lottie Cleroepts 1, Olive Clements 2. Tiirce entries.

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Clutha Leader, Volume XXXIX, Issue 56, 25 February 1913, Page 3

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KAITANGATA FLOWER SHOW Clutha Leader, Volume XXXIX, Issue 56, 25 February 1913, Page 3

KAITANGATA FLOWER SHOW Clutha Leader, Volume XXXIX, Issue 56, 25 February 1913, Page 3