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I"* The I)ajclutha !_ Maypral election is row tbe ail-absarhirie subject Vr. M Mh 1 , nrest-nt "Vtayor. bavine ind'eated his intertion of rot nfferir-e himself for re elrction. Musts--' Macdonald ard Grigor *t rn^pprerpd rhe field, with tbe determination that tbe poll a'nrtfl should dicide the r< unit. 1 te ♦rienda •if n'Oth parties seem io? fldenfoi . succetf-. . irnri thej'eirt'.twt will undoubtedly Jbe «. warm, as well as a close "ne. A young horse belonging to Mr. William", o*rn«-r of the Popotunoa Mail Coach, ha* a strange propen«ityJf«*r'a s*-im "n the tiv t. Within the ?>Hft f« w days he* has m-*»r*» than once broken adrift when heine yoked and . unyoked. 1 andl each time* he made off at full speed to the rive-*. On one of these occasions he swam across three times nod but for having beenVtecured would no d«*ubt haveToontinued the exercise His last exploit of the kind •was m '' n*-Bday night, when havine got half wav acre 8* he thought better of it nwi- returned o the- side .from when c be came. '. These freaks mayjbe very gratifying to the s animal but he ma*- fre-peat them just once too \ often. The Matau Road Board is at present having a portion of the river road gravel 'erl, extending from the Post Officers far as Dickson's cc rner. The present low state of the river is n^ost lavornble for the con 1 «■. croc* (Mr Basset) securing a very. superior quality tf gravel from an islanl ifrthe centre ef the* itver, who**; probably a dray never re-nhed U fore. Sevend settlers are also .taking »d---ißniage of the sams favorable 'circumstances fo secure erextl for'tht-ir own private roads I and footpaths. The members of the Balclutha Fife I snd Dram Band, which was inaugurated a ft-w weeks ago, seem to be very attentive to, ; j»nd making rapid progress in their instruction. \ The bsnd -consists ot fifteen -fifes, one bass. . and one kettle drum, *md it is proposed; to procureanother of the latter. Theieare 18 members who. regularly meet for practice in Barr's Hall every Mtnday and Thnrs-'ay evening. Their « ff-vts are vfewe d with much favor by the inhabitants, who look foiward ; with pleaß-are to the prospect of having, the •-mounding echoes awakened of an evening by the musical j)erformarces of th«* bind. A boad is being extended through the Awake Flat to.CatlinV River. The i mntr&ctnrs are now foT»-i'-g that por'ion i which crosses a point of -he swamp which i tms bUherto been an c) c sore to the t*avi-l ihg luhlic Tie ext.niion of the present rpa» ' will, no doubt, be a greet boon to the settlers of Port "Molyneux and Catlin's River. The Port Molyneux jetty, with the, ! many changes apparent consequent on the i tffinc'ion of time, i* showing signs of having , lived out tbe V« s of its days, tbe timber of j which it is xonipp-ed baying new became , , -quite .-rotten and t-aeless. FeyeraVplanfctrhave j broken through, thus rendering h extr^sjely rTarger-'US fo/those who -are obliged i , and the more especially when a. ye sel comes alongeide during the nigh*-. We understand, howe-rer, that L4e 0 has been voted by ' the Council f --r ,tbe repairs ne ce*sary to .this ' ffluch:Ußert"j*-tty. and we have no d übt that \ if tie matter is 1 represented aright In; the ' prefer quarter, fteps will be taken ere long to ' have tbe jetty put iv a state of thorough ' m a'r. The Railway Station at Tokomairiro, < . ir ju-t about completed, and is a spbst <nti»l And commodious building, qnite sufficient for the requiremi nts of all tbe. traffic lilcelv to : ■exist at the station for ve«»s to come. It is j present occupied as offi-.-es by Messrs. Brog- j •dtn's staff. We understand on enterprising Law- i ■a-ent-e firrb pnrehased. in Dunedn lust week i lOO.rooft. if 'tonguer- and grooved timber, < which is to be conveyed to the ' <-ity of the < poidfields ,: to help to meet the demand for i -buildings tl ere. Some portions of. the road Toko- ( -mail iro to Lawrence is in s very bad -tate; -■:'■ The other dav ro fewer than «ix wagtrons:^ wctb seen stuck in tbe mud at he same time , at * Glenore. Urd ading, e'euble-bankinvj t -sptkirg, &c, bad to be reported to before the • whole e< uld be extr cated. A month ago nine families and four -single m- n were forward d from- Done«-in to 3 the irarmgrßnt&' b*raa«ks at Tol-omftijciro ' Of thesp, the- single men, ar»i six fao>ilies. ' have oftaine d euip'ojmer.t in Ihe dMrict and y left, three families^till Teroainuuf on Govern-, ment rations. Siorre of these obtan an ore*- ' eional day's work in tbe township whil when * they have to « erk four-hours a* •4»y on th,i police grounds. This tenda"^ tends to disabuse their -mmds y of -the: im-. '• T region some of -tbrnf' -seem " have; * formed that being Governrrjept limn iprantSj J they are be und to X c kept in idleness at tbe. Govern** ent experse for any length of [time ' -•they chose' to remain cut of employment j > ' We observe that J- and^T ;it Brjce, black emit he, Wilton, are at present 1 -erecting new and, extern**-** . pretbfoejsjppon; « ; mrrnnd adjobing the Main Seuih Boad,; -i ; "MltOD, .The building is «o x 3o feet; fs being' « . .to(k.^'b*^~ißQd' - f'wili'''l>».«i^--foiir !firefc--l " IVhen completed -will be the most stabstknti^j j ►b'acksmithrs shop In't'e Province oht tf I Olahedhr. - r , . .. ■ \ a

Pheasants and partidges are very plentiful on the Popoiunoa Gorge hills ac the back, of AS r. . Blackie's farm . The ensuing electioii for Mayor of •Milton is . . creating but : little " excitement, amongst the citizens. -The present ; Mayor has not 88 yet intimated his intention of again srantimg lor ths e-ftiue or rttitipg. it is eenerallv believed that he is^.4flaying to declare himse'f till" he ki o;va Jwhether a worth! 6u cessor ' is' to come . for; » ard . _Mr I ten t y Whieis in the fipld v and the names of Messrs. K. R Jones and James Goodal have also been mei.tioned. That there will be a contest is pertain. . i The Lloyd's Herald, schooner, laden ffith timber irorri -Guthrie and LHrni-ch'B saw •mill, w»-8, on Thursday evening, 1 the 25th ult.. procetdiug down the ri^er; b und for Dunedin, but when nearing the bar unfortunately ' grounded on a «an<i bank aud s. r nu; a leak. It was at first th'Ujiht desirable to unload and have her repaired, a< d. punts were accordingly secured fn-m Messrs; Qutbrie and Larnach's »nd Mr Duttbn's n ills, but iv the mean time the. pumps were set to work, a*'d proved effrctuil that on I^r^day she flated off, not much' the worse /or having lain on a sand bank all n ght. The Milton Town Counoil are having a heavy coat of metal laid down upon the main road through the township. Thii is being done to tbe full width ot the road and will take about 7PO yards of mettl. It is expected the road will now stand all the traffic without remetalhng for eonue years to c«m»e, and we" understand although the orb- r »tr ets ot t"-t» towhship a c not being ueglecred, the Council will have sufficient funds fo carry out This extra work and still retnain clwer of debt-j—tbe' oniy^ntunicipality- iv tbe "-"r-.vincei whith occupies this proud position. This says much for, the prudence with which the municipal hfluirs of the township has beea managed. Mr. M'Phee has now about completed, a fine, e-iippei-butlt schooner on the '»wakH River to the order of Me-srs. Guthrie and/Larnach for tne tniber trade, and which w'h- be launched in a few dav«. Capta'-n Arnott; who is well known in these wa'ers, if, we nndtrsunl, to have charge of h. r. and is now Bupe/int«ndiuK the ri^gin»f. As, however, the s js cot't-itered to be too large rrr the Catiin's acd Owcke Kiver trade. it is, we are info mcd, proposed to run her be w.een Duned'n and the No them Portß. As an evidence of the briskness of the building, trad* in Milton and neighbor hoed at the present time it may be « eo-tiored-ihat besides" the. large saw mill in the t-wiiship, belenghig to Mr. George Wilson, ilute other mills belonging to Messrs. J. Hollick; Thomas , Lewis, and Margrie and Co., are ia full work iv the *• big bush.'' Tlese are capable of turning out. about 3»,eooft et' a week, but aie unable to meet the iocal demand, and large quantities of timber are brought Irom j^utudin. Houses are springing up in every d;re:tion. Carpeuters are et-arce aud wages hi*-h. The first meeting of the Matau Koad Board since the recent ehetion look place on VVednesday last Week. '1 he meeting was called for the purpose of electing officer-; for the enduing year. Tne following were elected : — David Maitland; Chßirman ; Peter Smith, Treasurer ;' and C. V. Brewer, Clerk. A fire occurred in the shop of Mr. A. K. Uay, draper, Priricefc-street, Duneain, m Saturday morning. It was subdued by the Fie Brigade within half-an-hour, but not be-fore the whole interior of the shop, with its Gontentß,-,-was. .destroyed. This adjoining buildings were sayed, but. Messrs! Hogg and Hntt^n"*- stock was eonsid. rably damaged by vater. The origin ot the fire is attributed to a defective fireplace on the building. The Tuapeka steamer has once more been raised trim her untoriunate position at the bottom of the Clutha river and is now undergoing the necessary repairs at Pott Molyueux. . It is to be ho^ed tnere will be no delay in having these effected, ss m<*ch anxi ty is caused to many settlers who had their grain i sacked at the river side for remo*.al when, the accident eccurred. That often quoted and most reliable authority. -' the oldest inhabitant " informs us that thfl Molyneux river has never been so low in the memory of man as it is at present, lie feels quite ashamed of the iusignitic»nt streamlet which now only represents the once noble and awe-inspiring river.' He laments this degeneracy, but hopes, the member for the district will bri»g the matter before the Assembly with a vit*w to a remedy being provided. He adds '- this is a goak." In consequence of the present low state of the Molyneux river, the pane at the Inch Clutha Ferry. is unworkable, and th« traffic bus to be caried on by means of a small be«at. This is another evidence of the necessity «-f a bridge being erected to tsonn.-ct the island^ with the ma;n>and and which we hope to see commenced witn ut delay. As a warning to parties who carelessly le»ve their wetls/open,'wfc iiiay rneuiion , that at Fairfax recently, . a roy four years of age, fell down one for- y feet 'deep His little sister who witnessed the occurrence, at once dropped the bucket, and . s:ringe to say' the little fellow h»d the pr sence of mind ard physical abi-ity to scramble into it. The / mcther's attenimi being at- ; - tracted, .she was. speedily on the *pot, ana h-okiqg dowri the well she heard the hoy ■Calling. our, - ; Are ye ho' to pu' me up ?" 1 he bucket was pulled, up, and the beiy sanly landed on terrafirma. Such occurrenc 8 have not alwaja had such a satisfactoty termina- , tion, and the next is as likely as not to result iv a cor/i-neV'e.inquest. Mb. James Muie has just completed a contract unoer- ihe Macau ■ oad Board lor the clearing oiit of the ditch on the main centre road, boxitg belrs,. &•.:. THp work, i which has, been executed in a very sa i?factory manheri will coet upwards of L3oo. ■ ] A waggoner named Murray had a. "' Spill 1 o veil 'e» Fiat eu Sunoay evening The night whk very .uar> , so, mti ; h;s » t^at the \ road was scar-ely. d-scerpa.bit-i' rn/i-the. :. waggon wtntpyer an eroban^ra^nt. A she t delay. trie only result; as the damage -was but triflmr. " ' ■■- 1 The citizens, of both old and young, had- 1 an; outing on te evening of Friday last. : Those it terested inagriqultuia: * matters," and "parth ularly in/the trial of skill ' which- had .t hat _day taken place on Kinross " •■arm, were attTßCte-i trorh their do aiestic circles to St. Georges H :; ll, there parti-ke ] r»f the good things prpyided by ifiiv Philp, and Usten to,or.take pttrtijttrlf* a ihg, roast, a :d 9eptament-'^whya^f<^iiw/d^ Tlie "Voluntee' ■}■ Hall 'had also its; attracti/mß"Tor~trade.Bmen ' and others, it^being the occa*iin "of the hall ' of this rumeroi-s and -prosperous class. „?. Ti» eBCy-fopr equphs were presen;, and who l did the '-light fantastic " with greai spirit till .* an The }uyeniles al«> were out, * their-Jatteiitco/n havirg^beeh- arrested by it he * BtrauiS'of music: prodi-eedjby.tbe.kerosene tin | band, attached io tbe'Toc»l-'T)r.riiatic /Ciab, ■ and" which, ZuiVaer: the leadership f^if ■ the* [' the- .] double t purpose of having *" little strert '' practice, and^ai/ /*hP same; time celebrate in a ' bepom^pg raanneF"the matrimonial event of ' } the day'. Everything off most >' bar-' •

Scarlatina has broken out at-' ! Wanganui. The Provincial Council of Canterr bury has made a reserve of 200,000. acres^ot. ; land for primary edu at ion. The first; sod ..of the western railways 1 was turned by his Honor .the Superintend n't 1 at Rive ton a fortn-ght ago. ; The usual amount- of -congratulatory addresses were delivered and a ver/v / successful ; banpiet.was held in the Oddfellows' ' Half in the evening. i A constitution Amendment Bill i has been read a eecond^time in the Victorian Assembly. A recent fire at Warnambool de- • Stroyed property yalaed at £7 000. The handsome sum of £1,000, has been subscribed by .the school children of the various p*rts of Vietorhvin aid of two dis. ' abled boys in Melbourne. The. failure of Pickersgill and Co., i wine and spirit merchants, Melbourne,- is i reported with liabilities : £5,900. Several , other small failures are reported. > , The proposed release" of Gardiner and other bu-ihrangers has giren nsa o a s ' warm discussion ia the New Smth Wales 1 Assembly. A BiUi has been introduced into the Adelaide Assembly lor a iree interchange of colonial products. • : A NOVEi- tea meeting- was held at Pore Chalmers on Monday lat-t week. It was that ot the sailors in the fort. The idea was originated by the Rev. Mr. Isitt, and was carried out in the We»leyan Church. It also had the hearty support of the Presbyterian t and Congre. ational bodies who liberally contributed towards the expense of providing the good tiling*-, Several ladles presided at the tables. About 250 seamen put in an appea-. ranee, and the church was crowded iv every part by the landsmen and others vrao went to witmss the novel position occupied by " Jack ashore." Tne whole affair passed over most successfully. : It will be admitted on all hands that the Proviwe al Government display a very kindly ao.i paternal spirit towards the immigrants which are now arriving in our mi st. in. addiiian to innumerable other favors it has oeen agreed to give cbetn a free pa*s to any of the railway t. rmini— that is to convey them tree, to their destination upon finding empioymoot, if any of the railways are available for that purpose. It no railways as yet run in t»ie de*-ired direction, we presume buggies will be piaceii at their disposal, the hire to oe paid by the Tr«a*urer. Ky way of contrast, periia-M sorre of our early settlers would oblige us with a brief sketch of their experiences in the matter of the transit of themselves, iainilitß, and Inggage to th. ir destination. But, of cours"* they did not, oail ny the Asia, otherwise their treatment on arrival mi-ihe have be: en different than what many ol tin mcx j erienced. Truly we have now a very pat;rnal Government.' The first of the 00 feet girders for the long sp-tn of the tfeaumont cruise is sajs the - I uapeka Times,' being plac d hi position . Aa may be imagined, this is a work of considerably d'fflouity, and Mr. M-Dotia d, the contractor, appears equal to th<s occasion. The residents of Tapahui have at last some prospects of having a bi-weekly mail service, for whioh they have s ■■ ion* imitated, and to which the district certainly \i tiilh entitled. Tenders have now been called for 4 service, thither from. Clinton. In reply to a recent advertisement in the * Melbourne Argus ' for a clerk, saUry £-2 a week, 120 applications were r -ceived. Poor fellows, so runny of them anxious to obtain the paltrv'su-n of 40s. a-week ! 206,000 children are on the roll of tbe Victorian State Schools, nearly oilc-fou'rth of the population of the Colony. A murderer (says the SketGher) has been rece-icty^cHpiured In New South Wales, and is supgc-sej-i to be a brother ot>ui of M mngatapu notoriety. The Deceased Wife's Sister Bi 1 has been pissed in' Queensland. TnE ship Stonehouse has arrived at Lyttelton 446 immigrants all wel 1 , Mr. John Hislop has been appointed Secretary to the Education Board in room of Mr Sperrev, resign* d. The example of Mr. Oliver, M;P.C, might be well followed by many other lion, members. Thatg.-ntlero-in has forwarded one half "f his honorarium (1.4.8) to the funds of the hospital- of ihe district which he fepresenrß, and the ether half to the Sailors' Home.— - Star.' M r. Thomas Birch,, of home immi* gration notone-ty, is again a candidate lor Municipal honors in Dunedin. We understand Mr Morton, of Waitapeka, has purchased the property of Archibald Ord, Rsq., and whioh recently belonged to D. P. Steel , Esq , at the' price of lis -per acre. Mr Brown of -Wai.apeka, is reported to have u-trehabed.the ground previously held by Mr Moriibn/ but we have not heard the price. This. is only an instance of the rapid change in the ownerehip'of property which ia taking place in these districts. An exciting deer, chase took place recently at Chriftchun h, the object being to capture »6:ne of these animals in the Acclimatisation Society's domain Three of these, ine-lu.iing an old tame doo, were cauuhi, while other three, including a fine bu<*k, w.« r* killed by the barbarous treatment to wt ich they were subjected.' -.'"•■ Typhoid fever prevails to a considerable extent in Auckland at the pre sent time. A large and powerful Steamship Company is projected in Auckland. . • Heavy snowstorms. have occurred in ! the southern diHtrieti* of New *> uth Wales. Several parties have b en fr zen to death. At a public meeting- in Sydney con- 1 timid -r test was ma<e against Gardiner's i release. A young woman, name unknown, I has been found drowned in nine mche-t or water in Sandridge Lagonn, Victoria. The Torres Straits . mail steamer Flintsh re ha-- b*en Totally wrecked at < leye••md Bay, North Australia. . Ail on board , were s^ve-.l Diphtheria is prevalent in the Mr borouKh (.ijstritit, Victoria. ' i The following is: from the c Home ; N -W '- —;« he ASe-s s. Gerrard, . f the Ha y- ' iu.-'k t.,' are jutJtiAn 4he< point, of shipping f j Weill ig ton, New 35*alanel, a ; service of ph,te , deeij-nid ;and ; manufactured , -to the} order of ctrain residents in ".U*inedi-V, -for presentation -! to.Mr Julius Yogel. » The ser; ice ■ consists of \ a massive centrepiece and- six stands The- , centrepiece bears a suitable Jnscrip i n; : tes'i- •-' f>ing to the great .worth^and ability if. Mr. rV; gel, and 1 to the estimation in wtiiph he is heuji/' by thefaonors/ The design is of ' th- ' Renaissance of Queen Anne,, ! ».o. i tbat/r>ew -' Zealand Will be in possession of of ■ riepnly purely Engish: style of, plate ox na- i mentation. The setis c? ceeeiipaly: handsome, - and aim great credit to the. fir _n ; byZ wborn it . . JgWheen prepare^.'' . , -»* : , ..•-.V ;" - „ '- j

A special meeting/of the Balclutha School Committee wa* held iti the t-chool-house, on. Tuesday .evening, SOth.ult. *I here were present' Mr. Crsrnmond (in the chair), and Messrs. M<Neillj B.trr, Bain,/ Robertson, Roa.-, and Mason. The minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed. The Chairman briefly explained that the object of the meeting sras; to elect a 1 schoolmistress for their scnool. j 4. number of applications with testimonials were then opened /and read, after which a consultation took p'ace.rtiiu Miss Harriet Darc<*D, at pra cn 5 teacher in thiGram nar School, Lawrence-, w«s -elected rbj a large majority, We may mention that the testimonials of s -ven-l orhe-r applicants were all that could be desired by the Com mittee, but from Miss D*rrW<* experience iv a similar and neighboring school, her high recommendations and other circumitanees, she was considered, upon ithe.whole, the mo-t eligible candidate. We believe this decision will be fully endorsed by all interested iv the welfare of tha s-'hool, and have to congratulate- Miss Darton upon her Success in the matter: . There was no other business before the meeting. - " " ' ' ; We learn that at the forthcoming civil sittings in Dunedin, the libol caae of Dawson v. Joseph Mtck»y will come on for trial. Mr. Walter Taylor and Mr- IS. Coot appear for the plaintiff, and Mr. t: tout for the defendant. A Queensland journal furnishes the following he hoi ror the protection of sheep from being worried by dogs: — '-If sheep aro kept in tne same lot with co* s or fas cattle, no dogs will disturb them As soon as the do^s ■ apt-roach the sheep, they run to the cattle, » hich drive off the dogs. A farmer, for thirty years, by adopting tht* plan^ never lost ash ep hy d- g9, a! hough in the same night the sime doirs killed sheep oa tha farms north an 1 south fhim." The last week's fro 't has been very severely tele in the Wniwer* dlscnor. '»■■■. Saturday morning last th * Waiwer* riyt-r wa? quite a sheet of ice. Our rej or.tor descubes a creek in the flat as having h*wd a covering of ice sir rig enough to bear the weight of his horse. » 'lougning was fairly put a stop to. To meet the growing demands of the district, Messrs. Hoy and 00. are ci ectiug. a large buihiing in Ohinton township, wi ere they intend to carry on the bu-.*n.;88 of a bakery, bu'ehery and general provision store. A singing class has, within the last few weeks, been established in tha Popotunoa district, under t;ie Miperih end ney of Mr. Muir. Prac ice to -k place at tbe Ma <se on Monday evening, last, whtn a number of )ad»e» and gentleVen availed themselves of che opportunity of being p.e^ent. . From' the excellent time, and the singing generally, tbere ia every Pkelihood lhit.ere ion* this choir will compare favori ly /with" tha Dun edin choristers. We were* shewn on Inch Cliitha on Saturday last ice four inches thick. Some water h*d been le"t in a basin outside atl night, and in tae m-.-rning it was a solid block of ice of the < hicks ess named. Th* frost that night was tie most severe we i aye experienced for many years. Apiece of gross impertinence,, to give ie *» mild term, was p tpei-rated at lUi•■angata last week l»-t week. It appea 8 i>r. Smith, of Fa'c'utha. had tiianaged -o s cur« in Dunedin a collection of very trie r.ire a;-d expensive plants of flowers, &«., and which were* packed in a box, a»;d sent round to Kaita gata per the Wallabi. From thence ie was onveyed hy a dray to its destina ion. Upon examinine the box, the Dr. found ie had; been op ned en route, and he found several of the pots empty, whiie cuttings had bee • taken off the remuining pUntf, some of winch were rendered quite valueless, ihe Dr., with ms usual liberality, fla y s he will forgive the culprit, provided he does not at c -»p« to sell him bis own pan s n^xt sumra r. A messenger arrived' from Catlin's River ia*t .night inrorms us that the ftirf biat. used by the Company at present ' m^loyed recovering the remaining cargo of the Suriti ™ stamped yesterday, and the men had. to/ ssvim to the shore. Their escape was a very: narrow one. The weather was fine at the time, but mere ,w»8 a very heavy swell on,' whicn oe-crt«noned the accident. The diving dre«s was lost. a<* also *-ere the pumps, hose, men's ulothts, &c. The Company has not hitherto been 'very sue -c-»* nl with their operations, as, although they l.aye been at work for about a month, they have only oeeh ab e to secure two cusks of porter. Th c Crimin al Si ttings of the Supreme ; Court, Dunedin, commenced ou Monday. ' Thomas Conley, charged with assaulting a constable at Cavershaui ; and J. C. Abernethy, accused of embezz at Dune«in, pleaded guily. Sectence deterred— Alex. Gillon, charged on the information of Maurice O'Connell With forsringj h ; s name to a bank drift, pleaded gui ty, and was remand-, d for sentence. — W liiiam tsn.ith and, John Vt'at era. charged with stealing t.ora the.' light *r Thames two bottlea of ale, six brashe*, and a j*r of acid, on 26th May, wee found guilty, and Sentenced to twelve mo'sth*' ifi-pnso meiit, with hard labor. — John Ji-nkiu N was charged -r*i*h having : set fire to the dwelling of John Donoghue, at, onjthe 31st May. Mr, JS. e;ook and Mr.Taolor for the. prisoner, who was found guilty. Sentence deferred. —Ou lues lay B*mutl Sv"iiis was charged with receiving, on «n the, 28th March last, L 34 belorging to John Orr, he knowing ft the time that the money had been stolen. Tbe pm n«-r plea- -ed not guilty, and, after evidence, the Jury con r firmed the plea. * - - A public agitation has commence^ in Sydney in favor oieecalar, education. / The Flokitika papers give different instances of men being deprive doi their censes by trtVing one giass of adulterated liquors sold in Hokitika and its vicinity. fn one caße the victim was robbed-, of : a sum of money while insenßit>ie an!l in auot er, the man went gu te insane. A general stagnation in mining- in the Dunstau disrrict. ia brought about by the severejrost* thxthave sttin^dut-iug r.tie we^k. ; .Work-i*',(*-atirely^Btopp-*<lj and, to all appearance (remarks the - Times'), the weaihtr being very rSbvere, is likely to be for some time to conn-

When I resided in Philadelphia two Quakers applied to their Boaieiv— -as the-y <to not go to law— to.decide in the: follow irtg difficulty.—A U unr'asy about a «hip<,.oi*(--h,r, to have arrived; meets ii, an insurer, and states his wish to have, tfce^ vessel insured; 't c matter^a agret-d up*n. A returns home, and receives a l.e'tter, iuio-rmiiig him of tbe loss of his ship. ' ' •■ • ,'.." ■ '■■ - .;•*; /}i . v . What shall be de.?. i-Hp/is. afraid it hat the policy is not filled; up, and should. B 'near of the matter toon,' ittis- all over with him;j be; therefore writes to B thus —*• Fr .end B,;if . thee hasn't fil ed ' vi*: the policy. thee --tp.eedn'r-, ' for I've heard qftheshipi ■■ \ v '•*- Uh, oh," rthinks B tphiDaseU-^-1.-onnn ng> '■■ ft'llow-r-he * wants .to/dp Ime /out. , of the .pre- ; mium." ■So he wr it*-sf t)W to A :-r- > -FrK rid/ A, thee bee»t; tpo> late an hour, thc^ » pi licy t is filled/" •':/-*;■« '■'• ■A,- /,"'/', ;/ : '*\r.;i A'-.- s. A rubs h^shan^jwltir.^ fuses ■to tpay. Well^w h^t ; is tbe decision ? ; h The loss is divided- bt igreeu them. // Perhaps; ~ this is even-handed justly, /^ &6.nably ap-odd decision., V "/,'"; ".-■'"■/•.-.;

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Clutha Leader, Volume I, Issue 1, 9 July 1874, Page 5

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Untitled Clutha Leader, Volume I, Issue 1, 9 July 1874, Page 5

Untitled Clutha Leader, Volume I, Issue 1, 9 July 1874, Page 5