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—— FINANCIAL SERVICES INDEPENDENT INVESTMENT ADVISERS & FINANCIAL PLANNERS Finscorp 126 Riccarton Road. Christchurch Telephone (031 430-547 UNIT TRUST PRICES As of Friday, November 4. 19S8 PROPERTY FUND ' SELL BUY Australian (in SAust) _ „ Advance — Property No. 5 50.5049 — Split Property - Growth Si 1189? St 051 S — Income Si 0266 Si 0061 - Combined Si 0946 Si 0289 Armstrong Jones — Australian Growth — Growth $l.OO SO 92 — Income S 1.0204 Si 00 — Aus Property Inc Si 07 Si 00 Australian Fixed — Property Trusts Aust-Wide Growth No 2 50.5950 SO 5647 — Real PropertyGrowth No 3 SO 5159 — Property No. 3 SO 5060 SO 4 777 — Property Income 50.5399 SO 5021 — Target No. 1 SO 8156 SO 7523 Bankers — Trust — Split Prop. - Growth S 1.0702 S 1.0057 — Income S 1.0207 S 1 0000 — Combined S 1.0671 Si 0028 Brick Securities — High Growth No. 4 $1.09 Si 05 G.E.M. — Property Growth No 7 Sl.OO SO 96 — Property — Growth $1.86 $1.75 - income 51.16 Si.l4 — Property No. 2 — Growth 51.06 $l.OO — Income $1.02 SlOO Heine - Split — Capital $1.06 $l.OO — Income $1.02 $l.OO D. F. Johnson Mirvac — Property Growth No. 2 Si 00 $0 93 — Split Trust No. 2 — Growth 51.06 $l.OO — Income 51.02 $l.OO Nat. Mutual Westpac — Aus Prop No. 1 51.2320 5i.2051 Fin. Services — Property Si 65 51.64 — Real Prop. Growth 5i.722 S 1.690 NEW ZEALAND (in SNZ) Aust. Commercial RW7 Property 51.2197 $1.1587 — N.Z. Commercial Property S 1.0583 $1.0053* Countrywide — The Property Trust $0.72 50.67 Mace Devel — Property Trust $1.25 $1.16 NZI — Prime Property 50.53 50.50 ■ N.Z. Rural Prop. — N.Z. Rural Prop. $l.OO $0,925 Qtron — Property $1.12 51.06 Tower Trust — Property Growth 51.15 S 1 07 PROPERTY SECURITIES FUNDS AUSTRALIA (in SAust) — Securities G-E.M. _ G rOw th 50.73 SO 69 — Income 50.54 50.53 Hambros — Property Securities 51.1007 $1.0347* Mirvac — Prop. Equities — Growth S 1.0780 $1.0170 EQUITY FUNDS -Income 51.0210 Si 0010 AUSTRALIA — LOCAL (in SAust) ABC — Aggressive Growth ju.oiu — Trading $0,970 Advance — Imputation 50.6301’ 50.5923’ — High Performance 50.5190 50.4775 Bankers Trust — Select Markets — Aust. Equity Imp $2.26 52.11 Brick Securities - H,gh Yield $1.05 50.97 Capita — Trading 50.7/ 50.73 — Dividend Input. 50.314 $0,295 — Industrial 50.415 $0,390 — Investment Trading 50.660 50.620 — Oil & Mining 50.314 50.295 Clayton Robard — Equity Perf. No. 9 50.5725 — Equity Perf No. 10 50.4500 50.4150 _ Gold 50.4200 $0.3850 — Special Situations 50.5300 50.4875 Equity Link — Income Link $0.4343 50.4103 Fidelity — Australian 50.390 50.362 — Aust Equity Inc 50.440 50.411 Hambros — Australian Growth $0.7372’ 50.6930’ — Div Input Fund SO 8420’ 0.7915* Jardine Fleming — Australian Growth $0.61 50.56 Kleinwort Benson — Australian Equity S 1.0600 50.9853 National Mutual — Prof Invests No. 1 52.4640 52.2577 — Prof Invests No. 2 50.4847 50.4478 — Prof Invests No 3 50.6088 50.5641 — Gold No. 1 50.7059 $0.6531 — Special Situations 51.6840 $1.5466 — Equity imputation $1.2963 $1.1990 Potter — Income 51.85 $1.75 Warburg — Growth $1.60 $1.53 — Resources $1.31 $1.24 — Trading $1.63 $1.54 Rothschild — Five Arrows — Aust. Equity 52.96’ 52.91 — Aust. Resources ’51.89 $1.85 — Smaller Comp’s ’50.89 50.87 Ultimate — Aust. Trading $1.5682 $1.4483 — Er.trepren Growth $0.6730 50.6214 — Financial 50.7788 50.7148 — Imputation $1.1344 $1.0650 — Recovery & High Perf. $0.6486 50.6003 Westpac — Investment $2.96 AUSTRALIAN INTERNATIONAL (in SAust) ABC — International 50.850 Advance — Inter. Share Fund 50.4310 50.3966 Aust. F. T. — International 50.8541 50.8029 Bankers Trust — Select Markets — International $1.24 51.16 — Am. Growth 50.98 50.91 — Euro. Growth 51.33 51.24 — Pacific Basin 52.25 52.10 Brick Sec. — NZI Global Equity (Aust) $l.OB $1.03 Clayton Robard — First Inter Eq Perf 50.9500 — Inter Eq No. 2 50.4300 50.3850 Equitilink — Worldlink 50.617 $0,560' Fidelity — International 50.530 50.490 — American 50.500 $0,465 I — European 50.470 50.440 i — Japan 50.580 50.542 9 — Oriental Growth $0,480 50.446 G. T. — Inter Growth $1,523 51.405 — American Growth $0,367 50.339 — Am. Spec. Sit. 50.369 50.341 — Asian Growth $0,465 50.429 — European Growth 50.415 50.383 — German Growth 50.427 50.393 — Japan Growth 50.534 50.493 — U.K. Growth 50.469 50.453 Hambros — Inter Growth $1.0967’ 51.0317* — Europe $1.1755* $1.1050 — Japan $1.2466’ 51.1718 — Nth America 50.8718’ — South East Asia 50.7278’ — United Kingdom $1.4742* $1.3858 Heine — Global f . nn^-r - r — International 50.9636 50.9177 — North American 50.8250 $0.7858 Jardine Flem. — European Growth 50.50 50.46 — Japan 50.44 50.40 — Pacific Growth 52.74 52.52 — Global 50.33 50.31 — United States 50.40 50.37 — Multi Currency Inc 50.44 $0.40 Kleinwort Benson — World Investment 50.8665 $0.8076 National Mutual — World Growth 50.9156 $0.8466 Potter Warburg — Warburg Mercury Internationa! $1.15 $l.OB Rothschild — 5 Arrows — Inter Equity ’52.12 Ultimate — Inter Trading $0.9328 50.8569 Westpac Fin Ser. — International $1,082 S 1.074 NEW ZEALAND — LOCAL (in SNZ) ANZ — Growth $l.OBBB S 1.0344 — income 5i.0836 $1.0294' BNZ - NZ Blue Chip 50.6648 50.6315 — NZ Strategic 50.7579 50.7200 — Sagittarius $1.0898 $1.0353 — Gold $1.0216 50.9501 Countrywide — Sharemarket Trust $0.49 $0.46 Halliwells — Investment Trust $1.0600 $l.OOOO Nat. Mutual Assets — High Performance $1.3004 $1.2224 NZI — NZ Equity 50.65 50.61 Qtron — Share Portfolio $1.13 $1.07 — Gold 50.32 50.30 Prudential — Equity Trust $1.21 51.14 Tower Trust — NZ Equity $1.42 $1.33 NEW ZEALAND — INTERNATIONAL (in SNZ) BNZ - Aus Blue Chip 51.2883 $1.2238 z — Aus Eq Resource $1.5043 S 1.4291 — International $1.1555 $1.0977 Nat Mutual Assets — World Markets $1.4088 S 1.3243 NZI — Australian Equity 50.69 $0.65 — Global Equity 50.90 50.85 Tower Trust — Global Fund $1.43 $1.34 COOK ISLAND — INTERNATIONAL (in SAust) Pacific Management — Pacific Investment 50.57 50.57 MANAGED FUNDS — AUSTRALIAN (in SAust) Australian Fixed Trust — Managed Invests SO 7446 50.7223’ Bankers Trust — Split - Growth S 1.9425 S 1.8425 — Income 5i.1050 51.0475 Equitilink — Growthlink $1,044 $0,947 Hambros — Managed Income $1.0641' 5i.0215* Kleinwort Benson — Managed Invest S 1.0428 50.9772 National Mutual — Comp“ Fund No 1 50.9859 50.9229 NEW ZEALAND (SNZ) —NZ Cash Mgmt $lO5 2631 S 100.0000 BNZ — Aus Cash Mgmt $112.1944 $106.5847 Countrywide — Kiwi Trust SO 61 50.57 National Mutual — Balanced Growth $1.1229 $1.0555 NZI — Balanced 50.56 $0 53 Tower — Multi-Sector Fund 51.05 $0.98 Nathan Funds — Balanced Si 0717 S 1.0074 BOND/FIXED INTEREST/MORTGAGE FUNDS AUSTRALIAN — LOCAL (in SAust) Bankers Trust — Select Bond — Australasian Si 14 $l.lO Equitilink — Bond-ink — Australia 50.5051 $0.4789’ Hambros — Bono Funds — Australia $1 0252’ $0.9642’ — Managed inc. S 1 0641’ 5t.0215' Kleinwort Benson — Australia Si 0127' $0.9773* National Mutual — Aus Inc No. 1 14.0% Rothschild — inc Secur $1.06' $1.06 Westpac Financial Services — Gvt Securities Si 067 5i.059 AUSTRALIA — INTERNATIONAL (in SAust) Bankers Trust — Select Bond — Global $1 10 $1.05 Equitilink — Bondlink — Internationa! SO 4667 $0.4425’ Hambros — Bond Fund — International SO 9538' 50.9156 NEW ZEALAND — LOCAL (in SNZ) BNZ — Fixed Interest Securities $1.1109 $1 0554 — Local Stock $1 0585 S 1.0056 — Mortgage S 102.5641 SlOO.OOOO Tower Trust — Mortgage income N.A. N A Qtron — Money Market Fund — Weekly Average 12.81% Nathan Funds — N.Z. Cash Si 0101 S 1 0000 NEW ZEALAND — INTERNATIONAL (in SNZ) BNZ — International Bond S 1 0645 $lOll2 Nathan Funds — international Cash S 1 0834 $1 0509 FUTURES NEW ZEALAND (SNZ) ESP Investment Ltd 5i.0699 $1.0190 Guthrie Trust Grp — Comput Futures $1,368' $1,302 Gen Fun Mgmt — International $0 1242 — Composite $1 0210 INSURANCE BONDS NEW ZEALAND (SNZ) — Squirrel Si 2710 S 1 2074 Ae,na — Bear 5i.2492 $1.1867 — Beaver S 1 1626 Si 1044 — Bd! S 1.0725 $lOlBB — Stag S 1 0497 SO 9972 ANZ — Managed Bond $1.3698 $1 2877 — Capital Gtd $1 3783 $1.2956 Countrywide — Life Bonds — Capital $1.1294 $i 0739 — Globa! Si 1069 Si 0535 Guardian Royal - Equity 51.45 5i.33 — Money Si 37 $1 36 — Managed 5i.67 S 1 65 — international Si 05 SlOl Metro Life — j.Jbilee Cap. Gtd 5i.155 $1097 — Managed Fund Si. 179 $1 119 National Mutual — Prosperity Bonds — Managed Sl6 495 $l6 083 — Property $2O 474 $l9 962 — Shares Sl4 262 Sl3 905 — International Sl7 013 $l6 537 — Guaranteed $ll 046 $lO 770 Sun Alliance — Bond 101 — Managed $ 1 226 — Guaranteed Si oi6 Universal Life — Capital $1 8302 $1 7422 Royal Life — Equity SlllB5 $1 0647 — Managed Si 2090 Si 1509 — international Si 0360 $0 9862 Norwich — Global S2 84 $2 65 — Capital S2 00 SI.S7

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