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Australia easier across the board

NZPA-AA Sydney The Australian stock market closed easier across all sectors yesterday, but late demand for selected industrial issues brought it off the day’s lows and brokers said it was well placed to resume its upward climb. Steady to firm bullion prices, a steady Australian dollar and a slightly firmer U.S. currency were the main factors behind the late recovery, they said. "There’s a bit of confidence creeping back into the market,” one broker said. “With the U.S. dollar holding at around 132 yen we should see a more positive response on Wall Street tonight.”

Brokers said the unavailability of indices and turnover data due to a computer malfunction at the Sydney Stock Ex-

change helped keep the bears at bay with investors unwilling to place orders until the market situation was clear. A query tag was placed against Elders IXL as a flurry of buy orders pushed the stock up 15 to 345 c at the close with around 2.7 million shares traded. Brokers said the rise was in response to rumours BHP was bidding for Elders, offering either four dollars for each Elders share or one BHP share plus 1100 c for four Elders shares. Elders was also rumoured to be the target of another takeover offer pitched at 400 c a share from AFP, which finished 6c up at 104 c. However, despite renewed demand for the blue chip stocks, brokers estimated the market to be down around 20 to 30 points.

Closing quotes Dividends P/E Year’s Buy Sell Sale Cents Yld% ratio high low 345 —— 345 ACI 17.00 4.93 13.9 465 290 103 105 104 AFP —— — 49.5 920 70 250 — 255 AGC 11.00 4.31 7.8 410 230 145 149 149 ANI 9.33 6.26 8.0 365 145 400 415 415 91nts 34.10 8.22 — 650 415 320 — — 96nts 30.50 9.53 — 480 300 370 — 370 ANZ 21.00 5.68 6.7 660 340 245 248 245 AWA 10.50 4.29 — 750 220 195 250 —— Acmex 15.00 7.69 14.0 730 190 460 470 460 AdelStm 36.00 7.83 3.5 1480 420 820 840 830 Adtiser 12.00 1.45 34.2 880 475 120 — 120 Alcan 4.00 3.33 17.1 230 110 14 15 14 Alpha — — 7.4 40 10 620 630 620 Amatil 32.00 5.16 10.9 1100 550 642 — — B 32.00 4.98 8.1 1000 550 365 370 365 Amcor 21.00 5.75 10.4 630 270 250 265 265 Ampol 7.50 2.83 7.3 430 240 205 210 — Argos 11.00 5.24 22.3 360 200 60 65 60 Ariadne 10.00 6.67 1.9 383 40 382 385 385 Arnotts 15.50 4.03 15.7 600 330 275 280 275 Arrowfeld 10.00 3.64 11.9 460 275 — 210 — pf — — — 280 150 115 116 — AFound 5.50 4.78 20.9 305 80 35 — 37 AustOvrs 1.00 2.70 42.5 68 30 — 1 — rts — — — 25 1 700 704 700 BHP 31.25 4.46 13.2 1210 660 33 35 —— BTGlobal 3.00 8.57 5.1 67 30 610 626 610 BTR 12.00 1.97 22.2 2400 500 240 245 — BankQld 15.00 6.25 10.6 320 240 20 22 22 Barwon 1.00 4.55 9.8 80 20 185 190 190 BellG 10.00 5.26 2.5 1125 150 —— 1500 — pf 39.00 3.25 • — 4000 3100 170 175 170 BellRes 15.00 8.82 2.4 610 100 — 30 — Bisleyopt — — — 320 75 166 172 172 BondCorp 10.00 5.81 7.0 305 130 58 60 58 BondMed — — 34.1 115 50 12 14 — opt — — — 42 10 350 355 350 Boral 18.00 5.14 10.5 700 250 — 145 Botena — • — 4.8 640 140 720 730 730 Brambles 26.00 3.56 12.0 1230 580 750 800 90nts 30.75 4.10 ■— 1250 660 318 319 Brick 18.00 5.66 8.2 620 300 — 200 205 Brierley 9.00 4.50 6.7 540 190 200 — 200 Bundaberg 6.50 3.25 18.5 295 190 345 360 350 Burns 10.00 2.86 9.6 620 295 35 40 — CRP — ■ — 60 40 410 420 415 CIG 17.00 4.10 13.9 504 290 308 15 308 CSR 20.00 6.49 12.6 490 270 220 225 220 Cadbury 7.00 3.18 18.2 300 175 100 105 100 ChaseCrp 11.25 1.25 2.7 570 95 80 85 85 Claradeen —— . —— 21.3 180 50 178 180 178 ClytnRob 5.00 2.81 10.1 850 175

140 145 140 Clyde 11.25 8.04 10.0 260 140 360 — — CoalAll 20.00 5.56 7.2 540 340 580 586 586 Coles 24.00 4.10 12.1 960 500 180 225 225 Comalco 20.00 8.89 4.5 550 190 — 23 — Cortaus —- — 4.9 225 18 250 — 250 Costain 10.00 4.00 12.8 580 190 80 — 80 DeakMorg 5.00 6.25 5.5 225 80 210 — — EDunlop 12.00 5.71 13.0 430 185 35 38 35 Eastcourt 6.00 7.14 3.2 82 30 340 345 345 Elders 17.90 5.19 6.1 610 230 270 292 285 Email 11.00 3.86 11.6 430 200 75 80 74 Equitcorp 2.50 3.33 3.1 145 70 100 125 — EuroNat — — 3.8 470 70 570 570 FAI ■'6.00 1.05 11.1 1000 390 830 840 Fairfax 9.25 1.10 59.6 2000 430 — — — Feltex 12.60 — — 350 250 104 120 106 Fine Met — —— 8.2 415 60 385 390 390 Fch 21.15 5.42 8.9 680 350 — 200 — Fortuna 12.15 7.36 7.7 310 165 262 275 265 GPT 23.20 8.75 11.4 390 220 304 306 305 Goodman 11.00 3.61 11.0 576 300 95 — HDFI 10.00 1.11 4.1 165 80 116 130 —Hanimex 5.00 4.17 7.5 200 110 290 300 300 HardieJ 17.14 5.71 11.1 495 275 185 190 190 Helm 1.00 .53 47.5 1260 125 155 — — pref — — —— 1060 100 45 — 45 Hltek — — 40.9 125 45 160 165 165 Hooker 15.00 9.09 4.5 566 157 50 75 — Hugall — — — 160 50 — 35 — opt — — —— 45 30 210 — 210 Humes 13.00 6.19 10.7 340 200 1650 1700 — UProp — — — 2400 1500 430 — 430 ICI 20.00 4.65 11.4 630 315 — 75 — lELGrwth 5.73 8.20 2.6 110 95 75 — — lELIncme 11.46 5.28 6.5 110 70 70 75 70 ImaginT 3.00 4.29 7.0 195 70 170 — 170 IndEqult 10.00 5.88 4.2 710 160 90 100 — InterPac 7.75 7.75 — 400 100 10 26 20 Intrchase — — — 107 20 165 175 175 Jasco 5.00 2.86 10.8 225 175 175 180 175 Jennings 10.00 5.71 9.9 350 140 630 640 640 JonesDav 36.00 5.63 3.1 1800 610 — 150 150 JonesRbt 4.50 3.00 11.8 300 115 90 — — Jonray 4.00 4.44 6.6 430 80 190 205 200 Kern 5.50 2.75 6.5 410 200 — 170 — Kimberley — — — 260 150 — 170 — Lrchhill 16.00 9.41 2.1 365 180 10 50 — opt — — — 200 50 46 50 46 Leda — — 42.2 112 45 49 50 50 Leighton — — 8.1 120 45 1060 1070 1060 LLease 45.00 4.25 13.4 1910 860 260 275 255 Llnter 20.00 7.69 7.1 940 240 450 — 450 Mayne 18.50 4.11 10.3 690 340 112 116 116 McPh’son 6.25 5.39 9.9 320 91 230 250 230 Memtec 1.00 .43 5.6 650 230 60 65 60 Miniskips — — 11.7 260 50 409 410 409 Monier 11.00 2.69 24.3 420 220 300 — 295 NZFP 13.50 4.50 12.5 450 265 176 185 — NZICorp 9.45 5.11 8.7 275 140 445 450 445 NatAust 24.75 5.56 6.6 640 380 260 265 260 NatCons 18.00 6.92 5.0 510 260 1030 1035 1030 NewsCorp 7.00 .68 8.0 2510 850 262 270 262 OPSM 11.50 4.39 14.7 410 200 15 18 16 Oakbridge — — — 85 16 90 120 — Oceanic 6.00 6.67 22.5 315 90 376 379 380 PacDunlp 13.50 3.56 11.7 626 290 80 90 — Parbury — — — 280 75 225 230 225 PetersSI 17.00 7.56 8.2 320 200 292 295 292 Pioneer 12.50 4.28 9.8 500 220 400 — 410 QBE 14.00 3.41 10.1 1420 330 470 — — Qintex 12.00 2.55 22.4 680 450 — 285 300 ReilCorp 3.00 1.05 15.3 620 200 25 30 — opt — — — 155 25 162 —■ 165 Renouf — — 18.3 280 150 — 180 180 Rheem 9.50 5.28 11.7 480 150 — — — Rocadoln — — — 150 21 590 620 Rothmans 20.00 3.23 10.0 1420 520 70 85 80 Rothwells 24.00 — 1.5 385 50 285 320 285 SmitfiHwd 20.00 7.02 14.7 550 275 445 480 — SthnFarm 10.00 2.22 9.6 900 400 284 290 — Sunshine 12.00 4.23 7.9 310 220 23 25 25 TAGPac — —— 6.6 110 23 325 330 325 TNT 15.00 4.62 8.1 704 250 165 — 165’ Taylor 10.00 6.06 2.9 870 80 50 — — USMaster —- — 66.7 94 4 — — — Union 22.00 4.40 10.4 670 500 70 — — Unity 10.00 4.29 1.6 370 55 38 43 — Vapocure — — — 280 40 — 65 — Vestcorp 4.50 6.92 2.9 165 60 — 18 — Viking — — 18.0 105 18 11 1413 Walton — — — 52 13

340 350 350 Wattyl 10.50 3.00 13.0 536 300 145 150 WestCptI 2.00 1.33 15.5 450 105 540 550 550 WfieldHl 5.62 1.02 22.5 7400 530 155 158 155 WfieldTr 16.32 0.53 9.5 230 140 75 85 80 Westmex 5.00 6.25 7.1 300 60 445 450 450 Westpac 29.00 6.44 6.1 720 400 50 52 52 WfldCap 3.00 5.77 4.2 205 46 210 — 210 Woolworth — —— — 400 190 155 165 160 Wormaid 20.00 2.50 5.9 440 160 62 65 65 AUR 2.00 3.08 8.9 180 45 506 510 510 ACMins — — 32.9 550 335 400 410 410 Aberfoyle 5.00 1.22 75.5 1600 300 153 155 152 Ashton — — 32.6 500 130 230 250 255 AustDev! — — — 660 165 116 117 115 BHPGold — — — 190 70 85 100 90 Bendigo — — —- 265 60 — 60 — Bendigo ct . — — — 295 60 65 90 65 Bendigo op — —— 235 45 25 51 35 Bendigo op — — — 210 35 358 365 360 Bougainvl 13.12 3.64 19.4 580 235 162 165 165 CNGold 3.30 2.00 15.9 3100 110 570 580 576 CRA 15.00 2.60 23.2 1160 410 85 98 95 CarrBoyd 6.00 6.32 13.6 310 85 67 70 70 CityRes 8.00 1.43 — 305 50 — 30 — CityRes o — — . 250 20 3 4 3 ConsRes —— — —— 10 2 554 — 560 ConsRtle 45.00 8.04 7.1 820 530 130 160 160 Dominion — — —- 380 85 220 220 ERA 10.00 4.55 17.5 300 170 210 215 215 EldersRs 7.00 3.26 12.0 500 125 480 490 480 Emperor 22.00 4.58 9.6 1220 355 215 220 215 Forsayth 10.00 4.65 — 740 150 586 600 590 GMKalg 24.00 4.07 20.7 1250 380 177 178 177 GiantRes — — — 425 90 30 32 GiantRes — —— — 195 12 140 —— — HH150 — — 29.1 300 79 280 290 290 JasonMin — — — 610 83 35 — 35 J’lana — — — . 95 16 — 51 50 Kia Ora 4.00 8.00 25.0 150 45 420 500 500 Kidston 28.00 5.60 10.3 1000 345 — 85 -- Kitchener — — —— 165 50 45 60 — Kiwi Gold . —. — — 320 45 175 176 175 MIM 4.00 2.29 35.0 395 132 190 — 190 Metals Ex —. —. 11.8 230 80 1010 1050 1010 Metana 20.00 1.98 28.1 1850 650 35 40 40 Moruya —i. — — 125 25 724 730 724 Niugini — — 54.2 1650 335 240 245 240 Noranda 16.87 7.03 7.2 514 140 255 262 260 North BH 9.00 3.46 19.7 490 173 127 128 128 Nth Kalg 1.99 1.55 19.5 225 75 770 800 780 Nth Flndr 40.00 5.13 15.3 3100 580 30 35 35 Otter — — — 135 35 195 205 195 PancontM 2.50 1.28 14.6 470 170 75 80 80 Paragon — — . — 165 60 80 85 — ParagonR — — — 92 62 55 60 — Par’gon op — —— — 135 35 260 280 280 Paringa 42.90 5.32 2.1 780 240 600 620 600 Peko 22.00 3.67 10.2 970 510 228 230 230 PlacrPac 3.00 1.30 32.3 495 150 395 400 400 Poseidon 10.00 2.50 26.7 1610 230 112 115 115 QldCoal 15.00 3.04 7.7 175 100 890 900 890 RGC 15.00 1.69 20.7 1690 650 900 920 920 SnsGwlia 45.00 4.89 12.4 1700 540 40 42 42 Spargos — —— — 140 35 6 7 6 Spargos ct — —— — 52 5 — 34 32 SthnPac — — — 140 20 22 44 — Technomin — —- — 70 20 18 20 18 TitanRes — — — 85 12 5 — 5 TitanRes — — — 32 1 578 580 580 WMC 10.00 1.72 45.0 1195 430 165 185 — WalMin — — — 300 80 120 — 120 WestSand 8.00 6.67 6.3 340 110 — ■ — — WhimCrkd —— — — 750 290 100 102 — AOG — 13.4 285 100 255 260 270 AmpolExp — — 21.0 630 240 35 38 38 Beach 1.50 3.95 14.1 95 35 70 73 70 Bridge — — — 196 65 48 50 — Bridge opt —— — — 150 40 43 45 45 Claremont 3.50 7.78 15.0 160 43 — 150 — Crusader 2.50 1.67 25.9 350 130 — 15 15 Cultus — — .— 75 15 — 60 60 Expo 6.00 —— 5.8 145 60 — 175 170 Hartogen — — 19.8 51.0 140 200 240 — Magellan — 57.5 430 150 6 8 — Magnet — — — 15 5 116 120 116 OilSch — 230 83 72 75 72 Peko Oil — 36.0 190 72 . 3 4 4 Petroz —— — — 12 3 390 400 395 Santos 18.00 4.56 10.7 780 380 200 205 200 Vamgas 6.00 3.00 19.0 400 200 — 1300 — WeeksPet — — 51.9 1500 920 110 115 115 Woodside — — . — 280 105

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Press, 2 December 1987, Page 45

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Australia easier across the board Press, 2 December 1987, Page 45

Australia easier across the board Press, 2 December 1987, Page 45