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National sales

Fixed interest $lO,OOO, NZGS, 14 per cent, 15.8.85 (22 per cent yld); $lOO,OOO, 12.5 per cent, 15.3.89 (20.25 per cent yld); $lOOO, 16 per cent, 15.3.87 (20.5 per cent yld); $30,000, 16 per cent, 15.3.87 (21 per cent yld); $22,000, 16 per cent, 15.4.95 (19.27 per cent yld); $40,000, 5.5 per cent, 15.8.87 (18 per cent yld); $16,000, 16 per cent, 15.10.90 (19.5 per cent yld); $124,000, 14 per cent, 15.10.94 (19 per cent yield); $35,000, 12.5 per cent, 15.3.89 (19.5 per cent yld); SI.SM, 16 per cent, 15.10.90 (19 per cent yld); SI.SM, 16 per cent, 15.4.95 (18.6 per cent yld). $30,000, NZGS 16p.c., 15.3.87 (20.8p.c. vid); $38,000, 5.5p.c., 15.8.87 (18p.c. yld); $38,000, 16p.c., 15.3.87 (21p.c. yld); $38,200, 16p.C., 15.3.87 (20.5p.c. yld); SIM, 16p.c., 15.3.87 (21.67p.c. yld); $11,500, 16p.c„ 15.10.90 (20.24p.c. yld); $20,000, 16p.c„ 15.4.95 (18.75p.C. yld); $22,000, 16p.C., 15.4.95 (18.6p.c. yld); $lB,OOO, 14p.c., 15.5.90 (20.15p.c. yld); $30,000, 14p.c., 15.10.90 (19.6p.c. yld); S2M, 16p.c„ 15.10.90 (19.93p.c. yld); S3M, 16p.c., 15.10.90 (19.94p.c. yld); S2M, 16p.c„ 15.10.90 (19.95p.c. yld); SIM, 16p.c., 15.10.90 (20p.c. yld). Figures in the right-hand column appear against the last sale of the day for each share. They show whether the last price has risen, fallen, or is the same as the last sale of the previous day. An asterisk in this column denotes a late sale; that is, one that was made after the close of the sharemarket on the previous trading day.

1800 Abacus . . . 180 0 1000 AICFin . . . 110 0 200 112 500 Ajax 190 -5 600 Alcan .... 270 -5 4700 Allegra . . . 82 0 93000 Alliance. . . 175 -3 6400 Allflex. . . . 352 0 300 355 2100 AMBisley. . 225 +5 7600 Angus .... 225 0 600 Apex 250 -10 5700 255 6700 258 600 Apparel. . . 170 +5 600 Andas .... 180 4-5* 600 ctb .... 95 0 7400 ANZBank. . 280 -8 6700 285 3700 ABarnet. . . 285 -15 1200 Atlas 290 0 1300 AKGas . . . 310 -10 4700 Aurora . . . 220 0 2000 Baker .... 300 0 200 BarclavsNZ 280 -5 200 Batley. . . . 88 1300 89 3000 90 +2 4400 Bendon . . . 275 0 59300 BNZFin. . . 215 0 400 Bramco. . . 132 +2 15000 Brily 428 -5 6300 429 102100 430 24800 431 22400 432 1300 433 900 435 • 600 437 » 6200 438 12900 CPD 345 -5 500 350 209 18 pc pf . 92 -1 3600 Carbordum. 140 0 2500 Cardrona . . 80 1000 85 0 200 86 3000 CavElco. . . 212 -6 5000 215

4900 CartHolt . . R500 ...... 278 280 0 8300 Ceramco . . 340 0 32700 Chase .... 390 -5 20000 391 2300 392 1100 395 100 396 1500 397 700 400 8200 Charter . . . 130 -2 4900 Cerebos. . . 115 0 1500 CityReal . . 67 -3 1500 70 10000 Clearwood . 48 0 400 50 8300 Clvpex . . . 35 -1 10000 36 17000 opt ... . 17 -1 3500 CommSec. . 78 300 80 4-3 2100 CCL 190 0 11000 ConsEnt. . . 19 -1 6500 20 16800 CookWine. . 55 -1 4100 Corplnv. . . 250 0 500 CoryWS. . . 300 0 600 Crown. . . . 150 -3 3000 151 19600 152 2700 153 2000 DIC 120 -3 1400 123 400 DingPaul . . 290 0 2100 DomBrew . 206 -2 2000 208 1600 Donaghv . . 230 6200 232 4-2 1500 DRGNZ. . . 122 0 3000 Ebos 295 0 4000 EMCO. . . . 250 0 300 16pc pf. . 160 0 1000 Endeavour . 165 -5 300 170 71900 Equiticorp . 205 12400 206 4-1 500 207 1000 pf 36 8300 37 4-1 12500 EastGas. . . 170 -5 3700 EastDeer . . 97 +2 47100 4500 FTC 153 -2 154 7400 155 10000 Fernz .... 250 -5 900 255 200 14 pc pf. 215 -8 1300 Fleur .... 56 -2 15300 57 10100 Feltex. . . . 265 -3 6200 268 8300 16 pc pf. 320 0 400 Firestone. . 205 0 1300 FletCh. . . . 392 87300 395 13200 396 4-1 4100 63700 16 pc pf . FandF. . . . 650 352 0 900 353 4-3 700 Foveaux . . 100 0 700 Fortuna. . . 120 0 5200 GenProps. . 115 -10 2900 Genestock . 98 -2 700 100 7100 GBCem . . . 49 0 600 50 52800 Goodman. . 355 +5 800 Grocorp. . . 50 0 14500 opt .... 17 -1 5000 HBerry . . . 200 -8 3400 205 700 206 6000 208 33500 Hortlnd. . . 110 0 200 111 500 opt ... . 30 1300 35 0 200 HumeNZ . . 120 0 800 HuttonNZ. . 305 0 1200 ICINZ.... 310 -2 5300 IndNews . . 315 0 1300 InvFin. . . . 250 -10 1500 255 300 258 3300 IrvStern. . . 110 0 1400 IWDow . . . 470 -5 20500 48800 Jedi 65 -2 66 3800 67 300 pf 265 -15 3400 JEdmond. . 300 0 300 JBurns . . . 90 0 2500 KiddGar . . 60 0 1000 Kingsgate. . 52 -1 1000 53 82000 Kiwifruit . . 50 0 1500 opt ... . 13 2100 14 0 26500 Landmark . 50 -1 11200 51 7000 52 4100 opt ... . 25 0 3000 38 0 1800 L'Jm 125 -5 700 Lanes .... 78 0 1800 LDNathan . 500 0 100 15V« pc pf 430

1590 200 18 pc pf . 440 440 0 3033 450 0 14600 Leisurld. . . 75 -r-3 1700 78 300 LevGro . . . 128 -4 200 132 • 2000 Lion 272 -3 22100 273 300 12 pc pf , 290 0 200 Mair 370 -10 2300 375 5400 Mainstay . . 33 1200 56 -1 1000 opt ... . 15 2000 16 0 , 7000 Marac. . . . 200 — 3 4200 205 1400 Masport. . . 133 -14 5400 135 400 138 200 McAlpine. . 110 0 1100 McDoweli. . 275 2000 278 13800 280 0 3200 MOBrien . . 68 -2 200 llpc pf. . 50 +6 800 Montana . . 138 7700 140 0 1000 145 5400 MPI 400 0 8500 MotHolds. . 170 -5 300 172 400 175 200 Moyes.... 155 0 200 160 200 MtCook . . . 420 -10 10400 NatBlood . . 75 0 36100 Natlns. . . . 365 -3 3500 Newmans. . 282 2700 283 -2 5600 285 200 ctb . . . . 185 0 3300 NZCement . 140 -2 600 NZEq .... 430 -15 4100 NZFP .... 296 400 299 30600 300 2800 301 5100 302 +2 500 308 • 1000 NZMarine . 103 5500 105 0 7300 106 1000 NZNews. . . 555 0 1500 NZProp. . . 105 -3 4500 NZSalmon . 350 0 2600 NZI 167 100000 168 24750 169 +1 31600 opt ... . 95 13600 96 +3 400 NZSteel. . . 258 -2 2000 259 13500 260 400 new.... 242 2200 245 +5 34000 NZVenture . 60 0 16900 NthldFM . . 62 +2 31900 opt ... . 32 +2 200 pdL 515 0 1700 Pacer .... 150 400 155 +5 1000 PerryD . . . 78 0 2800 Powercorp . 74 10200 75 -1 2100 ProgEnt . . 380 -10 500 385 3500 387 800 388 1800 390 600 392 400 RadioAv . . 155 +5 1000 RaOra. . . . 275 -10 100 280 20400 Rainbow . . 155 -5 7700 opt .... 125 -10 3200 RHellabv. . 130 -6 400 132 100 136 23900 Rencuf . . . 125 0 8560 RepcoNZ . . 180 0 400 17pc nts . 220 0 3000 RJones . . . 105 11400 166 0 6300 107 1800 opt ... . 70 -5 9600 new. . . . 100 0 4000 Rothmans . 218 -2 2100 220 7596 pf 245 0 500 Sanford . . . 265 1000 270 3000 272 +4 200 Skellerup. . 210 200 212 0 2100 215 1300 SmithBio . . 310 0 600 SmithMkt. . 435 -15 1500 430 0 4800 SFM 145 -15 500 StevCorp . . 255 0 1500 TAG 80 0 100 Taylor. . . . 450 -20 300 4600 TptNC. . . . ueb 285 158 0 -5 13600 160 1000 162 2500 Unity .... 320 5100 325

2500 si no ..... 320 325 400 new.... 320 -20 6100 325 10100 UniTrans . . 155 -10 4600 Visionhire . 135 0 26000 WaikStud . . 59 -1 18600 10000 60 opt .... 24 45400 13200 25 0 W’aitaki . . . 211 0 4500 212 2600 WestMer . . 395 -5 4500 10700 40 0 Wattle. . . . 365 -5 1300 16pc pf. . Wil Jef. . . . 410 0 2500 215 -10 466 rts 8 -2 1700 10 1000 WillProp . . 125 -5 1000 130 800 WHortn . . . 560 -30 5400 WilNeil . . . 180 -5 12000 Winstone . . 178 -2 14800 179 1200 180 200 16pc pf. . 82 -1 1000 Yates .... 209 3400 210 -5 7000 BridgeMin . 16 0 14000 CoalEn . . . 13 -1 32000 Cue opt. . . 1 0 10000 Goliath . . . 15 -2 5000 16 59000 Horizon opt 5 0 30000 6 5000 ctb .... 12 0 73000 13 118000 Kupe opt. . 15 0 22000 ctb ... . 35 -1 4500 LandM . . . 78 0 700 80 1900 MinRes . . . 35 0 1000 36 1800 37 62700 NZOG.... 45 -1 10000 3000 46 OilFld opt . 5 67250 6 0 31000 ctb ... . 14 0 5000 PetroT opt. 5 22000 7000 6 0 ctb ... . 8 -1 200 Premier. . . 23 -2 19000 SthPet opt . 3 16250 4 +1 22000 ctb ... . 7 0 18500 Spectrum. . 29 0 15000 4800 opt ... . UtdRes . . . 13 42 0 0 1000 opt ... . 15 0

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Press, 30 May 1985, Page 21

Word Count

National sales Press, 30 May 1985, Page 21

National sales Press, 30 May 1985, Page 21