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ASHBURTON / Timaru fSO: / by-election j —/ candidates \T c \ J 1 ALLANDALE • V: I/ .‘N-<TpLEASANT POINT IcICC 0 FAIRLIE ..... - /AjSMARU the issues WAITAKI \ Candidates in values party/) the Timaru by- Jfif gHHk /x I ZflKk I election were I P *** asked by “The Z / 2 | Press” to answer ||||| i j ZIMWk ] briefly a dozen questions on tiie / V./ wK? ’tsh *j B Jyl main issues, local .ffliiwimiiimißwwiraak y and national, to be ? ; ■ raised during the . ~W campaign. The jSaSsL. MBfeMS JMf questions and the -f ' vsagO JI candidates’ replies ||| " J / 'WS itSrlp V®* • are given below. 1 jr ’WI / The sixth candi- w of EBT date, Mr Alan Fat- \ ' HL —‘ S * loon, campaigning M H 1 as the New Labour Party man, de- 4 dined the invita- '' tion to respond. B The by-election A Will be held on J AN WALKER MAURICE McTIGUE BILL GREENSLADE LYNLEY SIMMONS JAMIE LUCK June 15. Labour National N.Z. Party Social Credit V al u es Homosexual law reform Homosexual law reform Opposes the Homosexual Government has no right Opposes attempts to Values wouldl assure is not a party political Law Reform Bill. to interfere with what legalise sodomy. Has col- equal rights and opporissue. It is an issue for a goes on in peoples’ bed- tected uOOO signatures in tumties regardless of conscience vote. rooms. Homosexuality Timaru against the sexual orientation. Supshould be decriminalised Homosexual Law Re- ports the Homosexual rather than legalised al- form Bill. Law Reform Bill, though 16 is too young for the age of consent. All Black tour to South Supports the stand taken The Rugby Union has Although the Govern- Would prefer All Blacks Opposes the tour. A f r : ca by all M.P.s of upholding made a lawful decision ment has the right to try did not tour, although the principles of the to tour. They must be to persuade, it had no endorses Rugby Union’s Gleneagles Agreement. given the right to carry right to get “heavy” and right to make the final out that decision without threaten intervention. decision. harassment. Nuclear ship visits to Supports the Govern- Supports a nuclear-free The whole question of Nuclear-armed ships Nuclear-armed and Sew Zealand ment’s positive stand for South Pacific basin. A.N.Z.U.S., nuclear ships should be prohibited ship !d be a nuclear-free New Zea- National would return to and defence has become from entering New Zea- banned from New Zealand and a nuclear- full membership of emotionally tangled, and land waters. land ports waters ano weapons free zone in the A.N.Z.U.S. should be the subject of South Pacific New zeaSouth Pacific. The ban a referendum. A N Z-U.S and becoml has provided inter- “• oi; CTr > o d national leadership. non-al g Abortion Opposes abortion on de- Opposes abortion. Would not support any Is pro-life and opposed Favours reforming the ADoruon pp & means of law which inerfered in to abortion except in the law so that it is up to the contraception Supports the affairs of a woman, most exceptional cases. woman to choose the present legislation her doctor, and her preg- If elected, she will pro- whether she has an abor1 ’ nancy. mote a bill to protect the tion. unborn child. Drought aid Labour’s commitment to Assistance given ad- Government assistance It is imperative that The drought shows how providing relief is shown dresses some immediate has been too little and when regions such- as remote central Governby M.A.F. task force, needs, but is too late and too late. Rainfall has South Canterbury have ment can be from what $5OO 000 to transport does not recognise long- been abnormal for 16 climatic problems they happens in the regions, given hay frozen Rural term problems. months, and it is an get rapid Government and the need for greater Bank interest rates, tax indictment on the Gov- support. autonomy. Regions such relief and reassessment ernment that nothing as ■ South Canterbury for family care eligibil- was done during that need to be self-sufficient ity time. during emergencies. Irrigation The economics of the Irrigation should have Supports new irrigation Endorses the concept of Supports the Opihi River g Opihi River scheme will high priority for invest- projects, as long as the the Opihi River enhance- enhancement scheme, if depend on the farming ment. National will sup- views of all concerned ment scheme to enable social and environmental which is done with the port the Opihi River are considered, and long- farmers to diversity into complications are careirrigation. The Minister scheme if its feasibility term economic viability horticulture or expand fully considered and unof Works and Develop- is proven. is assured. production and lessen derstood by the people of ment will visit Timaru > m P act drought. the region, next week to discuss the scheme. Electricity pricing The South Island conces- National would restore The South Island should Supports substantial dis- Encouraging conservasion to industrial users the 25 per cent conces- have a substantial ad- counts on South Island tion, not consumption, benefited a narrow sion for industrial use in vantage in electricity electricity prices to pro- should be the criteria for range of activities. Its the South Island and prices because it is mote regional develop- electricity pricing. Rereplacement with alO maintain or increase the colder, gas is not avail- ment. K power boards per cent differential be- 10 per cent domestic dif- able to any great extent, should be converted into tween North and South ferential and it would encourage energy supply co-opera-Island means South South Island industry. tives so electricity pncIsland supply authorities * n ? can adjusted more can give benefits to all to geographical consumers. She will and climatic conditions, lobby to have the differential increased. Regional development Under a Labour Govern- Opposes the local re- Central Government in- Regional development Values is as concerned Regional aeveiopm assistance t 0 gional development volvement in local af- should encourage Indus- wth Regional social deAorangi has increased by council being incorpor- fairs should be mini- tries to establish in velopment as it is with 88 ner cent ated into the united mised. Projects shown to smaller centres like regional economic dep v council. be in the national in- Timaru velopment. The trend toterest would be en- wards concentration of couraged and backed industry, commerce and financially by the central consumers in a few large Government. centres should be reversed. Devaluation Devaluation was one of a The 20 per cent devalua- Devaluation and floating The Government’s de- No Government will series of reforms which tion was too high, ill- of the dollar would have valuation contributed to fully control fluctuations will help the Govern- timed, and has bfen ill- been sound moves if they inflation and was far in the relative value of ment achieve its goals of managed. The advan- had been within the higher than necessary. the New Zea and dollar sustainable economic tages have all been framework of other N.Z. until the is free and employment growth. rapidly dissipated. Party policies, such as from foreign economic It corrected an over- radical tax changes and control, valued exchange rate. vastly reduced Government. Tav reform Labour is working to- Supports moving from The N.Z. Party would Social Credit favours a Local Government wards a fair tax system direct to indirect tax. allow the first $lO,OOO of flat rate of 28 cents in should have the authorbv shifting the income Opposes GST in proposed income tax free, then tax the dollar on all incomes ity to raise its own tax burden on wage and form, which will be at a flat rate of 30% on up to $30,000, in conjunc- revenue. GST will only salary earners and tax- highly inflationary, and all the rest. The “slack” tion with a transfer tax create more bureauing spending Income tax have a serious impact on would be taken up by a — a simply, common- cratic waste and concenreductions accompany- low and middle income floating sales tax. sense alternative to GST. trate more power in the ing GST will benefit low earners and small busi- hands of central Governand middle income nesses. ment. earners. Superannuation Labour is committed to Supports a superannua- Would push to restore The surtax on super- Values’ proposed miniefficient use of resources tion scheme that is superannuation to what annuation should be mum wage would reand delivery of social available to all people as it was and progressively repealed. Full super place all social security services. In the short of right. National would raise the age to 65 over should be paid to all benefits and superannuaterm some people are repeal the tax surcharge 10 or even 20 years. superannuitants who re- tion. more able to bear some on super. linquish full-time work. curtailment in their super in order to achieve long-term equity. ———— — Maori Parliamentary Affirms the right of the Maori representation is The Maori seats should It is up to Maori initiarepresentation Maori people to separate condescending and rac- be abolished, and repre- tive to decide this issu . represcmaiion representation as long as ist. Would work towards sentation for minorities they wish. the abolition of Maori achieved through proporsea ts. tional representation.

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Press, 29 May 1985, Page 40

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Page 40 Advertisements Column 3 Press, 29 May 1985, Page 40

Page 40 Advertisements Column 3 Press, 29 May 1985, Page 40