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ADDINGTON MARKET Firm demand for good calves

Store calves were the principal attraction at the Addington market yesterday, and considering it wtis the first large yarding of the season the market for steer calves was xer\ satisfactory.

A larger yarding of store lambs had another buoyant sale. Best wether lambs bettered S 8 a bead, and the tops of the ewe lambs reached 811. The store-sheep yarding i was 8725, compared with 4790 last wek, and it con-; sisted of 3435 wether lambs, 1730 ewe lambs, 660 two-! tooth ewes, and 2900 adult, sheep. Store lambs Store lambs had another particularly good sale. The yarding of more than 5100 head was almost double that of last week, and the quality was very good. Summer-shorn Romneys and Corriedales made up the bulk! of the wether lamb entry, and | there was also a very good line! of South-Suffolk cross lambs. ! Although the buying gallery was not large, competition was again brisk, and values were fully up to the rates of last week. High prices of the day included some woolly Romneys at 88.20, and the best of the SouthSuffolk .cross lambs at $B.BO J: Apart from these, a number off the top pens sold at $7.50 to $B, i with average at $6.50 to $7.20, h and smaller lambs at. 55.20 to i $6.20. Ewe lambs had another very I < I strong sale at values about S2 a! i i head over wether lamb rates.! j 7 he yarding included quite a!! good selection of Cornedales and; < halfbreds. and there were 11

. frequent sales at about $9 or j more. The best of a small selection i of Romneys fetched $ll, which ■ was the best price of the season ; for ewe lambs. j Sales of store lambs included:— Wethers. —P. D. Fitgerald i’Kumara), 92 Romnev-cross at I $5.90 to $6.90; Mrs H. Latham • Little River?, 147 shorn Romneys at $7.80 to $7.90; C. B. Stanburv (Little River), 47 shorn Romnevs iat $6.90 to $7.70; J. R. Reed ' tCulverden), 60 shorn Corriei dales at $6.70; T. H. Burgin i (Kaikoura), 232 Romney and I Romney-cross at $5.90 to $7.50; Stone Jug Farm (Kaikoura). 606 : Romney and South-Suffolk cross 'at $6.20 to $8.80; Hawkswood * Estate (Parnassus). 87 Corrie[dales at $5.60 to 57.65; T. H. i Croft (Omihi). 194 Corriedales at ; $6.75 to $7.60; 11. R. Rutherford (Hawarden), 234 shorn Corrie- | dales at $6 to $6.60; P. R. RutherI ford (Hawarden), 74 Corriedales iat $6 to $6.45; Aorangi Estate i(Ataahua), 46 Down-cross at $4.80 to $7, 135 Romney cross at $6.65 to $6.70; T. W. Hutchinson 'Little River), 154 Romneys at 57.25 to $8.20; J. P. Snushall (Conway Bills), 130 Corriedales at $6.70 to $7.05. Ewe iambs.™Queenfield Farm (Waiau), 44 Corriedales at 89; Seadown Farm, Ltd (Amberlev).. J7O Corriedales at $4.90 to $9.05; J Lands and Survey Department , (Ahaura Settlement), 123 shorn I Romney cross at $5.65 to 56.55; > P. R. Rutherford (Hawarden), 97 . Corriedales at $5.20 to $8.45; ' Lands and Survey Department. I Glenbourne (Waiau). 263 halfbreds at $5.85 to $7.10; Hawkswood Estate (Parnassus), 354 ! Corriedales at $6.70 to $8.70; W. i G. and C. E. Mason (Hawarden), 141 Cornedales at $8.40 to $9.80; i McQueen’s Valiev Farm I (Kai tuna). 176 Romneys at $9.10 to $ll.

Breeding ewes

Breeding ewes had another sound sale, although the adult sheep — apart from a few of the best pens — were back on last week’s buoyant rates.

; Most of the small entry of i two-tooth ewes was made up of

medium Corriedales, and they sold quite well. Prices ranged mainly from $8.50 to $10.50, with one sale at $11.70. Two pens of Perendales drew particularly good competition, finally being knocked down at $l6, a very high price for this stage of the season.

Adult breeding ewes had quite a good sale, although apart from the top pens, the market was not as strong as last week's. A smaller gallery followed the sale, and buyers showed strong interest in the better end of the selection. Some sound-mouthed Corriedale ewes, carrying about 10 months growth of wool, fetched the top price of $9.30, Two other pens of quite good quality Corriedales sold at $7.70 and $7.60 respectively. Older or plainer ewes sold at $4 to $5.30, at which the market was about 51.50 back on last week's rates, or back to the levels of a fortnight ago. Sales of breeding ewes included:—

Two-tooths.—J. B. DouglasClifford (Stonyhurst). 160 Corriedales at $7.90 to $10.10; Lands and Survey Department (Ahaura), 97 Romney and RomnevPerendale cross at $8.40 to $10.20; A. D Mackay (Duvauchelle), 95 Perendales at $l6; G. Oakley (Halkett). 68 Corriedales al $11.70; R. F. Parker (Clarence Bridge;. 78 Corriedales at $10.40.

1 Adult ewes.—J. B. DouglasClifford (Stonyhurst), 64 four and five-year-old Corriedales at $6.70; A. O. C. Rutherford (Hawarden),' 99 Corriedales at $4.90; estate L. D. Hooker (Wainui), 100 Romneys at $4.30 to $4.80; R. Taggart (Ashley), 104 Romneys at $5.40; P. McMorran (Oxford), 120 Romneys at $4.30; Dunlop Farms (Burnham), 230 Corriedales, early-shorn, mated to Down rams, at $9.30; Mendip Hills station (Parnassus), 320 annual draft Corriedales at $4.10 to 54.65. Store calves The store-calf yarding, at 1975 head, was the largest so far this season, and it included a good selection of very well-grown calves from North Canterbury and Marlborough east coast vendors.

Any steer calves of good size drew steady competition at values well in line with last week's rates. Smaller steer calves, however, were back a little during the early part of the sale, and except for certain lines, heifers had only a moderate sale, many of them in the j early part of the day being $3 to $4 back on last week's rates. ■ At the best of the sale, good steer calves were regularlv . fetching more than $5O, but not | many heifer calves exceeded $35. Prices aside, a very satisfac-1 ; tory aspect of the sale was the • good competition, for as well as | buyers from local districts, there i > was regular demand from Ash- ■ burton fatteners.

; Large steer calves sold at $54 I to $6l. with odd sales to $67; good average sold at $46 to $52, ! a KI 3B to 544 and small i at s*.3 to $35.

Large heifer calves sold to SaO, but this was an isolated price on the day. Good average calves J.?/ . t 0 medium at to ®2B, and small at SlB to

i Sales of store calves included' I Steers. —J. K. McAlpine i ! Spy A ) ’ 58 Herefords at $38.50 ; to 852; J. A. Paton (Oaro), 17 Angus at $4B; C. H. D. Inch I (Hawarden), 10 Herefords at $47; iH. A. Fitzsimmons (Cheviot) 14 Hereford cross at $5B; Lands and Survey Department, Coringa (Motunau), 18 Charolais-cross at $36, 180 Angus, Angus-Hereford a ” d . Angus-Shorthorn cross at $32.50 to $57: J. P. O’Carroll ™ a ?; arden )> 33 Herefords at $37.a0 to $47.50; E. C. Trewin (Oaro), 65 Angus and Angus-cross at $61.50 to $64; 17 Angus and Herefords at $4l to $42. the line averaging $55.50; J. A. Chapman' (Cheviot), 44 Herefords at $43.50' i to SaO; B. C. Wright (Claverley),. : 48 Angus and Angus-cross at $3B i i to $57. 11 Herefords at $44: D I ! S. Latter (Cheviot), 30 Angus at I : $37.50 to $40.50; G. B. F. Neill' ((Clarence Bridge), 60 Herefords! ' at $29 to $55, 13 Angus-cross at I I $49; D. J. Keehan (Kaikoura), 241 ( Angus and Angus-cross at $371 1 to $56, 14 Herefords at $41.50;! J. D. and J. R. Murdock (Kai-I I koura). 33 Herefords at $36.501 I to $44.50; K. D. Hamilton (Kai- ; koura), 16 Angus and Angus- ! cross at $30.50; A. G. and R. D. I [G. Lawrence (Hawarden), 291 Angus and Angus-cross at $32 to i $45; estate E. W. Pawsey iHawar-l den), 103 Angus and Angus-cross! at $32 to $67, averaging $49.55; | Calder Farming Company (Hawarden), 25 Angus and Shorthorn cross at $29 to $43.50: F. R D. ■ Olorenshaw (Hawarden), 36 I Herefords at $44.50 to $52.50; i Sulhpur Springs Estate (Scargill), 22 Angus-Shorthorn cross at $42 to $53; Netherwood Fann, Ltd (Omihi), 30 Angus at S3B to $44; W. P. Belton Ltd (Waikari), 17 Angus and Angus-cross at $58.1 Heifers. — Lands and Survey I Department (Coringa), 27 Charo-lais-cross at $22, 73 Angus at s3l| [ to $36, 40 Angus-cross at $2O to I $34; H. A. Fitzsimmons (Cheviot), 1 20, Angus-cross at $26 to $3O; ! J. K. McAlpine (Spve), 21 Here- | fords at $29; J. A. Paton (Oaro), [ 17 Angus at $30.50; Melrose Trust 'Hawarden), 42 Hereford and Hereford-Shorthorn cross at $26 !to $29; F. R. D. Olorenshaw j (Hawarden). 17 Herefords at $29; Sulhpur Springs Estate (Scargill).: .33 Angus-Shorthorn cross at S2B : to $36.50; W. P. Belton Ltd (Wai-I Jkari). 21 Angus and Angus-cross! ! at $31.50 to $35; estate E. W. 'Pawsey (Hawarden), 19 Angus and’ I Angus-cross at $32; J. D. and J. ’ i R. Murdock (Kaikoura), 16 Angusj cross at $25 to $34.50, 14 Here-, I fords at 526- D. J. Keehan (Kaikoura). 15 Herefords at $27: G. B. F.- Neill (Clarence Bridge), 15 ( Angus and Angus-cross at $30.50: : B C. Wright. (Claverlev). 22 ! Angus and Angus-cross at $25 to, 532: J A. Chanman (Cheviot). 20 I Herefords at $22 to $29: E. C.: | Trewin 'Oaro), 95 Aliens and Angus-cross at $32 to $5O. I Adult cattle ' Adult cattle continued to meet j a very firm demand. In spite of! the weakening in the prime beef j market on Tuesday, values were I fully up to last week's rates. ! The yarding of 720 head in-! i eluded a good selection of 18 to | 20-month-old steers, all in verv forward condition. The best of 'them sold steadily at $BO to $B4, medium at $6B to $7B, and smaller! down to $6O. Of some interest was the appearance of a useful selection of! breeding cows. The best of them.! tested in calf, sold at $5O to! $62. while older or plainer lots! ranged from $25 to $4O. Sales of adult cattle included:' Steers. — C. P. Rutherford! (Amberley), 22 Angus and Angus-' Shorthorn cross at $BO to $81; I W. R. and D. Elliott (Motunau),! ■ ft Angus-cross at $80; T. P.! (hand and Son (Kaikoura), 561 "'-■■ear-old Angus nt $74.50 to. 'B2: L. Williams (Fox Glacier). ’6 Hereford and Hereford cross t $64 to $80; W. L. Breitmeyer Little River), 12 Angus-cross' at 30 ; Cows and heifers. — F. D.’ Mvidson (Ward), 29 Angus cows,! ’ested in calf, at $5l to S72:’ G. B. F. Neill (Clarence Bridge),, 10 Hereford cows, run with bull, at $52.50; Sulhpur Springs; [Estate ''Scargilb. 9 Angus cows.! J run with bull, at $57.

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Press, Volume CXV, Issue 33814, 10 April 1975, Page 16

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ADDINGTON MARKET Firm demand for good calves Press, Volume CXV, Issue 33814, 10 April 1975, Page 16

ADDINGTON MARKET Firm demand for good calves Press, Volume CXV, Issue 33814, 10 April 1975, Page 16