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Three Country Tennis Teams Win

Country tennis teams won , three of their six matches with Town when the annual Town-Country day was held i at Wilding Park on Saturday. This was a highly successful result for Country, which could win only two fixtures last season. Town beat Banks Peninsula by 15 matches to 9, Malvern by 13 matches to 11. and North Canterbury by 14 matches to 10. Hurunui won by 15 matches to 9. Malvern won by 13 matches to 11, and North Canterbury won by 14 matches to 10. Altogether 240 players from throughout Canterbury took part. Senior teams of six men and six women from each of the sub-associations and junior teams of four boys and four girls met similar teams from town. Hurunui. after not winning for many years won in 1962, 1963, 1965, 1966. 1967, last year and this year. Mid-Canterbury won five times from 1957 to 1963. in 1966. in 1968 and this year. Ellesmere won five times from 1957 to 1966 and again this yi Three country players won top singles. S. Bennett (MidCanlerbury) beat J. Stanton, 9-5; W. Lewthwaite. formerly a prominent member of the United team in Christchurch and a Canterbury representative, beat D Haworth, 9-8; Mrs N. Skilling, of Ellesmere, beat Mrs D. Macdonald, 9-4. However, one of the everlasting players is A. Hewitt, of Malvern, outstanding in country tennis for many years and once a semi-finalist in the Canterbury championships. This time Hewitt could win only three games from p.. Angland, a former Wilding Shield player He actually led. 31, and had a point for 4-1 before Angland took control and won all the rest. Hewitt could not match him in force. The country teams which won did so for different reasons. Hurunui. as usual, was well served by its women, who won four of their six singles and two doubles; Mid-Canterbury, however won four ’ ne ” R singles, but also five of the six mixed to give it a good start in the morning. Ellesmere halved the men's singles but won four of the six women s singles and all the men s doubles.

Town v. Banks Peninsula Mens Singles.—D Haworth lost to W G. Lewthwaite, 8-9; T. Mooney beat G. Frcear. ,9-8. V Renwick beat M. Ussher. 9-4. R Hawker beat C. Vanstone. 9-8 S. Thorne lost to A. Vanstone. 4-9; J. Campbell lost to A, Kay Womens Singles.—Miss ty Davey beat Miss M Craw. 9-8 ; Mrs B. McNicol beat Mrs K. Tainui, 9-3; Mrs L. Buxton beat Mrs W. Lewthwaite. 9-5; Miss A Farmer lost to M;s D Masefield 4- Mrs D. Gray lost to Mrs J Black, 3-9. Mrs M. Brown beat Mrs J. Menzies, 9-6. Men’s Doubles —Haworth and Mooney beat Lewthwaite and Ussher 6-4. 6-2: Renwick and Hawker beat Freear and Kay 5- 6-2. 6-3; Thorne and Campbell lost to Vanstone and Vanstone, 2-6, 1-6. Women's Doubles.—Mrs Davey and Mrs McNicol beat Mesdames Craw and Masefield. 6-3. 61 Mrs Buxton and Miss Farmer beat Mesdames Lewthwaite and Black. 6-3. 6-5: Mesdames Gray and Brown beat Mesdames Tainui and Menzies. 6-4 2-6. 6-2. Mixed Doubles.—Haworth and Mrs McNicol lost to Lewthwaite and Mrs Lewthwaite, 2-6. 2-6 Mooney and Miss Davey lost to Freear and Mrs Craw. 6-3. 3-6. 2-6, Hawker and Mrs Buxton beat Ussher and Mrs Masefield, 6-3. 6- Renwick and Miss Farmer beat A. Vanstone and Mrs Tainui, 3-6 6-3. 6-4; Thorne and Mrs Gray lost to C. Vanstone and Mrs Black, 3-6. 3-6; Campbell and Mrs Brown beat Kay and Mrs Menzies. 5-6, 6-1, 6-1 ! Town won by 15 matches to » | Town v. Ellesmere Men's Singles.—S. Menzies beat A. Watkins, 9-5: N. Dillon beat I Pickering 9-2: J. Ullrich lost to G. Skilling, 7-9: M. Trenberth lost to R. Doak. 3-9; W Jamieson beat S Jordan. 9-7: K. Laycock lost to D. Barclay. 4-9 Women’s Singles.—Mrs D. Macdonald lost to Mrs Skilling, 4-9 Mrs M Miller beat Mrs Templeton. 9-2; Miss B. Nurse beat Mrs’ Pickering. 9-6; Mrs L Nation lost to Miss G. Skilling, 7-9; Mrs D. Williams lost to Mrs McCor mack. 4-9; Mrs L. Keith lost io Mrs Hood 3-9. Men's Doubles. —Menzies and Dillon lost to Watkins and Pickering, 5-6. 0-6; Ullrich and Trenberth lost to Skilling and Doak. 4-6, 2-6: Jamieson and Laycock lost to Jordan and Barclay. 2-6. 0-6. Womens Doubles. —Mesdames MacDonald and Miller lost to Mrs Skilling and Miss Skilling 6-4 4-6. 5-6. Mrs Nichol and I Mrs Nation beat Mesdames Pickering and Templeton, 5-6, 6-4, 6-4: Mesdames Williams and Keith lost to Mesdames McCor I mack and Hood, 3-6, 1-6. 1

Mixed Doubles.—Menzies and i Mrs Macdonald beat Watkins and j Mrs Skilling, 6-3. 6-3; Dillon and Mrs Miller lost Io Pickering and Mrs Templeton, 2-6 3-6; Ullrichi and Miss Nurse lost to Skilling i and Mrs Skilling. 6-5. 3-6. 1-6: * Trenberth and Mrs Nation beat: Doak and Mrs Pickering. 4-6, 6-3 6-5: Jamieson and Mrs Williams! beat Jordan and Mrs McCormack j 6-1, 2-6, 6-3: Laycock and Mrs' Keith lost to Barclay and Mrs! Hood 3-6. 6-4, 3-6. Ellesmere won bv 15 matches! Io 9. Town v, Malvern Men's Singles.—P. Angland beat A. Hewitt. 9-3. R. Pratleyi beat M. Begg, 9-8; R. Avery lost, to R. Watson, 3-9: R. Fiaus lost, to M. Wilson. 3-9; B. Morrison i lost to W. Hewitt. 7-9: R. Me-1 Kenzie lost to B. Henderson. 5-9.1 Women’s Singles.—Miss P ! Bamford beat Miss B. Jenkins.! 9-6; Miss S. Moore beat Miss A , Macartney. 9-3; Miss H Chap i man beat Mrs P. Jenkins 9-1; i Mrs L. Pratley lost to Mrs H Macaulay. 4-9; Mrs C. Newton! beat Mrs J. Hewitt. 9-6; Mrs K.l Fiaus beat Miss G. Prouting.j Men's Doubles.—Angland and Pratley lost to A. Hewitt and Begg. 1-6, 4-6; Avery and Fiaus lost to Watson and Wilson. 3-6. 6-3. 4-6: Morrison and McKenzie Jost to W Hewitt and Henderson. 4-6, 3-6. Women's Doubles. Misses Bamford and Moore beat Misses Jenkins and Macartney. 6-2, 6-1: Mesdames Chapman and Prat-

ley beat Mesdames Jenkins and Macartney 6-3, 6-1; Mesdames Newton and Fiaus beat Mrs Hewitt and Miss Prouting, 6-3.. 2- 6-0. Mixed Doubles.—Angland and Miss Bamford Jost to Hewitt and Miss Jenkins. 6-5, 4-6, 4-6; Pratley and Miss Moore beat Begg and Miss Macartney. 6-4, 6-5: Avery and Mrs Chapman lost to Watson and Mrs Jenkins, 6-3, 5- 6-2: Fiaus and Mrs Pratley beat Wilson and Mrs Macartney. 3- 6-2, 6-5; Morrison and Mrs Newton beat W. Hewitt and Mrs Hewitt, 6-3, 6-2; McKenzie and Mrs Fiaus lost to Henderson and Miss Prouting. 3-6. 3-6. Town won by 13 matches to 11. Town v. Mid-Canterbury Men's Singles.—l. Stanton lost to S. Bennett, 5-9: M. Beaumont beat A. Smith. 9-7; F. Versteeg beat R. King. 9-3; K. Murray lost to J. Easton, 4-9; R. Stanton lost to G. Bird. 6-9: G. Jordan lost to E Bryant, 6-9. Womens Singles.—Miss G. Ireland beat Mrs D. Taylor. 9-8; Miss G. Freear beat Miss M. ; Keenan. 9-8; Mrs J. Drury beat; Miss A. Brooker. 9-2; Mrs L. Rixon beat Mrs R. Bennett. 9-7: I Mrs J. Dynes lost to Miss P. | Chilton, 4-9; Mrs N. Cullen beat Miss K. Moylan, 9-3. i Men's Doubles.—l. Stanton and Beaumont lost to Bennett and Bird. 5-6. 6-3. 2-6; Versteeg and R. Stanton beat Smith and King. 6-4, 6-5: Murray and Jordan lost to Easton and Bryant. 6- 1-6. 2-6. Women's Doubles.—Miss Iredale and Mrs Drury beat Mrs Taylor and Miss Keenan. 6-2. 4-6, 6-1: Miss Freear and Mrs Rixon lost to Miss Brooker and Mrs Bennett. 5-6. 6-1. 5-6: Mesdames Dynes and Cullen beat Misses Chilton and Moylan. 6-1, 6-2. Mixed Doubles. —I. Stanton and Miss Iredale,lost to Bennett and Mrs Taylor, 5-6. 5-6: . Beaumont and Miss Freear lost to Bird and Miss Brooker. 5-6, 4-6; Versteeg and Mrs Drury beat King and Miss Keenan. 6-5, 5-6. 6-3: Mur ray and Mrs Rixon lost to Smith and Miss Chilton. 3-6. 4-6: R. Stanton and Mrs Dynes lost to Easton and Miss Moylan. 4-6 6-5, 4-6; Jordan and Mrs Cullen lost to Bryant and Mrs Bennett. 6-4. 3-6. 3-6. Mid-Canterbury won by 131 matches to 11. Town v. North Canterbury Men's Singles—P V. Boat-i wood beat J. Allen. 9-3; T. Tyler! beat R Adams. 9-8: D Macdonald lost to J Blakeley, 7-9; A. , D Atkinson lost to B. Forrest. 12-9: L. Le Compte lost to G. McGrath. 4-9; M. Fearnley beat B. Cobden-Cox, 9-5; ; Women’s Singles.—Miss C. Rolfe beat Miss B. Horgan, 9-4; Mrs V. Boatwood beat Miss C. McNally, 9-1: Mrs P. Cox lost to Mrs W. Adams, 3-9; Mrs J. Curgennen lost to Mrs M. Frazer. 8-9. Mrs D. Laycock beat Mrs K Woods. 9-8; Mrs E. Hill beat; Miss H. James. 9-5. Men's Doubles.—-Boatwood and; Tyler lost to Allin and Adams, i 2-6. 3-6; Macdonald and Atkin-1 son lost to Blakeley and Fur-| rest. 6-2 2-6, 4-6; Le Compte > and Fearnley beat McGrath and' Cobden-Cox. 6-2. 2-6. 6-2. Women's Doubles.—Miss Rolfe; and Mrs Boatwood beat Misses; Horgan and McNally. 6-4. 6-5: Mesdames Cox and Curgennen lost to Mesdames Adams and Frazer. 6-4, 3-6. 4-6; Mesdames Laycock and Hill lost to. Mrs Woods and Miss James. 6-2. 4-6, 2-6. Mixed Doubles Boatwood !and Mrs Boatwood lost to Allin land Miss Horgan. 6-5. 5-6, 5-6: I Tyler and Miss Rolfe beat 'Adams and Miss McNally. 2-6. <6-2. 6-4: Atkinson and Mrs Cox ‘beat Blakeley and Mrs Adams,

6-5. 6-4; Macdonald and Mrsi Laycock beat Forrest and Mrs ' Frazer. 4-6. 6-3. 6-3; Le Compte < and Mrs Curgennen beat Me i iGrath and Mrs Woods. 6-5. 6-4; H Fearnley and Mrs Hill beat i Cobden-Cox and Miss James. I 6-3. 3-6. 6-1. ! Town won by 14 matches to JO. Town v. Hurunui I Men’s Singles. —B. J. Aldridge beat A. Thorne. 9-2; T Ralfe jbeat A. Smith. 9-4; W Browne; Jost to B. Forbes. 8-9; G Main; Host to S. Anderson. 0-9: J i Shackleton lost to R Wilding.! !5-9: W. Thomas beat G. Twose. i 9-7. 1 Women’s Singles—Miss E jOgilvie beat Mrs S. Dalzell. 9-4 Miss A. Meates lost to Mrs V Thomson. 3-9; Mrs F. Hindson jbeat Mrs M. Upston. 9-3: Miss |J Sloper lost to Miss J. Da) zell. 4-9: Miss P. Blackburn lost to Mrs I. Allen. 6-9: Miss J. Le |.Warne lost to Mrs F. Ormandv ' Men's Doubles.—Aldridge and: Ralfe beat Smith and Forbes 16-4. 6-2; Browne and Main beat! Thorne and Anderson. 5-6, 6-1 > 6-3; Shackleton and Thomas' Host to Wilding and Twose. 6-3. j 3-6. 6-1. I

I Women's Doubles. Mis<. es Ogilvie and Meates beat M. - dames Dalzell and Thomson Hi !6-3. 6-3: Mrs Hindson and Miss Sloper lost to Mrs Allan and Miss Dalzell, 2-6. 6-2. 3-6. Misses Blackburn and Le Warne lost io 1 Mesdames Upston and Ormandy. j 2-6. 2-6 i Mixed Doubles—Aldridge and Miss Ogilvie beat Smith and Miss Dalzell, 6-5. 6-1; Ralfe and Miss Meates lost to Thorne and (Mrs Thomson, 3-6. 6-2. 4h. I Browne and Mrs Hindson lost to Forbes and Miss Allan. 6-1. 3-6, 5- Main and Miss Sloper beat Anderson and Mrs Upston. 6 , 6- Shackleton and Miss Blackburn lost to Wilding and Miss Dalzell, 1-6, 5-6; Thomas and Miss Le Warne lost to Twos? and Mrs Ormandy. 6-3. 3-6. 5-6 Hurunui won by 14 matches to 10 JUNIOR ■ Town beat Malvern by 11 matches to 5: Town beat Banks iPeninsula by 12 matches to -i (Town beat Hurunui by io !matches to 6; Mid-Canterbury ibeat Town by 9 matches to 7. [North Canterbury beat Town hy ill matches to 5: Ellesmere beat 'Town by 9 matches to 7.

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Press, Volume CIX, Issue 32235, 2 March 1970, Page 8

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Three Country Tennis Teams Win Press, Volume CIX, Issue 32235, 2 March 1970, Page 8

Three Country Tennis Teams Win Press, Volume CIX, Issue 32235, 2 March 1970, Page 8