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MAGISTRATE’S COURT Charges Of Forgery And Theft Denied

The taking of deposition? on charges against Clifford Jack Fordham, aged 45, a Social Security Department employee, in the Magistrate's Court had not been completed yesterday when the Court rose for the day. The hearing, which is before Messrs B. H. Harris and R. E. Smith, Justices of the Peace, will continue today. Fordham, who is represented by Mr R. S. D. Twyneham, has elected trial by jury on 27 charges of forgery and one of theft Fordham was remanded.

Senior-Sergeant F. G. Mulcare said that from May, 1967, the defendant had been employed by the Christchurch Social Security Department as its separated wives officer. He dealt with payments of benefits to women who were living away from their husbands and were not in receipt of other income. Of the 27 alleged forgeries four related to benefit orders for a person (whose name was suppressed), 16 to a benefit for a second beneficiary (also suppressed), and the other eight charges related to social security documents, said Senior-Sergeant Mulcare. Edward Sydney Henzil, the deputy registrar of Social Security, said the authorisation for payments of benefits to these women was the duty of the separated wives officer and his immediate superior, the section clerk. The authorisation was then sent to Wellington to the head office. The payment of benefits to the first mentioned beneficiary was due to be renewed in November, 1966, said Mr Henzil. Because of a delay in gaining information the benefit had been stopped and later renewed. Authorisation for renewal was by the defendant and his superior, as he had already mentioned. An order book enabling the beneficiary to draw money

was sent to the Upper Ricearton Post Office. There was no authority for this. The district cards had been removed from the file and the master card in Wellington was marked as withdrawn by the defendant However, it was later found to be in the file, which was most irregular. The second beneficiary was due to have her benefit renewed in November, 1967, said Mr Henzil. She remarried and was no longer eligible for benefit and this was marked in the district card. But later it was found that the master card in Wellington was still in the files when it also should have been withdrawn on the defendant’s authorisation. In both cases order books had been issued on the authority of the Wellington card, but contrary to Christchurch files, Mr Henzil said. Both books had been drawn upon by a person or persons acting on the apparent authority of the original beneficiaries.

Mr Henzil said that the irregularities had been brought to his notice in January, and after investigation he bad informed the C. 1.8.

(Before Hr K. H. J. Headlfen, S.M.) WOMAN BURGLAR

Glenys Patricia Courtier, aged 21, a housewife, was admitted to probation for three vears and was ordered to make restitution ot Sil when she appeared for sentence on charges of burglary of the house of Lorna Floyd and assaulting Lorna Floyd, and also on a charge of burglary of the house of Henrickus Belt at ISS Stanmore Road, to which she pleaded guilty yesterday. Sergeant G. F. Davidson said that Courtier broke into the house in Stanmoro Boad by forcing a window and stole property valued at 279.50. Evidence was found at the scene which indicated that Courtier was the offender. When interviewed she admitted the offence and said that she had gone for a walk and had wandered up the driveway of the house. Mr R. F. B. Perry, for the accused, said that Courtier found it difficult to explain why she committed the offences. She was intoxicated when she committed one of them and the assault had occurred because she panicked. Courtier had been unemployed and had been worried about providing for her two children. There were real prospects for her rehabilitation and she was to get married in 10 days time. Hr Perry said. The Magistrate refused an application for suppression of name.

DROVE WHILE DISQUALIFIED Thomas Paul King, aged 18, a wood turner, was remanded In custody to May 7 for a medical report to see if he is fit to he isent to a- detention centre when he appeared for sentence on a charge of driving while disqualified, having been previously convicted of a similar offence. Mr ’

Mr R. S. D. Twyneham said that the probation officer’s report stated that King was in need of closer supervision than could be provided on probation. The offence bad occurred while King was on probation but because of some confusion he had thought that bis term of probation had expired in December. There was conflict in King’s make-up because of his disturbed upbringing. He got on well with his step-father, had a good work record and bad been in regular employment, Mr Twyneham said. "1 am not impressed with your attitude.” the Magistrate said. "In 1967 you were sentenced to periodic detention on a charge of driving while disqualified and in the same year your licence was cancelled for two years on a charge of reckless driving. “After driving a car from New Brighton to the Ail Night Service Station to get petrol you drove into Cathedral Square. This Indicates that you intended to drive in tbe car in the future. You wilt not be given any leniency.” the Magistrate said. NAME SUPPRESSED A man, whose name was suppressed, was admitted to probation for two years and was ordered to take medical or psychiatric treatment when ho appeared for sentence on a charge of burglary of the warehouse of Hgnlmex (N.Z.), Ltd. Mr G. R. Lascelles, for tbe accused, said that within 24 hours of committing the offence and before the police knew that the accused was tbe offender he had taken all tbe stolen photographic equipment to the C. 1.8. office and had given himself up. The accused had an excellent record, was a first offender and there was a medical background to tbe offence.

The Magistrate Mid that there were mitigating factors very much in the accused’s favour.

The Magistrate ordered that the accused break off his association with a person, which had resulted in the accused’s preoccupation with astronomy and the search lor alien beings In the atmosphere. The accused bad stolen equipment to photograph these beings, he said. DROVE UNDER INFLUENCE Raymond Ell Maclarlane. aged 44. a painter, charged wlth driving on Armagh Street while under the Influence of drink or drugs on March 12. was convicted and lined 3190 and disqualified from driving for three years. On a charge of having no driver's licence he was convicted and discharged. Maclarlane pleaded guilty to both charges. At 0.50 n.m. traffic officers saw a van driven by Maclarlane driving slowly and weaving across Armagh Street, said Detective Sergeant B. J. Preston. Ho was taken to the police Station and a doctor certified him at unfit to drive because ot drink.

YOUTHS CONVICTED David Gordon Low. aged IS, an unemployed freezing worker, Geoffrey Lloyd Bateup, aged 11, an unemployed apprentice carpenter (Mr p. Ml James), and Stephen waiter Norgate, aged 17. an unemployed carpenter, were remanded in custody to May 7 on a joint charge of byrglary of the Hope Store on April 22. They each pleaded guilty. Entry was gained by removing screws from a door and removing the door. The three defendants were interviewed in Christchurch on April 24 and they admitted the offence. John William Xing, aged 22. an unemployed timber worker, jointly charged with the burglary, pleaded not guilty and was remanded on bail to May 13 for a hearing. An application for bail on the behalf ot Bateup was refused.

CHARGES ADMITTED Barry James Grainger, aged 21, a mechanic, charged with driving while disqualified, using obscene language, and wilfully obstructing a traffic officer, was convicted and remanded in custody to MSv 7 for sentence. He pleaded guXty to all charges. Grainger was disqualified for three months on December -4, end on December 10 ho hired a

rental ear and drove it, said Detective Sergeant Preston. Grainger claimed ho did not know what the result of the court hearing had been, although he knew It had been on. On December 13 he spoke t'o a woman working in the kiosk at the Motordrome Service Station about her car which had been the subject of an earlier argument. He used the language complained of In a loud voice several times. Traffic Officer J. E. Pickett said that a traffic officer stopped Grainger driving in High Street on November 30. Grainger gave a false name and address and after eztensivo inquiries he was Interviewed on December 14 and ho admitted the offence. FIGHTING Graeme John Hewlnson. aged 22, a spray painter (Mr W. A. Wilson), charged with fighting in Papanui Road on March 29, was convicted and fined 120. Ho pleaded guilty. At 8.50 p.m. a constable saw Hewinson and another person arguing on the footpath, said Detective Sergeant Preston. Hewlnson tried to hit the other person who pushed him against the other car and punched him. When separated Hewlnson took his coat off and wanted to continue the light. BENCH WARRANT ISSUED A Bench warrant was Issued tor the arrest ot Patrick Tentham Braxton, aged 30, unemployed. charged with intending to insult or offend by doing an offensive act on March 22. Detective Sergeant Preston said Braxton had failed to report as required by the terms of his bail. CHARGES DENIED Reuben Tawhlnato Awa. aged 28. an unemployed workman, and Teonl Carter, aged 20, an unemployed freezing worker (Mr R. F. B. Perry), were each convicted on a joint charge of theft and remanded on bail to May 7 for sentence. They pleaded not guilty. The charge involved the theft of milking cups, copper wire, milk coolers, and stirrup pumps of a total value of 145, belonging to Trevor Frederick Mounce of Sprlngston. Mr Mounce said he was away at a funeral on the afternoon of March 1 and when he returned his son told him that two men had been and taken some property and paid him 54 for it. He had a look round and saw that some equipment had been taken, and because his son seemed upset by the matter, he reported It to the police. Peter Mounce, aged 13, said the two defendants arrived at the farm and "half asked, half demanded” to be allowed to take some copper. Because he was scared of them he did not say they could not have it and helped them load it into a was given that the firoperty was sold to a dealer or $3B 77. The Magistrate said the boy had not authority to sell the property on his father s behalf, and that the two defendants had taken advantage of him. He found them both guilty of theft.

MISCELLANEOUS CASES i In miscellaneous cases , brought by the police, convict- , ions were entered snd fines im- ( posed as follows, with costs 55 in each case:— - „ , 1 Failed to attend parade: Noel ( Wayne Pow, 520. I Careless use: E. L. Pollock. t costs only; J. A. Mclvor, 58. , Minor found in bottle store: Leonard Allan Thornley, 515. Minor drank liquor in public place: Paul Raymond Jeffery, (Before Mr W. F. Brown. S.M.) DISCHARGED A man, whose name was suppressed (Mr M. J. Glue), was discharged without conviction t under section 43 of the Crimi- t nal Justice Act when he appeared for sentence on a charge i of theft from his employer of < property valued at 558.15 be- f tween August and November, 1 1968. _ The Magistrate said the defendant must realise he could never receive the same leniency again. (Before Mr P. L. Mollneaux, S.M.) TRAFFIC CASES In prosecutions brought by the Transport Department, convictions were entered and penalties Imposed, with Court costs of 35 in each case, as follows: Exceeded 30 miles an hour: D. D. Robin, 810; G. A. H. stringer, 312; H. M. Madigan, 515; R. F. Pask, 820; A. G. Mapn. 310; G. J. Hewlnson, 335; A. B. Blssett, 812; B. L. Dick, 810; M. W. Harwood, 815; H. W. Hawthorne, 527; C. G. Janson, 030; A. Loorpark, 810; P. G. Martyn, 325; A. J. Mennle, 810; M. J. O’Neill, 330 (no licence, 30); V. R. Smith, 812; R. R. Blair, 810; D. R. Bourke, 310; P. Chiverton, 810; P. J. Eskett, 812; B. S. Gibson, 310; N. S. Halliday. 50; D. J. Helps, 315; A. Jacques, 310; J. S. T. McGlffert, 510; J. E. Marsters, 510; E. B. Skirvlng, 310; D. H. Wardell, 515; A. D. Wethey, 512. Drove in dangerous manner: G. T. Cummings, 540 and disqualified from, driving for one year (no licence, 315; gave false particulars, 320); R. A. Hawkes, 830 and disqualified from driving for one year. Failed to stop at sign: W. G. Coull, 812; R. V. Williamson, 314; W. Hansjurgon, 812; M. J. Harris’, 815 (failed to produce licence, 310); G. D. Hudson, 815; A. E. McColl, 312; P. J. Nancarrow, 314; C. I, Scoilay, 314; S. 3. Warren, 814. Cgreless use: C. Johnston, 810; L. G. Gipson, 810 and disqualified from driving for sig weeks (exceeded 30 miles an hour, 812).

Parted with licence: D. D. Cropp, 814. Exceeded 58 miles an hour: P. A. Thorpe, 810; C. G. Finney,

,„ c , r ,o”M against lights: G. R. Wylie, 820 and disqualified from driving for one month. No rear red light: c. R. McQuold, 83. ’ Insufficient lights: B. T. Andrew, 810; P. J. Williams, 814. „ N .t. headlight an bicycle: C. G. Kirk, 80 (no tall light, costs only). Passed on intersection: M. J. Munro, 815. No safety helmet: B. B. Clarke, 310.

Todd,‘ e jlO U “ V * A ’ °’

(Before Mr Mollneaux, CIVIL CASES The following orders on judgment summonses ware made on Tuesday:— Brian Dudley Andrews, panelbeater, Netware Street, to pay New Zealand Newspapers, Ltd 315.03, in default nine days imprisonment, warrant suspended while 32 a week is paid; E. R. Adams, workman, Shortland Street, to pay Drapery and General Importing Company, Ltd 842.78.(32 or 25 days): Noll James Binnle. manufacturer, Burwood Road, to pay Daily Freight (1907) Ltd 876.23 (82 or 41 days); Kenneth M. Berg, mechanic, Digby Place, to pay J. G. O’Leary 5104.65 (35 or 50 days): Barry Ronaldaon Caldwell, labourer, Buchanans Road, to pay Robert McLean, Ltd 320.17 ( 33 or 12 days): S. Crowley, married woman, Kain Avenue, to pay Ropers Food Centre, Ltd 320.70 (2 or 15 days); C. R. Cron, workmap, Burwood Road, to pay Alpine Sawmills, Ltd 320.84 ( 32 or 12 days); David John Colvin, salesman, Geraldine Street, to pay Arbnui Service Station, Ltd 302.15 (32 or 34 days); M. Clarkson, factory worker. Aidgate Street, to pay N. M. Snowden

808.10 (31 or 32 days); Peter Leicester Graham, . labourer, Cunningham Place, to’pay peter Pan Studios 310.50 (32 or nine days): Murray J. Gibson, factory hand. Marblington Street, to pay New Brighton Service Station, Ltd 3114.90 (S 3 or 01 days); Clarence Joseph Griffith. horOlogist, Colombo Street, to pay inland Revenue Department 8143.10 (S 3 or 76 days): M. Hunt, labourer, Carrlsbfooke Street, to pay C. F. Cotter Ltd 8149.50 (32 or 70 days); Michael Harold Hopewell, farmer, Darfleld, to pay Armagh Tailors, Ltd 852.79 (82 or 30 days); Kelvin Lance Hooper, labourer, Carters Road, to pay D. and B. B. Liddell. Ltd 342.44 (32 or 24 days); A. L. Haworth, labourer, Shortland Street, to pay M. M. Keighley and Co., Ltd 875.79 (32 or 41 days). M. T. Jackson, contractor, Gaintord Street, to pay Guthrie Bowron and Co., Ltd 352.03 (31.50 or 29 days); Malcolm T. Jackson, demolition contractor, Gainford Street, to pay Fendalton Service Station, Ltd 3252.58 82 or three months); Brian M. Kane, mechanic. Maddisons Bead, to pay Courtney's Four Square 835.44 (32 or 20 days); Tom Kokiri, labourer, Morley Street, to pay Aorangl Dairy 351.60 <32 or 29 days); Neil Lewer, workman, Barrie Street, to pay B. J. Williams, 315.35 (32 or nine days); N. Lewer, workman, Barrie Street, to pay Calder Mackay Co., Ltd 3105.70 (32 or 57 days); Stuart James Todd, labourer, Ranfurly Street, to pay Clifton Motors Ltd 339.60 (31.50 or 22 days); Stewart John Todd, labourer, Banfurly Street, to pay A. Russell and Co., Ltd 332.18 (31:50 or 18 days); A. T. Melkle, Tancreds Road, to pay Taylor Tyre Company, Ltd 372.75 (52 or 39 days). Charles Norman, labourer, Antigua Street, to pay Christchurch Gas, Coal and Coke Company, Ltd 370.95 (82 or 38 days); E. J. McLean, labourer Sinclair Street, to pay Glassons, Ltd 381.18 (32 or 45 days); R. V. McKay, postman, Camden Street, to pay F. Flanagan 371.32 <B2 or 39 days); Brian Joseph Charles O'Shaughnessy, labourer, Walnoni Road, to pay New Zealand Newspapers, Ltd 316.30 (32 or nine days): B. J. Raven, workman, Grimseys Road, to pay Guthrie Bowron and Co. Ltd 3143.09 (32 or 76 days); P. M. Reynish, workman. Colombo Street, to pay L. M. Robin 388 (32 or 47 days); Noel Herb Rogerson, labourer, Greenhaven Drive, to pay Church of England Hospital Incorporated 820.60 (32 or 12 days); R. D. Sadler, Electricity Department employee, Acton Street, to pay B. E. Black 3111 <B2 or 60 days); M. T. Royal, workman, Victoria Street, to Bay C. M. L. Fire and General isurance Co., Ltd 83.50 (83 or three days); M. Salt, married woman, Twyford Street, to pay Carpet and Linoleums, Ltd 364.25 (50c or 35 days); Gordon Frederick Burrell Smith, labourer. North Bead, to pay Dominion Finance Co., Ltd 3141.57 <32 or 75 days); Frances Mary Terris, presser. Worcester Street, to nay B. T. Bailey 35.75 <Bl or four days); Paul Tucker, builder, Paparoa Street, to pay Batemans Television, Ltd, 314.20 <B2 or eight days): John Akati Williams, labourer, Mattingly Street, to pay Batemans Television, Ltd 812.32 <32 or seven days); Nell F. Wells, labourer, Torless Street, to pay H. M. McCutcheon 814.50 (32 or eight days); J. C. Wilson, fishmonger. Staveley Street, to pay Suburban Newspapers. Ltd 321.50 (82 or 13 days).

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Press, Volume CIX, Issue 31976, 1 May 1969, Page 7

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MAGISTRATE’S COURT Charges Of Forgery And Theft Denied Press, Volume CIX, Issue 31976, 1 May 1969, Page 7

MAGISTRATE’S COURT Charges Of Forgery And Theft Denied Press, Volume CIX, Issue 31976, 1 May 1969, Page 7