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Successful Rose Show

“One would have thought the weather would defeat the rose growers,” the national president of the Rose Society (Mr A. Scott) said yesterday when judging the special classes at the annual rose and cut flowers show in the Horticultural Hall.

“It did not, and the growers are commended for producing a very fine show. It shows what a fine flower the rose is to stand the weather and keep its colour,” he said.

In spite of the bad weather in the last week, entries were higher than those of last year. Entries in all classes were 1302, compared with 809 last year. There were many entries in the novice sections and some novices also entered blooms in the open classes. The best contemporary arrangement was by Mrs M. Ferguson, who competed for the first time. Mrs D. McLauglan, a judge in the decorative section, said judges looked for originality in arrangements. With so many novice entries the society could expect more originality in the future. Mr J. Fiecken, a judge of cut blooms, said the standard of entries was quite high, but some entrants could have displayed their blooms better, so that every bloom faced the judge. There was a large display of new blooms by Avenue Nurseries, of Levin, on behalf of Mr S. McGredy. of Ireland. Mr McGredy is visiting New Zealand for the national rose convention at Invercargill this week. Several new roses for 1967 and 1968 were on display from Mr McGredy. Two new classes in the show attracted much public interest. The Rae Taylor Challenge Trophy for six distinct varieties of roses attracted 11 entries. In the Anniversary Challenge Trophy contest there were five entries which made up 45 vases of massed roses. Entries came from Gisborne. Akaroa, Taranaki, Nelson and Christchurch Attendances were high yesterday and within an hour of the opening 800 persons visited the hall. A blue ribbon for the best rose in the show went to Mr J. N. Oliver with the hybrid T Piccadilly. Other awards were: Premier Awards Open Exhibition. —.1. N. Oliver. Piccadilly. Open Decorative. —J. N. Oiiver, Virgo. Novice Exhibition. —Mrs M. ■Kirby. Spek’s Yellow. Novice Decorative. —D. A. Williamson, Rose Gauiard. Special Class Exhibition.—Dr D Mcllroy, Anne Letts. Special Class Decorative. —Mrs M. Mead. First Love. Outstanding Decorative.—Mrs W. K. Wright. Special Rose Classes (Judge: Mr A. Scott, Morrinsvllle.) Canterbury Community Rose Challenge Trophv, three blooms Peace <5): Mrs N. E. Taylor 2. W. J. Thompson 3. John Greenaway Memorial Trophv. five blooms of one variety (48): J. N. Oliver 1. A. H W. Roberts 2. D. R. Angus 3. One vase of moss roses, three stems (1): Mrs K. Lamb 2. Canterbury Rose Socletv’s Anniversary Challenge Tronhy. disnlav of roses (6): Gisborne Rose Society 1. W. J. Thompson 2. Canterbury Rose Society 3. Open Rose Classes (Judge: Mr H. L. M. Wyles.) Holmes Challenge Cup. IS varieties (2J: J. Watling 1. L. E. Rendall 2. Rae Taylor Challenge troohv. six varieties (13): D. M. Mcttrov 1. L E. Rendall 2. J. N. Oliver and W. J Thomason (eouali 3 Ladv Rhodes Memorial Chalteneth Tronhv, 12 varieties (2): L. E Rendall 1. W. J. Thompson 2. Six varieties (5): D. M. Metlrov 1. W J. Thompson 2. Mrs L J. Jeffs 3. Three varieties (19): J. N. Oliver 1. Mrs J. N. Moffat 2. D M. Mcllrov 3. Three varieties, red (7): W J. Thompson 2, Mrs E. P. Miller 3. Three varieties, vellow or anricot (2): Mrs G. M. B. Douglas 2. Three varieties, white, lemon or cream (7): W. J. Thompson 2. Mrs N. E. Taylor 3. Three varieties. blue or mauve (1): W. J. Thompson 2. Three varieties, pink <7): W. J. Thompson 2. Mrs N. E. Taylor 3. One bloom <24): D. M. MeIlrov 1. A. H. W. Roberts 2. W J. Thompson 3. Bowl of nine or more b'ooms (4>: D. M. Mcllroy 1. W J. Thompson 2, Mrs G. M. B. Douglas 3. Bowl of nine or more blooms, mixed varieties (4): W. .1. Thompson 1, Mrs N. Le Cren 2. Mrs G. M. B. Douglas 3. Three varieties. floribunda (6): Mrs N. E. Tavlor 1. Mrs K. Lamb 2. J, N. Moffat 3. Nine stems miniature roses, any variety or varieties (4): Mrs E. P. Miller 2. One stem floribunda (17): Mrs L. J. Jeffs 1. 2 and 3. One full blown rose (18): A. H. W. Roberts 1. J. N. Oliver 2. Mrs N. Le Cren 3. Six varieties, decorative roses (3): W. J. Thompson 1, Mrs E. P. Miller 2. Three varieties decorative roses (8): J. N. Oliver 1, J. N. Moffat 2. Mrs E. P. Miller 3. Novice Rose Classes (Judge: Mr H. W. Gourlay.) Nine varieties (2): Miss B. Ladd 1, R. L. Lohrey 2. Six varieties (5): Mrs C. S. H. Monro 1, Mrs D. C. Sheppard 2. Miss B. Ladd 3. Three varieties (10): Mrs M. Kirby 1, D. A. Williamson 2, Mrs C. S. H. Monro 3. Three varieties, red (5): Mrs C. S. H. Monro 2. Three varieties, white or cream (fl): Miss B. Ladd 3. Three varieties, yellow or

apricot (4): Mrs M. Kirby 1, Mrs D. C. Sheppard 2, R. L. Lohrey 3. One rose (14): D. A. Williamson I. Mrs E. H. Bull 2. Mrs J. K. Entwistle 3. Vase of five blooms, any varieties (5): Mrs M. Teear 1. Mrs M. Kirby 2. Mrs D. C. Sheppard 3. Vase of three blooms, one variety (4): Mrs D. C. Sheppard 1. Mrs M. Kirby 2, D. A. Williamson 3. Three stems, floribunda (2): Mrs D. C. Sheppard 2, Mrs J. K. Entwistle 3. One stem, floribunda (12): Mrs D. C. Sheppard 1. D. A. Williamson 2. Mrs M. Kirby 3. Novice Trophy, three varieties (5): D. A. Williamson 1, Mrs M. Kirby 2, Mrs D. C Sheppard 3. Open Cut Flowers (Judges: Messrs J. Fiecken and E. W. Cotter.) Twelve kinds (1): Mrs T. Meager 1. Six kinds'(3): Mrs T. Meager 1, Mrs H. T. Jennings 2, Mrs N. Le Cren 3. Vase of Rhododendrons, one variety (4): Mrs L. A. West 1, Mrs J. Crawford 2. Three spikes of delphiniums (1) Mrs J. Watling 1. One spike blue or mauve delphiniums (1): Mrs J. Watling. One spike delphinium, any other colour (1): Mrs J. Watling I. Six vases paeonies, three or more varieties (4): Mrs R. W. Rofe 1, Mrs A. Nicholls 2, Mrs I. D. Wood 3. One vase paeonies (5): Mrs I. D. Wood 1. Mrs R. W. Rofe 2. Twelve vases of pansies (1): F. Busch 1. Three vases of sweet peas (1): Mrs N. Le Cren 1. Two vases of sweet peas (1): Mrs N. Le Cren. One vash of sweet peas (1): Mrs N. Le Cren 1. One vase Iris, three spikes (8): Mrs ,T. Meager 1. Mrs H. T. Jennings 2, Mrs N. Le Cren 3. Three vases blue or mauve flowers (3): Mrs T. Meager 1, Mrs H. T. Jennings 2, Mrs N. Le Cren 3. One vase of Lilium (1): Mrs I. D. Wood 1. Any other flower (5): Mrs G. M. B. Douglas 1 and 2, Mrs N. Le Cren 3. Vase of white-petalled flowers, one variety (6): Mrs T. Meager 1, Mrs N. Le Cren 2, Miss B. Wharton 3. Vase of yellow-petalled flowers, one variety (4): Mrs T. Meager 1. Mrs N. Le Cren 2. Amateur Cut Flowers (Judges: Messrs J. Fiecken and E. W. Cotter) Twelve kinds (1): Mrs J. Crawford 1. Six kinds (4): Mrs H. J. Petrie 1, Mrs C. G. Bashford 2, Mrs S. G. Hamblett 3. Three vases blue or mauve flowers (2): Mrs J. Crawford 1, Mrs S. G. Hamblett 2. Vase of white-petalled flowers (2) Miss B. Wharton 1, Mrs G. M. B. Douglas 2. Vase of yellow-petalled flowers (1): Mrs C. G. Bashford 1. Vase of Lilium (3): Mrs G. M. B. Douglas 1, Miss M. Wickens 2 and 3. Vase of perennial climbing plant (3): W. J. Thompson 1, Mrs K. Lamb 2, Mrs R. K. Holdgate 3. Three vases sweet peas (1): F. Busch 1. Two vases sweet peas (2): Mrs K. Lamb 1, F. Busch 2. One vase sweet peas (4): Mrs K. Lamb 1. W. G. Master 2, Mrs C. G. Bashford 3. Vase of Iris (6): Mrs J. Crawford 1, Mrs G. Green 2, Miss B. Wharton 3. Vase of Iceland poppies, 18 stems (1): Mrs H. G. Petrie 1. Three spikes delphinium (2): Mrs G. M. B. Douglas 1, Miss I. Velvin 2. One spike delphinium (1): Mrs G. M. B. Douglas 1. Six varieties of rock garden or alpine plants (1): Mrs L. A. West 1. Trough of rock garden or alpine plants (2): Mrs G. M. B. Douglas 1, Mrs L. A. West 2. Decorative Classes (Judges: Mesdames J. McLachlan, S. Hosking, C. B. Protheroe, V. R. J. Hearn and J. N. Kitchen.) Open Mrs M. J. Barnett trophy, “a time remembered " (2): Mrs M. A. Lockie I, Miss D. L. Hooper 2. W. A. Erasmuson trophy, "arrangement on a pedestal” (2) Mrs W. K. Wright 1, Mrs C. H. Lar com be 2. Miss D. Feaver challenge trophy, abstract composition (3) Mrs M. A. Lockie 1, Mrs G. F. White 2, Mrs D. Loader 3. Mrs J. Watling’s Challenge Trophy, bridal arrangement of roses (2): Miss D. L. Hooper 1. Mrs C. C. Marsh 2. Mrs J. R. Templin's Challenge trophy (3): Mrs R. L. Lindsay 1. Mrs C. C. Marsh and Miss D. L. Hooper (equal) 2. Challenge trophy for arrangement of flowers and foliage (3): Mrs C. C. Marsh 1, Mrs R. L. Lindsay 2. Mrs C. H. Larcombe 3. May Browne Challenge Cup. for two miniature arrangements (1): Mrs C. Cunningham 1. Arrangements to compliment a picture (2): Mrs C. H. Larcombe I. Mrs M. Ferigo 2. Arrangement of roses, own foliage (2): Mrs R. L. Lindsay 1, Miss M. Wickens 2.

J. Watling Trophy for delphiniums (3): Mrs W. K. Wright 1, Mrs R. L. Lindsay 2, Miss D. L. Hooper 3. Speden Memorial Trophy, low bowl of foliage, flowers or fruits of New Zealand )2): Mrs M. I. Ferigo 1. Mrs G. Walters 2 Beginners R. K. Merton Challenge Trophy (3): Mrs M. J. Peck 1. Miss P. Brooker 2. Mrs R. W. Hull 3. Challenge Trophy for arrangement of flowers and foliage (3): Mrs L. E. Smith 1. Mrs R. M. Gover 2, Mrs G. F. White 3. Pink arrangement in stemmed glass (3): Mrs M. I. Ferigo 1, Mrs G. F. White 2, Mrs A. Prisk 3. Contemporary arrangement (3): Mrs M. Ferguson 1, Mrs G. F. White 2. Mrs M. J. Peck 3. Tranquility of white and cream (3): Mrs M. E. Teear 1, Mrs M. Mardon 2. Mrs A. Knapp 3. Children's Classes (Judges: Mesdames S. Hosking and B. Protheroe.) Free expression: Miss A. Liddell 1. M. A. Liddell 2. Miss W. Ritchie 3. Dinner table arrangement: M. A. Liddell 1, Miss A. Liddell 2. R. Ferigo 3. Miniature arrangement: Miss W. Ritchie 1, M. A. Riddell 2. Miss A. Liddell 3. Carden Club Classes Vase of five rose blooms, any variety or varieties (23): Riccarton 1. Mount Pleasant 2. Ham 3. Vase of any other cut flowers (22): Shirley 1, Wairarapa 2, Riccarton 3. Pot Plants Open.—Three cacti (2): Miss M. Wickens 1 and 2. Three greenhouse or house plants in flower (1): W. Lander 1. Three greenhouse or house plants for foliage (2): W. Lander 1. Miss M. Wickens 2. Amateur. —Three cacti (2): Miss M. Wickens 1 and 2. Two greenhouse or house plants for foliage (1): Miss M. Wickens 1. One greenhouse or house plant in flower (2): Mrs R. K. Holdgate 1, Miss M. Wickens 3.

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Press, Volume CVI, Issue 31224, 23 November 1966, Page 6

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Successful Rose Show Press, Volume CVI, Issue 31224, 23 November 1966, Page 6

Successful Rose Show Press, Volume CVI, Issue 31224, 23 November 1966, Page 6