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Sales In New Zealand


Late Wedneaday.—3oo Gear Meat, 15s fid: 700 Felt. Aust.. 7s Cd; 200 Chas. Begg, 25s 6d; 100 C. Neon. 60s; 100 Dunlop, 41s 6d; 1600 Gen. Foods. 15s 8d; 400 N. Roller, 58s 3d; 700 U.E. Box, 13s: 900 Winstone, 525.

Yesterday. 200 Foodstuffs 1/11/72 8 p.C., £lO4 Ils fid; 200 Dom. Brew., 17s 10d; 950 N.Z. Brew.. 14s 3d: 100 Tnakl Brew Ils 4d; 1000 N.Z. Ins.. 25s 3d: 600 Sth. Brit., 31s and 700 at 31s Id; 200 Refrig., 17s 6d and 100 def., 13s 3d; 100 S.O. Frees.. 39s 9d; 100 W Steph., 32s 6d: 500 Kauri, 4s; 200 P.T.Y., 25s fid; 1500 Taupo Tot., Ils 9d; 300 Felt. N.Z., 29s lOd; 300 Kaiapol, 6s 9d; 200 Burt, 435; 409 A Harvey, 355: 200 Allen Ind., 15s fid; 200 Ak. Laund., 30s; 200 Baltins Ind., 12s fid: 400 Bell Rad.o, 365: 300 B Harris, 7s 3d, and 1350 at 7s 4d; 50 B.H. Pty., 455; SOO Odlin, 21s 3d; 250 C.S.R. Aust.. 575; 200 C.M.1., 18s: 300 Cox Br., Is 2d; 200 David Jones. 14s 6d: 200 Wallace. 7s 9d; 100 D. Henry, 35s 6d; 200 Dunlop, 425; 200* E.Z. Ind.. 20s 3d: 300 F T.C., 18s lOd; 400 Gen. Foods, 13s Sd; SOO Gold. Bay, 16s 6d; 400 Grace Br.. 6s 3d: 40 1.C.1 rts., 14s and 100 at 14s 6d: 500 I. Watkins, 15s 3d; 100 J. Wattie, 21s 9d; 50 K.P Drug, 61s; 1000 Mason Br.. 21s 3d: 300 N.Z. Express. 27s fid; 800 F. Prods.. 245; 100 N. Roller. 58s 3d and 100 at 58s; 1000 N. Steam, ss; 100 P. Impev, 13s 9d: 100 Pye Elect.. 22s 3d: 100 R Rubber. 31s; 100 Rothmans. 2Ss. 200 at 27s lid, and 500 at 27s lOd; 100 Schofields, 555; 50 Skellerup. 53s 6d; SOO S.P.A.N.Z., 2s 3d; 100 Spedding, 22s 3d; 200 Tappenden. 25s Sd; 100 Tasman, 495; 122 Truth, 59s 6d; 100 T. Jones, 10s Sd: 3300 U.E. Box, 13s, 200 '67 notes. 12s, and 100 '6B notes, Ils 9d: 700 Unit Sub.. 5s 9d: 250 Winetone, 52s 3d; 100 W’wths N Z., 14s 9d; 100 Carpenter, 235.

Unlisted.—2oo Helaby. 58s fid; 100 Steeles, 31s.

WELLINGTON Yesterday.—£3ooo, 4§ per cent, 15'7'65-66, *£lol 8s 9d: £lOOO, 4$ per cent, 15/11/70-72, *£9B: £lOOO, 5 per cent, 15/5/66-08, £lOO ss; £4OO , 5 per cent, 15'10 z 84, £9B 7s 6d; £lOOO Wgtn. Harb. Bd., 4i per cent. 28/2/71, £9S 17s; 700 Bank N.S.W., Aust.. *s2s 6d; 700 Dom. Brew., *18s; 3400 N.Z. Brew., *l4s 3d, *l4s 4d: 100 Taranaki Brew., Ils 6d; 200 Gear Meat, *lss 6d; 200 N.Z. Refrtg., 17s 6d, 2014 div. def.. 13s, 13s 3d. 13s, 13s Id, and 100 nts„ 15s: 200 Nat. Insce., 26s 3d: 400 N.Z. Jnsce., 25s 3d; 200 Sth. Brit., •31s Id, 31s 3d; 1500 W. Steph., •32s 6d, 32s 6d; 300 P.T.Y., 25s 6d: 2000 Taupo. *lls 9d, 12s; 200 Alliance, 13s 3d: SOO Felt., Aust., 7s 4d: 300 Felt, N.Z.. 29s lOd; 300 Tattersfleld, 66s 3d; 200 A. and T. Burt, 435; 200 A. Harvey, 355; 100 Ampol, def., 7s 6d: 300 Arnett, 7s; 100 Arm. and Spring.. 50s; 400 BalMne Ind.. *l2s 9d, 12s 9d, and 300 nts., Ss lid: 100 BeH Radio, 36s 6d: 500 Boral. •22s 3d: 700 8.H.P., 45s 3d. 455; 2000 Burnett, •5s lOd. 5s lOd: 150 C. and A. Odlin, ’69 nts., 16s 6d: 400 C.P.D., 30s 3d: 200 C. Begg, •25s 6d; 700 C. Neon, N.Z., 60s; 100 Col. Motors, 68s: 200 C. W. and S., pref., 17s 6d; 500 Cyclone, *los 9d; 400 D. McL. WaMace, 7s 9d: 50 Dunloo, N.Z., 425: 600 Fashions, 14s; 100 Gen. Foods, 15s Sd; 200 Coles, 13s 6d: 500 G. Bay, 16s 6d; 200 Group Rentale. *27s 3d, and 300 nts., •21s: 500 Hawkins, 275; 500 I. Watkins, 15s 3d; 360 J. Smith, rts., 2s: 600 Lamphouse. 5s 2d; 476 Leyland. 9s fid; 500 McSkim.. 36s 6d; 300 Manthel, 27s 9d; 1000 Mason Bros., 21s 3d: 20 NZ. Cement, nts., *3Gs; 1400 N.Z Forest. •24s Id. *24s Sd. 24s Id: 500 N.Z. Indust. Gas, *80s: 300 N.Z Refining, 335: 200 Nthn. Roller. *sBs 3d: 100 Pye Elec.. 22s 3d: 200 Tineey, Ss: 100 Porter. 29s fid: 200 Rheem. 20s 3d; 900 Robert Holt, 8s 3d. and 1340 rts., 2s; 100 Ross and Glen . 17* 6d: 200 Rothmans, 27s 9d: Truth, •60s, 60s 6d. 59s 6d. 60s 6d: 3100 U.E. Box. *l3*. 13s: 500 '6B nts., Ils 9d: 1300 V Kohorn. *6s Bd. 6s sd. 6s 6d: 900 Waltons, 8* Bd, Ss 7d- 400 W. and Tombs, 27s 3d: 300 W and Davies, 235. and 100 nf.. 20s: 100 W’wths., Svd.. 14s, and 200 N Z nts.. 12s 9d: 100 B.H Sth.. 21s 9d Unlisted.—loo Barraud and Abraham. 27s 6d: 143 Brierley. 3s 9d. After Call.—loo Gen. Foods, 15s Sd: £2006, 4$ per cent, 15'10 65, £lOO 8e 9d: 100 D. Henry, 35c 6d: 160 Manthel. 27s •d. •Late Sales Wednesday. Trustees Executors.—Trustees Executors and Agency Company of N Z., Dunedin trustee company, directors recommend 8 per cent final dividend, making unchanged 12 per cent for the year; payable and ex dividend June 22,—(P.A.)

CHRISTCHURCH Late Wednesday. SOO N.Z. Brew., cd, 14s 4d. Yesterday.—£3so 5 p.c. 15/8/6769, £lOl 15s; 100 C.8.A., 20s 9d; 200 N.Z. Refrig., 17s 6d and 400 def., 13s Id; 300 Nat. Ins., 26s 3d; 200 Sth. Brit., 31s 3d: 400 C.F.C.A. ord., 14s fid; 100 W Steph, 32s 6d; 2124, Union St. pref., 19s 6d; 914 Kaiapol Petone, 6s 9d; 100 Arm, Spr., 50-s; 600 Ampol Pet. cd, 9s Sd; 600 B H P., 45s 3d; 1200 Buntings cd, Ils fid, 1100 Burnett Hold., 5s lOd; 100 Cabe Price, 30s 3d; 500 Odlin. 21s 3d; 200 C Neon, 60s; 600 D.1.0'., 14s 6d: 100 Early Br., 14s 3d; 400 Gen Foods, 15s 8d; 200 G J. CoCes. 13s sd: 500 Hay’s, notes Nat. Elect., 10s lOd; 100 N.Z. For Prod., cd.. 24s Id: 100 For ter Mot., 29s fid; 200 Rheem (N.Z.), 20s 3d; 200 Rothmans, 27s 9d; 200 Sanford, 15s lOd; 100 Schofields, 555; 50 Truth (N Z), 60s and 250 at 60s 6d; 1500 U.E. Box cd, 13s; 700 Von Kohorn. 6s sd: 400 Waltons. * 9d; 100 W’wths., 14s and 200 at 13s lid; 400 Mt. Lyell, 9s 2d; 500 B.H Sth., 22s 3d; 100 R. Rubber cd, 30s 9d. DUNEDIN Late Wednesday.—loo A. S. Patterson, 14s 9d; 400 Burnett, 5s lOd: 300 D.1.C.. 14s fid; 300 NZ.F.P., 24s 3d; 200 P. Imp., 13s lOd. Yesterday.—2oo Dam. Brew., 18s, and 100 at ISs 3d; 300 Rferlg., 17s 6d, 2135 def., 13s, and 300 def., 13s Id; 60 SO. Frees.. 395, 100 at 39s 9d, and 100 at 40s; 200 Sth. Brit., 31s 3d: 800 U.S.S. pref., 19s fid; 400 Assoc. Leather, 16s lOd: 500 B. Harris. 7s 4d; 900 B H.P., 45s 3d; 200 Boral, 225: 600 D.1.C., 14s fid; 200 Dunlop, 425; 200 E.Z., 20s 3d: 350 Gen. Food, 15s Sd: 200 G. Bowron, 15s 9d; 200 Cement M, 455, 140 at 45s 3d, and 300 rts., 395; 200 N.Z.F.P., 24s Id: 100 Refining, 335; 100 N. Roller, 58s fid; 100 N. Cropper, 29s fid; 200 Rothmans, 27s lid and 300 at 27s lOd; 200 Tappenden, 25s fid: 50 Truth, 60s; 1700 U.E. Box, 13s. and 400 ’6B nts.. Ils fid; 500 Waltons, Ss 6d. INVERCARGILL

Late Wednesday.—loo Bank N.S.W., Aust., 525; 1000 Nat. Mort., Ils fid: 600 Ampol, ’67 nts., 7s Sd; 700 Nat. Elec., 10s lOd; 150 Neon, 38s; 100 Autocrat, 17s 3d; 100 Grace Bros., 6s; 100 Neon, 60s.

Yesterday.—loo N.Z. Cement Hold. M, 45s 3d; 200 A. and T Burt, 435; 1500 B. Harris (2), 7s 4d: 500 Hawkins Hold., 275: 200 Refrig., 17s fid.

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Press, Volume CIV, Issue 30762, 28 May 1965, Page 14

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Sales In New Zealand Press, Volume CIV, Issue 30762, 28 May 1965, Page 14

Sales In New Zealand Press, Volume CIV, Issue 30762, 28 May 1965, Page 14