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Entries For N.Z. Cup Meeting At Riccarton Next Month

Nominations, with the exception of the New Zealand Cup and Stewards’ Handicaps, for the Canterbury Jockey Club’s New Zealand Cup meeting at Riccarton on November 5, 9 and 12 are:—

WAIMAIRI HIGH-WEIGHT HANDICAP, of £600: one mile and a quarter.—Quick Time, Happy Mark. Forsythe, Studio. Forewarned, Lucky BUI. Coral Bing, The Splicer, Pacisana. Savoury, Flagon. Russett, Bonny Pippin. Foresee. Malone. Porcelain Prince, Peak Effort. Fight On. Balrannach, Thumper, Ballochbum, Sleat. Packwood. Bold Venture, Golden Road, Arc Flight, Balance. Riverwood. Coral Chief, Dormlc. Bright Style. Glendale. Underbid. Sportsman. Main Royal, Super Drill, Paper Clip. Promise, Andaman, Panam. Demolish. Airways. Orderly, Pyrites. qGolden Rhapsody, Sonnita. « WELCOME STAKES, of £1500: two-year-olds; five furlongs.— Waterman. Dandy Jaek. Gnome. Francisco, Golveana, Hark Angel, Stella Alpina. Bagful, Big Mac, Toa, Trinka, Hyde. Speedy Shoes. Marlow. Waihola. Donfair, _ Keep Quiet. Explain, Commanding, Hush Lady, Crackers, Fair Note, Avast. Eimacoma, Royal Descent, Bridle O’Cally. Telex, Cavalier; Aratlatla. Super Sage. Cdntelo, Hiaway. Almaza, Donne Gbla. Burgos. Gay Ribbon. Ellesdee, Freddy Flash. SPRING PLATE, of £600: seven furlongs.—Justable Belleville, Regal Zorra, Araphoe. Flying Time, Sir Loin, Moy, Karenza Marie, Captain Morgan. Red Anthony, Kamal, Abduction. Corduroy. Questa Rose. Ruffle. Rustle. Arthur’s Sister, Phlladelphus. Mighty Smart, Tenerlffe. Rio Rapido, On Time. Stradbroke. Brydone, Paua, Benbow. Resus. Tremble. King’s Tax, Delaware. The Native. Lord Nikita, Rondar, Harewood. Royal Duke, Red Signal. Atomic Power, Master Main. Gabbler. Derailment. Swan Queen. Swinton Hugh, Candida. Rye, Code Flag, Dead Reckoning, Tutton, Minus, Quick, Gay Filou, High Score, First Blue, Understand, Solus. Heart’s Pride. Kurdisdale. Texarcana. Nighella, Llantana, Mosul. Munster King, Interlaken. Runty, Balallan, West Bound, Red Haven, Rhythm Girl; Vernroea, Gay Gavotte. Portent, Double Impress, Luv and Dueks, Golden Rowe, Gay Fefendar, Dingwall. ONE HUNDRED AND SECOND NEW ZEALAND DERBY STAKES, of £3000; one mile and a half.— Even Stevens. Nuncio. Sir Loin. Moy, Bellarook, Captain Morgan, Red Anthony, Abduction, Bargoed, Gold View. Purdue, Arthur’s Sister. Philadelphus. Teneriffe, Tidal Wave. Brydone. Red Strata. Magic, Casement. Astra, Chatsmore, Lord Nikita, De-

termined, Atomic Power, Master Main, Swan Queen. Blue Lodge. Tarlon. Cheiro, Gay Filou, High Score, Dormic Sadar, Howe Fair. State Line. Happy Birthday. Ejay. Fine View. Vernrosa. Gay Gavotte, Dingwall. Stipulate. . HAGLEY HANDICAP, of £700; one mile and one furlong.—Hapov Mark. Surf Queen, Jimmy HUI. Omaha, Forsythe. Studio, Summer Glory. Northwood, Hand Over, Coral King, Sigurd. Llanos. Vestment Lady. Flagon. Vienna Woods, Gunfire. Drumhirk Super Glen. Clean Heart, Gambol. Halla. Newmarket. Cheroot. Abdicate. Picright, Magic Casement. Surrend. Glamls Castle. Air View. Pinnacle Stream. Stylish. Chief Pal, Herbs, The Native, .Robin Adair. Prince Command. Gabbler. Detail. Subtrist, Bodkin. Barborough, Abou Ben Adhem. My Fair Lady, Packwood. LeDon. Legal Game, Corowa. Napra, Phil’s Choice, ■ Medbury. Personify, Tannine, Lalbhal. Quick. Boy Fort. Real Response, Treasure Mine. Chance Encounter, Regal 2 rtJel j. r * ,r Po *iy. Solus, Dellonzo. The Gascon. Good Bite, Arjamand. Swinbrook. Grate Game. State Line. Topa. Roa. White Skies. Underbid, Becharre. Mangus. Rose Air, Andaman. Ruscoe. Panam, Gladwyn. Ocean Ron. Panther, McGregor. Kintail. Loch, Aquinas. Last Link. Lola. Corrie Maris. Dinette. Dalmaln. Golden Howe. Morocco Girl. Monrovia Elusive Pimpenel.

RICCARTON HANDICAP. of £1000; one mile and one furlong.— Kelp. Offend. Kilroy. Rochdale. MeCooFMarco James, Keep Time, Rustic, Omaha. Quite Able, Water Boy. Disorder. Skylight Rhythm Rein. Antarctic Hight. Kiiutaun, Studio. The Era. Matlock, Carbonett, Barrister. Garrob. Ursnlon. Pilot Dancer. Solepie. Summer knight Fair Catch, Underarm. Search Warrant. Tamarisk. Matauwhl. Cheroot. Attribute. Surrend. ms d Or. Rayspar. Ruve. Kastenea. King Lyn, Panel. °yS?- Scimitar. Blonde Sprite. Ktiaon. Whtohau. Daiveen, Promise. Sabaios, Meteor.

Second Day FORT COOFEK HIGH-WEIGHT, of £600: one mile and a quarter.— Quick Time. Happy Mark. Forsythe. Jamassa. Forewarned. Lucky BUI. coral Ring. The Splicer. Picisana. Russett, Rio Rapido. Cairo News. Bonny Pippin. Malone. Porcelain Prince. Chief Pal. Enchanter. Fight On. Balrannach. Abu el Saad. Thumper, Ballockburn. William

David, Sleat, -Packwood, Napra, Golden Road. Balance, Riverwood. Coral Chief, Bright Style, Glendale, Underbid, Sportsman, Main Royal, Super Drill, Paper Clip, Promise, Andaman. Panam nemnliah. Ayrways. uraeriy, stage-- Boy, pyrites. Golden Rhapsody, Line Ahead. Sonnita. IRWELL HANDICAP, of £800; two-year-olds; Hve furlongs.—Water* man. Dandy Jack. Gnome. Francisco; Hark Angel. SteUa Alpina. Bagful. Big Mac, Rita's Castle. Toa, Trinka. Hyde, Speedy Shoes, Marlow, Waihoa, Donfair, Keep Quiet, Doube Grey, Explain. Hush Lady, PuH. Crackers. Fair Note. Avast. Eimacoma. Bridie O'CaUy. Telex, Cavalier, Aratlatia, Glen Wyon Super Sage. Cantelo. Hiaway. A l ™®*- Gold, Burgos, Gay Ribbon, Kan Dhu. Ellesdee. Freddy Flash. HANDICAP, o£ £600; seven furlongs.—GabeUe, Young Ray. Safe Harbour, North Wood; Questa Rose. Sigurd. Vienna Woods. Gunfire, Tenerufe, Gambol. Stradbroke, Benbow. Foresee, Abdicate, Picright Magic Casement. Air View, Pinnacle Stream, Peak Effort, Herbs, Delaware. The Native. Lord Nikita, Cinnaman. Royal Duke. Silver Wood, Awatere Red Signal. Atomic Power. Derailment, Subtrist. Bodkin, Barborough, Abou Ben Adhem. My Fair Lady, Advance General, Legal Game. Napra, Bold Venture, Naron Phil's Choice Personify. Llalbhai. Minus. High Score. Real Response, Solus, Treasure Mine, Neptunes Last, Chance Encounter, Corrieonzo, Fair, Polly, Heart’s Pride, Yasmin, Arjamand. Texarkana. Grate Game, Bon Salut. Underbid Blue Haven, Llantana. Calba. Mangus, Ocean Roll. Kintail Loch West Bound, Centesimo. Lola, Taiko, Blue Harken Dalmrtln. Dinette, Double Impress, Luv and Ducks. Morocco Girl, Monrovia, Tul Hill, Gay Defender. Glancing, Haughty Lady. D f£ndalton HANDICAP, of £1000; one mile and a quarter.— Mlnglow, Heythorpe, Kelp Blotter, Offend, Navarone, Sir Libra. Red Habit. Nine Days, Kilroy, Surf Queen, Valaris, McCool, Port Wine, Red Haze. Marco James, Rustic. Quite Able. Water Boy. Disorder. Forsythe, Rhythm Rein, Gaytana. Osman, Studio, The Era, Vltapointe. Matlock, Carbonett Judge Gilpin. Barrister. Garrob. Vamoose, Prince Argon, ursalon, Pilot Dancer Solepic. Fair Catch, Underarm Search Warrant, Tamarisk, Matauwhl. Cheroot, Attribute. Surrend. Ruve. Kastanea. King Lyn, Tarlon, Jesse Owens, Blonde Sprite, Riverwood. Kelton, Whiohau, Promise. Royal CUP, of £1500; 'welght-for-age; one mile and a half. —Final. Heythorpe, Resemblance, Navarone, Sir Libra. JUnj's Mate? Even Stevens, Valaris, McCool. Port Wine, Red Haze. Marco Junes. Rustic, Quite Able. Disorder, Ballast, Colchis. Jamassa, Nuncio. Sir Loin. The Era, Desert Chief. Commodore Roberts, Sudak. Barrister, Garrob. Vamoose. Oreka. Summer Glory. Bargood. Purdue. Search Warrant, Astra. Chatsmore, Great Sensation. Lord Nikita, Determined, Blue Indge, Tarlon. Howe Fair. Happy Birthday. Elay, Fine View, Null! Secundus. STOfhfWlfßST*’ HANDICAP of £700; nine furlongs.—Justable. Belleville, Regal Zorra. Jimmy Hill. Omaha Sir Loin. Moy, Karenza. Marie. Captain Morgan. Red Anthony. Kamal. Abduction. Corduroy. Ruffle, Rustle. Gunfire. Arthur's Sister, Philadelphus. Mighty Smart. Rio Aapido. Tidal Wave, Derwent. On Time, Brydone. Tremble. King's Tax, The Native, Lord Nikita, Rondar. Rye. Harewood. Royal Duke. Determined. Atomic Power. Master Main. Gabbler. Derailment Swan Queen, Swinton Hugh, Candida. Dead Reckoning. Tutton, Gay Filou. High Score, First Blue. Domic. Heart's Pride. Sadar. Nighella, State Line. Munster King. Interlaken, Runty, Balallan. West Bound, day. Veynrosa, Gay Gavotte, Golden Howe Ginger Mac, Dingwall, Busive Pimpernel. JOCKEY CLUB HANDICAP, of £1300; one mile.—Mlnglow, Roman Maid, Cardinal King. Kilroy. Challen, Rochdale Feieka. Calyxes, Marco James. Cheyenne, Keep Time. Rustic. Omaha, Page Boy, Vltamise. Falrassan. Skylight. Baron Bold. Golden Candidate. Gaytana, Nuncio. No 922?' Order. Pendennis. Red Stripe. Antarctic Flight Kins--Imm. Equal Terns. Matlock. Uanmal. Sudak, Judge Gilpin, Garrob, BellaUrsalon. Court Gold. Kathey’s Romance, Gold View, Soieplc Suramer Knight, Km*!®*. Sean* Warrant. Matauwhl Surrend. Gay Defoe. Fils <TOr. Raysyr.Ruve.Tarlon. Legal Game.i . Gold Ascend, 2 u !T e '22. Owens. Boy Fort, Scimitar. Blonde Sprite. Dalveen. McGregor Sabaios. Struan. Fair Summer. Mutual. ASHLEY HANDICAP, of £700; SK.2?* a* ® quarter.—Quick Time. qSPPy Merk. Surf Queen. Omaha. Forsythe. Studio Past 9**®?*™. Summer Glory. Hand Over. ST® 1 Vestment Lady. Flagon Drumkirk. Super Glen. Clean Heart.

Gambol, Halla, Newmarket,- Cheroot. Picirght Surrend, Glamis Castle, Herbs, Cinnaman, Robin Adair, Detail, Thumper; Ballochburn, Bodkin, Le Don. Corowa, Bold Venture, Chelro, Arc Flight, Medbury. "Personify, Tarmaine, Boy Font, Coral Chief, Real Response, Treasure Mine, Race Book, Donnie, Solus. The Gascon,- Good Bite, Swinbrook,' Toppa, Roa, White Skies, , Bechance, 7Rose Air, Andaman.’ Panam, Qladywn, Panther. McGregor. Aquinas. : Last Link, Amulette, Orderly. Rhapsody. ‘ '

Third,Dgiy,/: MIDDLETON HIGH - WEIGHT HANDICAP, -of. £400; nine, furlongs. —Forsythe, Jamaasa. Studio, Lucky Bill. Coral King, The Splicer, Paclsana, Savoury. Riissett. Cairo News, Bonny Pippin, Halla, 'Chiroot, Porcelain Prince, Chief Pal. Herbs, Prince Command. Fight Qn, Master Main, Balrannach. Abu .el 'Saad, Sleat, Ballochburn, William David, Bodkin, Barborough, Abou Ben Adhem, Napra, Bold Venture, Gaza. Balance. Riverwood. Corgi' Chief, Regal Order, Donnie, Bright Style, Glendale, Underbid, Sportsman, Main Royal. Super Drill. Paper Clip, Promise. Andaman, Demolish. Ayrways, Orderly. Stage Boy, Pyrites, Golden Rhapsody. Line Ahead, Sonnlta.

pioneer Handicap, of £750: two-year-olds; five furlongs.— Waterman, Dandy Jack, Gnome, Francisco, Golveena, Hark Angel, Stella Alpina, Bagful, Big Mac, Rita’s Castle, Toa, Trinka, Hyde, Speedy Shoes, Marlow. Waihola, ■ Dohfair, Keep Quiet, Double Grey,- Explain. Commanding, Maiden. . Hush Lady. Puff. Crackers. Fair Note. Avast, Elmacoma, Royal Descent, Bridie O'Cally, Telex. Cavalier, Aratlatla, Glen Wyon, -Super Sage, Cantelo, Hiaway, Almaza. . Donna Gola, Burgos, Gay Ribbon," Kan' Dhu, Ellesdee. Garel*. Freddy Flash, NEW ZEALAND OAKS STAKES, of, £1250; one mile and a half.— Challen, Justable. 'Regal Zorra; El Monte, Moy, Karenza Marie, Double Gain. Gold View, Ruffle, Rustle, Arthur’s Sister, Derwent. On Time. Paua, Magic Casement, • Tremble. The Native. Dame DotuUngton. Rondar, Red Signal. Swan Queen, Candida. Quick, Understand/ Heart’s Pride, Sweet Song, Happy Birthday. Vemrosa, Portent. Luv and, Ducks, Gay Defender, Gay Gavotte. ; THE METROPOLITAN, of £2300: one mile and a half.—Final. Supreme Justice. Heythorpe, Kelp. Quick Time, Resemblance, Offend. Sir Libra, Navarone, Red Habit, Nine Days, Kilroy, King’s Mate, Valeria, McCool. Port Wine, Red Haze, Marco James, Rustic, Quite Able, Water Boy. Disorder. Forgythe. Fulanl. FogUa d’Oro, Belfast, Colchis, Rhythm Rein, Jamaasa, Red Stripe. Osman, Golden Defaulter, Studio, The Era, Vitapolptg, , Matlock, Desert Chief, Carbonette, Past Question, Sudak, Barrister, Garrob. Vamoose, Prince Argon, Ursalon, Oreka, Summer Glory. Pilot Dancer, Underarm, Search Warrant, Tamarisk, Matauwhi, Cheroot, Attribute, Surrend. Gay Defoe. Princes* Donna, Donna Bella, Ruve. Thumper, Kastanea, King Lyn. Tarlon, Coral Chief, Kelton, Whtohau. Becharre, Royal George. Mutual. CHURCHILL STAKES, Of £1500; one mile.—Mlnglow. Roman Maid, Cardinal King. Even Steven*, Rochdale. Calyxes, McCool,. Marco James, Cheyenne, Safe Harbour, Golveena, Vitamise, . Halrassan. Golden Candidate. Gaytan*. Fountainhead, Nuncio. Pendennis. Sir Loin. Antarctic Flight, Equal Terms. Desert Chief, commodore Roberts, Llanmal. Sudak. - Judge Gilpin, Garrob, BeUarook, Ursalon. Oreka, Bargoed, Bold View. Purdue. Solepie. Summer Knight. Kirklea. Search Warrant, Matauwhi, Astra, Chatsmore. Great ‘ Sensation. Lord Nikita. Rayspar. Atomic Power. Blue Lodge. Tarion. Ascend, Blonde Sprite, Heart’s Pride. Sadar. Sweet Song, Dalveen. McGregor. Ejay. Fine View, Mutual, Stipulate. SEYMOUR HANDICAP, of £MO: one mile.—Cabell*. Young Hay. Surf Queen, Jimmy Hill. Safe Harbour. Omaha. Flying Time. Sir Into. Studio, Karenza Marie. Captain Morgan, Red Anthony. Kamal. Adduction Corduroy. Sigurd, Llanos, Vestment Lady. Vienna Woods, Gunfire. Drumhirk. Mighty Smart, Teneriffe. Rio Rapido. ftdal Wave/ Gambol. Hesu*. Newmarket. Cheroot. Abdicate. Pieright. Surrend, Tremble. Air View. Pinnacle Stream. Stylish. Xing's Tax. Harte. The Native. Lord Nlkitia. Princes* Donna. Enchanter. Cinnaman. Rondar. Harewood. Royal Duke. Determined. Robin Adair. Silver Wood. Awatere, Atomic Power. Derailment. Detail. Subtrist. Swinton Hugh. Abu el Saad. Rye, Code Flag. Bodkin. Barborough. Amou Ben Adhem, My Fair Lady. Packwood. Advance <Jeneral, Legal Game. Napra, Neron. Fare Ye Well. Phil’* Choice., Tutton. Medbury. Personify, LalbhaL Boy Fort. Gay Fllou. Real Beeponte, Treasure Mine. Chance XSncwnter M Regal Order, Corrieonzo. Fair Polly.

Dormic, Solus, EurdlsdaleT*Delonzo, Good Bite, Arjamand, Texarkana, Nignella. Swinbrook, Grate Game, State Line, Roa, Underbid. Blue Haven. Balallan, Panam. Gladwyn. Ocean Roll, Panther, McGregor, KintaU Loch, West Bound, Aquinas, Gay Mark, Centeslmo, Lola. Dolmain, Dinette, Golden Howe, Morocco Giri, Monrovia. Tul HUI. Dingwall, Elusive Pimpernel. MEMBERS’ HANDICAP, of £1000: seven furlong*.— Mlnglow, Roman Maid. Gabelle, Cardinal King, Rochdale. Ricardo, Young Ray, Felfeka, Keep Time, Omaha, Page Boy, Vltamlae. Fairassan, Skylight, Baran Bold. Gaytana; No Boots. Flying Tim*, Royal Order, Pendennis, Antarctic night, Kinslmm. Equal Terms, Llanmal, Judge Gilpin. BeUarook, Royal Leigh, Huka Fills, Kathey’s Romance. ££?■“*’ Summer Knight, Kirklea, Search Warrant, Dorna Fils <ror Rayspar, Rave. Legal Game, Wonder Gold, Supreme Sc jEM Ur ’ Blonde Sprita/De

OTAK PLATE, of £800: one mile •!>& « TJme. Blotter. HUI. Forsythe. Studio. Forewarned. Past Question. Summer Glory. Hand Over. COral Ring. Paclsana, Vestment, Lady S**?* Super Glen. Clean Heart. Tidal Wave. Gambol. Halls. Fight On. Master Mata. Gabbler, Detail. Corewa, Balrannach. Thumper, EMlocktairn. Bodkin. Peckwood. La Don. Legal Game. Bold Venture. Golden Road. Chelro. Are Hight, PhlTa Choice. Medbury, Tar-, mine. Boy Fort, Gay Fllou. Coral Chief. High Score. Race Book. Dor-

mic, The Gascon, Sadar. State Ltoe, Top*. White Skies. Starwyn. Becharre, Super Drill. Roe* Air. Andaman. Ruscoe, Panam. Gladwyn, Panther. McGregor. Ayrwaya. Last Link. Amulette. Orderly. Corrie Maris. Pyrites. Golden Rhapsody.

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Press, Volume XCIX, Issue 29336, 15 October 1960, Page 7

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Entries For N.Z. Cup Meeting At Riccarton Next Month Press, Volume XCIX, Issue 29336, 15 October 1960, Page 7

Entries For N.Z. Cup Meeting At Riccarton Next Month Press, Volume XCIX, Issue 29336, 15 October 1960, Page 7