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ADDINGTON MARKET Small Entry Of Fat Cattle Meets Strong Sale

Fat cattle sold very strongly at Addington market yesterday when prices were as high as they have been this season. Steers frequently sold at more than £6O and heifers regularly topped £4O. Some medium-weight and heavy beef sold to £8 5s per 100 lb. The offering was fairly limited at a little more than 300 head but it was of generally very good quality.

Heavier weights of hoggets met a keen demand at prices 2s to 3s above last week’s rates, but there was little change for the lighter and medium-weights. The tops of the spring lambs on offer sold up to 80s Id.

The fat sheep market was not as buoyant as last week and while the smaller number of top quality young wethers maintained late rates the lighter sheep met less inquiry. Ewes tended to tail'off from parity over the last two races.

Values for store sheep improved with a larger gallery following the sale of an entry of similar size to last week.

Next week’s sale will be held on Wednesday as the second day of the Canterbury Jockey Club’s Grand National meeting falls on Tuesday.

STORE SHEEP There was a better sale for store Sheep with values generally improving on last week’s sale. The offering totalled 2911 including 629 begets, 504 two-tooth ewes. 1686 ?° wethers and 62 ewes £?£iiJ5 nbs 69i ast u week the yarding 2728 head. While the 'Y ere a fairly mixed bag with a few useful ewe hoggets, there was a rather better selection of ewes than has generally been weeks Addington over re«£t

.. Compared.with last week when wot held under miserable much larger galthe sale, and with the winter coming to an end with tarmers reasonably well placed for qulry there wa ’ improved inThere was a relatively small selection of hoggets with the majority again ewe hoggets. Values * er ® ln ?£ vanc : e late rates by Is or ?' although sheep yarded this week *Yf ere not strictly comparable with those seen last week. Well-grown weU-wooUed Romnewj *we Ijegsets f rom R. V. Collier (Annat) headed the market with 140 at sds 6d to 66s with 71 it the top figure. For shorn fine wool ewe hoggets values ranged from ne wool wether hoggets fetched from 47a 6d to 49s for the vS-hl ° the m making down to 355. Eight Corriedales from H. c. Irvine (Waipara) realised 49s Sales included the following:— National Mortgage and Agencv Collier (Annat), 140 Romney cross ewe hoggets at 60s 6d to 66sf Pyne. Gould, Guinness Ltd., sold 2“ account of; N. Breading (Te Pirita), 50 shorn Corriedale ewe Aahlmrton client. 70 halfbred wether hoggets at 47s □algety and Company, Ltd., sold £ c< ; ou ?i of: , M - T - O'Brien (Klllinchy), 19 mixed sex hoggets at a?’3«s Eastmond West Melton), 12 New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency, sold, on account of: F W 257 ,horn “°Sgets at 42s to 495. There was a larger selection of two-tooth ewes than has been recently seen at Addington and they were a useful lot. The feature of the selection was a line of 150 wellgrown well-woolled Border Leicester Romney cross ewes due later In the month to Southdown rams. Sold in E WO T. 1O J? these sheep sent forward by H. T. Reeves (Hororata) brought 87s and 80s. The pick of the Rom- ? ey °J« a^ mn 5 r 'ross offerings sold irom 73s to 77s With others at 568 to 68s and shorn sorts up to 565. The best mf the fine wool two-tooths ranged from 65s to 68s With others making to 57s 6d. The estate G. L. Rutherford (ParnMsus) J sold <3- Romneys mated with Southdowns and due at the middle of the month at 775. J. S. Thomson (Kirwee) sold Romney cross and halfbred ewes mated with Southdowns at 73s and halfbreds from the same vendor brought 655. Corriedales mated with Southdowns from R. J- Bell and Son (Kirwee) sold for 68s.

Among sales were: Pyne, Gould, Guinness Ltd., sold: on account of H. T. Reeves (Hororata), 150 mated Border LeicesterRomney cross at 80s to 87s.

Dalgety and Company, Ltd., sold: on account of R. J. Bell and Son (Kirwee), 80 Corriedales mated with Southdown rams at 88s; J. S. Thomson (Kirwee), 140 mated halfbreds and Romney cross at 85s to 735; A. O. C. Rutherford (Waltohl Peaks), 23 mated halfbreds at 57s Bd. ’ National Mortgage and Agency Company. Ltd., and H. Matson "and Company sold: on account of T. Bowen (Cheviot), 68 shorn mated Romney eWes at 565; estate G; L. Rutherford (Parnassus), 43 mated Romney ewes at 775.

One pen of halfbred ewes with Southdown lambs at foot brought 33s fid. all counted. Sales included:— National Mortgage and Agency Company, Ltd., and H. Matson and Company sold: on account of Beddis and Brown (Fernside), 31 halfbred ewes with 31 Southland lambs at 23s fid.

There was a rather higher proportion of better class ewes in the offering of older mated ewes, and tor these there was a reasonably sound demand at sometimes several shillings ahead of late rates. However, for lighter condition and inferior sorts the sale was variable. Overall, however, values could probably be quoted 2s to 3s ahead of late rates. For the better class of fine wool ewes values ranged from 50s to 565, with good at 46s to 50s, and others at 20s to 28s. Good

Romney ewes realised from 45s to 525, with others at 30s to 40s. A. R. Bussell (Yaldhurst), sold 61 Corriedales due to Southdowns in a few days at 58s, and G. T. Clarke (Halswell) realised 52s for 47 Romneys mated with Southdowns. Twoshear Border Leicester-Romney cross ewes mated with Southdown rams from H. T. Reeves (Hororata) ranged from 68s to 71s, with one and twoshears making 545. Sales were:— National Mortgage and Agency Company. Ltd., ana H. Matson and Company sold: on account of L. OWheeler (Broadfields), 85 mated Romney ewes at 48s. 48 mated threeSuarterbred ewes at 47s fid; Glenore Farm, Ltd. (Hororata),. . 200 mated halfbred ewes at 27s fid to 28s. 150 mated Romneys at 30s to 41s 6d.

Dalgety and Company, Ltd. sold: on account of W. Broughton (Greenpark). 30 mated Romneys at 455. Pyne, Gould. Guinness Ltd., sold: on account of H. T. Reeves (Hororata), 355 mated two-shear Border Leicester-Romney cross at 68s to 71s, 49 one and two-shear at 545; A. R. Bussell (Yaldhurst), 61 mated Corriedales at 38s; G. T. Clarke (Halswell), 47 mated Romney ewes at 535; M. M. Taylor (Cheviot), 45 mated halfbreds at 395: A. Chesmar (Courtenay), 87 mated halfbreds at 50s. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency sold: on account of Steele Bros. (Darfield). 209 S-year ewes at 46s 6d to 51s; Darfield client, 158 5-year ewes at 33a to 36a. FAT HOGGETS While the heavy, well-woolled hoggets were keenly sought at prices 3s to 3s above last week's improved rates, the larger entry took the edge off the market fee the lighter and medium sort* which were at about parity with less strength to the bidding. The entry totalled about 1136. compared with 878 last week. Quality varied more than last week with a greater proportion of small ~ and light lines forward, many of which

brought no better than store prices. Shorn hoggets varied in quality, but the best sold soundly up to recent values. About a dozen Hiring lambs were penned and these had a good sale at up to 80s Id. Top spring lamb sales were made by J. H. Winter (Swannanoa) with one at 80s Id and one at 77s Id; Wilson Bros. (Halkett) with one at 76s Id and J. E. Chrlstey (Southbridge) with one at 75s Id. In the fat hogget section D. R. Crawford (Ashburton) sold 10 at 99s Id to £5 8s Id with one at the higher price and five at £5 0s Id. W. Heslop (Southbirdge) had a sale at 99s Id and C. W. Stott (Darfield) received 96s Id for his top pen. Values were:— Best spring lambs, 73s Id to 80s Id. Average spring lambs, 51s Id to 68s Id. Extra prime heavy butchers’ hoggets, 86s Id to 99s Id, with odd sales to £5 8s Id. Prime heavy hoggets, 74s Id to 85s Id. I Prime meduim hoggets, 60s Id to 73s id. Id 1 ’ 1 * 11 * hoggets, 53s Id to 59s Plain hoggets, 41s Id to 49s Id. Good recently shorn hoggets, 46s Id to 59s Id, with odd sales at higher figures.

Sales included:— Pyne, Gould. Guinness Ltd., sold: on account of N. Breading (Te Pinta), 74 at 50s Id to 59s Id; C. S. McKay (Halkett). 40 at 57s Id to 67s Id; W. Heslop (Southbirdge), 3 at 92s Id to 99s Id; T. E. Moore (Rakaia). 36 at 48s Id to 56s Id; C. W. Stott (Darfield), 3 at 68s Id to 98s Id; L. M. Watson (Ealing), 20 at 51s Id to 62s Id; R. J. McCoy (Rakaia), 56 at 75s Id to 94a Id; G. A. Smith (Femside), 1 spring lamb at 67s Id; C. K. and C. D. Marshal (Rangiora), 13 hoggets at 68s Id to 76s Id; D. H. Butcher (Broadfield), 14 at 58s Id; G. L. Llmbrick (Lyndhurst), 15 at 51s Id to 61s Id; Wilson Bros. (Halkett). 1 spring lamb at 76s Id; D. L. Meadows (Springston), 14 at 54s Id to 59s Id; L. A. Watson (Rakaia). 150 at 72s Id to 96s Id; I. Ward and N. S. Muckle (Rakaia), 21 at 84s Id to 95s Id. National Mortgage and Agehcy Company. Ltd, and H. Matson and Company sold: on account of Parkdale Farm (Halswell), 16 shorn at 47s Id to 48s Id; L. J. Smith (Weedons), 40 shorn at 46s Id to 48s Id; G. T. Wright (West Melton), 18 at 53s Id to 71s Id; H. E. Harris (Greenpark), 7 at 57s 7d; G. O. Balfour (Oxford), 15 at 53s Id; R. C. Wright (Ashley), 11 at 73s Id to 78s Id; D. A. Philpott (Okuku), 8 at 54s Id; J. I. O’Donnell (Killlnchy). 36 at 61s Id to 67s Id; T. Bowen (Cheviot), 7 at 62s Id to 72s Id.

Dalgety and Company, Ltd, sold: on account of J. E. Chrlstey (Southbridge), 5 shorn hoggets at 58s Id, 1 spring lamb at 75s Id; C. G. Robinson (Te Plrita), 50 hoggets at 77s Id to 79s Id; H. L. Pickering (Motunau) 80 shorn hoggets at 50s Id to 55s Id; Mrs A. M. Dalzell (Sefton), 3 at 70s Id; K. Bunn (Oxford), 49 at 49s Id to 86s Id; Worlingham Farms, Ltd. (West Eyreton), 2 at 76s Id; J. G. and D. Collins (Greendale), 14 at 50s Id to 62s Id; M. T. O’Brien (Killlnchy), 14 at 45s Id to 49s Id; A. W. Inch (Oxford), 13 at 49s Id to 52s Id; R. A. P. (Springbank), 3 at 60s Id; clients. 92 at 59s Id to 72s Id.

New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Ltd, sold: on account of C. R. Cridge (Kirwee), 34 shorn at 54s Id to 59s Id; A. M. Harwood (Aylesbury), 32 at 68s Id to 83s Id; A. M. Harcourt (Rakaia), 10 at 75a Id to 68s Id; F. D. Ironside (Rakaia), 47 at 72s Id to 93s- Id; Campbell and Hart (Rakaia). 10 at 67s Id to 97s Id; 3. G, Gimson (Ashburton), 4 spring lambs at 72s Id. New Zealand Farmers' Co-opera-tive Association, Ltd, sold: on account of M. J. Ensor (Okuku). 7 fidgets at 57s Id to 66s Id; D. Lang (Hawarden), 36 shorn at 50s Id to 53s Id; Washbourne Bros. (Dunsandel), 29 at 58s Id to 67s Id; D. W. Sheat (Dunsandel), 14 at 69s Id to 72s Id; J. K. Fincham (Hawarden), 12 at 58s Id; D. R. Crawford (Ash-, burton), 10 at 99s Id to £5 8s Id; J. H. Winter (Swannanoa), 2 spring lambs at 77s Id to 80s Id. FAT SHEEP

, While there was no great variation in basic values for fat sheep compared with last week the market did not appear to. have quite the same strength of buying power. Quality was not as good as last week although there were some very good sheep forward. The entry was 4270, compared with 3413 last week.

In the wether section there were fewer of the top sheep penned and buyers tended to favour the more heavily weolled sorts, although there were some exceptionally good sales of shorn wethers. Old wethers with good pelts sold well, but the lighter sorts tended to meet less inquiry and could have been slightly easier. Ewes sold well although the market appeared to ease fractionally in the closing stages. Quality varied with a fair proportion of plainer sorts forward. Values held close to last week’s good rates. Young and maiden ewes sold soundly at recent rates. Good sales of wethers were recorded by A. P. Whatman (Pendarves) with 10 at £5 3s Id, H. R. Watson (Rakaia) with 24 at 96s Id to £5 3s Id, P. S. Dickie (Lauriston) with three at £5 3s Id, and C. O. Redfern (Darfield) with eight at £5 3s Id and seven at £5 2s Id. Sales at . £5 2s Id were made by E. T. McDermott (Halswell) with 14. A. F. S. Rutherford (Montrose) and R. B. Paton (Ellesmere) with 24 from 90s Id. J. A. Courage (Amberley) sold five at £5 Is Id. For ewes R. F. White (Hororata) received 55s Id to 63s Id for 20. with 11 at the higher figure. L. R. Forrester (Hawarden) made a sale at 51s Id. and sales at 57s Id were made by W. Revelly (Mt. Somers) and Mrs M. J. McAdam (Domett) with 29. Values were:— Extra prime young wethers, 98s Id to £5 3s Id. young wethers. 89s Prime medium young wethers, 78s Id to 84s Id. Prime light young wethers, to 76s Id. - Best older wethers. 82s Id to 90s Id. with an odd sale at higher figures. Average older wethers, 68s Id to 79s Id. Extra prime butchers’ ewes, 47s Id to 53s Id. with odd sales to 63s Id. t Pritqe medium ewes.' 38s Id to Ms W Light ewes. Ma Id to 35s Id. Beat maiden ewes, 78s Id to 89s Id. with an odd sate to Ms Id. Average maiden ewes, 63s Id to 74s Id. Sates included:—•. Pyne. Gould. Guinness Ltd. add:

on account of T. E. Moore (Rakaia), 14 wethers at 76s Id; L. M. Watson (Ealing), 16 wethers at 74s Id to 78s Id. 31 ewes at 32s Id to 35s Id; G. L. Llmbrick (Lyndhurst), 13 ewes at 48s Id. 4 wethers at 80s Id to 89s Id; P. A. Dickie (Lauriston). 3 wethers at £5 3s Id; 3. F. Aker (Lyndhurst), 6 wethers at 90s Id; Wilson Bros. (Halkett). 53 shorn wethers at 76s Id to 80s Id; Holden Pastures (Hororata), 28 young ewes at 60s Id to 81s Id. 2 ewes at 50s Id; G. S. Donald (Darfield), 14 ewes at 51s Id; Gardiner and Steel (Rakaia), 85 ewes at 47s Id to 52s Id: D. 3. Stewart (Rakaia), 40 ewes at 46s Id to 48s Id; A. J. Morris (Rakaia), 23 wethers at 94s Id to £5 0s Id. 46 ewes at 42s Id to 47s Id; R. A. C. Burns (Rakaia), 66 wethers at 830 Id to 89s Id; E. H. Sime (Hororata). 75 wethers at 78s Id to 89s Id. 9 young ewes at 62s Id to 89s Id; P. R. Westenra (Dashwood), 56 wethers at 85s Id to 90s Id; C. W. Stott (Darfield). 10 shorn wethers at 80s Id: W. Revelly (Mt. Somers), 80 ewes at 51s Id to 57s Id; D. L. Meadows (Springston). 21 young ewes at 68s Id to 71s Id; 3. T. Robertson (Balcaim), 42 wethers at Ils Id to 79s Id; R. H. Maidens (Lauriston), 50 wethers at 86s Id to 98s Id; L. G. McLachlan (Rakaia), 50 ewes at 40s Id to 48s Id; F. P. Ryan (Weedons), 31 shorn ewes at 31s Id to 32s Id; J. Irwin (Rakaia), 82 wethers at 79s Id to 97s Id; I. W. and N. S. Muckle (Rakaia), 65 ewes at 40s Id to 48s Id.

National Mortgage and Agency Company, Ltd., and H. Matson and Company sold: on account of 3. Potts (Greenpark), 31 ewes at 24s Id; M. M. Forrester (Charing Cross), 80 shorn ewes at 30s Id to 32s Id: D. F. Hubbard (Greenpark), 20 ewes at 46s Id: C. A. Howden (Ashburton), 100 ewes at 35s Id to 43s Id; E. M. Gray (Rolleston), 18 ewes at 34s Id; L. S. Blackmore (Horrelvllle), 20 shorn wethers at 53s Id; estate L. C. Lemon (Killlnchy), 22 wethers at £5 0s Id; Hunter Estates, Ltd. (Brookside), 14 ewes at 47s Id, 20 wethers at 73s Id to 76s Id; G. Rowley (Irwell), 14 ewes at 53s Id; R. B. Paton (Ellesmere), 24 wethers at 98s Id to £5 2s Id; L. G. Skurr (Oxford), 56 ewes at 43s Id to 45s Id; A. F. S. Rutherford (Montrose), 56 wethers at 97s Id to £5 2s Id; A. P. Whatman (Pendarves), . 27 wethers at 98s Id to £5 3s Id; Greenway Bros. (Urrall), 14 ewes at 40s Id; E. M. Skurr (Oxford), 17 ewes at 40s Id; A. J. Skurr (Oxford), 30 ewes at 45s Id to 47s Id; Glendore Farm (Hororata), 15 ewes at 38s Id to 57s Id; E. T. McDermott (Halswell), 14 wethers at £5 2s Id; Wright Bros. (Annat), 25 shorn wethers at 67s Id to 76s Id, 50 wethers at 78s Id to 94s Id: G. J. Francis (Halswell), 40 ewes at 29s Id to 32s Id, 30 young ewes at 69s Id to 78s Id; L. R. Forrester (Hawarden), 24 ewes at 47s Id to 58s Id, 29 wethers at 94s Id to 99s Id; J. Ashworth (Leithfield), 15 ewes at 44s Id; J. E. H. McGrath (Oxford), 13 ewes at 44s Id; M. L. and J. R. Croy (Oxford), 19 ewes at 39s Id to 45s Id.

New Zealand Farmers’ Co-opera-tive Association, Ltd., sold: on account of M. J. Ensor (Okuku), 24 ewes at 40s Id, 18 wethers at 74s Id to 79s Id; J. W. Ensor (Okuku), 30 wethers at 74s Id to 82s Id; P. W. Boag (Ashburton), 26 ewes at 36s Id to 43s Id; V. W. Boag (Ashburton), 35 ewes at 43s Id to 49s Id; J. R. Topliss (Bennetts), 23 ewes at 38s Id to 4Bs Id 14 wethers at 74s Id to Bls Id; E. W. Feary and Co. (Oxford), 72 ewes at 47s Id; W. H. Gillespie (Bennetts), 22 ewes at 46s Id, 12 wethers at 92s Id; G. W. Wright (Cheviot). 15 wethers at 93s Id to 96s Id; I. H. Thompson (Carleton), 23 wethers at 77s Id to 82s Id.

New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Ltd., sold: on account of D. Campbell and Hart (Rakaia), 19 ewes at 44s Id, 1 young ewe at 94s Id; D. Voice (Yaldhurst), 62 ewes at 42s Id to 48s Id; R. W. Kingsbury (Rakaia), 45 ewes at 47s Id to 61s Id; R. F. White (Hororata). 20 ewes at 55s Id to 63s Id; A. M. Harcourt (Rakaia), 33 shorn wetherks at 60s Id to 70s Id; H. R. Watson (Rakaia), 24 wethers at 98s Id to £5 3s Id.

Dalgety and Company. Ltd., sold: on account of Mrs M. J. McAdam (Domett), 129 ewes at 44s Id to 57s Id; L. Pascoe (Aylesbury), 32 cows at 51s Id; C. O. Redfern (Darfield), 19 ewes at 46s Id, 15 wethers at £5 2s Id to £5 3s Id; Robert Thompson (Yaldhurst), 71 ewes at 29s Id to 40s Id; C, C. Wells (Oxford), 5 young ewes at 63s Id to 64s Id, 43 ewes at 45s Id to 48s Id; Woodstock Station (Oxford), 83 wethers at 77s Id to 80s Id; Russell A. Smith (Springbank), 15 ewes at 39s Id; est. J. C. Pankhurst (Sandy Knolls), 50 ewes at 35s Id to 44s Id; Roecombe Farm (Darfield), 17 ewes at 35s Id, 3 young ewes at 73s Id; client, 47 shorn ewes at 28s Id, 27 shorn wethers at 42s Id, 22 young shorn ewes at 47s Id to 53s Id; Worlinghan Farms Ltd. (West Eyreton), 15 ewes at 43s Id to 52s Id; Southern client, 33 young ewes at 79s Id to 84s Id, 12 ewes at 45s Id. 58 wethers at 61s Id to 87s Id, 6 shorn wethers at 67s Id to 78s Id; D. L. Ensor (Glenrock), 58 wethers at 87s Id to 88s Id; G. K. Inch (Oxford), 14 wethers at 79s Id to 91s Id; I. S. Campbell (Flaxton), 38 ewes at 37s Id to 52s Id; J. A. Courage (Amberley), 7 ewes at 48s Id, 7 young ewes at 79s Id to 83s Id, 11 wethers at 92s Id to £5 Is Id; A. J. Clinton (Norwood), 4 young ewes at 69s Id. 30 wethers at 89s Id to 90s Id. 42 ewes at 51s Id to 53s Id; H. Dalzell (Sefton), 8 young ewes at 78s Id, 3 wethers at 86s Id; W. Crampton (Cheviot), 17 shorn wethers at 73s Id to 85s Id; A. K. Broughton (Darfield), 20 wethers at 83s Id to 90s Id, 8 young ewes at 75s Id; K. W. Broughton (Darfield), 7 wethers at 64s Id to 85s Id; T. E. Elliott (Cheviot), 29 ewes at 52s Id, 2 wethers at 92s Id: est. W. G. Gerrard (Hororata), 59 ewes at 31s Id to 47s Id, 17 young ewes at 72s Id; W. H. Dodge (Rangiora), 16 ewes at 38s Id; Double Hill Station (Methvenk 64 wethers at 85s Id to 88s Id: D. G. Edge (Oxford), 60 ewes at 46s Id to 51s Id; G. 3. Francis (Halswell) 37 wethers at 66s Id to 85s Id: M. H. Johnston (Oxford). 21 ewes at 39s Id to 44s Id; R. R. Jebson (Sheffield), 16 wethers at 90s Id, 13 young ewes at 73s Id; Milne Bros. (Culverden), 27 ewes at 36s Id to 43s Id, 19 wethers at 82s Id to 84s

FAT CATTLE Fat cattle prices, reached about their highest point so far this winter in a very buoyant sale. The entry totalled 312 head, compared with 366 last week, and was made up of a generally high quality selection. The market opened on a very keen note indeed, with the prospect of an even shorter yarding than eventually materialised, and in some quarters steers were quoted £3 and £4 up on late rates at this stage. Though more cattle came to hand later the good opening rates were

maintained for most of the sale, and only at the close was there an easing in values back to late rates. However, over the sale as a whole steers and heifers could be quoted up by about 40s a head, with cows dearer by about 20s a head.

Steers frequently sold to more than £6O. apd heifers to more than £4O. indicating the good level of values. Buyers could not afford to be selective in the face of the limited entry, and irrespective of weight a proportion of cattle sold between £8 and £8 5s per 1001 b. Steers sold up to £69 12s 6d for a Shorthorn from Mrs Collier (Port Hills road). Sales were made on account of clients of two at £6B 17s fid, four at £6B 7s fid and two at £67 17s fid. W. R. Lemon (Ashburton) realised £66 12s 6d and £65 7s fid for two steers and T. J. Streeter (Motukarara) sold four steers at prices up to £65 2s fid. A 21J months Aberdeen Angus steer which has been on its mother brought £59 17s fid lor T. W. Weir (French Farm) and W. J. Doyle (Leeston) sold three two-year steers at £59 7s fid.

Sales of heifers were made up to £5l 7s fid for four from Johns Bros. (Belfast), who realised an average of £47 6s for seven Friesians and Friesian cross. L. H. Harrington (Takamatua) sold nine Aberdeen Angus and Aberdeen Angus cross at an average of £5O, with three at £5O 17s fid and three at £5O 12s fid. Moore Bros. (Seafield) sold a cow at £44 12s fid, R. A. B. Walters (Chaineys) had one at £44 7s fid, M. E. Jenkins (Courtenay) had a sale at £4l 2s fid and G. Wainscott (Rakaia) sold one at £4O 7s fid. Prime heavy steer beef sold at £7 to £7 12s fid per 1001 b, prime medium steer beef at £7 15s to £8 ss, plain and light steer beef £7 to £7 10s: prime heavy heifer beef at £7 5s to £7 15s, prime medium heifer beef £7 15s to £8 ss, and prime and light heifer beef £7 to £7 10s; and cow beef £5 10s to £6.

Values were:— Prime heavy steen. £B2 7« Ed to £B6 1* li Prime medium steers, £B3 1* fid to £66 Ta 6<L Prime and light steen. £46 17s 6d to £53 17s 6d. £3W^“'* tt *** toMj-,™®™ before, «* fc M h-fen. £3B 17. M to £4l^? , Bd!’*’ T e ° W * <W * fr*n, U “ a * eowa * *•* * *" . p !?™' «nd light COWS. £33 .to M to £3O 7s 6d. »

Sales includediPyne, Gould. Guinness LtA. sold: on account at Pahau Downs Ltd 7 “***» ■* £*7 'lk 88 to £5O 7a fid; estate J. T. L. Knight 8d to £5l to 8d; G. M. Turrell (K«itona). 8 steen at £47 to Sd to £37 J 7 * **: estate L. C. Gardiner (Wateu). «.ateen at £4l 7s fid to £37 Ito •d: .K. J. and H. W. DalglMt <Ue Bon» Bay), 9 heifers at m *O <44 7s fid; T. J. Streeter (Motoat *« Ue «dto <B5 to fid; M. E. Jenkins (Courtenay). 1 cow at £4l to fid; G. Wninwintt (Bakaia) 1 eow at £4O 7s «*”* . New Zealand Farmers* Co <m. Asaoriattai. Ltd"sold: on account nt J. and J. R. Paton (Domett). 4 •* <so 7s 8d to £B3 17s fid. 1 heifer at.£3o to fid, 3 cows at £3B ■J? 6d , to „£^ 9 to Sd; D. L. Mara (Thi 3 -*? ge ? at £4O to Sd to £« 2 heifers at £37 Ito « to <43 to fid and 1 cow at £3B 17s Sd; H. T. J. Thacker (Okain's .Bay). 5 hetfen at £37 17s fid to £46ltofid. £ % I7 S ** to £* 7 17 * S Z?. Br f*.’ (^ a ? eU >- 1 cow at £44 ms M. estate W..L. Parkinson (KainEPJ’tw 0 «t £43 17s fid to £44 “•co; Johns Bros. (Belfast). 7 betters at £4O to 6d to £5l 7a Sd: “• /*. Harrington (Ikamatua). 9 h ' at 7s “ *» £5O 17s dd. Dalgety and Company. Ltd., mid: on account of W. H. Denver £M r i2. i> <w° e**” at '“J 7 * «to ~, n l2 ’, 6d * 5 cow * at <33 Ito fid; 'Y* JV. I t emo *i (Ashburton) 2 steen to „* 88 “• «: stewart and Rae (The Hossack). 6 steen at £46 7s 6d to £47 12s 6d, 3 cows at £3O Ito Sd to £34 7s(id; °fL H ?rt a »^ s J2> ar ?, elcl L 8 ’toen at £3B 17s £ £ e , 49 17s ?**J. heUer •» £« « J* d ’ 1 F° w at £3B to Sd; client. 8 s to«» « «?« 12s fid to £M 7s fid; Brice (Culverden), • 10- heifers at 11 7 ‘ 8 ? *2. £37 174 MNational Mortgage and Agency Company. Ltd, and H. Matsonand sold 4 account of F. W. Gibb (Franz Josef) 8 steen at £BO 7s Sd to £62 2s 6d; South client, 9 steers at £65 17s Sd to £6B 17s 6d; c< So “thbrook), 1 hetfer at S 4B , 1 ’? 6d ' .1. cow “t <36 Ito fid; H. Williams (Fox Glacier). 8 steers at £5B 7s 6d to £63 13s Sd; W. J. Doyle (Leeston), 9 two-year-old steers at £4B 12s 6d to £59 7s 6d; F; 1 Y- R Q W , e 4 r ( £ ren . c . h Farm). 1 steer at £59 17s 6d; Mould Bros. (Duvauchelle), 4 heifers at £44 17s 6d; R. E. and F E. Wall (Koiterangi), 10 steers at £3B 2s 6d to £45 7s ed. 3 cows at £27 to 6d; L. H. Harrington (Takamatua), 2 betters at £44 17s 6d to £45 7s 6d, 6 cows at £37 ??, ?? 4?.. £39 7s 6d: Mrs Collier (Fort Hills road), 1 steer at £69 12s 6d; R. A. B. waiters (Chaneys), 1 cow at £44 7s Sd; Sunnyside Mental Hospital, 2 cows at £33 7s 6d to £3B 2s 6d; M. M. Forrester (Charing Cross), 2 cows at £3B 7s 8d to £37 to 6d.

New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency sold: on account of R. C. Anderson (Ethelton), 8 steen at £49 17s 6d to £63 12s 6d; F. E. Upston (Dunsandel), 4 steen at £4B 7s 6d to £4B 17s 6d, 5 helfen at £35 17s 6d to £37 17s 6d; R. V. Burrows (Rakala), 5 helfen at £3O 2s 6d to £3B 7s 6d; J. A. Robertson (Ashburton). 5 cows at £39 7s 6d. STORE CATTLE As was the case last week the cattle offering was a very small one—B6 compared with 54—and was made up of mainly boner and nondescript types. However, for the quality offering there was a sound sale at tip to late rates. Heavy boner cows sold from £2l 8s 6d to £24 13s 6d, with medium bonen and cows suitable for grazing at £lB 18s 6d to £2l 3s 6d, light cows £l4 Sa M to £lB 3s Sd, and derelict types down to £lO 3s fid. Sales included:—

New Zealand Farmers* Co-opera-tive Association, Ltd, sold: on account of client. 10 rising two-year Shorthorn cross steers at £2l 17s fid to £26 18s 6d; O'Leary Brothers (Kotuku), 7 yearling Shorthorn cross steers and heifers at £l5 Ito 6d to £lB 3s fid. BULLS Only eight bulls were forward compared with seven last week, and they were all in the light ori medium-weight class. Mediumweight bulls made from £32 17s Sd to £45 17s fid, with light and small down to £22 17s fid. DAIRY CATTLE Only about 25 head were yarded in the dairy cattle section, and with the exception of four quality Friesian heifers the selection was of only mediocre quality. Nevertheless there was quite a sound sale with values being much on a par with last week’s sale. Some measure of interest in the cow market was due to an inquiry for cows suitable for providing milk for pet lambs. The heifer market was topped by one exceptionally nice Friesian which made £72, and three advertised Friesian heifers .made from £49 to £5l. The balance sold from £25 to £45, according to quality. Best second, third and fourth ealvers fetched from £26. to £35. with others selling down to about £2O. VEALERS

Only about SO to 70 head were yarded in the veal section and the ottering was of the poorest quality seen at the yards tor some time. For the few good quality cattle in the offering there was a good market and values for these and also the plainer type cattle tended to be from par to a shade firmer. Best large runners made from £3O 17s 6d to £32 17a fid. medium X 27 to fid to £29 to 6d. and small £25 to fid to £26 17s fid; best suckers £2l to fid to £23 to fid, medium £lB to fid to £2O to fid. and small £l6 to fid to £l7 17s fid; best calves £l5 17s fid to £l7 17s fid, medium £l2 to fid to £l4 2s fid, small £7 to fid to £9 to fid. and bobbies from 52s upwards. FAT RIGS The porker entry was the smallest so far this year and values made a sharp rise of to to 5s a head which was maintained throughout. The bacon entry was a good deal larger, but attracted less competition with values holding to about last week’s rates. Choppers were slightly fewer in number, and last week's good rates were fully maintained. Values were:— Light and unfinished porkers. £6 14s fid to £7 14s fid. porkers, £8 14s fid to £9 Heavy porkers. £9 9s fid to £lO 7s fid. Light baconers. £lO 14s fid to £ll 12s fid. Medium baconers, £l2 to fid to £l3 2s fid. Heavy baconers. £l3 14s fid to £l4 14s fid. Choppers, £lO Is fid to £l4 18s fid. STORE PIGS Fewer store pigs came forward and the entry consisted mainly of weaners. The attendance of buyers when the sale opened was small but increased as the selling progressed. Values opened on a weak note with some classes up to 10s cheeper, but sharply recovered as the gallery built up in numbers, and over the second naif of the sale made a gain of 5e to 8s a head above last week's good rates. The earlier start of the store pig sale in recent weeks does not seem to have been noted by many buyers, and early sales have tended to be cheaper. Three soars with litters of eight and 19 made £29 ua to £3B. Values were:— Small weaners, 75s to 90s. Best weaners, 96s to £8 Bs. Slips. £5 6s to £5 12s. Small and medium stores, £5 15s to £6 10s. Large stores. £• 12s to £7.

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Press, Volume XCIX, Issue 29273, 3 August 1960, Page 16

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ADDINGTON MARKET Small Entry Of Fat Cattle Meets Strong Sale Press, Volume XCIX, Issue 29273, 3 August 1960, Page 16

ADDINGTON MARKET Small Entry Of Fat Cattle Meets Strong Sale Press, Volume XCIX, Issue 29273, 3 August 1960, Page 16