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ADDINGTON MARKET Big Yardings And Lower Values; High Bull Prices

Trading at Addington market yesterday was overshadowed by drought conditions prevailing particularly in the northern part of Canterbury and in Marlborough. There were heavier yardings of all classes of stock as farmers sought to ease the pressure on dwindling feed supplies. In some cases failure of water supplies has necessitated the quitting of stock. The result of the heavy yardings and limited competition was a sharp recession in prices in the main septions, but as ever Addington proved its ability to absorb nearly everything brought forward. A feature of the day was the sale of a massive Shorthorn bull at the great price of £129 17s 6d. This is easily the highest price recorded at Addington since the boom in bulls set in earlier in the year and is one of the best recorded anywhere in the country.

With an entry of about twice the size of normal, fat steers and heifers were cheaper by fully £8 a head and up to £lO in cases. Best cows were back by almost as much, but boner cows still held to about schedule values. Store cattle met a fairly pood sale considering prospects, but values | were lower. ! There was the largest yarding of ■ store sheep §ince the autumn and the sale went on until late after1 noon. In almost all classes values depreciated. Store lambs were on offer for the first occasion and under limited competition values opened on modest levels with the best making to slightly more than 30s. In the yarding of fat sheep and fat lambs the effects of the drought were most noticeable. Younger wethers were cheaper by up to 7s or Bd. ewes were generally back by up to 8s and fat lambs were easier by up to 4s or ss. STORE SHEEP The store sheep market was a reflection of the extreme drought conditions prevailing in particularly the northern part of the province and in Marlborough. The entry of 9858 head compared with 3459 last week, was the largest since the autumn and comprised 2602 lambs. 4858 hoggets, 990 ewes and lambs. 207 ewes and 1201 wethers. The sale was notable for the early appearance of store lambs. Tn this and in the hogget and ewe and lamb sections stock were forward in many cases for no other reason than that feed supplies have come close to the point of exhaustion or that water supplies, too. have dried up. The names of vendors included many in the main drought areas—from Waipara, Cheviot and Marlborough. In some cases stock have barely received a check and are being quitted before that happens, but much of the stock was showing the sign of the prolonged dry conditions and short rations The remarkable thing about the sale—and it is a characteristic of Addington—W’as that there was a demand for practically everything offering though price levels were naturally depressed and a good deal lower than those ruling at the last sale. For the best of the wether lambs values ranged up to 32s 6d paid for 137 Corriedales from Watson and Topp (Waipara). who sent forward a big tally of lambs, hoggets and ewes and lambs. Good lambs fetched ■ from 24s to 29s with average at 117 s to 22s and light, small and inferior at 8s to 15s. Watson and Topp’s lambs also headed the ewe hogget section with 156 at 325. The pick of the ewe lamb offering realised from 28s 6d to the top price. Sales of iambs included:— New Zealand Farmers’ Co-opera-tive Association. Ltd., sold: on account of Blenheim clients, 1013 lambs at 18s to 28s: F. A. Elliott (Dashwood), 174 lambs at 15s 6d to 21s 6d. Dalgety and Company, Ltd., sold: on account of Watson and Topp (Waipara), 377 ewe lambs at 17s 6d to 32s and 382 wether lambs at 17s 6d to 32s 6d; R. F. Stead (Amberley), 401 wether lambs at 16s to 30s. Pyne, Gould, Guinness Ltd., sold: on account of client, 150 at 18s 6d to 23s 6d By comparison with the sale of two weeks ago hogget values were well back. For the odd pen of good Romney or Romney cross ewe hogget values kept up fairly well and another excellent cut of 74 shorn Romneys from Nolan Bros. (Grovetown) reached 77s 6d. At the last sale the Grovetown hoggets brought up to 82s. But it was among the fine wool hoggets that values eased sharply and here there was a decline of about 5s all round. Average ewe hoggets fetched from 38s to 425, with good at 45s to 575. The best of the wether hoggets were cheaper by Is to 2s with medium sorts down a good 3s and smaller sorts showing a weakening by 4s or ss. The pick of the wether hoggets realised from 40s to 455, with good at 33s 6d to 39s 6d, medium at 25s to 31s, and others at back to 10s.

Sales were:— Pyne, Gould. Guinness Ltd., soldon account of S. A. Clarke (Cheviot). 181 wether hoggets at 33s to 40s and 264 ewe hoggets at 40s to 42s 6d; G. C. Hiatt (Tormore), 135 ewe hoggets at 41s to 48s 6d; Mrs F. N. Jackson (Cheviot). 85 ewe hoggets at 475: Nolan Bros. (Grovetown). 74 ewe hoggets at 77s 6d: Mrs I. E. McLeod (Springston), 86 wether hoggets at 30s to 345; Coleridge Downs (Lake Coleridge). 483 wether hoggets at 16s to 30s: E. Richardson (Grange Hills). 197 wether hoggets at 33s 6d; Meadowbank Station (Blenheim), 258 ewe hoggets at 35s 6d to 41s; W A. Gregory (Kaikoura). 158 ewe hoggets at 39s 6d to 455.

National Mortgage and H. Matson and Company sold: on account of A. B. Byrch (Motunau), 57 wether hoggets at 37s 6d; F. D. Bell (Aylesbury), 191 ewe hoggets at 46s to 47s 6d; G. C. Jackson (Blenheim), 212 wether hoggets at 17s 6d to 21s: W. Clarke (Southbridge), 363 wether hoggets at 26s to 435; M. L. Hayes (Seddon), 71 wether hoggets at 28s 6d; F. A. Crawford (Yaldhurst). 57 wether hoggets at 395: J. L. Reese (Southbridge), 30 wether hoggets at 255. New Zealand Farmers’ Co-opera-

tive Association sold: on account of Blenheim client, 224 ewe hoggets at 33s 6d to 495: R. C. Webb (Chevoit).l 75 ewes hoggets at 30s 6d; K. F. Turner (Courtenay). 64 wether hoggets at 38s; D. and R. McLaughlin (Dunsandel), 45 wether hoggets at 35s 6(1. Dalge\.y and Company, Ltd., sold: on account of Watson and Topp (Waipara). 349 ewe hoggets at 41s 6d to 575; Rudd Bros. (Marlborough). 292 ewe hoggets at 32s 6d to 35s 6(1: R. J. McDonald (Marlborough), 128 ewe hoggets at 28s: A. R. Menzies (Little Akaloa), 48 wether hoggets at 35s 6d to 38s 6d; E. B. Ford (Southbridge), 95 wether hoggets at 40s. Dalgety and Company, Ltd., in conjunction with Pyne, Gould. Guinness Ltd., and New Zealand Farmers’ Co-op. Assn., Ltd., sold: on account of I. V. and J. A. Chaffey (Clarence Bridge). 147 ewe hoggets at 21s to 29s 6d and 28 wether hoggets at 28s. ADULT SHEEP In the adult sheep section a mod-' erate-sized entry ol ewes and lambsmet a slack sale, apart from the I best, with values being back by 4s j or 5s a head. The pick of the offer-] ing sold from 24s 6d to 30>. with] the top price being paid for woolly • ewes and lambs from F. S. Chap-: man (Brookside). Other realised from i 17s 6d to 20s. Among sales were:— New Zealand Farmers’ Co-opera-tive .Association sold: on account of R. G. Ley bourne (Rollcston), 32 woolly ewes and 38 lambs at 17s 6d. Dalgety and Company. Ltd., sold: on account of Client, 141 ewes and 170 lambs at 19s to 20s; Watson and Toff (Waipara). 30 ewes and 30 lambs at 24s 6d. Pyne, Gould, Guinness Ltd. sold: on account of J. Hennessey (Little Akaloa), 92 ewes and 124 iambs at 225: O. Duff (Landsdowne), 68 ewes and 85 lambs at 29s 6d. National Mortgage and H. Matson and Company sold: on account oi F. S. Chapman (Brookside), 85 woolly ewes and 96 lambs at 27s to 30s. Most of the wethers on offer were from the Chathams—these were mainly two and three-shear sheep—and considering the feed position these met a .relatively good sale at from about 33s to 435. Sales of wethers and ewes included : New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency sold; on account of estate F. W. Mitchell (Chatham Islands), 114 wethers at 33s 6d to 345. Dalgety and Company. Ltd., sold: on account of Rudd Bros. (Marlborough). 179 mixed age ewes at 24s to 31s 6d. 23 four-tooth ewes at 48s; D. Fraser (Chatham Islands). 102 three-shear wethers at 33s to 37s 6d. Pyne. Gould. Guinness Ltd. sold: on account of S. W. Hough (Chatham Islands). 60 wethers at 40s 6d; A. Tuuta (Chatham Islands), 201 wethers at 37s to 435; A. Preece (Chatham Islands), 390 wethers at 33s to 41s 6d; G. Tuuta (Chatham Islands), 50 wethers at 40s 6d. National Mortgage and Agency and H. Matson and Company sold: on account of P. S. Prendevillc (Chatham Islands), 45 wethers at 42s 6d. FAT LAMBS Values for fat lambs declined by at least 4s to 5s a head on a market that had little buying pressure and was oversupplied—even with lines of better quality. The entry of 686. compared with 423 at the sale a fortnight ago. did little to help matters, and once the demand was satisfied, only the best quality could find a sale. Sales w’erc topped by F. McCosker (Riverside) who sold four at 71s 7d with the balance of a line of six at down to 63s Id. The estate A. Craighead (Cheviot) sold six at 67s Id, and R. L. Chatterton (Dunsandel) sold 12 at prices from 60s Id to 63s Id. Values were:— Extra prime heavy butchers’ lambs. 56s Id to 67s Id. with an exceptional sale at 71s 7d. medium lambs. 50s Id to 55s Prime light lambs, 42s Id to 49s Sales included:— National Mortgage and Agency and H. Matson and Company sold: on account of C. E. Read (West Melton). 13 at 52s Id to 55s Id: A. A Russell (Irwell). 25 at 52s Id to 60s Id; McTeague Bros. (HalswelJ), 30 lambs at 52s 7d to 54s 7d; T. Redmond (Belfast). 12 at 45s Id to 52s Id; G. Aymes (Brookside), 14 at 49s 7d; T. S. Craw and Son (Duvauchelle), 15 at 42s 7d to 47s Id; S. Redmond (Ladbrooks), 12 at 57s Id; P. M. Shepherd (Kaiapoi), 8 at 52s Id to 57s Id; G. R. Northcote (West Melton). I at 60s Id; H. and F. McCosker (Riverside), 6 at 63s id to 71s 7d; J. I. O'Donnell (Killinchy), 20 at 44s Id to 47s Id; Mrs T. S. Stewart (Southbridge», 6 at 44s Id to 51s Id; G. D. Cameron (Ilalswcll). 23 at 49s Id to 54s 1(1; T. B. Howson < Springston). 7 at 59s Id; /X. B. Byach (Motunau), 30 at 45s Id to 50s Id. Pyne. Gould, Guinness Ltd., sold: on account of R. W. McKay. 15 at 42s Id to 47s Id; J. Prestage (Riccarton). 17 at 46s Id to 50s Id: Miss A. Burnside (Yaldhurst). 32 at 49s Id to 55s Id: J. A. Hadfield (Irwell), 12 at 54s Id. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. Ltd., sold: on account of O. G. Clark (Kaiapoi), 8 at 56s Id to 53s Id. New Zealand Farmers’ Co-opera-tive Association. Ltd., sold: on account of J. L. Gray (Hawarden), 19 at 54s Id: J. G. Henderson (Doyleston), 30 at 54s Id to 61s id; A. E. Birdling (Birdling’s Flat) 31 at 46s Id; George Johnston (Kaiapoi). 18 at 48s Id to 53s Id; R. L. Chatterton (Dunsandel). 12 at 60s Id to 63s Id. i Dalgety and Company, Ltd., sold:' on account estate A. Craighead (Cheviot), 6 at 67s Id; W. Fitzgerald (Cheviot), 12 at 44s Id to 55s Id; W. M. Tilson (Broadfields), 12 at 47s Id to 54s Id; Watson and Topp, Ltd. (Waipara). 27 at 40s Id to 45s Id. FAT SHEEP I Values in the fat sheep section

eased sharply in what was probably the most difficult sale this year, and at times the market was very slack, with only an occasional pen provoking any competition. Many lines showed the effects of the drought and had been sent off the farms in an unfinished condition. The entry w r as 5445, and from this week the fat sheep section will contain the former hogget yarding. The shorter wether yarding helped to cushion the over-all decline, and values for the best quality were maintained about 2s to 3s below late rates. The younger wethers, which up to now have been selling as hoggets, were yarded in much bigger numbers and values for these i dropped by 7s to 8s for the very best and about 6s to 7s for lighter sorts. Heavy and old wethers at times were practically unsaleable, once the limited demand for this class had been satisfied. In the ewe section, prime medium sorts were probably the worst affected, due to the absence of freezer interest, and the best of the younger ewes were back by up to 8s a head. Old, heavy, and tallowy ewes were not greatly sought, and prices for these declined by 3s to 4s a head. The sale continued late into the afternoon and in its latter stages had a further general depreciation. Shorn wethers made up to 67s Id. which was paid. for a pen of 11 young wethers from C. G. Amyes (Brookside). A pen of 19 from the same vendor realised 61S Id. Mrs G. Hampton (Upper Ricca rton) sold five young wethers at 65s Id. and N. Boyce (Blenheim) sold a line of 120 at prices from 61s Id to 63s Id. with nine at the higher figure. G. D. Robertson (Balcairn) sold six at 62s Id and four at 61s Id: J. Rowe and Son sold four at 62s Id. and P. J. and P. Tully (Rakaia) had a sale at 61s Id. In the ewe section, shorn ewes sold up to 31s Id for those carrying a little wool. This was paid for a pen offered by T. F. Hight (Hororata). A. T. Metherell (Loburn)

had a sale at 30s Id. which was paid also to T. G. S. Chapman (Brookside). N. R. Wilkinson and Son (Cheviot) and Mrs F. R. Hood (Rakaia) sold pens at 29s Id, and G-. A. King (Ashburton) a pen at 28s Id. Values were:— Extra prime young butchers’ wethers, 61s Id to 67s Id. Prime heavy wethers, 55s Id to 60s Id. Prime medium wethers, 49s Id to 54s Id. Prime light wethers. 45s Id to 48s Id.

Heavy and old wethers, 41s Id to 47s Id. Extra prime butchers’ ewes, 26s Id to 31s Id. Prime medium ewes. 21s 7d to 25s Id. Prime light ewes. 17s Id to 20s Id. Old and heavy ewes. 18s 1(1 to 23s Id. Sales included;— National Mortgage and Agency Co.. Ltd., and H. Matson and Company sold; on account of T. A. Crawford (Yaldhurst), 16 wethers at 38s Id to 42s Id; W. J. Doyle (Leeston), 2 ewes at 23s Id, 18 wethers at 47s Id; A. J. Watson < Ashburton). 15 wethers at 49s Id; T. 11. Black lev (Rakaia), 37 ewes at 20s Id to 22s Id; Mrs G. Hampton (Upper Riccarton), 5 wethers at 65s Id: T. G. S. Chapman (Brookside). 16 ewes at 26s Id to 30s Id; N. W. Skurr (Oxford), 11 ewes at 22s Id, 47 wethers at 51s Id trt 54s Id; T. G. Forrester (Rotherham), 27 ewes at 26s Id to 34s Id. 17 wethers at 50s Id to 60s id; G. J. Francis (Halswell). 90 wethers at 52s Id to 56s Id, 1 woolly at 74s Id; G. G. zXmyes (Brookside). 6 ewes at 21s 7d. 52 wethers at 46s Id to

67s Id; P. S. Prendevillc (Waitangi). 25 wethers at 49s Id to 51s Id; S. G. Broun i Loburn), 13 owes at 22s Id. 2 wethers at 46s Id. J. Petrie I Swannanoa). 37 ewes al 23s Id to 36s Id; ] D. S. Lyon (Orari), 53 wethers at 44s Id to 49s Id: D. Izochhead (Southbridge). 53 wethers at 50s Id to 55s Id; J. IT. Meyer (Ladbrooks). 20 wethers at 56s Id; W. H. Dodge (Swannanoa), 15 wethers at 49s Id to 51s Id, 4 ewes at 23s Id; D. Archer (Kaiapoi), 34 wethers at 55s id to 58s Id; H. M. Milliken (Ohape), 15 wethers at 60s Id: T. E. M-. Brooks (Brookside), 25 wethers at 57s Id; T. May (Amberley). 15 wethers at 58s Id; W. Husband (Lakeside), 66 wethers at 42s Id to 48s Id; R. B. Henderson (Rotherham). 24 ewes at 23s Id; H. S. Fletcher (Waikari), 30 ewes at 24s Id; D. Duncan (Rakaia), 24 ewes at 24s Id; J. Croinie (Rakaia), 47 ewes at 22s Id to 27s Id. 11 young ewes at 35s Id. 7 wethers at 57s Id; E. L. Holmes (Waitangi). 31 wethers at 47s Id; L. G. Gardiner (Rakaia), 13 ewes at ’2ls Id, 7 wethers at 44s Id to 45s Id; Low and Lilley (Tinwald), 49 ewes at 23s Id to Id; F. Roberts (Scargill). 19 ewes at 24s Id; W. Legg (Loburn). 39 ewes at 21s Id to 24s Id; R. Johnson (Rakaia)/ 13 ewes at 22s Id. 3 wethers at 425: Id; J. Gardner (Scargill), 22 ewes at 22s Id; G. Nurse (Motukarara), ] 119 ewes at 21s Id. ! Pyne. Gould. Guinness Ltd., sold:' lon account of J. Boulton (Horrelville). 14 maiden ewes at 38s Id to; I4!s Id: P. J. and P. Tullv (Rakaia),l |B9 wethers at 50s Id to'6ls id. 13l I ewes at 21s Id to 25s Id; J. Rowe uind Son (Sefton), 17 wethers at 54s Id to 62s Id; A. L. Barrell (Sefton i. 18 wethers at 45s Id to 46s Id. 15 I ewes at 21s Id to 26s Id; L. C. Banks (Greenpark). 40 wethers at 48s Id] to 58s Id; S. A. Clarke (Cheviot). 17 wethers at 53s Id to 57s Id; A. S. Richfield (Hawarden). 16 wethers I at 48s Id: N. R. Wilkinson and Son I (Cheviot). 18 wethers at 51s Id to :52s Id. 10 ewes at 29s Id; W. R. O’Neill (Brookside), 32 wethers at 46s Id to 60s Id; A. T. Metherell (Loburn). 41 ewes at 24s Id to 30s Id; Mrs F. R. Hood (Rakaia), 22 ewes at 24s Id to 29s Id. 21 young ewes at 39s Id to 43s Id; P. A. Barnes (Cheviot), 23 ewes at 23s Id; C. F. Barns (Cheviot), 24 ewes at 21s id; D. H. Butcher (Springston). 89 ewes at 21s Id to 24s Id; G. D. I Robertson (Balcairn), 10 wethers at! 61s ldto62s Id; W. Mullins (Leeston), 10 wethers at 59s Id; T. F. Hight (Hororata), 17 ewes at 26s Id to 31s Id, 3 young ewes at 37s Id; A. Collins (Springston), 19 wethers at 50s Id to 51s Id; A. M. King (Sheffield), 18 wethers at 48s Id to 54s Id; A. M. Helps (Akaroa), 21 wethers at 51s Id to 54s Id; J. S. Scott (Heathcote), 13 wethers at 46s Id to 49s Id: E. S. R. Adams (Southbridge). 12 wethers at 52s Id: A. Nimmo (Southbridge), 33 ewes at 20s Id to 22s Id; I. H. Gillanders (Greendale), 35 ewes at 21s Id to 25s Id. 7 young ewes at 39s Id; J. Somerville (Cheviot), 12 ewes at 23s Id; Grigg Bros. (Cheviot). 23 ewes at 20s Id to 26s Id; Miss M. Witbrock (Riccarton), 15 ewes at 22s Id. 1 young ewe at 43s Id. New Zealand Farmers’ Co-operative Association sold: on account of C. W Robson (Springston), 18 ewes at 23s Id, 30 wethers at 50s Id to 54s Id; B. K. Wagner (Brookside), 65 wethers at 55s Id to 59s Id; J. Daniels (Little River), 22 ewes at 25s Id: R. E. Lochhead (Broadfield), 56 wethers at 46s Id to 52s Id; R. L. Whyte (Seddon), 31 ewes at 21s Id to 25s Id; N. Lowrey (Leeston). 17 wethers at 52s Id to 54s Id: J. Uru (Tuahiwi) 50 wethers at 54s Id to 58s Id; N. Boyce (Blenheim). 20 wetners at 61s Id to 63s Id; T. E. Elliott (Cheviot), 28 wethers at 41s Id to 47s Id; L. Farr (Bennetts). 23 wethers at 48s Id: J. P. Kane (Methven). 16 wethers at 45s Id. 16 ewes at 26s Id; J. M. McGiffert (Seitoni. 53 wethers at 45s Id to 48s Id; H. L. Spark (Rangiora). 32 wethers al 49s Id; C. T. A. Ward and Son (Chertsey), 21 wethers at 57s Id Dalgety and Company. Ltd., sold: on account W. A. Palmer (Rakaia), 46 wethers at 43s Id to 49s Id; H. A. Weir (Hawarden*). 27 wethers at 49s Id to 51s Id. and 22 ewes at 25s Id; P. A. De Pass (Ataahua), 23 wethers at 49. S Id to 52s Id; A. M. Hcnderson . nd Co. (Oxford). 38 young ewes at 27s Id to 34s Id; W. R. Olliver (Hororata). 37 ewes at 19s Id to 24s Id; A. D. F. Neill (Hawarden). 12 ewes at 23s Id and 7 young ewes at 34s Id; R. J. S. Erice (Hawarden), 39 ewes at 23s Id to 30s Id; H. R. Davidson (Cui verden), 66 ewes at 24s Id to 26s Id; G. M. Dixon (.West Eyreton). 55 ewes at 26s Id to 27s Id; A. Menzies (Little Akaloa). 35 wethers at 45s Id to 52s Id; J. A. G. Fulton (Loburn). 23 wethers at 43s Id to 49s Id; L. J. Thompson (Darfield), 30 woolly wethers at 65s Id: M. T. O’Brien (Southbridge i. 21 wethers at 44s Id to 50s Id; E. H. Gallagher (Culverden), 29 wethers at 43s Id to 45s Id. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. Ltd., sold: on account of J. Griffiths (Tai Tapu), 73 ewes at 21s Id to 22s Id, 8 young

sheep at 42s Id: G. L. Breitmeyer (Little River), 19 ewes at 17s Id to 22s Id. and 6 wethers at 49s Id; Mrs M. Woodfield (Horrelville), 30 ewes at 20s Id to 26s Id; J. A. Jamieson (CustL 10 ewes at 21s Id to 25s Id, and 14 young sheep at 47s Id: A. M. Masterton (Courtenay), 66 ewes at 17s Id to 24s Id; G. A. King (Ashburton). 58 ewes at 26s Id to 28s id; W. J. Beckett (Horrelville), 16 young sheep at 42s Id; J. H. Armstrong (Waikari). 18 young sheep at 49s Id; F. R. Davison (Culverden), 8 young sheep at 48s Id. and 28 wethers at 52s Id to 57s Id; J. Nelson (Little i Akaloa). 19 wethers at 42s Id. FAT CATTLE Fat cattle met one of their weakest sales for a very long time, with values back several pounds a head, except for boner class cows, which sold around reduced schedule rates. The reason for the decline was the heavy supply—a result of producers sending cattle forward to ease pressure on feed. The entry totalled 839 head, enough for about two normal markets, and apart from a little over a third of the offering, the cattle could scarcely be described as being of butchers’ quality. Steers and heifers could be quoted back about £8 a head on the average, and in cases the decline on late rates was up to £lO. Good quality cows were back almost as much, but boner cows were atill in reasonably good demand at rates which probably only reflected the recent decline in schedule—there was certainly no marked easing in the market for them. On a price per 1001 b basis, butchers’ beef declined by 15s to 20s. Steers realised up to £59 17s 6d, paid for one from A. J. and J. W. Wright (Little River). Four from the estate J. T L. Knight (Lavericks Bay) also fetched £5B 17s 6d. Top price in the heifer section was £46 2s 6d for one from L. M. Trott (Geraldine), and sales at up to £44 17s 6d were made by I. C. Gray (Ataahua) and by R. T. Masefield (Akaroa). In the cow section top price of £4O 12s 6d went to 11. D. Bowron (Waiau), and sales at up to £39 12s 6d were made by the estate A. Stalker (Woodend).

Prime heavy steer beef sold at £6 2s 6d to £6 15s. prime medium steer beef at £7 to £7 7s 6d. and plain and light steer beef at £6 to £6 10s; prime heavy heifer beef at £6 10s to £7. prime medium heifer beef at £6 17s 6d to £7 7s 6d, and plain and light heifer beef at £6 10s to £6 17s 6d; all cow beef in sympathy with schedule rates at £6 12s 6d. Values were:— Prime heavy steers, £52 17s 6d to! £59 17s 6d. Prime medium steers, £44 7s 6d i to £5O 7s Gd Prime and light steers, £35 15s to £43 7s 6d. Plain and light steers, down to £29 I 17s 6d. Prime heavy heifers, £34 17s 6d to j £3B 17s 6d. with an odd sale to • £4fi 2s 6d Prime medium heifers, £29 17s 6d> to £34 7s 6d. Prime heavy cows. £35 17s 6d to; £4O 12s 6d. _Prnne medium cows. £3O to £34; Sales Included: Pyne, Gould. Guinness. Ltd.. >old:i on account of est. R. L. Jameson (Rotherham). 3 heifers at £37 12si 6d. 5 cows at £35 7s 6d to £39 2s j 6d; Pahau Pastures Est. (Culverden)., 2 steers at £37 17s 6d to £45 17s 6d. 3 heifers at £24 12s 6d to £29 12s 1 6d. 3 cows at £27 12s 6d to £32 12s I Gd; Jackson Bros. (Purau). 8 heifers at £34 17s Gd to £36 2s Gd. 6 cows at £24 2s 6d to £34 2s 6d: Aitken Little Pigeon Bay Est., 1 heifer at £36 17s bd. 8 cows at £29 12s 6d to £35 17s 6d; Shand Bros. (Culverden). 8 steers at £33 7s 6d. 4 heifers at £29 2s 6d to £35 2s 6d; R. A. Mould (Wainui). 21 steers at £47 2s Gd to £56 12s 6d, 3 heifers at £29 17s 6d to £3B 2s 6d; G. C. Hiatt (Tormore i. 9 steers at £3B 17s 6d to £4l 2s Gd. ■ est. J. T. L. Knight (Lavericks Bav),i 18 steers at £54 2s 6d to £5B 17s fid:' I L. M. Trott (Geraldine). 4 steers at, £55 7s 6d. 1 cow at £37 12s Gd, 71 heifers at £4l 2s 6d to £46 2s Gd; I C. Gray (.Ataahua), 5 steers at £4B 17s »>d to £55 2s tkl, 3 heifers at £3B 2s Gd to £44 17s Gd; 11. .1. McIntosh (Kaiapoi). 1 steer at £4O 17s fid. 3 heifers at £33 12s 6d to £37, 12s Gd; W H. Moore and Sons, (Hiekery). 9 steers at £4B 7s 6d to £55 2s Gd; H. Fitzsimmons (Greta, Vale). 7 steers at £43 17s 6d to £47 12s 6d. 3 heifers at £29 12s 6d to £35 12s 6d; est. R. B. Johnson. (Weka Pass), 14 cows at £27 7s Gd to £29 12s Gd, 1 heifer at £3B 2.s 6d: R. G. Murray (Te Rapa), 8 cows at £25 7s 6d. 1 heifer at £32 7s 6d; Thickett Bros. (Washdyke). 12 cows at £24 17s 6d to £32 12s 6d; Flaxbourne Station (Seddon), 8 steers at £4O 12s Gd to £4l 7s 6d. 1 cow at £2l 17s 6d; A. G. Leslie (Kaikoura). 4 cows at £25 2s 6d to £29 7s 6d: F. D. Davidson (Ward). 8 steers at £44 7s 6d to £44 17s 6d. 1 cow at £3B 17s 6d; Dovedale Farm, Ltd. (Amberley), 9 steers at £42 2s 6d to £46 2s fid; R. and J. C. Bisdee iClandeboye), 18 steers at £3l 12s 6d to £39 17s 6d; A. G. T. Dunbar (Whiterock), 6 cows at £22 2s 6d: W. Wright (Yaldhurst), 2 heifers at £32 7s Gd, 2 cows at £lB 2s 6d to £29 7s fid.

Dalgety and Company sold: on account of A. R. Turnbull and Son iAmberley), 2 heifers at £34 7s 6d. 5 cows at £24 12s 6d to £33 12s 6d; F. Bryce (Culverden), 11 steers at £3O 7s Gd to £4O 17s 6d. 4 heifers at £34 7s Gd. 1 cow at £3l 2s 6d; T. E. Elliott (Cheviot), 1 heifer at £34 7s 6d. 3 cows at £25 2s 6d to £3O 12s 6d; Owenga Farm (Flea Bay). 4 steers at £43 17s 6d to £47 2s 6d, 3 cows at £3l 7s 6d; T. F. Jones (Lagmhor). 9 steers at £37 12s 6d to £43 17s 6d; D. C. Hay iPigeon Bay), 24 steers at £36 17s IGd to £4B 7s 6d. 5 heifers at £3O 12s Gd to £34 7s 6d; Westmere Farming Company (Dromore), 17 baby beef steers at £2B 2s 6d to £32 2s 6d; C. H. Sykes (Little Akaloa). 9 steers at £35 12s 6d to £44 17s 6d; W. N„ Maxwell (Cheviot). 5 steers at £3O 17s 6d to £36 12s 6d; G. Parsons (Kaikoura), 8 steers at £39 7s 6d to £44 12s 6d; H. Gluyas (Seddon). 2 steers at £2B 12s 6d. 8 heifers at £26 7s 6d, 1 cow at £24 7s 6d: A. E. Wooding (Ward), 8 steers at £27 17s 6d to £3O 2s 6d; C. P. Acton-Adams (Ward), 2 heifers at £23 12s 6d, 2 cows at £3O 12s 6d to £3l 17s 6d; J. M. Pickering (Oxford), 3 steers at £34 17s fid, 1 heifer at £32 7s 6d, 1 cow at £36 2s 6d; I. T. Van Asch (Muller Station). 9 heifers at £27 12s Gd to £36 2s 6d 7 cows at £33 17s 6d to £35 17s 6d. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency sold: on account of R. G. Anderson (Ethelton), 1 steer at £45 12s 6d, 2 cows at £2B 7s 6d to £29 17s 6d; A. J. and J. W. Wright (Little River), 3 steers at £53 17s 6d to £59 17s 6d; P. R. Blunden Trust (Port Levy), 10 heifers at £34 7s 6d; Westmere Farm (Rakaia), 14 yearling steers at £24 7s 6d to £24 17s fid; J. A. Robertson (Ashburton). 8 baby beef at £25 12s 6d; R. H. Little (Lees Ferry), 6 cows at £33 2s 6d.

New Zealand Farmers’ Co-opera-tive Association, Ltd. sold: on account of Raumati Trust (Greta), 25 steers at £35 2s 6d to £36 17s 6d. 5 heifers at £3l 7s 6d to £36 2s 6d; estate M. B. and Miss A. Sharp (Halswcll), 9 cows at £33 12s 6d, 1 heifer at £27 17s 6d; O. A. Williams (Port Levy), 13 heifers at £32 7s 6d to £37 2s 6d: A. B. Walmsley (Spotswood). 3 steers at £49 12s 6d; A. Hunter (Tai Tapu), 4 steers at £42 7s Gd; K. N. and E. J. Boyle (Broadfields), 3 steers at £36 7s 6d to £4O 12s 6d, 1 cow at £35 2s 6d; H. V. Murray (Scargill), 10 steers at £33 12s Gd to £44 2s 6d; Bruce Me- • Lachlan (Omihi), 3 steers at £32 | 7s Gd to £45 2s 6d, 2 cows at £231 2s 6d to £26 12s 6d, 1 heifer at £23 I 7s 6d: estate A. Stalker (Woodend), i 4 cows at £35 17s Gd to £39 12s 6d; ' Puschell Bros. (Kaiapoi), 4 cows at’ £33 12s 6d: V. W. Boag (Lauriston>, I 2 steers at £34 7s 6d to £42 17s Gd. 1 2 cows at £33 7s Gd. National Mortgage and Agency ■ Company. Ltd., and 11. Matson and ; Company sold: on account of G. R.' Clarke (Bromley), 6 steers at £44 J 12s 6d to £46 12s 6d. 11 heifers at £3l 7s 6d to £34 12s 6d, and 2 cows 1 at £29 7s 6d: G. G. and G. E. Rich- • ards (Franz Josef), 5 steers at £36 12s 6d to £37 12s 6d. 2 heifers at I £29 2s 6d. and 1 cow at £2B 2s 6d; j estate G. L. Rutherford (Parnassus). I 10 steers at £39 2s 6d to £4l 17s 6d: i F. J. Smith (Clarkville). 11 steers at i £39 12s 6d to £43 17s 6d; A. Prendergast (Tai Tapu), 4 steers at £321 7s 6d: M. J. Foley and Son (Ted- ’ dington), 7 heifers at £32 12s 6d; T. 1 E. M. Brooks (Brookside), 8* steers at £35 17s 6d to £44 17s 6d: | R. D. Andrew (Motunau), 3 heifers at £29 2s 6d to £33 12s 6d, and 1 , cow at £26 7s 6d; R. T. Masefield' i (Akaroa), 3 steers at £4B 7s 6d to i I £sl 7s 6d. 9 heifers at £3B 17s 6d I Ito £44 17s 6d; D. O. Masefield l (Gough’s Bay), 6 heifers at £37 2s j 6d; H. D. Bowron (Waiau), 1 cow at £4O 12s 6d.

(Continued on page 23) ’

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Press, Volume XCVII, Issue 28748, 20 November 1958, Page 8

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ADDINGTON MARKET Big Yardings And Lower Values; High Bull Prices Press, Volume XCVII, Issue 28748, 20 November 1958, Page 8

ADDINGTON MARKET Big Yardings And Lower Values; High Bull Prices Press, Volume XCVII, Issue 28748, 20 November 1958, Page 8