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Harewood West.—One new member was welcomed at the monthly meeting of the Hare wood West branch of the Women’s Division of Federated Farmers. Mrs G. W. Fairweather spoke on the aims and objects of the movement. Mrs Reynold presided. Co'mpetition winners were Mesdames Kensington, Stidworthy, Sanders, W. Nunweek, Miss I. Nunweek, apd Mrs Strathdee. The hostesses were Mrs Erickson, Mrs Gidden, and Mrs Stidworthy. Stewart’s Gully.—The annual meeting of the Stewart’s Gully branch of the Women’s Division of Federated Farmers was held recently, with Mrs Halligan presiding. Officers were elected as follows: President, Mrs Phipps; vice-presidents, Mrs R. Smith, sen., and Mrs Cooksley; secretary, Mrs Hanright; treasurer, Mrs C. Roper; committee, Mesdames Parnham, Adams, Lamport, R. Staiith, jun., and Waldron; advisory members, Mesdames Phipps, Hanright, and Roper; sales table steward, Mrs Perkinson; competition stewards, Mrs Wrigglesworth and Mrs McLaughlan; sick visitors, Christchurch hospitals, Mrs Smith, sen., and Mrs Rowberry; local, Mrs Woodman and Mrs Vette. Competition results were:— Meringues: Mrs Rowberry. 'Dinner plate of vegetables: Mrs Hanright. Large bloom: Mrs Clutterbuck 1, Mrs Wrigglesworth 2. Small bloom: Mrs Wrigglesworth 1, Mrs Vette 2. Spike or cluster: Mrs McLaughlan 1, Mrs Rowberry 2. Hostesses were Mesdames Rowberry, Woodman, and Wrigglesworth. Redcliffs.—Mrs Wagstaff presided over the annual meeting of the Redcliffs branch of the Women’s Division of Federated Farmers. The report showed a successful year. Th 6 following officers were elected:—President, Mrs Hindle; vice-presidents, Mrs Ebert and Mrs Turner; secretary, Mrs Rothwell; treasurer, Mrs Hastie; committee, Mrs J. Carter, Mrs Foster, Mrs Eames, Mrs Knutson, and Mrs Reid; advisory members, Mrs Newport and Mrs Ebert; executive delegates, Mrs Hindle, Mrs Rothwell, and Mrs Newport; tea hostess, Mrs Knutson; competition steward, Mrs Turner; sales table, Mrs McNab and Mrs Eames; newspaper reporters, Mrs Ebert and Mrs Reid; judge for competitions, Mrs Elcock. Competition results were as follows:—Chrysanthemums: Mrs Newport. Petticoat and panties: Mrs Hastie. Ginger cake: Mrs McNab 1, Mrs Rothwell 2, Mrs Eames 3. Halswell.—Mrs Orchard presided at the annual meeting of the Halswell branch of the Women’s Division of Federated Farmers. Mrs Lang presented a report on the year’s work. The retiring secretary was thanked for her work during her five years of office. Officers elected were:—President, Mrs R. J. Lang; vicepresidents, Mrs F. G. Kolkman, Mrs G. Gallagher, and Mrs F. Chapman; secretary, Mrs F. Symes; treasurer, Mrs C. g at es; committee, Mesdames Slack, Pethig, Hayes, Barclay, Mclntosh, Muir, Bearman, Chapman, and Thompson; delegates to provincial executive, Mesdames Lang, Slack, and Gallagher; advisory members, Mesdames Lang and Gates; competition steward, Mrs Chapman; assistant, Mrs Muir; sales tables stewards, Mrs Hayes. Cup winners for the year were: General competitions, Mrs Pethigfloral competitions, Mrs Slack. Amur!.— At the annual meeting of the Amuri branch of the Women’s Division of Federated Farmers, Mrs M. Bethell reviewed the last year’s activities, the most important of which was the silver jubilee of the branch, held in May. The balancesheet showed a credit of £36 18s 2d. Donations were made as follows:—Communitychest, £3O; housekeeper fund, £1 10s; heritage, £1 Is; crippled children society, £1 Is; leper trust, £1 Is. Mrs A. Ross, a new member, was welcomed to the meeting. It was decided to hold a rag drive later in the year to augment branch funds. Election of officers resulted as follows:—President, Mrs M. Bethell; vicepresidents. Mesdames J. N. Boag, D. L. Rutherford, and A. A. Macfarlane; secretary, Mrs Rawson Davison; treasurer, Mrs S.. Maxwell; committee, Mesdames R. A. Hoban, L. H. Davison, R. Milne, H. Hammond, D. Christopher, L. Johns, Withell, A. Amor, A. G. Wilson, G. P. DampierCrosley, N. Ross, T. Addis, W. J. Dickel, G. K. McLaughlan, B. Hoban, W. Grueber, A. Hare, L. D. Hartnell, R. E. Heath, A. R. Ormond, G. Mockett, M. Anderson, J. H. Davison, L. R. C. MacfarW - Munro, B. Henderson T. C. Robinson; delegate to conference,’ Mrs D. L. Rutherford; delegates to Hurunui executive, Mrs J. N. Boag, sen., and Mrs R. A. Hoban; advisory member, Mrs Rawson Davison; auditor, Mr P. Cadigan. Oxford.—At the May meeting of the branch of the Women’s Division of Federated Farmers, members of the yiewhill. Cooper’s Creek, and Caneton branches were invited to hear an address by Mr L. A. Bennett and see three films made to aid in the understanding of cancer. Mrs C. W. Markham presided a ?d thanked the speaker and Miss Dunn °f the Health Department. Port Levy.—Mrs Ford presided at' the sixteenth annual meeting of the Port Levy branch of the Women’s Division of Federated Farmers and welcomed Mrs M. E. Orchard, Canterbury provincial president, and presented her with a spray. Other visitors were Mesdames Thomson, Heywood, and D. H. Jones. It was decided to send preserved fruit for the division display at the winter show. Mrs Ford presented the president’s report which showed an increase in membership and a year of varied activities. She thanked members for their assistance during the year. Mrs C. Jenkins presented the balance-sheet, and Mrs W. S. Coop presented the report on the Austrian girl. The following officers were elected:— president, Mrs L. Ford; secretarytreasurer, Mrs C. E. Jenkins; advisory member, Mrs Field; delegates, Mesdames Field, Ford, and Hadley; competition secretary, Mrs Haley; sales table secretary, Mrs Turpin. Competition results for the year were:—flowers: Mrs Turpin 1, Miss L. Richfield 2. Large bloom: Mrs Haley 1, Mrs Mathias and Miss L. Richfield (equal) 2. Small bloom: Mrs Haley 1, Mrs Turpin 2. Cooking: Mrs Haley 1, Mrs C. Jenkins 2. Sewing: Mrs Haley 1, Mrs C. Jenkins 2. Most points for the year: Mrs Haley. Competition results for the evening ’were:—low dinner table arrangement: Mrs Turpin 1, Miss L. Richfield 2, Mrs Ford and Mrs Haley (equal) 3. Small bloom: Mrs Field 1, Mrs Ford and Mrs Haley (equal) 2. The hostesses for the evening were Mrs Steele and Mrs Turpin. Hanmer Springs.—Three new members were welcomed at the twenty-first annual meeting of the Hanmer Springs branch of the Women’s Division of Federated Farmers. Mrs Kirby presided. Trophies for the year’s competitions were presented as follows:—trophy for most points in all competitions, Mrs Saunders; cooking trophy, Mrs Saunders: floral trophy, Mrs Gasson; arts and crafts trophy, Mrs J. Wilson. Election of officers resulted:— president, Mrs Kirby; vice-presidents, Mesdames F. Malaquin, D. Atkinson, anef G. Long; secretary, Mrs G. Shaw; treasurer, Mrs G. Wood; committee, Mesdames Gasson, Killoh, Farrow, Saunders. Shearer, Wilson, Bullen, Muir, and Miss Gifkins; advisory member. Mrs Durose; executive member, Mrs F. Malaquin; auditor. Mr competition stewards, Mesdames Phillips. Corson, and Cobden; sales table stewards. Mesdames McLaughlin and Killoh; judges: blooms, Mr Moed’e; floral decorations. Mrs Me— Cauliffe: cooking, Mrs Bullen; arts and crafts. Miss Bamford.

Belfast.—Mrs Berryman presided at the annual meeting of the Belfast branch of the Women’s Division of Federated Farmers. T’be following officers were elected:— nros’dent. Mrs H. Deavol: vice-presidents. Mesdames Barnes. Farouhar. and Ingold: secretary, Mrs R. S. Halligan; treasurer. Mrs M. Finch; committee, Mesdames Kemnihom®. J. Chilton. Harris, Ludwig, and Miss M. Crawford; advisory members. Mesdames Deavol and Salt; competiiton stewards. Mesdames Ashbv, Don. and M. Crawford. Prizes won during the vear were awarded as follows: —large and small bloom, spike, or cluster: Mrs Farnuhar. Decorative: Mrs Deavol. Cooking: Mrs Ludwig. Sewing: Mrs Deavol. Aileen Freeman Cup: Mrs Farquhar. Monthly

competitions resultedlarge bloom: Mrs Farquhar 1, Mrs M. Crawford and Mrs A. crawford (equal) 2. Small bloom: Mrs French 1, Mrs .Ludwig 2. Decorative: Mrs G. Salt 1, Mrs Farquhar 2. Jar preserved tomatoes: Mrs Ludwig 1, Mrs Farquhar 2. Man’s laundered cotton shirt; Mrj Ludwig 1, Mrs R. S. Halligan 2. Glenroy.—-The Glenroy branch of the Womens Division of Federated Farmers held its annual meeting and birthday Mrs Charles presided, and Mrs M. E. Orchard, of Christchurch, conaucted the election of officers and presentation of reports and balance-sheet. Parcl°thes were handed in for the little Austrian girl sponsored by the branch. The points prizes for the year were presented as follows:—competitions: Mrs A. Pearce 1, Miss C. Phillips 2, Mrs H. Evans 3. Flowers: Mrs A. Pearce 1 Mrs C. Hunt 2, Mrs Marsh 3. Mr Gibson then showed movie films of his North Island tour.

Marshland.—The annual meeting of the Marshland branch of the Women’s Division of Federated Farmers was held in the hall. Reports showed that the branch had had a busy and satisfactory year. Election of officers resulted as follows:—president, Mrs L. Ching; vice-president, Mesdames L. Stead, J, Sheppard, and MacLauchlan; honorary secretary, Mrs M. Hopper; honorary treasurer, Mrs H. Dawber; committee, Mesdames S. Watson, S. Lawson, I. MacLauchlan, Grattan, Steere, C. Chapman, and Robertson; housekeeping auxiliary, Mrs I. Gibbs; stewards, Mesdames Stead and MacLauchwn; judges, Mesdames E. Treleaven, S. Watson, ard Peterson; delegates to provincial executive, Mesdames Ching, Robertson, and Hopper. Leithfield-Balcairn.—The annual meeting of the Leithfield-Balcairn branch of the Women’s Division of Federated Farmers was held in the Balcaim Hall. Mrs Loffhagen, of the provincial executive, presided and congratulated the branch on its activities. The election of officers resulted as follows:—president, Mrs L. Lilley; vicepresidents, Mrs C. Ashworth, Miss Dron, and Mrs Bryant; secretary, Mrs Roberts; treasurer, Mrs Moore; committee, Mesdames Wilson, L. Ashworth, J. Smith, Nort■man, Robertson and Fleming. Two guineas was voted to interprovincial conference expenses. Mrs L. Lilley won the Russell James Memorial Cup for most pinots in competitions, with Mrs Fleming as run-ner-up. Most points in flowers: Mrs G. Robertson. Cooking: Mrs L. Lilley. Other competitions: Mrs Lilley. Rolleston.—The annual meeting of the Rolleston branch of the Women’s Division of Federated Farmers was held in the Memorial Hall. Mrs Pearce presided. Officers were elected as follows: —president, Mrs S. Pearce; vice-president, Mesdames 1. Fraser and E. Lowe; secretarytreasurer, Mrs M. G. Wilsop; advisory members, Mesdames Pearce, Fraser, and Lowe; delegates, Mesdames Pearce, Wilson, and Fraser; competition secretaries, Mesdames D. Newell and J. Stewart; sales table, Mrs Brosnahan, sen.; judge, Mrs Robinson. Mrs Shipley gave an interesting demonstration with her knitting machine. Mrs Robinson was welcomed back to the branch. Hostesses were Mesdames D. New,ell and Underwood. Competition results were as follows:—spike: Mrs E. Lowe 1, Mrs D. Newell 2, Mrs John Brosnahan 3. Cluster: Mrs Newell 1, Mrs S. Pearce 2, Mrs J. Hillary 3. Large bloom: Mrs Pearce 1, Mrs Newell 2, Mrs Lowe 3. Small bloom: Mrs Lowe 1 and 2, Mrs Newell 3. Jar chow-chow: Mrs J. Brosnahan 1, Mrs Newell 2, Mrs O. Quinlan 3. Face-cloth: Mrs M. G. Wilson 1, Mrs Newell 2, Mrs Brosnahan 3. Cheese straws: Mrs Wilson 1, Mrs Brosnahan 2. Darfield.—Mrs D. McKay presided at the April meeting of the Darfield branch of the Women’s Division of Federated Farmers. Later at the annual meeting the

following officers were elected:—patroness, Mrs G. C. Warren; president, Mrs J. Blamires; vice-presidents, Mrs B. E. Harris, Mrs R. S. Gunn, and Mrs L. Clinton; secretary, Mrs F. Cridge; treasurer and assistant secretary, Mrs R. S. Williams; committee: town, Mrs Gibson, Mrs Burrows, and Mrs Lomshar; country: Mrs Geof. Reed, Mrs E. A. Cooney, and Mrs A. Hunt; social hostess, Mrs W. McKay; competition secretaries, Mesdames Ash well, Clinton, and McLaughlin; blooms

secretaries, Mesdames Rutledge and Bringans; hospital visitors, Mrs Cullen, Mrs Cridge, and Mrs Harris; group conveners, committee members; judges, Miss J. Gillanders and Mrs J. Borwick; advisory member, Mrs R. S. Gunn; auditor, Mr R. W. McMeekan.

Oxford.—Mrs M. D. Frizzell presided at the annual meeting of the Oxford branch of the Women’s Division of Federated Farmers, when the following officers were elected: president, Mrs C. W. Markham; vice-presidents, Mrs A. Winter, Mrs W. J. Skurr and Mrs W. E. Barker; secretary. Miss M. P. Baxter; treasurer, Mrs R. C. Jones; advisory members, Mrs Markham and Mrs Skurr; delegates to provincial executive, Mrs Markham, Miss Baxter, and Mrs A. Winter; competition stewards. Mrs P. A. Engelbrecht and Miss Gordon; sales table stewards Mrs F. Frahm and Mrs A. Handley; floral steward, Mrs T. Mehrtens; hospital visitors, Mrs G. Beilby and Mrs Skurr; recording officer, Mrs R. C. Jones; honorary auditor, Mr G. Beilby; press reporter, Mfss Baxter. The vase for most points in the competitions was won by the Chrysanthemum group (Mrs F. Engelbrecht leader). The Townshend trophy for most points In the vegetable competitions was won by Mrs A. E. Handley. Rangiora.—The annual meeting of the Rangiora branch of the Women’s Division of Federated Farmers was held in the John Knox Hall. Mrs Frizzell presided Officers were elected as follows: patroness, Mrs C. Mclntosh; president, Mrs Gibson; vice-presidents, Mesdames Loffhagen, Hassall and H. Burnet; secretary, Mrs R. H. Watson; assistant secretary, Mrs D. N. Eddy; honorary treasurer, Mrs Bowman; committee. Mesdames Benges. Fincham, Nelmes, Martyn, Williams, Hollow, Taylor, Clive, Woods, and Fidler; voting delegates to provincial, Mesdames Gibson, Loffhagen, and Watson; non-voting delegates, Mesdames Hassall, Burnet and Lott; advisory members. Mesdames Gibson and Bowman. Monthly competition results were: Belgian biscuits: Mrs Enright 1, Mrs Clive 2, Mrs Thompson 3. French marigolds: Mrs Clive 1, Mrs Laskey 2, Mrs Enright 3. Face cloth: Mrs Bowman 1, Mrs Hassall 2. Birthday sprays were presented to members. Members of the lily group were the hostesses for the afternoon.

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Press, Volume XCI, Issue 27675, 3 June 1955, Page 3

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WOMEN’S DIVISION OF FEDERATED FARMERS Press, Volume XCI, Issue 27675, 3 June 1955, Page 3

WOMEN’S DIVISION OF FEDERATED FARMERS Press, Volume XCI, Issue 27675, 3 June 1955, Page 3