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firm markets

utrtets remamrt firm on the Chrtft-->S;h Slock Exchange yesterday. Thoic SL , rr.ouerate turnover in a limittw Jifflber of stocks in which price rttw rtutniiu'bercd fails. Government sectlrices had a firm .nquiry, but there were ho declared »ehers. The customary dulincs. Srevafled in toe New Zealand Minina sec Sons. and no stocks lay ciose to sale. DOMINION TRANSACTIONS CHRISTCHURCH Sales on 'Change Broken Hih prop, (ex div) (50) ■ lid 6 4*l/4 Sates on Change: Unlisted boss cndinmg. rts (100: ICO) .. 0 8 3 Nf sales Reported Cott • of Aust. (ord i (200) 1 7 3 NC Nat. t ank N Z (IM) 3 2 0 +3/ Oasn tank (124) 11 15 o CarAtchurcn Gas (Tully pad) '-05> 14 3 +ad Broie.i Hui Prop. (ex. ’ » div> (100) 1 18 3 +1 zt AUCKLAND +l/1

Sai.s.-., iv/JJ, 2i per cent. (£450) £BO I'.s 6d; 15/S/52-M, 3 per cent. (£445) woo hs Sc; 1/2'53-8. 3 per cent. <£MO),’£ino S 3, Jf/4/56-59. 3 p.c. (£500), £0» £ft ™ m/./sS-o-. 3 per cent, i Caour nw. lut ‘ 15/8/64 65. 3 per cent. (£1000), £w jil. Pcndnlcn Braveries <3l), 755; Auckland Gas (382), 10s. and 5s paid (MOL 4, IMN.Z. Insurance (50). £5 .Js 8d; FAC* £1 paid '100). 3:s: Huddart Parker (50)" 575; Korma. pref. <3OOl. K, Sd; Brokeii Fill Pty. (20j), Ms; Claude Neon N.? (110). 57s 3d: Colonial Sugar (33), £eo 17b 55. and (13) £6l: Consolidated Brica ( «).9s 7d: Dunton Aust. (300).Me; (300). 235. and (400) 38s 3d; N.Z. NewsSpecs (531 345: Reid Rubber (300) 15a .and (800) 15s; Woolworths, N Z ( ism SsSd: Woclwortha Holdings (IM) ’Ss' (Jallsed A)»x. Harvey (ioo), MtS Motor Specialties (50) 43s 3d; Ross and Glendinine. rivts (tad) »• 4(1. and (140)

(SLUsuTua Sales.—2J per cent., 1/10/53 (£570) £W> 5 per cent.. 52-55 (£443). £ M Ift Od - j per cent.. Dec.. 53-56 (£lsooh “looili 3a; 3 per cent.. 62-64 (£10.000). £BO ft m ’ r r .“h , J i3 - e ? ‘5 300 ’’ S' and A. Bank (London) (Ml. £7 7a (IdNational Bank. N.Z, pref. (200), 24s llldFelt and Textiles N.Z, pref. (105 ) 24s 10dG. J. Coles (2151, 28s 2d. (138) IM and (300) 28s 3d; Niven (IM). ’edT'Macduffs, pref., two sales (7M), 2ft Od- Turn, bull and Jones, ord. (2M), 36s- Wool, worths. Ltd., three sales (8M). 30s 3dWoolworths. N.Z. (IM). 30s 4d. and (200> as Sd; Woolworths Holding” 8 A (200) aslOid: Broken HUI South, cum div (100), 525. Unlisted: Ross and Glendlntag. rights, two sales <200), 8s 4<f

DUNKDIN . Sales.—3 per cent., 1860-64 (£225). £M 15a; 3 per cent., 18S1-63 (£3M), £W 5sComm Bank, ord. (300). 21s 3d; National Bank of N.Z. (50), 625: G. J. Coles (2*5) 23s 6d; Dalgety (2M), 14s 2d; Broken Hili Pty. (s°) 56s 3d; Woolworths NT <IM). 2Ss 3d; Union Steam, pref. (300). Ms- Mt LysU (100). 225. ” «"■ ««• Sales Reported.—Associated Leathers (200), 22s 6d: National Bank of N.Z. (3M) «2b: Union Bank (134). £ll 15a; GJ Coles (100). 28s 6d: Broken HIU Pty. (100) sesM- ,Ji nli V ed: Ro “ ««« GlSdlnmg; rights (1200), 8s Sd. and (SM) 0s 3d.


BYDNBT The Sydney share market lost none of its Strength yesterday, though business again contracted slightly. Sales.—National Bank. 20s paid 42»; Bank of New South Wales, Ago 12s 6d; Tooths. £5 2s 3d; Anoclafed News. 15s 3d: Huddart Parker. 60s Rd; Anthony Hordern2Bl Od; AC.I., 80s; British Tobacco. «Ss 3d; Broken Hifl Pty., 60s 3d; Burns PMIP. £5 7s 6d; Colonial Sugar. £OB 2s 6d and contr. £45 17s 6d; Drug Houses $ sSTHadfleld. siteel. 24. Sd: New Zealand Forest 8s 6d. and pref. 17s Md; Mount Lyell, new Issue, 21s 6d; Broken Hill North. 86s 9d; Rawang. 7s 9d; Oil Search. 3s 6d MELBOURNE improved levels were achieved during a very active and strong week oh the M-lhoume Stock Exchange yesterday. Base .metals were strong and Igold was still very quitt. Sales.—Commercial Bank o_ Australia Me* National Bank. 255. and 20s paid 42s &■ UnJon 7 Ik «i2 3s; Goldsbrough. 52s 3d; Australasian Paper mw issue. 255; British Tobacco, 495: Broken Hill Pty, «>•: Dunl°P. Id: riehts Ils and prei. 44a 3d: . elt and TexHk? 54S G J. Coles. 3tK Od; Herald. 21s Mver Ms 3d: New Zealand Forest, 8s S: Yirri Falls, rights. 355; United Stetons 14s J)d: Woolworths. 32s 4d; mSkro Hill South. 56s 6d: New Broken UH Broken Hill North. 86. 3d: Mount Lyell. 235: Mount Moraan. 24s 6d; Oil nch. 3s « . j North. Ms 9d; Broken Hili Zinc. Ms 4jd; Brotam Wit 30s 3d; Mouni Morgan, 19s 9d.

LATEST QUOTATIONS Buyers. £ s. d. Sellers’ £ a. d Nl. Governme .1— p.c. Ins., 15/4/4951 99 10 0 21 p.c. Ins.. 15/4/5051 99 10 0 21 p.c. War Loan, 1/10/53 98 15 0 3 p.c. Ins., 1/8/51 54 loo 0 0 _ 3 «>.c. Ins.. 15/9/5255 90 IT 6 — 3 pc. Ins. 15/5/5356 100 15 0 3 oc ins 15/12/53SS 100 10 0 3 p.c. Ins.. 15/4/5659 99 0 0 3 p c. Ins., 15/11/5760 100 6 0 .mm 3 p.c. Ins., 15/8/5361 99 10 0 3 p.c. Ins., 15/4/6063 98 13 0 3 p.c. Ins.. 15/7/6163 99 5 0 MM 3 p.c. Ins., 15/6/6164 99 7 6 — 3 k.c. Ins., 15/7/8264 99 5 0 MM 3 p.c. Ins., 15/7/6365 99 6 0 3 p.c. Ins., 15/5/6466 100 0 0 MM 3J p.c. Ins.. 15/9/5760 100 5 0 a_— 3j p.c. Ins., 15/1/5357 101 10 0 MM 4 u.c Ins 15/6/5255 102 0 0 Mm. Ba Australasia 11 15 g Comm, of Aust. .. 1 7 0 1 7 g Coiiun. of Sydney N of A’asaa , 12s 7 7 6 6d. c.d. 1 2 10 National of N.Z. .. 3 1 0 Union 11 12 0 11 17 6 Br. a eres— Bollins. ord ,, 1 10 g New Zealand 2 10 3 2 10 g Westland. x.d. 2 5 6 Coal— Pukemiro 1 7 ft Fio e> MeatCanterbury, pref. . 0 15 0 NX. Re frig, £1 pd. 2 o’ 6 2 1 0 10s paid 1 0 6 Nth. Canty, pref. 1 2 0 Southland .. 3 7 9 —M Waitaki c.d. 9 0 MM GasAuckland 0 0 10 * — 5s paitl* .. 0 4 6 Christchurch 1 4 0 1 4 4 101 paid 0 11 6 Insurance— National 1 5 0 __ New Zealand .. s 15 0 South British 5 4 S S 1 6 Lp-s and Agency— CJ.C.A, ord L 9 9 Ch’ch. Build., x.d. 21 0 0 22 0 0 Da! get y 0 13 10 0 14 3 General Finance . 1 1 6 Goldsbrough, Mort 2 7 9 _M Invincible Build. 5 S 0 9 12 6 0 10 7 14 5 0 “B” .. ' 2 10 0 MM N.Z? Co-op. First pref. 0 7 13 10 8 0 — "A” pref. NZ. Guar. Corpn. 5 0 7 3 6 3 N.Z.L. & Mer., ord.. c.d. and b. 140 0 0 Ferm. Invest 12 15 0 MM : Perpetual Trustees 2 14 0 South Island Firn 1 6 r United Building .. 1 2 9 1 *3 3 Wright, Stephenson 2 19 3 Pref 1 5 0 MM Shipping— Devonport Ferry .. P. and O. 1 2 8 16 0 0 Union, pref. 1 4 6 Woollens— Felt and Textiles 2 9 9 Felt and Textilea of N.Z 2 1 0 Raiapoi, 17s paid .. 1 6 9 MM 1 8 6 •M, Korma Tex, pref. 1 0 2 MM JJosgiel 2 12 0 MM • Timaru 1 6 6 Ndw, 7s 6d 0 ~9 6 Wellington 10 0 0 MM MtoeeOaneous— Alloy steet, N.Z., x.d. 2 11 0 Aust, C.I. 3 4 0 Avon Metal 0 17 9 Beath and Co. 2 13 3 P?e? aid . " 1 1 2 6 3 6 — Begg and Co. " 1 18 9 Be H (N.Z.) 1 10 0 MX Booth. Mac., pref. 0 14 0 0 IS 0 Brituih Tobacco 2 6 0 *M Broken Hill. Pty. 2 16 3 MMM Brown. Ewing, x.d. 3 5 0 MMC'a’id- Ne-’n 'N2.) 2 15 0 MM Colonial Sugar, ex. Coul s. ,8. Wilkie 60 12 1 16 ,6 0 • — JHnal and Medical 1 12 9 MM P 0 ™. Rubber BXC, 10s pd, x.d. 1 1 3 14 0 9 ~ Pref, x.d 7 MM. Dunlop Rubber, x.r. 1 18 0 MM * ntoo, N.Z « u 3 0 18 6* Zinc, ord. x.d. 9 0 x.d. .’ 4 1 t M_ Jv?ns Atlas Letcher Holdings 1 1 7 13 6 0 — J. Coles, c.r. 1 8 3 i "i 9 Jay’x Ltd 3 18 0 XM. Je-v ’ones 3 2 0 X '■ J Niven ‘Jacduffs, pref. 2 1 8 7 0 0 — ’ Holdings. .Pref 0 11 3 MM. McKenzies 3 7 0 McLeod 2 18, 6 MM VPt-e- (N . Zj 1 2 6 I « bl -nt. pref. Mrtburn Lime I 2 3 1 *’ 0 M 'ntfac Morts Dock Rational Electric .. 0 1 3 0 3 0 1 ”• 9 “•Z. Drug • ” 6 ■ 16 0 % Forest Prod. 0 6 6 0 « 1 .Pref. Rol’er Mill 0 1 14 12 3 9 0 14 6 Daily Times 8 0 MM jL. nn ’* h Bro,. & Kirk Mknlt ,2 1 0 1 12 9 8 0 8 6 0 0 u'—n and WliSt,’? n D ' pref - 2 1 16 2 0 3 1 1 u A“«bull and Jone, pref 1 15 5 6 0 WlL- n^ To ' n, “-- SB?*? Cement .. ord. .. 1 1 1 5 0 9 0 0 6 1 1 1 10 0 5 (Wai ord - cd - 1 9 0 1 10 i) OvrI- j A.) Listings— 4 s£ s »’»'- a - ■ 3 1 10 2 0 0 1 2 0 **« Hill South, fejjnt Lyell 2 9 0 1 2 0 Tin 0 1 u ®'*1' Biver „ 0 1 t 0 s 9

UNVIBTED STOCKS Buyers. Seilers £ s. d £ s. d. Batteries >.. 1 6 1 6 0 0 — Andrews and BeaAs» en Mot. ef Pet.. pt. 1 4 1 11 9 0 — Beatha <U paid. 19s deposit) «. 2 1 0 2 3 U Gadsdetu •— 1 9 fl Pref. 1 4 3 —— Mack'll. Caley, Pho. Matea Forests o 5 0 2 3 6 Premier Gold 0 0 9 National Trading .. 1 10 0 N.Z. Mot. Bod. .. w* 1 19 0 Reece Ltd.. I., ord. Reece, Ltd.. E., pref. 0 1 0 11 3 9 — Rose and GlendinSmltti, Wylie • Taramakau 0 8 1 1 1 0 0 8 3 0~5 0

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Press, Volume LXXXVI, Issue 26261, 4 November 1950, Page 9

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COMMERCIAL Press, Volume LXXXVI, Issue 26261, 4 November 1950, Page 9

COMMERCIAL Press, Volume LXXXVI, Issue 26261, 4 November 1950, Page 9