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♦ 7 HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY AT SHEFFIELD ANNUAL AUTUMN DISPLAY The Sheffield Horticultural Society held its annual autumn show in the Town Hall. Sheffield, recently. In spite of the cold summer and dry autumn, the quality of exhibits was very good. A week before the show the committee met to consider cancelling the display for this year, and their decision to carry on proved satisfactory to all those Interested A good attendance was present in the evening, when the special awards were presented as follows: Mrs E. A. Watson Memorial Cup, for most points throughout the show: Mrs J. O. Redtern, A miniature cup. winner of Memorial Cup for 1938: Mrs Masterton. «? co 5 d most P oi nts in the show: Mrs G. W. Cullen. Most points in cut'flowers: • rs i' • Redfern. Second most points in cut flowers: W. J. Jenkins. Most points in roses: Mrs Leo. Morrison. Most Point?, m sweet peas: W. J. Jenkins. Mr E. Wiltshire s trophy; Mrs J. A. Eedfern. Most points in novice section: Mrs G. W, Cullen. Second most points in novice section: Miss Ivy Gilmore. Most points in novice decorative classes: Mrs S. Page. Most points decorative: Mrs Leo. Morrison- Second most points in decorative: ~ Redfern. Most points in fruit: Mrs G. W. Cullen. Second most points in fruit: Mrs J. O. Redfern. Miss Howorth’s trophy: Sybil Page. Most points in vegetables: W. J. Jenkins. T. D. Lennie and Company’s trophy; Mrs S. Page and Miss Ivy Gilmore. Second most points in vegetables; Mrs Leo. Morrison. Third most points in vegetables; P. F. Roper. Most points in needlework: Miss Greta Spriggs. Second most points in needlework: Mrs J. Band. Most points in knitting: Mrs J. Band. Most points in produce: Mrs W. E. Baxter. Second most points in produce; Mrs Roper. Most points in cookery ; Mrs G, W. Cullen. Second most points in cookery; Mrs Roper. Miss Howorth’s trophy: Mrs Frank Jenkins. J. Ballantyne and Company’s trophy. Mrs L. T. Wright. Most points in photography; C. Dowdle. Second most points in photography: Mrs J. Band. Mr Douglas Deans’s trophy: C. Dowdle. Most points in children’s classes: Sybil Page. Second most points m children’s classes: Beulah Jenkins. Third most points in children’s classes; Nancy Wright and Carrie Bergh (equal). Mr E. Wiltshire's trophv; Dick and Don Palmer. Mrs C. R. Rollinson’s trophy: Beulah Jenkins. Mrs G. Butler’s troples: Thelma Johnson and Sybil Page. Miss M. Hawkins's trophy: Nola Jenkins.

CUT FLOWERS (Judge; Mrs Ridgen, sen.) Antirrhinums, three spikes (1): Mrs .T. • 0. Kedfern 1. Antirrhinums, three colours, three spikes (1): Mrs J. Redfern 1. : Asters, double, three blooms (9) : Mrs R. : Thompson 1. Mrs M. Smith 2. Mrs J. Red- ! fern 3. Asters, double, six blooms (7): 1 Mrs J. Redfern 1, Mrs R. Thompson 2, W. 1 J. Jenkins 3. Carnations, one vase, not 1 more than 12 blooms (2): Mrs R. S. Gunn : Q - A. Wright 2. Cactus, one bloom (1): Mrs J. Redfern 1. Dahlias, giant dec- : orative, three varieties, one of each (1): J Miss K. Duncan X. Dahlias, giant dec- ' orative, one bloom (2): Miss K. Duncan 1 1. L. P. Hawke 2. Dahlias, Charm, three * varieties, one bloom of each (5): Mrs J. ' Redfern 1 and 3. Tollerton 2. Dahlias. Charm, one variety, three blooms (4): Mrs 1 Redfern 1 and 2, W. J. Jenkins 3. Dahlias. ! pompon (2): Miss K. Duncan 1, W. J. Jenkins 2. Dahlias, single, four in vase 1 (1) Mrs J. Redfern 1. Dahlias, Unwin’s 1 hybrid (2): L. Fox 1, Mrs R. S. Gunn 2. ‘ Delphinium, one spike (2): Mrs J. Redfern 1 and 2. Dlanthus, six blooms (3); Miss J. Gilmour 1, Mrs J. Redfern 2. Gladioli, three spikes, three vases (4): Mrs < J. Redfern 1, L. P. Hawke 2, L. Fox 3. I Gladioli, one spike (6): L. Fox 1. L. P. i Hawke 2 and 3. Gaillardias, six blooms i (4) Mrs Redfern 1. Mrs R. S. Gunn 2, < W. J. Jenkins 3. Hydrangea, three varle- £ ties,'one truss each (4); W. J. Jenkins 1 i and 2, Mrs J. Redfern 3. Hydrangea, 1 one variety, one truss (7): W. J. Jenkins I 1 and 3, Mrs J. Redfern and W. J. Jen- I kins (equal) 2. Marigolds, African, three f (2) : Mrs S. Robertson 1, Mrs L. T. Wright 2 2. Marigolds. French (6); Mrs J. Redfern 1. Miss J. Gilmour 2 and 3. Pansies (3) Mrs J. Redfern 1. Mrs R. S. Gunn 2. Mrs J. Henry 3. Phlox Drummondii (6): Mrs R. Thompson and L. P. Hawke t (equal) 1, Mrs Tollerton 2, Mrs J. Red- ; fern 3. Popples, Iceland (2); Mrs J. i (Redfern 1 and 2. Pentstemons (5): W. j J. Jenkins 1 qnd 2, Mrs J. Redfern 3. j Roses, six kinds, one bloom of each (3U 1 Mrs J. Redfern 1, Mrs Leo. Morrison ' and 3. Hoses, three kinds, one bloom of c each (3): Mrs Les; Morrison 1 and 2, Mrs < B. S. Morrison 3. Roses, one bloom (6): < Mrs L. T. Wright and Mrs Leo. Morrison t (equal) 1, L. P. Hawke 2, Mrs Leo. Mor- I risen 3. Roses, one red (7): Mrs L. T. I Wright 1, Mrs Leo. Morrison 2 and 3. ( Hoses, one pink (7): Mrs Leo. Morrison 1 t and 3, Mrs J. Redfern 2. Roses, one X single (6): Mrs J. Redfern 1, Mrs Leo. I Morrison 2 and 3. Red hot pokers (3); t Miss Ida Innes 1, Mrs L. T. Wright 2, 1 Mrs J. Redfern 3. Sweet peas, collection 1 (2) W. J. Jenkins 1. Mrs J. Redfern 2. c Sweet peas, three varieties, three spikes 2 each (3): W. J. Jenkins 1. Mrs J. Redfern ( 2. Sweet peas, one variety, three spikes v each (3); Mrs Q. A. Wright 1, W. J. Jenkins 2, Mrs J. Redfern 3. Stocks (1): Mrs J J. Redfern 1. Salpiglossis (2): Mrs J. ' Redfern 1. Mrs R. S. Gunn 2. Verbena | (3) Mrs Redfern 1, Mrs S. Robertson 2, x Mrs W. J. Jenkins 3. Zinnias (1): Mrs J. s Redfern 1. Summer chrysanthemums, one j variety; Miss J. Gilmour. Flower not in t schedule (4): Mrs Leo. Morrison 1. Mrs J. * Redfern 2. Mrs R. S. Gunn 3. Collection < berrying shrubs (1): W. J. Jenkins 1. Col- 1 lection six kinds outdoor-grown flowers (2): Mrs J. Redfern 1. Collection eight kinds outdoor-grown flowers (3): Mrs J. Redfern 1. Mrs R. S. Gunn 2, Tollerton 3. NOVICE SECTION (Judge; Mrs Ridgen, sen.) Antirrhinums (5): Miss I. Gilmour 1 and y 2, Mrs G. W. Cullen and Mrs C. G. Adams (equal) 3. Asters (2): Mrs S. Page and f A. Hawke (equal) 1. Pansies (2) : Mrs , G. W. Cullen 1. Phlox Drummondii (2). t Miss I. Gilmour 1, Mrs G. W. Cullen 2. - Roses, three kinds, one of each (2): Miss c I. Gilmour 1, Mrs G. W. Cullen 2. Roses, r (5) Mrs S. Page and Mrs G. W. Cullen 2 and 3. Stocks, three spikes, one of ; each (1): Mrs S. Page 1. Sweet peas, three kinds, one of each (2); Mrs G. W. Cullen 1, Mrs C. G. Adams 2. Collection of six kinds of flowers (4): Mrs S. Page and Miss I. Gilmour (equal) 1, Mrs G. W. Cullen 2, Mrs C. G. Adams 3. Novice Decorative —Bowl of flowers (2); Mrs S. Page 1, Mrs C. G. Adams 2. One vase of flowers (2): Miss Irene Humm 1, Mrs S. Page 2. Buttonhole (2); Mrs b. Page 1 and 2. DECORATIVE (Judge: Mrs Masterton) Two vases, decorative effect (3): Mr? J. Hediern 1. Mvs Loo Morrison 2. Man i buttonhole (5) : Mrs J. Redfern 1, Mi's Leo Morrison 2 and 3. Ladies’ spray (4>; Mrs Leo Morrison 1 and 2, Mrs J. Henry . 3. Bowl of roses (1): Mrs Leo Morrison. Victorian bowl (3); Mrs Leo Morison 1, Mrs J. Redfern and Mrs Leo Morrison (equal) 2. Basket of flowers (6); Mrs Leo Morrison 1 and 3. Mrs J. Redfern 2. Bowl of flowers (3): Mrs Leo Morrison 1 and 2, Mrs J. Henry 3. Dinner bowl (3): Mrs J. Redfern 1. Mrs Leo Morrison 2, Mrs J. Henry 3. Floating bowl (4); Mrs J. Henry 1. Mrs Leo Morrison 2, W. J. Jenkins 3. Bowl of Calendulas (1): Mrs J. Henry 1. Victorian posy (3): Mrs J. Redfern 1. Mrs Leo Morrison 2 and 3. Flowering pot plant (1): Mrs J. H. Jcbson 1. Vase of blue flowers (1); Mrs J. Redfern. FRUIT (Judge: Mr F. T. Jones) Apples, dessert (3): Mrs J. Redfern 1, Mrs G. W. Cullen 2. Apples, dessert, early (3): W. J. Jenkins 1. Mrs J. Redtern 2, Mrs G. W. Cullen 3. Apples, cooking, four varieties (4): Miss Sybil Page 1, Graham Gunn 2, Mrs G. W. Cullen 3. Apples, cooking, one variety (4); Sybil Page 1, Graham Gunn 2, Mrs G. W. Cullen 3. Dessert apples, late (1); Mrs G. Cullen 2. Apples, collection (2): Mrs J. Redfern 1. Mrs G. W. Cullen 2. Nectarines (7): Mrs J. Redfern 1, Mrs G. W. Cullen 2, Mrs W. A. Hawke 3. Pears, dessert (1): Mrs J. Redfern 1, Sybil Page 2 and 3. Pears, cooking (5): Mrs G. W. Cullen 1 and 3, Graham Gunn 2. Plums (10): Don and Dick Palmer 1, Mrs J. Redfern 2. Graham Gunn 3. Plums, Japanese (4): Graham Gunn 1, Dick and Don Palmer 2. Mrs W. A. Hawke 3. Plums, collection (5): Dick and Don Palmer 1 and 2, Mrs G. W. Cullen 3. Peaches (3): Mrs J. Redfern 1, Mrs G. W. Cullen 2. Mrs W. J. Jenkins 3. Quinces (2): Mrs W. A. Hawke 1, Mrs G. W. Cullen 2. Tomatoes (2): Mrs G. W. Cullen 1. P. F. Roper 2. Collection of fruit (3): Mrs G. W. Cullen 1 and 2, W. J. Jenkins 3. VEGETABLES (Judge: Mr F. T. Jones) Beans, runner (8): Graham Gunn 1, Dick and Don Palmer 2 and 3. Beans, french (1): Graham Gunn 1. Beans, butter (1): Mrs Leo Morrison 1. Beetroot, long (3): Mrs Leo Morrison 1 and 3, L. Fox 2. Beetroot, turnip-rooted (8): Mrs > Leo Morrison 1, P. F. Roper 2, W. J. : Jenkins 3. Collection of herbs (X): W. J. Jenkins 1. Collection of vegetables (2): • Mrs Leo Morrison 1, W. J. Jenkins 2. , Carrots, garden (5): Mrs Budge 1, P. F. , Roper 2, W. J. Jenkins 3. Eschalots (9): 1 P. F. Roper 1, W. J. Jenkins 2 and 3. t Lettuce (3): W. Deans 1, Mrs J. Budge 2. Graham Gunn 3. Marrow, heaviest (X): 1 W. J. Jenkins 1. Marrow, best keeping (3); r W. J. Jenkins 1, P. F. Roper 2 and 3. Onions, brown skin (5); Mrs Geo. Butler X and 2. P. F. Roper 3. Onions, any other e (5): Mrs Leo Morrison X. L. Fox 2, Mrs J. e Budge 3. Parsnip (X): W. J. Jenkins X. Peas (5): W. Deans X, Mrs Leo Morrison 2. W. J. Jenkins 3. Peas, shelled (6): W. Deans X, Mrs James Henry 2, Mrs Leo ” Morrison 3. Pumpkin (1): Graham Gunn X. ; Potatoes, three varieties, three of each

(2); W. J. Jenkins 1, Graham Gunn 2. Potatoes, three of one variety, white (6): W. J. Jenkins 1. Jack Skurr 2 and 3. Potatoes, three of one variety, coloured (1) W. J. Jenkins 1. Potatoes, collection, six varieties, three of each (1): W. J. Jenkins V B-hubarb (2)•. Mrs P. F. Roper 1. Mrs S. Page 2. Swedes, two (2); L. D. Adams 1, Mrs S. Page 2. NEEDLEWORK (Judge; Miss I. Gilmour.) Thrift article (3): Mary Bond 1 and 3, Mrs J. Bond 2. Toy (3); Miss S. A. Searle i. Mrs J. T. Searle 2, Miss A. Searle 3. Wool bonnet (8); Miss Greta Spriggs 1, Mrs J. T. Searle 2. Mrs C. A. Cullen 3. Child’s knitted frock, wool (2): Mrs J. T. Searle 1. Mrs W. Hutcheon 2. Child’s pullover (2): Mrs J. T. Searle 1. Mrs W. Hutcheon 2. Cosy (7): Miss S. A. Searle 1, Miss D. Hawkins 2. Mrs W. Hutcheon 3. Collection of fancy work (1): Miss M. Humm. Duchesse set (1): Miss D. Hawkins 1. D’oyley, crocheted (3): Miss D. Hawkins 1, Mrs J. T. Searle 2 and 3. D’oyley, embroidered (2); Miss Greta Spriggs 1 and 2. Knitted cardigan, wool (2) Mrs J. Bond 1, Mrs C. A. Cullen 2. Pullover, wool (2): Mrs C. A. Cullen 1, Mrs J. Bond 2. Needlework picture (2); Miss Greta Spriggs 1, Miss M. Bond 2. Embroidery, white (1): Miss D. Hawkins I. Embroidery, coloured (3): Miss G. Spriggs 1 and 2, Miss Ward Holmes 3. Pair knitted socks, fingering (7); Mrs J. Bond 1 and 2, Mrs E. R. Watson 3. IJair knitted socks, wheeling (3): Mrs J. Bond ,1. 2, and 3. Richlieu work (1): Miss G. Spriggs 1. Silk nightgown or pyjamas (1) Miss G. Spriggs 1. Tapestry (3): Mrs S. Robertson 1, Mrs C. A. Cullen 2, Miss D. Hawkins 3. Supper cloth (3): Miss D. Hawkins 1. Miss K. Duncan 2. Mrs C; C. Inncs 3. Tray cloth, any variety (6): Miss G. Spriggs 1. Mrs J. Reid 2, Miss D. Hawkins 3. PRODUCE (Judge; Mrs W. Dawson.) Butter (3): Mrs P. F. Roper 1 and 2, Mrs B. M. Gemmell 3. Hen’s eggs (5): Mrs J. Henry 1 and 2, Mrs P. F. Roper 3. Duck eggs (1): Mrs J. D. Clark 1. Preserved fruit (4): Miss Noelene Bruere 1, Mrs G. W. Cullen 2 and 3. Jam (9): Mrs G. W. Cullen 1, Mrs P. F. Roper 2, Miss N. Bruere 3. Jelly (11): Miss N. Bruere 1, Mrs W. E. Baxter 2, Mrs J. Henry 3. Marmalade (5): Mrs W. E. Baxter 1 and 2, Miss N. Bruere 3. Pickles (2) Mrs G. W. Cullen 1 and 2. Sauce and chutney: Mrs P. F. Roper 1, Mrs W. E. Baxter 2 and 3. Soap (4): Mrs W. E. Baxter 1, Miss N. Bruere 2, Mrs P. F. Roper 3. COOKERY (Judge; Mrs W. Dawson.) Apple pie (3): Mrs P. F. Roper 1, Miss A. Howarth 2, Mrs C. A: Cullen 3. Nut bread (4): Mrs P. F. Roper 1. Mrs R. Black 2. Mrs C. A. Cullen 3. Bermaline bread (3): Mrs C. A. Cullen 1 and 2. Mrs P. F. Roper 3. Chocolate cake (2): Miss K. Duncan 1, Mrs G. W. Cullen 2. Cream puffs, six (5): Mrs G. W. Cullen 1, Miss A. Searle 2, Mrs C. A. Cullen 3. Collection small cakes (2): Miss A. Howarth 1, Miss K. Duncan 2. Ginger bread (2): Mrs V. Joblin 1. Mrs G. W. Cullen 2. Rich fruit cake (2); Mrs G. W. Cullen 1, Miss K. Duncan 2. Light fruit cake (7): Mrs P. F. Jenkins 1, Mary Davidson 2. Miss M. Searle 3. Madeira cake (3): Mrs G. W. Cullen 1. Miss K. Duncan 2, Miss M. Davidson 3. Marble cake (3): Mrs G. W. Cullen 1, Mrs W. D. Bulmer 2. Pikelets, six (6): Mrs M. Davidson 1. Mrs C. A. Cullen 2 and 3. Plain scones, four white (4): Mrs G. W. Cullen 1. Mrs P. F. Roper 2, Mrs V. Joblin 3. Girdle scones, three (3): Mrs G. W. Cullen 1, Miss M. Davidson 2, Mrs S. Page 3. Plain scones, brown, four (5): Mrs W. D. Bulmer 1 and 2, Miss M. Davidson 3. Shortbread. four pieces (5): Mrs R. Black 1, Mrs G. W. Cullen 2 and 3. Seed cake (4); Mrs G. W. Cullen 1, Miss M. Davidson 2. Mrs G. Butler 3. Sponge sandwich, jam (7): Mrs L. T. Wright 1, Mrs G. W. Cullen 2, Miss K. Duncan 3. Sponge cake (4): Mrs G. W. Cullen 1, Mrs L. T. Wright 2. Mrs W, D. Bulmer 3. Sponge roll (2); Mrs G. W. Cullen 1. Miss K. Duncan 2. Tartlets, six (I): Mrs P. F. Roper 1. PHOTOGRAPHY (Judge: Mrs R. G. Robinson.) Quarter-plate and under, scenery (IDS'- Dowdle 1, Mrs J. Bond 2, Miss Irene Humm 3. Quarter-plate and under, animals (8): Mrs J. Bond 1 and 3, Mrs M. A. Hawkins 2, Quarter-plate and under. chl Jd study (6): C. Dowdle 1 and 2, Dick and Don Palmer 3. Quarter-plate and under, group (6): Dick and Don Palmer 1. Mrs J. Bond 2. C. Dowdle 3. Quarterplate and over, portrait (1); Dick and Don I aimer 1. Collection, six photo- £ ra PP s: Miss M. A. Hawkins 1, C. Dowdle 2. Mrs J. Bond 3. CHILDREN’S CLASSES (Judge: Mrs R. G. Robinson.) Article from sugar-bag (8); Sheila Clinton 1, Moya Reardon 2, Joan Sutherland 3. Collection wild flowers (1); Dick and Don Palmer 1. Postage stamps (3): Bruce Jenkins 1. Lan Suther 2, Nancy Wright 3. Decorated vase (6): Dick and Don Palmer 1. Margaret Adams 2, Elwyn Taege 3. Drawing illustration (4): Janice Candy 1, Sybil Page 2. Isobel Hawke 3. Crayon drawing (6); Beulah Jenkins 1. Carrie Bergh 2, Sheila Clinton 3. Decorated bowl (1); Alison Adams 1. Buttonhole (6): Sybil Page 1, Julie Morrison 2. Erica Gemmell 3. Handwriting, under 14 (2) : Sybil Page 1. Isobel Hawke 2. Handwriting. under 10 (3): Corrie Bergh I, Moya Reardon 2. Lady’s spray, (3): Julie Morrison 1, Corrie Bergh 2, Sheila Clinton 3. Meccano model (2): Max Smith Jebson 2 Darned stocking, under 16 (I V„. Be^ lah Jenkins 1. Plain scones, open (3): Erica Gemmell 1, Elwyn Taege 2, Nancy Wright 3. Plate of shortbread (4): Sybil Page 1, Noelene Searle 2, Elwyn Taege 3. Plain scones, under 12 (5): Thelma Johnstone 1. Sybil Page 2 Peter 3- „®P° n Se sandwich (s):’Nancy Wright 1, Sybil Page 2, Alison Adams 3. Embroidery work (7): Nola Jenkins 1. Jenkins 2, Sybil Page 3. Hand, school work (5): Sybil Page 1 Snf t’ ?? lda , Jenkins 3. KnitKM* Si.i’fepr 1 * ■■ N * n ' y ™““ *•

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Press, Volume LXXV, Issue 22661, 16 March 1939, Page 18

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FLOWER SHOW Press, Volume LXXV, Issue 22661, 16 March 1939, Page 18

FLOWER SHOW Press, Volume LXXV, Issue 22661, 16 March 1939, Page 18