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AIS"N\3 A\> MEETING ttEEB AT KAIAPOI S ATIS FACTO RY FIN ANCT A L POSITION The annual meeting of the Kaiapoi Working Men’s Club was held last evening. The president (Mr J. C. Simpson) presided over a large attendance. The president, in reporting on the activities of the club for the period ended June 30, 1938, said that the net profit shown in the balance-sheet after allowing for depreciation was highly satisfactory, and reflected great credit on all who had been concerned with the administration of the club during that period. On the recommendation of members at the last half-yearly meeting, the committee had installed an up-to-date heating system, costing £750. The efforts of the entertainment committee were well supported by the members’ wives and families, and .the success of the annual picnic in the Amberley Domain had been most favourably commented upon by all those present, the children having a very enjoyable day. A new wireless set had been installed in the club premises. Club members had taken part in the annual cards and billiards tournament for the inter-club shield, and the club congratulated the Richmond Working Men’s Club on winning the competition. The president thanked the retiring vice-president (Mr G. J. Price), members of the sub-committees, custodians, and the secretary for their support and assistance, and members for their cooperation. The following officers were elected: President, Mr J. C. Simpson; vice-pre-sident, Mr S. Robson: trustee, Mr J. J. Lynskey; executive committee, Messrs J. Anderson, R. Bartley, L. P. Hopkins, L. C. McAllister, M. Lynskey, and H. W. Seeker. ODDFELLOWS* LODGE AT KAIAPOI The fortnightly meeting of the Loyal Kaiapoi Lodge, M.U., 1.0.0. F., was held on Tuesday evening. Sister V. Hutson taking the N.G. chair and Bro. A. Hirst the V.G. Sick pay and accounts amounting to £l3 3s were passed for payment. The auditors (P.D.G.M. Bro. A. E. Brown and P.G. Bro. S. T. Raymond) briefly summarised the various funds in the half-yearly balance-sheet, which, with the report, was received and adopted. The auditors congratulated (ho lodge on its sound financial position. and paid a tribute to the secretary on his A'ork. As on next lodge night the official visit of the District Grand Master and district ofiicers will take place, it was decided to urge as many members as possible to attend. At this 'unction the services of P.G. Bro. A. Smith, who has held the position of treasurer of the lodge for a great number of years, will be recognised. The lodge entertained the Court Woodford Foresters Lodge to a friendly game of cards. PREPARING FOR ARBOR DAY IMPORTANCE OF TREE PLANTING “It is becoming increasingly evident that New Zealanders are realising the necessity of planting trees for shelter and beautifying purposes. But I feel sure there is still need for a greater national effort to enhance the beauty of our towns and countryside.” This statement was contained in a letter from the Minister for Internal Affairs (the Hon. W. E. Parry), which was received at the monthly meeting of the Rangiora Borough Council last evening. The letter drew attention to the observance of Arbor Day on August 3. “It seems to be that one way In which the public could assist in promoting the wjcll-being of our native and imported birds is by planting near their homes those flowering and berrybearing trees which will supply food for the birds in the autumn,” the Minister said. KILLINCHY HALL AND LIBRARY OFFICERS ELECTED AT MEETING A credit of £lO 10s lOd was shown in the balance-sheet presented at the annual meeting of residents interested in the Killinchy Hall and Library. Officers elected were:—President, Mr J. E. Millar; treasurer, Mr M. O’Brien; joint secretaries. Miss N. Millar and Mr W. Mcllraith; committee, Miss Lemon, Mesdames J. E. Miliar, R. Mcllraith, and J. Thompson, and Messrs G. Allen, H. Riches, and I. C. Millar; librarians. Miss N. Millar and Mr G. Allen. It was decided to join the Government’s country library service if sufficient support could be obtained. Messrs Millar and Riches undertook to canvass for subscribers. HEADMISTRESS RESIGNS AT LADBROOKS The resignation of the headmistress, Miss I. M. McKenzie, was received with regret at a meeting of the Ladbrooks School Committee. Miss McKenzie, who- has been headmistress for five years, has been appointed to the Parnassus School. A farewell social will be given her tomorrow evening. FARMERS’ UNION AT CULVERDEN The second of a scries of lectures was given to members of the Culverdon branch of the New Zealand Farmers’ Union, the speakers being Mr W. T. Rutherford and Mr A. Fisher, Their subjects were respectively, “Rabbits and Their Eradication,” and “The Marketing of Wheat.” Mr L. R. C. Macfarlane, the president of the branch, presided. MALVERN WOMEN’S HOCKEY DRAW The following" is the draw for the Malveiu Women’s Hockey Sub-Asso- • ciation matches to be played on Saturday on the grounds of the first mentioned clubs:—Sheffield v. Kirwee. Hororata v. Greendale, Darfield a bye.

SOCIAL FUNCTIONS CARDS AT MARSHLAND A card evening was held in the • Marshland Hall under the auspices of St. Mark’s vestry. Flag 500 and pro- i gressive euchre were played, the win- I ners being Mr and Mrs Hill and Mr i Gibbs (500), Miss Rita Howard and I Mr James Robertson (euchre). It' was decided to hold another card even- j ing in a month. Euchre at Puaha j The Puaha School Committee held a i euchre tournament recently. Win- j ners of prizes were Mrs J. Chapman | and Mr R. Vanstone, Mrs A. Radford ' and Mr T. Fahey. The hostess was Mrs J. Keller. Lincoln Basketball Social A social was held under the auspices, of the Lincoln Basketball Club in the j public hall. Mr Charles Wallace played ; the music and Miss Theda Reardon an; extra. Mr E. Ei Watkins was master j of ceremonies. Monte Carlo dances were won by Mr L. Payne and Miss Molly Guilford. Flag 500 was played. Mr A. Moreland was master of ceremonies. Successful players were Mr McLaughlin and Mr and Mrs Arnold Payne (Ladbrooks). School Social at Greendale A social for the Greendale School funds was held when a large attendance was present. Winners of cards were:—Women; Mrs Willis (Glentunncl) 1. Miss M. Wright (Greendale) 2. Men: Mr O. Salvidge 1, Mr J. Salvidgc 2. For dancing music was played by Mr W. Pettit. Kitchen Evening at Rangiora Many useful and attractive gifts were received by Miss D. Payne, of Rangiora. who will be married shortly, when, with friends, she was entertained by Miss D. Bruere at a kitchen evening in her home recently. Progressive euchre and competitions were played. Akaroa Bible Class Social A social evening was held in St. Peter’s Parish Hall, Akaroa, on Tuesday by the members of the Bible Class and Young People’s Club, who are in charge of the sweet stall at the bazaar. The evening was spent with games, table tennis, and dancing. Items were given by Messrs J. A. Read (songs). W. Charterxs (mouth organ solo), and L. Faulkner (violin solos). Misses E. Keegan and A, McIntosh were accompanists. A lucky spot waltz was won by Misses Patricia Richardson and Ngaire Armstrong. Mr W. R, Armstrong was master of ceremonies. Music was played by Mrs I. Pilkington, Misses A. Mclntosh. E. Keegan, M. Read, N. Henning, and Mr A. G. McNabb. NURSE APPOINTED TO CLINIC BUILDING AT CHEVIOT MAY START SOON The Rev. R. Leishman, secretary of the Cheviot Dental Clinic Committee, has received advice that Nurse Naider, of the Waimate Dental Clinic, has been appointed to • the Cheviot C *The committee has a substantial sum raised towards the building of the clinic, and it is hoped that as the application has been approved, work will begin in the near future. SCHOOL MATCHES AT BELFAST The Marshland School football and basketball teams visited Belfast to play return matches. The boys were beaten by 18 points to 3, and the girls won by 6 goals to 4. HALL COMMITTEE AT MARSHLAND Mr Goode presided at the monthly meeting of the Marshland Hall Committee. , , „ , , It was reported that necessary work had been done and the committee decided to hold another working bee to make improvements to the hall grounds. To augment the hall funds, it was decided to hold an old-time dance on September 15. LADIES’ GUILDS MEETING AT LOBURN A meeting of members of the Ladies’ Guild of the Loburn Anglican Church was held at “Moy Flat,” the home of Mrs G. T. Croft, recently. Archdeacon A. C. Purchas presided. Gifts were brought and later forwarded to St. Faith’s House, Christchurch. Archdeacon Purchas gave an address on the work and advancement that women have been doing in churches and missions during the last 50 years.

PRESENTATIONS AT ] CHEVIOT MRS A. FULLER HONOURED Members of the Cheviot .Women's. Institute, Anglican Ladies’ Guild, and St. John’s vestry met to bid farewell to Mrs A. Fuller, who is leaving the district. Items were given by Miss B. Morrison and the Rev. W. A. Beaumont (songs), Mr R. Burnett (pianoforte solo), and Gwen Burnett (recitation). Mrs Fuller was presented with a posy by Gwen Burnett. Mrs A. W. Leaman. voluntary organiser for the institute group, presented Mrs Fuller with a leather handbag. For the St. John’s Guild and the vestry, Mrs E. P. Honeybone presented her with a silver teapot and prayer book. Mrs G. L. Nell, president of the Cheviot Institute, spoke of Mrs Fuller’s long term of office with the institute. She presented her with a dressing case. The Rev. W. A. Beaumont and Mr C. England, for the vestry, and Mr G. Telfer, for the dental clinic committee, also spoke. GOLF SOUTH MARLBOROUGH BEATS KAIKOURA The Kaikoura Golf Club played a match against Soutli Marlborough recently. Kaikoura was beaten by 15 games to 3. Results (Kaikoura players first):— Women’s Fourball—Miss Mackle and Mrs Sablston 0, Miss Trolove and Mrs J. W. Trolove 1; Mesdames Reid and Barker 0. Mesdames Masefield and B. S. Trolove 1. Women’s Singles—Miss E. Mackle 0, Miss H. Trolove 1: Mrs F. B. Sabiston 0, Mrs Masefield 1; Mrs J. M. Reid 1, Mrs J. W. Trolove 0; Mrs D. A. Barker 1, Mrs B. S. Trolove 0. Men’s Fourball—Wilson and Sablston 0, Langbein and Masefield 1; Barker and O’Callaghan 0, Davies and Trolove 1; Reid and Harris 0. Taine and Stronach 1; Gower and Withers 0, Sullivan and Good 1. Men’s Singles—H. Wilson 0, C. Langbein 1; F. B. Sabiston 0, W. N. Masefield 1; D. A. Barker 0, T. Davies 1; R. L. Withers 0, B. S. Trolove 1; J. M. Reid 0, A. Taine X: E. W. Harris 0, G. Stronach 1- L Gower X, M. Sullivan 0; S. R. O’Callaghan 0, E. L. Good X. WORKERS’ EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION Mrs A. W. Aitchison was leader at the meeting of the Akaroa branch of the Workers’ Educational Association, held at her residence, “Pilgrim Cottage,” Aylmer street. “Garibaldi,” a chronicle 10-act play by John Drinkwater, was read and discussed. AKAROA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The members of the Akaroa Presbyterian Church Ladies’ Guild held a social afternoon in the Sunday Schoolroom when each member brought a gift of a tea towel for the work stall at the forthcoming sale of work. Competitions were won by Mesdames W. R. Bartle and R. Bruce. RUGBY FOOTBALL MALVERN SUB-UNION GAMES A recent Malvern Rugby Sub-Union match resulted: —Kirwee 9 beat Glentunnel 0. , The following is the draw for the remainder of the round:— July 30— Springfield v. Kirwee (Mr Bull); Sheffield v. Hororata (Mr Jenkins); Glentunnel a bye. August 6— Southbridge Shield , match against Hurunul..--. August X3 —Kirwee v. Sheffield, Glentunnel v. Springfield, Hororata a bye. August 20—Hororata v. Kirwee, Sheffield v. Glentunnel. Springfield a bye.

TABLE TENNIS WINDERMERE CLUB HOLDS TOURNAMENT The Windermere Table Tennis Club held, a' tournament reC'ehtfy 'With (he" following results:—A. E. Williams (received 3) beat M. Gilbert (owe 12). 21-11; W. R. Miles (owe 7) beat A. -Harwell <rec. 5). 21-19; R. Gilbert (owe 7) beat W.IR, Miles (owe 7), 25-23. In the final R. Gilbert beat A. E. Williams, 21-18. A Peninsula championship and handicap tournament has been arranged. LODGE MEETING AT AKAROA The D.F.G.M. (Bro. F. G. A. Wright, N.G.) presided at a meeting of the Loyal Gtiod Intent Lodge, M.U., 1.0.0. F., held in the Oddfellows’ Hall, Akaroa. Tenders for additions and repairs and for painting the hall were accep tod The auditors (Bros. J. McKenzie and H. F. D, Wright) reported that they had found the lodge books and voushers correct. The first and second sentiments of the order were given and responded to, CAPTAIN’S TROPHY MATCHES AT GREENDALE The following were the best cards returned in the first round for the captain’s trophy played on the Greendale golf course:— Men—R. Hayes 66, V. Davis 69, J. Turner 70, L. Davis 73, I. Glllanders 73, C. G. Jarman 73, C. Turner 77, H.. B. Shipley 77. Women—Miss I. Jarman 77, Miss F. Morland 87, Miss Norma Jarman 84, Miss Neroll Jarman 80, Mrs J. Glllanders 87, Mrs C. G. Jarman 88, Miss M. Warren 91, Miss J. Glllanders 95. R. Hayes won the men’s flag match. WOMEN’S INSTITUTE KIRWEE Miss E. Westavvay presided at the monthly meeting of the Kirwee Women’s Institute, which was attended by 30 members. Two new members were enrolled. A motion of sympathy was passed with Mrs P. Turner. Recipes were handed in for the institute’s new cookery book, which is being compiled by the Dominion Federation. Members were greatly interested in Dr, T. Paterson’s description of his visit to California. Winners of competitions were: Nut loaf, Mrs G. Hayes 1, Miss L. Thompson 2, Mrs F. Candy 3; article from scraps of wool. Miss Westaway 1, Miss L. Thompson 2, Mrs Anderson 3; bloom (cluster), Mrs McMeekan 1, Mrs G. Hayes 2; small bloom, Miss J. Bedford 1, Mrs F. S, Candy 2. Hostesses at the tea hour were Mrs Coffey, Miss J. Bedford, and Miss P. Roper. ASHLEY The monthly meeting of the Ashley Women’s Institute was presided over by Mrs W. Macann (president). An invitation to be present at its birthday party was received from the Ohoka Women’s Institute. A talk on “What to eat if oyerweight or under-weight” was given by' Miss Fogo, resident tutor for the Association of Country Education. A successful bring-and-buy stall was Competitions resulted;— Cake; Miss Z. Beattie 1, Mrs D. Robertson 2, Mrs W. Drake-3. Photograph: Mrs Erßowbyes 1, Mrs D. Robertson 2, Mrs W. Drake 3. Bloom; Miss E. Bowbyes 1, Miss J. Croft 2, Mrs W. Drake 3,

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Press, Volume LXXIV, Issue 22465, 28 July 1938, Page 4

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WORKING MEN’S CLUB Press, Volume LXXIV, Issue 22465, 28 July 1938, Page 4

WORKING MEN’S CLUB Press, Volume LXXIV, Issue 22465, 28 July 1938, Page 4