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APPLICATIONS TO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ROAD ROUND WEST SIDE OF LAKE BRUNNER The works to be applied tor, by the Grey County Council for inclusion in the Public Works Department estimates for the current year were approved by the council at a meeting on Thursday night. The estimates, in order of urgency, with the amount to be provided by the council in parenthesis, are: Brown Grey river bridge, first crossing, £178; Crooked river valley road and bridges, formation, metalling, and bridges, £3775 (£1225); Tube creek bridge, £4OB (£136); Greymouth-Point Elizabeth _ road formation, £23 (£12); Craigiebum creek bridge, £944; Lavery creek bridge, £79 (£40); Moore creek bridge, £536; Waterfall creek bridge, £390 (£195); Ngahere terrace road, formation and metalling, £167 (£83); Ford’s creek bridge, £9OO, Mitcheils-Haupiri Junction road-rais-ing at Lake Poerua overflow, £240 (£120); culverts on margin of Lake Brunner, £3OO (£150); Maori creek bridge. £217 (£108); Dash creek bridge. £350 (£175); Brown Grey river bridge, second crossing, £1000; overflow, Orangipuku river bridge, £IBO (£90); culverts, Haig creek, Waipuna, £240 f£120); Evans creek, bridge, £320 (£160); Moore creek track, £350; Clifton road, £500; Blue Grey river, £2500; Candlelight road, formation and metalling, £1000; Thomas road, Inchbonnie, formation and metalling, £400; Killeen Island road, formation and metalling, £167 (£83); bridge over Arnold river, £367 (£183); Deadman’s valley road, £500; Sadler road, Nelson creek, formation and metalling, £250; Ahaura river footbridge, £2000; Kaimata road extension, formation, and metalling, £250; sealing main road in Blackball township, £787 (£263); Maruia-Hau-plri road, via Upper Grey, formation, metalling, and bridges, £65,000; Dobson road round west side of 'Lake Brunner from Mitchells to Aratika, formation, metalling, and bridges, £25,000; Brunner-Blackball road, metalling, £l2O. In a letter to the district engineer of the Public Works Department, Greymouth. the county engineer, Mr J. Higgins, said that with the completion of the road from North Canterbury to Maruia, via the Lewis Pass, in sight, some service would be expected by the residents of the Grey County from the connexion. The construction of this road would enable the settlers at Haupiri and places between there and Greymouth to obtain some benefit. Without this connecting link, the Lewis Pass road was useless to the Grey County. The distance from Christchurch to Greymouth, via the Lewis Pass road, was about 68 miles longer than via Arthur’s Pass. He also said that the Dobson road round the west side of Lake Brunner, from Aratika to Mitchells, was an important road from a tourist and settlement point of view and as a connecting link between the Teremakau and Grey valleys.


Disapproval ol the 7st 71b weights for races was expressed by Mr J. Noble in a letter received by the Grey District Racing Committee at a meeting yesterday afternoon. Mr T. E. Coates was in the chair. Mr Noble said that the weight was a great disadvantage on the West Coast. The letter was approved. The following applications for licences were approved:—Trainers’, A. J. Wood (Kumara), C. Walsh (Greymouth), E. Kingan, J. Stewart, J. Johnston; jockey’s, V. A. Lee. The New Zealand Racing Conference advised that T. T. Smith’s trainer’s licence had been returned, as he had no horses in training. The New Zealand Racing Conference advised that the following had been elected to the district committee for the current year: Messrs F. McGregor (Hokitika), J. B. Auld (Reefton), J. Gilbert (Kumara), C. I’ Thomas (Westport), and W. Greenhili (Greymouth). Greymonth Jockey Club Advice from the New Zealand Racing Conference that Mr G. N. McLean (Timaru) had been appointed stipendiary steward for the club’s winter meeting, and Mr J. Torrance (Christchurch) racecourse inspector was received by the Greymouth Jockey Club at a meeting yesterday afternoon. The Railways Department advised that a special train would be run to Greymouth for the winter meeting on June 19. It will leave Christchurch about 6 a.m., and will return at 7 p.m. WESTPORT WARDEN’S COURT A sitting of the Warden’s Court was held at Westport on Wednesday before the Warden (Mr Raymond Ferner. S.M.). The following business was dealt with: — The Westport Coal Company, Ltd., was granted an extension of time to dispose of application No. 126/35. Edward Norris was granted a special site of half-acre, Block IV, Waitakere S.D. William Stuart Wilson was granted a mineral licence over an area of 1 acre. Block VI, Waitakere S.D. An absolute surrender by William Lutton and James Durnin of waterrace No. 6504 was accepted. William Stuart Wilson was granted a mineral licence over an area of 16 acres, Block IX, Waitakere S.D.


GREYMOUTH PROPOSES TO SPEND £79,000 REPORT OF BOROUGH COUNCIL MEETING The cost of the sewerage and gas reticulation extensions in the borough of Greymouth was estimated at £79,117 in a special report on the loan proposals for the extension, which was presented by the borough engineer, (Mr A. J. Fairmaid) to a meeting of the Greymouth Borough Council on Thursday night. The amended summarised estimate was as follows:—Main outfall sewer; Cowper street to Reid street across Karoro Lake, £10,301; Reid street to outfall at Grey river, £8834 12s 6d. Main intercepting scwc.. Cowper street, Marlborourh street to Franklin street, £2396 ICs 6d; Marsden road main sewer and branches: Cowper street to Sinnolt road, £12,502 19s lOd; branches to above, £8523 10s 2d. Paroa road main sewer and branches: Cowper street to Joyce Estate subdivision, £4649 17s 4d; branches to above, £2567 10s 5d—£7217 7s 9d. Blaketown and Preston road areas: Gravity branches to main sewer, £2592 2s; Lake street pumping area, £5707 19s; Coaklev street pumping area, £3220 17s. „ House connexions to boundary: South end (400 at £10), £40000; Blaketown, etc. (350 at £10), £3500—£68,797 4s 9d. Contingencies, 10 per cent., £6879 14s 6d; engineering and supervision, 5 per cent., £3440 0s 9d. Total: £79,117. Prevention of Floods In addition to the sewerage proposals there had been under investigation a means of obviating the flooding which occasionally occurred near the intersection of Tainui and Guinness streets and lower levels towards the tidal lagoon. This could be obviated by the construction of a stormwater relief sewer from the upper sewer at Turumaha street along Turumaha street to Sawyers Creek above the bridge. The estimated cost of the 25 chains of 36-inch diameter stormwater sewer laid complete was £3IBO. It was estimated that there would bo 400 premises to be fitted with patent closets, and that of the owners of these properties one-third would take advantage of financial assistance offered. At £ls a patent closet fitted the cost would amount to £1995, say £2OOO. In Blaketown and Preston road, when the sewerage system was available, it was estimated that there would be 350 properties requiring connexions. At present in that area no household drainage systems came to the street line, and the estimated average cost of providing such systems complete with patent closet was £35. On the basis of 200 applications for financial assistance the ampunt required would be £7OOO. bringing the total amount required to afford financial assistance to £9OOO. On January 29. 1936. a report on the gas reticulation of Blaketown had been presented to the finance committee of the council. This report had put the cost down at £3931, but, since, there had been considerable increases in the cost of both materials and labour. Based on an increase in cost ot materials of 15 per cent, and an increase in labour costs of 20 per cent, the estimated cost of the work was now £4723. The total of the estimates for the whole of the items outlined was therefore as follows; Sewerage, £rer»iold town south and Blaketown, £79,117; storm water relief sewer, Turumiha street. £3180: financial assistance to property owners, £9000; gas reticulation 'of Blaketown and Preston road, £4723; total. £96.020. Labour Costs The labour costs were set out as follows:—Sewerage, £42,274; storm water sewerage, £1269; gas reticulation. £1857; total, £45.410 Towards meeting the labour costs the Employment Division of the Labour Department might be approached. Towards the cost of works on which the estimated labour cost was £43,543, it was probable that a subsidy of 45s a man a week would be forthcoming. The expected subsidy would amount to £21,375, which would bring down the total cost of the sewerage proposals to £65,645. The total amount then to be met by loan would be reduced to £74,645. say £74,500. To meet the annual charges on such a loan the original borough area only would be rated, the rate being levied upon the unimproved value. At March 31, 1938, the net unimproved rateable value of the original area was £290.113. The rate of interest at present fixed by the Local Government Loans Board was 3J per cent, per annum and, assuming that invested sinking funds would earn a like rate of interest, compounded, to liquidate the debt in 35 years would call for an annual deposit of 1J per cent., making the total annual charge £5 for each £IOO of debt liability. The total annual charge would then, on £.74,500, amoMnt to £.372.5, and the rate to be levied would be 3.3867 d in the £ of net unimproved rateable value allowing for the statutory 10 per cent, increase in the total amount be to levied, concluded the report The council agreed to make arrangements for a conference among the Employment Officer at Greymouth, the Public Works Department engineer, and the council to discuss employment in the district

A welcome to Cr. P. Blanchfield was extended by the Mayor, Mr W Meldrum, at a meeting of the Greymouth Borough Council on Thursday night. He said that Cr. Blanchfield was the youngest member of the council, and that he had many years of service ahead of him.


EFFECT ON HEALTH OP CHILDREN FARMERS’ CRITICISM OF EMBARGO That the use by the Government of the embargo on the importation of Australian oranges into New Zealand as a bargaining weapon with the Australian Government was possibly putting infantile paralysis cases in hospital in Westport. Greymouth, and elsewhere, was a riptement made by Mr P. O’Regan at the West Coast Provincial Conference of the New Zealand Farmers’ Union at Westport yesterday, when consideration was being given to a remit from the Hari Harl branch advocating that In districts where a surnlus of fruit and a scarcity of milk prevails, or where a supply of fruit would be more practicable than pasteurised milk, that a free supply of milk to school children should be replaced wholly or in part by a supply of fresh fruit The remit was moved by Mr W. Searle, and seconded by Mr J. J. McKay (Harl Harl branch). Mr M. Wallace (Kokatahi-Koite-rangi) said that because the Australian and New Zealand Governments could not come to an agreement on embargoes on potatoes and citrus fruits, the children of New Zealand were being denied oranges—a necessary ingredient of diet—and potato growers were being denied a market. Stating that doctors were agreed that oranges were an essential part of children’s diet in order to build up a better constitution, thus giving some immunity from infantile paralysis. Mr O’Regan said that Australian oranges that could be bought for Id a dozen in Australia cost four a shilling on the West Coast. Mr O’Regan continued that every impediment to the importation of citrus fruits from Australia should be removed. The remit was carried. WEST COAST FARMERS’ UNION ANNUAL CONFERENCE AT WESTPORT Delegates from all parts of the West Coast attendjd the annual conference of the West Coast Provincial Executive of the New Zealand Farmers’ Un’on, held at Westport yesterday. Mr J. Ryan (vice-president) presided during the earlier part of the conference until the arrival of the provincial president (Mr P. O’Regan). The delegates were welcomed by Mr J. G. Archer, chairman of the Duller County Council; Mr J. C. Brown, president of the Duller Progress League; the Mayor of Westport (Mr J. Kilkenny); and Mr W. H, Hately, president of the Duller branch of the union.

The balance-sheet, showing a credit balance of £75 2a lOd, was read and adopted. The election of officers resulted:— President, Mr J. Ryan (Rotomanu branch); vice-president, Mr W. Norton (Greymouth); treasurer, Mr AMcDonnell (Grey Valley); auditor, Mr H. G. Carter (Ngahere); general committee, Messrs N. Brown (Wataroa), J. J. McKay (Hari Harl), D. Shannahan (Greymouth), D. Jellie (Ahaura), W. Clayton (Grey Valley), W. Fisher (Ngahere), H. Hodgkinson (Rotomanu), N. Macmahon (Inangahua), T. Jennings (Karamea), M. Gouldihg (Moklhinui), S. Yde (Wainihinihi), C. Lloyd (Teremakau), W. H. Hately (Buller), M. Wallace (Koko-tahi-Koiterangi), E. McPadden (Butler). and Musson (Karamea); emergency committee, Messrs Shannahan, Clayton, Carter, and Fisher, the president, and vice-president; delegate to Dominion conference, Mr Musson; delegate to Greymouth Chamber of Commerce, Mr W. Norton. CONTROL OF TRAFFIC AT GREYMOUTH REGULATIONS ADOPTED BY COUNCIL Regulations for the better control of traffic in the Borough of Greymouth were adopted by the Greymouth Borough Council at its meeting on Thursday. , , The regulations were recommended by the general committee, and were as follows: (1) That the rule about parking witin 30 feet from an intersection be strictly adhered to; C2) that parking of trucks be prohibited in Guinness street, and that a special area t>e set aside for them in Tainui street near the Opera House; (3) that motor-cars stopping temporarily must keep to within 18 inches of the kerbing; (4) that the inspector set out stands and provide regulation notice boards for parking at the bowling green, tennis courts, and United pavilion; (5) that the marking at the Karoro railway crossing be renewed, and that both bridge approaches at Sawyer’s creek be similarly treated; (6) that the dome at the Tainui and Mackay street crossing be removed to the Bank of New Zealand corner and lighted, and that the four-dome system be placed at the corner of Tainui and Mackay streets; (7) that the council request the Railway Department to have a

flood-light placed at the railway station crossing; (8) that the Orbing at the entrance to Grogan lane be extended to the actual v. dth of the lane to protect pedestrians and prevent speeding; (9) that all traffic entering netrol stations must do so from tne left- (10) that all vehicles must puU to the left to lift or set down passengers (11) that attention be drawn to excessive speed in crossing toolpaths when entering or leaving petrol stations. WESTPORT PERSONAL NOTES Mr R. A. Nottle (Westport) has joined the office staff of the Magistrate’s Court in place of Mr Roger Henry, who will leave to-day on transfer to Masterton. The Rt. Rev. Dr. W. G. Hilliard, Bishop of Nelson, is expected to arrive in Westport this evening. He will take services at St. John’s Church to-morrow. Miss I. R. C. Sexton, of Blaketown, has been appointed Sole teacher at Punakaiki, by the executive committee of the Nelson Education Board.

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Press, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22111, 5 June 1937, Page 7

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WEST COAST NEWS Press, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22111, 5 June 1937, Page 7

WEST COAST NEWS Press, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22111, 5 June 1937, Page 7