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CROCKERY TO BE PROVIDED FOR PARISH The annual meeting of the St. John’s branch of the Anglican Mothers’ Union, Rangiora, was held yesterday afternoon, the enrolling member (Mrs A. C. Purchas) presiding. I The balance-sheet showed a credit !of £4 6s 9d. It was decided to spend £2 on crockery for parish use and Mesdames W. E. Barton and T. Lesch each offered to give crockery for the same purpose. A sum of £1 was voted to the Mrs West-Watson memorial fund. Officers were elected as follows: — Enrolling member, Mrs A. C. Purchas; vice-president. Deaconess M. Birchall; secretary, Mrs M, A. Jordan; assistant secretary, Mrs T. M. Small; treasurer. Mrs J. Tweedie; magazine secretary, Mrs H. Munro; librarian, Mrs N. Jones. A service was conducted in the church by Deaconess Birchall before the meeting. Borough Estimates Estimates for the current year were discussed by the Rangiora Borough Council at a special meeting last evening. After lengthy consideration, a draft of expenditure and revenue was prepared for presentation to the nex meeting of the council. Personal Mr J. W. Stanton (president of the Rangiora High School Ex-Pupils’ Association) has been selected as the Old Pupils’ candidate at the King Carnival this month, in aid of the fund to build a community hall in Rangiora. The other candidates are Messrs D. Appleby and J. E. Strachan. Mr C. D. Gilling, who will relinquish the headmastership of the Rangiora Borough School, at the end of the week, to take a similar position at the High Street School, Dunedin, was entertained to morning tea by the staff yesterday and presented with an electric toaster. Miss C. Ambrose made the presentation and several other teachers extended best wishes for the future to Mr Gilling. Women’s Guilds The life of Dr. C. T. Studd was described by the Rev. J. A. F. Watson to a meeting of the John Knox Presbyterian Women’s Guild, Rangiora, yesterday afternoon. The president (Mrs G. A. McAlpine) presided. An address on the thirteenth psalm was given bv the president (Mrs H Ryan) to a meeting of the Rangiora Methodist Women’s Guild yesterday afternoon. Tentative arrangements Were made for the annual bazaar. Mrs E James and Miss E. Peach were hostesses. Rainfall in May More than three times as much rain fell in Rangiora last month as in May last year, when a dry month was experienced. The fall recorded at the Rangiora High School during May was 2.54 in, compared with only 78 points in the same period last year. The average for May over the last 18 years, however, is 2.3 in. There were 10 wet days last month. Basketball Draw Following is the draw for matches in the competition of the North Canterbury Basketball Association next Saturday:—Waikuku v. Sefton, at Waikuku; Rangiora High School v. Rangiora A, at the High School; Rangiora B v. Clarkville. at Rangiora; Cust v. Loburn, at Cust; Ohoka v. Oxford A, at Ohoka; Ashley v. Balcairn. at Ashley; Oxford B v. Tu Ahuriri, at Oxford.


OFFICERS ELECTED FOR YEAR The thirty-seventh annual meeting of the Amberley Agricultural and Pastoral Association was held. The president'(Mr A. Heslop) presided, Mr E. S. Taylor moved that the report and balance-sheet, showing a credit balance on the year’s operations of £lB 13s sd, be adopted, Mr I. F. Croft moved that a dog trial be held at the next show. Mr Taylor offered to give £1 Is to the prize money of the dog trial. Mr F. Busch also offered to give 10s 6d for this purpose. The date of the annual show was fixed for October 29. The following officers were elected: —President, Mr W. A. Parsons; senior vice-president, Mr F. J. Farquhar; junior vice-president, Mr M. B. Starky; hon. auditor, Mr L. V. Samuels; treasurer, Mr J. Schofield; hon. veterinary surgeon. Department of Agriculture nominee; patrons, the Rt. Hon. G. W. Forbes, Messrs W. A. Nicholls, H. D. Greenwood, J. B. Bowker, J. B. Starky, E. S, Taylor, I. F. Croft, and W. A. Patterson. The general committee was elected as follows:—Messrs M. B. Starky, C. A. Fairweather, D. Coleman, A. Parkinson, J. L. Croft, D. McDonald, I. G. Grierson, W. Wade, J. V. Oxley, A. P. Boyle, L. F. Harris, Reg. Croft, E. A. Payne, W. Donald, W. Taylor, P. Patterson, W. Haig, J. Gardiner. C. Allison, W. A. Patterson, G. A. W. Ellis, J. G. Whyte, A. George, Fred, Busch, H. Lange, J. Courage, G. M, Dixon, A. Wyllie, and J. J. Wyllie. The resignation of Mr E. R. Coleman was accepted with regret. Mr Fairweather offered to give a cup to the member of the association who secured the most new members from this date to the next annual meeting. COMPETITIONS FOR FIELD ROOTS TWENTY-SIX ENTRIES IN FIVE CLASSES AT OXFORD For the field roots competitions promoted by the Oxford Farmers’ Union there are 26 entries in five classes. The judging will take place on Friday. Rainfall The rainfall for May was 2.80 in on 15 days. For the same month last year it was 1.35 in, which fell on five days. The average for the month for the last 27 years is 3.25 in. Since the beginning of the year the amount registered is 15.91 in. against 24.54 in or the same period last year. KIRWEE RAINFALL FOR MAY Rain fell on 14 days during May, with a maximum fall of 39 points on May 9. The total for the month was 2.50 inches. Fdr the corresponding month of last year the fall was 91 points and in 1935. 1.57 ipches. The fall for the five months was 12.59 inches, compared with 19.47 inches for the same period last year. RAINFALL AT SPRINGBANK There was a total rainfall of 1.93 inches during May at Springbank. Rain fell on nine days, the heaviest fall being on May 9, when 55 points were recorded. During May last year 75 points fell, and in May, 1935, 1.30 inches fell. The total rainfall for this year to date was 9.70 inches, compared with 15.15 inches lor 1936, and 6.04 inches lor 1935.





The annual meeting of the Banks Peninsula Electric Power Board was held at Little .River. There were present—Messrs C. E. Kay (chairman ) J. V. Chapman, A. M. Helps, R. O. Brad ley, J. O. Coop, F. R. Davis, and J. E. The chairman in his annual report said that the revenue for the year from electric supply was £12,634, against £11,552 the previous year, an increase of £IOB2. The units consumed showed an increase of 16 peiv cent., and the average number of un its used by each consumer a year was 1793. est charge a unit was 9d. It was pleasing to note that only 6.03 pei cent, of the units sold were at figure. The charge to consumers a unit sold averaged 1.63 d, against l.vld a unit last year. With property rates added the average price a unit would be 1.99 d, compared with 2.13 d last year. The rate levied was £2751. The rates had been steadily reduced each year E nee 1924, when the rate struck totalled £4BBO. , . . .. As a result of the year’s working the net revenue account showed a profit of £123, continued the report, but this had been obtained only as a result of withdrawals from the depreciation fund to the extent of £659. A profit of £l3B had resulted from the board’s trading operations. At March 31 the depreciation fund stood at £4448 18s 3d, a reduction of £496 os 4d compared with the previous years total of £4939 4s 7d. The board’s loan liability, which at the date of the loan conversion in 1934 stood at £112.470, had now been reduced to £101,700. It was interesting to note that last year’s census showed that the population of the district comprising Akaroa Borough and the Counties of Akaroa, Wairewa. and Mount Herbert was 3677, and this represented a small decrease on the census figures of ira - , Estimates for the year ended March 31, 1938, were given and showed an estimated expenditure of £17,050, with an estimated revenue of £14,250, and an estimated deficiency of £2BOO. The actual operations for the year were better than last year’s estimates by £244. After a lapse of four years wiring and trading had been resumed on the normal scale. The second reinspection of consumers’ installations had been begun and practically all the Wairewa and Mount Herbert Counties had been completed. Regarding the centralisation of the power board activities, the chairman thought that very little was to be gained by amalgamation in such an isolated district, especially as an analysis of how each £1 of revenue was expended showed that after the fixed charges for interest, sinking fund cost of power and distribution had been met, very little was left from which any reduction could be made. It was resolved to apply to the Loans Board for authority to raise an amount of £2OOO for extension work. Mr Kay was re-elected chairman for the ensuing year. Mr J. E. Thacker tendered his resignation as a member of the board. The chairman thanked Mr Thacker for his useful work and expressed the board’s regret at his retirement, WAIAU PRESBYTERIAN LADIES’ GUILD A meeting of the Waiau Presbyterian Ladies’ Guild was held, at which Mrs McNeur presided. The reading for the afternoon was on mission work in China. This year’s competition among members is an article to be made from material costing not more than Is 6d, the article to be judged and then sold at the spring bring-and-buy. Mesdames Croft and Casserley served afternoon tea. SOCIAL AT HALSWELL Members of the Halswell Basketball Club entertained a number of friends at an evening social held in the Halswell Hall in honour of Miss Cora Saunders, whose marriage will take place shortly. Music for dancing was played by Misses Stella Dow, Daisy Rodgers, and Mr W. Roseler Competitions were won by Misses Cora Saunders, Doris Brown, N. Sunckell, D. Chapman, Messrs P. Jordan and O. Kesteven. On behalf of the club Miss P. McNamara presented Miss Saunders with a seagrass chair, in appreciation of the work she had done as a member. Each guest brought a gift for Miss Saunders's future home. Amongst those present were Mr and Mrs J. Saunders, Mr and Mrs Hill (Rangiora), Mr and Mrs J. Rodgers, Mr and Mrs R. Walker, Mesdames P. Saunders, W. Hayes, I. Savage, J. Brown, Misses Cora Saunders, Ivy Saunders, Iris Streeter, Madge Brown, Patricia McNamara, Thora Wakelyn. Agnes Wakelyn, Luck McNamara. N. Sunckell. Dofis Brown, D. Chapman, Margaret Brown, Margaret Sparks, Lily Sparks, Edith Savage, Grace Thompson, Edna Rodgers, Daisy Rodgers, Stella Dow, Ella Martin, Rita Slorer, Mabel Storer, Maisie Brightwell, Naino McNamara, Joyce Hill and Shona Hill (Rangiora), and May Hayes. SOCIAL AT WEST EYRETON A card party and dance organised by the West Eyreton Hall Committee were held in the local hall. Music for dancing was supplied by Mr E. Campbell, and extras were played by Messrs T. Pester, R. Brain, and H. Miles. A Monte Carlo dance was won by Mrs E Bennett and Mr H. Miles, and Mrs-E. Bennett and Mr G. Washington were the winners of a card competition. Mr L. Hyde was master of ceremonies. Among those present were Mesdames T. Pester, R. W. Thompson, C, Tomlinson E. Bennett, H. Chambers. N. McLaughlah, C. W. Bennett. W. Wilson, E. Campbell W. Busch. J. McLaughlan, G. Washington G. McGregor; H. Jackson, H. Johnson, H. Miles, Misses J, Prouse, Eileen Cattermole, Esme Mclntosh, S. Wilson, Eileen Brain M. Mclntosh, Vera McLaughlan, Bertha Cattermole, Nell Prouse, Johnson, H. Jackson, P. Brain, D. Cattermole, and Nancy Mclntosh. ODDFELLOWS’ BALL AT CHEVIOT The Oddfellows of Cheviot held their sixth annual ball in the local hall. The hall had been effectively decorated by Mrs F. Childs to represent a snow scene. During the evening, Mrs Childs was presented with a tea set as a mark of appreciation. Music for dancing was supplied by G Holland’s dance band. Those present included Mesdames F. Childs, H. Walters. C. L. Fowls, R. Hill W. Winskill, M. Daly, G. Bell, A. Tweedie. I. Cockburne, W. Crampton, N. Crampton. B. McKay, L. Cone, L. Burnett, G. Browne. Misses M. McDonald, N. Childs, M. Sloss, J. Hamilton. A. Urquhart, L. Crampton. D. Pain, A. Newell, R. Talbot, B. Pond, M. Nell. M. Robson, E. Blackman, I Upston, M. Pain, C. McKnlght, K. Crampton, M. Fox, E. Sollit, L. Fowls, M. Hyde, N. CottreU, V. Bushell, M. Carson, D. O’Leary, U. Foster, M. Fitzgibbon, R. Taylor, S. Flaherty, P. McKnight, and G. Morgan.


Members of the Gienmark Miniature Rifie Club held a very enjoyable dance in the Waipara Hall, where music was played by Miss D. Bradys Orchestra (Rangiora), and extras by Mesdames A. Ferguson and L. Trail. A lucky spot dance w&s won by Miss Je£ *n Darroch and Mr S. Ellis, and a Monte Carlo by Miss Jean Ferguson and Mr D. Rinaldi. Mr George Williams was master oi ceremonies. Amongst those present were Mesdames L. McGuckin, L. Trail, W. Potton, A. Ferguson, M. Hare, H. Grant, A. McLachlan, F. Gainsforcf, J. McKenzie, Misses J. Ferguson, B. Potton, J. Darroch, D. and M. Cooper, M. McLachlan, P. Symonds, J. Inkson, M. Laredo, R. Harris, D. Brady, M. Thomas, Messrs L. McGuckin, U Trail, A. Ferguson, F. Gainsford, L. Cooper, E Whyte, A. Reeves, A. Aydon, A. Wyllie, H. Grant, A. McLachlan. D. McLachlan, W. Hall, R. A. Harris, T.‘ Robins, T. Kilty, M. Croft, A Twbse, A. Leathwick, M. Saunders, M Peters, W. Cunningham, R. Thompson, L. Milne, A. Morris, and R. McLean. BALL AT OXFORD With arrangements in the hands of a capable committee, of which Mr G. Kimber was chairman and Mr N. Skurr was secretary, the success of the annual ball of the Oxford Young Farmers’ Club was assured. The ball, which was held in the Town Hall, Oxford, was attended by a large number of members, friends, and visitors from neighbouring towns. The club’s colours were 1 introduced in the decoration -of the hall, streamers of blue and gold with a background of greenery making an effective decorative scheme. A buffet supper was served in an adjoining room, where the tables had been decorated with posy bowls of mixed flowers by Mrs R. E. Judson. , .. , Music was provided by Whitelaw s Dance Band (Christchurch), and extras were supplied i>y Miss Bowman and Mr R. McConnell. Messrs S. Skurr and F. Englebrecht were masters of ceremonies. Winners of novelty dances were Miss Brankin and partner, Miss Evans and partner, and Miss Bowman and partner. - , ~ T Those present were Mr and Mrs J. E. H McGrath, Mr and Mrs C. Watson, Mr and Mrs C. Ryde, Mr and Mrs A. Mitchell, Mr and Mrs R. Meyer, Mr and Mrs L. Winter, Mr and Mrs A.. Fagan, Mr and Mrs Talbot, Mr and Mrs R. Thomson, Mr and Mrs R. Marsh Mr and Mrs P. K. Thompson, Mr and Mrs N. Stevenson, Mr and Mrs Graham, Mesdames W. J. Skurr, C. E. Johnson. C. W. Anderson, Mann, Brankin (Little River), Fagan, Misses A. Bell, P. Beere, A. Fitzgibbon, N. Doody, I. Burrows, P. Evans, V. Skurr, R. Skurr, J. Taylor, H. Mclntosh, D. Mehrtens, E. Dixon. B. Knowles, M. Brankin (Methven), M. Scott (Rangiora), K. Davidson, I. Kimber, P. Fagan, D. Kimber, V. Scott (Rangiora), I. O’Connell, F. O’Connell, B. Mehrtens, N. Blank, J. Youngman, V. Thompson, E. Stubbs, F. Meyers, N. Wells, P. Stubbs, B. Lange, M: Meyers, J. Hutchinson, P. Tovey, A. Blunden, L. Mann, P. Gorton, P. Higgenson, N. Campbell, B. Bowman, S. Skey, A. Thomson, R. Harbidge, P. Stevenson, J. Dailey, M. Paget, T. Paget, I. Robb, E. Thompson, M. Williams, and N. Mann.. COLLIE CLUB’S DANCE AT SPRINGFIELD The Malvern Collie Club held its annual dance in the Springfield Hall. There was a large attendance of members and visitors, who danced to the music of Bradford’s orchestra. The parishioners of the Catholic Church, Springfield, were responsible for the arrangements. ... Novelty dances were won by Lapthorne, Duncan, and partners. Extras were played by Miss Fraser, and Messrs P. and J. Vaughan were masters of ceremonies. Those present included the Rev. Father McMonagle (Darfleld), Mesdames H. Burrows. F. Jones, D. McCallum. J. Quigley. A. A. Taylor (Rangitata Gorge). F. Perham. C. King (Annat). W. Montgomery. W. H. Faulkner (Kowai Bush), Gillespie (Hororata). A. King (Glenroy). W. Bryson, C. Greening P. Rushton, C. Dorward (Christchurch). H. Nicholl. T. J. Ouaid (Staircase), L. Searle, C. Irvine, Ryan, Newman R. H. Howell (Kowai Bush), R. Milliken. F. Clark, A. Joines, J. Taylor. A. Duncan. A. Fletcher. Misses D. Lynskey (Kaiapoi), M. Kelly, M. and K. Duncan (Darfleld), B. Smart (Kowai Bush). A. McCallum, O. Lapthorne. A. Coutts. J. Harris. N. O’Sullivan (Hororata), E. Vaughan, A. Williams. R. and T. Milliken. Bennett, H. Ferguson. E. Doody. B. Burch, P. Reid, J. McKendry, W. Evans, M. O’Loughlin (Darfleld), I. and M. Davidson. E. Milliken, D. and B. Johnson, J. Saundercock. F. N. Fraser, G. McElhinney. I. Billet L. McCallum (Otira), E. Taylor, R. Hodges, B. Johnson. G. Kelly. E. Fox (Darfleld), R. Newman, K. Hampton and M. Irvine.

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Press, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22109, 3 June 1937, Page 18

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NORTH CANTERBURY NEWS Press, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22109, 3 June 1937, Page 18

NORTH CANTERBURY NEWS Press, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22109, 3 June 1937, Page 18