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Mr and Mrs A. M. Robertson (Avoca Valley, Hillsborough) will leave Christchurch to-night to connect with -the Awatea for Sydney, where they will join the Nankin on May 11 for a trip to China and Japan. Mr and Mrs S. W. Schofield, who have been visiting relatives at Aylmer’s Valley, Akaroa, have left for Wellington, accompanied by Miss Catherine Fyfe. They will leave Wellington next week for Cape Campbell. Miss Joan Barrett, who has been spending a holiday in Christchurch, has returned to her home at Hororata. Miss Betty Finlay (Highbank) has been the guest of Mr and Mrs F. S. Barrett, Hororata. '

Miss Peggy Mullally left for Wellington on Saturday night. Mrs J. R. Foster has returned from a month's holiday spent in the North Island. Mr and Mrs A. V. Oliver (Greymouth), accompanied by the latter’s sister, Mrs E. Simpson (Woodville), will pass through Christchurch today on their way to tour the North Island. Mr and Mrs J. H. L. Hiatt (Fendalton) left on Saturday to join the Monterey for California, where they wili spend a month, later going to England. They will return at the end of the year. Mrs J. Turina (Palmerston), who, with her young son, has been spending a few days with her sis-ter-in-law, Mrs H. Cameron (Cashel street), will leave to-morrow, evening for Wellington to join the Ruahine for England. Miss Ruth Benstead, who has been for several years physical culture fhstructress and sports mistress at the Palmerston North Girls’ High School, has been appointed to a similar position at the. Christchurch Technical College, and will commence her new duties at the beaming of the term. Miss Benstead is a daughter of Mr G. Benstead, Selwyn street, Timaru. Mrs J. H. Fisher, who has been staying with her sisters, Mrs D. Murchison (Fairview) and Mrs H. B; S. Johnstone (“Springbank,” Otalo), has left on her return to England. Miss Revell, who has been the fuest of Mrs Hamilton (Sumner), as returned to her home, “Cadogan,” Timaru. Mrs B, H. Howell (“Matata,” Cave) is the guest of Mrs M. A. Raymond, “Clovelly,” Timaru. Mr and Mrs Howard H. Masters, •Worcester street, will leave Christchurch to-day to take up their residence in Nelson, A • successful bridge party arranged by members of the Canterbury University College Women’s Hockey Club to raise funds was held at Bishop Julius Hostel on Saturday evening. 'The School of Art Sketch Club held a successful informal dance at the School of Art on Saturday evening, DEFINITE REDUCTION OF GOITRE SWELLINGS. Letters to the Thyrodone Proprietors from Miss Kathleen Sullivan, Invercargill, and Charles Cliften, 107 Holly road, Christchurch, state that Thyrodone is positively removing health-crushing goitres. “A real blessing and salvation,” says Mr Clilten. Goitre, dangerous anaemia, and nervousness, etc., yield to the organic iodine and sea minerals of Thyrodone. 4/fl bottle from the following and other Chemists: E. Cameron Smith, Ltd., R. R. Parnham, Ltd., McArthur’s, Ltd., G. Bonnington, Ltd., Cook and Ross. Ltd., Stanley L, Hall, D. S. Dodds, Ltd. —3 KEEP YOUR GIRLS OCCUPIED. —'and happy too, while they are home from school. Let them learn to knit, crochet, and .do tapestry. Simple, efficient lessons contained in ‘‘Handbook on Knitting,” together with 20. recipes for tapestry and knitwear. Obtainable for 6d, post free, from Patons and Baldwins, Box 1441R, Wellington. QUALITY ENGAGEMENT RINGS. Special reduction of 3/-- in the £ off all rings during this month. Every ring is mounted in oure platinum settings by the best skilled workmen We have excelled in Quality and Value for over 18 years. Inspect our window display, it will save you pounds, B O. PRIDDIS and CO. Jewellers. Cathedral square. Christchurch, ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS Spanish Onions Pickled.—Take mediumsized onions, vinegar, salt and cayenne. Peel the onions, sllc.e them thinly, place in a large jar, and sprinkle each layer liberally with salt and lightly with cayenne pepper. Cover the whole with vinegar. Exclude the air. by means of a paper brushed with white of egg, and store in a cool, dry place. Pickles should be ready for use in 10 or 14 days. Preserved Beetroot.—To each pound of beetroot allow half a pound of preserving sugar, the Juice of half a lemon, and the finely grated rind of quarter of a lemon, vanilla or cinnamon may be added. Peel the beetroot, put Into preserving pan with barely enough water -to cover. Boil , gently for about 20 minutes, then add the sugar and flavouring ingredients and continue cooking until beetroot is quite tender. Then • drain from .the syrup, cut Into convenient lengths, and place In Jars. 801 l the syrup until thick, skimming if necessary, and pour Into the jars. Cover closely and keep In a cool place. Pickled Beetroot.—Cut and peel beetroot, barely cover with watqr. boil one hour, then add pinch of salt, half-cup of sugar, and half-cup of vinegar, and boil all for five minutes.

CHRISTCHURCH HUNT OPENING MEET The Christchurch Hunt held the opening meet of the season at Aylesbury on Saturday. The weather was almost perfect, and the country and the snow-capped mountains in the distance looked beautiful in'the autumn sunshine. A light, cool north-west wind, though pleasant, made scent somewhat catchy, but the hounds, under Huntsman J. Selby, worked splendidly, and riders had a very good day’s hunt. Hounds were cast in Mr Frank Johnson’s paddock, and soon raised a hare, which, turning right-handed, went across two of Pa.scoe Brothers paddocks and Mr C. Smith s property, and then turned again right-handed, back to Mr Johnson’s land, into a paddock of lupin, where hounds had ,to be whipped off. . A fresh hare was put up m Mr Smith’s paddock. She turned into Pascoe’s and made straight across three grass paddocks. A good jump led into a lupin paddock, where hounds were checked. After some good work by the hounds through the _ lupins, the hare went off on a good line, over Mr Hall’s property, and after a fairly fast run she was eventually pulled down near a fence, in Mr Fitzgerald’s paddock. On returning to the kennels, tea was served on the lawn by Mrs Selby and ladies of the hunt. The master, Mr Gilbert Grigg, was mounted on Jacobite; the whip, Mr J. H. Grigg, rode Tommy Roff; Mrs Gilbert Grigg was on Te Aiaia, Mrs J. H. Grigg on Haldon, Mrs John Montgomery on Daybreak, Miss M. Selby on Gulielmus, Miss Eileen Buttle on Carnival Blaze, Miss Sheena Gillanders on Saxon, Miss Yolande Begg on Coral King, Miss Beulah Jenkins on Betty Supreme, Miss Betty Rudd (Blenheim) on Silver, Miss Neroli Jarman on Colleen, Mr Warner Westenra on Monaghan, Mr C. Pope on MacGregor, Mr Ward Smith on Wisdom, Mr John Pavey on Surveyor. Mr F, W. Jarman on The Raider, Mr Gerald Westenra on Grey Cloud, Mr B. Begg on Glow, Mr lan Gillanders on Chancet, Mr Mervyn Jenkins on Spec. Following in cars were Mrs Maitland Rich, Mrs C. Wynn-Williams and Miss Ruth Wynn-Williams, Sir Robert and Lady Clark-Hall an party, Mrs J. Selby, Mrs W. Jeffries, Mr and Mrs Arthur Grigg and party, Mrs Gordon Rich, Miss Gwendolyn Jellett, Lady Stewart, Mrs and Miss Ward Smith, Mr and Mrs F. McCreanor, Mr and Mrs L. J. Poff and party, Miss B. Begg, Mr and Mrs M. E. Jenkins, Miss K. Edbrooke, Mr H. Edbrooke, Mrs C. G. Jarman, Miss Norma Jarman, Miss Wood, Mr J. Gillanders, and Dr. C. E. Reid. BRACKENFIELD HUNT MEET AT THE KENNELS, FERNSIDE For spectators, the weather was ideal on Saturday for the meet of the Brackenfleld Hunt at the kennels, Fernslde, but conditions did not make for a good scent. It was very bad at the beginning, but Improved later in the day. Hounds worked well, and the jumping on the whole was good. There was a good following o both riders and spectators In motor-cars. Hounds were cast in the paddock behind the kennels, where a hare was soon sway and into Mr E. Snellex’a property. Here she circled left-handed through Mr J. Brosnan’s land on to the Mount road, and then turned left-handed again into Mr H. G. Guy’s property, where she was lost in the bluegums. Mr Guys ploughed paddock was then dram and a strong hare took the field through Messrs. Brosnan’s and W. Smith s and made for the Ashley river-bed. Puss turned righthanded into Mr T. A. Prior’s property, and was lost in the plantation. A halt was made to give the horses and hounds a breather. Hounds were then taken to Mr V. Guy’s paddock of potatoes, where a good strong hare was quickly away to provide the best run of the day, the scent having Improved. The field was taken from Mr Guy's into Mr Brosnan’s, where pus circled left-handed into Mr Smiths property and crossed Dalzell’s road Into Mr A. M. Carpenter’s property. She again turned right-handed into Mr Brosnan’s where she was pulled down and hounds were packed up for the day. The hunt will meet again at Round Hill, Lobum, on Thursday. Those riding included the joint masters, Mr Denis Chapman on Sherrlff and Mr H. D. Greenwood on Bay Rhum, the whip (Mr A. Ferguson) on Mystery, Huntsman R. A. Ferguson on Sunset and Jerry. Mr R. Parsons on Raffles and Red Fox, Mr M. D. Bailey on Woodbine, Mr B. O. Rutherford on Robin, Mr C. H. Bethell on White Heather, Mr W. S. Wright on Problem, Mr W Rountree on Dan, Mr I. Menzies on Plnocchio, Mr H. V. Waring on Night Wind, Miss R. Macdonald on Rufus, Miss C. Macdonald on Spook, Miss D. Cook on Oneroa, Miss A. March on Johnny Larkins, Miss M. Little on Colonel Sandy, Miss R. Little on Klldalre, Miss J. Anderson on Quickflre, Miss A. Tutton on Repudiate, Mrs I. Menzies on Bright .Red, Miss B. Stringer on Nightfall, Miss C. Wright on Huka, and Miss J. Greenwood on Ladybird. OCTOGENARIAN HONOURED Mrs G. Cox (Walter’s road, Marshland). who celebrated her eightieth birthday anniversary last week, was entertained at an evening social given at her home by her friends and neighbours. , • ‘ _ In proposing the health of Mrs Cox, Mr W. f. Walter referred to her residence of 48 years in the district, and also her work for the school and the welfare of the district. He said she was one of the original settlers of Marshland when there were no formed roads or bridges and very few houses. She had seen the district grow from practically a wilderness into a place of extensive Cultivation. Messrs A. Sanders, P. Gage, and O. Prattley also spoke of the Stirling qualities of Mrs Cox as a neighbour and her readiness to help any one needing assistance, Mrs J. McFadden, on behalf of those present, made a presentation to Mrs Cox. Those present were Mrs G. Cox, Mr and Mrs R. Basher, Mr S. Cox, Mr and Mrs T. Cox, Mrs J. McFadden, Mr and Mrs A. Sanders, Mr and Mrs F. Gage, Mr and Mrs O. Prattley, Mr and Mrs F. Basher, Mr and Mrs W. J. Walter, Mrs H. Ashton, Mrs Newman, Miss H, Thompson, Mr A. McDiartnid, Mr L. pocock. Masters P., R., D., and N. BasHer, and N. Cox. j ENGAGEMENT NOTICES Mr and Mre T. H. Beckett announce the engagement of their daughter, Barbara (granddaughter of Mrs and the late Canon T. A. Hamilton), to Hugh, only son of Mrs J. R. Foster, Riccarton. The engagement Is announced of Ursula, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs James Flynn (Morven), to David, only son of Mrs R. Martin, Christchurch, and the late David Martin, MakikihL

CONVERSAZIONE REUNION OP GRADUATES As reunions for .graduates, and occasions on which members of the college staff and council may meet the year’s graduands, the conversazione, card party, and dance held each year immediately before capping week by the Graduates’ Association of Canterbury University College, have met with deserving success. At the entertainment held on Saturday evening, Mrs B. C. Penney, vicepresident of the association, who acted as hostess, and the president, Mr A. E. Flower, received the guests. Mrs Penney wore a short tailored coat of nigger brown moire oyer her frock of autumn-tinted chiffon, which was finished with a flame-colourpd orchid at the neckline. The women’s common room ana the reading room, where bridge was played, were effectively decorated with autumn flowers and greenery, and the supper room was bright with geraniums. Dancing, for which Len Blogg’s orchestra provided the music, was held in the men’s common room. Arrangements for the function, _ the most important in the association s socials, were made by Mrs Penney, Misses Faith Herdman, Ethne Tosswill, Messrs A. E. Flower, W. B. T. Lette, D. W. Bain, J. H. Poison, and J. G. D. Ward. J . Musical items were given during the evening by Miss Jean Byers and Mr Roland Jenkins. The accompanist was Miss Bessie Pollard. , __ The committee’s guest included Mr and Mrs A. E. Flower, Mr and Mrs J. G. Poison, Canon and Mrs Stephen Parr, Mr and Mrs J. Wyn Irwin, Mr and Mrs W. A. Service, Professor and Mrs A. H. Tocker, Professor and Mrs W. Saddler, Dr. and Mrs R. S. Allan, Dr. and Mrs M. H. Aiken (Kaiapoi), Mrs C. Chilton, Professor S. Steele. Mr C. E. Foweraker, and members of me Canterbury branch of the New Zealand Federation of University Women, and the Gradutes’ Association, and this year’s graduands. GIFT PARTIES Miss Dorothy Palmer, whose marriage will take place this month, was the guest of honour at a party given by Miss Faith Herdman at her home m Papanui road, “Green” gifts for the kitchen of her new home were presented to Miss Palmer. Those present were Mrs J. G. Herdmon. Misses Faith Herdman, D. Palmer, D. Tavender, M. Hannay, Madeline Jennings, D. Bellaney, D. Wild, I. Clay, M. Wilson, and R. Fulton. Miss Mabel Hannay was hostess at a bathroom gift party given in Miss Palmer’s honour in the private room at Ballantynes tearooms. Several humorous recitations were -given by Miss Thelma Rickard. The guests included Mesdames H. W. Palmer, Horace Palmer, W. Hammett, L. A. G. Barrett, Misses Dorothy Palmer, Thelma Rickard, Jennifer Hammett, D. Tavender, D. Bellaney, D. Wild, Madeline Jennings, R.. Fulton, M. Wilson, I. Clay, Faith Herdman, and M. Hannay. , ■ _ Misses Doris Tavender and Ruth Fulton also entertained at a theatre party in honour of Miss Palmer, and later supper was served at Miss Tavender’s flat in Papanui road, each guest bringing a • “blue" gift for the new home. " Those invited were Mesdames H. W, Palmer, W. A. Hammett, R. E. Free, W. J. Payne, Frank Eade. W. F. Hamilton, Misses Dorothy Palmer, M. Hannay, Madeline Jennings, D. Bellaney, D. Wild, F. Herdman, I. Clay, and M. Wilson. An enjoyable time was spent at the Kaikoura Suburban Hall, when a number of young friends organised a gift evening to honour Miss Doreen Smith (Rockwood), who will be married shortly ' Music was supplied by Mrs W. D. Sabiston, and extras were played by Misses Mary Mackle, L. Williams, E. Wareham, and Mr R. McKenzie. Mr C. Wareham acted as master of ceremonies. Songs were sung by Mr L. Firkin, with Miss L. Williams as accompanist. Novelty dances were won by Miss S. Miles and Mr R. Wallace, Miss Doreen Smith, and Mr H. Smith. Mrs E. A. Grimwood and Mrs W. Prendeville were joint hostesses at a “cup and saucer’’ gift party held at the home of Mrs Grimwood (“Mount Oval,” Hawarden), in honour of Miss Grace Newman, whose marriage will take place soon. Among those present were Miss Grace Newman, Mr and Mrs E. A. Grmwood, Mr and Mrs W. Prendeville, Mr and Mrs R. Wright, Mr and Mrs D. G. Scott Mr and Mrs J. L. Feek, Mesdames M. Newman, W. B. Scott, H. V. Patchett, M. Waterhouse. Messrs M. Wright, F. J. Rydings, F. Smith. Miss Doris Downing was hostess at an afternoon gift party to honour Miss Marjorie Fraser, whose marriage will take place shortly. The time passed pleasantly With games and competitions. Those present were Miss Fraser, Mesdames Fraser, Downing, Norman, Martin, Walker, McJannett, Tucker, Johns, Birch, Misses Smith, S. Kerr, R. TreWern, A. McJannet, D. Downing, M. Huston, and V. McConnel. RED CROSS SOCIETY , OPAWA SUB-CENTRE Mrs D. E. Hansen presided at the fifth annual meeting of the Opawa sub-centre of the Red Cross Society, held at her home In Opawa road. The annual report, which was adopted, reviewed the work done during the year. Some members had attended fortnightly meetings at Mrs Hansen’s home, and others’had worked in their own homes. This work had resulted in 86 garments being made and sent to the central rooms. Other contributions included a large parcel of used linen, quilts, and a parcel of children’s used clothing, men’s shoes, etc. Subscriptions for the year had amounted to £6 ss. Six collectors from the Opawa sub-centre had assisted with the society’s annual street collection, and cakes had been sent to the refreshment rooms for helpers. A jumble sale had realised £ll 4s Id for the funds. It was announced that sewing meetings would commence on May 13. Officers elected were:—President, Mrs D, E. Hansen; vice-president, Mrs A. Forbes; honorary secretary, Mrs R. Erwin; honorary treasurer, Mrs F. H. Polhill; committee, Mesdames J. K. Stuart, M. Taylor, W. Copeland, Gordon Lucas, W, Paton, F. A. Ferguson, L. G. Blackwell, Misses G. Thomson, and A. Fraser. . Lady Wlgram, president of the Christchurch Women’s Executive, gave an interesting address on Red Cross work done In the city, and Sister Stringer spoke of the work of the Junior Bed Cross.

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Press, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22082, 3 May 1937, Page 2

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CURRENT NOTES Press, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22082, 3 May 1937, Page 2

CURRENT NOTES Press, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22082, 3 May 1937, Page 2