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MARVELLOUS 2 Everywhere you hear it! . . . Every day better pictures .re being taken on "SELO" and "SELOCHROME" film . . . old cameras are producing results with "SELO" film that their owners describe as "simply marvellous." ALWAYS ASK YOUR DEALER FOR "SELO" FILM English FILM The multi-coating and extra of SELOCHROME greatly extend the power of your camera and enable perfect snaps to bp taken early and late, on dull days or fine. British made by Ilford Ltd.. London. hrome "%# FASTEST of ALL film Distributors: WATERWORTHS SOUTH ISLAND LIMITED. 705 COLOMBO STREET, CHRISTCHTJBCtt


.Notices of Sunday Services— Uuder this PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES. heading on Saturday, the rates for Services ___ are:—Not exceeding 24 words (set solid), q T ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN 1b cash; for additional 12 words, 6d; halt- Q _„ TT __ u ' inch displayed, 2s 6d; three-quarter-inch, 3s ,_ .. i? ~. „ ~ . 9d; one inch, 5s cash. (Opposite Public Hospital.) N.B.—The Is Notices must not contain Advertisements of annual Meetings, Anniver- Minister: saries. Tea Meetings, or Entertainments. RE y. J. LAWSON ROBINSON, B.A. ANGLICAN CHURCHES. 11 p.m. THE CATHEDRAL—B a.m., Holy Preacher: REV. JAMES C. YOUNG, X Communion; 11 a.m., Choral . B - A - 'Rotorua). 58374 Matins. Service —Stanford in B Flat. „_ „„„,„ Anthem, "All Men All Things"-Men- «T. PAUL'S PRESBYTERIAN delssohn. Preacher, The Riffht Rever- n „ , , CHURCH, end the Bishop. 7 p.m., Choral Even- Cr. Cashel and Madras streets, song. Service—Stanford in C. Anthem, Minister: REV. ALAN WATSON, M.A. "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring"—Bach, n a.m.—"A LESSON WORTH LEARNPreacher, the Rev. G. M. McKenzie, ING." 7 p.m.—"THE PRACTICAL Headmaster Cathedral Grammar FORCE OF PRAYER." - R EV HUGH GRAHAM Holy Communion; 11, Sung Eucha- Mosgiel. 583,6 rist. "Ideals of the Empire and Chris- ot. NINIAN'S PRESBYTERIAN tianity." 6.30 Evensong. "The Cruci- O CHURCH, Puriri street, Riccartonnx - TTo? Public WorshiD. 11 a.m.. r>r earlier. Mr CT. LUKE'S—The Rev. Frank Dun- G. S. Troup, M.A.; 7 p.m., preacher, nage, recently working with the Mrs F. R. Belmer. Subject. "The EverIndustrial Christian Fellowship, Eng- lasting God." 1722 land, will conduct all services to-mor- SHIRLEY-RICHMOND PRESBYTERrow—7 a.m., 8 a.m., 9 a.m., 11 am. O lAN CHURCH, cr. Randall and (Matins), and 7 p.m ilf * Petrie streets—Minister, Rev. F. E. H. CT. JOHN'S, Latimer square—B a.m., Paton. 11 a.m., "Things That Hinder Holy Communion; 11 a.m., Morn- God's Blessing"; 7 p.m, "Thomas the ing Prayer; 7 p.m., Evening Prayer. Doubter." 1687 Preacher, Rev. J. T. McWilliam. 1721 pASHMERE HILLS PRESBYTERIAN ST. MARY'S, Merivale—B a.m., Holy CHURCH—Minister, Rev James Communion; 11 a.m.. Matins. Robertson, B.A. 11 a.m., Mr K. H. Preacher Rev. A. K. Warren. 7 p.m., Fountain, "Anti-Semitism, Past and Evensong. Preacher, Canon S. Hamil- Present"; 7 p.m., Mr H. G. Bartlett, ton. 1683 "The Essentials of Practical Christian - ST. AUGUSTINE'S, Cashmere Hills— it Zil___ J 66G 8 a.m., Holy Communion: the Rev. ( P. H. Pritchett: 11 a.m.. Holy Com- CHURCH, Colombo street, Sydenmunion and Sermon: the Rev. P. H. ham—Minister, Rev. Lawrence Rogers, Pritchett; 7 p.m., Evensong—Arch- M.A. 11 a.m., Mr Robert Strathdee; 7 bishop Julius. 1078 p.m., Mr C. W. Packer-Doust. Visitors 3ARNABAS', Fendalton—H.C., 8 cordially welcome. 1678 a.m. and 11 a.m.; Matins, 11 a.m.; - Preacher, Rev. E. N. Blakiston; 7 p.m., baptist rHFßrurs Evensong; Preacher, Colonel F. W.W. BAPTIST CHURCHEb. Dawson. 7839 n XF ORD TERRACE BAPTIST CHURCH. METHODIST CHURCHES. _, —— . „ Preacher: Rev. P. L. A. Crampton, nURHAM STREET METHODIST „ B ;A., ,° f .^ckUnd. I I H-Minister, Rev. Clar- n ajp- Subject, "The Fulness of -the Impire Services. 11 a.m., _ „ „ . e ' 0 , . . ..„,. ~ . , "The Debt We Owe to Princes." 7 7 £, m " Su^ The Quest for p.m., "Christian Patriotism." Visitors Treasure. Communion Service, made welcome. 1725 VSi»i WOOLSTON— 11, Rev. F. Reid; 6.30, Mr R. SLf °o™ iam i S: 7 to? e £pS3v B?0 F IRST CHURCH - OF CHRIST, chett. Opawa-11 Mr Bendall, 6.30. J? SCIENTIST. Worcester street Rev. F. Read. Heathcote—ll, Rev Salph Patehett; ?30. MrGreenslade! £„%%•£&} Redcliffs—ll, Mr H. Browne; 7, Mr Trustumm. 1696 TIfETHODIST CHURCH, St. Albans. R oom , 96 Hereford street west, MonTJ - Rugby Street: Preachers, 11 a.m., day, Tuesday, Thursday. 11 a.m. to 5 Mr A. Gandell; 7 p.m., Rev. H. S. p . m . ; Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 7.45 p.m.; Kings. St. John's. Bryndwr: 11 a.m., Friday. 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. F6171 lililJMCiWDmWittlH Student A. Petch; 6.30 p.m., Mr N ■ '. Perry. 1681 iCHTEdgeware road- THEOSOPHICAJL SOCIET* *" Preachers: 11 a.m.. Rev. H. S. rpHEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, Kings; 6.30 p.m., Student P. Johansen. J. Cambridge terrace. Anthem, ':' Sun of My Soul" (Turner). SUNDAY," at 7 p.m. A hearty welcome to all. 1680 "THE APPARENT INJUSTICE , f ICHMOND-LINWOOD METHO--«-W TlTST—Piphmnnrl' 11 am.. Rev. ■*■*> DlST—Richmond: 11 a.m., Rev. Special Lecture for Enquirers J. C. Draper; 7 p.m., Mr W. Chas. By MISS N. E. OCKENDEN Francis. Linwood: 11 a.m., Mr A. (of Auckland). Dingwall; 6.30 p.m., Rev. J. C. Draper. Music: Miss E. Edgar (Violinist*. Miss Marshland: 11 a.m., Mr G. Armitage. 1668 BELT WESLEY CHURCH—- —' 11 a.m.. Rev. C. Strand; 7 p.m., Rev. J. Featherston. Visitors cordially welcomed. 1667 DDINGTON METHODIST UNION fHTIRPH—II Mr W P Franpisp.m.; Subject, "LIFE." Sunday School. 11. a.m. Testimony Meeting, Wednesday, 6.30 p.m. and 8 p.m. Reading ie „V,* SUNDAY, at 7 p.m. 1680 .' THE APPARENT INJUSTICES OF HO- LIFE." Rev. Special Lecture for Enquirers lhas. By MISS N. E. OCKENDEN ■ A. (of Auckland). N. Estall ('Cellist), Mrs Russell (Pianist). T6174 DIVINE SCIENCE SERVICE HEALING SERVICE is held Every WEDNESDAY, at 7.45 pjti. -"- CHURCH—II. Mr WC. Francis; at the Builders' Chambers, 95 GloucesJunior Choir, 6.30, Rev. W. Grigg. ter street, follower ty a Lecture by Anthems, morning and evening. Lin- Mary E. Simpson. C.S.B. coin Road: 11, Rev. W. Grigg; 6.30. Mr Subject V. Plant. 1690 "SELF-ANi CHiRLEY 3 11 am.. Rev. S. Bailey. "Ho, When Sc X^ce t ov Mr Subject for January 23-d. 19*>">: 1690 "SELF-ANALYSIS AND REFORMA,H - TION." ' h Having studied and practised Divtr.e ?5 Science for over 45 years. Mr; SiinpHdcU^JU^ sr-.nKespo ft : "c Gr Winter Comes." 6.30 p.m., Mr H. W well aualilied to" «peak Std ST Hnd heaP thC authJritron S^^cn^A 7 CHURCH-ll a.m., Mr A. E. is widely kllown as aR authc: Lawry; 6.30 p.m.. Rev. S. Bailey. "Who ture r, teacher, and practitioner. Shall lie King?" Hearty singing Ser- All are ißV itcd to attend Cell vices, bright, breezy, brotherly. Visitors especially welcome. Come. 7772 ""Shnl^ '♦ road—The Go>pel vi t : -c *■*■ street, opp. P. 0., Sydenham— of G °d *- vi!l (DV -' bc rjcKone-: 11 a.m., Praise and Worship; Com- Lords Day tven;n;, at . ul-i^ munion. 2.30 p.m. Sunday School and Mr A. H. Stott. Bible Class. 6.30 p.m.. Gospei Service. pHRISTCHURCH SPIRITUAL Mr L. C. Brown. "That in all Things CHURCH. Inc.. He*' He Might Have the Pre-eminence." magh street—Sundav Scr\;;■■.. • (HHORAL HALL—Richmond Mission Ject. "An Ea.-.ern Pi-:^;"P S ";'-'"'.-; • City Service: 7 p.m.. Subject. "The for Peace." Solo by ->'''- Prince Who will Come to Stay." Or- welcome to a!!. chestral Music, 6.45 p.m. Morning Ser- TTNITY SPIRITUAL CHURCH. vice at Mission Hall. Richmond. 1719 C cw lane—7 p.nv. I:^p: ; - "I RITUALISTS* TREET HALL—7 p.m., i Address by Mr E. Grey. * u 'V'-;;\ A -»- The Gospel of the Grace of God i"Ss. Public Circle. _,'.. * will (D.V.) be Preached by Mr J. Hil-i Friday Services, o pi... •■"' '^ l -'-'-', r . ton. All welcome. 168S i _ _..^,V "RUTLAND HALLTfiutland street; St | ( i'HRISTADELPHIAN Ltcl L^u xv Albans—Gospel Service, 7 p.m.; i Bible Ha,l. *-,^5;:._*^..„ Speaker, Mr W. J. Burrowes. Visitors day. , 6 J,° P n1 ~" e r'', v,":';Vi c< and strangers welcome. Highsted road.l World s Greatest t a,no,. .-\n w-u.--.-_ Papanui—7 p.m., Mr David Blair. 1715 No collection. .__.' INGTON NOISELESS PORTICE. ICE. ICE. ABLE TYPEWRITER. . PRACTISE Economy, prevent waste. VOW you can t>T™-T*te r and preserve health by using at any time of the da> o. xsFeron's Crystal Ice and Feron's Hy- -without fear of oiituro-.r., i-a-gienic Ice Chests. around you: r t n^Ice from 6d per block. Chests from Your old maenme m .- £3 ss. ment or P. FERON and SON, LTD.. ARMSTRONG &- LTP 303 Moorhouse avenue, <Opp. New Sia'e F>r-. iaa .;* <4 F4745 Christchuich. ' 127-12.<? Worcester street, A-"»

LYTTELTON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL. VISIT of Duke of Gloucester, MonT day, January 21st. Children are requested to assemble at the school at 5.45 p.m. in connexion with the welcome to the Duke of Gloucester. [ARBOUR LIGHT THEATRE. TO-DAY. 2.30 and 8.0. MONDAY, 8.0 The Best Laugh of the Year. LAUREL AND HARDY in "SONS OF THE DESERT." (Approved for Universal Exhibition..) Musical Revue in Colour. Travelogue. Gazette. J-TOLY TRINITY CHURCH, Sunday—--9 a.m.. Holy Communion: 11 a.m., Matins; 6.30, Evensong. 7813 j'FHE SALVATION ARMY, Lytteltoh— Sunday, 7.30 a.m., 11 a.m., 7 p.m. Sunday School 10.15 a.m. and 2.15 p.m. The meetings will be conducted by Envoy M. J. Miller and party. Come and welcome. 7814 DEPARTURE OF H.R.H. THE DUKE OF GLOUCESTER IN H.M.A.S. AUSTRALIA. LYTTELTON FERRY LAUNCHES, LTD. T AUNCHES will accompany the war--Li ship out in to the Harbour to witness the final departure of the warship. A Special Launch will leave Diamond Harbour at 6.45 p.m., returning after the departure. W. C. CLEARY and CO., Thone 37-293. Agents. L 4781

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Press, Volume LXXI, Issue 21376, 19 January 1935, Page 24

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Page 24 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LXXI, Issue 21376, 19 January 1935, Page 24