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SENIOR COMPETITION UNITED I. BEATEN United 1., the leading team in the Canterbury Lawn Tennis Association's senior inter-club competition, suffered its firs: defeat on Saturday afternoon at the hand:; of United 111., and now it has a lead of only one point from L'nitc-d 111., Cashmere, Canterbury College, and Cathedral. The lastmentioned team has done exceptionally weii i'r.'n reason, and on Saturday gained a surprise victory over Linwood, whose team had suffered more Hitai Cathedral's from holiday depietiins. Ik'i wejslkcr, although warmer th—n .-ome players found comfortable, wa.; wry nearly perfect for tennis, ur.d !he r;rass courts at Wilding Park v.'trt again in excellent order. Angas Beats Rhodes-Williams Interest centred chiefly in the first f-inyies match of the United 1.-United 111. game between C. Angas and T. Ithodes-Williams, and a very good match il proved. There were some <;ne all-court exchanges between the players, but Angas h-.ti a reserve of iiewmy in all departments of the game and took the match alter a closely-contested firs: set. KhodesWilliams showed that he is now regaining form, and that he will be a serious contender for the Canterbury championship. In the second singles the veteran, J. H. W. Sheppard tUnited III.), keeping the rallies going v/c-il and maintaining great accuracy, took the first set from \V. R. Robinton, and although he won few more games that set eventually gave his team the decision. An interesting match in this contest v.*as the meeting of Canterbury's most promising juniors, I. J. Corich and C. F. Penfold. Both played good tennis, but Corich was the more successful in forcing the pace. The juniors also played exceptionally well in the doubles. Duifielil Extends Dymoncl The feature of the match between Cashmere and Canterbury College was the splendid display of'the voung Bmbidextrous player, B. D. Duffield (Canterbury College >, against the highly-ranked Cashmere man, H. Dymond. Duffield hit with great vim ana accuracy on either forehand, took the first set, and led 2-0 in the second before Dymcnd settled down to retrieve the position. N. G. NorbertMudrs (Canterbury College) showed improved form and stronglv challenged D. F. Glanvilie in the second set. The weakened university team, however, could not win a match. Lin wood's first and second men gave their tram a good start against Cathedral, but the emergencies in the team were not equal to the occasion. J. W. Arnold < Cathedral > defended exceedingly well to take a set from A. R. Cant. The only surprbe in the match between Unhed 11. and Addington, played at United, was the defect of L. Armstrong by J. Andrews. United v.on easily. Competition Points Competiii'jii points to date are as fallow---

SENIOR GRADE UNTIED 1. v. UNITED HI. singles C. ii-is It-a: T. Khodcs-WiMuims, 7-5, f-3 V Jr. F;-•]<icron beat. J. 11. \V. Sheppard, 6-", L-0, 6-1. >". <-. Lnt'land lost :o D. C. Johnston, 4-6, St. <". F. Peni'dd lost 10 I. J. Conch, 2-6, 4-t. i>oubles A ..'.i- and IWold l.cut Unoies-Williams • l-tj Si •!..) :.'(J (,-'J. r-2. England mid Bob ns.->n .ost to Johnston »i.J <■„..,■„. i-o, :-•-. Unit' : 111. ht,i] iv 7 .-."ls to 6. !.::-.v.-.<ii) ( atiiedkal singles A. K. Cunt beat J. \V Arnold, 7-5, 6-3, £-3. J R J<,!.]:v,.ii t tat J. M'lionoy, 6-1, 6-1. V. K. Gabi'.es lost to D. Martin. 4-6, 4-6. A. I' So-.vd«D 10.-,t to A. E. Mercer, 5-7, 4-6 DOUBLES Johnston and Sotvden ]o3t to Mercer and Uahonev. 1-6. 3-C. The other doubles v/p.s not played. Cathedral von by 7 scs to 4. CASHMERE v. CAXTEEEUEY COLLEGE SINGLES H. Djr.iond beat B. D. Duffield. 3-6, 7-5, e-2. D. F. r;]:invil!o teat X. G. NorbertMiincs. C-2, 7-5. IV. J. Deans beat T. W. Wails, 2-6, 7-5, 9-7. V.\ S. Ar.;a< beat I. A. Bowbyes. C-'-i. 6-1. DOUBLES DyiG.ijid and (ilanville beat Walls and Dufiielo, 6-0, 6-3. Deant and An'-ras beat Norbcrt-Munns »rw ij.,wbye>. *-6, li-0. Cash nor* won by 6 matches to 0. UNITED 11. v. ADDIXGTON SiXGLES I. A. :->T.y bca: D. (.;. Sdwstcr, 6-2. 6-1. T. V.'. l'atU!3on boat 11. P. Howard, 6-1, 6-2. L. Armstrong lo=t to J. Andrews, 4-6, 4-6. C. C. Treeby beat J. Blank, 6-2, 6-1. DOUBLES Stay and Patterson be„t Silvester and Howard, 6-1, 0-1. Armstrong an.! Trcebv beat Andrews and Blank, C-3,' 6-3. United v.-oji by 5 maUhc-s to 1. A GRADE SECTION I. CATPEDEAL 1. v. LIXWOOD I. Men's S:i;:-1.-b—J. Mercer lost to J. Bell, f,-'j; M. J. O'Mallev b.-iit E. Cant, 0-6; J. ( omerfoid beat F. A. W'i'son, a-'i. Women's .-'■.n-les —Miss T. Poole bet I'.iea -'. \\'i'.hii::i-on, 6-2; Miss I. Poole beat "Ami <". Ili'-kson, 6-2; Mi-s S. Anderson i.t-a' >.;.-- \V. And ■■rsoii, 6-1 ; Miss E. Daly ]. ci to M-.s' :.'. Crosbie, -1-6. M'n's Do.ib'es—M>.iver and M .!. O'Mali.-.■ bt-at Be 1 and Ga.nt. r>-3; Comerford and .1 H. O'Mallev beat Wilson and Downing, V.'oiM-.-i'b 1' .'i'oles—Misses I. nnd T. Poole i.<-i-.t"' Anderson and Dickson, 6-1; J.'slv arid Anderfon beat Misses Wil:am»..n and Cr-.sbb-., C-3. Mixed Doubb-s—Mirs T. Poole and Mo-cer r«al Miss Williamson and Bell, 6-2; Miss I. Pocle a-: I Comerford beat Miss b;ekfcon "and Gar.r. r~:> ; M : ss Anderson and J H. O'Mallev ios* to Mi-s Anderson and Wilson, 1-0; M:ss Daly and O'Malley beat Mist Crotbie and Do.vnins, 6-5. Cathrdral v,'or, by 12 sets to 3. SI'MNER v. ELMWOOD I. '■l--'» S.r.^les —G. A. Webb lost to F. .Tu'i C-0. A. E. Hcv.'iione beat E. D. Broushtsn 9-1 R Huston lo>l to W. M. Kumbold I 'j. H. A. Esshop lost to A. L. Felton 4-0. Women's Singles—.Mrs I'. (.'. Bell-Syer >.-s> ill's I' Wrii-iit 6-1, Mi»s E. Turnbull K;t"-o ;;;./l!. Harry 4-■:. M:-s Thomas lost iv ::.v, B. Dini 1-6. ."•.- Ilrooke- lost to y..-- .1. B .r: 4 f.. il.n t- li'Kii.b- W.-bb ;.'id Huston lost to iji; :.:.d liuii:bolil 6-!>. Hewstone uud JJ.»:.'.;• I'.■!,'. to liroiii;htou ai,.! Felton 7-9. m'::n.'.< Doubles—Mr? I'.ell-Sycr and iiiks Tj.-r.buil lost to ilitte. Wright and fe&rrv 4-6, Mi-s an.i Mrs Brooke !)■:.; Mioses Jdni and Burt 6-1. lEr-.d I)o':bltH—.V:vs Thoinas and Webb bei.t iiii-s Dini and E'.'iubold 6-f>, Mrs Bell- *'■■: lleweio-e i .-at Miss Wrisht and .lull •: ;. Mlsi Tuiub ill and Huston beat ilits Barry hud 6-3, Mrs Brooke •1.4 bihuop beat Mi's Burt arid Felton 6-4. Eljuwood 'won by \) sets-to 7. WOOLSTOS I. v. CASHMERE Men's Singles—Douglas beat J. Austin 8-8, \V. Hawklne lost to J. llosley 3-9, MAaitia beat J. Kußton 9-3, B. "Woodwaia lett to J. li. Myers 6-9. Vmn'i Slnelef—Siisß f?. Boyd beat Mrs 15. %iUUans 6-8, Mrs A. B. 1,. Bmitb beat Ux» It. Be»otort 6-2. Mrs Douglas »»* to MUi A. K-aUsJOey Mr» Bobnon bea» ltaa CUMiwiito e-4.

Men's Doubles—Douglas and Hawkins lost to Austin and Mosley 7-9, Austin and Woodward beat Rustin and Myers 9-3. Women's Doubles —Mrs Smith and Miss Boyd beat Mesdames Williams and Beaufort C-l, Mesdames Douglas and Hobson beat Miss Keighley and Mrs Clements fi-4. Mixed Doubles—Miss Boyd and Hawkins beat Mrs Williams and Austin 6-1, Mrs Smith and Douglas beat Mrs Beaufort and Mosley G-5, Mrs Douglas and Austin beat Miss Keighley and Buston 6-0, Urs Hobson and Woodward beat Mrs Clements and Myers 6-5. Woolston won by 12 sets to 4. OPAWA I. v. AVONSIDE I. Men's Singles—R. R. Roberts lost to V. C. Burnett 7-0, C. N. Franklin beat L. E. Wood 9-3, N. Brydges-Jones beat J. Hastings 9-7, R. Bullard won by default. Women's Singles—Mrs Benle beat Mrs Sharpe 6-1. Mrs Iggo beat Mrs JlcDougall 6-3, -Mrs Gibson beat Miss E. Thomas 6-5, Mrs Thomson beat Miss R. Berry 6-5. Men's Doubles—Franklin and Roberts lost to Burnett and Woods 4-i), BrydgesJones and Bullard beat Burnett and Hastings 9-6. Women's Doubles—Mesdames Bealo and Iggo beat Mrs McDougall and Miss Thomas 6-5, Mesdames Gibson and Thomson lost to Mrs Sharpe and Miss Berry 5-6. Mixed Doubles—Mrs Beale and Roberts beat Mrs Sharpe and Burnett 6-3, Mrs Iggo and Franklin beat Mrs McDougall and Wood 6-5, Mrs Thomson and Brydges-Jones beat Miss Thomas and Hastings 6-3, Mrs Gibson and Bullard lost to Miss Berry and Wood Opawa won by 12 sets to 4. SECTION 11. FENDALTON v. EDGEWARE I. Men's Singles—E. A. Lee lost to J. 11. Griffiths 6-9, C. P. Jones Inst to E. MeKeague 4-9, D. Lnsk beat A. J. Bennetts 9-5, R. P. Jones beat Joyce 9-5. Women's Singles—Mrs E. A. Leo boat Miss Armstrong 6-3, Miss C. Wood beat Miss Legg 6-4, Mrs H. 0. Jefcoate lost to Miss Douglas 4-6, Miss D. Kernahan lost to Miss Richardson 2-6. Men's Doubles—C. P. and R. P. Jones beat Griffiths and McKeaguo 9-5, Lee and Lusk beat Bennetts and Joyce 9-8. Women's Doubles—Mrs Lee and Miss Wood lost to Misses Armstrong and Legg 2-6, Mrs Jefcoate and Miss Kernahan beat Misses Douglas and Richardson 6-4. Mixed Doubles—Mrs Lee and R. P. Jones lost to Miss Douglas and Griffiths 5-6, Miss Kernahan and Lee beat Miss Armstrong and McKeague 6-5, Miss Wood and C. P. Jones beat Miss Legg and Bennetts 6-2, Mrs Jefcoate and Lusk beat Miss Richardson and Joyce 6-1. Fendalton won by 10 sets to 0. WAIMAIRI v. LEESTON Men's Singles—F. Smith beat T. J. Free 9-3, 11. Tillman lost to G. Leahy 7-9 K Andrews beat F. A. Holley 9-4, J. L. Squire beat J. A. Scott, 9-4. _ Women's Singles—Mrs Chetwin beat Mrs Vaughan 6-1, Miss Logan beat Mrs Fordo 6-1, Mrs Andrews beat Miss Maepherson 6-4, Mrs Thompson beat Miss McLaughlin 6-4. Men's Doubles—Smith and Andrews lest to Free and Leahy 2-9, Tillman and Squire beat Holley and Scott 9-7. Women's Doubles—Miss Logan and Mrs Andrews beat Mesdames Ford mid Vaughan 6-3, Mesdames Chetwin and Thompson bent Misses Maepherson and McLaughlin 6-2. Mixed Doubles—Mrs Chetwin and Smith beat Mrs Vaughan and Leahy 6-1, Miss Logan and Andrew beat Mrs Ford and Free 6-3. Mrs Thompson and Tillman beat Miss Maepherson and Holley 6-2, Mrs Andrews and Squire beat Miss McLaughlin and Scott 6-t. Waimniri won by 14 sots to 2. BELFAST v. REDCLIFFS Men's Singles-—L. Norris beat Duncan 9-0, S. Watson beat Harper 9-4, L. Nculo beat Stevens 9-2, G. Hassall beat Hodge 9-3. Women's Singles—Mrs Blank beat- Miss Barr 6-5, Miss M. Ashby beat Miss Gibbs 6-2, Miss N. Brown won by default. Miss A. Ashby lost to Miss Woods 4-6. Men's Doubles—Morris and Neale lost to Duncan and Harper 8-9, Watson and Hassall beat Hodge and Stevens 9-0. Women's Doubles—Mrs Blank and Miss M. Ashby lost to Misses Barr and Gibbs 2-6, Mi-ses Brown and A. Ashbv lost to Misses Wi..»ds and Stevens 1-6. Mi'.cil Doubles —Mrs Blank and Morris lost to Mi*s Barr and Duncan 5-6, Miss MAshby and Watson lor t to Miss Gibbs and Harper 3-6, Miss Brown and Neale lost to Miss Cibbs and Stevens 4-6, Miss A. Ashby and Hassall lost to Miss Woods and Hodge 5-6. Belfast won by 93 games to 61. ST. MARY'S v. BIX'KEN'IIAM 1. Men's Singles—P. D. McGregor beat T. MeFarlano 9-5, G. Sloane lost lo F. Smith S-9, W. Thorn lost lo F. Buvgnymr J !i, J. Carey lost to J. Langridge 6-9. Women's Singles—Miss E. Shame.v 10-! to Miss J. Willou'ghby 5-6, MU.s It. Kinnia: beat Miss L. Austin 6-3, ili-s P. Lynsk-y lost to Miss R. Anderson 1-0. Miss M. Heaphy beat Miss W. Watson, 6-5. Men's Doubles—McGregor and Carry heat McFarlane and Langridge 9-5, Sloano and Thorn lost to Burgoyne and Smith 4-9. Women's Doubles—Misses Simmy ami Freeman beat Misses Austin and Watson 6 1, Misses Lynskey and Heaphy lost tn Misses Anderson and Willoughby 3-fi. Mixed Doubles —Mis« Tleaphy and McGregor beat Miss Austin and Smith 6-4, Miss Shamv and Sloane lost to Miss Watson and McFarlane 4-6. Miss Freeman and Carev lost to Miss Willoughby and Langridge 4-6, Miss Lynskny and Thorn lost to Miss Anderson and Burgnyne 1-6. Beckcnham won by 10 sets to 6. B GRADE North Linwood beat Fendalton by 9 «etf to 7. C GRADE Elmwood beat Shirley by 9 sets to 7. St. Mary's beat Riccarton Domain by 9 sets to 7. Oxford terrace beat Barrington by 10 sets to 6. D GRADE North Linwood beat Addington Catholic by 10 sets to 6. Mount Pleasant beat Opawa by 10 sets to 6. Avonside Church beat Barrington by 13 sets to 3. St. Philip's beat Heathcolo by 15 sets to 1.

WAIHAO SUB-ASSOCIATION B GRADE COMPETITION By defeating Wainiatc No. 1 on Saturday afternoon, Makikihi became the 1934-35 season winners of the Waihao Tennis SubAssociation's B grade competition. Wuhuato No. 2, bv defeating Morven, became run-ners-up. The matches were played in sultry weather, but with an absence i<( bright sun. WAIMATE NO. 1 v. MAKIKIHI Playing «t Makikihi, Waimate. Xu. 1 wen! douu to the home team by 10 tets to (I and 84 games to 75. Details are (Waimate names first) : Women's Singles —Miss 11. Fitch lost to Mrs Gorinski 2-G, Miss ( N. Price beat Jli.-s Lmnas 6-3, Miss W. Sinclair lost to Miss McNeill 5-6, Miss W. Gardner beat Miss E. Martin 6-3. Men's Singles—D. Samways lost to J. Anstes 5-7, L. A. Martyn lost to G. Park 2-7, W. McNeill lost to J. Shea 6-7, J. Tamblvn.lost to L. Bain 1-7. Women's Doubles —Misses Price and Pitch beat Mrs Gorinski and Miss Lomas 6-3. Misses Sinclair and Gardner lost to Misses McNeill and Martin 4-6. Men's Doubles —Samways and McNeil beat Anstey and Shea 7-4, Martyn and Tamblyn lost to Park and Bain 6-7. Combined Doubles —Samways and Miss Fitch beat Anstey and Miss Gorinski 0 3, Martvn and Miss Price lost to Fnrk and Mis3~ Lomas 2-6, McNeill and Miss Sinclair iost to Shea and Miss McNeill 5-6. Tamblyn and Miss Gardner beat Bain and Miss Martin 6-3. WAIMATE NO. 2 v. MOKYEN Morven played Waimate No. 2 on the hitter's courts, and lost by 5 games, the sets being 8 all. The games were 7;> to .0, and the details are (Waimate names hrst) : Women's Singles—Miss E. Miss V. Blair 6-1. Miss J. Elliott beat Mrs Don 6-5. Mi"s D. Grylls beat Miss D. \\ ellwood 6-1, Miss E. Gunn lost to Mrs Marshall 5-6. , _ T Men's Singles—R. S. Collett beat S. J. Blair 7-3 R. B. Lane lost to D. Weipeiliana 3-7 A. S Loonies beat J. K. Clair .-4, W. E. George lost to E. S. Marshall 3-7. Women's Doubles—Misses Laurenson ami Grvlls beat Mrs Don and Miss Blair 6-1. Misses Elliott and Gunn beat Mrs Marshall and' Miss Wellwood 6-3. Men's Doubles—Collett and Lane Inst to ,T K. and S. J. Blair 3-7. Loonies ami George lost to Marshall and Weipcihana 4-r Combined Doubles—Collett and Miss LiHett lost to S. J. Blair and M'.ss pbur -''• Lane and Miss Laurenson Inst Jo »; p <P^" an '> and Mrs Don 4-6, Loomes and Miss Gr>ll» beat J. K. Blair and Miss George and Miss Gunn lost to Marshall and Mrs Marshall 1-6. _____________ _____^

United I. Canterbury Cashmere Cathedral United III. College '.'. 4 3 3 3 2 1,. 1 2 2 2 Pts. 4 3 3 United 11. Addition 2 0 3 5 2 2 0 Results of na'chei; were Gaturday's ; a:; follows:— inter-club

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Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21355, 24 December 1934, Page 10

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LAWN TENNIS Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21355, 24 December 1934, Page 10

LAWN TENNIS Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21355, 24 December 1934, Page 10