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/ ♦ — ' j RANGIORA | i j j PERSONAL Mr S. G. Dalley (Rangiora County Clerk) and family, are spend their annual holidays at Waikuku beach. Messrs J. M. Fraser, W. T. N. Keir, C. Taylor, and A. W. Clulee will leave this morning for a two weeks' holiday to Picton and the Marlborough sounds. Mr G. S. Russell, who has been accountant of the North Canterbury Electric Power Board for nearly six years, and who will leave on Monday for Hamilton to take up the position of accountant to the Central Waikato Power Board, was presented last evening by Mr A. Buckingham, engineersecretary, on behalf of the staff and members of the board, with a travelling rug and attache case. Mr Buckingham expressed regret at Mr Russell's departure and wished him every success in his new position. He extended a welcome to Mr J. A. Bell, Mr Russell's successor. Grenadier Guards Band The visit of the Grenadier Guards Band to Rangiora on the afternoon of December 28, was mentioned by the Town Clerk (Mr J. M. Fraser), in a report to the Rangiora Borough Council last evening. Mr Fraser recommended that Perceval street be closed to all traffic from 1 pm. to 4 p.m., from the Council Chambers to Queen street, and Queen street from Murray street to just past Perceval street, that the councd allow the use of Victoria Park free to the band and allow it to charge admission, and that the council erect a platform for the band in the park, and that the use of material be paid for by the recommendations were adopted. Mr Fraser said that the visit, in his opinion, would be appreciated by the people of the district, and he considered it a great honour to be in a position to receive them. Festivity Week Concluded The Festivity Week programme which has been so successfully carried out during the last week, was concluded last evening with the late shopping night and the presence in the town of the North Canterbury Pipe Band, which during the evening played national airs and marches along High street. The street decorations, which have been one of the features of the week, will be left up over Christmas Eve, after which the greenery will be taken down. The multicoloured lights, however, will be left across the main street until after the New Year holidays.

Unemployment Allocation

For the week ending on December 29 there will be 119 men on the Ashley river protective works and 60 on the No. 5 scheme under the Unemployment Board's schemes, making a total of 179 compared with a total of 203 during this week.

Cricket The Rangiora Cricket Club will be represented by the following in its match in the Senior grade competition with Kaiapoi, at Kaiapoi today:—H. K. Kippenberger, F. Devlin, A. V. Miller, P. G. Roberts. W. A. Steele, J. C. Laing, F. W. Mehrtens, J. Mori, J. Pethig, A. J. Woodward, S. O'Dea. The junior B grade match, between Rangiora and Kaiapoi has been postponed until the end of the season. Rangiora Pictures .A musical fox-hunt is an innovation to be seen in "Peg o' My Heart." Which is to be screend at the Rangiora Town Hall this afternoon and tonight. The scenes, depicting an English hunt and a celebration in a picturesque lodge after the kill, were arranged with a stirring musical score by Herbert Stothart. "Peg o' My Heart" is a story full of romance, laughter, and drama, which captured the heart of the world. Borough Council The Rangiora Borough Council held its monthly meeting last evening. Present were the Mayor (Mr W. A. RowseX, Crs. J. A. Ivory, E. W. Whitworth, H. K. Kippenberger, W. T. N. Keir, R. R. Gillanders, C. W. Tyler, F. E. Martyn, and R. J. Logan. The Hawera Borough Council wrote regarding the allocation of the petrol tax to boroughs, stating that under the Motor Spirits Taxation Act, 1927, it was provided that 92 per cent, of the net petrol tax should be paid into the j revenue fund of the Main Highways account and the balance of 8 per cent, should be apportioned among those borough councils in whose tdistrict there was a population of 6000 or more. In operation the scheme had worked out very unfairly in the boroughs containing populations of less than 6000, which received subsidies on maintenance and construction of that portion of the main highway which passed through their area only and did not participate in the 8 per cent, which was received by the larger boroughs. The letter stated that the council had forwarded a remit to the annual municipal conference requesting thai the act be altered by substituting for the words "Those borough councils in whose district there was a population of 6000 or upwards," the words "AH borough councils." The Rangiora Council was asked to support the remit- , „ It was decided to support the remit with the proviso that a larger allocation than 8 per cent, for boroughs lc asked for. The local unemployment committee wrote forwarding a proposal by one of the members, to ask the Unemployment Board to allot No. 5 relief men to boroughs and counties and other employing authorities at the rate of two men for each permanent employee up to six, to take part in any work required. , , , The letter was received and it was agreed to be represented at a proposed conference to discuss the matter. The report of the electrical engineer (Mr N. H. Matthews) showed that the distribution of P°w» toteUed 49,790 units compared with lor the same period last year. Both output and load factor showed a substantial increase. ~ , It was reported that at the waterworks the gallons pumped during November totalled 4,861,870 compared with 4,481,590, for November last year. The average daily consumption last month was 162,060, compared with 149,380 in November of last year. It was agreed, that if owners of properties did not destroy noxious weeds, the council should do the work and charge the owners. Authority was given the town clerk to allow a rebate on electric supply over the present period, the assessed reduction to be made on the difference befween the previous consumption for October and November and to charge all shop lights in excess at Id a unit Permission was granted the. Young Men's Christian Association to make a house-to-house collection for the funds of the Boys' Welfare Department. , „ The Mayor gave a short resume of the work done by the council during the year. He said he was sorry to see that unemployment was still prevalent. The pictures under the council's control had proved a successful enterprise. _ It was reported that the Government j valuer had finished the revaluation oil i the borough. ( ' r <

CHEVIOT For several days the weather in the district has been extremely hot and sultry. Harvesting operations have commenced for the spell of hot dry weather has brought the grain crops on rapidly, and binders are to be seen cutting on many of the farms. The area sown in wheat in the district is the smallest for many years past, due to the wet state of the ground through the winter months preventing the farmers from working the land. A large area intended for wheat has been sown in turnips and rape, and in some cases spring-sown oats. The pastures and cereal crops are commencing to show signs of the dry spell, and a good rain would be much appreciated. Shearing operations are almost completed, and it is anticipated that this work will finish early in the New Year.

Messrs J. D. E. Winskill, W. J. Winskill (Cheviot), and C. Kingsland (Christchurch) have left by car for Lakes Sumner and Taylor, where they will spend the Christmas holidays fishing. Mrs J. D. E. Winskill and family ("Caverhill," Cheviot), accompanied by Miss Pat. Sargent (Cheviot), have taken a house at Sumner, where they will spend the school holidays. Mrs W. J. Winskill (Cheviot) has left for Dunedin where she will spend the Christmas holidays with relatives. Mr and Mrs H. S. McCully (Spotswood), who have been attending the jubilee celebrations of the Hakataramea School, returned to their home on Thursday evening. The annual parents' day held at the Cheviot School was quite the best since the annual fixture was inaugurated. Pen and pencil work was on display and also a splendid variety of handwork and needlework. The display brought favourable comment from the large number who inspected and was very creditable to both the children and the teaching staff. Out in the school grounds a short programme of songs, dances, and drill, was presented by the pupils, and was thoroughly enjoyed by those present Opportunity was taken during . the afternoon to present the prize given by the Governor-General, Lord Bledisloe, to the boy or girl who won a natural history competition. The Gover-nor-General offered this prize during a visit to the school several months ago. The winner of the prize was Florence Crampton. An additional prize was given by the school committee to Beverley Paton. CUST The end-of-term pianoforte recital given by the pupils of Miss Alice Wayland, L.A.8., L.T.C.L., in the Cust Oddfellows' Hall yesterday afternoon •was well attended. * The proceeds were in aid of the building fund of St. David's Church. Afternoon tea was served by members of the ladies' guild, and the Rev. N. Finch thanked Miss Wayland and her pupils for the entertainment provided. At the conclusion of the programme Miss Marjory Struthers, on hehalf of the pupils, presented Miss Wayland with a bouquet and the season's compliments. Following was the programme:— Duet, Joyce Graham and Miss A. Wayland; solo, Stuart Wayland; solo Nessie Farr; duet, Jan Tallott and Stuart Wayland; solo, Cliff Woodfield; solo, Elwyn Overend; duet, Nessie Farr and Lewis Struthers; solo, Jan Tailott; solo, Lewis Struthers; duet, Joyce and lan Graham: solo, Peggy Briggs; song, Jean Lindsay; duet, Geoff and Everal Woodfield; duet, Marjory and Lewis Struthers; solo, lan Graham: solo. Jean Lindsay; duet, Helen Newell and Marjory Struthers; solo, Everal Woodfield; duet, Peggy Briggs and Jan* Tallott: solo, Helen Newell; duet, Elwyn Overend and Jean Lindsay: solo, Joyce Graham; solo, Marjory Struthers; song, Miss D. Hori-ell, A.T.C.L.; duet, Marjory Struthers and Miss Wayland. Miss Horrell's numbers were When Phyllis Crossed the Woods and "Gather Ye Rosebuds/'

SWANNANOA The monthly meeting of the Swannanoa branch of the Wonlen's Division of the New Zealand Farmers' Union was held in the Swamianou Hall on Thursday. Mrs Paget presided, and welcomed the visitors. This was the last meeting for 1934, and took the form of a social afternoon An impromptu concert consisted of the Joilowing items: —Humorous story, Mrs Paget: recitation, Miss J. Winter, pianoforte solos, Mrs Herbert Winter and Mrs Harry Wintei, reading of interesting newspaper article, Mrs McHugh. An exciting experience was related by Miss SpenceiBowcr, who also gave an interesting talk on lino and wood cuts. A competition was won by Miss B Parsons. The hostesses were Mrs Herbert Winter, Miss J. Winter, and Miss F. Winter. SOUTHBRIDGE Mr H. G. Hubbard presided over the annual meeting of the Southbridge sub-branch of the Returned Soldiers' Association, held on Thursday evening at which there was a fair attendance. Messrs C. Miln (member) and E. F. Willcox (secretary) were present to represent the Christchuich executive. Greetings from the Christchurch Association were cordially reciprocated. A report detailing' the activities of the sub-branch during the first year of its existence was presented by the secretary, Mr R. F. Pilkington, and the balance-sheet showed a credit of £9 9s Id. Officers elected were; — Patron, Mr J. Connolly, M.P.; president. Mr H. G. Hubbard; vicepresidents, Messrs G. B. Couch and L J. Palmer; honorary secretary, Mr R. F. Pilkington; treasurer, Mr G. R Couch; executive. Messrs D. Paterson C. McJarrow, R. Howatson, and D. Montgomery, with the president, vice-presidents, and secretary; auditor, Mr A. J. Inwood. Three newmembers were elected. Short addresses were given by Messrs Willcox and Miln dealing with the activities of the Returned Solodiers' Association, and stressing the need for a strong organisation and for branches in the country. Mr A. J. InWood also gave some interesting information relative to the administration of a local fund, collected during the war, and since applied in the direction of relieving distress amongst former service men. Enjoyable items were given by Messrs Cummins, Stout, Robertson, Miln, Suckling, and Jenkins.

PREBBLETON The Prebbleton School was fortunate this year in the weather enjoyed for the annual outing, and a very large party of both children and adults travelled by motor-bus to Wakuku, a considerable number following in private cars. Many spent most of the day bathing and the children were wf 11 catered for by a sports programme. The results of the races were:—Five years and under, Mavis Ridden 1, Shirley McClintock 2; five to six years, Maurice McClintock 1, Kenneth Hunt 2 - six to seven years, Carol Ussher 1, Alan Ash 2; seven to eight years (girls), June McClintock 1, Mavis Sheriff 2; seven to eight years (boys), Walter Carpenter 1, Douglas Poison 2; eight to nine years (girls), Daphne Sheriff 1, Ngaire Varley 2; eight to nine years (boys), Ivan Smith 1, Ray Gallagher 2; nine to 10 years, Joan Bell 1, Margaret Ridden 2; 10 to 11 years (girls), Mildred Easterbrook 1, Doris Walker 2; 10 to 11 years (boys), Willie Brandon 1, Keith Ridden 2; 11 to 12 years, Louie Sheriff 1, Nancy James 2; 12 to 13 years, Peggy O'Neill 1, Eddie Hunt 2; over 13 years, Owen Williams 1, Cliff Bennett 2; Siamese race (girls), Nancy Gallagher and Zilpha Archer 1, i Peggy O'Neill and Nancy James 2; Siamese race (boys), Clifford Bennett and Kenneth Varley 1, Stuart Waterhouse and Eddie 2; single women's race, Miss Mavis Smith 1, Miss Gloria Patterson 2; married women's race, Mrs Bannerman 1, Mrs W. Carpenter 2; single men's race, Russell Prebble 1, Don. Barr 2; married men's race,; C, Atkinson 1, J. Earnsljaw 2.

SPRINGSTON A variety evening was given in the Methodist Church schoolroom recently to Miss Daisy Keast, in honour of her appraaching marriage. There was a good attendance. The evening was spent with games, items, and competitions. Miss Keast was presented with a posy of carnations. Recitations were given by June Planemore and Mary Peryman, and a solo by Miss M. Mounce. Competitions were won by Miss D. Keast and Mrs J. W. Marshall. Mr Keast, on behalf of his daughter, thanked those present for their gifts. The annual school concert was held recently in the public hall. There was a good attendance of parents and friends. The children, who had been trained by the teachers, Miss Hay and Mr Fraser, performed their items pleasingly. At the end of the programme, Fred Lancaster, on behalf of Standard VI., presented Mr Fraser with a small gift and thanked him for the help he had given them during the year. Mr J. F. Blakemore (chairman of the school committee) thanked the teachers for training the children so capably. DOYLESTON At a meeting of the Doyleston Athletic Club final arrangements were made for the annual Boxing Day sports, Mr C. Tod presiding. An offer from the St. John Ambualnce Association to send two men with full first-aid kit to the sports was accepted. Officials were appointed and the secretary reported that very satisfactory entries had been received. He had also been assured of large entries for the dancing and other post-entry events. One new member was elected and Mr W. C. Beamsley was thanked for assistance in providing a prize for a competition. It was agreed to hold a working bee on the track this afternoon. LAKESIDE To mark the close of the school year, a very successful fancy dress carnival was held by pupils of the Lakeside School. There was a large attendance of parents and children, every child on the school roll being in fancy costume. Father Christmas arrived during the evening and distributed gifts from a large Christmas tree decorated with balloons and coloured lights. Dance music was supplied by Mrs R. Lambie and by Lamble's orchestra. The chairman of the committee, Mr D. H. Marshal], spoke appreciatively of the work of the teachers, and thanked those who had given prizes, and the judges, Mr and Mrs W. H. Cartwright and Mr and Mrs McMillan. The awards were as follows: — Girls—Under Std. II.: Prettiest costume, Hilary Overton (Little Bo Peep); most original, Ivy Eddy (Ruination); Standard 11. and over: Prettiest costume, Monica O'Boyle (Kate Greenaway); cheapest, Eileen Overton (Ballet Dancer); best homemade, Phyllis Chambers (Dutch Girl); most original, Dorothy Chambers (News of the World). Boys—Under Standard II.: Cheapest costume, John McLadhlan (Indian); most original, Pat McMahon (Clerk of the Course); best costume, Clement McLachlan (Father Christmas); Standard 11. and over: Cheapest costume, Alan Lambie (Indian); most humorous, Billy Winchester (Swagger); most original, Keith Chambers (Frog); best home-made, Ray Lambie (Cowboy). Adults—Prettiest lady's costume, Miss Ella Smith (Old English Lady); most original lady, Mrs H. Schnelle (Empress of China); best home-made. Miss E. Patterson (Golliwog); best man's costume, C. E. Johnson (Johnnie Walker); most original, F. R. Strctz (the Last Round-up).

A picnic was also held, at which many races were run. School prizes were presented.

DARFIELD The following will represent the Darfield Bowling Club to-day in the Malvern inter-club matches: —Darfleld B v. Oxford A, at Oxford—H. Barker, D. McLauglilin, Groves. Reveley, and W. G. Clarke (s). Darfleld D v. Springfield, at Springfield—W. Hutcheon, M. Johnson, W. M. Watson, and J. R. Cullen Cs). A full house greeted the three-act play, "The Private Secretary," produced by a company of Malvern player,., under the general supervision of Mr J. D. Tooms, of Waddington. The funds raised are to be devoted to the general improvement of the stage in the Darfield Memorial Hall. The entertainment proved to be exceptionally fine, and credit is due to the cast for the manner in which the play was rendered. Those taking part were Misses M. Bedford. J. Redfern, M. Bates, G. Dysart, Messrs F. A. Bull, R. Bedford. F. Gough. F. Barltrop, W. Hicks-Ussher. J. Reid, A. Petrie, and A. Hart. Mr R. S. Williams was responsible for the lighting effects. Mr G. Alley was in charge of the makeI up, with Mr J. D. Tooms as stage manager. '

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Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21354, 22 December 1934, Page 4

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NORTH CANTERBURY Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21354, 22 December 1934, Page 4

NORTH CANTERBURY Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21354, 22 December 1934, Page 4