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TIM AKl' DISTRICT M'HSii FI'ND We' (. .• as. ! )'".'d'a. i.ion. . eejkwnss a, p,und', n> . ciollbl i' t _ ■ l i; 1 I ■ '''."J sd'eL't. Call I : < 1 - . takes■ tij> in ■ : i<-'i i"'' ' i <;ici lln ur-e Fund Ij-.'; i ! ■ I iiiM«!U!ii ! w,s- I- !io. • eoa: I ditifJi; (1' I i 1: i! I'll.: extent I.J i nbola f.!7 have !><.(.•:. received, with tile poena ion at a a a a come. : Til" codwhs. were Meadaiia - J. • Millc i'. •) :Ut.nrum. W. Harte. S. i) _ : Ma so;i. K. .i osdoek, T. P. Crowe. C. ; ; F. i;. Clarke. F E. Whitehead, Bur- ; I lord, J. A. Tic, Jaquier.v. J. 71. '•Sneddon. C. !.• v!iv\ A. E. Lawrence. 1 i slid H. .). r.vvv,-. Misscj, J. 1 iolddala. 1 N. i-'. Ai«>r;in. I'. Dunne. St a - • ; man. Mar. Hall. -Marie Hal!. Todd. • j O'l.ear-. Uo\'a. McCralh. i d ineiiey. Mar\ C ia r k e. i'. Manyoa. Yennka.a ,V I,(■ \y"l. a: -a ha- anal nurses. Mr.- !•'. I ia i a van - a i as:: ,e. c ".adaee and M-' Ada", Kava.ona v. or ■ rlrii';;,' d li," vkr vlail, ink M; '!'. 1 loldyah and • ! M-; C'!:.. ••1.1 ■ e ni charge • ! ilia : ,•!fieriloun - a f.- I lv IteJuriN were in jii ■ h:\nti- " v! ' adames 11i ! ; oi' Sympathy • I A cm' :• aipaUiy wdn A;.-;; J. j ' ,A. Jacob in I'ne d'. alii ni lie • hu.-baiKi j ' was pa: .' d :>t. a liU'da:' d e coin - ■ j mil lei ■ oi' .-a. Saviour'a Si, y-r !lomo. ■ i '.Plv mol a , ,-dded ilia 1 iuna.: n,;-: ■ j 'he V( n. Aiclna ai'y'i .laced, ' | aympa'dn. : a ; t: i 1 • - 'i : ! Hi lilei, 'bkod \ ; JV)111'i11;; hi.., it am a; i'oeter , die home . ■ | do ■ of. a ' ria standard ;ii: horn nr, ! i ' (daa ,1 inn:!/. . and ser vice (o I he lj.a. a ! f. de-dom-. Returns ■ I t usnaua re! lil'ie-' a! tiie por! i i ■ ' 'l'maa u I'os Ansust :diov.' a c ai aleri 1 v,atli lad vi a; . 'l'lm I'aa.ll'es are a . h.l - tow:. !i|o e !'-i ;\ aaa!: I. I'C;;!. !aJ:;: ! ; iiivi n in pan "i i i ic;-!>.; ('e.'.oma, : i Ida .Id i !:;(iaO I la L!di; -d- a lax. !J Id 1 ):! > > j 4i) 1 ej;;ii] )(>; L'.d i: pelrol t .\ n , ! 27 f' I I a fid - !'.1!32 1". t k i '; Ivre 1.,;, j.!)-! d:-' \l'l I • I ■! I , ■ Hii;iaiui'C Killcs i '!'!<(' it; u r 1 rood! el ia! n paaal a ; > .- air it I i ol the 'J'taaaioiial iMiinadno l.dilo (d"b II rea.iilled in lae fnllowiin: -wit. beany l • marie: \V. liar wood 7(i. 1 aha; 75. » : J. IJealv 7a. 'P. S\va:a-oa Id Ano, d ■ j 7-1. A. Kenne- ~y d:. ,J. J l.dl-a' 'di. J. > Duncan Id. Id A lit n 70. Sialon 70: ■ won bv \V. llar\.o,,il. aiiii !l.e Idnaade • | bullet ' vva. d I, r :<y A. id nae. : and ,1 I lal kelt Mo. I: n >| >I t* v.'.i ' t' wen b'.' VV. liars i nit!, and. Mo i I tronnv d by !. ' l''i n la. ) : AI tile weekly ; Ism,'. iaa P'air- : view Club. If. Xdni'eill '.'.'oil (ill t l '. ] I:; I " : pre; eot :.-| ie. Mr \d 'l'avlor. ai.d M,.. , : J, Dak- and Mia.-. S. wed :n-d lor mo >.j:,jjeeial Iroph.v for wnni"):. and 'jail ■ i shoot, oil' next week, iie-i.ln wore: - ; ! VV. McNamara «u. M. McVey 7:;. J. : I Husl-and 77. C. j'k'ei; 77. {•'. 71. I , D. Rodman 77. A, CI. Dnnndl Yd. 11. r: O'Neill 7(», -1 Mit'-lu-ll 7ii. Id ■ la: average "C.O. V,'. MeXaioara v.-.n •; ■ dyke (dl nl;. aid dd da la r i/oii ■. a ' •'trophy. Kolloy/m ' were llio raori a: Ik

G. Mu.-grove 74. W. R. Grant 74 C Campbell 73. D. Doak 73, J. Morrow 78. T. Kvle 72. W. Wood 71. R. Chapman 71. J. Campbell 71. W. A. Field 71, P. Auplegarth 71. J. Poarce 70. Irrigation Survey The Public Works Department's Irn--;.1ir..; Engineer i.Mr T. G. Beck) has completed Hie survey of the Seadown water M.ipply district in the Levels county, and will send his report to Wellington within a day or two. Hockey Team Goes North TO take part in the Dominion tournament at Chrislchureh to-day, the South Canterbury women's hockey tfa in loft Tim a til yesterday. Mr W. Gow is manager, and Mrs T. Segar is, act nig as chaperon. West End Bowling Club A .-light loss on the year's operabsus was revealed in the balancesheet of the West End Bowling Club. bar permanent improvements to the club's properly arc considered to have ( P'.-ct this. The annual meeting of the cil'b held on Thursday night was presided over by Mr W. Walker. The annual report and balance-sheet were adopted. The election of officers resulted as follows:-Patrons. Messrs W. Thomas, W. Raymond, T. W. Satterthwaite. and A. Toynbee; president, Mr G. Vtice--lich: senior vice-president, Mr A. Shipley: junior vice-president, Mr Y. Davcy: iion. secretary. Mr R. Bach; hen. treasurer, Mr F. Davey; auditor. l\lr J. Timlin: delegate to centre, Mr T. Currie; committee. Messrs T. Currie. i\. Gabites. J. Ewdng. W. Walker. J. Richards. T. .Fairhall, J. Lough, and ,1. Greenliold: selectors, Messrs Curiae and Gunii: match committee, Messrs I. Maclaren, T. Fairhall. and G. Vuccticli; green supervisors. Messrs Lough and Currie: club coach, Mr R. G. Sampson: representative on West tend Ratepayers' Association, Mr Vucetich: greenkeeper. Mr G. T. Blackham. Il was decided to hold the club competitions under the same conditions a.-, last year--the junior and senior championship:; being played under Ihe two-life system, but with the provision I h;it sectional play be adopted f,ii the' handicap events instead of the •'.sudden death" system. The meeting agreed to favour the six tank centre competition and to enter fur the Bristol Cup competition under the same conditions as last The fee to be charged ihe women for the use of the green was fixed at £2."i. Scottish Society Mi- .1. M. Thomson presided o\er the annual meeting of the Timaru ScolSpeakiiig to the balance-sheet. a summary of which, with that of the annual 'report, has been previously pubh.-hed. the treasurer 'Mr W. S Yi :mgi stated that it was not a good nne. A good deal of money had been lost, m Ihe general account due to a larao c.\ieiit to the poor patronage accord! d eonrei'is and dances. A fair nmo'iiit of i xpendilure would have ie li' nii'iiiu'd -in the future m mainten; of ihe hall. All that was now lining mi the budding wa.s than '.'Hill A: Hie beginning of the war til,- : ocielv owed ihe bank £l4.' bet th'-re wa- now a credit balance of !.' IT) or £ !'i. Ihe ieport ar.d baJanre-iheet were adopted. The election ot olheors resulted u<; follow.-: Ciiiof. Mr A. M. Miller: senior enieltiiin. Mr \v. G. Donaldson; junior chieftain. V.r \i. Oliphant; treasurer, Mr W. s Young; secretary, Mr J. Somerville: auditor, Mr A.. F. Fiovs; council Me:, is S. Cague. J. L. do Jotix, K. S. Home. W. D. flume, J. Kinloeh. If. S. lop-,-. ,\. McNeil, .(. Rama go, and .1. If. Robertson. In appreciation of his services ar chief duin,.; (li,. last year. .Mr Tlmine,i was presented will: :'i watch. llij;hliel<l Scouts A: il.e mama! meeting oi the Ilmii;'.e]d Scout Group Committee, the ti>llewinc cemniitiee v.'.t elect ed: - -Ch;drm .n. 'vis .(. ('. Robinson: d- outy Mr G. Yucotieh; secretary. Mi' li. I',. She; arii; eommibee, Me.-dames G. ?ao,":'i: on. ,1. i'Veeman, Andrews. William.- . and Merlin n. Me.-sr:.; G. Morrison, and J. J. Freeman. At the annual meeting of the Ngaitahu Group Committee the following committee was elected: Mr G. Wills H'haumani, Mr G. S. M. Mallthorp ■ ■ earotai".' i. Mcsdamcs Braeoheld F-.rlK'.'. ('oi... and Mr McGregor. Vital Statistics The \ dal slalistic.-. J'oj- Timaru last month were as follows, the figures for Ha corresponding period hist year being shown m pai'eniheses: Births 2a >'■'•'i': death--'3l 'lib: marriage licenses is-oid. 11 '.Tie ir.arnai.'e-- in office, two 1 !i\ a ■i. Smith Canterbury Kunby J cum Replacing W. Duke, of Temuka, .1, Strang, of the Old Boys' side, left, Timaru yesterday to join the South Canterbury representative team at Invercaraill. Willi him was G. Adkins. of the Star Club, who ployed in Wellington for the Rest of New- Zealand again;.; the All Black:. TK.MI'KA Aitci a week of line weal her ram began in i'all at noon yesterday and continued to fall steadily throughout the aliornoon and evening. Farming; operations will bo further delayed, and the pn.-ition of wheal growers is beginning in be .serious The football mate]] between Tenmka ami V/ailii for the Collogan (.'up took place at Temuka, the home team defeating Ihe visitors by 13 points to 0. The weather was perfect, but the attendance was very small. The play during the first halt was ragged, with occasional Hashes of individual work. Neither side had scored at half-time. Rlay brightened considerably in the second spell, but Temuka had all the boiler of Die game and won comfortably, 'fries were scored by Goodson, Flookinson. and llvan. two of which v;ca- converted by Duke. Mr C. tie ,lo'i.\ was referee. The Temuka Pipe Rand played the teams on to tin- held and pinved selections during the interval. Displayed prominently in one of the shop windows is the Arepa Cup, which was presented by Mr T. W. Ratana for annual competition between the North Canterbury and South Canterbury Maori Rugby fifteens. The match., which was played at Temuka, ended in a draw - , and each team will hold the trophy for six months. An attractive example of'the Maori art. is the carved base, inlaid with pawn, on which the cup stands. Since the South Canterbury team comprised Maoris from Temuka. Malvern, and Moeraki, the Irophy will be located at each of those centres for two months before going to Little River. The Temuka football (earn to meet Geraldine, at Geraldine, this afternoon in the semi-final of the Harris Cup is: A. Higinbottom. W. McCully, H. Gilbert, W. Gale. D. Reid, W. Scott, .f. Stewart, W. Duke, J. Gilmorc, W. Ifopa, L. Goodson, J. K. Blyth. S. Solomon. D. Ilopkmson, C. Parrant. E. W. Ryan, M. O'Connor, A. GafTaney, and P. Leonard. The Temuka and District basketball competitions were continued on Thursday afternoon, the following being the results: —Senior: St. Joseph's 19, Ciandeboye 4: High School Old Girls 22. Temuka Young Women No. 2. 0; Temuka Young Women No. 1 12, Pleasant Point !). Junior: Arowhenua 12, Geraldine- No. 2 f>: Temuka Young Women 21. St. Joseph's No. 2 2; St. Joseph's No. 1 12. Pleasant Point 9; Keiivtown 14. Geraldine 7. High School Old Girls had a bye. At Hie weekly shoot, of the Temuka Miniature Rifle Club the following scores were registered off the rifle:— V. Nicholas HO. S. Webb 79, J. Bennett Tli. S. Nicholas 76. W. Westoby 7C, W. McGillen 76, J. Hobbs 75, R. Boyle 74, S. Kimber 74, W. Horgan 74, D. Connolly 74, E. Hutcheson 73, L. McKessar 73, W. Dermody 73, C. Wilson 71, E. B. Cooper 71, R. Summerfield 71, J. Connolly 70, F. Weston 69, C. Sanders 68, N. Salmon 65, E. Philip 59. The following will shoot off for the trophy:— V. Nicholas. S. Nicholas. S. Webb. W. Westoby. W. McGillen. J. Rennet I, and W. Morgan.

WINCHESTER '.VI::-. li. Keily iChristchurch.' i.-, the, ! -i!(/,! of iVliss W. Ouir'-c (Ornrii. j Mis-; E. Hart fTimarin, who has* Ijoen ', staym'4 with her sister. Mrs G. Birdlin'l 'Orarii. roturni.d home yesterdav. _\l;-s ]■;. I'. Chr.mbers 'Dmiedim is I .vlayim; >.vitli Mrs G. 11. Wood 'Orari). ; i The weekly dance urbanised by the ! | committee of the Victoria Hall, was i well attended. Cross's orchestra -supj plied the music, and extras were played hv Aliss J. Davey and Messrs W. J. Jackson and K. A'cGeorge. Mes.srs Jackson and W. Knitfht were masters ' o!' ceremonies. The Monte Carlo waltz j v, ,i.' won bv Mi ,:, K. J a oaiey and Mr J. ! ; Campbell. j There was a fair attendance at the I . eia.'inv tournament arranged by "ti■ f I , social committee of St. John's | Church. The prize:, were won by Mcs-i dame,-. K. Soulh. H. .1. Hopkins. Matter I Uouulas SLiri'id'4c. and Air X. Soi: J .h. I Mrs A. B. Scott playefl for the dance. I ; Mr W. J. Jack.-ou was master of ceie-j i ~ " I i \V AIM ATE ! ' Mr \V. V. George presided at a meet- , in.; of tiie Waimate School Committee! I tins week. The chairman reported that, , the renovation work at the school ; ;' authorised by the Education Board had : ! been held up. Tin- secretary explained i | lie had been in conversation with the I | board's foreman, who stated the re-! : nowinn ot the school doors and the! : painting of the dadoes would not be ' I done 111iis vacation, but it was I I expected it would be done | I during the next vacation. In j the meantime, the foreman had underj taken the painting of the high .school. In connexion with the pro- | I posed Labour Day garden party, it i 1 was deeifled to call a mooting of j ! women to organise the .stalls, etc. The j 1 following were appointed to report on the various sections of the Labour Day programme:-- Amateur sports, Messrs P. V. Berry and J. T. Mills; fancy cos- J . lunii.M and decorated b'cycles and go- j , cart:-:, Messrs A. Brini'ans, W. F. Barry, j ' and A. A. McKctizie; tug-of-war, : ; Messrs Barry and 11. Allin-don: j school spoils, Mr stalls, ' \ Messrs W. V. Ccore.o and YV. G. Paul; ball music, chairman and secretary, with power to act. In order to decide : whether to hold the annual school pic- . Nic in the district, or at. Timaru or ; (Jamaru. the committee resolved to i arrange a conference with the retaijj ers' association. In the event of the | picnic boin;; held away, the proceeds from the school concert would f j ,o towards providing free tickets to th? children, while if the picnic were held locally the proceeds would go to the school funds. I UIM'ER OTAIO The annual meotin.u of member.' u,' i Ihe Upper Otnio Library v.;:s held in ; the Esk Valley School. Mr Robert j Gray presided. The report showed that i the committee had had a very strenu- | oils, year. The :iim of £:'.'{ 0% lid had ': been spent, litis amount behu; the lur;,'i i.-I that had ever been spent in one ■;, ear. One hundred and four of the latest, books had been purchased, e.nd ! the membership now stood al (50. Duri in;.; the year more than 5000 books had been issued. It was agreed to increase the subscription to 7s (Id, with an additional 2s Gd for those subscribers who have the books sent to them. The librarian ('Mrs L. 11. Bishop) was thanked for the canable manner in which sh;.' had carried out her duties, and was v>resented with an honorarium. A motion of sympathy was passed with Mr and Mrs Mills. whose home was destroyed by fire. The following officers were elected'President, Mrs H. V. Hevvscn: librarian and secretary. Mrs L. R, Bishop; committee. Mrs W. A. Joines. Misses V/hitefield. Conn, Copland. and Gray. Messrs Gray. Russell. Couo, and A. Bishop. Arrangements to hold n "Mad Hatters'" dance at an early date, to raise further funds for the library, were completed. | ORARI j On Thursday evening at the Coro- | nation Hall. Orari, the second ball of the Orari and Belfield residents was held. There was a very lartfe attendance. The committee, with Mrs W. Huyhes. Miss M. Mason, and Mr All, Earl as joint secretaries, helped greatly to make the function a success. Cross's orchestra played the music, with extras bv Miss M. Blissett. Messrs Alf. Earl and H. J. Breton were masters of ceremonies. A song was contributed by Miss G. Hughes. A lucky spot waltz was won by Mr and Mrs A. Ryedale. The first Monte Carlo was won by Miss F. Palmer and Air M. Roonev. and the second by Mr G. O. Gould and IVliss C. Gould.

ST. ANDREWS The fortnigljtly card tournament held this week in the Esk Valley School was. largely attended. The winners were Miss Nellie Hartnell and Mr Dan Hartnell. The consolation prizes were awarded to Mrs \V. A.! Joines and Mr Harvey. Music for the dance was played by Miss Hazel Gordon. Mr W. L. Gordon was master of ceremonies. Members of the Women's Institute and their friends this week presented a dinner set to Mrs W. E. Milks, whose j home was recently destroyed by fire.! Members referred to Mrs Mills's untir-j ing efforts for the institute. j The annual meeting of the St. An-j drews area of the British and Foreign , Bible Society was field at Ihe vicarage, i Mrs J. Hay presided, .and the Rev. J. j Hnv conducted the devotional service.'; The following officers were electa':President, Mrs J. Hay; secretary, Mrs .1. K. Russell; vice-presidents', the Rev.: J. Hay and the Rev. L. M. Hodsoh.! The organising secretary for Canter- j bury and Westland (the Rev. A. W. j Stuart i outlined the world activities I of the society, liie work done in New Zealand, and the ground covered in | Canterbury and Westland. Afternoon { tea was served bv the hostess, Mrs J.< Hay. ! GERALDINE | A meeting of the Geraldine Boy j Scout, Committee was presided over by j Mr F. I-f. P. Wallach, in the absence I of the chairman, the Rev. A. C. Lawry. i The treasurer presented a financial statement which showed a cash balance of £4 10s, assets totalling £3l 7s 4d. Miss J. Lapthorn tendered her resignation as assistant wolf cub mistress It wa.s decided to leave the appointment of a new assistant to the vacancy, to Miss L. Hawke. The chairman referred to the illness of the Dominion Chief Commissioner, Dr. P. C. j Fenwick, C.M.G., and the secretary ; was instructed to write to him ex-' pressing the hope of the scouts and I the committee that he would make a i speedy recovery. It was decided to ; give £1 Is to St. Mary's Church i for the use of the parish hall for the-1 scout meetings. Mr A. W. Tucker's offer to address the scouts and cubs on scouting matters, was accepted. The president of the Geraldine BowlI ing Club (Mr A. G. Brown), on behalf j of the committee reported to the anI nuai. meeting of the club last evening i that financially, the club's position had i slightly' improved, compared with the : previous season, and considering the | heavy cost of keeping down the grass, I was very gratifying. The membership j had been maintained. In the South Canterbury centre's competitions, the club had won four games and lost one. The local competitions had been keenly contested and the innovation in bring- , ing in junior championship competi- ; tions, had proved successful. The com- ! petitions had resulted as follows: . Champion singles. J. Earl; champion I doubles. H. Turner and G. Loach; junior champion singles. T. B. MeKinlay iwinner of E. H. Logan's gold medal); [junior champion doubles. A. G. Malmslaud J. H. Woolhouse: handicap singles I fCampbell Cupt. A. J. Burmester; hau- ' dicap doubles, li. Turner and P. Rusj sell. The rink competitions could not i be completed and had been abandoned. : In the centre championships, the rink ! players had reached the semi-finals. The method of selecting teams had been altered at a special meeting of members, and Mr C. Stock had been appointed sole selector. The green was looking well and promised to be in good order for the coming season.

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Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21258, 1 September 1934, Page 6

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SOUTH CANTERBURY Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21258, 1 September 1934, Page 6

SOUTH CANTERBURY Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21258, 1 September 1934, Page 6