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- ■ -. ♦ ASHISURTON PERSONAL Messrs J. It. Browne 'ureal duel ' and J. MacMillan 'chief scribe, of tiic Ashburlon Savage Club, left for Wellington last, (.'veiling to attend a conference of savage and orphan clubs. The last conference was held at Christchnrch live years ago. They will return to Ashburtou on Tuesday mornMr and Mrs Lam;! ry Alaginuc-v. Huntingdon, have returned, front a holiday spent at Sydney. Mr C. 1,. Cox. who has been on the staff of the Crown Lands Department at Ashburtou for about two years, and has been transferred to Christehureh, was met by tne stall's of the Ashburlon Magistrate's Court, Stock and Crown Lands Departments yesterday, and presented with a fountain pen on their behalf by Mr A. J. Chine i clerk of the court >. Vital Statistics 'fit-,' vital statistics for the Ashburu>n district for August, together with those for August, 1933, in parenthesis, are as follows:—Births 32 t2s>, death:: la (15), marriages !> (10>. Tinwalcl Presbyterian Chunl) At the annual meeting of the TinwahiFlcmington - Lagmhor Presbyterian congregation held on 'l'liursrlay evening Ihe Rev. VV. Marshall presided. The session report showed -hat steady progress had been made throughout the year, and similar progress was referred lo in the reporls submitted on behalf of the I'resin ternm Women's Missionary Union, ihe Bible classes, the managers, and 1 lie Sunda v schools. The balance-sheet, showed that ordinary income had totalled k43« lis Id, and that there was a credit of k23 12s Del. The incidental account a! o siiewed a credit. The managers were re-elected, and Mr R. Gilmour was re-elected general treasurer, with Mr K. Campbell as general secretary and Mr 11. D. Cunn as auditor. Votes of thanks were accorded those who had assisted in the work of the church, and tributes were paid to the work of Mr and Mrs Marshall. Friendly Societies' Association At Ihe (|iiar!erJy meeting of the council ol ihe Ashburtou United Friendly Societies' Association, held (Mi Tm'irsduy evening. Ihe presidi nt iMr S. A. Moore> presided. A motion of sympathy with the relatives of the late Mr !■'. Lennon m. former treasurer of the association', and with Alcssrs W. .!. Brown. (..'. Sol way. and J. A. England in then- bereavements wacarricd in silence. ft win. reported that the Ashburtou Hospital aiioim'. for the last quarter amounted to .IN-;94 2s U.-.1 m rc-stx-ei to 11102 members. The adrniui-.l: st.\o el-.arge- amount-, d to lloijve Fair draught, horses in the Ashburior. county, and there is plenty of onquiry lor utility farm horses. At ihe National horse fair yesterday no oiitslanding quality horses were entered, but. good priig. -." were realised for the class o : ' animals. olfcreu. The principal .-.-.d<v v-cv" as follows: Geldb-gs. three a! -U2s; six years, a! .U2H: ag< d. ft P3l. ageci, at .1:21: marc-, seven ye: "~ years' at £l2 RK; Three wars, at PlO- - and Poultry Market There was a good yarding of pg; a: the Farmers' Mart yesterday, but poultry was not in plentiful supply. The prices ranged as follows: Poultry: Hens, from lis ad lo -Is yd a pair: ; ouster-. to Ms Id. Pigs: Baeoners. '.: 1 10s (Id to P 2 1k; (Id: porker-:. ,f, ! ]2s (Id: store:--. £ 1 In .': 1 IP: \v>:..i)-'i\] and Hips, lis (id to "1 (..:,. Wdihi'iA Hockey The- draw for the rounds of the Ashbuvton Ladies' Hockey As-.0-cJatinu's cJatinu's si>:-a.-.-ide noen lournamt ut, te be held to-day. is as follow. : - Senior grade iYiink> tournament >: First round: Hinds v. Old Girk--. Springburn v. Kcreon". High School v. Paring Square. Lowcliil'o v. Methven Junior Grade 'knock-out)— First round: M"i.hv"ii A v. Hinds B. TPgds v. Lowcliffe. Hinds A v. Mount Sorn-ei-s'. McUr, en B v. Dim-.unele!. SEAFIELI) There was a lair attendance at a ;, oeial afternoon field by the Women's Division of the New Zealand Farmers' Union in the Seafield School. Mrs K. Martin presided. Mrs I l '. Johnson gave a report, on the 'meeting of the executive and also on the Ashburtou birthday parly. The afternoon was spent in competitions, which wen- won b'. Mesdames J-I. Driseoll. VV. Waller, and Miss M. Martin. A. prize for a guessing competition given by Mrs R. Griee was won by Mrs W. 'Robertson. A recitation was given by Miss Shirk y Driseoll. A brjng-and-buy table realised a satisfactory amount. Competitions for members resulted a:; follows: -Junior:,: Fancy apron, Miss M. Martin, Mrs F. Taylor, and Miss H. Johnson. Seniors: Fancy apron. Mrs J. Gregory. Miss Robertson, and Mrs W. Robertson: best piece of I'ancywork. Miss Robertson, Mrs F. Taylor, and Mrs J. Gregory. Special prizes were awarded to Miss J. Driseoll and Mrs F. Johnson. The busies-a.-; were Mrs J. Gregory and Mrs 11. Driseoll. MOUNT HOMERS The Weekly shoo! of tne Mourn Somei's Miniature Rille Club was well attended, when the. final :. iioot for Ihe No. 4 trophy was held, in conjunction v. ith .shoots for tie- Woolmers. W. .:V Hood Memorial, and junior cup:-, and shoots-oil' for tne Nos. 2 and '.', trophic:-. Bel scores off the rille were: -■ Seniors: L. Hood, 70-0!); H. Morgan. OJ-dk H. Norman, 02-07: J. Gorrie, 07-07: W. Morgan. 07-05; G. A. Bland. (,a-(ik 11. Boss. 02: F. Fvl'e. 01. juniors: G. Bland. 00-03; B. Glasson. 01-0!. The 'W. N. Hood Memorial Cup 'tor the best 12 of the iirst 10 shoots, handicaps included i. was won by K. Norman, Willi flOa, G. Bland 05!) and Ik Brown 850 being runners-Lip. Leading scores for the Woolmers Cup 'best Jo shots of the season) are: H. Hood 101)7, L. In-od 901, H. Norman !'72. Leading scores for the junior cup are: If. Glasson 017. G. Bland !)!2, H. Boss. L. Hood, and H. Morgan tied for the senior trophy, and shoot off. Hie junior Irophv being won outright by I-f. Glass ,n. The shoot-off for the No. 2 trooh-- rc-idtcd: J. Gorrie lie, F. Fvl'e i;;;i. The :hool-efj for Ihe No. 2 Irophv I--.-lilted: G. \. Bland. H. Mier.iao. L. flood MD. J. Oor.-i" K',,'. F. Fvl'e I:.!-!. Tiie Or. ! :!-■ -e ;-.-:. in lieu' o'l RAKAIA Tl,r annual mulim; ol lh< i!aka,a HorPcull.usd Society wa , held en Thursday evening, Air C. Shannon pr--siding (jver a small attendance. The balance-sheet showed a debit on Ike year's working of .£5 IN lid. The following officers were elected:—-Patron. Mr J. Connolly, M.P.; president, Mr G. S. Hardy: vice-presidents, Mesdame:; G. S. Hardy, R. A. Bailee. D. Junes. 1... Cordner. V.'. Boat-. J. I've k : '''c.'--': i..: I". S. Go;,- e'lv. T. .\. i;:,'.;-. mo.-. Mi.oes If. Holmes and G. A

. o. ;>. A ■ IMc- '. ri;n>i:x .1. i!. Aii.r:k!.■. 1 .. .1. V. [ .an i i !■'. KwAwti . .K,:. Lauy.U v I L ; A. i i;'rri• . A. Cmi i'■ - A, I, s h- \ :> el i (•). I''.. ( Jak I < ■I.. (>A:I ■■■ . ( . C. Ilolmi A CI. ii« Inn. .i. F. (n:- :i!v, • and c. Garriyau: en Is,". :, n I I: - ai .-i ■!*■']'. i\ 11' 11. (A At i on: - i.iv. e. ) Mes.-.s C. Sil'm.ul, m 1 i:; ji! i 11:11 \V. Slk'l I* C. J "j'.'j l i;M b\ Ah', ;':i . '.V. ' A 1 ;io 1:, VA . Smith. :). A, v. man. \. ;. Sam d<. . .;ud M A I' Aw, . A Mi' C ,' ~i :! 1 :i ■* Ti • • :• ■ ■ I.!- a :;'!,;.! iv i r,: i ■ }.]■■ <■■. A. Co on A j i;.i-t .!' 11 r ' <i!:i\ .'a ■ : !'i:' pti.'f I v;;' li t ; Aymks. Tlv trophy ia i i b" won Awe A years in MiiW'i.n f.r live years at in-j '! tr rvriK I*'•fore b.'-ciysiivr th" nropriiy | i ' V"' v..! ' -f "< VA ' ! d i;C "m !>w . i A \b - .. , LAIRISTON All James ha nnn civd ; ,-.i iilicie: ii Iv 1 rim i hi: 11 j nc.-s 111 ic'urn ' ' to hi., home at I.a ui i:-t oi i. Recent. editors to I ,ai 111 n i were jMr and Mr.-- VV. T. Church ' 1,1111«• J Hivcn. who wt io rt>i<ieiit> of Lanri.-;-W ?V! A V FIE! J) A A combined Bible da: rally v. 'iln_ Iri reecnlb. in the I'resb.'. lenan < ; Church, aboul fill 111<■ iiiij<■ rbeau' presi i Lilt, represc nl in': AI <-lii \' i ■ 11. (Aeraldme. f-linrls. Carcw. AlontaMo. Kuapima. and iWavfu'ld cla s - e.-. The Rev. A. \). Kirk--I:ji:rJ presided. The Rev. .1. Coul:ny r 1 Ca.'l'aid ille I '.awe th" mam adl'c:-.', and 'lie Rev. I!. Al i ii" ;a. 11 < Mel I: \en i led the . c onsecral ion .-i -am. The women iis 'i:ibe,' of Hie yob . e!nb held an «i I tern "on a;, the links in ■ ; lumoiii' of JV!r:' C. A. Ilaxler. who will : : :-!i(_>r 11y be liaa. iiiy; the di:iriet. Mrs F. Taskei' presented the yue. I ol honI , on r with a n-y.-t a I ,- a ■e. Th" baeheloi',-' and spin.-ler> ol Ma) - • . liciil ladd a \ rlanee in Ihe' 'Maylii.ld I'anr! Hall on Tuesday ' evening, visitors beiny present, from ' • isll the stirroiiiidiii:', distriel.-,. The hail ; I v/as laslefully deeia'ated wilh e'olouretl si reamers. Music for Ihe daneiny was ' : plaj'i d Ijy Dayl.'ourn's C'rche.-iti'a. anrl ' Stati. Clifford v.-.s master of cei'e- " i.Miiii.s. A Monte Carlo wall/, was wen by Mi.-s !!iia Simpson and parl- • • pit. while ;i "lirst o:' the lloor" dance • won by Mi:-s iA.'lbe Goldsmith J 'and Air Douyla. l - Simp.-on COLDSTREAM 1 A iluiic't.' m aid of the local .-aib- . branch of the Plunket Society was I | held in the "Whare." Coldstream. • Lucky ii umber competitions were won ■ by Mrs Stephens aud Mr S. Dunlop. Mr • \V. Chapman played thi- nsaisie. while Mr As Hasiii' wa: mater of cere - METIIVEN I'., C. ill.: iMi'llit'i Maul- for Itcce.-.-,ar,\ e(|iii lyneni. 'lie member.-. o| ihe Methven Vui'.inteor Fire Lriy.ade. held 1 another of a series ot dances in the i Methven Town Hall on Thursday even- ;: iilyi- Tiiere was a \xi - y good attend~l anco. Music for the dance was played .' by Cook's orchestra, while Misses B. :! Eeary, Nora Owers, and Henry (Rangi- ' iora), Messrs D. Hetrie and Cook played • i extra*;. The 'masters of ceremonies v"ere U< i I). Anderson and F Grieve. :VL : Sullivan and Mi li. . i Chamber.-; won the 'lucky-spot wall/

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Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21258, 1 September 1934, Page 6

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MID-CANTERBURY Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21258, 1 September 1934, Page 6

MID-CANTERBURY Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21258, 1 September 1934, Page 6