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MAIN SCHOOL D (yrraTAi, xli Tin; it.ess.) GREYMOUTH, February 10. a At the monthly meeting of the committcc of the Grcymouth Main School, ' Mr R. A. BarroAvman presided. The report submitted by the headmaster, Mr J. Graham, showed that. 50 new '\ pupils held been enrolled when the > school opened, and stated that the total of pupils attending the Greymouth Main and the Blaketown 1 Schools was (JOU. It was decided to s yivc tlie school a full day's Jioliday on 0 February ÜB, the date of the trades' e picnic. It was decided lo ask the t help of the Canterbury Education Board in purchasing books for the i children of needy parents. It Avas des cided lo afliliate with the nev.iys formed West Coast School Committees' s Association. t Accident at Wallsenil Mine s Thomas Gutberlet, single, aged 22, ~ was struck by a falling bar while s doins' repair work at the Dobson mine r to-day. and sustained serious head in- ' jurie-. uicludiiu: a fractured skull. 1 iU: was admitted to the Grey River -i Hospital. lYrsnnal ! Mr R. W. Gihbs. cliairman or the . Rank of New Zealand. I/,d.. wlio is j vi.iliiiK West Coast brandies of the bank, is in Grcymouth. r.xports of Timber During the four weeks ended Fcbi'Uaiy 3. a total of 1.420.910 superficial , feet of timber was exported from the , Port of Grcymouth, compared witli - 55-I.2WJ feet during the same period ■ last year. Ijxjuirts of Coal Jjurmg liie tour weeks; ended Feb- " j-uary ;i. the following amounts of coal !''■( m drlricl mines were ("ported through tli<- Fori i.f G leynioath nil's totals I'm (he corre.-ponding period ■ la.-l vi-ar be-in,'.; gi\'en in parentheses i: . j -Slate mines IfiT.'J tons iL'-tUT): Bla-.'l'-■lljall 17-17 ilUiiD); nap'ihor: 7tiK <Go.">i: ■ i'.sraroa USA HO.Sr->; Casl!<- Po'i'.t 17(1 i2;;ic Wailsond 112:! iij:Wi: Di,h. oi, 0 i Hi;;;")i: f'-iriandale d'!. 1 .) <W<}>: 'ulhe, , HiMn.-l mines l!) 0:; cM7O): 1r -1 ;■ I IK):!:''c-Sa\'iii« < ompelilhtn j | Tin learn--, of which i;o lew er i han ' 1... veu are Irom Canlerbui'V, have en- j | lend for Mie life-.-avim: eont'-.-1. to be i j i-f Id en l!ie Blaketown l>eaeh, Gsey- j I mouth, on Sunday, February 25. We.-'i- ' port and llok'tika will also be ropre i I seined, a- well as Grcymouth. I ! Hi.y Injured I i Uh,,' |>i,.A ;:,;-; '.Mill a i', lend at Te • I Kiiir.a i.i : ivi.niim, Thomas Harris. .;e;. d 10. !". II Irom a lait and dislocated I in;- should, .. Mr A. 11. Nancekivell. jihc llokii,!;. aviMor, was visiting Te I Kinga ;.■: lis !::se. and iie tool; Ha I Lev in ;..: acr.:;.lai,e !'- 1 lei; i: ii-.,. I where If v... a-imilrcl to Mie We,:|l;md 1ie;,,,;.,!. | ; Dim-ovi-I'a <il Qu.nt/ It eel' ! j I; ;- nnder-lood that a new ouails. j reel his b, , u iocau d by a pro-'pecies j I «,■: km;: at Ihe tool i,( Mount French. I I'.-ntv.-artl ~i t! PI i.iuiin'! field ~! j f.M'ci-li: i.'.t:< j j Injury In .Miner ; i I'..lie : .. ,1,-1.■;,-' of li,) I, el 1,,,,,, { /'v.-',', ~".-'■! Voe.:'■•',' '/ V!',''/-rd.',V. J ''u'i'l- I li.iti: V.'r-k ni-r, •, <! a-Jetl ali, v.-:is j ;' >. i i (■■ s miii|-( -.:. and admitted to tin- I |C ■ .'.- l;,v: r fhispi:;,;. The lull e:;tem i |ol hi. >'■ nine ".';!! nol be l:now:i i ImM a.'tt'- ;.n X-!.'■•,■ examination ha-- j

IWiu linx TouniaiiHjnt ; T;,.- a:,:.ual V.'i ,1 Ca.-.t bowling I will be Ci.llmie.M'ui on j Mos.d;..y ;.t. the greens of Hit: GreyI mouth ,'i-ri I'uuam:,-! Bowling Clubs. I A 1 f.; ;■ I !.f '.''.', i ,!:':-■ is compel ing. m(<Ui<i>'!': m-voiil I'iMiu Canterbury. j Fall from Horse Fiank Swctman. aged 27, single, w.i- thrown Ji i in a horse In Oinoto mad to-day. Ho was admitted to the Grey Hospital suffering from head injuries. Kui'uro Spoils There wa:; a large attendance at the Kuroro Domain this afternoon when the annual meeting of the Kuroro Sports Club was held. The weather was tine, and good entries from nil parts of the West Coast in chopping, running, and dancing events made an interesting afternoon. Results were: - Shopping events—Upright chop (12inch log): U. Bannister (Usee) 1, F. Laugcson <!> sec) 2, A. K. Oliver (6sec) 3: time 3fi 3-fj.scc-. Maiden chop, 12 inches, upright: Boote <Bseo 1, GalI higher efjsec) 2, McCormack (Oscc) 3: I time -t-lsec. Underhand, 14-inch chop: .1. Ilanuisler I. W. Blaekmun 2, Williams 3: time sUsec. Running Maiden fool-race, 100 yards: Kiely I, Cowan 2, Lindbom 3; lime 11 2-f)sec. Schoolboys, 14 and under: 1011 is 1, Kennedy 2, Haglund 3; time l.'i 3-f>sec. Schoolgirls, 14 and undei - : Dando J, Kerr 2, Swectman 3; lime laser. 100 yards footrace: Mal-jpa-.s J, O'Leary 2, Bilclifr 3: time 1.0 j !-f>see. Karoro Handicap, 120 yards: i Kiely I. O'Leary 2, Doherly 3; lime I 12 4-. r 3sce. Boys' relay race: Greymouth Main School A 1, Grevmouth Main School B 2, Marist Brothers' School A 3. Girls' relay race: Greymouth Main 1, Taylorvillc 2. Cycle road race, 13 miles: C. Hogarth 1, C. Walson 2, D. Morland 3. Dancing—Srann Triubhais, open: .lessima Holt,' (ilipts, 1; Jmelda Austin, (JSpts, 2; V. Thomas, (>4pts, 3. Sailors' Hornpipe, under 12: H. McLean, (iSpts, 1: V. Rouse, (>'<lpls, 2, 7-ila and Jmelda Austin, G'2pts (equal) 3. Novice Highland Fling: K. Allen, G3pts, 1, D. Wilson, (!2pts. 2; N. O'LaughJin, 6'lpts. 3. Highland FJing, under 12: Mabel Hogg, (JSpls, 1; K. Hamillon. <>4pts. 2; H. McLean, (i3pis. 3. Sword dance, open: .lessima Holt, (ilipts. 1: Monica Sinnolt, (ifipls, 2; F. Thomas and E. Hamilton, Wpls (equal) 3. Sword dance, under 12: K. Hamilton, (iapts, 1; M. Sinnott, <Mpls, 2: V. Rouse. 62pts. 3. Irish Jig, under 12: Imelda Austin. TOpfs, 1; Helen McLean, (Ifipls, 2: Mabel Hogg and V. Goodall, f.ttlpls (equal) 3. Magistrate's Court A man. whose name was ordered to be suppressed in (lie meantime, appeared at the Magistrate's Court at Grevmouth to-day, charged with obtaining 10s under falsi; pretences. A remand was granted until Monday. Girl (Juides' Commissioner Miss M. lies, who has been for some years a prominent worker in the girl guide movement in the West Coast a'-ling as District Commissioner for Wetland, has been appointed secretary of Hi" Cirl Guides' Association of New Zealand, and will leave the West Coast shortly to take her new position at the guide headquarters at Hastings. Opportunity was taken at. a recent meeting of the West, Coast committee and guides to pay a tribute to the eflieiency and popularity of Miss lies, and a presentation of a founlain pen was made by Mrs F. A. Kitehingham. Flower Show

Tin: first summer show of the West Coast, Horticultural Society was held in the Town Hall. Greymouth. to-day. There war large onirics, and the quality of blooms on display made judging a difficult tusk. Results:- .

Gladioli- Six spike.-, distinct varieties 131: N. Burn 1. Mrs F. M. Dennchy 2, Mrs Greenwood 3. Three spikes '3>: N. Burn I. Mrs Wallis 2, Mrs Greenwood 3. Three spikes, any colour or variety CD: N. Burn 1, Mrs Wallis 2, Mrs Greenwood 3. One spike (red)

'ai: X'. Burn i, Mrs Greenwood 2, Miss B. Cornwall 'A. One soike <pink> '4): Miss Cornwall 1. Mrs Wall is 2. Mrs Greenwood '.',. One spike twhite) <3): N. Burn 1, Mrs Greenwood 2. One spike, any other colour (4): N. Burn 1, Mrs Greenwood 2. Mrs Wallis 3. One bowl, six spikes (2): N. Burn 1, Mrs Greenwood 2. Primulus hybrids, threespikes, three colours (2): N. Burn 1. D. Cameron 2. Six spikes: N. Burn 1. Three spikes (distinct varieties) (10): Miss G. Doel 1, D. Cameron 2, J. Walter 3. One spike any colour (11): Mrs R. Doel 1, W. Inglis 2, B. Attewell :;.

Sweet peas—Six distinct varieties (l): J. Walter. Three varieties (2>: J. Walter. Vase cream or white (2): Mrs Wallis 2, D. Cameron 3. Vase, pink (4): Mrs Wallis 1, D. Cameron 3. Vase red (2): Mrs Wallis h.c. Vase blue (4): D. Cameron 2, J. Walter h.c. Vase, picotte edge <1): H. Rattray h.c.

Dahlias—Six decorative (3): Miss C. Tennent 1, D. Cameron 2, Mrs J. W. Hannan 3. Three cactus <]): J. Walter 2. Three deconitive (10): Mrs Wallis 1, Mrs H. E. Malham 2, Mrs F. M. Donnelly 3. Three pom-pom <;i): Mr? Shallcrass 1, Mrs Wallis 2, Mrs Greenwood 3. Collection dahlias (2): Miss C. Tennent 1. Roses—Six, three varieties (2): Mrs A. Wallis. Three varieties: Mrs Shallcrass 1, Mrs Greenwood 3. Single variety <3): Mrs Wallis 1, Mrs Shallcrass 2, Mrs Greenwood 3. Two vases (2): Mrs Wallis 1. (Jut Flowers —Vase, three carnations <4>: Mrs Malham 1, Mrs Wallis 2, Mrs Greenwood 3. Three asters, three colours (5): JI. Moore 3, B. Attcwell 2, Mrs G. E. Laing 3. Three asters, one colour (3i: 11. Moore 1, Miss N. McKanc 2, B. Attewell 3. Three French marigolds (2): D. Cameron 1 and 2. Three delphiniums (1): Mrs J. W. Hannan 1. Vnse zinnias (7): Mrs P. J. McLean J, J. Walter 2, Mrs Dcnnehy 3. Vase verbenas (1): Mrs P. J. McLean 1. Vase gaillardia (1): Mrs F. W. Shallcrass. Phlcx drummondii (7): Mrs Shallcrass 1, Mrs Hannan 2, Mrs W. TTaglund 3. Perennial phlox <3): Mrs McLean 1, J. Walter 2, Mrs Shallcrass '■'>. Six montbretia Hi: Mrs Shallcrass h.c. Iceland poppies (2): Mrs Wallis 1, Mrs McLean 2. Vase antirrhinums i 4): Mrs McLean 1, Mrs Hannan 2, Mrs Wallis 3. Twelve violas (2): Mrs Wallis 1, Mrs Shallcrass 2. Collection cut flowers: Mrs Hannan- 1, Mrs Malham 2. Mrs Shallcrass 3. Collection annuals (3): Mrs McLean 1, Mrs Shallcrass 2. Mrs Malham 3. Bowl hydrangeas (3>: Mrs Wallis L Mrs Shallcrass 2, Mrs Donnelly 3. Bowl antirrhinums (2). Mrs Dcnnehy 1, H. Moore 2. Three vases, Hovers not classified: Mrs G. E, Laing 1, I: Dcnnehy 2, Mrs Haglund 3.

Docor.-ilivc—Decorated (able 141: Mr.* K. R. Moss 1, Mrs Shallcrass 12, Miss D. Broad '.',. Bowl gladioli (2): Mrs Shallcrass 1, Mrs Greenwood 2. Bowl sweet peas (11: J. Waller 1. Bowl, nnv flowers ((i>: Mrs W. Haglund 1, Mrs Sliallcrais-.s 2, J. Waiter 3. Basket flowers (2): Mrs E. Ft. Moss 1, Mrs Shallcrass 2. Basket primulinus, hybrids il): Mrs Shallcrass 1. Floating bowl 12): J. Walter 1, Mrs Dennchy 2. Pot ferns t.3): Miss C. Tennent 1, Mrs H. F. Doogan 2. Mr.s Wallis 3. Pot plants in flower (5): Mrs Wallis 1 and 3, Miss C. Tennent 2.

Vegetables—Collection vegetables: B Attewell 1, G. Wilson 2. Two cabbages 13 >: T. Gallop 1. B. Attewell 2. Mrs n. Doel 3. Cucumbers (J): T Gallop 1. Carrots i 4): B. Attewell 1 Mrs Donnelly 2, G. Wilson 3. Beetroot i3>: Mrs Dennchy 1. G. Wilson 2. C Dewar 3. Parsnips H>: Mrs Dennehv 1, L,. Chapman 2, G. Wilson 3. Turnips '2): Mrs Dennchy 1. Mr.s ft. Doel 2 Potatoes (2>: G. Wilson 1. Mrs Dennehv 2. Rhubarb (2»: Mrs Dennehv 1 C .1. Dewar 2. Runner henns t2l-'[. East 1, Mrs ft. Doel 2. Garden pea.« iii- B Attewell 2. Heaviest cabbage: B Attewell 1. Mrs It. Doel 2. " REEFTON NEWS PERSONAL (SPECIAL TO THE PEES.„.)

REEFTON, February 10. Mr .1. Dellaca, of the Bank of New Zealand, Reef ton, is relieving at the Westport branch.

[ Mr and Mrs T. Newman, of Brightwater, Miss Newman, Mrs W. Newman, and Mr Newman, jun., are camping at Maruia hot springs. Mr Conway, of Murchison, has returned home after three weeks' stay at the Maruia hot springs. Mrs R. Yellowlees has returned from a brief visit to Nelson. Mr T. H. Lee has returned from Oamaru. Mr W. E. Burley has left for Christchurch, where he intends to reside.

Mr Henry Kearns, of the clerical staff at Reefton of the Westland Brewcries, Ltd., was the recipient of a presentation in view of his approaching marriage. Mr F. J. Easther made the presentation of a dinner set and wished Mr Kearns the best of good fortune in his married life. Accident A young man, Thomas Douglas, received a severe wound on his wrist yesterday when he was working in the. bush. He was attended by Dr. Wicken, who inserted several stitches. Territorial Camp The officers and non-commissioned officers of the First Battalion, Nelson, Marlborough, and West Coast Regiment, went into camp at Tapawera yesterday. About 250 territorials are attending the camp, including about 30 from Greymouth. Returns of Gold In the Inangahua district unemployed subsidised prospectors for the six months ending December 31, 1933, have taken 81oz lldwt, of a total value of £525 3s 8d at current rates. There are 106 prospectors under the Unemployment Board's scheme in the Inangahua district. School of Mines The Reefton School of Mines received three applications for the position of laboratory assistant. Mr B. McPherson was appointed. ■ I. ■'. I

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Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21087, 12 February 1934, Page 4

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WEST COAST NOTES Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21087, 12 February 1934, Page 4

WEST COAST NOTES Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21087, 12 February 1934, Page 4