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A, in I ..••.■in. .Jivi.k-n.l at. rato of ;i pi-r uriit.p.T nt'i.nm; :., int.-.,,;, ,iivi<!inu a' nU- <-.f (J i„ r ~nt. pvr .-luium, •■, iiili.-ri:n dr. i»l<-ii«J .lit r«1i! of 7 pr- runt, p-r milium ; u. intc-rim ilividc mi at ml-! of '.I prr o-nt. pi-r aiiuun : <■, iut'i'.ia in', iilni'j at rat'; of 10 p.T n-ni. ]n L - aiuiirn, !. tnt ■ ■ i". t n -.ii\ idi-iu] at. int ■.■ of 3 -' ptr •••.'tit. prr atniuiii; ;.-, interim liiviJuii'J al iaic i.ft i" r i-ciil. p' r aimii'ii ; >. inl'.'nm cli vicicmj ]);•-•<-' i. Y.'lir:.- l.'j appiM.'.miat.- u;ai'U"t i* -iv.-n, ivturn i.-. v,o:];o>l on ii.i.l-ir.a :I>. i p l ''^,

JiuM/rs. Sr!lirn. JL' 'h. .J. £ s. .J. m„im, Wv : ;i« .. .. i' i-i u ' si'.jiiv l;j .i-r .. u .'! ti (i ."; •!'• i •-■■•.•ti .. ii :; 7 0 t <; I UVrr'., li;i.'M. 'i'n;.»t .. <■> li 11 0 i C, i W.'!li.M-ttoiica. Lt-i. Cr. • i ;.:.■".!> -- 0 o 'J V>'.j..'-- .» -I'.s (N.Z.i, ...-.]. 1 0 0 i ! Sales. J 100 U. '' l!i!l .. .. 0 * C i:; r 'o 13rl!-]io.,pri- .. .. 0 0 ftI II U !» I 0 (I il.\ ' 500 < liai'io.-o.oi) Sjuic'.iT.' l2) U 111 | YESTERDAY'S SALES. UIRISTCIIIKCH.

WELLINGTON. Sales on 'Change. I £ s. d.


SYDNEY. In the Sydney Stock Exchange yesterday price movements were again in holders' favour, although business was not quite so widespread as earlier in the week. Morning Sales.

Afternoon Sales.

MELBOURNE. £ s. d. British Tobacco 1 15 0 "Herald" and "Weekly Times' .. 2 5 0 Electrolytic Zinc .. 13 0 North Broken Hill .. 4 7 0 South Broken Hill .. 2 17 (5 Mt. Lyell .. 1 2 C r. AM) O. STOCK. LONDON, July 27. P. and O. stock is quoted as follows: s. d. July "7 , .. .. 18 4 A July 111 .. ..19 lOi June 29 .. .. 16 7A June 15 .. .. 16 62 June 1 .. 17 4a May 27 .. .. 17 4J May 18 .. .. 16.0 MOUNT LYELL QUOTATIONS. LONDON, July 27. Mount Lyell stock is quoted as follows: — j s. d. i July 27 .. -. 17 21 July 13 .. ..17 101 July 29 .. .. 17 0 June 15 .. .. 18 H June 10 .. .. 18 3 June 1 .. .. 18 6 I May 13 .. .. 18 6 ■! May 14 .. .. 18 0 COMMERCIAL BANK OF SYDNEY. DIVIDEND OF 5 PER CENT. MIT ED rr.F.SS Aft ROC!-VTIO >7 —BV ELECTPJC TELEG RAPH— COPYBIOHT.) (Received July 28, 9.20 p.m.) SYDNEY, July 28. The Commercial Banking Company of Sydney made a net profit for the year of £259,077, compared with £253,866 the previous year, and £441,816 in 1930-31. A dividend has been declared of 2£ per cent., which, with the interim dividend of 2J per cent, last January, makes a return to shareholders of 5 per cent., compared with 5£ in the preceding year. [The paid-up capital of the bank is £4,739,012 in shares of £25. Reserves at the 1932 balance amounted to £4,417,446. The reserves had been drawn upon to the extent of £6780 to pay the 5i per cent, dividend. In 1931 the dividend was 8£ per cent.] TIMBER INDUSTRY. INCREASING ORDERS. A better demand for timber than at any time for three years is being experienced in the King Country, slates the Auckland "Herald's" Te Kui'ti correspondent. It is reported that the smaller mills between Te Kuiti and Ohakune are working full time, and a fairly large mill is L ing established at Owhango, near Taumarunui. All the larger mills are not yet working full time, as they have large stocks to dispose of. It is expected that the men m these larger mills will soon be working full time. It is also reported 1 that there was an increased activity in! the timber trade in towns in Taranaki.! PROPERTY SALES. Messrs Kvuns ai.-J Bull, GS Cathedral squaie, it port haying solo, on account Mrs Alooaj ,20 cu;ich with l ouse of five rooms and. outbmldinga at Kaiapoi to Mr Burrowc*, and on account of Mrs .l-'iciuin-, -J 5 acres'with j ■1 uouse and improvements ut Dromorc to 1 ■Melius Lawrence and Rutherford, and. on account of Mr Ingram, hie residence i:i Jlansiield u\cimc to Mr CursiU. —0 Messrs C. L. Jones, Limited, auctioneers and ostato agents, 17-1 Manchester street, :oport having Bold, oil account of llio owner, Ins two building aites, comprising 30 perches (.■jell, ailiiatcd Uinau street., KiccarCon, 10 u client at a satisfactory figure. The firm has i.lso sold, on account of Mr Farrellv, hid building Lite situate Severn street, St. Aloans, comprising 29 porches, to a client at a Batisfaptory figure. 6 Messrs Ford and Hadfield, Ltd., real ostate agents and auctioneers, 131-133 Worcester street, Christchurch, r«port havinj sold on account of the trustees in E. PedIcr h estate, a block of land situated in Junius road, Shirloy, comprising; *JO acre*. V"Sel!irr with a four-ronm<Ml Ihhi-c,

AMERICAN GOLD EXgfHj EMBARGO. ORE AND CONCENTKA'fInH EXCEPTED. ■ Wfim WASHINGTON, The United States Treasury lifl|H| thorised the export of trates and gold ore to fax4OMHH| PRICE OF GOLD. ;||H LONDON, JnhJjffli Gold (a fine ounce) is qaat^anlln July 27 .. July 26 .. 6'!:S ; 'l|ffig July 25 .. .. 8 ■ lllw July 24 .. .. S till July 20' .. ..6 July 19 .. -..8 *l* July 18 # .. .. « PRICE OF Sim*. '9 ' M ißKl'i'll'H OFFICE. TTISBIX3S) ||9H| RUGBY, Silver (pence an ounce) is qtftaSlHH July 26. Jjjjßs Spot .. 18 ' iiiii Forward J7; ' lWmmm GENERAL GROCERIES. Business in the grocery still keeping up well in TabM-VIH satisfactory reports are eamin<jM»| from business firms advising unW*lgH| trading conditions generally, :VfpM& brighter outlook. E««s. Jill This market shows signs of ing early in August, and a •?W]aa tioned in a previous report. twJPgsgg tion will require careful attaffl® WgjjSm country storekeepers. - : '|Sm Prunes. ... Old season's prunes in have been advanced Is w per fMfli while the quotation for new mains as before. IgpjjH > Cream of Tartan The cream of tartar land is reported to be rapidly. One shipper hw refused business at previous lions, demanding £3 a ton *J»S2I| before he will confirm ordffS from New Zealand. ""H™ At the Colombo tea last week 1,950,0001b There was a very active prices all advanced 5 to o lb. Indications point to ? vances in the market in tne . future. i In Calcutta last week lMjw *®JE' *, were offered, Dooars showing* ing off in quality, but Asae* Darjeeling improved in qittWV Assan being of very good type. - was a good demand for aH tea and the sale closed with >JS strong demand. Leaf teas SCHIST . vanced. averaging a quarto 1 1 while good Orange Pekoe * to 9 pies. " The outlook for teas at fufcflWgPj? -j is for higher values, due t° ";?■ output. Prices averaged at tßjjgr as follows:—Broken Orange FJSHr.':, common 8 annas 9 pies: Broken ; I Pekoe, medium, 9 annas 6 pies J Orange Pekoe, good 21 annasßjj^SSE.<M Pekoe, common 8 annas, annas 3 pies; and good 9 aim#* fannings, common 7 annas 3.PjjgW dium 8 annas 6 pics, good 1®

; ; Appiox. j r_- . pneu •>>-< L ' luar bct ! t, Jj j D:v. ' on [■-•-jd 'A'.nroi-. | p.-icu i V; r : . pay- jinvcat- * ■ uiurktt j a year j ' able. jmcnlut ili'v. Ciijf'i'i. hcilei'd. j pneu. ,' u,-o. ■' r. • ( »pj»'Ox. i ' 5 o ; market. """ | I : f ("i " -'-' | •'-' ». d. £ s. rj. < 22 h. d 22 s d. • I ! £ a. d. Banks— , j j j C'omui. o:' Aiii;. H't, j U Mi 5 0 JG 7 0 1G C 0 13 t) , j ! Feb.-Aug. | 3 0 7 Coinm. of A'.j-.I. j i I : ' I ipi-cf.l .. Iv Sid OJ h 18 (J ' ■<• l7 0 j 7 ■■; G I 1 •■ i '1 1U I ("uiiMn. of Hy/hrcy 12.'. 17 2 li j IT 10 0 1'. 5 0 1! In u ' 5', . Jan.-Julv j J!) t> !v. is., and A. 3 5 1 o ; ;, 7 1; ■ .'■ ) 0 j 1 2 g | 5 I Mav-Xov. 0 17 S .--a', of H; 12 I*J 0 ! ]:j -J G . 13 0 oill 5 n ; i Xu'vllay 3 1C 11 ';.-".',»t'.', 3 '". t 5 ,; 0 n', g oh ; g g o I :> 5 „ |; :N,«-..M : ,y j 3 lu 2 '■:.,'ioiiiil ",- :■ :/.. 2: t 2 \:\ ■>, j:. „ , -i •: g :; 0 c; ! 1 1 Jim.-July I 2 s 5 ::, „• Hon 1I1 v.'ulci 20 I :,i :; o 1 gj 2 0 ' J-. 1 0 o| eo 15 0 |.;i ! Q>>iulc-i!v j 3 e g 1 ! : : I ; n : '..iM„ a., n.i N. .■• '/'.il.'fid .. I 1 2 !') :; 1 2 :' ■' : ". 7 0 1 1 \ ■ Doc. June -1 II •) ri.i'-i •"> ' '.I G 0 j 0 7 " 'J G G . (j 17 (j I j ! Jun.-J u!y '2 0 11 Insurance— \ ; .ti "ii.l '.-- ' o Hi 11 i ir IT 0 (. |-j (j ;l,J , \! H '.-.\..v. 1 h 2 vr ,v /.,;:V:d ' ' '.! I 1 * j 2 I-.' 0 ' -11 '■>', 2 0 3 | jd i Feb -Ail',' 3 17 3 :-,.wil IHHiw . i i I! '' li- 3 10 (. ; -j i.; ( ; ,-i ,, [ .\,,l.-Oc:.' 3 10 0 r-,, 11; , u .,,i .. I ' 'J U (i, - li n'; '2 1 0 j l-.'.' ' ik-'.i.-S(j). 4 lo 10 Loan anil Agency — i ''=•'- ■'i- ""•' '"■ "' i ; ' • c ! '.' 7 . 7 ;, o : o Mun-Xo-. : kj 4 li, M. : i i; . j 1 7 0 : , 7 , ; l , . , } .j; 1 1),.,...,1 1I!K . 117 I. ( J.i.uiii..;.-.- t or V ii. .'■■i I " •> (1 » <• '■> ' ii G M li .1 ,s J f.ii Jieb.-Oc!. L"<-':"t.--i llnlM:.-.; 1 ) 0 17 Gi o :u n 0)7 ., 1 ., M 3 | - 0 oi. April 3 12 S Iro/en Meat— | ; ';.:.;■ ' 1 '■' 'J 1 !■' 11 1 UI o j 1 M i; '■:;. Jimc-Uvt. I 1 1 3 x./. i.'.ii:.:. i,i' "'■ " i « in •.' 'I n; i: o i-j o ....." j v,b. ' ...>:. '.'s o g :": ii 7 n ' " g u I (i -i 5 - : iv... \ (Jas— ; ; . | \,.,.: ' ,. ,, ' i :; i ' 1 3 G 1 1 0 V. jJulv-l-Vb. I 1 13 7 .■vu'l-.b.iiii i;,:. - " '" •'' " M 0 ;>'. ; Jnly-l''rb -115 7 i l- v ... i,,i,-, j, : ' 1 7 ii I '. 7 6 '• ' *7 " 1 ') 0 '1 ! Aii-r.-F'ib I S 0 i „ ,-,■!,,.,,-(, t,.-. H', ' .113 (j - "13 ii 0 !2 3 li I AK'r.-l-Vb. | 1 Kb' ' ■ I Sliippins— , : [ ' ;•„.!,;;,,■: !';,,•'■■" i ! — ■ 1 Hi u ; l < o i j j Sr-p.-'Mr.-b. j 3 G S I '.,,'.,]' ( i' |.,.i ; . '. _ 1 3 0 j 0 18 0 I ■ ■ I Mil '-Dec. ! I ■'.,;,',,',' ,,,.,,,|. . .' ; 1 .. I .- 1 - 0j 1 0 0 I o[ j Miv-Ucc. j 1 17 0 Coal- , ; ill! '1:,,;;,.!! I j , 0 1G 111 0 ill 0 , .". X.I'.'.AIjV 0 5 (l \\', J., ... t .. i'.'- i 0 13 ill 0 13 3 l- ; 13 3 u 12 G ; 7 : . .Mir -Xu ". 5 13 2 I I , I i -', • ! Breweries — : : i :, r :-.,n .. : j 2 o n 1 10 0 j 1 10 0 ,s j i.h't.-Mcli. 4 '2 0 >','A- /., ,d',ii-.d .. I : 1 13 :■; I 1 13 5 lb 3 1 ."> 0 I 7 I Jim.-July 1 4 '2 1 .-■,,,,!, | 1 G 1 J G G 1 G G 1 t 0 I 3 3 15 ,7 ! T...,!;.■ 1G-, 1 ■ . 13 0 0 17 G | G ' Mch.-Srij. 1 3 3 i 'I'....'':, ' '< 1 Is G '■ ! j'.) 0 1 '■■"■ 0 1 G 3 | ' Jlil'-Xav. 1 3 1 ' ! : I Miscellaneous— \,., ; (,!:,-., 1 ' •• 7 r. i h r, >, 2 & ii ' 1 1G o ! ;i Illt-c.-Junc 3 1,7 0 I.,.;-., : ,„d Co. 1 ! 1 7 f. I ! « m 1 7 Gj 1 0 0 ,s |Ml!i.-Si..),. b Mi -l l;.;il) ,;(„,;™,; U i li ."> (> I 0 u Hi ° •'• '-'i '- ''' I M r!l ."Sep. ibin \ 'I,,:,-,.,,,, i ; i li g I i \r> o i n g i b o g Murch 3 n g ii'uir, ■ r;;;p : ' j - '•' ° ' : " " J" [ Nov.-Muv t i 7 c',.;.-.i'i.'i! S:i"i.:' ■•■ ! 37 7 f. 37 15 0 "" '•" " '' '-5 " 12;. No".-May -1 Gil il l;l '„',,' Ki.l.S.'r "i j o •-; "j 0 ;;s A G IS 3 Oil G K', Al-l.-Ort. |.;:, ,-..,, Z r „..'.".' 1 I 1 2 31 1 3 0 1 - r, Oil G H I .Mrli-Sr,,. i;i,r'.i','. /.ii..-.v,vri., l | I i| II ' 1 12 0 ' 1 12 G' 1 0 '.) h Mcb-S.p. -1 1« 5 l!,., ir Jour- ' I I 1 :7 .". 1 1 I.-" G ' !•■* '< ■ ' >> 0 I Ji.i..-I>fr. 1 12 1 Kniri 'I't',,■•• -'.".j | 1 U 13 0 j o 6 G j - j Juik--IJ(t. \'y. ll'i.,'- '(',',' '■! | 3 .7 3,'' 3 h 0 .'J G o| 2 1! I. j ~\ !v>p.-A|>iil i 10 10 ■;,,.;,,. |,.„M i | ' ■• i ; 1 n •■> 1 2 '2 I (i 17 0 \\:",\ Jui-.o-Tjc-c. 2 h I I'.,'..,' |'',.|!.!i-.T I j .' '■ f. Hi h 0 1G G (i 13 0 j 0 1 '2 W, r t' ,;.. '!',„ : .]., -.; ;; 1 o | 3 5 n , 3 ( G 2 10 0 G Mrh.-Oiit. •} 13 Oj YVi''-oi \' C'"..rn! l'\ \ 13 1 1 13 8 ' 1 13 G 1 11 0 10 I Nov. June 3 ID lj ) I 1 | j

OTHER QL'OTATION.S 2.' b. ■v N.'"IT.. 3. d. N./. (iovcrnmcnt Debentures .' [..<-. lr, -.-r., VI'-'-. !'! . 10 <> U 0 ]CU ; I..i-. I ii.-i-i-.. Hli'J .Uid 5 0 l-.ilil .. :'■'.> ].'« ; ,.■'■■ l'i'.'.i .. 1"1 -2 1 )>..-. Inrci-., V.l.Vi .. ion 7 0 G 0 00 12 r, 1 i..,-. H•.I■ clh. linn .. mi o 1 )..c. Bonds, l'.tili .. '."1 '2 0 01 J0 0 -- ! p.o. H.Ti.-le, j'.M'.t .. mi .' 1 p.c. Bonds, l.vJ .. '.I'M K> 1; 0 00 lo 0 Other Debentures 1)1. nli-ni! i;-.roi:i;h, i>\ I'I i..c. ion :<.'/.. IJf'iri/. (','. (..'■., V/;„) loo 10 0 02 1 ) 0 Weslpoit St.«.•);!..n t i" in., 1'.<:;.; .. CO 0 0 Ciol.'.riH- Sli<-.\i.;r.r::i< .■.-. >; p..-.. '/mi ■■-: u 0 8-. •0 0 Wn'.-l.t, SKpIihihoi:, .'. I.... Perpetual <*- 0 0 Loan and Agcnc> C.'in.-trMif h IllllM.ll-S.-l.-t -" .. .. 10 i'i Mum;.! l>n.-l ; ' . n o c " National "A" a -J 0 — X.ilioi.i-I M..,- K a.... •P.'' 1 5 0 — iN./i. Loan and Mer*'. (Old. It.ick) .. il 0 0 _ IViiiiancnt In ostmont .. 7 11 0 — Frozen Meat. C'untctbury .. 8 17 t; 9 2 0 Canterbury (prcl.i .. ;> !> Is'oilh Cunty. Pre: <-in;,' 0 G 0 0 11 6 Woollens. Kaiapoi ' 1 ~$ paid; .. 0 7 Kiimuui (pre,.) .. u 12 0 0 .0 10 0 We'din-lou lord. 1 .. 0 0 0 -- Coal. Cmv- Vuli.-v .. .. o i:i 0 -_ Slo.'-kton (oid.) .. (.' 0 0 0 0 8 Stockton (prei.l .. 0 1 z 0 '2 0 Breweries. Tit) am (id pui'.: ; .. u t !0 0 5 .1 Miscellaneous. Auslialasiuu Paper nnrl Australian Glass .. 2 7 0 0 1 :i '•> !) 9 Beath and. Co. (prcf.j .. 12 0 1 5 0 Briti'h Tobacco (pro;., cum div.) .. .. 1 '2 0 , Bioken Hill Propty. .. 1 17 1 1 17 9 Dominion Fcititiser .. 0 1'2 10 0 13 8 Gordon nnd Gotch .. 3 3'2 0 — Greater Cry-til Palace .. 0 10 0 1 \ 0 New e olessenm '2 0 0 Moturoa Oil .. .. 'J 1 0 0 5 0 Mount, Lyell .. ...■:• J "2 2 .N.Z. Farmers' Co-op. »*■ ZcitU.nd Newspapers ."> 0 1 7 0 Northern Holler Milhn,' i", ■.) Woolvorths (N.Z.'i, J It 0 ] .Lfi U Woohvortlis .Sydney), pier. tioiv £'l paid .. -J ■') j S .' Woolv oithfi iVicloiia■'■, pJ'. J '3 t 0 3Iining. Alexander (13s Cu puid'i I. 1 G Alexander .. .. 0 is 0 0 9 Bcll-Kilgour .. ij 3 0 0 1 tl'; Jii-C Kivcr .. ..0 1 oi 0 1 7" Ulack-wa'cr .. .. 10 9 1 7' 3 Central Shotover i.'Jd pu.) o 0 U 0 1 '2 Cornish Point .. u 0 0 0 U 7 Coniidli Point (prof.) .. 0 0 7 0 0 10 Krcshford .. .. 0 0 0 0 1 0 Gillespie's Beach (Is pd.) 0 1 14 0 c 0 Goleonda (7d paid) .. 0 0 10 0 1 1 Gold on Dav.'n .. 0 '2 0 0 •2 9 Kiiif; Solomon .. 0 1. !■'; 0 0 'I'i '2 0 Li;v.,..)h'b Flat 'lb pcl.l 0 1 -i 0 1 :•>,'. -Sokomii; .. .. 0<f G 0 ■1 0 Okanto .. . . o .M 1 °i 0 1 1 0 Wa:taliii (5s paid; .. 07 0 0 7 6"

Sales on 'Change. £ s. d. N.Z. Govt. 4 per cent. bonds. 1940 101 2 6 Comm. Bank of Aust. Ccurn div.» .. <G) 0 1G 6 Comm. Bunk of Aust. (prcf.) (cum div.) 8 17 6 Bank of New South Wales ifum div.) 32 0 0 National Insurance 0 17 0 N.Z. Guarantee Corpn. .. 0 6 9 0 (5 0 Canterbury Frozen Meat (ord.) 9 0 0 Gear Meat 1 13 0 N.Z. Refrig. (10s paid) (2) 0 6 11 Grey Valley Coal <2) 0 13 6 Westport-Stockton Coal (ord.) 0 0 7 Staples Brewery < 2 1 0 6 Colonial Sugar .. <2> 57 10 0 Dunlop Rubber 0 18 3 Mount Lyell 1 2 O Alexander Mines < 13s 6d paid) 0 19 6 Bell Kilgour .. (2) 0 1 3 Big River 0 1 7 Blackwater 1 6 3 1 7 0 Gillespie's Beach (Is paid) .0 1 11.'. (2) 0 2 0 Golden Dawn 0 2 8 i Lawson's Flat (Is paid) .. () 1 21 (4) 0 1 3 Nokomai .. (3) 0 4 6 0 4 6J (4) 0 4 6" Okarito 0 10 11 Sales Reported. Comm. Bank of Aust. (cum div.) 0 16 6 Union Bank of Aust. (cum div.'), late sale 27th .. 9 6 3 Gear Meat 1 13 0 N.Z. Refrig. (10s paid) .. 0 6 10 Westport Coal 0 13 3 Staples Brewery 1 6 6 Colonial Sugar 57 7 6 Broken Hill Proprietary . . 1 17 3 ! AUCKLAND. \ Sales on 'Change. J' Auckland City. 1949, 5.1 p.c. 99 i S 5 U. 0 I Auckland City. 1940, 5| p.c. 100 5 0 E., S., and A. Bank 5 5 0 5 5 6 Bank of New Zealand 2 9 1 Union Bank 9 G G National Insurance 0 17 0 Auckland Gas 1 3 6 New Zealand Breweries .. 1 13 G 1 13 4 Timaru Brewery (con.) 0 4 10 Colonial Sugar .. (2) 57 7 G Farmers' Trading <B prcf.) 0 9 <S Gear Meat .. (2) 1 12 0 Milne and Choyce Deb. .. 0 16 (j N.Z. Refrig. (con.) (2) 0 6 11 Wilson's Cement 1 13 4 Bell Kilgour 0 1 4 Blackwater 1 6 G Central Shotovcr 0 1 0 Golden Dawn 0 2 D Unofficial List. Snowy River 0 3 3

Inscribed Stock, 4 p.c, 1940 (late Thursday) 100 17 6 Commercial Bank 0 16 C Commercial Bank of Sydney 17 2 0 Bank of New Zealand 2 9 '3 Loan and Mercantile 45 10 0 Gear Meat (late Thursday) 1 12 0 Dominion Fertiliser 0 13 D Big River 0 1 75 Blackwater 1 6 6 Bell Kilgour .. (2) 0 1 2i

Sales on Change. £ K ,7 Nokomai *2> Central Shotover .. < 3) 0 4 0 1 ct 6 0 Sales Reported — Bank oi' New Zealand Wcstport Coal Dominion Rubber New Zealand Breweries (2) Gillespie's Big River 2 9 0 13 0 J7 1 13 0 1 0 1 3 3 0 6 11

£ s. d. Commonwealth Bunds— 4 per cent. — ]93G 102 15 0 1941 101 17 (i 1957 104 12 6 Bunk of New South Wales 32 8 0 Australian Gas A 7 5 0 Tooths Breweries 1 19 44 Associated Newspapers . . 0 3 8 Broken Hill Prop. 1 18 3 Colonial Sugar 48 5 0

National Bank ( £5 paid) .. G 10 0 Colonial Sugar 58 12 G Australian Prov. Assurance (N.Z. delivery) 0 11 8 Associated Newspapers .. 0 8 8 Bcrlei 1 7 0 Anthony Hordern 0 10 10 David Jones 1 6 9 Standard Cement 0 15 10'. Dunlop Perdriau 0 18 6 Dunlop Perdriau (prof.) .. 1 13 0 Goldsbrough Mort 1 7 4i. Morris Hedstrom 0 18 10>. Winchcombc Carson 17 0 Tooth's Breweries 1 19 3 Toohev'a Breweries 1 3 10.'. Mt. Lyell 12 5 Broken Hill Prop. 1 18 li Commonwealth Bonds, 4 p.c.- — 1938 102 13 9 1941 102 1G 3 1944 103 12 6 1950 105 0 0 1 <)?>:>. 103 12 0 19.i5 104 7 6 1957 104 15 0 1959 105 7 (i 1961 105 15 0

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Press, Volume LXIX, Issue 20920, 29 July 1933, Page 8

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VALUES ON STOCK EXCHANGE. Press, Volume LXIX, Issue 20920, 29 July 1933, Page 8

VALUES ON STOCK EXCHANGE. Press, Volume LXIX, Issue 20920, 29 July 1933, Page 8