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TEMUKA-TIMARU ROAD RACE. < K. C. BROWN WINS IN RECORD I TIME. -r. .-.leu bv ]•• <-'. liro-'ii, Civil .-■•rvt;- iiar- , rieiv' Cuk Dui-.vdin. "n Saturday a:ttrii«MJ. Iji-..>.- n ,!„!< lowered ♦he ).ri>v:our record iik.l.: !■:■ .1. '.. Uarr.e* v.. -. -ai s ago, of | "i-ium :"' - ■">-• ■'• i hrst livi' .-.ore r.s !"!l"v.' ! : Y.. i'. Knccii i L>un>"Hi! i. ."it* in in :!i!.if-' .. 1 A. I>. I'ark (Christ, k.irc'-: ];an;i ; :;, -J'.-rain i;. ,\. [•.•!■•: ''•b KiM:i. J ►tiTT'din •. COniin I,\ lb .!•:.■■- -soud. ('ant-rVirvi, oln.-.'i 1,. 1.. "tcM.'.'.an f I»-j_!-,.'.i".n '. DJiiiin -Mcc •". i';.'"A."i'..T- , .'s;. [v.:.Jm. h, ; ,.'.u.0. <'::taiu>. .".im'iM -11.; cc .. •■ 1 ■ ;;. '[\iy)o : - • I'r-i.-hyti I nn.irj ~ , ,; J], ; nßi> ' (>.„:.',-. <'a:-.torh,:r : . \ IJrabi _ , \V. A. ( r.iii.' rriinar,. Aml''.;-::h ; / I "■■*>" ' ■ I ■i,,,| !,. K. McMillan ('l', , '4:i;i:i 4.-istu', .V-min Usee .. * j Thirtwhrc. riMi-r* ] r. rt ici r-»' -'i hi . ;! »' prions -Mb- : ; » ;':.'• 5,.,::!, Maud, ; f-ora liune-lin. Tirn.i-n. an-1 (.'liri'tcluircti. i Tin' r.'.-.ri-.izs " f '''" '" ams '" th '' fi,in! rr " c-',is v.-i'f- South Canterbury. "" l-"-iui-;| CniverMt>. Cliri'.trhiircl-.. t J Civil j Service, i'ur.e.liii. 4f, ;,oinls. 'I he | idiicin-s in the virnins team •■■-re: 11. i 11.,1ni..s •(. A. Mf Art it m- 0. I!. :-, A. llar;.er 11. . | A iuni-." han-hca-, r..-o .••."(■;■ r. itr-vum" i ~,,u , -., :—ult-d n.s :r,l!-v.-s:_ - -;. llntr f'J : :min i. "J-l'.niii '' ■ • \ X .r,.1,i,<-eii (4m: i- I -.",:iiiii :>- •• . . - i H. i;r,i-vi:-1.l I Imin''. •-■.-. nun - I >e- - .. ■■ I time vo, r.»M-.-'-v.--l by i:. li.iv.-jv.- ! in "Imin Vise,- X. .MrCaiiibrhic- v. as first I h„Jc in th- event, tlirnusii takint; the v.-roi.,' curse v-«,-- .liMi.u-Alifi-.-l. 11.- tunc , ''7 ! ," , I , l."'"siM..r>r'r....' ». I' "ni-t v ? s j r,u,i,. iit Teim.l.a. and l"" runner', k-pl '" , ,•!...,. formation r.-:ril i.-o-:!;ir.- A rov.:.- im.-i I,rid... vl,-r-: lii-.---i. ■■-■"•;' vi.s n.ovin- r.' ;-i,'l""l'.'-''il-- ! i'i«'- M.-Milt.-.n. i.1,-1 :,-' ].'i,-,v' v iir .]s lirlii-l -nn.- Ili.rv-r an-1 M_'jArfmiri M..-ly,-.v,-i l.v T,,ylor n-.-I Vil-| li:,!.;--. Ilr-i-vn n-'v \" R } ,il _'' r '- 1 j inw!-.l' lA'"V'n"rk.' --'it'll "il-.l'm-s an-1 )'--;-' run-! ~„„; nhl-p.-M. r.v- .-hair.-. 1-I.iml. Tn- , „,-" . ~r . - \:\\\ ~r- ••.■!«v vi•!-, v. as va].i-lly in-Tf-aK-iii~ liN ' l.'--i-i " \t th" l.alfwav mark lie !-•-! l>.."rk I'- 'ii'--i ; l-.iif --l-«iii'. v-itli 11-lm-s -,,".,-li.-■'■■; -Ii l-.-hii-1 I'-.-din-.' 'lu'v'a'r'-1.. "'Thcu'raiii'r .M.-Kir-ly. fnll-.-.v.-.l t.y M.Ar.l.-ir.,-r. T.-u-I-.v. i.tkl Willi:;.™ ruiinini i.-.L'.'ti:.T. l'.r.-wn'i 1--..-1 -"'" 1 » r^ i.y iVI-oui haif a :-ii> I'opo. u-i ~ ;-i.l l.i-Pii r,M-rli.-a.l-i l.v IU-lnu-v. lia.l ,„;,. - .■■,.,-. ~-„-!-. Tl.- ~..:.iti„... v-il mtiir.!i , ii'i"r , r„.-,i-i th- taj.p .■ :-:ovi„- th- ,,,„, f at ; E : ; n. Or i!.-- I.HI. l'.-P" <l,--v-a-,-,h, -li.tai.c, -,.,f.v<.,. I:im,-lf a,.,l I'ar 1: .-...-l 01,,aii.-l a 1-ad 1 :-■" H-...ii^. v.hoip .i;«t;m-.-. Prizes Presented. 'J'J.f pri7--< vim ilurin? th- au-.u'-n v •"-'■•• |,i-c^-ii - --il at n ."-J'ial cHtlivrniK in t/.o ev-n----in~, tin- Major IM: 'l'. W. Satt->rthv.aitc) i.rT'-i-lin-.-. " . " In v.-l.omi.::: t!..- visitor.-, th- Aiaj-r Ba.-l that 11.. i wim.-ji- of t!.-' l.i? ra-0 v:.s (I--Mrvi „. of rorisrat.i'.nti-ni -n p.-rform-,lfc i7i a-hi-vin:; r— -nl tin.-. H- had b.-.-ii lonkins »P re.-ord.- of r.-.-s in oth-r parts i,i th- world, an-1 was turi-ri..(-l to fin'l 1..>» W.-11 lirown'i. tinm comi-ar-d with them. Jtl',"» for install.-- Nunni ran 10 rnilrs in'n l."-M-c; in I "-".'. U. W. I'uync a M.-.iathoi, (--; mil-'. ■■■-■' yard.) i» -hr« "On-ui 57 .1-asoc. "I iioi't: .'■" 1 will ail '■•■- turn 12 months h-n-r an-1 racn paid the Mavor, in c-.nclii-ii^n. A ■•rons: iipp-nl to thow in .Tith-nty to do wh:it tli.-y could to -uuhl- _th« N'-w Zealand .-ross-.-ountry -hampioiii-hip to l,« h-lo in Tiniaru in August "f n f '-v' . v «- :,r W3S ina,l- I,- Mr If. 11. Kras.r, in pro],osit. K th„.a-' of "Thr. Caiit-rhury <",. n trr. Mr I-"r,i«.T «niil 'hat no mi' honour-.1 ilio r-ntro m-n- th-.n h- di-l. an-1 I.p l.op-.l t hat II would do v.-hnt it rould to nll.-v.- th.- Ij, i BT -xci- to h- run in S-utli Cant-rhury, \<h-r.; ,h-re v.-r- rai-al.lo ofiu-ials. n K-,od _»», »n-l siiitniiN' fa-iliti-s— in fact, that vat, required for ?u--re»?. 11- l-lieved that it v.-.i, in th-.i ii.tercMv of _r,,ort for th- eh.-.mpionMiip 1-- 1- k"l'l niniiiiuly in d.f----f-re„t and h- tru-te-1 that his »P p-al would not fall on deaf pnr.«. Mr J rasfr nlso ma.lo an appeal for r.tlii-ti,- support to enable the Caledonian So-iety s .ports in Timaru to ho put on a Letter footing statins that owii-t' to th- time--- nt l-rfs-tit L"ii.„- r::perici.---d th- so-i-ty was m a tar from healthy position. The toast was responded (.. by Mr \\ . h. Parrot t, of tho harriers' sul,--:ommitteo of the ntrc, v.-lio stated that he was impressed nt th- manner in which the ramluvl been .o„.lii-»-), hi' -pinion l'/'i'-S <"■'' other eentren eoul.l 1-arn s-m-tliiec from South Canterbury in this respe.-t. The sub-roiiHi.itt-e, he said, had r—.niin-nd-.! to th-e-ntre that the eliainiiionsliiji should be held in Tiniaru. - that this was l"nir overdue in view of the fart that the last time sueh n raee had been held here was as far ba< k as HiO'.i. Ho insured those present that the eentre appreflated the work done by Mr to vhoni it a lot. In i-ropobinc the toast of "Donors and Officials," Mr C. W. Cameron supported the request that the championship should be held loeallv. He stated that representatives from both 'Canterbury and Otairo had run In Timaru in l'.'f.K, and ursed that they should be siven the o;>portunity to meet at a Uespunses were made by Messrs H. C. J. Foot, .1. A. Norric, both of the South Can-t-rliui-y Harrier Association, and T. M. I'.ryden fOtagol. Mr Uryden regretU-d that th.-re, M-.-i'i Utile ihaine of f'taso njrre.eins to the request. Htntinp that lie was exprersim a pergonal view, li- Faid that it was propose-1 to make the request at an unfortunate time. The people of Otago had sent their representatives probably to more -enti-< than any o;h-r ns.-o-iation. even as far afield as Auckland, to do wlu-h Cm-si-icrabii- OApeii.i: had b---i in-urr-d. In the circumstances they felt that they were entitled lo see the next championship run ill OtaKO. "I am sorry that I eaunot support you." he sai-I in con-lusi-m. "Mr lirydeu is not :i politieian. be, a'lse he has made us no promises," said Mr Orr Walker, umld laughter, adding that the harriers of liie district were not. Imv.cvcr. do-.i nhearted and would hope to be Riven the rielit 10 hold the iharnidonsliip on a Fiib.equent occasion. He then presented the won diii-ii'.T the day. as follows: - Teams' Hare —Cameron Rainier: Timaru Harrier Club. Individual T'lacinzs —Kras-r Cup: 1-. '■ l'.r-.v.-n Mr <". Hon'-, cup: A. T>. Park. Mr ]'. Cruhn's cu),: C. A. Pope. Mr K. Firkin's trophv: li. C. Holmes. Seal-1 Handicap—Mi- .1. Xovii-'s e, : p: C. \ l',,pe "11-ral-r' trophy: ].'. Taylor. Mr \V W. Pmith'" tr-.liv: IJ. <'. Itolni-s. .Junior Hati-lie.-it- Ka.-e: Mr V.. llethenn--ton's trophv: ( '- Hull. Mr C. \S'. Cameron s trophy: N.' .I-lin.-t-.n. Timaru Havri-r ..l-ir,.i;;ciri<-nt Comnnltee s trophy— H. P.ra.-etiel.l. Trophv for oldest harrier in ra- e— Jl. 1»Th- .ioiior al-o pi---sented the Orr Walker Cup to the Timaru Chib. whi.-li won t-Jie ra-e for the trophv at Timaru on .lime 'Jt. Miniafire cups were also preen!-! to tie members of the team, C \V. Holmes A. Harper. '!'• A. M.-Arthnv, and 1Wilson. CLUB RUNS IX SUBURBS. HILL WORK AT CASHiMERE. GOOD FORM AMONG THE PACKS. The value of a certain amount of hill work as part of a cross-country runner's training has been fully recognised by the clubs in Christchurch, and four of the six trails on Saturday took the packs on to the hills. Although several of Canterbury's best runners were away taking part in the Teihuka to Timaru road race, the standard of performances at most of the club runs was remarkably high, and the pace in some cases faster than usual. The University and Presbyterian packs both started from Dyer's Pass road. University had one of the hardest runs of the season over a S^-mile

course that did not really leave the i hills at all. The Presbyterian packs 'confused their trail with the one laid : bv Christchurch Club from Valley road Both Presbyterian and Christchurch went over the hill-country netr 1 the championship course in Hoon Hay. : The Methodist Club, running from ! Beckenham, headed straight for the | i hills following a good course about six miles long. The Anglican and i Baptist Clubs both ran from Avonside, taking in rough country about the I Avon river and in Bromley. Although entries officially closed on Saturday for the Halswell cross-coun--1 trv race, none of the clubs has defi- ; nitery selected its teams yet. i i UNIVERSITY. I': ,ui uali'-v.-jy up Dyer's Pass road, iiie i L"n:vo;-sity Club's trail tcok tho runners Ir, ,-er a course that included Fome of the i most liilfwult, bill work the packs hare ha-1 thia seioon. Tho distance was about five miles ftii-1 a half, and the pace wp.s hard all the ivav for both pucks. The runneiF were the guests of Mrs T. " 'J'a-l-r, liver's Pass road. The paper v'v* laid bv J.'V. Gabite.s and E. S. Borth-v-'ick Ti oni Dver'u Pasa road down toward the foot ci the Lills, thrn rn the side .■! Powenval- vallev to the back of Victoria Park through the park, past the Sign of the "irkaii-. and by Hackthorne. roa-1 i.i',,i MacuiPan a'-eiuic. Towards tho en j . of ill- run both backs cam" together, but the 'aßt men went koine on the wrons? trail. Is;' V Richardson, of tho s'.ow pack, woil "•-'t'.i Cue fain men un-1 put in a tine run 1 «n' t 'le"'.i tli'-m ill. E. 15. 3 r - Taylor ran in | I the i'a.n pack but 'lid not take port in the j • rii'i- : r.. f)elai!-d results vrere: ~,,.,.] i fast I'avk-C. T. Push 1. D. U. OldfteM !■:. p. ]». Hewlan-1 -. , . - -<». K- Armstrong 1. J. Ititcaie !■>,' '(.'.' i ." Ma.j-l'rcii M. I .METHODIST. j i SUi-ni" !i'O m He-k-enham, tho Methodist '■ ' (''i-b's' trail went at once to the Hills j la/vl led the packs o-er plenty of L.tur-trv on Hunt.'bury hill and on the fiat. , i The'packs ran from the Beckenham j Ctiurch, Martin avenue C. b. | : -l[ 1' \[ Jones, and G. U. Clothier lai-I j Huntsbury hill by the Hana- ! t ,-iuni down on the flat again, and round !- 0 -,-ds C'iislimrie, '.iking in m-.-vo hi Is ■villi" a run-in alone the flat again. Hie ,'li-t-ince was about six miles. Results wen: l"st Packs-C. >". Thormon 1. h. Srailii 2.!■'. Simpson :i. , , „ i i;. ... l'«rlf-.T . >ewooid , H. ; lnteiniediat- -'•'«--'■ -■• ft: Slow''pac,k-"t.'c. Xieh-l'-s 1. •'• KeynoMs 0 J h'orlj-8 •', , , "The club tu„ n«t v.'eek «ill be from -i,,. Papanui Mrthodist Orphanage, Uarcwood rood. __ ! ANGLICAN. ! Tn- Anglican Club and membcw of the ! P..-»'' Ilieii Sclio-.'i Club ran from the Holy Trinitv Church, A-on.-ide. A trail m rune mi'c, wuh laid bv T. IW and R. C. /W :1- ~-„, <lown V.'-.-dham and Retr-at roaas to bridre, then to V amom road | ,r--i Bower bridre, up the old >cw Brightm r,nd <i-r-,ss to (".v.lf Links road, (copers road' Banks's avenue, and home by Avon-o-j-'d--.vo Result-, wei-: Past Pack-R. V. Milne 1. C, R. \Ahy.e ■J, 11. (,'. Iloimts ■". .. j l nt --.,i;ed:ate Park -J. 1.. hr.i-ut 1, (t. 1 C, T Chamberlain (Boys Hiph N.noji) V r' v."' Dravton -Boys' High Sc.nooP 3._ "The team for the Halswell race wid re selected !'r.,m the following: —S. \. UUs. 1 R V Milne, C. R. Whvf. A X,W,ck«. !t" M. Pennv, H. G. Holme,-. P. I'Uilcv. h. i.] McEacheii. , , . ! >"evt Saturday ft club vm will be •"rr',',l St. Mathew's, St. Al'jaiis. I " I ; CHRISTCHURCH. A run which provided good training -".,r the pa-k-J was held bv the. Christc'r.ur -m Club 'from the residence of Mr and Mrs C !> Martin, Valley road, Cashmere. The paper was hud by J. K. Martin, Ron Pmith and J. Mc.Kce, over the hill at !-"• back of Vn'ilev road, down t-> Hoon Hay, and over the old' pome road to White's Valley. The run home took in « go ,K l J eal of roarl work. No results were taken. There will be no club run next week a.s i most of the rnnrers will be taking part ! ii' the race at Halswell. ;i PRESBYTERIAN. Cor.fuM'-n of trails upset the Presbyterinn Club's run, and the racing and fast packs ; their course c-mph t'-ly. But for all : the pocks tiicrc was plenty of K°od hill work which provided excellent training. The runners were tho guests of Mr and Mrs E. U. Moslev, Dyer'B Puss road. The trail, laid bv E. Mir.r ery and E. if. Hay, led to the foot of thn hills, round to Hoon Hay . paet the Old Stone House, and up th* old , gorse road, then across country towards Ilalswell and back through Hpreydon. The ■ distance was einht miles. The slow and medium packs followed tho right trail, but ■ tho other two packs lost themselve3 and covered onlv six miles. Results were: Racing Pack—M. K. Robinson 1, A. Charlesworth 'J. K. Robinson 3. East Pack —X. <'. Trenbath 1. 1). Apper- ' lev 2, C. 15. Wells 3. Intermediate Pack—K T. Buigeta 1, C. : Harris 2. W. Kinniraouth ". Slow Pack—ll. Stewart 1, \\. Cardwell 2, ; R. 11. Wells :!. A run will be held on Saturday from ' the Presl.vterian Boys' Homo, Bligh's road, '". Papnnui. The annual club photograph will be taken at 2.30 p.m., before the packs '. are sent away. ' BAPTIST. i The Baptist pucks run from the rcsii dence of Mr and Mrs E. G. Keats, Morns I street Avonside. and followed a trail of i miles in Dallington, Bromley, and Wainoni. „, T , .. , The trail-lavcra were S. 1. Bamett, the - Re- J. E. Simpson, K. G. Archer, L. M. " Dwan. and H. Smith. The paper went round '■ the Avon river to the Dallington bridge, then •' across country to Page's road, across the " sev.-aeo farm, leaving Bromley to come out 1 on the, Wainoni road and home. A fairly j hard pace was set all tho way. Results ■ "'Fast Pack- C. \V. Pell 1, E. Bissett 1, 1,. .1. Milner .1. Slow Pack—M. Montgomery 1, (.. Cooper ' 2, O. Waters 3. There will be no club run next week. The club will probably enter three team 3 (or the. Hals .veil race. \ WIN FOR SAVIDAN. e e PRESS ASSOCIATION TELEGRAM.) 11 AUCKHAND, July P. The annua! harrier race from Onehunga r to Auckland resulted: —Savidan 1, Cooper " •■> Di-ov.-ne 3. Nicholson 4. Briggs 5.

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Press, Volume LXIX, Issue 20903, 10 July 1933, Page 14

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CROSS-COUNTRY RUNNING. Press, Volume LXIX, Issue 20903, 10 July 1933, Page 14

CROSS-COUNTRY RUNNING. Press, Volume LXIX, Issue 20903, 10 July 1933, Page 14