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— HIGH SCHOOL. JDDRESS by MR c. T. aschmak. A SATISFACTORY YEAR. ' ft. pnao-gMag of the Christchurcli Jh» Hfcli Sehool was held yesterday jWßtxm in the grounds of "Ac-land," hostel. Mr 0. T. Aschman *jL#ed the girls on behalf of tlio ixdcf Governors, and Mrs Aschman the prizes. Among those {Jf-j were Bishop West-Watson, the (Mr G * Sullivan, M.P.). the < Mr J - S ' ICeville )' and Of the Canterbury College of Governors. jj s jpeeeh, Mr Aschman emphajjjjj th« interest taken by the Board jjSßTCrnors in tbc Girls' High School, fjg Board endeavoured to interfere rft JM IB P r i nc jp as little as but on such a day aa this it «]y rigltt that he should offer illSoU&'b congratulations to both staff Bljapii#. ttr ifthnaii pointed out the advaubttf fc l necondary edtieation. that the raKflfe. to-day enjoyed in comparison '■g? r^3 t* l4s P ;l£t - Thoso adnot always existed. In aSfy girls had been treated as the a result that their edubeen particularly inefficient, jfwbftl* been, changed it had 'MM*-* to treat sirls exactly like however, it bad been begun that girls required spec.tMn&piuiit in order to bring out the possessed by women. to-day vrcrc entering on jaßjoH of education altogether— was typified by tho atto what was called Home to-day a great deal more was paid to the cultivation of side of life in the educaand tho speaker thought aew developments u-ere far than the more formal though they too had their reminded his hearers thai was not finished -when of the class room. At SHlpm: learned to learn and they wily 08 6Sni^ or the rest of Efl^ort. Principal (Miss Clark) then 'fifty-dfth annua! report as foljrpar began on February girls (including 142 new jra&i} vers In attendance. The number |3|»g|jr .pupils ttob considerably smaller rccant years, but' tho number .alprife «twniig to school was greater, mm tfeo -ToU wa< eskUy the same as Aboat fifteen-pupils had to be ior - kck of room, fk* toU BTHCtbens kept up until Hfdts rceenily. They-have sow dropped .Moifc of thtisa frha have left Save fcea. appointed to positions. thirft-'flno Soarders were Ining of the moderately »ained credit y Entrance id Jean Maclacb ScholarLissie Bathce Kidd was but did were suceessncc cxaminaice entrance, rded senior ining College iveive girls i ten passed line. | done very year. Thero mber of parsourage more td for the lal health of and no work rl. I am not j rening study, home inter-: plenty of lirly success-, ad 'C. hockey grade shields nd 'G' tennis their grades, all the girls j ponsc to the lifficult year, ly that hune been mado mended for iss. In the >een done for generous rc--1 me to hope >f social relt from presaany friends ilped us durId Girls' Asnerous in its in fact, aln this year, e memorial by the Old j Mrs J. M. Mrs KerriEessor Blunt, =s Tairbairn, s Bcggs, and itions td® tho arious forms tard of Govmks for the 1 the School, the prefects ooth-running c Mrs Aschto distribute jsented the ay 1. C: Joy 1 credit. B: I class credit, l: Betty Hill Wright class em 1, Phyllis atrico Dunlop C: Helen a credit'. B: jartrum class edit, Adelaide 1 Ivory class Pauline Kob- ; credit, Zita Sinclair class lillan 1 r class credit, k Laver class :dit. B; lona credit, Helen Howard class liiid Ockenden fs credit. amiesoiv class it. A: Joyce 1 Mat-kie. Vera Turton. ms. 1

Brown 68 ' 01 ® un^'B for French —Mary Head praofect'g priz.—Joyce Kidd. -House praefect's prizes—Ella Chapman, Thompson. Memerial Prizes—Helen Macmillan Brown £lem om l prize: Mary Brow n and Joyce . (equal). Emily S. Foster Memorial mV, ZCS: £ icely Clifton-Mogg, Shirley Hig- ® . a ' 0 , Campbell Anderson Memorial prize. Slieila Jowett, Margaret Lusty, ilary T_f.. 0 ,V a Gibson Memorial prizes: Shoila ~ >. Ockenden. Florence Sheard j. emorial prizes: "Vera Turton, Joan Badger, -vancy Heney, Joan Ross, Katharine. White. ■LHix of School—Miriam Joyce Kidd.

SUBJECT CREDITS. follows 60 ' b&ra have been awarded as

ia- liamsay, Jov Younger, t> , Betty Hill, luW Pimvill, j ? u , Ci r /Junlop, Ratahi Parker, Joyco Jiobv, s > Adelaide Tuck, Pauline J'obinson, Jean Mar ° aret Lusty, Nancy Poison, •Helen Camp Dell, Mary Brora, Joyce Kidd. T.-;i7 TTry? ry fe " e K* r n ß ay, Elma l-'elton, v a n> on f on ' Edginton, Inez Pinwill, era iurton, Joyce Roberts, Mavis Palmer, ocjee ,-Neale, Jean Frame, Edith Wood, vynnetlj Laver, Margaret Lusty, Dulcie Howard, Heater Percival, Shona, ltoscoe, Joyco kidd.

Geography Madge Ramsav, Elma Felto:">, iw ar< t Mulholland, Kind McCracken, Bessie Purton, Vera Turton, Beatrice An\f, vri'i ■ ilur -'° rle Davis, Marv Smith, Heather AlcMillan Nancy Heney, Noleen Thwaites, cival VVard ' Sbona Choak, Hester PerP!^ a Nola Holland, Inez XllZ ' i oyce T Eobert s. Mavis Palmer, Joau oen.or, hue Buchanan, Moira D'Anver?, Alarion Jamieson, Jovcc Kidd. Roman llistory-,Shona Koscco. laiid en v 7 M u d ?® , Ramsa y. Heloa Mult.oln,m{ .i 1 , liol ' and ' Inez Pinwill, Beatrice i> 0 * > ' |-^ e ' en Heckler, Joyce Roberts, laicie „ i' 0:111 T Sonior . Kae Buchanan, Gwynv l , L £ v ? r ' Io ," a , Mackay, Helen Jackson, Aancy l clson HeJen Campbell, Marv Brown. lun l ' m fi u Jenkins, Beatnco UunJo P> Headier McMillan P P H??Vf lic ?~ Joy Yo "" n g«"> Nancy Bull, SOD .Tnin i Roberts, Paulino KobinSenior, Sheila Jowett, Ada Gilling, Joan Roas, Jovce Kidd: Home bcience—Madge Ramsay, Joy H?n n^ r ' f • cnson i Kdna Stansell, Bettv Hill. Beatrice Dunlop, Marjorio Davis, Jovco Badter' Brown, Joyce Neale, Joan P> ' T ~ Jowett, lona Mackay, Sliona iS Ross - Mar J' Brown, Joyce Kidd. Botany-Nancy Hamilton, Th.-lma Stewart. lin Tnv n r"N ? £ nffiUl3 . Betty McLaughlin, Joyce Neale, Nancy Heney Fin,? r !' n r I!ae Euxton, Audrey Bailee, SSS «"* B - ,Sy

Crafts- J oyce Neale, Muriel Bi S ?s, Enid Ockenden, Katharine White. w!, W1 i g 7T RaC c-! L ' u^ ton ." Bo "y McLaughlin, Jean Ashbv Stephanie Buckhurat, Nowell Opie, Hazel Mackie, Doris Helem, Nancy Heney, Marion White. Oressmaking-Enid Moore, Jean Ashbv, Jlazel Mackie, Joyce Bush, Doris Wear. adys Jenkin=, Frances WeasteJl, ixlna Stansell, Lola Co:;, Betty McLaughlin \ era Turton, 3larjorie Ackerlev, inyiiis Poulson.

BOYS' HIGH SCHOOL. SCRIPTURE PRIZES PRESENTED. The value of the teaching of Scripture at the Boys' High School was rej erred to by Bishop West-Watson vesterday morning, when the annual presentation of prizes for the Scripture examinations took place. The Bishop expressed gratification that the headmaster could find iu the scKool seventeen masters prepared to devote their time, to teaching Scripture, and stated that thoso who thought Christianity was played out should read some of the works of the great missionaries. A few words were also added by Mi's C. E. Bevan-Brown, donor of one of the special Scripture prizes. The headmaster, Mr G. J. Lancaster, and Dr. F- V. Bevan-Brown were also present. After the ceremony cheers were given for the Bishop and for Mrs BevanBrown. Prizes wero presented to the following : Bishop" West-"Watsou's prize for senior Scripture— B. W. Collins (lower Vl.a); . . . Dr. F. V. Bevan-Brown's prize lor fourth form Scripture—H. Stewart (1V.a.1 ; Mrs C. E. Sevan-Brown's prize ior [ third form Scripture—J. ltosers j (III.a); lII.F—"VY. N. Andrews; . lII.E—It. W. Armstrong: lII.D—A. E. K. Ivory; , lII.C—G. J. Truscott; lII.B—A. Hercus; Modern A. Chrystal; ■ Modern IY.A —S, R. Carleton: IV.C —B. Winter; IV.B—G. M. Gray ; i Modern V.B —T. G. Marsh ; Lower Modern V. Remove —G. Wallis; V.C—A. Barnett; V.B—K. E. Lovell: ! *V.A—R. E. C. Williams : | V. Remove—-L. W. Jagger. CATHEDRAL GRAMMAR SCHOOL. A SUCCESSFUL YEAR. The prize-giving and breaking-up ceremony of the Cathedral Grammar School was held last evening, Dean J. A. Julius presiding. Also present were Bishop I West-Watson, who presented the prizes, Professor James Shelley, and members of -the Cathedral Chapter, as well as many parents and friends of the school, j Dean Julius, who presided, apologised j for tho absence of Dr. Hansen, Mr J. H. E. Schroder, Canon Galwey, and others. The headmaster (the Rev. Stephen Parr) then read his report. Bej fore doing so, however, he referred to tho death of-Mr G. H. Merton, for many years headmaster of the school, and always a keen supporter. Mr-Parr's report was as follows: — "It is with mixed feelings that I present this report —pleasure in being able to tell you of a successful year, and regret that it is my last appearance before you in this capacity. Despite the difficult times tho roll number of the school has kept up wonderfully well and with 132 boys we are very few below our highest numbers. Five boys passed matriculation last Christmas and two gained higher leaving certificates. This year nine have passed proficiency, six competency, seven have sat for matriculation, aitd three for University scholarships and bursaries." Mr Parr mentioned changes which had occurred in the staff during the year and thanked his assistants for the help thev had given' him. Ho also thanked the" Dean and Chapter and the School Committee for their sympathetic backing. "It is a splendid opportunity, now that I ani leaving the arena of the teaching profession to get up and say things about syllabuses and text book's and to gird knd tilt at the shortcomings of the educational system," '.vent on Mr Parr. "Tho system is certainly examination rid^n —children, parents, and teachers all have 'examinitis,' or the examination complex. The system is a spotting of questions and a cramming uf answers. It is a horrible travesty ill" education—it does not educate but 'exaniinales.' The education system of Xew Zealand is a very efficient machine but certainly a machine which onlv grinds out proficiency cards and higher leaving certificates. It has little soul and no more have its pupils. "It was a true remark that I heard one of you parents make the other day: 'Church schools give three kinds of education —for body, mind, and spirit; you can't get all those in a State -School.' Yet there are some who think ■ you send your children here for 'swank.' The country will learn, one day what the educationists have really known for a long time, that you cannot educate

without religion, and that religion is an atmosphere which cannot be got b} r half an hour's Bible lessons a ■week."

Mr Parr concluded by exprcssiug his regret at leaving the school where he had taught for tea years, and by wishing his successor, Mr Edmonds, good fortune.

After presenting the prizes and certificates Bishop "West-Watson congratulated Ihc school on the success with which it was weathering the economic storm. ITe felt sure that the Dean and Chapter were similarly pleased with tlio school's success. On behalf of the Dean and Chapter he thanked Mr Parr for his work iu the school. Under his guidance the school had become something of which Chnstcliurch might very well be extremely proud. He hoped that under Mr .Edmonds, the future headmaster, the school would preserve the traditions set by Mr Parr, ably assisted by Mrs Parr. Dean Julius then called for three cheers for Mr and Mrs Parr, which were given by both parents and boys. The prize-list was as follows: The Prize List. The prize list for the year is as follows. Sixth Form Honours —R. C._ Pemberton, <•. M. Opie, M. Newman, ft. Harris.' Examination Pass Lists. First-class Pass (70 per cent. average marks) —D. Forbes, U. Henry, I. Ellis, C. llill, P. H. Willis, "\V. Robinson, 11. Mazey, M. Tl. Jndkins. AV. Harris, R. Morten, .l'~ Pilkington, Jj. Price, P. Sim, I'. Sniitli, * ■ Walton, R. Hughes, ,T. Miller, A. Woot'f, K. Mackenzie, I'. Murray. Second-class Pass (over 55 per cent. an<l under 70 per cent.)—b'. Gardner. D. IjOuyl', T. Richards, P. Shennan, A. A. Torrens, P. \V*. Wright, P. Graves, V. Hill, M. R. Siinp•ion U. Dobson, 1. Pensem, A. Clifford, »• Hamilton, W. .Tones, R. Fither, O. ScJmrr, W. Robinson, S. Oswin, K. Mactarlane, T. Tosson E. Gardner. I. Soutter, 15. Taylor, A. Pywell, J. Bassett, C. Hanalin, ]>. Manhire, O. Parr, .1. M. Anderson, Deamor, I\. Johnston, J. Kitson, S. McAlln"', J. McArtlmr, D. McKen/.ie, O. Nowton, W. Smith, M. IMpping, J. Malhewson, I' 1 . Goodman, V. IStacev. Third-class l'ass (over 40 T ,r r cent. and under 55 per cent.) —R. Clifford, G. May, "N . Ashbolt, A. Berry, 11. Boustead, O. Clifford, D. Pairbairn, J. Marshall. M. "Wear, Borthwick, M. do Villiers, R. Gray, T. Hewland, J. Logan, S. H. Neave, "W. Raphael. C. Taylor, G. Hanafm. R. Hedberg, K. Nash, N. Poulsen, S. Ohambertuin, M. Johnstone, L. Poniiklson, P. Jlervey, M. K. Reay, ]I. W. Uru, G. Keeper, K. James, 0. Boyd, C. Thompson, B. Webb, J. BanUier, K. T. Blacklock, J. Barley, C. Cook, D. Todkunter, J. Kay, W. Travis. Proficiency Certificates —1. Ellis, C. Hill, S. Oswin, "W. Robinson, P. Willis, A. Cook, R. Gray, S. McKenzie, W. Raphael. Special Prizes. Diviuitv —P. Wright (Dean Julius's special prize), V. Ashbolt, R. Henry, C. Scliurr, I'. Smith. Essaj—R. Clifford (Mr 3. IT. 3'". Schroder's special prize), 0. Clifford, W. Harris. Drawing—l>. Hervey, G. Kupcr, A. Wooff. Map Drawing—B. Hamilton, 11. Hughes. Mechanical Construction —R. I'ither. Science—X. Moffat, D. E. Graves, M. Newman, W. Jones. Goneral Excellence—3. Ellis, R. Mazey, P. Sim, J. Millar. R. Henry. Agriculture—G. Hay. Bookkeeping—D. Fairbairu. English Verse—M. Wear. Tennis Cups—Keys Cup. G. May: senior championship, G. May; junior championship, R. Pitber. House Cups—Athletics, Tokomaru ; pennant, Tokomaru; relay race, Aotea. Swimming Cups—Senior, A. A. Torrens; junior, L. Donaldson. Senior Athletic Championship—G. May and R. C. Pemberton. • Junior Athletic Championship—T. Hewland. Collins Cup for Life-Saving—The School. Life-Saving Awards. Awards of Merit—G. May, R. Simpson. Instructors' Certificate —A. Torrens. Bronzo Medallions—P. Wright, R. Harris, U. Kuper, ,T. Marshall, S. Gardner. Proficiency Certificates —B. Pierce. D. Forbes, L. Borthwick, J. Barley, R. Clifford. Teachers' Certificates—N. Moffat. ' Bar to Bronzo Medallion—P. Wright. Distance Swimming Certificates—J. Barley, c. Hill, C. Sehurr. R. McKcnzie, D. MsKenzic, P. Sim, W. Tiu; iael. I) Todhuntcr, IJ. Johnston. G. Ilanafiii, C. llanafin, C. Boyd, R. Pither, I. Thomas. Cricket Blues—l. Jensen, G. May, R. P' ther. Football Blues—S. Gardner, G. May, Burgh. School Prefects—R. C. Pemberton; C. M. Opie, .T. D. Lough, A. A. Torrens. Head Prefect's Prize—R. C. Pemberton. Tho Junior School. The break-up of the junior section of the Cathedral Grammar School (Hie kindergartxm and standards 1 and 2) was held yester day afternoon, when the students provided a very interesting programme for tho benefit of a small gathering of parents and friends. The Rev. Stephen Parr, headmaster, welcomed the visitors. He took the opportunity of thanking Miss Cooper, the kindergarten [ teacher, for her hard work during the year, j and Mrs Williams, who conducted the elocution classes. Tha programme was as follows:—Tableau,' "The Christmas Crib," and Christmas carols: band items, "Robin Redbreast," "Mr and Mrs Noah," songs, "The Friendly Cow." "Ijittlo Brown Seed"; folk dance, "Sir Roger"; item by tha elocution class, "Tho Coming of Vacation"; singing game "Tho Merry-go-Round"; band items, "Springtime, Oranges and Lemons"; character song and dance, "The Seasons"; songs, "The Wind," "Pulling Leaves," "Winter,"' "Tho Call of Spring." Mrs West-Watson distributed Christmas ' gifts and certificates, after which tho visitors were entertained at afternoon tea by Mr and Mrs Parr.

TECHNICAL COLLEGE. VALUE OF WORK DONE. The year's work at the Technical College was reviewed at the annual prizegiving ceremony of the College, held in the Civic Theatre last evening. Mr McGregor Wright, chairman of the College' Board of Governors, presided, and with him on the platform were Mr J. H. Howell, first Principal of the College (1906-1919), the "Mayor (Mr D. G. Sullivan, M.P.), the Principal (Dr. D. E. Hansen), members of the Board, and the staff. The prizes presented by Mrs Howell. Gratification at the successes attained by the College in the course of the year was expressed by Mr McGregor Wright. He hoped Ihe reports of examiners in years to come would be as favourable as they had been in the present year. After welcoming Mr Howell, he urged the pupils to maintain the standards set up in the past, and in particular urged them, if they had 110 work to go to, to plead with their parents to allow them to attend the classes of the College, so that they might be better qualified when the time came to take up a position in life. The year had been difficult financially, for the College had been pressed for funds. lie thanked the various local bodies and other organisations ' for their support. The Mayor's Appreciation. Mr Sullivan said the City Council and the other local bodies appreciated the work that had been done by the College during the period of its existence. It was not ]cossiblc for him to commit the Council, but he could assure Mr McGregor Wright that the needs of the College would receive the sympathetic attention of the City Council, when the estimates were being prepared. After paying a tribute to the work of Mr Howell'as the first. Principal of the College, and referring io the interest he had always maintained while he was in -Christehu'reh, in the public questions of the day, Mr Sullivan went on to address the pupils. The College would be more important in the future than it had been in the past. Great changes were taking place in the economic structure of the world, and these would affect intimately their opportunities of earning a living. The boys and girls of today would have in the future to carry the country on their shoulders, and they should see to it that they were well prepared for that duty. Pirst Principal's Speech. Thanks for the welcome that had been given him were expressed by Mr Howell.

It was thirteen years since he had last; been able to attend an annual prizegiving ot: the College, and he felt as if ho was at home again. It had to be remembered that u .school was a living organism, to tho life of which all of its pupils contributed. The success of the College yras bound up with the observance of the spirit of tho school motto. "The useful is the noble." In the early dayn. when tliu College had started with 5(3 pupils, the opinion had often been expressed by people opposed to it that; a vocational course was unnecessary. He thought that now, however, it was being more widely recognised that whatever was of use to the community was a worthy tiling, and that vocational course could bo truly cultural. i On such an occasion as a prize-giving it was necessary for the pupils to remember that though the reception of prizes counted for much, it did not count for everything. The true test came later. There was need to show perseverance, especially in the present times, when many would meet with hardships. Those who began life in the world outside school now might tind that they could not get the occupation they had looked forward to, but they had to be prepared to adapt themselves to circumstances. Dr. Hansen's Report. "Jn spite of our diOiculties the year has been one of definite development and. one that has shown how essential is the type of education provided iu our type ot! school, whether it be in times of prosperity or times of depression,'' said Dr. Hansen, in presenting his report. The total roll number in the Technical High ."School during the year was 1180, of whom 80!) were boys and o7L girls. The total was an increase of 97 over last year's enrolment, due chiefly to natural annual growth, but: also to tho fact that, boys and girls had found it more difiicult to secure positions. In the evening classes the number of individual students was 2004, or 4i» more than last year, making the total number under instruction in the College 3184. 1 Ou the girls' side there had been a move from the commercial to the home science courses, though the standard of commercial work remained as high as j ever. The work of the girls in the, cookery section came daily under test, ] for it was used to provide a full lunch for 100 people, and to stock tho cafeteria. A fact to be regretted was that, no entries had been received for the home science course •with a rural bias, as in the present times, women and girls would havo to look for openings in other than the usual occupations, and a course offering some instruction iu bee-keeping, orchard work, poultry, and horticulture might well have consideration. Agricultural and Other Work. Both .the wood-working and the engineering courses had been well tilled, and it was pleasant to note that many of the boys had left lo take positions during the year, la agriculture there was the best enrolment ever recorded. The small holding of 10 acres at I'apanui had been further developed, and a certain amount, of croppiug in roots, cereals, and peas, small fruits," orchard work, bee-keeping, and some poultry raising was being done, as well as some experimental work with tobacco. However. a far larger area was wanted. There had beeu some difficulty about accommodation at the school, and as no grant could be obtained from the Education Department., a special fund set aside for the development of tho agricultural course was drawn upon, and two classrooms were built by tho boys of the building trades course, while a second workshop for junior metal-work was also equipped. No more could be done without Government assistance, and the need of lite No. 2 Technical Collego ou tho site at I'apanui was greater than ever. Boys had been placed in positions more freely during the year than in 19i!l, most rapidly at the time of tho Boys' Employment campaign. Tho pricing of girls was not up to previous years. The special classes provided for young pcoplo who were unemployed and not in regular school attendance attracted a total attendance of 180. After reviewing tho examination and sports successes of the year Dr. Hansen concluded by expressing his thanks to the members of the College Board, to tho staff of the College, and to all who had assisted in any way during the year. The school song, some part songs and tlic Welsh National Antlieni were sung by all tho pupils, and a set of three country dances and some Swedish .exercises were performed by the girls' squad. Tlio prize list is as follows ;- General Kindliness and Helpfulness. "Blue" House, Joan Cade; "Green" House, Edna Ricli; "Red, White, and Blue" Tlouso, Jean Hansen; "Yellow" House, .lean Darroch; "Purplo" House, Francois Mullleisen: "lted" House. Judith Twose; Mr Denny's House. Wilfred Cockburn; Mr Harris's House, Jfervyn Gordon; Mr Newton's House, Horace Hamilton: Mr Kidson's House, Leslie Trcbilcock; Mr Phear's House, Raymond Oliver; Mr Mcßrido's House, Douglas Prestnoy; Mr Gartner's House, Henry AVilkins; Mr WiFe's House, Reginald Lnug. Higher Leaving Certificate. Ruth Sadler 3. Matriculation—A3. Girls- —Doris Hcppelthwaite J. Alma Andrews 2. Boys—Cyril R. Bradwell 3, Maurice Mackenzie and Francis Ellis (equal) 2. Matriculation —A2. James "Walker and Thomas Mnir (euuul.) ], John Nixon Patrick Cooto special prize for progress. Matriculation B. Erie Reed 3, George Lock William Sheffield 3. Commercial. C. o—HaicLllolmcs I. C. -I—Gracif Saunders X, Joyce Pilgrim 2, Joyce Valentine special prize for improvement. C. "'A—Mavis Peek .1, Gladys Lawson 2. C. 3B (girls)— Owen Kinley 1. O. "• (boys)— Murray Cooper 1. C. 2A —Ethel Hall 1. Madeline Fancy 2, Muriel Buckingham c. 2B—lvor Lancaster 1. Dudley Hughes and George Purves o'iiual) 2. C. 1A —Marvine Jakins 1, Margaret Ball 2, Nancy Ramsay ;j. Elvine Billington special for marked improvement. C. 10—James Jackson 1, Joseph Bain 2. O. 2X. (girls)—Wilma Lang 1. C. 2X (boys)—Alwyn Shann 3. Stanley A. Duuipleton and John S. McGuinness (oqual) 2. C. IX (girls)-—Beatrice Christie 1. Mavis Rowse 2. c. 3X (boys) —Clifford If. Hannigan 3.. Arthur J. Tucker 2, Archibald C. Manning and Raymond Headman (equal) 3. James Shankland, special for progress. Homo Science. 11. -1 —(Jilda Bezar 3. il. !! —Marjorie McLeuimu 3, Klioiiu Ciibba and Joan Kirbv (equal) 2. H. 2X—Doreen Mulholland 3. Jean Davenport and Hdn.i Tonkin (equal) 2. Kileen Trezise special for progress. H. 2A-—Rose, Cogle l r Vera- Jenkins 2, Rona Jeilin. special for improvement. H. 2B —Pearl Scheib 3, Kileen Ebborn 2. Daphne Shnnn, special for progress. 11. 3X Klwyn Jessnp J, Merle Brown 2. H. 3A Mary l'crkins I. Hilda Carpenter 2, Margaret Campbell il. 11. IB—Daphne Eraser 3, Mona Hepburn 2. Doris Berry :!. Joyce Stephens, -Mrs Opie's prize for highest marks in practical subjects (first year). 11. 3C—Kathleen Nixon 't. Joan Sutton 2, Doris Good 3. Engineering Professional. '-' x —Arthur Emms 1, Xoel Hiclieiis- 2. E. JX—Arthur T. Roberts 3. Henry M. Meagher 2, Horace ,T. Crew ;i. Alan C. Thomas, special for progress. Engineering Course. E. 4—Oliver Richards 3. E. 3A—Gordon French 3. E. P,B—Robert G. Moor 1. „ 2A ~^ am . es H - G - kbaw 1, Liovd H. ; Brewer 2, Cyril G. Green 3. -S—illiam G. Thompson 1. Stuart billars Rex Newman 3. Raymond Pitsjjerald, special for pro^res^ „ E. 2C—Henry W. Wilkins 1. Hector Craw .. Maurice Sellers, special for progress. - AH ,trL orman T «sker 1, Edward Meikle Arthur Peryman 3. I men anVlitrl

E. 3C—Alan Chapman 1, Kenneth Norman 2, Raymond Dench 3. Woodworking. 15. and *t—A'erdun Dowdlo 1. ]i Li A—Herbert Chapman 3, Trevor Gibson B. 2B—.Toseph F. Sullivan 1. B. LA—John Austin 1, John S. Taylor 2. B. IB—Arthur Mangels 1, Leonard Farr Frank Blay 3. Agricultural. Ag. - —Kenneth 1\ Pearce 3, Keith liarrick 2. Best Collection of Specimens of Grasses and Weeds —John S. Craig 1, Eric H. Clibhorn 2. A. 3.X —John IX Jacobs 3. A. J.A—Georgo Banfield 3, Peter Carpenter 2. ■ A. IX and A. 3 A, Best Set of Practical Notebooks —Brian Armstrong. A. IB—William P. Sly .1, Frederick \V. Hoy 2. Maurice Ij. Holland, si>ocial for ijrogress. . Best Set of Practical Notebooks —Frederick Hoy. Magazine Competition. Short Story—Beryl Wood. Poem—Barbara Hoare. I'roso Contribution—Arthur Lnims. Tjiffht Verse —Gordon Windsor. Matriculation Debating Society Speakinjj Competition (prize given by Miss Plini6oll) Arthur Young. Sports Championships. Girls—-Senior: Joan Cude. Junior: Phyllis JfcCallum. Uoy s —Senjor: C. 11. Matthews. Junior: Lance Simpson. •• Oraib Angus Cup-—C. 33. s. House Relay—Mr Mcßride's House. Swimming Championships-—Boys: Senior, -T. Lang; junior, S. It. llimmer. Girls: Edna Yates. TT Mrs Howell's Swimming Cup—Miss Hall 3 House. Cadet Prizes. Shootiug—Senior: Oadet A. Kicliards (Godley Cup and miniature), Under-Ofl'iser A. Skidmoro (book). Junior: Oadet S. Cooto (Godley Cup and miniature), Sergeant L. Hepburn (book). Football and Other Sports. liugby—South Island Technical Schools' Tournament Cup. Association Football—Fifth Grade, Football Association's Shield; knock-out competition, Mr Sevickc Jones's Cup; six-a-sido competition, Mr J. A. Brown's Cup. Hockey-—Fourth Grndo Cup. Cricket—Fifth Crado Cup, Johnston Cup, Mrs Gardner Memorial Scholarships. First Year —Merle Brown aud Klwyn Jessop. Second Year—Doreen Mulhollanu. Prizes presented by Miss Jor general helpfulness in the Hostel >orma French and Dorothy "Wensley. WALTHAM SCHOOL. MERIT LIST AND SWIMMING SPORTS RESULTS. As a icsult ol tho Waltliuiu School annual examinations William Anderson has been awarded tho boy's dux medal and Uosamund Armstrong tho girl s mala . e following is the merit list:-- . , Standard Vl.-Mavia i aul, l « n Vena Bright, Faith Harrington, luta tc 1 - ings, Uonalii Blackburn, obeit llo«ao«. Kayruoud Jones, tied-go Andrew '"'standard V.-- Syivia Ilcm;; ; hiini, Irene Uurr, MeHo Markuj, Bti'onOr, John Dodgson, Tom pecrncss <jOVdoil Brown, Foster Hull, Adrian * " . : ' Stamlai<l IV. -Dorothy Gurr, .loan tel. Phvliis 'Carston. :Neroli ' uua Wats. John Warcp. Krie Crowe Icre.val Cox, b'raticis Ai mst long, lvilh T '. ' - Standard IU,--::!wcn Wilson, Una Uoa cs, Kileen Milligan, Belty Boyd. Ins Grafton, ' Movd Thomson Max William Uei.l, -Max Carr, Alan de Stanclanl 11.-Patricia l ll" u ,'° r lS ', 'I"'?!! Bvadley. Betty Hay. Lorna Baahlord, -lo# Hartland, Ross Sneil, Dcryl; Uo??T3, ' Cameron, Felix Miles, Clarence Anstws. Standard I.—Lurlene • Cowper, Maijorie Waterson. Nancv Mathews, Daphne London. Edna Kirton. "Stanley Hatvkins, Horn, Tan Robert?, Morgan Long, Laurie Peflev. SAVIMJIINO SPORTS. The annual swimmin? eporta were held in the school baths on Tuesday afternoon, . in the presence of a la.rge number of spectators.

An instructive display oi life-saving, fancy swimming, and diving was given by two visiting swimmers. The following were the results: Junior Learners —Girls: J. Hartland 1, A. Miller 2. Boys: K. Grafton 1, G. Smith 2, B. Plant 3. Senior Learners —Girls: D. "Wilson 1, I\ Vernazoni 2, L. Terrel 3.. Boys: W. Meyers 1, D. Hands 2, E. Taylor 3. Championship—F. Harrington 1, D. Sherlock 2, Blackburn 3. Boys: D. Crockett 1, I?. Mooru 2, L. Thompson 0. 2oyds Breaststroke—Girls: F. Harrington 1, M. Milligan 2, D. Sherlock's. Boys: D. Crockett 1, h. White 2. Distance Plunge—Boys: E. Taylor 3, C. Sanders 2, G. Perkins 3. Diving—Boys: D. Crockett 1, K. Gratfon 2. Novelty Race —Boys: D. Crockett 1, S. Babbago 2, K. Moore 3. Girls: D. Shertock 1, D. Wilson 2, J. Dacombe 3, Junior Plunge—Boys: K. Grafton 1, F. Brown 2. ADDINGTON SCHOOL. A large gathering of parents and friends was present at tlio annual exhibition of work held at the Addington school yesterday to mark tho approach of the ond of term. Tho work of the pupils was displayed in the class-rooms, and during the afternoon exhibitions of drill and marching were given by tho hoys and folk-dancing 1 by the girls. As it has ben decided to transfer tlio fifth and sixth standards of the school to the West Christchurch school after this year, this was the last occasion on which tho work of senior pupils will bo on view at Ad-dingt-nn. WAIMAIRI. 'I 1 l lc . annual break-up concert of the Waimairl School was held last evening in the I'apanui Memorial Hall. During the evening Mr A. 13. Ilaynes, chairman of tho committee, presented the following prizes. SPECIAL PRIZES. Composition prizes (presented by Mr h. 13. Hart) —Standard V., Jack Mcßeth; btandard IV., Olive Larcombe; Standard lu., Lorua Winter; Standard 11., Me'gau W<\yd: Standard 1., Sylvia Barker; Primer IV., David Meyer. W.C.T.U. (Papauui branch) Temperance Essay—Standard V., Marjorie White; Standard VI., William Morley. Papanui Beautifying Association prizes Standard V., Marjorie Whito; Standard vx., Norman Morgan. Dux Medal —Norman Morgan. St.. Andrew's Scholarship—Norman Morgan. PAPANUI. The annual break-up concert ot the I'apanui School was held ,in tho Memorial Hall on Tuesday. A feature of tho programme was tho duets sung by Ilene Potten and June Tullett. The singiug was assisted by an orchestra comprising Mrs Owers, M»sses Harrison and Cooper (violins), and Mr Ui (cornet). During tho evening Mr W. Sandford, chairman of the Schoo Committer, presented the- dux medals to Ilene Potten and Wilfred Timlin. A prize for denUl hygiene triven bv the dental nurse, Miss Br.vce, was presented to Hinemoa McCraclcen by Mr Harrison, the headmaster. The programme contributed by tho children was veil received. RANGIORA HIGH SCHOOL. The annual brcaU-"P function of the ltangiora High School was hold or. Tuesday afternoon. There was a show of flowers and vegetables, and also an exhibition of school work. In the absence of the chairman of the Hoard of Governors (Mr O. I._ Jennings) through illness, the deputy-chairman, the Rev. W. R. Hutchison, presided. The pupils, under the conductorship of Mr U. GibbsJordan, the school music teacher, sang concerted song's. The awards were as follows: Annie McLaehlan Memorial Prue, presented annually bv Mr J. T. Read (Cheviot) for greatest progress in Home Science—Esther Prizes —Margaret Dalziel and Badge,, Barrie, Margaret Dalziel. Moira Matthews A. fields, G. Devonshire, and A. irasor.

Secretary's Badge, 1932—Blsie Sheat. Higher Leaving Certificates—Esther Barrie, Margaret Dalziel, Moira, Matthews, A. Banfleld, G. Devonshire, and R. Rollinson. Agricultural Cup: It. Whitman. First year agricultural plots: G. Wells and G. Appleton (equal) 1, B. Eder 2, E. Stevenson 3. Boys' plots: G. D. Hawker and H. Symond (equal) 1, D. Stevenson 2. Orchard practice: G. H. Belton 1, R. Gardner 2, L. Banks 3. . Girls' physical drill shield: Ferguson House 1. Tennis shield: Jennings House 1, T. H. BlaU's Athletic Cup: Girls, Jennings House 1 • boys, Jenningß House 1. Football Cup, presented by old boys: Ferguson's Housn 1. Lady Godley Shooting Cups: Senior, A. B. Fraser 1; junior, J. A. Kimber 1. Shooting shield: Wyllie House 1. Sports championship: Girls', senior athletic, Gladys Hadley girls' jnnior athletic, Helen Darnel; boys' senior athletic, A. B. Fraser; boysjunior athletic, 'R. A. Gardner; boys senior swimming athletic, J. Sphofleld; poys J l ™" ior swimming athletic, J ; Coleman. North Canterbury Rugby Sub-Union s. Junior Cup. Rangiora High School first fifteen 1 (A. Banfield, captain). , ■ Exhibition Resolts. In the flower, vegetable, domestic science and needlecraft sections the results*were: — FLOWERS. * One rose: G. Willlains 1, Shirley Shankland 2, H. Dalziel 3. Three roses, one at each variety: Shirley Shankland 1, Lilia Scott 2, G. Williams 3. Six roses,- two of each variety: Esme Mcintosh 1. G. Wil Hams 2. Best of" roses: Shirley Shankland 1, Betty Martyn 2, Betty Smith 3. Three antirrhinums: Esme Mcintosh 1, w. . liams 2, Helen Dalziel 3. o£ „ al^^ rhinujnß: Joy Smith 1, G. Williams 2. ColSon if violas: Thelma Edlin 1, Nancy Stevenson 2. Bowl or vase Nancy Stevenson 1. Vase of Thelma Edlin 1. Vase pf Iceland poppies. Mary . Agar 1, Cherry Parsons 2, Shirley Shankland 3. Three gaillardias: Thelma Edlin 1. " Sis gaillardias: Thelma Edlin 1, Vase of gaillardias: Joy Smith. Three delphiniums: G. Williams 1, Helen DalzieE 2 Vase of delphiniums: G. Wilhamsl. Vase of flowers, any kind: Colleen Harrison 1, Betty Martyn 2, G. Williams _Vase oi sweet peas: Mary Ager 1, Betty Smith Joy Smith 3. Collection of flowers. any kind:' G. Williams 1, Helen Dalziel Betty Farrelly 3. DECORATIVE SECTION. Gentlemen's buttonhole, boy or girl "ndor 15: Cherry Parsons 1, Colleen Harrison «, Shirley ' Shankland 3. Gentleman s button- : ?i" "i srs.r=,''>. P % Helen' Dalziel 3. Decorated table, Ltrls under 15: Colleen Harrison. Girls over Mnrv A-er 3 Helen Dalziel 2. Decorated 15. Mary Ag , Co u e en Harrison 2. basket. Mary Ager , j cherry Victorian posy: Betty iarreuy Parsons 2. Helen DaUiel d. VEGETABL.BS. Six uods of peas: G. Wijliauw' I, \crer " Ruth Chambers 3. Six pods ol Uanaf'jß. Ballinger 1, G. WUh^ m3 A y' nia "e £rie Hurley 3. bix rad.sUes. G 1 Three white turnips: (i. i an 8 K Ballinger 2. Twelve jpnag 0I1 o 10n ®; Helen Mcldium 1, Geirald lUiama -. K"Raliineer 3. Si* spring onions. R. iSaliin of? g Kuth Chambers 2. One^^cauhflower: 3' Six carrots: G; Williams 1, Helen Dai ziel 2, Helen Meldnim 3. Three ear y potatoes: R. Ballinger 1, Helen - Mziel - Williams 3. Six ear y votatoes R. Ba linger 1, Helen Dalziel 2, B. Eder 3. Col lection o£ vegetables from own plots K. "Ballinger. Vegetable plots: K. 1, . Maunder and L. Thompson (equal) w - Holland 3. Chickens: W. CottamFEUIT. Twenty gooseberries: Eame Mcintosh 1, IV Ballinger 2, Mary A per and Eileen Lc Peti (equal) 3. Twenty black currants: G. Williams 1, H. Tallott 2. Twenty red currents: Thelma Edlin 1 and 2. Twenty white currants: G. Williams. Twenty raspberries. Thelma Edlin. COOKERY. Brown scror.cs: Ps>S?y | IK P la " scones: Peggy Walker 1, Esther Barne Nellie Edlin 3. Six girdle scones: Una Dennis 1, Esther Bame -■ „ Slx ate Esther Bairie 1, Nellie Edlm 2_ Madeira cake: Alice Whitham 1, Mantosh -. Sponge sandwich: Joy Smith 1, Ihilcis Thompson 2, Joyce Sladdiion 8. Coffee cake : Peoev Walker 1, Nancy Steveneon 2. I'/" 1 } cake : Peggy Walker 1. Collection mixed biscuits: Nattey Stevenson 1. P la . to kisses: Esme Mcintosh 1, Ina Bexijea 2.

Plate of pikelets: Nancy Stevenson 1, Esths* Barrio 2. Plate of small goods: PeggT Walker 1. Shortbread: Esther Barne J.Christmas cake: E«ne Mcintosh. J+ _—*t* pound pat butter: Esthqx Bmjw'J, KaTi® Farr 2. , . ' ■ ?-it'S'-i ■, . ■ FAKCTfTOSSL. : ; Tea cosy, embroidered: Nell» "-Edliii 1> Table r centre, white or coJoorwJi i Hurley *l, Merle Praaer 3, Peggy WnHrar 8. Embroidered traycloth: 'Nancy. eon 1, -Rltorta Smith 2.. Embroidered cushion: ' Dulcio Thompson 1. Gmomw cushion /work in silk: EJlen Kefani , Frances kevera 2. D'oyley eyelets Myrjl* Little 1. White embroidery, »rt Nancy Stevenson 1, Thclraa Edlin sewing,' any garment: toa , 'f v 4U f, er o Nancy Stevenson (equal) 1, Mary Ajer Coloured- embroidery not a Stevenson 1 and 2, Nancy Mcintosh 3. Xntt-. ~ ted woollen jumper: Thelma . Edha Isobel Obery Tequal) 1- woolleoM, undergarment: Thelm* Edlin l »wl,& esse set: Thelma Edlia. 1,. Nenssa ton 2, J. Maddiaon 8. Girl's fr<?ck; senior. Ina . Benjes and Kancy Stevenson 1, Ethel Harrison 2, f* ' " frock. Juniors: Alice Whithairf -1, Maddison 2, jlerte Fraser^ Merle Fraser l. Joyce 2,Mirjorie Hurley 3. Girl's petticoat., £. k -®U»«* .£1 Myrle Little 2, Shiela Dartneß .3. * dress: Ellen Kevera' 1. 'Fran<»»- r.*T° 2 Pyjamas: Lorna Bheppard 1, P*UI Walker 2 and 8. Collection of sample*: Joyce Maddison 1, ■ Peggy eerie set; Esther Barrie and Nancy Steve# son fequal) 1, I*orna Sheppard 2. Hcras»r craft: Esther Barrio 1, Rebecca Parsons Mapping—Form 111. map of North Island • G. Applet oil 1, J. Chamberlain 2. Form IV., , map of Canada and Manchuria: - Mary J*per 1, Ethel Harrison 2. Form V, map ollaciflc: Pat Hartley. _ r .■' ' Writing—Rebecca Parsona 1, Merle Srase* 2, Duicie Thompson 3. Form IV.; Colleen Harrison 1, -Mary Ager 2, Grape Kenneth 3. Form Y.: Ngaere .Watkins 1, Gladys Hadley 2 and 3. Bookkeeping—Form* III.: fcaney Wyatt 1, 6. Applfton 2, Helen. Meldrum , Form V.: Ngaere Watties 1, Hadley 2. Hilda Kennett *3. Typing—Form IU-. Ngaire Taylor 1, Florence Bowler C*. Appleton 3. Form IV.: Grace Kenneth X, Margaret Crooks 2, W. Robb 3. Music copying—Form IV.: E. Barrie 1 and 2, G. Hadley and P. Hartley (equal) 3. Typing—• Form V.: C. Tuiley 1, Ngaire Watkins 2, Gladys Hadley 3. Upper V.; Elsie Sheat 1, Hilda Kenneth 2. Fine arts —-Sketching landscape: Gladys Hadley 1. Portrait: GladJ?» Hadley 1 and 3, Esther Barrie 2, Any object: G. Hadley l and 2, Esther Barrie 8. Sketching from Nature: G. Hadley 1. Any object: G. Hadley 1 and 2. Photography— Landscape: G. Cambridge. Any other photograph : G. Cambridge 1. Tinted photo* graph; G. Hadley 1, J. Vallance 2. Maori art: Esther Barrie 1, G. Devonshire 2, Helen De Thier 3. Architecture: E. Archdall 1, O. Hadley 2. P. Hartley 3.' Printing, ornanental: G. Hadley 1. Print script and block capitals: Esther Barrie 1 and 2, G. Hadley 3. Designing, animals for plate, etc.: E. Archdale 1, G. Hadley 2 and 8. Flowed design for dress: G. Hadley 1 and ; Menu: G. Hadley 1, Esther Barrie 2, G. Hadlev 3. Science notebook —Form III.; Rebecca Parsons 1, -Duicie 2. Form IV.: ** I Marv Ager 1, Joan Newton 2, Ethel Harrison 3. Form V.: P. Hartley 1. Enid Jaeksoa 2, Ngaire Watkins 3. Woodwork—Forms IV. and V.: Marsden 1, L. Thomas 2. Shelter, planning the house: Esther Barrie 1, Rebecca Parsons 2, Jane Leech 2. Specimen books. Nature plants: G. Hadley 1, Cherfy Parsons 2, Helen Dalziel 3. Collection of insects: G. Woodfield 1. Native' plants: Betty

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Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20730, 15 December 1932, Page 7

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DISTRIBUTIONS OF PRIZES. Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20730, 15 December 1932, Page 7

DISTRIBUTIONS OF PRIZES. Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20730, 15 December 1932, Page 7