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LAMB VALUES ADVANCED. HEAVY FAT SHEEP ENTRY. (EX OUS COiSMUaCIAL EDITO3.) The principal feature at the Addington market yesterday was a sharp rise in fat lamb values of from Is to Is 6d a head. This was in marked contrast to tho sale in the same section at the market last week, when, witha heavy fat lamb entry, thore waa » sharp decline in values, exporters being able to secure supplies at export schedule rates. Yesterday tho vis© * u prices forced the exporters off the market, their buyers taking only a lew pens. Butchers bought steadily at values averaging about 4id a pounit. Prices lor store sheep, of which there was another small yarding, showed practically no change in values, although there was a large attendance of buyers. The fat cattle entry was smaller than that lor tho previous market, and except for extra quality sorts, values showed an easier _ tone. Tho large fat slieep entry contained a good proportion of excellent quality stock, and values were maintained with those of last week until near the end of tho sale, when prices slipped. Medium and large store pigs were considerably cheaper than during »-i>© previous salo, and thcro was a weak demand, and consequently low prices for fab pigs. STORE SHEEP. 'i'hti-o iv,l3 nnotlier £,mall yarding t.i stora sheep, and tho prices wcrj about tho same as thoso ruling last Tveel;. There v.'as ft lai'i;o attondnneo of buyors, hut at no f.tage "wus tho bidding at all brisk. Ono pen ol owes and lambs went to 8s 3d, and 30s lid was tho bust price for a pen o£ 340 two-tooth three-ituur'erbred owns. Tho average prico fur wothers was 3a Gd, but 9s 3d was secured for a small lot from tho Chatham*!. A truck ot Komncy two-tooth o\ve3 v.-ent at IX.; Gd. Tho sales included: — Kivcs—39 a.m. throe-quarterbred ami 37 lambs 0s lOd, U8 four, six, and eight-'ooth and 40 lambs 7s 2d, 5G two-tooth Romney ••ross lis Gd, 140 two-tooth three-quartor-bred 10s l td, 39 Jour, six, nnd eight-tooth three-qunrtrrbred and 44 lambs at 8s Bd. 57 mx, nnd eight-tooth thrce-quarterbred Ba. four, sis, and oisht-tooUl tliree-quartcrbred Sfl. AVothers—29 four and six-tooth halfbrcd 'Js 3d, CO four and six-tooth threo-qunr'er-bred 8-s 7d, 150 four, six. and eight-tooth threo-quarterbrcd 8s Id, 00 four and sixtooth h.ilfbred 9s I<l. FAT LAMBS. Tho entry of fat lambs was ai(n'. Jiarcd with U7OO Inst week. The quality y.'UR mixed, a larger vroportion of lisht. nnd untlnishcd lambs being included than has boon th* case for soma weeks. From the output of tho rain there was a ri.'i> of from ts to Is Od a head, which precluded exporters latins any but a very few pens. Butchers bought steadily, tho avcra;o prioo about 4id a pound. Tho best heavyweights wero keenly toujjlit by butehors, j.nd tho rise for this class was fully Is Gd a head. Top price wan 17s Id, which wan secured i'or livo sold on account ot A. Atkinson (JSwunnanut.). Tho principal snle3 wero:— On account of A. Atkinson (Swannanoa), 5 at 17s Id; Mrs T. Walker (Doyleston). i> at 14s lOd to 15s lOd; G. McLachlan (Culverden), 70 at 12s 7d to los 7d; G. Humphreys (Richmond Hill), 96 at 13a to l. r >s -Id; W. Keleher (Balcairn). 70 at 12s 4d to 15a Id; A. It. Gibson (Cheviot), 87 at 14s Id to 15s Id; J. Hussell (Balcalrn), 13 at l'ls lOd to 15s Id; Shepherd Bros. (Southbrook), 12 at 14s Id to 15s Id; W. Mcllraitli (Lakeside), 12 at 13s 4d to 13s Id; K Vpston (Selwyn). S at 14s Id to 14s 10d; W. Mntthews (Bangiora), 6 at 14s Id to 14s lOu; T. Pulley (Loburn), 20 at 13s Id to 14s lOd; A. G. Webb (Rnkaia), 25 at IDs 7d to 14s 7d; J. Oracroft Wilson (Cashmere), GG at 13s 4d to 14s 7d; J. Godsell (Dovleston), !> of. 14s -Id ; Xj. Boas (Irwell). 'J7 at IDs 4d to 14a 4d: client, 31 at Ills 4d to 14s 4d; A. C<nvio (Hawarden). 19 nt 13s 7d to 14s 4d; .T. Wheatley (Kedcliffs), 20 at 13s 7d to 143 4d; It. D. Frizr.oll (Sprinfcbank). 23 at 13r 4d to 14s Id: I'apavu.i I'rison Farm, 20 at 13b Id to 14s Id; W. G. B. "Wallis (Governor's Bay), 23 at Its 4d to 14a Id; Thompson's Estate (Springston), 82 at 12s 7d to 13s lOd; client, :;7 at 12s 4d to 13s lOd; S. Hurst (Courtonay), 27 ut 12s lOd to 13s, lOd; 11. C. Vnshbourn (Selwyn). 29 at 12a 4d to 13b J Od; A. Manson (Weedons), 16 at 13a lOd: J. Donaldson (West Melton), 40 at 12s 4d to 13s 7d; S. Bulmer (Parfiold), 13 ot 13s Id to 33s 7ri; L. K. Smart (Lincoln), 26 at 13s Id to los 7d; J. Hassan (Fernside), 10 at 13.i 7d; A. Cockburn (Rolleston), 10 at 123 Id to 13s 7d; E. R. Adams (Greendale), 32 ut 13s 4d to 18s 7d; O. E. lioyds (Fendalton), GO at 12s Id to 13s 7d: J. Walker (Dunsundel), 14 nt 13s 7d; L. Kyan (Hotomanu), 45 at lis lOd to 13s 7d; Reese Bros. (Southbridce), 32 at'Jßs 7d; .T. Russei! (Southbridge), 8 at 13s 7d; Rev 11. York (Riecurton), 10 at 12s Id to 13<t id; C. J. Hn«(intra (Broolcside), 25 at 13s 4d tO IMs 7d; client. 23 at 12s 7d to 13s 4d; A. G. Holmes (Rnkaia). 40 at 12s Id to 13s 4d; W. Wilson (Kirweo). 27 at 12s lOd to 13s 4d • G. Q. Holmes (Knoeklynn). C 9 ot lis 4d to 13y 4d; E. I'l. Wilk (Culverden). 32 at 12s Id to 13s 4d; If. G. Hudson (Weedons), 22 at 12s 7d to 13s 4d; H. Hurley (Balcairn), 22 at 12s 7d to 13s 4d; X>. \v. Findlay (Woodons). 12 at lis lOd to lod 4d; C. Ij. Brown (Wost Sleltou), 8 at 13s Id; P. V. Bailey (Springston), 16 at 12s 4d to 13s Id; client, 17 at 12s Id to 12s 10d; estate C. Smith (Springbank), 41 at 1-s 1(1 to 12s lOd; T. W. Brooks (Bvookside). S at 12s 10d; T. O'KorUo (Fernsido), 17 at 12s Id to 12s lOd; J. Gotten (Loburn), 60 at lis Id to 12s 3Od; O. C. Dugan (Southbridge), 18 at 10s lOd to 12s JOd; J. F. I)uroy (Tlarewood), 18 at 12s 10d; K. Uavis (Oxford), 40 at 10s .lOd to 12s id; JJ. L. Ooolc (Leithfleld). 34 at Ms II J. Callaghan (Fondnlton), 33 at to 12s 7d; F. E. Barrett (Hawarden), lo at lis lOd to 12s 4d; J. It. Houderson (Ohoko), 10 nt 12s 4d; Harvey liros. (Ransiora), 14 at lis 10d to 12s 4d; A. H. Dalzell (Hawarden). 35 ot lis 7d to 12s Id; A. Harvey (Sandy Knolls), 30 at lis 4d to olient, 23 at 10s 7d to 1-s Id, Bros. (Southbridge), 10 at 12a Id; client, o at 10s lOd to 11b 10d; 3». Allen (^ nU " hurst). 12 at lis 10d; A. Fairburn (Scarsill) 21 at lis 10d; D. Davis (Amberley), 11 at Us 10d; F. 11. Christian (Killinchy), 22 at 10s 4d to Us 7d; 0. C. tnrlj (Oxford) 20 at Us Id to Us 7(1; B. lully (Koiapoi), IS nt lis 7d: F. Cullen (Greendale), 22 at Us 7d; A. S. y^ n (ftaipnrn), 10 at Us 4d: y. Fine at Us 4d ; G. Coleman (W eedons) ,10 »t 11» ' F. W. Walshaw (Oxford). o4 1 0 -"' lis Id - F. S. Rutherford (lvailcoura), 181 at Us to' 10s 10d; llowson Bros. (Sedgemere), 30 at 10s 10d; T. W. Gilbert (Leeston) 20 ot 10s 10d; T. Hobberjam (Southbridge), A at 10. 4d; O. Patchett (Governor's Bay), 10 at 10s 'ld.

FAT SHEEP. There was an entry o£ 5400 fat pared with -1000 last eek. ( , n i lpTlf nualitv tained a good proportion 01 excellent uallt ,« stuff HmlV-ns 101 l up to tl > respect. The sale opened ou on » lMbis <i last week's values, and nia «lii»ned values till the last race, when Over tl.e whole sale tli'ere was litt o difl\. | • enco in values from last ) veek, F raezerß toi>3"' tone of the sale v.-as easier, took odd pens. Uutcliers will requiro .. lar_o supply next week, when tin. market will be a double one. , c ,, Top price for vretherß was 1:k, 1' for flva sold on account of 0. "1-cUti (Pleasant Poiut). The best price foi et.ts wus 12s lOd, secured ior 1J so'd on account of C. 1\ Bowley (MotukArara;. Valuer were; — 71 Extra prime heavy wethers, -o Job id. Prime heavy wethers, 13s to l is. Priuio medium-weight welheis, lis to i~. 9d « Ordinary and light wethers, fis to 10s Cd. Kxtra prime heavy ewes, to l J s. Prime heavy ewes, 3 0s Od to 12« bd. Modium-weigln prjiuo owes, as oa to u > 3d. , . . T;ii;ht and ordinary eves, os to b». The principal sales were:---Wethers —On account of 0- BlaeUer (Pleasant Point), 10 at 35s 7d; A. A. Hutchinspn (To Oka), U at Us 7d; J. C. Irwju (Kukaia), 70 at Us 4d to 14s -Id; client, OS at 12s 3 0d to 14s Id; V. f'nir.ip ' 1!) nt 13s lOd ; B. Tully (Kaiapoi),_«,£> at l-b lOd to 13s lOd; J. A. Belcher (Ivirwee . 73 at 3 3d 1,1 to .liJs lOd; I. Gray /" T t ? nh , ua / at 12s 7d to 13s 7d; A. knnsdale Hunt (Wfbt Melton), ISO at 12s 4d to lo? 4d; J. Petri j,un. (Swannanoa). 24 nt lis lOd_to l»s , A. Cowie (Hawardcu), 45 at 12s <d to 13s id. A. H. Daliell (Ilawarden), M 12s 7d to 33s Id; A. Grant (Fairlie), 131 »t 11:3 to 13b; D. tyaliUosh (Kotherham), 15 JOd; 0. Blaekler (Pleasant Point). 6, nt 3.1s 4a to 12s tod: t: Magna*** (Tmwaid), 72 ill 10s lOd to 325 lOd: client, 7d to 3"r lOd; .T. Taylor (Sprmestou), 6. at 13s 4d to J2s tod; Wharckairn Estate hams), 08 at 10s lOd to 12s JOd: Jurnian (Darflrld). 62 r.t 31s lOd to U» id, W. Klliott's Kstaln (?:J oiu nan), <»& « JOd ft. 12s 7d; .1. Walker ( Lnmsande ), -o M. l»* 7d; Uowmm Bro-. ( S^^more,. 100 nt l is |oa to 12s <d: U ;, ;.'i l.slute (B--ooki : itc;, yu *t , M* i.,V lo 7J ■ \\". Allison (Aiub-rle, i 13 at 12s 7d; G. H. McDonald (Low ' Kills), 64 at 12s id to 12s 7d; 137

at lis lOd to 12s 4J; Brown anil Sous (Wainu), 10 ft lis 4d to 12 s 4d; Warren and Warren (Dartield), TO at Us lOd to 12s 4d; M. S. Bowen (Swnnnanoa), 63 at 10s lOd to 12a Id; T. C. "SVitliell (Motukararn), 3i> ut lis lOd to 12a Id; T. Ericson (Kaiapui), 20 at lis Id to 12s Id; T. 11. Lnnnuse (Chnthams), 30 at 10s 7d to lis lOd; N. Withell, 35 at lis JOd; T. J. Blain (Oxford), 43 at lis lOd; F. Westaway (Courtenay), 23 ;;t lis 7d; Miss >f.®Belcher (Amberley), 11 at 11b 4(1; H. Papo (Ivirwee), 20 at lis id; P. Kinsi (Chathcms), SI at 17s Id to 10s lOd. Ewes —On account of C. P. Bowley (Motuknrara), 12 at 12s lOd; T. A. Stephens (Irwell), 20 at ga 7d to lis 7d; E. A. Adams (Waddington), 11 at 11* Id; J. and P. Cofjnn (l)arficld), 13 at lis Id; E. Cooper (Templeton), 21 at Gs Id to 10s lOd; W. Dalgleish (Le Bon's Bay), 23 at 8s 4d to 10s 7d; A. W. Adams (Sheflield), 15 ut 5b Id to 10s 7d; Ad.»ii3 Bros. (Waddington), 1G nt Da 4d to 10s 4d; A. E. Hunt ("Waipnra), 23 at 10s Id; A. F. Mnrr (Metliven), 41 at 8s 7d to 10s Id; W. H. Burnes (Spotswood). 15 at 8s 4d to 10s Id; client, 66 #t 6s 7d to 10s Id; J. McLaclilan (Leeston), 25 nt 9s 7d to 10s Id; client. 45 at 7s lOd to 9s lOd; D. M. Lill (Brookside), 52 at Gs 4d to 9s lOd; T. S. Innes (Sheflield), 10 nt 8s 4d to 9s lOd; A. F. Holmes (Ralfaia), 31 lit 8s Id to 9s lOd; .T. Walker (Dunsandel), 30 nt (is 4d to S>s 4d; T. O'Mnnsrnu (Femf;ido), 14 nt 0a 4d; Winter Bros. (Swannar.r&), 22 at Gs 7d to "Js Id; J. H. Cnllashan (Fcndalton), 13 at 7s Id to 9s Id; AleAdaci Bros. (Bnlcairn), 10 nt 9s 7d; C. J. Hastings (Brookside), 16 at 8s 4d to 9s Id; G. J. Roberts (Sprineston), 21 nt 8s 7d to 9s Id; A. A. Hutchinson (Te Oka), 10 at 9s'ld; H. McClelland (Brookside). 12 at 7s 7d to 9s 3d: Harvey Bros. (Rnngiora), 24 at 8s Id to 8s lOd; J. and F. Culleu (Graendale), 1G nt Cs Id to 8s lOd; H. W. Deans (Darfield), i G8 at Gs 4d to Ss lOd; 11. Jones (Poranui), ' 18 at 8s 10d; W. H. Sowden (Springston), j 52 at 6s. 4d to Ss lOd ; J. D. Anderson (Dariiold), 16 at 8s lOd; A . H. Gibson (Phoebe), 22 nt 3s 4d to $s lOd; client, 70 at 7s 7d to 8s lOd; client, 12 at Ss 7d; 11. T. Stevens (Rak.'tia), 01 at 6s 4d to 8s 7u; F. Crump (Sprineston). It at Ss 4d; O. Blackl&r (Pleasant Point), G9 nt Gs 4d to 8s 4d; I'. F. It.van (Weedous), 20 nt 7s lOd to Ss •Id; D. Gillnnderg (Dartfeld), 74 at 7s 7d to Ss Id; A. S. Uren (Waipcra). 5G at 4s lOd to 8s Id; Reese Bros. (Southbridpe). 10 at 7s lOd; I. Gray (Atnahua), 13 at 7s lOd; J. Cunneen (Broadfiold), 23 at 5s 10<J to 7s 10d; \V. Wells' .Estate (Brookside), 48 at Gs Id to 7s 7d; 11. Metcalf (Rangituta), 73 nt 5s IOcJ to 7s 7d; J. W. Lill (Sandy Knolls), 40 at Gs 7d to 7s 7d; client, 40 at 5s 7d to 7s 7J; A. Mnnson (Kirwee). 30 at tis lOd to 7s 7d; 11. C. Washbourn (Sedseniere), Gs 7d to 7s 4d; F. Fine (Templeton), 21 at 7s Id; A. Fairbairn (Scarglll), 40 at 8s lOd to 7s Id; Broomlield Estate (Amberley), 20 nt 6s lOd to 7s Id: McDrury Bros. (Halswell). 14 at Gs 4d to 7s Id; Alexander Bros. (Southbridge), 10 at 6s lOd; E. B. Clark (Cheviot), 22 at 5s 3 Od to 6s lOd; A. H. Pulzell (Ha warden), Gut Gs 7d; J. S. Connolly (Rakaia), 35 at Gs Id to 6s Gd; 11. Laitie (Amberley), 32 at Gs Id to Gs 4d; 0. V/. Turner (Halkett), 23 at 5s lOd to 6s 4d; A. G. Bishop (Sontbbriilsi'). 23 at Gs '.! d; JMrs E. S. Hamilton (Rollriston). 23 nt Gs Id; F. W. Walshaw (Oxford). 21 nt Gs Id: J\l. S. Bowen (Swannanoa), 9 at Gs Id; client, 42 nt 5s 10d to (is Id; V. T. McCory (Temiileton), 25 at 5s 4d to 5s lOd; IJ. -Mcintosh (Rotherhain), 17 fit ss; ,T. Morris (Aylesbury). 10 at 4s JOd: T. W. Gilbert (Leeston), 39 at 4s -Id. FAT CATTLE. The entry of fat vuttle was 350 Lead, nrf compared with 360 head at last week's market. 11 was drawn almost entirely from within the province, with, strong representation from Isanks Peninsula. The leverage quality waS very good with iuls! unduly linos of prime .heavy and meuiuni-weight steers penned. Erom the outset competition —as no!- exceptionally keen in spito of the H'.jeudid yuuiuy, and there u r a.- much irregularity in it. Comparison with last, wei-ii'a baßis of valuee showed that there was little alteration, although un easier t-ono was iairiy genera] except for the extra quality sorts. The top price for steers was £lO l'2s Gd, secured for four magnificent Shorthorns tokl on Recount of W. Leonardo Bou a Bay), and for one sold on accouiu of Sir Cliiford (Stonyhurst). The best beef made up to 21a per lOOla, and in odd oases up to 235; good prime boot 17b to 13b, heavy 15s to 17a, ordinary quality to ISs, and rough down to Ss. Values were; Ejftra prima heavy etsers to £lO 12s Ga. Prime heavy etoers. £Q 10s to i 9. * Prime mediurii-weight steers, £6 10s to Ordinary quq.liiy eteeri, £3 35» to £5 55. Light steers, *'2 to £0 Its. Extra jirirne heifers, to f? 12s Gel. heifcrf, £4 5s to i'G. Medium heifers, fJ to £4. F«i'.'ht heifers to £0 15s. Extra prime cowp, to i'S 7a fti. Prime cows, 413 JCs to ±'">. Medium cows, £2 10s to i' 3 se. tii'.'ht nnd nr;ed cov.s, XI "a to i'i u The sales were: On account of W. L.oji«iii'do (Le Bon's Bay), 15 steers at £8 7s Gd to £lO 12s 6d, 8 heifers nt £0 73 6d to lis

Cd, 1 cow at £3 7 s CJ; F. Leonardo (Le Bofa's Bay), 13 steers at £7 17a 6d to £9 12a Gd: I'. Crump (Springston), 1 cow at £5 7a Gd; Crotty's Estato (La Bon's Bay), 1 steer at £7 123 Gd, 4 cows at £2 17s Gd to £4 17s 6d; J. Aldridgo (Dunsandel), 3 steers at £3 179 Gd to £5 lja 6d, 1 cow at d£3; clients, 2 steers at £5 3a Od to £7 12s fid, 4 heifers at £3 12a 6d," 6 cowa at £2 12a 6d to £3 12a 8d; W. O. Euthcrfoad (Marblo Point), 4 heifers at £5 2a Gd to £5 12s Cd, 3 cows at £3 7s 6<l to £5 7a 6d; Bjr Charles Clifioid (Stonyhurst), 6 steers tit £8 12s 6d to £lO 12s Gd; C. H. Sykea (Bants Peninsula), 6 steers at £8 12s 6d to £1 2a 6d, 6 heifera it £4 2a 6d to £5 17a 6d; D. Deans (Bowallan), 2 cows at £3 7s 6d to £& 7a Gd; southern clients, 3 lows r.t £3 2a Gd to £5 17s Gd, 4 steers at £1 2s Od to £4 7s Ed; Mrs Overtop (Greta), C heifers at £3 17# 6d to £6 7a Od, 3 steers at £5 7s Gd to £5 7s Gd; D. (i. Wright (Omihi), 4 steers at £4 7a 6d_to £7 2s Gel; southern client, 9 steers at £5 7p Gd to t(l 17s Cd, 5 heifers at £0 17s Cd to £l 12s Od, 1 cow at £3 2s 6d: Mcßrido Bros. (Winchester), 7 steers at £9 78 Gd to £2O 7s Gd; A. Banks (Coutts Island), 5 fteers at £5 7a Gd to £8 7s Gd; J. Murray (Mosgiel), 2 heifers at £5 7s Gd to £4 23 Gd, 28 cows at £\> 2s Gd to -25 2s Cd; "V. Craw (Cliorlton), 3 steers at £5 123 Gd to £6 7s 6d, 18 heifers at £5 "s Gd to £7: estate H. Hiyn'ard (Itobinscn'a Bar), 5 lleifei3 at £5 2a 6d to £7 73 Cd. 1 cow at £1 17s'6d; T. Thompson iLiitle Hivar), 9 stesra at Ts Gd to £9 2s 6<i; estato A. Edwards (Kaiapoi), 11 steers at £3 15s; H. ISdward* (Kaiaooi), 9 steers at £7 17i G4 to ;30 7a 6d; Ballinf;er and Cafsidv (WoodendV 4 steers at £8 2s 6d to £8 7s 63. VEiLERfe. l'hore was anibver-supply of calvfes, but a large prnportiqji pf in? yarding did not deserve the name of veal. The demand was llko th« qualiiv, very poor. Top price was £3 12? Gd. STOKE CATTLE. Witli the exception of a line of Hereford and Black Poll steers from St. James Station and another line of Polled Shorthorns, the yarding vvus far from attractive. The usual proportion of rough bid cows was included. Two and three-year-old Hereford steers in backward oondition made Si 2s to- £4 lis, three-year Blue.'': Polled steers tp £3 2s, threeyear Shorthorn heifers £3 to £1 13s 6d, yearling heifers to 42s 6d, fresh cows to £2 ss, old cows Ss, potting bulls to £4, and yearling bulla to 27s 6U. DAIRY CATTLE. i There was a small entry of 33 head, ilost of the cows were of nondescript tvpcK, and very few good lots wera included. There was a good demand for seiviceable-I^king cows and heifers, which sold l(h» a he.tu inner, j Other sorts were unchanged. j Yahtcs Were:— j Good second and third calvera, .Co 10s to £i. ■ Al'xlium. second, and third calver?, ! to £3. Aged and inferior. 17a 6d to £3. , Good heifers, to L 6 15s. ; Medium hoifer3, £3 10s to £4 i"> s . Other.", 80s to £2 lCt<. FAT PIGSTheiv was a big entry of fa* pis*. :or which the demand wab weal; and prices low. No bacon will be bought next, Wednesday. Vnlucs were: Choppers, 27s 6d to 53s Cd. Baeoners, 29s Gd to £4O Gd. ! Heavy bacpv.ers, 37s 6d tp 44s Gd. Average price per lb, 25d to r.nuPorltars, 19s I'd to 22s ed. Henry porkers, 24s Gd to 273 CU. Avsrajro .price per lb, Bsd to Ci-i. STORE PIGS. 'L'hevo v.-as % medium entry of 240 head of store pigs.' Wcanbrs sold en a pur with laft week's rates, but medium and lafye stores vrr-ve. considerably chofcpev. Values wefo: "Weanevs up to lis. Slips, £s to l?a. Small stores, 10s to 12s. i .'urdium stored. 12» to lis. i 'iood storey, lo» to lC)s. j good ftorea to 17*. j Sows in pi?, 30s tq 823 85. BURNSIDE SALE. I <PRe*» AfISOCUKOy ■ 1 DUNKDIN, Dsoember if. There wi;i a crn«nl ilumj in the «tocs ' - li'rkct at Buvnside to-day. roost cltsws j being sold at graatly reduced prices, ihia 1 was owing to the market borne over supplied.

At this time e£ the year, laager y&niijy? are expected, bat to-day's entry ct 870 MM (t r t fat cattle was well above th» qrtimnWl .. figure. In conse queues the or«r-#a|wr Caused a drop of 20s a head all Wlffi • fend in come cues about $Qh » head. Tn» best consignments Of bullock# csbw foom r and Balclutha, but only 6W oOT* Bignmout gained tho hijhost pric«, ®®*' / Tho balance cf the hfavy cattia tw» £7 10s to £8 10s. A large aumbar of toaff; weight bullocks was entered and DroagW from £6 10a to £7 10a. Hetjy cowa *«• worth from £3 to £5 10s, and light hettfW' >(( #4»17« Qd. Prime ox beef was worth ostly 17b 6d per ICOlb. Fat lambs suffered from the ali4«.ia prices, '■ tho reduction being from 9a, td 88 Cd » Wfl - at the commencement of tho sale. There. was a further decline at th® #»le progieatojl z until lambs were sol.i well un<Jer the offered by freezing _ buyers. The top P&S* ttaa reached early iJ the cola, whaa t4w hpavy lam*Dß realised 13s 6d, but tha_ major- ■ ity until then brought from lis to IS#Prime heavy lamb« were worth only. 3{d *!■ " prime light-weight* about 4d per lb. A Una of light stoorn in the store C*ttS ~ pons met with little competition and broOgnt £3 10s a head. The nsUal nomlier of - rows compriaed the bulk of thi Mitry and th««e sold at lata rates. . Out of qn entry of 2CCO ahe«p inly f<«* ■"> or fivo pens of prime wethfra wet# forwwjd. Opening prices were about ott a. par wife those realised at the jwevioua aale, the market soon showed $b eilinff <«ttSe®er and towards the alose values all fosadt showed s drop of Is to It 6d a head. 3SpV* ; shorn 'wethers wer» xrorth 13a Sd i|afl pita*® jhora ewes 10b a head. In the pis oeftioh, 13# fpit* «U » • were forward.. The yardinf mat with Sfood cottipetition and last treeVa ' j*lne%. "*l®» maintainwl. Bacon pigs were wortS. IJd aaa porkebi' about 5d per lb. ' 1 .In 1. TEMUKA STOCK SALS. ' j An over-aupply of fat cattle resulted, in ; a drop of £1 in price# in. til# SMtioo tho fortnightly Tsmulta. stock aale on To«t- ' day. There was & very big yarding, in tfryry 4 department and pricos in most caecs oawci " a little, i'at sheep and fat lamb# louoa » u tail- demand. Tho lamb sale was the first of the feaaoji in which exporters had operated, and price® v.ei-e well maintained for a fair entry. Bait lambs eold at from 12s 3d to 13a 4d, lighter y aorta making up to 10a sd. Solid compati- > tion was responsible for the maintaining of late rates for fat pheep. Beat fat ewea made i:am 8s fc'd to 10s lOd, medium £a to £s, fat wethers lOe to 13s, farinera' killing 8# lOd' fc» 10s 7d. A few Btcre sheep were passed in. Tho fat cattle yarding was the heaviest for soma time and modinm-weight heifers ".verb the only lino to miiatam late »tjp. - The ron?o. of pricos was: Best owe up to £i l€s, inferior cows £1 13a 6d io i 3 10s, best steers £7 7s 6J, medium steers 4$ Ss to • fa, heifers £3 to £G. Inferior sorts mostlv were offering in tho store cattle pans, and prices fell accordingly. Bulla made from 25a to £2,. backward two-year steers 23s _tc( <2, good empty heifers £2 78 io £2 15s, ordinary - eighteen-month steers 19a to 3Gs, ordinary two-year staerg 345, medium three-year steers 85s to £2 os. The quality of a small yarding of dairy oowa w#s slightly lower than usual, and, prices receded sliphtly. Springing oowa made from £2 to £S 3Cs, and cows in profit up to £1 ICf. Pigs ware down by about Ss a head -»lf round. Weaners made from 8a to lit, alipa. , 9a to 13s, laxgo store* 21s to 2is, and pozkO* * 21s to SCf. - i ■' ■ ' 1f - ■"V . -

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Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20730, 15 December 1932, Page 13

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ADDINGTON MARKET. Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20730, 15 December 1932, Page 13

ADDINGTON MARKET. Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20730, 15 December 1932, Page 13