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CANTERBURY J.C. OPENING OP AUGUST MEETING. i TABLOID REVIEW OF FIELDS. The Canterbury Jockey Club's Grand National Steeplechase Meeting will open at Eiccarton to-day. The weather, which was so unpromising on Saturday, appears to have settled, and the course proper has made a wonderful recovery from the effects of last week's storm. The going will be slightly holding only, but will otherwise be perfect for winter racing. A tabloid review of tlie form of all the day's contestants is given below: 11.31 a.m.— TRIAL HURDLE RACE HANDICAP, Of 160 bovb. Hack conditions. One mile and three-quaretr«. MOEENA 11-2 (J. Kerr). Won at last start. Ashburton. He is a speedy hurdler and is a very likoly prospect for ■ National honours." ' JAYSON 10-13 (S. Anderson). Was beaten onlv by halt a length by Palm in the hiMsk hurdles on the first day at Trentham last month, and ran well for portion of the Winter Hurdles. He will probably contest favouritism with Morena. PINK NOTE 10-8 (L. Hunt). A dual Dunedin Oup winner. He still retains his galloping ability and shaped very promisingly in a schooling task on Sunday. This will bo Uia first attempt in a hurdle contest. DAINTY WAYS 10-2 (11. Turner). Won her flrst race over hurdles ten days ngo. Has a marked turn of speed and has yet to make n mistake in jumping. Will be responsible for a smart pace from the outset. BAMESES 0-8 (H. Anderton). Only dangerous for a portion of the journey. JABL 0-0 (W. Cameron). Another newcomer to the ranks; jumps well, but will need experionce. Form points to Morena, JaysOn, and Dainty Ways. 12.11 p.m.— PAPAR.UA HANDICAP, Of 160 »ovs. Six furious*. GRECIAN PRINCE 9-8 (A. Mosscrvy). Has had an interruption in his work owing to a cold, otherwise would hate boon In the Winter Oup. Has » big burden to carry and is short of racing. chases in tho one year, and that was Coalition, who, in 1921, won the Great Northern, the Wellington, and the Grand National. Coalition was not brilliant, but ho was a strong, solid horse, capable of carrying big weights over the stiffost country. He won two Grand Nationals, and was prominent in several steeplechases at Trentham, besides the one he succeeded in. He was beaten by a very narrow margin when Vascular won tho Wellington Steeplechase in 1919. Aurora Borealis won the Great Northern Steeplechase and Grand National Steeplechase in 1930, and was beaten by a head by Mangani in the Wellington Steeplechase.

FAIR WEATHER 8-13 (K. Voilro). Won over si* furlongs ill soft going at Dunedin Winter Meeting with 7-9, and ran second there to Mount Boa with 7-4 and to Master Anomaly with 7-6. Is well placed and looks a useful proposition. LAST MARCH 8-11 (A. E. Didhnm). Hod a good record at Wingatui in Juno. Won over six furlongs on tho first day with 8-8, dead-heatod carrying 9-G with Wiiivene 7-10 on tho second day over tlic same distance, and Avon again over six furlongs on the third day carrying 9-11. , A decided possibility. WATER POWER 8-9 (B. Brodie). Has been very useful of late, but will find this company too speedy over the early stages. Will bo hotter suited with a longor journey. 2ELVOIR 8-9 (B. H. Morris). Won over sis furlongs at Trcntham last month with 9-0 and with 9-11 ran Becond over five furlongs at tho Bame mooting to Merry Pool 8-7. Can gallop in any kind of going, and will bo again in i evidence here. RINGING CHEER 8-9 (M. Kinvan). Has been expensive of late and followers urc t getting tirod of him. He is capable of beating Belvoir on the tracks, but | has lost too much ground at tho starts of races to reproduce that form. With a good start he has « chance of making amends. TAKU TAMA 8-2 (0. McCarthy). A speedy gnllopor, but does not fight much when tackled. JUNIPER 8-1 (G. Humphries). Has not hoen .up long after a spell, and is too backward for this event. TOBACCOLAND 8-1 (S. Wilson). Started three times At the recont Wellington meeting and was not prominont in any raco. Has disappointed many times during the past season. ARROWMIR 8-1 (0. Carmont). The veteran of tho fiold, but still able to sprint with tho best. Tlio llnal furlong will, however, trouble him. NOTEWORTHY 8-0 (L. J. Ellis). A West Coast visitor, but has no recent form to recommend him. WAIWENB 8-0 (R. McTavi?h). Dead-heated in his last start mentioned above. Is a brilliant beginner and is certain to be in the van for the greater pnTt of tho journey. This race presents a difficult problem, and there will probably bo a close tussle for favouritism between Belvoir, Kinging Cheer, and Last March. 12.61 p.m.— CASHMERE PLATE, Of 150 govs. Special weights. Six furlongs. EXECUTION 8-11 (G. Humphries). A promising filly for the now season, but hardly forward enough. TAKAXtTA 8-11 <K. Yoltre). Ran fourth with 9-0 to Foreign Queen, Ida Merling, and Sham Fight over six furlongs, and second to Irish Chioftaiu over the same distance, both rates at Trentham last month; was unlucky in the latter. HTOLINGHAM 8-11 (D. O'Connor). Has had little racing. Ran a good second with 9-0 to Topthorn (8-0) ovor six furlongs at the recent Combined Meeting at Riccarton. May do tho same here. TRANQUILITY 8-11. An Australian-bred four-year-old. Has not shown any recent form, but is highly regarded. FOBLOCK 8-11 (A. E. Ellis). A Ohokeboro cast-off and only useful. Ran a poor fourth to Topthorn, Hurllngliam, and Pacify at Riccarton last month. TAUNTON B*ll. An unlikely Btarter. TOPTHORN 8-0 (B. 11. Morris). His last performance mentioned above was very impressive. Will probably carry a litUo overweight, but still should bo favourite. Reeled off three furlongs yesterday in 35sec. GAY ROBE 8-0 (W. Sheehan). No form. SILVER CRAG 8-0 (H. Due). Will do better later in the season. LORD MASHAM 8-0 (It. McTavish). In kindergarten stage as yet. CHILE 8-0 (J. Cammick). A brother, to Agrion. Not ready for this meeting, but will be in evidence later in the year; MOLTEN 6-0 (B. Brodie). No form. IRISH LADY 8-0 (R. Oovenr). No form. WORSHIP 8-0 (N. Dwyer). lias a • reputation at Wingatui but has yet to make good. LOS QUE* 8-0 (C. Eastwood). No recommendation. IBADORE 8-0. Will improve with more aire. SILVER SIGHT 8-0. No form. PALANTUA 8-0. A decided possibility. Ran third to Sham Fight and Topthorn over five furlong* at Oamaru after being last

of tho field for half tho journey. Is a daughter of the ouoUme big winner Mnntua. No rider engaged yesterday. STAR. RAIDER 8-0 (D. Cotton). A promising three-year-old. Galloped well last week and may surprise. GRAMPIAN 8-0 (A. 15astwood). No form, but promising. COLOSSICAL 8-0 (E. Manson). Xo form. GOLDSTEAD 8-0 (J. M. Pine). No form. It is difficult to go past Topthorn again, and his most formidable opponents may bo Palantua and Takakua. 1.41 p.m.— JUMPERS' FLAT RACE HANDICAP, Of ICO bovs. One mile and a half. PAIIU 30-8 (H. Nicol). Won tho Hack Hurdle events on the first two days at Trentham and ran second to Paddon in tho Winter Hurdles; was a good performer on fiat, his successes including a Wolliugton Handicap, ono mito threo furlongs. Is in keen demand for the National Hurdles. NUKUMAI, 10-3 TD. O'Connor). Has had'infinitely better all-round record than Pahu, but nge has to be respected. Ho won the same race in 1928, with 12-9, but dropped to 10-9 last year (unplaced). He is not done with yet. MEMBO 10-2 (O. Salt). Won last year's event with 9-0, beating Prince Lu and Landmark. Won the High-Weight Handicap, one mild threo furlongs, nt Trentham last month carrying 9-3, The going will suit him. LUMINARY 10-1 (W. Ronnie). A useful performer on tlie_ flat in tho Auckland and Waiknto districts. Won a hurdle race, two miles, at Ellerslie, at Easter. NASSOCK 9-12 (H. Turner). Was a handicap horse up to last season, but has been confined to jumping this winter. A fair chance only. CAPTAIN'S Girr 9-11 (W. Cooper). Looks well after his trip to Melbourne. Has more than average speed and the distance will suit him. PULL MEASURE 9-10. An unlikely starter. RAMESES, 9-2. Will probably |tart in tho Trial Hurdles. This has always been an interesting race, and to-day's contest should prove no exception. The honour of favouritism may be disputed by Pahu, Captain's Gift, and Membo. 2.20 p.m.— N.Z. GRAND NATIONAL STEEPLECHASE HANDICAP, j I Of 1000 sovb. Throe miles and a half. BILLY BOY, Byrs, 11-13* (J. Burgess). Would have been a staunch favourite, but for liis refusal in schooling to tackle the first of the kennels double. There is no guarantee that he will jump tho | fenco to-day. * His ability otherwise is ; undoubted,, and if he goes right he will [ bo troublesome, even under his weight. Tho much smaller Aurora Borealiß carried 11-1 whon she won. PARIS, lOyrß, 10-11 (G. Dempster)—His record in winning a Wellington Steeplechase, and second placings in that raco , and in last year's/Grand National mako a solid recommcudatiou. Is, however, a doubtful jumper, and Tisks cannot bo taken at Riccarton. Ho seems to get there at tho finish, nevertheless. < TARAMOA, 9yrs, 9-0 (V. Dempster). Is in tho Enfield fe'toeplochnse, and will not start in tho National unless Paris is missine. SNOWFALL, 14yrs, 10-8 (A. E. Ellis). This combination won last year's raco with 9-3. Snowfall is getting on in years, ■ but is considered as good as ever. Will find tho ground to order, and will taki» shortest routo throughout. Has not qualified by, recent results, but his appearance on track suggests a special preparation. LUCESS, 9yrs, 10-4 (D. O'Connor). A great jumper, with more than ordinary speed. Was beaten comfortably by Billy Boy at Ellerslio over threo miles, and today's journey will be beyond him. HIGH PITCH, 9yrs, 10-1 (R. Bealo). Appeared sore on Sunday, but worked satisfactorily with Luminary yeßterday. ' Does not appeal as a .National winner in his second effort over country. LORD RANALD, Oyrs, 9-8 (W. Scobie). Tho most discu6Bcd candidate in tho race. Has won tho five steeplechases he has contested in tho past three years without much effort. Has suffered from soreness lately, but this may not trouble him in the race. Will make light work of tho big fences, and is capable of being in the van throughout. CALKAM, Byrs, 9-4 (J3. Mackie). Has had, an unlucky run since being injured in tho Otago Steeplechase early in June,

which ho won. Not likely to see the 'ordeal throush. HARD GOLD, 9yrs, 9-0 (A. Gilmer). Won tho Hawke's Bay Steeplechase, and was third in the Wellington Steeplechase. Is ft good jumper, but hardly up. to this standard. MATU, llyrs, 9-0 (J. Kerr). Has had plenty of work since arriving at Riccarton, and is in better order than on any previous visit. Will Carry • lot oi southern support. NYLOTIS, 12yrs, 9-0. (V. Langford). Won the Wingatui Steeplechase in-June with 9-8, but his performance was not impressive, A useful plodder only. ROYAL VISITOR, 6yrs, 9-0 (J. MclUe), A j winner over hurdles, but fell in hi* only | start at Trentham over country. Schooled j well early last Weekj and may race prominently later at the meeting. DEPORTMENT, 9-0 (G. Salt). Has been expensive this winter. Won the Great Western Steeplechase at Riverton a year ago last Easter, and his next success •was at Washdyko on July 30th l"'*. 1 8 a safe conveyance, but the task is beyond him. ROYAL REIGN, 9-0 (A. Jenkins). Raced consistently at 'the Wellington Meeting, but would be more in- ber disss in too Enfield Steeplechase. VALVES, 9-0 (L. Hunt). Hag had a couple of wins this winter, but does not •ppeal in this company. BON ARYAN, 9-0 (H. Turner). Fell In last year's race» Seems more solid now, ana gave & pleasing display over the main fences last week. Has »n outside chance. Tho premier cross-country event of the Dominion is generally admitted to be an open race this year. More than half the field will bo ia keen demand, and tho final summing tip may be in ' favour of Billy Boy, Snowfall, and Lord Ranald. [ 3.11 p.m.— ENFIELD STEEPLECHASE HANDICAP, Of 160 so vs. About two miles. FRENCH FLEET, 11-8 (E. Mackie). Won four steeplechases on ©nd in June. Is a splendid jumper, and will keep the field busy throughout despite his weight. TARAMOA, 10-13 (V. Dempster). Will probably be reserved for this if all is woll with Paris. Has given some excellent ' displays at Hiecarton, but iB not too sound in wind. APACHE, 9-18 (G. Dempster). Has had an interrupted preparation since the opening of the jumping season, and cannot be fit l for this. OKOPUA, 10-9 (A. Gilmer). Won both hack steeplechases at Wellington Meeting. Is a hardy individual, from a Martian mare, and has stood up' well to ft strenuous programme in the past few weeks. Made easy work of the big country last week. Has a good chance. SIR RICHARD, 9-0 (J. Kerr). Wag lucky to win a steeplechase at AshbuTton in June. Hardly good enough for this company. PETERETTE, 9-0 (V. Langford). A game performer, and one always likely to bo in evidence; a proficient Jumper, and her win in the Hunters' Plate at Washdyko proved her pace. nTTTT.T.VTB.r. 9-0 (L. Dulieu). A steeplechase novice, but his effort over the schooling fences yesterday was very Promising. MARCO POLO, 9-0 (H. Turner). No encouraging form. ORXFLAMB. 9-13 (R. Beale). Has won two races this winter over light fences, end has yet to tackle the big Riccarton country. It moy find a weakness in him. POSTMA&, 9-6 (R. Miles). Won four hunters' steeplechases on end two years ago, but no form since. ROYAL REIGN, 9-5 (A. Jenkins). If she does not fulfil National engagement, will bo in favour here. This event has invariably produced spectacular jumping. Soma proved fencers are engaged to-day, and the best supported will probably be Okopua, Taramoa, and French Fleet. 3.56 p.m.— WINTER CUP. Of 400 sots. One mile. COMPRIS 10-0 (R. Coveny).. Has a big tank but is more forward than when he ran third last year. RED,HECKLE, 9-4 (R. McTavish). Hat taken a fresh lease of life. Carried 0-11 to victory over seven furlongs at the Combined Meeting at Riccarton, only just beating Kanelagh, who finished the better. JALOTTZ 9-8 (J. Cammick) and mT.TgA 8-8 (A. Stove) bracketed. Neither has had

the necessary \rork, and not like'? <0 dangerous. ' FAST PASSAGE 9-2 (A. £. Ellis)- " four wins on end, followed by two good second placing# at Trenlh&m, has car ried the rigW to favouritism. 9-0, ran second to Royal Bengal (o O) over a mile at Trentham 9-4 filled a similar position to Retract 8: 5 over a mile and • quarter. Has done well since, and will h*ve a liking. Will take * power of beating to-day. ROYAL BENGAL 8-18 '(E. Sanson) Is meeting Fast Passage on lllb worse terms, but will keep her busy again. MOUNT BOA 8-11 (A. G. Parsons). I» always liable to be troublesome, but has to be put aside here. RANELAGH 8-11 (D. O'ConnorJ- Ran second to Kahikatoa last year with D-0, the then minimum. Has Taced consistently for some time psst f and is entitled to serious consideration. RATIONAL 11. 8-11. Was • runner in last year's'race, after which he was sold to present owner. Has gradually improved since, and with any luck early will be on hand at the finish. COLONEL CTGNUS 8-9 (B. Brodie). Represents good form in his few eseays to date In his last start with 8-6 dead-heated with Protomint for second money in the Winter Oats, one mile, at Trentham, the pair being only a nose behind Cniez Link. Is a solid fighter and must be respected. LORD ARGOSY 8-0 (A. Messervy), bracketed with Colonel Oygnus. A Middle rar* Plate winner, but not much in evidence since owing to ailments., . MASTER ANOMALY 8-5 (A. E. Didham). Cannot be recommended on Trentham per. formances. BEACON TIBE 8-2 (O. Humphries). "Won the Woburn Hack Handicap at Trentham, six furlongs, with 10-0, finishing On well. Is highly regarded for this race in the North Island. MERRY FEEL 8-2 (L. J. Ellis). /Recently struck his best form. Cantered hoipe with 9-fl over one mile and 35 yards at Washdyke on July 80th, this success following on his two wins on the one day at Trentham, over seven and five furlong?. Has been galloping well on the tracks | and should be one of the favourites. DON JOSE 8-1 (J. M. Pine). No recent form. MXNERVAL 8-0 (A. Eastwood). A lightweight possibility. Has gone os the rizh; , way since filling third place to Red i Heckle and Raoelagh at the Combined Meeting: ADELPHI 8-0 (J. Barry). Raced promisingly , at Trentham, but disappointed at the Combined Meeting. Only as outside chance. DTOSAVSH 8-0 <B. H. Morris). Could if he would. Will not carry much confidence. OONSONO 8-0 (C. Eastwood). Won over the distance at Wingatui early in June. Does not appeal. OAT COURT 8-0 (K. Yoitre). Raced very consistently at the Wellington meeting last month, filling second place with 9-6 over seven furlongs on the middle day and second with the same weight to Merry Peel (8-0) over • similar distance on the concluding day. Will be one of the fancied brigade. SALTPOT 8-0 (8. Anderson). A much-im-proved performer, and has done well since coming to Ricearton. Is capable of a good race. THE BUH 8-0 (8. Wilson). May not leave the mark. It has to be admitted that as usual in the Winter Cup race, the winner is well concealed, and themore the field is studied the more difficult the* selection appears. Treatment' at the start and over the early stages is a big consideration, and luck in such a big field will have an important bearing on the result. There is sure to be a widely distributed pool,,and it is suggested that Fast Passage, Boyal Bengal, and Merry Peel will head the list of investments. 4.41 p.m.— AVONHEAD HANDICAP, Of 150 sovs Hack conditions. Seven . furlongs. M3RRY PEBL 9-7. Will not start. NIGHT RECITAL 9-8 (R. McTavish). On Wellington form must be seriously regarded. Won over seven furlongs there with 8-8 from Gay .Court and Retract, •sd ran-third to Kotahi . Eka and Gay Court over » similar distance with 9-3. A good prospect. WEATHE&LY fl-3 (D. O'Connor). Has disappointed often, but this is hit favoured distance. Usually races well at Ricearton.

M *ORAAHT>Y Vi"' a Qriw. been expensive. 9' 8 OUT AIRE 11. 8-9. Wffl W>' *B a good part of the kJJ&J l ***. B LOCKBLBY 8-9. division of this ri« SfIES 1 and then won over » day with 8-3. Oi,. .?"* ■*H ■ formance i n fUiing R«yal and DnnravLaF^Wffftß bined meeting, t." AHMftj? SB craigavon IRISH CHXEPTAnr 84 t* -*IB Showed best form in ?L t B ■«vhere he won oJ? « fiSlB and Sh^INIGGEaHEAD 8-8 (Q. B#aj . MONASTIC 0 8.8 (C. HtfcwkJ' gold SATO 8-8. 8.7 (H. be popular, but too trt.® l WLfl HOTOTSLOW 8-4 <C T LORD BUCHAN 8-3 (n ond to Belvoir om L'.l but th. WEALTH 8-2 (G Tr . - 48 form. ( i HETAL BIRD 8-2. ,A -?■ and may surprUe. ™ 8-2. Kot t KNOCKLONG so (L. " V i «SL : homecoming 8.0 N« ■ »BELL» B .o With such a thing may happen, but to form a like l y^ rio *£SSB Recital, Craigavon, &q<| OTAGO xonmimi^MH I isrxouL TO sac j following are the Otago Hunt Club's SteepiiehlSfcSa^l SEA VIEW sovs; one mile and a Red Leaf, Hard Priaee, Spades, Rameese, Chickwheat, Antrim Boy. $9 BROCKVILLE TROTTDtfI ■ 70 sovs; 3min 6sec l_!r*iW! tW quarter—Man o' Pranx. Wave, Rhodamine, A»Hi«m Sansavino, Alpha WRkas^fhalSSaSßß Bell, Ayrshire, Madaa bess. Prince Bingen, PRESIDENT'S HI five furlongs—Triesono, Arden's Beauty, "tfyTALSaIM Weather, Indicate. Shamfight, Prince Tractor, OTAGO HUNT CLUB. of 110 sovs; abovt tm aai Radius, Rod, Sit SUkuL CfaduSSEfS Heather Lad, I)«portias«ti- ; 4hiS®S?*'® TALLY-HO HASDICAF. «J mile and a nmrt»» W r t^jp Anomaly, Blue Vetal, JMtJuSnKRfB gosy, El Boa, TraH*vafc> March, A 1 Jolsoa, HUNTERS'' TT*wnw>*«t mile and • Shipshape, Nias of !MKIiSs3hBB ette, Chickwheat, Biaay i^d,'/.T wingatui rrsftcii^Stiias^^B sovs; Smin 4tue-«Mi half—Han o' Prans,Bingen, Rhodamine, 'XiMheveZl Remembrance, Little, Ever, Dinneri Belt. <4**fc2«»aMSSiß3W Qnita, Abbess, Ellla Erin's Chance, r YAUXHALL furlongs—Jock

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Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20620, 9 August 1932, Page 12

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GRAND NATIONAL DAY. Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20620, 9 August 1932, Page 12

GRAND NATIONAL DAY. Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20620, 9 August 1932, Page 12