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CLUB FIXTURES. Clirisicliurch Club —July 2nd: CamiilK-Jl Cuy fina\ and Uogey handicaps. Chrifitehurcli Ladies' Club—July Utb: Medui cratch (drawn), j Hagley Club —July -iul: King 'Match, i -liusfcley Club —July 2nd: Ladies' l>uy. ! I-tusfiloy Indies' Club—July 2nd: Match i'ov non-handicap . and Saturday players. July 7 th: Second qualifying round Junior Challenge Clip. Xiichmond Hill Club —July -nd: Bo&ey Jluudieap. Richmond Hill J-ndics' Club—Ju'y 7tli: Modal Handicap. Avondule Club—July 2nd: Monthly Medal Bogey Handicap. July - Urd: Mixed Kour-ball Bogey Handicap. July 3t!i: Four-ball Bo gov Handicap. Harewood Club—JirU' I'rd : Four-ball hU»<rcy. Hareivno<l Ladies' Chib —July 7th: Ij.C.C. Msdal and. first qualifying round Ulitimpionships. . Rawhtti Club—July 2nd: Bishop' Cup, llrst round, 2 p.m. Kaiapui Club—July 2nd: Medal Maiclu second qualifying round . Championship. Kaiapoi Ladies' Club—'July sth: One-club competition. Ashburton Club —July 2n<l: Mixed .Koursoiue (draw partners and opponents)., Tcnipleton Club—July jjrd : Championship qualifying round, :>H liok*s, senior uighi to qualify, - junior 10 to qualify. Captain's Trophy for best qualifying round. Metliven Club- —July 2nd: Kigliteen-holc Stroke Handicap. M.ethveu Ladies' Club—July 2iul: Canadian Foursome. Kaikonra. Club —July 2nd: South Marlborough Coif Club, at Kaikonra. July ord: Second round Captain's Trophy. Diamond Harbour Club—July !Jrd: Ladic.s* L.C.U. Medal cratch; men's second round Colts' Trophy. Ellesmere Club —July 2nd: First qualifying round Championship and Taylor Cup. Malvern Club—Second qualifying round Club Championship and -Stroke Handicap. Amuri Club—July 3rd: Men's Foursome and Ladies' Foursome. July oth: 'Modal Match. NOTES OF THE DAY. [By FI.AC.bTIC*.] A somewhat diiconcoi ting wind I:lst-week-end troubled the majority ol players, and scores in the majority of eases were not However, there were some notable exceptions.

At Hare wood that consistent player. A. JI. lilank, was in great form, ami his score of 69 is u match record for the course. Jt is understood that m a Iriendly panic lie has returned a card of 08. His card was as follows: Out —Blank .-343345 4 4 3—33 JJogey : 45435454 3 —38 lu—Blank : 4 3 5 5 o 3 4 4 3- 30 l'ogey : 5 3 I o o 3 4 u 3—37 This score includes no fewer than eight "birdies," and as he lost only two holes to bogey, ho finished ti up. Another good performance under the conditions was that of C. A. Seymour at Shirley. In the lirst round of the Campbell Cup. he went round in 72. < his figures leading: | -Out: 54 3 5-4 44 4 2-35 In: 4 4 5 3 4 3 6 4 4—37 ' Tins is two below the scratch score of tiie course. At Hagley, the most important events vcie the liuais or. the -»leare3 aim JdLaglcy Cups. The lormer, for senior players, resulted in a win ior Lindsay Russell, who, in receipt or 5 strokes, beat Al. Foley o up and 4. Both players played their long game well, but Foley was weak on the greens. The junior cup was won by C\ 11. "White, who beat Ej Spitz 3 up and 2. This is the second time "White has won this eup. Spitz deserves to bo congratulated on reaching the final, as he is a comparatively new player, and lias improved very mueh. A bogey match at Hagley was won. by "W. G. Morrison (9), w»o finished all square, It. V. Kennedy (12), 1 down, being second. In the final of the Scales Cup at Avondale, J. Millard (scr) and Mi's Hevnolds (20) beat IX Adams (10) and Miss Johnston (22). by 2 up. Millard and Mrs Reynolds won this event last year. In the semi-finals of the members' cup, J. Millard beat M. U. Kemp 4 up and 1,- and C, W. Oborn beat K. More 3 up and 2. At Itussley, the senior stroke .handicap was won bv G. K. MeAllum, whose net score of 74 i* one under bogey. This plavcr is showing steady improvement. F. C. I'airelough was second with a net 75. In the juniors, L. F. Tisdall (18) and J. R v Stevenson (22) tied with scores of 75. In the play-off for the tie in the Rus'ley Clock. W. J. Hunter and Miss E. Ward beat E. 11. Watkins and Miss G. Baxter; and the tie in the previous week s senior stroke competition between L--15. Robinson and F. AY. Hobbs was won by Robinson.

The Rangiora course is in splendid order at present. The turf on the fairways is in splendid condition, awl with water on the greens a uiucll needed improvement is noticed. a number of visitors front Christchureli have played during the last few weeks. E. M. Macfarla'no played ■ a 72, four under bogey, rmd in the afternoon did a neat 35 for tiie last nine holes. Professional H Bluir and Denys Hoare had a round with J. Galloway and P. Ellis (club captain). Ellis, who plays on the 0 mark turned in a 74. It seems as u Galloway may find him a serious contender for the club championship this year. So many new members arc .applying for admission to. the Tcnipleton Country Golf Club that tlic committee are considering the advisability of opening at least nine holes of their No. 2 course at once, and the remaining nine holes before the .cud or the season. Tho No. 2 course planned is 0120 yards in length, and its fairways oven more interesting than the No. course, but not so- well sheltered. 1 ree planting on it,, however,-is being taken in hand at onec.

It is proposed that when the No. course is opened it will bo avadaois for non-handicap players only, as at the present time these players are continually having to let faster players through, owing to the congestion, and it is considered that they will enjoy their game more on. & special course of their own. This is probably an innovation in New Zealand, and the Templeion Club i* fortunate in having sufficient land to make it possible to lay out two full championship mhu'so links, and to provide new players with u course entirely their own. Tlus will also belp to relieve the congestion on the No. 1 course, which at present, due to the increasing membership and the number of visiting players, is becoming crowded. Seventy-two visitors were present, for example, last week-end.

In addition to the two golf courses, a special area of land (ton acres) has been earmarked for croquet and bowling groen* and for tennis courts, and as it is tho intention of the couinuttou to keep the links in. play during the summer months, it will be seen that the Hub is developing into a real oountrv club. The fairways of the No, 1 course are now in gi'eat order, and the new greens being laid down should, when developed, provide all th«t ; a golfer needs. The club is holding us first annual ball at tlioßieeartoii racecourse (kindly lent by the Jockey Club) on July 21st The final of the Taylor Rose Bowl will bo played at the weekend, the finalists being Dr. and Mrs Lewie and Mr and Mrs W. Milner, and

the bowl will be presented to the winners at t-he. close <>l the match by the donor, Mr L. J. Taylor. ► Recently a player in New .Sou tli W'alrs holed lii-> toe shot at. the 13tl hole -80 yards. At Port Elizabeth, Souti Africa', a player assisted by a strong Vi'tuil. inlccl out in cno at the Bth hole. yards, but the record is held by Gcorue Kirby, who holed in one at th•_ ktoneliam course, Southanipton, at the ' IHh hole, D4O yards. l.i)-L vi'iir teachers wl"<) play gull iii- . MiyiM-ated a teachers' competition. Mr A. I;. Blank presented a cup for a bogey, competition, and this cup, know.u as tiie "Pedagogic Bowl," is to he played for annually. I'll rough th; courtesy of the- llarewood Club, these links aie again available, and this year s competition is set down lor Angus: 22nd or August 23rd. The bogey mutch will he played in the morning, startin;; at 9 o'clock, and a I'our-ball foursome will he played in tlie ;ii Lrruonti. Last \i-av -H entry is expected this year. I'Voju '' Pictorial (toll,'' by 11. I>. Martin:—"Golf, after all, is a common leveller. George Ade put it just right when he wrote these lines: 'When a man steps to tlie first tec. ho sheds his social importances, his financial rating, and aIJ prestige that he may have acquired in minor activities. He may be a power in the world of thought, but a joke to his caddie. He is what his score card shows him to be, no inu'ltcr how many be has on his sweater, or how large may be the chequered squares on his important hose.' A fortnight agA-'' Flagstick' • wrote up a, few notes on "'Slicing —what causes it, and how to cure it. These notes were compiled from what wellknown exports have written about, what 'is perhaps the worst fault a golfer can ••icquirc. The day after these notes appeared, ''Flagstick'' had finished a round, and soon afterwards a friend asked him how he had got on. "Flagstick" answered: "Not too good. 1 sliced nearly every tee shot." His iriond immediately took out his pocketbook, and abstracting a clipping from !i -paper said: "Take this. I read it last night half a dozen times. Tt is just, what you want.'' T. said: "From what paper is it?" . His answer was: '• ' May-stick.' in yesterday's Pa.'ws. I had to tell him that I. was responsible for what he had studied. and smiling broadly lie looked at me, aiid said: "Physician, heal thyself! ' CHRISTCHURCU CLL'B. The lollouiii'-t is tlie draw fur tlie bogey mulch to be played al Shirley to-morrow: - Hill mid J. h. Donald, K. J. Jluny and D. M. I'oruman, M. W. ,u ' (l K. T. Tofcswill, L. 15. Scott and U. \V. Wurd, J. A. Oliver and S. Taylor, Si. 0. Rutherford mill A. A. Macl'urlanc, H. Amlorison ..uul C. J. X'errier. 11 a.m. —U. li. T. Spanjor and A- \v. Youus, A. A. Boon ami M- Ulu >> "• l-'islicr and \V. 1/. M. Deursjey, X". AN ood and W. li. X'urehas, K. ti. Arctier and CI. 1.. liutlierl'ord, (i. W. llavertield and .J. K. UuvidtiOii, A. L.-Uropp and L. J- Taylor. Xi,;jo—A. 11. Ulanlc and K. J. Walker, J. 1.. Will uud ii. R. licay, W. X. Suuy and it. C. ilorslcy, JI. Harlow and V. .1. Brown, S. A. Wade and 1". W. Freeman, W. JI. Cowper aud \W llaruiau, lv. Harris and C. 11, Smith, V. Ogilvic and L. A'. Bennett. rj noon —K. W. Robinson and I'. C. A'Couit, ,S. tJerard and J, S. Connell, H. I'--Button und lvujsficll, ii. »). JlubbtJ uiifl J. Kamsden, J. Uolph and N. E. Tjugey, A. C. Thomson and P. H. Brown, l'\ A. Brittan and K. J. Corduer, J. I*. Rutherford and J. Wyn Irwin. I'J.DO —ti. Ci. Aitken and If. K. Bussell, W. J. Wratt and If. G. Denliam. G. N. Francis and J. H. W. Slieppard, .J, W. Dallnn and F. X'. Tyinons, P. 8. Foster und C. A. Seymour. 11. 11. Godby and A. L. Jlncfar.'ane, C. Bounitigton and A. O. Russell, C. J. Wilson und M. H. Godby. 1 p.m.—Sir Cyril Ward, ft. W. Morgan, 11. AV. Macfarlane, and J. Ward; P. H. Wood, C. Iloldsworth, J>. C. W'liitcombe, and F. G. liristed: P. C. Harris. M. A. Johnston. I». A. IJouKall, and It. G. Arnould; R. M. Adams W. J. Watson, li. 1.. Bnsli, and P. E. Allison: Ji. K. Beailel, P. .Parkinson, V. S. Grant, and J. 1). Marks; L. X. ScholAold, C. A. Stringer, G. R. Stevenson, and J. D. Hutelii.son. :t.:io—L. M. Best, W. ». Wood, H. S. Williams, and C. N. I'rasor; 11. S. J. h. Vergutte, A. I!. Jones, and F. Armstrong; .T. F. Duncan, A. T. Donnelly, H. 0. D. Meares. and G. T. Weston; W. AMcQueen, L. Treleaven, E. W. lfasell, and W. It. 51. Irwin; !•'. K. Graham, R. L. ?t. Kitlo, W. Jtuebeth, and P. L. Porter; W. R. Lascelleß. If. G. Louisson, S. 11. Simpson, and N, 11. Skinner; W. K. .Taraieson, P, D: Shea, S. Harris, and S. 11. Hooper; G. IT. Vt'ood, "W. O. Scannell, G. A. K. Williams, and scorer. WAIMAIRI BEACII CLUB. The following is the draw for the stroke match to be played on the Wainufiri Beach links during tlio week-end, 1/egittnim? at 1 p.m.?— Jr. h. Bowker plays S. B. fj, Bowkcr, W. Horwell plays A. If. Ileury, 11. A. Taylor, plays H. h. Vincent, R. T,nkc plays D. BovVker, H. Tillman plays T. Fleming, C. Mcfoniiell plays A. Wilson. L. Oakes plays I. E. Smith, C. K. Smith plays A. ft. Blank. Post, entries will be received by tlie secretary at Xo. 1 tee. RAWHITI CLUB.. In the first play off for the Corliss Trophy, IT. X. Jarvis beat 11. F, Mora, 2 and 1 ; IT. Tlirop bent C. Brown, 1 up: G>-K. Berry beat A. T. F. Stokes, 5 and 4; C. Mullan beat D. IT. Kennedy, 5 and 4. The followine: players qualified for tho club championship n*id Shaw Cup, 10 best ! gross scores over two rounds: —11. F. Mora 157 C. Shaw 159, 0. Brown 159. V. Jensen ICO. H. Nickolls 101. N II. G. Lyttle 162. B. T. do burn 3 63. R. Jackson 164, R. Pearson 105. J. E. Gudpeon 167, IT. N. Jarvis 168, A. Stevenson IGB. It. Fnlloon luß. A. K. G. I.vttle 169, T.. w. Beslev 170. W. Queree it;;. RICHMOND HILL CLUB. A stroke handicap played yesterday, resulted as follows :-r-Senior, ILrs F. J. Glackin; junior, Mrs J. A. Jainioson. In tho final of tho knock-out competition Mrs 11. S. Feast (10) beat Mrs B. R. Mottram (17) 1 4 up and 'J. AVONDALE CLUB. At the Avondalo links there will'be a liopoy handicap on Saturday and a mixed four-ball bogey handicap over the week-end. In each case players are asked, to arrrange their own scorers and partners. On Saturday official cards (obtainable from tho match stewards, Messrs Masters and Ward) only will be recognised. KAJAPOI CLUB. The foilo.vmg is the draw i'or the medai match to be played concurrently with the second qualifying' round for the championship and Parjiham Cup to-morrow:—M. liiiinsiiy plays It. Wilson, S. Einaldi plays H. <T. Templeton, E. J. Corcoran plays L. B. livans, E. N. T. Reosa plays 11. H. J, lack well, H. K. Aspinall playa E, Evans, D. Whyte plays F. L. Partibam, T. C. Butchej plays K. J. Smith, W. Paton plays r..- Hammer, L. Parnham plays A. W. Loithead, H. Bottrell plays G. Hirst, O. Aitken plays J. 11. Blackwell, F. G. Guernsey plays 11. Jarrett, W. March plays O. Pratt, J. Timbrell plays lau Yellowlees, G. .belcher plays A. Gordon, J. Whyte plays S. PappriU, T. W. Wilson plays A. E. Brown, Gordon plays E. E. Papprill, A. L. Smith plays W. Clarke, J. Leithead plays R. H. Eeid, F. T. Capstick plays J. Penlington, J. V. Glasson plays A. N. Mackay, T. It. Papptill plays Ti. Fisher, C. Ward plays J. G. Yellowlees, 11. E. West plays Dr. Aiken. RANGIORA CLUB. The following is the draw for the bogey match (July medals) to be played to-ruorrow: V. T. N. Iveir and J. . Galloway*, J. E. Straohan und li. G. Edward, J. Harley and P. G. Ellis, It. K. Kippenborger arid J. Palairet, W. K. I J at rick and A. Ambrose. W. Smith and J. W. Stanton, A. .Purdie and A. L. Lockhart, C. Taylor and It. Pearse, G. A. Southaate and G. AT. Watson, L. W. Wilson and AV. C. Ivectlev, It. J. Logan and T. H. Blain, M. E. Leech and E. t). R. Smith, A. Harper and I. 8. McCallpch. A. W. VevraJl and A. Macdonald, J. A. Johnfton und J. ' Palmer, H. G. Mohrtene and H, A.- Benn<-tt, J. F. Fraser and G. E. H. Tlavis, L. W. Harley and E. S. G. March and S. T. Seward, E. A. Verrall und R. Grant, A. Buckingham and K. W. Ellis, It. S. Smith and G. E. Taylor, 1"). A. Campbell and L. A. Hindi®, G. B. Robinson

r.tid F. B. Glasgow, T!. J. and E. B. ltead. The following will play off the tie for two places in the Macfarlano Cup competition: L. M. King-, W. E. Barton, -and F. G. Tolmic. AMBERLEY CLUB. Following is the draw for the men's medal match to be played to-morrow:—C. A. Wornall plays A. Holland. 1?. T. Beveridge I-iays D. i>. McNaughton, D. McDonald plays' I. G. Griewon, 1). Gee plays J. Schofi«ld, (J. James plays 11. E. Parsons, M. I. Malthus plays F. Barker, W. A. Parsons plays F, R. Bilscb, C. Adams plays It. 11. Hams, (>. W. Rhodes plays B. Wynn-Williams. C. J. Hadlcv plays E. Stocks, jun., S. Frew pln.\'R IT. Burney, J. N. Ox!av plays scorer.

Following is the draw for the ladies' modal matcih to bo played .to-morrow: —Mrs S. Frew plays Mrs D. McDonald, Miss I. Boon plays Miss Mary South, Mrs G. W. Rhodes plays Mrs J. D. Boycc, Mips S. M. Rhodes ploys Miss Monica South, M/s p. S. McXaugliton plays Miss E. Tloss, Mies M. A. Frew plnvs scorer, Miss E. Thompson plays Mis* If. Thomson, Miss J. Shaw plavs Miss E. Payne, Miss L. Cameron plays Miss L. Thomson. Miss B. Gresson plays Mrs E. A. Pavno, Mrs A, Holland plays Miss E. George. KAIKOURA CLUB. The following is the team to represent Kaikoura against Kekerang.j at Kaikottra, 10-morrow :—Women: Mrs Robinson and Misses It. McLenjinn and M. ond E. Mncklc. Men: E. Flower. S. O'Callaghan, N Farranl, E. .T. "VVatts, C. E. Cholmondelpy, A. S. Kchinroji, D. Alexandci, and Dr. R. L. Withers, CHRISTCHURCH LADIES' CLUB. A bogey match played at Shirley on Wednesday resulted in a tie between Miss R. GVacroft Wilson and Mrs Middleton in the senior division and a win for Mrs Jones in the junior division. Following v-era the best peores:— SENIORS. Miss- R. Ci'ocioft Wilson .. 5 down Mrs Middleton .. .. 5 down Miss V, Fleming .. .. 6 down Miss J. B. Wilkin .. .. 6 down Miss M. Beadel .. ..8 down Miss M. Ward .. .. S down Mrs K. Gresson .. 8 down Miss R, Macfarlane ..9 down Mrs Fleetwood .. .. 9 down Mrs Nicholls . .. 9 down JUNIORS. Mrs Jones .. .. 8 down Miss C. O'Rorke .. .. 9 down i HAREWOOD LADIES' CLUB. A four-ball bogey match was played yesterday, and the best scores were:— Mrs Hobbs and Miss Miller .. all square Mrs Ashford and Mrs Grant . . all square Mrs Stevens and Mrs Wallace . . 4 down Miss Beaven and Miss Ward . . ' 4 down Miss Hepburn and Mrs 0. Bell 4 down Mrs Page and Mrs Orr . . 5 down Mrs Binns and Miss Beadel .. 3 down • Mrs Geddes and Miss Ilaggitt . . 5 down Mrs Hamilton and Mrs Frasdr . . 5 down Mrs Smith and- Mrs Lynskev . . 6 down Miss Thaclcer and Miss Best . . C down In the semi-finals of tlie David Crozier Oup Miss B. Boadel beat Mrs Tingey, 1 up, and Mrs Hkinncr beat Mrs Crozier, 3 up and 2. RAWHITI LADIES* CLUB. Tho draw for tfh« first qualifying round of tho ladies' championship and Bishop OUp, to he played on the Municipal links tomorrow, at 1.30 p.m., is: Miss 11. Hopkins v. Miss H. EdmopdSj Mrs B. A. Miles v. Miss. D. Hayes, Mrs A. McCallnm v. Miss 11. Sagar, Mrs A. Branch tv Miss 11. Oliver, Mrs J. K. Gudsoon v. Miss P. Dunkley, Miss A. Riedle v. ..Mrs C. M. Clarkson. Miss R. Tillysliort r. Miss F. Nelson, Miss ft. Kdmonds v. Mrs If. Throp, Miss D. Wild v. Mrs G. W. Berry.

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Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20587, 1 July 1932, Page 17

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GOLF. Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20587, 1 July 1932, Page 17

GOLF. Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20587, 1 July 1932, Page 17