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TIMARU. FARMERS' UNION. 'J'he South Canterbury executive of the Farmers' Union at yesterday's meeting, while agreeing that the Government must reduce expenditure, including the education vote, passed a resolution urging that travelling allowances and the smallest country schools shoiild not be dispensed with. Mr P. R. Talbot presided. This proposal was submitted by Mrs B. E. Evans, on behalf of the conference of Divisions of the Union, who stated the conference considered the cuts would be unfair to the children. The conference considered conveyance allowances should be given'to all primary school children travelling over three miles. She claimed that parents could not afford four hours daily to superintend the work of back country children now. in Grade O, whom it was proposed to teach by correspondence. Under the scheme to raise the school entrance age, 31 of the 47 twoteacher schools in the Canterbury district would be reduced to one teacher. TJie chairman said that some £>f the proposals indicated the Government was going too far. The country children were at considerable disadvantage, and while there was room for economy in education, tho back-blocks children should not bo penalised. , Mr A. "Ward concurred, adding that at first the Government's efforts to effect economies were appreciated by the farmers, but now the country chidren "were subjected to bsfdsnipd. Mr J. Cleland was reappointed the Union's representative on the South Canterbury. Chamber of Commerce Council. i The executive agreed to support the nomination of Messrs D. Jones and ; R. S. FoMytho to be officially attached to the New Zealand delegation to the Ottawa Conference, representing the New Zealand meat producers. It was unanimously decided to apply to the South Canterbtiry Power Board for 4 reduction in electric power charges. Harriers. There was a good attendance at the annual meeting of the Timaru Harriers' Cl ?'motion of sympathy was passed with Mrs D. N.., Harper and family in theit recent bereavement. Notwithstanding the fact that the club had lost several 'members through iniufies, tho season had been quite successful, stated the annual report. The tVaimate run was quite successful, Harold "Ward finishing second after a hard race. The club's ambition had beert realised in that it won the- Orr Walker Cup, the performance "fleeting credit on member# who competed for the trophy Congratulations were extended to A. Harper, the club champion on annexing the Seaton Cup. A earn front the club participated in the Canterbury championships, L, Murray finishing ninth* . . • \ ■ The finances were m a s( " to * tion. The dob's thanks "Wer6 acWrtea. Mr and Mrs Hetheringtori for hospitality throughout the . season. The report was adopted. The election of officer# resulted. Patron, Mr C. R; Orr Walker; president, Mr E. C. Hetherington; vice-prc-sideiits, Messrs C. W. Cameron, L. E. 'Eaton, Jas. Simpson, E. E. Firkin, A. Caithness, T. Seaton, A. J ac^ on ' a " d : E. D. Mcßae; club captain, Mr L. K. Murray; vicc-captam, Mr a handicappers, Messrs E. G.Hetnen g ' ing Th°e n 'senior subscript* was reduced to 5s and the, junior to Zs 6d. p, and T. Employees. At a largely attended meeting _ol! the Timaru section of the Post J cle graph Employees' Association held on Thursday evening- the following resolu ""tu! SSTSwd Telegraph ,„p further wage or salary cuts as a wjjr out of the Dominion's financial dlfhculties, and i# Of the opinion that th. solution of our troubles i# not in th° further curtailing of individual spending power of the people, which. only tesuits in farther poveTty, unemployment, and the ruination of many business and financial institutions. We unhesitatingly State that the time is ripe for • the socialisation of the banking and credit system along the lined advocated bv the Douglas Credit School and President Hoover's Reconstruction Finance Corporation. These necessary and sound banking reforms tfill enable consumption to keep pace with production by enabling the increased power of the people to provide for the consumption of the products of local and other industries as .fa'st as they are able to deliver the goods .we all require. The issue of credits by ft sound State banking institution is the only meanS'of promoting production, which at the moment has outstripped coristlmptlOti.^ "We also move that the - Association combine with farmers, manufacturer*, and commercial sections of the community in an endeavour to reduce rents, interest, and 'profits by compulsory legislation, and in tjie creation of suitable credits for the ; purpose of placing the unemployed into definitely reproductive ■ channels likely . to maintain our exports ''with sufficient margin to pay our overseas commitments. In view of the fact that France, Germany, Italy, and many other countries have received a remission and moratorium on their war debts, We suggest that New Zealand, who so patriotically assisted in the victorious efforts of the Allies, should receive equal consideration, keeping in mind, lioweVer, the position of the small who shall be subject to special hardship considerations. The forced reduction of interest on internal and external loans, mortgages, etc., will counter tho effects of tho present deadlock in finan- 1 eial circles duo to 'frozen assets,' and which is responsible for the credit ; crisis all over the world, and, if given : speedy effect to, promote the revival of trade by overcoming the unwillingness of investors and others to use their • funds towards promoting trade or re- : financing to prevent a further recession into worse slump conditions. "We are also of opinion that tho ] agitation against further wage. cuts should be carried! on in the individual ] electorates of thosp members of Par- ! liament who, support the Government's ] financial policy in regard to the .'cut- ] ting of wages reducing . our stand- ; ard of living.' We also emphatically ] state that wc ■vyill loyally carry on our ] service, at the same time advocating j for better salary conditions." ' St. Peter's Church. j The Rev. W. S. Southward presided. £ over a fair attendance at the annual meeting of St. Peter's Anglican Church, i on Thursday, evening. J The chairman, in his annual report, 1 stated that despite the difficult times J

the work of St. Peter's had been well maintained. In announcing that .ho would in future be in charge of St. John's (Highfield), Mr Southward expressed pleasure at having worked with the people of St. Peter's. The Rev. J. Evans would take over St. Peter's. The vestry had fixed the quota for St. Peter's at £llO, which was £3O more than last year. The amount raised had been £ls short of the quota. Sunday collections had realised £57 against £43 last year. The Ladies' Guild had handed £25 to the vestry, while the Social Club had raised £5 and the Mit j Society £6 16s. A comprehensive report of the activities of the Sunday School ahd th 3 scouts was presented by Mr Evans. The Ladies' Guild reported on the year's work, and the balance-sheet revealed a satisfactory position. The following were elected to the Council for the ensuing year:—Me'ssrs PI. P. Moffitt, A. Chapman, A. J. Rankin, C. P. Higginson, S. Roberts, J. Dalley, F. Dunn; and W. Cumming. Mr H. F. Moffitt was elected as tho church's nominee for a scat on the vestry.

A committee, consisting of Mesdames Hall, Higginson, Latimer, and Chapman, Miss V. Hall, and Messrs Higginson, Moffitt, and Rankin, was appointed to go into tho question of socials for the winter, and report to the Social Committee. At the conclusion of tho mooting an ! enjoyable supper was dispensed by the ladies. Philatelic Society. A record membership of 100 was attained by the Timaru Philatelic Society during the past year, according to tho report presented to the annual meeting. The report stated that 17 new members were elected during the past twelve months. A party of three members of the Christchurch Society visited Timaru in February, and delivered addresses, and the hope was expressed that similar interchange of visits would be made in future at frequent intervals. Tho society had an excess of income over expenditure of £l6 for the year, bringing the balance of profit and loss account to £sl lis 2d, which indicated that tho exchange branch had been Working to full Capacity. Sales amounted to £2lO 4s Id, representing an increase of £2O 8s Id on the previous year's figures, and which was a record for tho.society. The society had been registered during tho year, the cost being paid out of revenue. Officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: —Patron, the Hon. Sir Heaton Rhodes; president, Mr C. S. Fraser; vice-president, Mr A. J. McPherson; secretary and treasurer, Mr R. A. Holdgate; exchange superintendent, Mr A. Paterson; hon. auditor, Mr E. C. Ayres; Press representative, Mr G.' E. Paterson; committee, Messrs I. W. Cunningham, J. W. Hinehey, L. O. J. Foot, W. Wood, and G. E. Paterson. Jubilee of Wrecks. The Mayor (Mr T. W. Satterthwaite) presided at a public meeting held m tho Borough Council Chambers on Thursday evening to consider means to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary on May 14th' next of the wrecks at Timaru of the ships Benvenue and City of Pe#th. -The tragedy was responsible for the loss of nine lives. _ _ ■ _ ' A welcome was extended to Mr 1,. u. i Vogeler, a -Burvivor, and the Mayor added that there were two other suryivors in Timaru, namely, Messrs I. -U and P. Bradley. On the motion Of Mr J. Hole, it wa? unanimously ' decided to commemorate the jubilee of the wrecks. After discussion it was decided to hold a procession in which school children and bands would be invited to join. A short thanksgiving service would bo held at the wrecks memorial in Sophia street, and the gathering would then proceed to Caroline Say to witness tlie housing of the lifeboat permanently in accordance with a decision of the meeting. . . ' A sub-committee, consisting of Messrs A. Kennedy, F. Chittock, F. B. Hawkey, A. Thoreau, W. G. Irwin, Read, J. Toneycliffe, and Captain MeDougall, was appointed to organise tho procession. ' The Mayor and Messrs G. T. Dawson and J. Hole were appointed a subcommittee to approach the Timaru Ministers' Association to arrange for thanksgiving services at the memorial and on the Bay. Disabled Soldiers.

The local Advisory Committee under the Disabled Soldiers' Civil Re-establish-ment Act met on Monday evening. Mr "VV. G. Tweedy presided. It was decided that all applicants should be interviewed by the committee. Further pending applications were dealt with, as it was found impossible to obtain positions for the men on account of their being totally disabled and unfit for any work whatever. It was agreed to get in touch with the Employment and Vocational Officer in Christchurch in regard to the appointment of representatives from Temuka, Geraldine, and Waimate. Methodist Churches. Thirty-seven delegates attended the quarterly meeting of the Timaru Methodist Churches, which was presided over by the Rev. H. T. Peat. 1 The statement of accounts for the quartet disclosed a credit balance of £24 7s, which included several substantial donations. It was reported that as a result of a special effort in connexion with tho Woodlands street Church harvest festival, a substantial sum had been handed over to the treasurer for current expenses. The Kensington Trust was reported to have omitted to apply for permission to take up the usual trust collection, but it was decided to make the necessary refund to the Trust. The Rev. H. T. Peat was warmly congratulated on his appointment as chairman of tho South Canterbury Synodal District.

It was stated that the Uev. T. Carr, successor to the Rev. C. O. Hailwood, would bo inducted at the Kensington Church on April 16th. The delegates passed a resolution placing on record their high appreciation of the services rendered by the Rev. C. O. Hailwood during his term in Timaru and congratulated him upon his marriage, and trusted that both he and Mrs Hailwood would bo happy in their new charge at Hokitika. The delegates decided to yet asido May 15th as Home Mission Sunday cn which a special meeting would be made for this cause. On that day the Home Mission deputation, comprising the Rev. A. J. Seamcr and a Maori party of I nine, would be in Timaru. The itinerary of. the deputation was fixed as follows:—Saturday, May 14th, Fairvicw; Sunday, May 15th, Woodlands street, Kingsdown, and Banks street; Monday, May 16th, Kensington; Tuesday, May 17th, Woodlands street; Wednesday, May 18th, Theatre Royal; Thursday, May 19th, Waimataitai: Friday, May 20th, Pareora Lower; Saturday, May 21st, Bluecliffs. The Young People's Department reports showed that in nearly every instance progress had been made. The Young People's Committee notified that the annual levy of Od was now duo. The delegates decided to follow. the same course as in previous years, and send out the specially marked ,

envelope soliciting, assistance for t'iio Y.P. cause.

The president of the conference, the Rev. M. A. Rugby Pratt, sent a com- ; munication to the quarterly board in which he stressed tho urgency and necessity for every effort to be made to support the, Home Mission. Appeal. Tho Homo Mission appeal was assufed of support. Mr H. H. Brown, the circuit delegate to the, conference recently held in Ghristehureh, presented his report, for which he received tho thanks of the meeting. In regard to communion in case of sickness, the following resolution was carried. That it be understood, in cases of illness preventing tho people from attending a communion service, tho ministers arc always anxious to give tho Sacrament in the homes. The delegates accepted tho following young men as local preachers on trialj Mr \V. Beswarick, Mr G. Box. Mr .7. Day, Mr H. Henry, Mr G. Shortus, Mr S. Blanchard, Mr A. Bunt, and Mr E. Thompson. Tho disturbance to church services caused by aeroplanes overhead was referred to the Ministers' Association. Motions of sympathy with the following, who had suffered bereavement, were carried: —Mr and Mrs 11. 11. Brown, Captain and Miss Palleson, Mr and Mrs Chaplin, Mr and Mrs, relatives | of the lato .T. Dailoy (Wain-iate), Mts ,Tno. Peat, sen., and Rev. 11. T. Peat ! and Mrs Peat, Mrs J. E. Parsons and Miss Parsons. ARUNDEL. A very eujoyablo evening was spent at tlio Howard Hall, Arundel, on the occasion of tho first night of tho series of fortnightly socials. The prizes were won by Miss Hascl Pratt and Mr James Hewitt, and tlie consolation prizes wero awarded Mrs Quiulan and Mr P. Belcher. Music lor the dance was supplied by Misses A., Could and 0. Lewis, and Mr Fawdray.. Mr Popplowcll was M.C. Oil Thursday afternoon tlio Arundel Tennis Club journeyed to Orari Bridge to try conclusions with tlio local club. Owing to unfavourable weather conditions, tlio match could not be finished. The games played resulted m a win for Orari Bridge by 40 points to 28, and eight sets to lour. Hie following are tlio scores, Orari names first: — ~ n . Mixed Doubles—Miss 0. l'ord and A. W. Morris 2, Miss 11. Ash by and K. Mathieson 4; Miss P. Pratt ami A. Morris 2, Mis* V>. Harris and fl. Johnston 4- Mrs South and W. South 4, Miss 1,.' Harris and A. Lewis 2; Miss L. Jlulo and W. Rule 3. -Miss E Johnston and W. Fisher I: Miss J. Rule and W. Rulo 4, Miss C Lewis and A. Popplowcll 2; Miss J. l'ord and South 1, Miss A. Gould and J. Hewitt 1 Men's Doubles—A. "\V. Morris and A. Morris 1. Mathieson and G. Johnston 4* \ \V. Morris and \\ . Kule 4, Lewis and Foster 2; W. South and W. Rule 4, Popplewell and Lewis -. "Women's Doubles—Misses O. tore and P. Pratt 4. Misses R. Asliby and B. Harris 2; Mrs F. South and Miss O' Rule 4. Miss L. Harris and nJohnston ft; Misses J. Rulo and Ford 4 Misses Lewis and Gouhl 1. Tn the evening a very enjoyable dance was held in tho Howard Hull, Arundel. Music was sunpliod by Airs A Pithio, Missos A. Gould nncl Lewis, and Messrs Popf/ewcll and Lewis. A song was sung bv Mr <>• Stack. PAREORA. Under the auspices of the Pareora Athletic C'Jub a well patronised and most successful concert was held in the hall on "Wednesday last. The programme was as follows Songs by Mrs Guthrie, Misses M. Cooto, A Munro, Messrs G. Pratt. R. Munro, E. Mac phail, R. Teraki,. and H. Mosk ns, sailor's hornpipe, by. Miss E. c , bagpipe selections, by Bros.; whistling solo, by Mi C. son. The accompaniments wero plajed !, v Mrs H. Hoskings, Misses booU, Macpbail, and Ora immro. At tho close of tho concert Mr 1. \. , " tL thanked the performers and of the club, after which a short dance was lield ORARI BRIDGE. A very largo number of people' assembled at tho Orari Bridge i-all on the occasion of the second fortnightly social. The women's prize was won W Mrs J. Stephens, and the men s bj Mr James Kelliher. The evening was the start of a fivo nights' aggregate, and also of the yearly aggregate. geraldine.

Tlio quarterly meeting of 'the official of tlie Geraldine Methodist Church wa.held on Tuesday evening, the Kev. A C. Lawry presiding. It was announced that tlie Geraldine ministers bad decided to hold combined services again each week in the Methodist Cluirch, . Salvation Aun\ bracks, Presbyterian Church, am; St Marv's Church respectively. The 'balance-sheet showed an mimovement of 10s Id lor the quaiter, and thanks wore given to various helpers and donors for assisting »c create such a favourable position. It was decided to elect a committee from the congregation to collect lot Homo Missions, and generally tc arouse interest in tlio forthcoming visit of a Maori concert party ot teu members. The report o! tho Sunday School superintendent (Mr F. H. P. was of a favourable nature, and Mr 1 1 . Netltzo and Mrs Iv Undrill were appointed visitors for the new quarter, It was decidod to repair and paint the Sunday School Hall at an early date and donations of material were thankfully received. • . . The following is the position oi players on the Geraldine Tennis Club's ranking list "at the end of the season:— Ladies—Miss M. L. Grant, Miss M. Symington. Mrs E. P. Bennett, Miss Madeleine! Kennedy, Mrs G. J. Plinimer, Miss M. Weaver, Miss Mary Kennedy, Miss P. Bennett, and Miss Iv. Kerr. Men—C. Stringer, D. Callanan, M. Miller, W. Webb, D. C. Williamson, •»[. Hayes, A. Jones. C. S. Davies, P. F. llussell, and 11. McGregor. In reporting on the payment of rates beforo the date, when the ten per oon£ penalty was imposed, to the Geraldine Borough Council on Wednesday, the chairman of the Finance Committee (Cr. W. McClure) stilted that 89.15 per cent, hud been collected this venr, compared with 88.55 per cent, last.year. The total due was £2299 2s 9d. and of that amount £2049 13s.'Id had been paid, leaving only £249 9,s Gil outstanding. Tf the outstanding rates could be paid by instalments, it was hoped that ratepayers concerned could iinv off tho amount owing. Great interest is being taken in a play to be produced at the Geraldine Theatre on Thursday, April 28th, by a clever amateur dramatic company from Christchurch. Mrs Mowbray Tripp is making the arrangements. The play will be.given for the relief of distress and to help such deserving objects as the district nurse fund and Benevolent Guild. "The 'Breadwinner"', is full of witty dialogue, and met with unrivalled success in London.

WAIMATE. At a meeting of the Waimate Golf Club, six new members were elected, 0110 member was transferred to the honorary members' list, and one resignation "was received. At the request of the Ladies' Club it was decided to have the greens rolled on Tuesdays and mown and rolled on Fridays. A programme was approved which provides lor four medal rounds, four bogey rounds, one medal and one bogey mixed foursome, four outside matches, one four ball aggregate medal, one four ball bogey, and two championship rounds. The local rules were amended, the most important alteration being the cancellation of the right to tee up on new grass while playing competition games. It was decided that the first competition be a medal round. In respect to tho Hamilton Cup, it was decided to suggest to tho Ladies' Club that the conditions of play be varied to provide for a modal qualifying round, tho first eight couples to play off on match play on bogey handicap.

At tho annual meeting of tho Waimato Basketball Clnb, Miss M. Watson presided. The annual report stated that both teams had played well during the season. The credit balance had slightly decreased, owing to the year's working. The election of officers iesultedPatron, Mr G. Dash; president, Miss M. Watson; vice-presidents, Misses Dunn, B. Malthus, M. Brownlie, M. W. C'allaglian, and M. Gunn, find Mrs H. Dash; secretary and treasurer, Miss A. Malthus; committee, Misses E. Jackson, M. Whelan, D. Rathgen, M; Gunn, and G. Mahan; captain, Miss M. Gunn; vice-captain, Miss G. McKen/.ie; selection committee, captain, vice-captain, and president; coach, Miss Watson. The secret tnry was appointed to represent tho club on Ibo Association. It wns decided to enter A and B grade teams. It was msolved to alter the olub's uniform to saxo blue gymnasium dress and tussore blouse.

A meeting of tho Wairaafce Domain Hon I'd was presided over by Mr 0-. Dash, at which tlio curator of Knottingloy Park. reported that a parcel of mixed narcissi bulbs had been received from litu Rev. W. Ij. Scott. Two picnics had been held in tho park since the last meeting--ono by tho Salvation Army and one bv t.lin scholars of St. Augustine's Sunday School. Spaces wero available in the park for 300 young trees. Tho chairman of the Park Committeo (Mr It. 11. White) roported that the activities at the park woro going on well. Unemployed men were still engaged there. It was decided lo ask Mr A. White to make an inspection of tho park and report on tho planting of trees, especially with regard to tho erection of protective fencing for young trees. .It was reported that six motor crossings had been put down at the park, and a road was being formed, so that cars could drive in at almost any side and continuo round tho park. The work was being do no by unemployed, and good progress was being made. It %ras stated that tho financial year, had concluded with a small credit balance.

According to a report presented to t ljo Wnimato Borough Council, the financial year concluded with a credit balance of £2O. Tho total income was £1!3,634, of which £<>l2s was received for disbursement to unemployed. The ordinary income was £42 less than last year, and outstanding rates and charges totalled £253 3m Cd. Of tho normal income of £BSOB, £3OOO was paid in interest and sinking fund. Hospital Hoard and Harbour Board levies, £ISOO for administration expenses, and £.500 for sanitation and fire prevention purposes. From tho remainder the usual staff of the borough had boon maintained, and £IOOO had been found for tho provision of materials, tooLs, insurance, etc., for various unemployment relief work. On Thursday evening there wan a largo a ttendance in St.. Paul's Methodist Schoolroom, tlvo occasion being a. welcome social to the Rev. A. M. Costain, of Core, who has been apnointed to 1 he charge of tho Waimate Metho(list Circuit. Prior to tho social the induction service was held in the church, the Rev. H. T. Peat, chairman of tho district, having charge of tho proceedings, and being assisted by the I'ey. Mr of Oamaru. At tho social, the chair'man was'Mr J. I. Hayman and also present were the Mayor (Mr George Dash), who extended a welcome on behalf of tho citizens. Tho j?cv. A. K. Warren represented flic Waimato Ministers' Association, Mr A. . Barncff. spoko for the congregation, and Mr E. Earnshaw welcomed Mr Costam on behalf of the young peoples' organisations. During the evening, items wero given by Miss G. Haslam, Miss Enid Clarke, Miss II! Haymari and Miss Sadie Ha3'man, Mrs Maeahster (Timaru)." and Mr J. I. Hayman. Supper was provided bv tho rvukuroa ladies. WINCHESTER. ' 'I ho annuai meeting of the Winchester Ladies' Miniature Rifle Club ivas held in tho Victoria Hall on Tuesday evening. Tho president (Mr It. Maddren) presided over a small attendance. A vote of sympathy was passed to tho relatives of Mrs M. C. Pearce, who had been a valued member of the cluli. Tho secretary, Mrs W. E. Knight, presented tho annual report and balance-sheet, which were adopted. Tho credit balance was shown as 8s 4d. Officers wero elected as follows: — President, Mr It. Maddren; vicepresidents (20 elected), captain, coach, selector, and armourer, Mr H. J. Hopkins: secretary, treasurer, judge of targets, and handieapper, Mrs -W. J. Hopkins; vice-captain and assistant coach, Miss Joan Derenzy • trustees, Mesdames Knight tind Hopkins; committee, Mesdames C. McClelland, W. f/. Reilly, R. J. Russell, and Misses JDerenzy, and M. C. Opie. Subscription fees was fixed at 4s, and the opening niglit was left in abeyance. Votes of thanks were passed to Mrs Knight (retiring secretary), Mr O. S. Priest (auditor), the donors ot trophies, and those who had assisted the club during the season. Mr and Mrs L. H. Orbell, wh6 have been visiting Aicaroa, returned to Winchester on Thursday. Mr W. Bradsliaw. stationmaster at Winchester, is spending his annual holidays at Invercargill TEMUKA. At the annual meeting of the South Canterbury branch of the Christchureh High School Old Boys' Association at Timaru on Thursday evening, Mr E. A. Joynt, of Tenuika, was elected president. Referring to the report of the end-of-scason tournament of the Tcmuka Town and Country Tennis Association, at a meeting of the executive on Wednesday evening, a member pointed out that the trophies for runners-up in the M section had been awarded to Miss I). Biii'.an and L. Maclachlan instead ol to Miss Ramsay and King. It was agreed to rectify the mistake. In conjunction with; the official closing of tho .Tcmuka Bowling Club's green on Thursday afternoon, a progressive pairs tournament, in which l oth women and men took part, was played. The leads' competition was won by W. J. Clark, Mrs E. Blackmore being second, while T. Harvey won the skips' competition, J. B. Davis gaining second place Presentations were made by Mrs W. L. Harrison, on behalf of tlie women's section, to Messrs W. McGillen and T. Edwards who had assisted

Mr G. Loveiis, tho oldest member ol the club, then presented tho club with photographs of the elderly bowlers' tournament at Timaru in February last.

The official closing of tho Temuka Presbyterian Tennis Club's season took place on Thursday afternoon, a combined doubles tournament being held. The winners were Miss D. Buzan and V, Davey, who beat Miss Thomson and R. Richards in the final. At the conclusion of play, trophies were presented by Mr A. J. Davey to the following winners of the tournaments held during the season:—Miss D. Buzan and V. Davey, Miss L. Radford and D. Hopkinson, V. Davey and R. Richards, Miss H. Goodman and \V. Lees. The women's croquet section also held its official closing. Competitions played during the afternoon resulted: Break competition (Mrs G. H. Watson's trophy), Mrs T. E. Gunnion; peg and ball (Mrs McFarlane's trophy), Mrs T. E. Gunnion; squares (Mr A. W. Buzan's trophy), Mrs R. D. Gibb; zigzag (Mrs A. J. Davey's trophy), Mrs G. Thomson. The trophies, as well as those won during the season, were presented by the captain Mrs G. A. Paterson. The dinners of the season's tiophies were: Doubles (Mrs Thomson's trophy), Mrs R. Gibb and Mrs T. E. Gunnion; singles (Mrs A. Meek's trophy), Mrs G. A. Paterson. Playing on Thursday afternoon, tho St. Peter's Tennis Club defeated the AJothodist Club by 10 sets (79 games) to 6 sets (67 games). The scores wero as follow (Methodist names first):— Women's singles: Miss D. Philp 4, Miss L. Shiels 6; Miss E. Airey 2, Miss H. Livesey 6; Miss M. Longson 2, Miss M. Nicholas 6; Miss J. Trigance 4, Mrs H. Andrews 6. Men's singles: D. Reid 4, P. Pierce 6; C. Mathieson 6, R. Davidson 0; R. Trigance 6, N. Heron 1; B. Reid 1, J. Pierce 6. Women's doubles: Misses Philp and Airev 6", Misses Shiels and Livesey 5; Misses Longson and Triganco 2, Miss Nicholas and Mrs Andrews 6. Men's doubles: Reid nrnl Mathieson 4, P. Pierce and Davidson 6; Trigance and B. Reid 5, Heron and J. Pierce 0. Combined doubles: Miss Philp and Reid 3. Miss Shiels and P. Pierce G: Miss Airev and Mathieson 6, MissLivesey and Davidson 3-:- Miss Longson and Trigance Q._ Miss Nicholas and Heron 5; Miss Trigance and B. Reid 6, Mrs Andrews and J. Pierce 5.



In the hope of relieving the unemployment problem in Tcmuka, and eventually in a ]J country districts whero agricultural farming "is carried on, the Mayor of Tcmuka (Mr A. W. Buzan) lias suggested a scheme for getting the unemployed on, to the land. Many farmers, he states, through financial difficulties and the general effects of the economic condition of the country, are now finding difficulty in pioperly working their holdings, avid the properties are already deterioratlnF-', 1 9. ases this kind farmers might easily be induced to place a certain area of their land at the disposal of the Unemployment Board at a renta! in conformity with the land's value. This could be fenced off and worked by tho unemployed under the supervision of the farmer or qualified practical men, with benefit, to all pai ties concerned. All the work would bo undertaken'by tho unemployed, and rod P tn ( 'T! If 0 " c ,' ro PP' n K : could be ; V 1 |ia -V the farmer the rental ,u.l)on . 1)on a, ' d to provide a percent'Jv ,"i Profits for the unemployed, who mould also be receiving their regular weekly relief payments A certf n percentage of pro f lt could bo held by wi®° a thov t0 » b ° 11^ d I , '° r S e »«al relief vwigob, thuoby assisting to lessen tho t ! L t i aX! i £l;yCr '. i Im P ,em ents ■ +• t i f? the 'and could probablv bo satisfactorily obtained from fier*

interested at a charge suitable to botli parties. •• ' The schema is to be subhiitted to A tr.eQtirin; of the Tcmuka Unemployment and, if it finds approval," Ii tt orwar dcd to the chairman of the Unemployment Board.

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Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20523, 16 April 1932, Page 4

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TIMARU AND SOUTH CANTERBURY NEWS Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20523, 16 April 1932, Page 4

TIMARU AND SOUTH CANTERBURY NEWS Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20523, 16 April 1932, Page 4