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RANGIORA. The monthly meeting of the Loburn Fruitgrowers' Association was held on Wednesday evening in the Loburn Hall, the president, Mr J. D. MacLeod, presiding over a large tendance. The chairman gave a report on the recent provincial conference held in Christchurch, which was a 1" tended by himself and the secretary, Mr E. K. Banfield. The delegates were thanked for their roport. Dr. Weston, of Lincoln College, Wrote consenting to give an address to fruitgrowers and farmers at Loburn next Wednesday evening on accountancy, suitable to farmers and fruitgrowers. > , An apology was received from B. Goodwin, Government Orchard instructor, for absence through illness, and regretting that lie was unable to give his promised address on spraying. By special request, Mr Goodman has consented to_ give his address on Wednesday evening next, prior to the address by Dr. Weston. This will en* able growers to get seasonable information. A meeting of the Rangiora/territorial Association was held in tne Council Chalnbers on Thursday evening. The president, Mr G. March, presided. There was a large attendance. The reports of the various Rub-coninut-fcees appointed were received anQ deemed satisfactory. Captain Kippenberger reported that 36 young men had joined the unit, of whoih 33 attended the first parade last Monday evening. There were spVeral other young men awaiting further developments beforo definitely joining the company. It was decided to adopt tne constitution of the Canterbury Kegrnental Association and .that tne unit be known as the Rangiora Brancn of the Canterburv Regiment., The sub-committee appointed w» consider a room for a social hall reported that permission had beenl xe ceived from the Defence Department to use the room at the back or Drill Hall. An estimate had been received to make suitable alterations t the room, which would cost between £ls and £2O. , , It was decided to approve of the re commendation of the committe have the alterations carried out. Ji.u have the place made suitable fox S °The l secretary reported that interest was being taken m the A "ociation About 40 citizens had already ioined. It was decided to a canvass for more members. The subscription was fixed at. 5s n niem - It was' decided to invite the public to cive articles of furniture. P ,ct "™ s ' floor covering, tables, etc.. or any suitable for furmshim; the room. KAIKOURA. A iairlv heavy rain fell on Thursday, between 6 and 10 p.m.. a frost following. with a further fall of snow on the high country. On Friday morning glorious sunshine prevailed. "The Optimists'' gave an entertainment at the hospital on■ niaht, the programme being a l ™". l / appreciated Tby the patients, and .toff. In the absence of Mrs Mrs A. B. Clark and Mr* W. B. Harris contributed vocal numbers, and Mr W. F. Perrin sang m lieu of Mr v. w. A. Nelson, who was unable to be The matron (Mrs Francis) thankedtho visitors for an excellent entertainment, Mr Perrin replying on behalf of The Optimists." On Friday next The Optimists" will give a performance at Mr h Smes Davidson, who underwent a delicate operation at Christchurch, is to Ts progressing satisfactorily •> ■ " HANMER SPRINGS. The following are the meteorological records for August, taken at the State Forest Service Station, those for tne same month last year being given in nnrenthose.9:- -Barometer, mean tor month, 29.66 inches j maximum on 6th, 30.80 (30.25); minimum ou 2nd 28.98 (29.22). Thermometer, temperature in shade, mean maximum temperature, 51.68 degrees Fan. (50.75); mean minimum temperature, 8104 130.4'1) • extreme maximum temperature on 16th, 67.8 (63.3); extreme minimum tpnuwwtufo on 7tiij lu*o (16.3); exposed thermometer, mean terrestrial radiation, 25.15 (28.44); maximum on 7th, 8.0 (8.6) Wind, average daily velocity, 55.07 miles (23.3); maximum on 25th, 258 miles (182). Rainfall, total for month, 2.92 inches (2.54) ; numVer of days on which rain fell, 14 (1.4); maximum on 12th, 0.9 • inches (0.61). Bright sunshine, total for month, 181.2 hours (121); rnanimum on 14t.1i. 8.6 (8.7); number of days without sunshine, 2 (7). Frost?, total for month, 25 (21); hardest frost on 7th, 21 degrees. Rainfall for eight months of year, 28.80 inches (21.9). The Anglican Church choir gave their annual social in the Hantrter Hall on Wednesday last. There was a record attendance, and a most enjoyable evening was spent in songs, dunces, and instrumental items. The dances wore all old-fashioned ones, and were greatly appreciated. Vocal items were givwi by Misses Slater and Withell (duet), Miss CaUJer. Miss S. Atkinson, Messrs Guch, ,H. J. Peek, and tho Rev. E. B. Moore. Miss P. -Whale gave a solo dance, and the choir a chorus. The National Anthem brought a most enjoyable evening's entertainment to a closeLADBROOKS. Very wihttfy conditions have prevailed in the iiadbrooks district. Rain set in from the south-west early in the week, but the weather cleared late on Thursday, and yesterday was a beautifully fine day. The rain will be C'f immense benefit to the farmers. At the weekly social held in thq public hall last Thursday night, there was an average attendance. Prizes for competitions were won by Mrs Charles Sparks, Mrs McLaughlin, Mr Luster Pickering, and t Mr Mehrtens. Other prizes wont to Miss Lorna Pickering and Mr E Pickering. Miss L. Pickering and Mr Gerald McCarthy I supplied the music for the dancing, and |Mr Carr Anderson carried out the duties of M.C. | Mrs Fred Meyer gave an enjoyable party for ainull folk last week in j honour of the birthdays of two of her daughters, Merle and June. Amongst the children present were Misses Zoe Me.verhoff, Kathleen Anderson, Molly Bell, Edna Coleman. Gwennie Anderson, Jean Withcvrs, and others. . WEEDONS. The annual meeting of the Weedons Cricket Club was held on Monday i night The president, Mr P. F. Ryan, occupied the chair. ; Sympathy was expressed with the relatives of Mr Ray Nelson, Mr Geo. Gudsell, Mr F. Davison, and Mr C. Walker. During the season, the club played J 13 matches, won 4, lost 4. and drew 6. The batting average was won by Mr C. E. Walker, with an average of 135.6 runs. Mr H. Green secured the bowling, taking 32 wickets for an average of 9.8 A. Mackie took Wickets, for an average of 10.7. The following officers were elected: -rPatrohs.. Mr R. W. Hawke. M.P.; president. Mr P. F. Ryan; vice-presi-dents. Messrs J. Smith. H. Sowden ! B. P. R. Monteomerv. A. E. LangI dale-Hunt, T. W. Hisht. A. Harvey. I nnd T? F fhirrneh • wn-etnrv, Mr J Curr&gh: club captain. Mr J. Hampton: selectors,* Messrs H. Marshall and H. Meyer; delegates, Messrs H. Green and J. Hampton.

SCARGILL. Concluding the series of inter-club matclies In the North Canterbury Miniature Rifle Association competition, two teams from tho Waiau Miniature Rifle Club journeyed to Scargill on Wednesday evening to firo a return match with the Scargill Club. The match resulted in a win for Scargill in both grades, and some excellent shooting was done by members of both clubs. The following were the scores: A Grade— Scargiu: N. Stewart 66, A. Stewart 60, 0. Johnson 68, T. Whittington 68, L. McNaughton 67, G". Gibb 69, L. Fair bairn 67, G. Pannett 67: total 641. Waiau: W. Banks 65, VV. F. Anderson 67, P. R. Dunbar 70, A Smale 64, It. Bean 68, G. Finlayson 68, 0. Davies 62, J. Dornan 65: total, f>2o. C Grade—Scargill: H. Tindall 67, W.. Hitchcock 66, J. Demmocks 64, It. Johnson 66, J. Love 68, H. Whittington 64, J. Ryan 66, W. Fleming 68; total, 520. Waiau: J. Buchanan 66, K- 66, T. Beaven 63, H. Davies 59, r. Harland 56, R. Buna 66, G. A. Cullen 60, J. Duncan 61; total, 503. The monthly meeting of the ScargillMotunau branch of the Plunket Society was held on Tuesday afternoon in the Sc.'irgill Hall. Mrs E. Gardner presided or or a fair attendance ot mema •"•l )o ' o Sies were received from Alia H. Acton-Adams (president), Alts Loo, and Mrs Fairbairn. The visiting nuree s report for the month said that the general health of the babies had been very satisfactory during the month. Afteriioon tea Was provided by Mrs E. Gardner, and Mrs U. A. Greig offered to act as hostess for the October monthly meeting. 1 or graziers the month of August ha& been a good Qne, better than the average for several years. There has been almost a complete absence of severe storms and frosts, though the weather has not been particularly fine and conditions are still showery and damp. There has been a substantial growth. Given a few sunny days plenty of feed would bo available. Early lambs have made their appearance in fairhr large numbers, a&u the general lambing has uow commenced, good percentages being very probable all round. Ine rainfall for the month was 1.60 inches, compared with 4.91 last year, and 3.77 m 1929. Tho total fall for tho eight months of this year recorded at Scargill is 22.56 inches. For the same period last year it was 17.76 inches, and m 1929 21.89 inches. OXFORD. Mr H. P. Lawry, S.M., presided at the Magistrate's Court at Oxford on Thursday. There were several cases of breaches of the Unemployment Act. Norman McLaughlan, for neglecting to pay the levies in December and March, was convicted and ordered to pay costs on each charge. Frederic Raymond Sanders, for default in December, March, and June was convicted and fined £1 on the first charge, and 10s on each of the other charges, with costs. Ho asked for time ana was given a month in which to pay the first, and two months for the others. William Stevens, on three similar charges, was fined £1 and costs on the first charge, and 10s and costs on each of the other two, the first to be paid within one month and the others within two months. Ernest Howard Thompson, for similar default, was convicted and discharged and ordered to pay costs. Samuel James Youngman, on three charges, was fined 10g and costs on each, and ordered to pay on the first two now, and the third in one month. Tho New Zealand Farmers' Co-opera-tive Association (Mr E. D. R. Smith) claimed from Mrs Norah Ellen McConnell (Mr IX E. Wanklyn) tho sum of £8 8s Id for goods. There was no dispute as to the amouufoof the claim, but the defendant claimed that tho charge should have been made against her husband, Robert Pollock MeConnell. The plaintiff insisted that the household account had for a number of years been in the name of Mrs R. P. McConpell, who denied this. Tho caee occupied several hoars, and judgment was &iven for plaintiff, with costs. Notwithstanding tho unfavourable climatic conditions, the Agricultural and Pastoral Hall was well filled when a concert was given by the Oxford Methodist Church Choir. The programme was a varied one, and the display of talent good. A pleasing feature was the manner in which tho younger performers acquitted themselves, particularly in the instrumental selections. Tho choir gave a number of negro spirituals in au effective manner. Misses M. Roi and I. Gainsford gave a pianoforte .duet, and there were several items by the Lyric Orchestra. Recitations wdre given by Miss Jean Youngman and Mr A. E. Cleeve, violiii solos by Masters Hedley Hawke and Stanley Skurr, guitar solos by Miss Freda Jordan, cornet item by Masters Norman and Jack Blahk, solos by Mrs J. Whyte and Miss Rhoda M. Comyne, nn instrumental item by Mr Wood field, and a poi dance by six little girls to tho accompaniment of banjo and guitaV. Miss Joan Comyns presided at the organ. The entertainment was much enjoyed. A short address was given by Mr R. Kipenberger, a former conductor of the choir, who was visiting the district. HORORATA. Seven degrees of frost were recorded at Hororata yesterday morning, and this was followed by a bright sunny day—a striking contrast to the cold, bleak, unsettled conditions of the last week or more. Thirty-six points of rain Wefe recorded this week. Farmers will welcome the fine weather to push along with the sowing of spring | crops. Some, lambs are to be seen on many farms, but the main lambing is not yet under way about the Hororata district. There was an excellent attendance at a meeting held in the Hororata Public Hall of the local branch of the Farmers' Union. In the absence of the president (Mr R. G. Keith) Mr T. E. Pearson occupied the chair. Messrs Scott and Leslie of the Canterbury Agricultural College gave interesting and instructive addresses. Mr Soott gavp a general talk on "The Systematic Methods of Farming," and Mr Leslie spoke on "The Diseases of Sheep." • ' Opportunity was taken by many or the farmers in asking questions and much valuable information was learned from the speakers. A hearty vote of thanks to Messrs Scott and Leslie was carried by acclamation. Supper was then served. Mrs J. Thome, who has been spending a holiday with her father, Mr D. Collinps, St. Albans, returned home yesterday. SOUTH MAtVERN. The fortnightly meeting oF the Ladies' Sewing Guild was held in the public library, Glentunnel, on Thursday afternoon. There were present Mesdames Harper, Jones, Jewell, Boyes, Gilmour, Dickie, Powell, Weastoll, Brockie, Marsh, and Charles, and Misses Barlow, Dickie, R. Kidd, J. Marsh, S. Marsh, and It. Dickie. Reference was mado to the death of Mrs Roberts, and a motion of sympathy with the Rev Mr Roberts and Miss Roberts was passed. Miss R. Kidd (Christchurch) is visiting Mrs Dickie (Glentunnel). Miss Betty Bull (Christchurch) is visiting Mrs C. Marsh (Glentunnel). Miss J. Marsh (Gjenroy) is staying with her grandmother, Mrs Dickie (Glentunnel). Mrs J. Rudd (Glentunnel) is making a short stay with relatives in Greeudale. Mrs T. Cherry (Christchurch) is staying with her son, Mr S. Cherry

(Glentunnel). Masters George and Ronald Simpson (Christchurch) are tho guests of their grandparents, Mr and Mrs C. Powell (Glentunnel), Mr Gordon Willis (Christchurch) is visiting his father, Mr George Willis (Glentunnel). Mrs A. Batchelor (Coutts Island), accompanied b t y her three children, is paying a visit to her sister, Mrs J. 6. Weastell (Glentunnel). OURUHIA. j At a meeting of the Social Commit- j tee. it was agreed to give up the fort- j nightly social on September 11th in favour of the Cricket Club's dance. Mr E. A. Stead has been attending the conference of New Zealand Fruit-growers in Wellington. Mr Stead is ohe 1 of the two delegates representing North Canterbury growers. A local resident suffered a severe loss this week, when a'valuable young draught horse became seriously ill and in spito of skilled veterinary treatment, died. •Several cows in the district are reported to have died from an as yet undiagnosed cause. The loss to dairyfarmers is the more severe, as the oows had to be hand-fed through the winter, and were just coming into profit. At a meeting of women interested in raising funds tor the Ouruhia Domain thoso present were Meedames Spencer, H. MacMiilan, Ashby, Cade, Harris, Chenery, Steac], and Brown, and Miss Rona MacMiilan. All present were formed into a committee with power to add to their number. It was decided to hold a gala day and bazaar in the school grounds on December stb. Mrs Spencer was elected chairman of the Bazaar Committee, Mrs H. MacMiilan treasurer, and Mrs J. Broivn secretary. It was decided to enlist tho aid of the young folk of the district, together with members of the Domain Committee, to organise out-door activities for the gala day. The following stall-holders were appointed : Mesdames Chenery and Cade; (afternoon tea); Mrs W. P. Spencer (cake stall); Mrs E. A. Stead and Miss Rona MacMiilan (fancy stall); Mrs H. MacMiilan and Mrs E Harris (work stall), Mrs Ashby offered to make a rich, iced fruit-cake for a guessing competition. Mrs E. A. Stead is giving a doll and material to drets it, while Miss Rona MacMiilan has undertaken tho making or the doll's wardrobe. Top-dressing activities still claim the attention of local farmers, and two trucks of supers were delivered at Chnney's this week. The Ouruhia School Committee has decided to have the fences trimmed and the firs topped before tho school reopens on Tuesday.

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Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 20334, 5 September 1931, Page 5

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NORTH CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 20334, 5 September 1931, Page 5

NORTH CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 20334, 5 September 1931, Page 5