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The quarterly meeting of the Timaru Licensing Committee was held yesterday, Mr a n. Orr Walker, S.M., chairman, presiding. There wert present Messrs G. Hastie, J. Todd, D. Grant, and Q, Bowker. The police report stated that the houses had generally been conducted satisfactorily. Two licensees had been fined for breaches of the Act during the quarter. the question of the transfer of the Commercial Hotel from John Henry Treacy to Daniel Small was under consideration, the chairman stated that the committee could decide Whether the transfer should be granted to tlxe appointee of the former licensee in view of the conviction of Small that day for a breach of .the Act. Inspector Bird pointed out that in the case of another hotel the appointee had been convicted, and the transfer was subsequently granted. The ohairman: But did he set up a defence to mislead the police? ''No/' replied- the inspector. He added that apatt from this breach Small had conducted the hotel satisfactorily. In granting the transfer the chair, man stated that the committee con. sidered that Small had been punished for his lapse and that he would take a lesson. The offence might have been due to ignorance of his responsibilities, beiug a new hotel-keeper. The application of Jas. Eichardson for a license for the Shamrock Hotel, th© granting of which was deferred at the annual meeting on account of the state of the bedding,.. was granted. When it was reported that no action had been tajcen to provide fire escapes at the Arowhenua Hotel, the chairman stated that the licensee had written stating that he could not afford the £ 00 to provide the equipment, and suggested that iron ladders costing about £lO should be provided on three sides of the building. Inspector Bird stated- that the hotel had seen its best days, and it would probably be a long time before a new hotel was erected, though the owner J had announced his intention, when conditions improved, of erecting a onestorey brick building. He questioned if it was worth while putting new fire escapes round an old building. The chairman said that the iron ladders- would be bettor than nothing. The building was an old wooden one and there was no water supply, so that the people living there would be in a hopeless plight in event of a lire. The chairman requested the police to report as to the advisability of pro%id% Iron ladders. He also stated state of-v.the .building raised thij question whether' the license Was necessary, and the committee, would have to consider at; Ifie - liext annual meeting whether tbe, license should be renewed« unless a' 1 new buildifig,,, was You say yon- are-los-lag;jtiea6y there? , "Yes," replied the licensee, "but times are exceptional." Ifo declared l that he had. put £iooo worth of improvements' in to' ffyo building. : | Magistrate's floturi." Mr C. E. Orr Walket*, S.M., presided over a sitting of the Timaru Magistrate's Court yesterday. (Barged with being in arrears of a maintenance order to the. extent of £& ,l2s), Kenneth dordon was sen- , tended ;tO shfee ; months' imprisonment; the warrant to be discharged on payment of the. current order and 5s a Week off arrears. On a charge of failing to pay the Jtra®. instalment of his unemployment JWf/IJjtelJ Clfee'nttfietlfir w>s flnod %% a£d eosta* Con^able, Hogg gave evidence that when interviewed Dewar admitted -that lie -had not paid any

levy' as he eould not afford to do so. Mr G. McKessar, Labour Officer, said that Dewar had not yet paid any instalments. He was in business as a jeweller, and although he claimed that he was unable to pay he was a member of the West End Bowling Club and had made a donation to the Club. Mr McKessar added that defendant had not enquired whether the payment of the ■ levy could bo postponed. In a reserved judgment delivered yesterday, Mr Orr Walker convicted Daniel Small, licensee of the Commercial Hotel, and fined him £7 10b and costs for selling liquor after hours. On charges of being on the premises of the Commercial Hotel after hours Ernest William Travers and D'Auvergne Stanley Leigh Grut were each fined £2 and costs. Electric Sub-Station. Tho Minister for Public Works,'the Hon. W. B. Taverner, will arrive in Timaru to-day to discuss with local bodies the suggestion that the electric sub-station at Grant's Hill should be removed to a site outside the boundaries of the borough because of the rapidly increasing population in tho vicinity of the present plant. Meeting of Unemployed. The Timaru unemployed, at a meeting on Wednesday evening, passed a resolution urging the Government to provide more work for the unemployed in order to increase their present inadequate income, as conditions were becoming unbearable. Mr Mctnnes. in supporting the moti on submitted Dy the chairman, Mr W. Gray, declared that between £IOOO and £llOO was required each week to meet the needs of the workless, many of whom lost their jobs through prevailing conditions. Mr G. T. Koller, who was appointed to succeed Mr J. E. Ohiles as representative of the unemployed on the Timaru Unemployment Committee, was welcomed to the meeting. In tendering his resignation as chair man, Mr Gray referred to rumours in circulation, stating that one was to tho effect that a former chairman had had the mortgage paid on his house, and another was that he (tho speaker) had received 150 tins of tobacco, and had sold them for Is each. "I can honestly say that I have been fair and square in every way," he said. Mr H. Arnold, Ben., said that when subscription lists had been circulated some months ago 75 business men contributed to their funds. Mr D. Craig: And where has tho money gone tot Mr Mcßride: Every penny has been accounted for. You asked about a cheque that had been drawn, and I told you no such cheque had been drawn. The chairman: Ever since you have been here yon have been pulling the committee to pieces. You discuss me here every Tuesday, and the floors aro . very thin. Mr. Craig: And tho walls,, too. You have my resignation now,. Mr W. Aitcheson: I withdraw, too. The .whole committee resigned, and ian election was held, resulting as fol-lows:—-Mr. Gray was re-elected chairman, Mr-S« Cooney re-elected secretary, and Mr. p. H&nnan re-otecteij.^easurcr. (pre* , yiously -'■ Messrs P. O'Hagan, H. Arnold, sen., D: B. Cooksley, R. Green, T. Mclnnes, G. Gillespie, E. E. McLaughlan, and A. Anpear. Reference was made to remarks of Mf; J. McCort concerning single unemployed men, mado at the-last meeting of the Timaru Harbour Board, and it was decided to forward a letter of protest to the Board. West End Bowling Club, The eighteenth annual meeting of the 'West End Bowling Club was held on •Wednesday night, when Mr G. Blackham presided over a good attendance Of members. Mr E. Bach moved the adoption of tho report and balance-sheet. Mr L. Dewar seconded the motion.

Speaking to the motion, the president said that the balance-sheet showed a loss of ft 17 On the year's working, but since the balance-sheet had come out the

loss had been reduced to £9- They were over 20 members short this year on last season's roll, but 110 thought that they had done remarkably well, thanks to the committee. He was of the opinion that this season would bB a good ono for the club.

The report and balance-sheet were adopted. Mr G; Blackham was unanimously re-elected president, members making eulogistic reference to his work. Other officers were elected as follows:—Senior vice-president, Mr W. Walker; junior vice-president, Mr J. Richards; patrons, Messrs W. C. Raymond, T. W. Satterthwaite, W. Thomas, H. W. Hall, H. N. Armstrong, and Clyde Carr, M.P.; secretary, Mr R. A. Bach; treasurer, Mr F. Davey; auditor, Mr J. A. Timlin; delegate to Centre, Mr T. Currie; committee, Messrs T. Currie, J. Stoddart, F. Lowry, A. Davidson, A. B. Shipley, D. Dewar, J. A. Timlin; Match Committee, Messrs D. Dewar, W. Walker, J. Richards; selector, Mr W. Walker; green supervisors, Messrs T. Currie and A. Davidson; delegate to West End Ratepayers' Association, Mr A. G. Vucetieh. Nino new members were nominated. Tho meeting approved of holding the same club competitions as last year. The delegate was instructed to bring ; a remit before the Centre that neither the Dominion Council nor the Centre should have power to dictate as to whom a club should send forward as its representative in champion of champion matches. A motion was carried that the singles champion . should represent the club in champion of champion games. Should he not be available the selector was 'given power to appoint a representative. In regard to the doubles the selector was empowered to select any pair to play the champion doubles winners, to decide who should _ represent the club in the champion of champion games. It was decided to enter a challenge for the Bristol Cup, and to enter in all Centre championships. Rotary Club. An interesting and instructive address oft "The Lost History of the Maori" was delivered by Rotarian G. D Virtue at the Rotary Club luncheon yesterday. Rotarian P. W. Rule was chairman. At the conclusion the speaker was accorded a hearty vote of thanks. TEMUKA. Miss L. Smith, Wallingford road, Temuka, is at present spending a holiday in "Christ-church. Mrs K. Blackmore, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs 11. Smitli, Chrlstchurch, returned Jiome yesterday. The vital (statistics for Temuka ior the month of August are ae follows (those of August, 1930, given in parontheses): Births. 8 (7); deaths, 4 (4); marriage*, 0 (0). Weather reports for August from different parts of the Temuka district show that the rains of the month were fairly general, the total each differing fiom the others by only a few points. The average rainfall was 1.71 inches. In Temuka tho month's total was 1.74 inches, and rain fell on 10 days, the highest falls being recorded on the 21st. when there were 42 points, and the 29th, when 29 points were registered. At tho weekly shoot of the Temuku. Miniature Iti tie Club on Wednesday evening, the following, with their handicaps, tied in u shoot for a club tropny:—B. Edwards, T. Greelish, S. Weob. A. McFarlanc, J. Bennett, G. King, P. Mitchell, J. Hobb.?, H. Sherborne, and V Nicholas. These members will be required to shoot off later. The scores in tho season's aggregate were as follows:—T. Greelish 80, 3. Edwards 79, 8. Webb 79, A. McFarlane 79, V. Nicholas 79, J. Bennett 77, G. King 77, F. Mitchell 77. W. McGillen 76,. J. Hobbs 76, R. Geddes 76, J. Geddos 76, H. Sherborne 74. D. Macaulay 73, B. J Hart 73, E. Sherborne, sen., 72, E. Sherborne, jun., 68. . In .tho shoot-off for a trophy competed for at a previous shoot, s! Webb prov.ed tho winner. WINCHESTER. Good shooting and high scores marked tho weekly meeting of the Winchester Mfen's Miniature Riflo Club on Monday. The following were the best scores for the evening:—John Cripps 80, E. R. O'Neill 80, O. S. Priest 80, H. J. Hopkins 79, S. Manson 79. A. H. Opie 79, W. R. Pearce 7*B, J. Maitland 78. D. Louden 77, W. Jackson 77, A. B. Scott 77, A. H. Cripps 77, James Cripps 77, D. G.

Sinclair 76, R. Wilson 76, C. Louden 7(3, W. Wuple 7(5, J, Jones . 78, W. Bradshaw 73, J. S. Smith 72, £>. Scammell 72, and Hay Sinclair 76. Interest in tho weekly meeting of tlie Winchester Ladies' Miniature Rihe Club centred round the competition for a trophy presented anonymously by a friend of the club. The trophy was won in the first round by Mrs T. A. do Renzy. The following were the best scores for the evening:—Mrs d& Renzy 70, Mrs W. L. ReiTly 74, Mrs M. O. Pearce 62, Miss M. McKinnon 74, Miss R. South 74, Miss J. doßenEy 75, Miss M. Opie 70, Miss V. Thompson Go, and Miss Myra Opie 69. The fortnightly euchre social in aid of the funds of the St. John's Anglican Church, Winchester, was held in the Sundav Schoolroom on Tuesday ovening. Prizes for the competitions were won by Miss Rodgers 1, and Mrs B. Trumper 2, while the men's prizes were won bv Mr A. H. Cripps 1, and Mr A. G. Kimber 2. Dancing was enjoyed during the laiter part of the evening to rtmsic supplied by Mr Looker, while Mr,F. Pearce was M.C. GERALDINE. At a meeting of the Geraldine Football Club, Mr G. Loach presided over a fair attendance of members. It was reported that • tho match between tho Goraldine and Mackenzie teams had been a very successful fixture, and it was decided to thank the Mackenzie Union for the hospitality extended to the Geraldine representatives. it was clecidod to enter two tcains in the fifth grade and' two teams in the fcurth grade ill the Geraldine sevqn-a-sido tournament. Tho secretary was instructed to write to Mr D. C. McKechuie, a committee member, who will be away from Geraldine for some time on sick leavo, wishing him a good recovery. Recommendations were made that the annual meeting bo held earlier next season, and that a senior team be entered from Geraldine in the South Canterbury ltugby Union's competition nest season. Tho best scores off tho rifle at the Geraldino Fire Brigade Club's shoot on Tuesday night were: R. Helem 79, K Smith 78, S. Pocock 78, T. Watson 78, F. W. Morgan 77, C. Borrell 77, C. C. Knight 76, W. Angland 76, A. Bryant 73, D. Lack 73, and B. Clarkson 67. A meeting of the Geraldine branch of the Women's Institute was held on Tuesday afternoon, Mrs A. P. Barklie presiding over a large attendance of members. Correspondence was received from Mrs P. W. Hislop, resigning her position as vice-president, and it was. dfcidod to wait till tho next meeting' to fill the vacancy. A vote of thanks was passed to Mrs Hislop and Miss Logan in xecognition of their services. A fugi competition was won by Mrs R. Tajzg. A practical demonstration of smocking was given by Mesdames A. P. Bnrklie and J. Wordsworth. Mrs Barklie gave a short talk on the Federation meeting, to be held in Geraldine, and it v&s decided that Alesdames E. Undrill and J. Cliff represent the Geraldine Institute at the meeting. The hostesses were Misses Mnlhern and M. MeLeod, and Mesdames S. IT. Willis and Mnlhern.

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Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 20333, 4 September 1931, Page 7

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TIMARU AND SOUTH CANTERBURY NEWS. Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 20333, 4 September 1931, Page 7

TIMARU AND SOUTH CANTERBURY NEWS. Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 20333, 4 September 1931, Page 7