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Praise Wins Impressively.


Canterbury Jockey Club Meeting.

The Canterbury Jockey Club were favoured with the beet weather for their third day's racing at Riccarton yesterday. The attendance was well up to last year's figures, but there was again a falling off in the totalisator turnover. The sum of £33,301 was handled, as against £44,859 on the corresponding day last year, a decrease of £11,558. The total for the three completed days is £115,702 10s, as compared with £154,773 twelve months ago, representing a decrease of £38,970 10s. The New Zealand Oaks Stakes attracted a good class field, and the contest was full of interest The winner, Praise, was having only her third race this season, and her good effort in the Derby on Monday paved the way for her success yesterday. She was never far from the leaders, and her victory over the favourite, Lady Pam, was probably accomplished in an easier mantle., than the margin indicated. Praise, who cost Mr G. D. Greenwood 1400 guineas as a yearling at Trentham, is a sister to Commendation, and a half-sister to other good gallopers in Humbug, Fulsome, Epitaph, and Eulalie. this was Mr Greenwood's second success in the classic, his previous winner being Pride two years agoThe Canterbury Cup gave racegoers a further opportunity of realising Nightmafch's ability. He made light work of his task over the last furlong, and was not really asked I to do his tart. Mfchtnmch b« now *..*£28,298 in him In tenth place In the list of Australian aod Mew Ze«l.nd stake winners. The details of the racing are as follows:

SUBURBAN HANDICAP, loa«t. 4,—w. B. Kemball'» ggV/ ° 4pe n °^A h Mns i 2—J. L. Brown's l> t tini fe-ld B|ri , T—W-j * br * ■ * « . Bmi £ W &?j££ 0 5~», Jww's br « M«nbo 6^" o^^aar 0 «_4L A. tthlaa'. A P « g0l £ r °«f t o I—C. A. Bhlel's b t Dumblane G £" # M..8. «»«'< br g TalvAl 6yr. „ After the field bad settled down .Psogolin had charge from. Smithereens J ,rB *. i Pagrolinlost HIS pbisltkm rounding the far tuS. and Thorndale led across the top aatr- ss'SfiftJu "• asWi.'ss.'Sft sffiS on the rsiis to win by a head, with Thorod*H KhrW l&Kttti Mtrar- Smith ereerw was feflffitL. Tinte. lfialn '54 l-6gec; Winner trained by W. Hawthorne, Hasterton.

SMUW* 1TOB8B&Y HANDICAP. Qi ISO sots: second horse SO tori, and third bortfe 2S »ot-« tioja Stake. Tor twoFir« furlongs. * jttjn S. Armstrong's br p OBtEP COOK by oEief t Smith'* br «• *»lt 2 I_ i Loul " on '*. C W l Enis i *-£ io T - 0 3—W. St. Kemball's T> f Cap* Gold t ip Jl. C. Dick 0 3—V. BidalfOrd'« ell f Tyt» 7-10 fc. Voitre • 11—-T. Hi liowry'i be Monarchy 7-8 „ B. G errand O 6—a. ar. b f Hul» Belle 7-5 ear 7-9 .. J. W. Jehnlttgs • 10—Mis"» M. 6. WiUon'i b cMon#stiS 7-s W. H. JotjSi 0 *t—Mrs 11. A- Perry's B t Gold Plt 7-5 J. M., Pino o 4—Sir CttM. Clifford'« eh o Cricket Bat -.4 car 7.5 .. .. B. Coviny • | 18-G. D. Greenwood-i St „ j 12-*. L. TMle*'i b I H\ Whan the course proper *ehchea^M6 leaderl appeared to be Chief Typ<J» Ptir Weathkr, Rdyal Baby, Gold Pltj and , Irish Chieftain. At the distance ChiM Cook atid F*ir Weather drew out, and m k punishing finish Chief Cook won by a length j and a half irate Pair Weather, with Royal I itaby a similar distance away. Cricket Bat j fonttli. Time_lmiii lfiec. Winner trained by Mrs A. W. McOoridla; AuMpunl. OTAIO PliAtß, Of 300 sdfß: second hoiSb 60. sets, and thitd horse 30 govs from stake. One mile and a quarter. 7—airs C. El gar' a br g GRECIAN by fiord Que*- —Ennea 4yri a-8 Bi H. Morris 1 O—G. Gerard'* br tr Don Jose 6yrß fl-3 ,4., B, Slllß 2 B—H. Gardiner'a b s Beau Geate aged 7.7 . . . . K. Voitre 3 O—R.0 —R. Grace'a b g High Fftlutin' syrs 8-13 ;. . . li. G, Morris u HLs- ***?• *.*« %'tta 0 9—B. Burgess's b K Atholepear 6yrs 8-9 E. Manson 0 12— J. H. Hardwick's ch g Balloon Syra • . 8-7 .. . . 3. Gunn 0 14—3. S. Bahrett's eh e Count CaTOur £ff«d 8-0 .. ' • • D. Ctitton 0 10— W. ft. Ketnball's eh g Hyflonna afced 8-6 .. B. J- Mackle 0 3—A. Colvin and C. H. Thomas's b g Bavine syrs 8-6 . - T. Green 0 4—Dr. H. A. H. Gilmer's br m Duellona nB-S ;. ... U. Gray 0 uttledge's ch g Solino Salar syrs 8-8 . . .. H. Brodie 0 18—W; H. Ballinger's blk h Boyal Game aged 7-18 . . .. S. Wilgbn 0 11—Ch B. Htthter'a b £ Bean Cieste ona Grecian werfe the first !o ihW oat, but going past the mile post Duellons lea from Beau Gesto, Count Cavour, Don Jose. Grecian, anil ll* Owii. TopetS hod eharee rdttn«lh|i thß far turn, and w«S fßllo*ea by Balloon. Salmn Salar, and Duel]oh» Across the High Falutih rMu Ihift secbiid place bfcliirid Toperfl coming to the honie band, and the order, on to the ctiurse proper Vis Topere, Solmb. Balar, Atholtitir, Don Jo«e, tttid Grecian, In & wonder. f«l finish Grecian won by a head from Don Jose; -With Bfc£(i Gefetf) a similar {llstattee a<v-»y Attolipear waa fourth. Tlriie, 2mih .0 2-Btec. TTlflher trailed by \V. D. Mdrbncy, j'eatherston. dAKTBBBUBY CtJP, U£ 500 sovs; second horse 100 dors, and third horse GO fiova from stake. Weight-ior-age. Two miles and a quarter. I—A; IjOuUSon'S br h NIGHTMARCH b? Nigrat Baid—Maisa Byrs 9-5 K. Iteed 1 2—fl. J. Murphy's b g Concentrate Byts , 0-5 .. .. B: H. Morris 2 4—A. B. Williams's b g Star Stranger aged S-6 .. .. H. Gray 3 a—W. E. Kemball'a br g Sir Xiimond 3yrß 7-8 .. S. Gerrand 0 Star Stronger alid Sir J-iimond took tip the running thiee ienstlis ahead of Concentrate ali3 Niphtuiarch. This was tho order for the greater part of the rttcei ho change takinif place until the home turn, -where !?icjitWrcli caine llitaugli the middle bf the field, fblltfttrea by Coneentfat«j Stir Btf-allgfer,

ci T T-imond. Niglitmarch was not troubled to wife by foil* ftOm Cefiv cehtlatp, With Star Stranger e #ht 1«W" away. Time, Sttiln 93 1-B»<s«. Winner trained by Ai McAul&y, lticcarton. 'Winners of the race are *r«af, . "WSrinaiC 1854 (J. Lee » Tattterian# 1665 (N*« tfcct!) 1880 W. Brian's VAWerlane . . 1867 0. Turner's War Eagle •• -~ 1868 W. Parriard's Swip •• *Jf 1859 0. RedWood'S •• 1880 0; Redwood * We'sail . . *•«>• 1881 H. Btaftefd'i Ultima .. 1860 H. P. . Lance's Revoke .. 8 20 1863 H. P. Lance's , G01^,?",, C < ou ? . , 1884 —. McKeri2ie"s Shillelagh 4 3 iBB4 W. Hattta's Belle of the Tftle »; • » 5 o I 1866 W. Hafrli'* 5 64 1867 —. StUdholme'B Knottlngley 6 0 1870 H. Redwood's Peeress .. «*7 1871 H. Redwood's Peeresst . . 4 18 1872 8. Kosworthy's turljne . . 4 13 1873 B. Nos.wprthy B .. 4 8 1874 p. O'Brlert s TSmhourinl 4 10 1875 P. Campbell's Dan O §££*** * *t| 1876 H. Redwood's Guy Fawke* 4 10| 1877 .Arlef i • * i** 1679 §! R o ßy * I 1S8« G; Frtsefr'i 1* Ldtip .. 4 9 1881 "W. Botolnlou's «rip .. * § 1882 D. Proridfoot'jt 81* Modred 4 l|S 1883 3. Pilbrow'e wMeonifS Jjek 4 15 1884 3. Pllbrow'a Welcome Jiek 4 151 1883 W. JIM-**'* Stdriyliiirst .. f lit 1888 P. Bntler'a ArUllerv . . 4. 101 1881 a. a. Stead's Maxfm .. 4 14 1888 P. Bntlfer'S . Mantoa r • t 1 X IHB9 S, H, Gollan's Tira«l«ar 4 189<J P. Btitler'S Cryckshot * «j 1891 D. O r ßiien'* Fresdom • .. 4 5j 1892 Q. G. Stead's Btepnlak .. 4 41 1893 J. B. Rold'A SklJjWlsßer 4 4| 1894 M. Hobbs'i PriJiia Warden 4 3g I«9S H. Craltt'S, Enfoclydon .. 3 57J 1896 M. Hobbi('s Lady Zetland 0 69 i-5 18A7 O- G; SWad i Mttltlform 4 .3 »*fi Jill 3 H: stead' g MultlioHn J25 1899 *. N. G#orge°» Seahoria 8 66 1-| 1900 D. Gorddh's AdjineS r . 3 7 J's 1001 G. &4 Bteid'H lidttwhlkoff f 7 1-6 190? G. O. Bteitd'* Uruelfdtm 4 0 2-6 1908 Sir G. Ollffbrd'j Treadmill 8 69 B*| loo| O. G. 8W64 8 ksftlan : . 4 28 1905 6. G.Stead't Koctnj<OTt(i 4 2 B-6 mod "D. o'SiHeh's tttiitifld .. 4 .3 4-8 1007 W. E. Bidwil's Elevation 4 11 2-B 1603 G, t'. Moora's Signor .. 368 a-6 IDOO Meidamflß Foss and Stuart's Elyaian J ,J 1610 J. Mbnk'S Diabolo ... 8 58 1-8 ldll Stead Bro«. aid G. D. . QreenwOod li Vic«-Adiftittti 4 18 3-B 1013 TtTi S. D«*Jd4oß'l Gt(l4- . . ftoder .. • • 4. 81 191 j a. n. Gre«nWood'i Ohertibiil .. 4 16 X9l4t W. E. B14will'« RipiitA-

tlon • . • • " O. G. WaMtep 4 « . 1916 G. h. Stead's The Toff .. 3 53 8-5 19.1t T. H. LoWfy's Eitlaad .i * 13 1918 W. R. Kbirtble's Swlb ;. 856 1-S 1919 V. and E. RiddifoWa Mas- , cot .. 8 56 8-5 1920 W. P. Desha'a Duo .. 4 $ 4-0 1921 B". Si Boston's AmythM 8 65 1922 A. B. Williams's Gasbag 8 82 1923 H. A. Knight'* Ballymena 4 .3 1-5 1924 T. Hazlett's Gold Light 3 Bi ; I*lßs H; % Card's This Bittkir 4 li 4-5 1928 A. B. Williams's Rapine .. 8 54 1927 H. A. Limerick .. 8.59 1928 T. A. Duhian'i lAtlghlng Prince . ; 8 1 2-5 1929 G. Mtirray-Ayisley'S Obide 8 50 4-9 1030 A. LotilfisOTl'i Nightmsreh 882 1-9 * Frotil 1868 to 1869 ibis dlptattce Wat three miles, aiid froih 1870 to 1809 »rtd frdm 1002 it was twb IrtilflS itnd a (jdhtter. In 1900, iobli and 1928, the distance was Site mils and thrfce-qnartbts. t. After a dtiad-heat with Knott?ti|jtt6y (Ray), rnß itt 4mln 27B£c. t No time takefl.


0£ 700 Sove; Second liorse 140 Bbvi, tiild third HofSb 70 sovi frdm the stdke. One mile.

I—T. A. iJuhcan'i eh li LAUGHING PMNCB by QuAntOck —Martian PHiioosi 9-6 .. ... L. (J. MorrilS 1 9—Mrs C. Blgar'S b fit 4—E. W. Collins'S br h Arrow liad fiyrS 8-0 .. .. L. J. Ellis 3 5—T. H, Lo wry's b g Great Charter aged 6-11 .. T« Green 0 7—W, O. Griffiths b B White Fang aged 6-5 ~ .. tt. Mfcl'&vjsh 0 B—Sir OhaS. Clifford's b h Full Feathe* syrs 8-4 ~ .. It. Cbveny 0 10— J. Boss's br g Meadow Lark Gyrs 8-3 B; H. Brodle 0 3—J. M. Corcordn'a th g Havering 6yt# 8-i .. .. ;; H. Gray 0 B—N. Kuihetfotd's b g Ranelafth 4yrs 8-1 . C, Cafmemt 0 B—E. W. CollinS'a u h Adm ira I JJrafes 4yrS 7-2 ... .. K. Voitffc 0 Mendow Lark wW thd fiirsfc .but; fdllbW&i by Grfcat Charter, Ranelragh; Havering, Arrow Lad, afad Laughing Prince. "The birdfcr jcnlhtJiOß- the far tutli Wad Meadow JUfrrft, Kanelagh, Great Charted Arrfiw Lad, Hayferinff, and Laughing Prihee. Havering drew un to Meadow Larfe nearinp* the home ttirh, anil led Into the fctraifthi from. Meikadw Lark, Laughing Ptince, Arrow Lad, arid Yetfigern. In a, good flriieh, Laiigkiii? Pfines Uron by half & length . froin VSrtigefn, with Aribw Lad r lehgth awfty. Arihitftl Drake %as foiitth. Tinie, lthiri 8S 2-3 seo. Wiliner trained by L. Gi jtfbiris, Fbrdell.

NEW ZEALAND OAKS STAKES, Of 600 feovs; second horS/S 120 aovs, and third horse 00 . Sofa from stake. For tbr6e-y ear-old filliea. Weight 8-iS. One tllile and a half.

2—G. D. Greenwood's b f PRAISE) by Limond—Eulogy .. T. Greeii 1 I—W. R. Kettlbiirß b f Lady Pam ' by Limond—Princess Pat .. H. Gray 2 3—E. J. Mtirphjr's b f Gesture by Chief Ruler—Nottavo .; B: H Morris 8 7—J. S. McljedA'b t» f Jtnhy Diver fay Lord tjuex—Polljf Peaehttm , , Hi Goldfinfch 0 4—H. S. Cornfbot and H. B. D'Oylr'e blk f Tripping by Nigger Minstrel— Dairity Step .. .. R. Risod 6 B—J. J. Corry'fi hi i Cessation by Limond—T«tmihttibn K. Veitre 0

6~-G P. Payne'* b f Spoon, by Tea Txay —Warlovo .. • •• L- G- Morris 0 B_W T. Hazlott B b f Psrysift by Tractor—Moulin Rougo P. J. McKay 0 g p T. Hogaft'a ch f Water Power by Tractor —Charybdia .. W. Hogan 0

Goine out of the straight Jenny Diver hod charge from Spoon, Goeturo, Tripping, and Lady Pam. Panuinff the mile post Lady Pam joined Jenny Diver In the lead, followed by Spoon, Gesture, Tripping, and Praise. Xho leaders maintained their position* "rounding, the far turn, but crossing the top Lady Pam went to the front and led into the straight from Spoon, Praise, Gesture, and Water Power. At tho distance. Praise hod Lady Pam'a measure, and went on to win by a length from her, with Gesture three lengths away. Spoon was fourth. Time,. 2min 86a<w. Winner trained by E. 3. and P. V. Mason, Riccarton.

Winners of the race aresTear. Winner. ra. s. 1887 0. O. Stead's Enid .. 2 82$ 1888 W. 0. Webb's Enchantress 2 481 1889 G. H. Clifford's Cynisca 2 441 1890 W. C. Webb's Diadem .. 2 GOS 1881 I>. O'Brien's Florrio .. 2 48& 1892 J. Brabaxon's Dora •. "4(1 1803 G. G Stead's Ich Dlan .. 2 39 1-5 1894 G. G. Stead's Blue Fire 2 40 1895 G. G. Stead's Bellloent .. 2 44| 1896 T. Morrln's Armtlla .. 2 4SJ 1897 Sir Geo. Clifford's M . „ Goldleaf S 4!) 4-5 1898 G. G. Stead's Motto .. 2 GCI 1600 D. Mcliood'g Mis* Delaval 243 1000 G. G. (Head 1 * tsmene . . 240 2-6 1901 G, G. Stead's Cruciform 2 <l3 4-B 1902 Hon. G. McLean's Lady Koeslyn 2 44 1008 J. B. Reld's Gladsome .. 2 40 8-5 1904 G. G. Stead's Nightfall .. 2 40 4-5 1005 G. G. Stead's limit .. 243 1906 G. Hunter's Munfflsto .. 2 42 1907 11. A. Knight's Mercy . . 2 41? 1908 J. S. Thane's Artillerie .. a 37 4-5 1909 D. Rutherford's Ingoda .. S 89 1-5 1910 L. G. D. Acland's Msrttno 3 SB 4-5 1011 Sit Geo, Clifford's Counterfeit 2 88 4-5 1912 Sit Oso. Clifford's Brown Owl 2 49

1915 A. Alexander's JRonny Helen 2 38 1-5 1914 Sir Gio. Clifford's Court Martini 2 H 8 4-5 1915 T. H. Tjowry's Desert Gold 2 85 3-5 1916 W, B. Bidwill's Derotion 2 30 4-5 I§l7 «T. Walker's Impediment " 86 2-5 1018 .T. B. Reid's Punka .. SB" 1919 C. G. Dalgety's Warlove .. 3 38 1920 P. Tiller's Isabel .. 2 39 4*5 1991 O. flo<lld's Psleatrlna 2 83 1023 *T. A. DtlHean's TOnthuslauin and W. T. Hazlett's Gold Light 3 83 4-5 192S W. T. Hazlett's Hassle t)a*zle » . . . 2 84 1984 O. G. Dalgety's Stamist 286 S-5 1935 Mr* M. Blaokmore's • Mandane 2 84 8-» 1936 J. A. Alnee's Plnlc Terrace a SB a-6 1037 B. L. Rldaifori's Wild Pigsort 2 S3 B-B 1928 ft. P. Greenwood's Pride 286 1029—t. ftafl's Eaglet 2. 85 1-5 1080- G. D. Greenwood's Praise 8 86 * D*«d heat. ABtTLMY KAKDICAP, Of 230 S6V»; second horsa GO sovs, and third horn« 28 sots from »uke. H»ek conditions. One mils. B—P. F. Campbell's b a COMPllia by Kllttreney-—Lady tlallna 4yrs 8-13 A. It. Kills 1 11— E. M. Shetdy's ch. g Hotnedumlnc 4yr« 7-7 i . i£. Voltre 2 13——tt. M. Qroennlacle's blk g Tippling ayrs 7-7. oar. 7-6 . . In J. Bltis » 2—B. Burgess's big Dsn llur 4yra 8-1 H K. Mansoa O 7-—II. A. Knight's b g Duur»v«u ayrs B-1U . . . . O. Humphreys 0 I—Mrs T. B. Dwiiii's blk U Lord Thottiond 4yrs 8-11 .. H. Uray 0 H. ICetbbAll't oh f Shortly syr« 3-0 . . . . 11. Uoldilii'-'li 0 18 —W. Hi Waifd'S ch h Sfrmper Pai-atus 4yrg S-0 . . . . O. (Jarhioiit 0 s—lt. P. Lees's b m Waiuty Ways Oyrs 8 6 , . . . Jl. J, Maokle 0 9—lSttate Hi 7<iz'< 6 g Proud Knight syts 7-7 i. ..A. Eastwood 0 4*— ; Ti Seatoti'i b g Night Parade 4yrn 7-7 Ohfi 7-3 . . Ni Dwyer 0 14—A. Befonn's br g Killigrew syrg 7-7 ear. 7-5 . i . . S. Uerrand 0 B^—Sir <Jh««. Clifford'i b g Sharp Thorn Syra 7-7 . . It. CoVonj* O 6—Sir Cfi&s. Cllrthrd's b t Ball Dreiis ?yrs 7-7 ear; 7-2 .. J-. Veerfers o 10— T. J. Lister's b g Palmary 3yrs 7-7 car. 7-2 . . O. Brodio O 15— E. Hay's eh m Uivlnette 4yrs 7-7 * car. 7-2 . . . . G. Murfitt 0

After two furlbilgi had baon coyered Horn*coming hftd eHarja from Sharp Thorti, Nttht Parade, tjord Thomond. TijifUng, and Proud Knight, flen Huf ran into third place behind Homfcctinilhs and Sharp Thorn the top, 4hd ths order lnto the atraleht wait Hoihricointng. Sharp i'horn. Ben Hur, Ctunprli, Lord Thomond, aisd Tippling. In the run home. Cpmpriii tron by three-quarters of a length from Itofnicomihg. with Tlripllug A head Lord Thotnofid w»f foiirlh. Time, Imin 8& 4-ssrc. Winner trained by C. Darey, Ricr.arton. AVON HAXrOIOAP, Of 800 lOVt; i6eoiid horse 60 sots, third horyt 80 ioVt from (he stake. Seven furlorigii. 1— I T. H. LBwry'g br r CHRYSOLOGY by Psycholbgy— Desert Gold Byri 8-12 T. GrSen 1 B—G. Gerard's br i Nbtewdrthy Sjti 7-11 .. . . J. M. Pine 8 2—-sj, J. ileMahaway't blk m H»blt 4yrs 9-3 . . . . H. Gray 8 7—L. Kelcher's eh g Taboo aged 0-1 ~ B. M. Brddie 0 4—A. A: ShJall'i eh g Head Betane 4yrs 8-11 .. R. JicTaviah 0 6—-t>i. Mi t}. ZjbtiisSon's b fc DeSert Sohg 4yr* 8-8 . . J. Barry 0 3—G. Ueratrd's Br g Silver Coot Wyrs 0-8 . . A. E. Ellis 0 9—o. 0. Holmes'* eh g Bolferlte aged 7-11 .. ..A. Eastwood 0 s—Sir Otias. Olltford'k b h Straightcourse 4yrs 7-10 . . . . .R. Coiifehy 0 B—P. P. Thorpy's b m Miss Mercia 6yrs 7-S .. .. K. Voitre D Head Serang and StraiglttcOurse Were the first out, but aft6r two Jurlorigs had been covered ChrySology had charge from Head Serang, Straightcourse, SilVSr Cobt, Mig* ¥®rcia, and Noteworthy. Chrysology and Silver Oobt Jed into the straight, followed by Hfead Sprang, MiBS Mercii, Habit, and Noteworthy. Id a fin© finish Chrysology stayed ton to win by a head from With Habit half a length away. HeAd Sevang wSs fdlirth, "flnie, ltnln 26.. 8-sjiec. Winner trained b? R. AletSnder, Woodvllle. NOTISS ON THE RACING. Should Have Won. The #ithdrrttoalß of Qlßiirotvan and i/ofd Thomond weakened <lie for the Shbtirbah Handicap, £ot tphich Diithblane was made a better favourite tbari First ttaid. The foftiKir failed badly btlt First Raid was probably üblucky to ini&d flj-Ht ditideud. Pangolin tobk thfe lead early, but owing to a stirrup lediher His rider Wa6 not ifinch good to him, aiid he wttß pulled but of the tussle before the straight was rettbhed. Thotridale, who hild boltfed fcfearljr a toiile bfefWe the stftrt> carrifed oil ill front wheh l*aiigplin retired, ahd led into the Straight from puinblahe, First itaidj Smithereens, and Membo, in that order. iTirst Raid had Thorndale b&itljri ft hundred yards from the post and appeared to be a comfortable winner until Miss Hasting&j. who Was last into the straight, shot through on tlio" iftsidte of liim and snatched victory tin the post by a head. Thorndale was three leftfthS atoay iiext ih front of SmithateetiSi bilmblariej and Membo. there was lid cloubt that the belated challenge of Miss Hastings caUght Fifst. Raid's rider unawares. He had a few strides before he got through oil the inside df Thorndale, and then left an openilig for the winner. Thorndale ran a stlrprisiilgly good considering his backward condition.

The Juveniles. All the Acceptors paraded for the Spring Nursery Handicap, Roval Baby and Type disputing favouritism. The finish was confined to the leaders at the false rail,. Pair Weather, Chief (jodk, arid fedyal Baby, and although they -foeta eiich separated by daylight at the post, the next division wer<j in a buntfh. Fair leather, whoi drew well out, Was actually iiil front inSide the distance, and gave promise of repeating his solid finish ih the McLean Stakes, but Chief Cook wore him down in a punishing tiißSle, and beal him by oyer a length, fioyal Bftby made a promising effort hearing the pdßt, but Weakened in the lAst tbto strides and. Was a length and a half away froin Fair Weather. Cricket fiat did his best work over the last furlon£ and finished fast into foiirth place- with Cape Gold, Gold Pit, Irish tihioftaiiij arid Hiila Belle next, l'hfe winner is a. stablo-mato of La Ponpee and looks likely ttt dev&lop into a good

stake-earner for his owner-breeder. Fair Woather was in very poor demand and hia supporters received a surprisingly E ood return. Royal Baby had every chance but evidently she is not as good as was earlier anticipated. Cricket Bat was not prominent early, but finished on in an encouraging manner.

A Thrilling Finish. The Otaio Plate produced an evenly balanced field and one of the closest finishes of the Meeting. Boau Geste was the early leader but at the end of three furlongs had drifted back to last place. At that stage Topere, who was one of the last to find his feet, was clear cf Balloon, Duellona, Salmo Salar, and Atliolspear. Topere was first into tho Btraight, from Salmo Salar, High Falutin, Atholspear, and Don Jose, with tho remainder all close up. Don Jose headed Topere at the distance, and then Bavine, Beau Gesto, Atholspear, and Grecian bocame prominent. In a great finish in which soven horses passed the post in a bunch, Grecian got up to beat Don Jose by a head, with anothei f.mad to Beau Gcsto and then a neck margin to Atholspear. Salmo Salar, Ravine, und My Own were close up next, and Topore headed the remainder. The race was marked by several changes in tho running throughout. Beau Geste went from first to last before the far turn was reached, while Don Jose had drifted back at tho homo turn after occupying a commanding position up to that stage. He then mado a run on the outside and was in behind the leaders at tho straight entrance. lla was then asked a solid task in hitting the front undor his big weight bofore the distance. Grecian put in somo great work in the last fifty yards, and determination and vigorous hofscinanßhip got him there. This was E. H. Morris's first ride since the expiration of his month's suspension. Beau Geste ran his raco in a peculiar manner, and but tot losing so much ground in the middle stages he would have been the winner.

Never in Doubt. Courageous wus withdrawn from the Oantorbury Cup in favour of his stablomate, Kir Limond. Speculation was naturally cramped and those who supported Nighfcmurch got ft little interest on their outlay. The race docs not lend ltsolf to much description. Star Strangor took charge at thp start and was attended by Sir Limond, with a two-lengths gap to Nightmarch and Concentrate together. This order was maintained for a full circuit, and ho change took pines until the straight entrance wub reached. Ilnre Sir Limond gave up the tussle and Nighttnarch shot through and joined Star Stranger. In & few strides ho took charge and led Concentrate into the home run, Star Stranger retiring In the meantime, Concentrate issuod two challenges to Nightluarch, but the latter had only to be given a reminder and he streaked away lo beat the Trentham gelding by four lengths. Star Htranger was eight lengths away, With a gap of three lengths to Sir Limond. There wafl actually 110 loitering on the journey. The first mile occupied lmin 43sec, the last mile lmin 41 sec, and the concluding half 49 l-ssec, While the full time 3nun 52 l-usec, was only a fifth of a second outside tlie race record, held by (iasbflg and Gold Jjigh<.

A SoUd rinlSher. The public made Laughing .Prince a little better than even money favourite for the Jocltey Club Handicap) and duly collected. H<* was running in fifth place behind Meadow Lark, Eanelagh, Great Charter, and Arrow Lad, at the far turn, and had moved up into third place from Meadow Lark and Havering at the straight entrance. The field Closed tip inside the distanee, but over the last two hundred yards, Laughing Pritiee settled the leaders and although having to be hard ridden to stall off a late chhllfefige by Vertigbrn, he recorded a meritorious Will by half a length. Arrow Lad was a length away next, a head in front of Admiral Drake* with tt neCk margin to Havering. Fang* Ftill Great Charter, Meadow Lark f and Ranelagh finished in that ttrder. Laughing Prince was responsible for a great effort under his big weight. Vertigcrn came from well back to get socoiid monfey, and improved very mb<*h on his previous racing. Arrow Lad again had to fill a minor place and a mile is evidently beyond him. Admiral Drake was Slow away, and gave the leadferp a big start jhto the Straight. Havering appeared likely when He forged ahp&d at the false rail, J»ut like Whito Fang the concluding stages troubled him. Full Feather Mras at the tail of the field soon after tho start and although he made up a good deal of his ground in the last half mile, he never looked like a thinner. Meadow Lark was having his first try over a mile and showed a glimpse of his old form by piloting the field -H-cll into the straight. Tlie ment was Eanelagh, who was well placed fi-om the dispatch, but gave up the contest when heads were turned for home, and finished a bad last.

The Fillies' Classic. The contest for the New Zealand daks Stakfes aroused much interest. Lady Pam, with Gray in the saddle, was made a very short-priced favour ite, and whett she entered thfc straight in front of Spoon* Praise, and Gestiire her victory seemed assured. Inside the distance, however, Praise gradually drfew lip to the leader, and had her measure a hundred yards oft the post, to record a some-tvhat convincing victory by a length. Gesture finished od the best bf the reinaihder, to gain third monfefi three lengths away, clear of Spoon, with Tripping, Cessation, Water Jenny Diver, and Parysia finishing in that order. Praise Was ridden a different race from that in thfe Derby, and her work throughout the ruii home was impressive. Lady Pain had every chance, btit infet a better Ally on tho day. Gfcstttre and Spoon both failed as stayers, notwithstanding that tile early part was run to suit tliem, Jenny Diver made a. good Showing in piloting the field for nearly a mile, and only gave in at thfe straight entrance.

Plaiii but Good. As was to be expected by the even class represented in Ihe Ashley Handicap, an exciting finish was staged. When the lißld settled do-ft'ii, Homecoming took charge, and led round the top from Sharp Tliol-n, Ben Hur< Night Parade, Killigrfcw, and Lord Thoiftond, all runiiing in close order. Ht>iiiect>iniUg wai Still in command at the straight entrance from Sharp Thorii, Lord Tliomohd, Tippling, and Comptife, aiid wheh he shook off all challenges inside the distance lie was proclaimed the winner, but Cohlpria emefged from the bunch, and with an irresistible finishing run lie got up to beat Homecoming by three parts ot a length, with Tippling only a head away. There was then d gap of two lengths to Lord Thbmohd, with Sharp Thorn, Dainty Ways, Shortly, and Duftraven host. Oompris wa& fo&port&lble for his befct effort to data. He was not Well pladefi iintil headed for libtoie, and Was being hard ridden at the distance,, His rider did not let tip on him fj-om that point, aftd the gelding gailiely responded, flomecohiing surprised by his running oil, after having to make tho pace for fully seven furlongs. Tippling \Vas always prominent hut Lord Thoihond found fche journey too far. Sharp Thorn had every chance on this occasion, hut he alßd failed to finish on> A LoKirty Winner. In a T'Frill-distributed pool in. tho Avon Handicap, Chrysblotfy was made 6. ten pounds better ftivdutitfe tliaH Habit,

with the Silver Coot-Notewnr+i. r. ot next in demand. The l,Tac ! l * keeping with the opinions of L in Chrysology took char ge be?o re Z / a ; turn was reached, and opened ~ + lengths' gap from E U P, a two Straightcourse, Silver Coot M- er A ng > cia, and Noteworthy. Chrv' \ M , er ' clear advantage from Silver C!r>n? «r a Serang, Miss Mercia, aS Habit' H ? ad i„g th. .t,sight, and the distance was passed that h<. . J „i. e h.u.„ Haiit'StoVrti™ while Noteworthy put in ance from the Wk' VaVVaQ in tho last few strides, but Noteworthy gamed on Chrysology at every Btride and the latter had only a l,ea7 margin to spare at the post. Habit was halt a length baok, m front of Head Miss Mercia, Desert course, and Silver Coot.

While Chrysology desorved his win ho was lucky that Noteworthy was hemmed in near the middle of the field until he got a passage in the straight. His finishing effort was a feature of the day's racing. Chrysology did not fulfil expectations at* a two-year-old but this was his third success to date'this Heason, and he looks likely to earn further distinction. Head Serang was well placed at the straight ontranco, but made a poor showing in the run home. Desert Song seemed to meet with trouble rounding the far turn, as he driftod back from a forward position, and was well back commencing the run home. Silver Coot again stopped abruptly, but Mißß Morcia ran hor best race since coining to Riccarton and finished on well. Straightcourse evidently felt tho eifocts of his previous effort, while Solferito and Taboo always had a good view of the race froln the ve»ar.


MEMBERS' HANDICAP, Of 500 sovs. Seven furlongs. st lb B t lb Cimabue f 3 Tenterden 7 3 Charter 8 11 Admiral Drake 7 1 8 Id itoyit ?S#aße 7 1 Supremacy 8 9 Compensation 7 0 Consent . . 8 8 Silver Coot 7 6 \Viiit6 ffans 8 4 Arlklnui . . 7 0 HSVSriht ■ . 3 4 Spotth . 7 0 MeadoW Lark 8 4 Jtiit atl Idea 7 0 Hunting Dity 8 3 Royilt Duke f 0 Arrow iijid 8 2 Desert Sons: 7 0 Ranelaerh . . 8 0 Jenny Diver 7 0 Autopay .. 7 11 Rascal .. 7 0 Awaken . . 7 10 Charmeuse 7 0 Gesture . . 7 10 Solinar . . 7 0 Great IStsr 7 iD Subdivision 7 6 Ktosk . . 70 Charmaine 7 0 Staghunter 7 8 Cuticle . . 7 0 L6v6 Son* 7 B t'lair . . 7 0 J«I«US .. 7 a GlSiirosais 7 0 .. 7 8 iitnUfchteburse 7' 0 liin Tin Tin 7 S iiiss Mercl* 7 0 Gr£ennw«y 7 4

PORT COOPER HURDLES. Of 250 soys. On® m lie and three-quarters. »t. lb. St. lb. Makeup 11 8 Tarin 9 11 Antrim Boy IT 1 Troilus B 8 Ksyal Aer# 10 T Diana'* Lad 9 s AtaarUt 10 7 Gay Fashion 0 0 Pingo I in 10 6 Oflflamb 9 0 Mambo 10 2 Quarterdeck 9 0 Disrank 10 1 Akbar 0 0 SEYMOUR HANDICAP, Of aoo SOTft. J Seven furlongs. ib. St. lb. True Shaft 0 11 Painkiller 7 8 Comprls !> 3 Colonel Que* 7 0 Jaloux 9 R Tippling 7 5 Cndlatid . . % 3 Bay Queen . . 1 •4 Charm ouse 8 13 Projection • • 7 a A1 Jolson . . 8 9 King Musket 7 a Master Red Royal 7 a Anomaly 8 0 Water Power 7 0 Lofd Tliomond 8 7 Pharaoh 7 0 Han itur 6 e Winsome Hind 7 0 Tripping 8 2 Aeadatny .. 7 0 Joek o' Meitai 7 0 Ilaseldean 8 a Proud Knight 7 0 Impertinence 8 2 The Oove- . . 7 0 Hounslo# 8 U Ball Dress •. 7 0 Jaysou 8 3 Tbtirso 7 0 Pakltere 8 2 Lorette 7 0 tflair 8 1 KUllgrew 7 0 Hunting Call 8 0 Might Recital 7 0 Pixie Gold 7 IS Spear Lad .. 7 0 Appledors .. 7 13 Minerval 7 0 Adelphi . . 7 11 Valves 7 0 Lady Rene 7 1! Solwlt 7 0 Glenrossie . . 7 11 Divinetto . . 7 0 Arrowzone 7 9 Eton Hall . . 7 0 •Semper Nightcap 7 0 Paratus 7 9 Loeksley 7 0 Oralgavon . . 7 9 Westhferly . . 7 0 Merry Cry 7 8 Jael 7 0 Sapient 7 8 Cessation 7 b CRB88Y HAJTDIOAJt', Of 800 sort. Minimum weight 7-7. Seven furlong*. St. lb. st. lb. Havering 9 9 Noteworthy 8 a Meadow Lark 9 0 Pride 8 1 Chrysology . . 9 6 DrSert Song 8 1 Raneiagh 9 3 Mlsi Ransom i ii Atttopay 1 1 First Raid 7 9 Great Star . . 0 0 Dolomita 7 B Arrowttllr 8 18 CharmSttse 7 8 Habit 8 IS Makeup 7 6 Love Song . . 8 13 Glenrowan 7 7 Oreenaway 8 9 Subdivision 7 7 Caterpillir 8 9 Lord Thomond 7 7 LUcky Light 8 9 High Gear 7 t Trua Shaft 8 9 Topdro 7 7 dreclan 8 9 Srtilthere^ng 7 7 Fernden 8 8 Imfttbaglrl .. t 7 Mfeprlsant . . 8 8 Sblferlie 7 7 Gay Sonnet 8 6 Straighicoursft 7 7 Rin Tin Tin 8 6 GUnroJlie .. 7 V AtHolSpear -. . S C Painkiller .. 7 7 Admiral DiietJUri® .. 7 7 Drake 8 6 Tip Ttree 7 7 Compensation 8 5 Taku Taina 7 7 Taboo 8 5 Miss Mercia 7 7 On Top 8 4 Arrowhead . . 7 7 Cadl&nd . . 8 3 Some Lad . . 7 7 Silver Coot 8 2 *io£rEfi& HANDICAP, Of 350 tovs. FivA ftirloilgi. St. lb. it. lb. Korokio 8 12 Osslman 7 5 Golden Eclair 7 5

Wings Solvent Fair Weather Esteem . . Grecian Prince Chief Light Royal Biby Innuendo Lait March JHsh Ohieftsiit Type Capfe Gold Lochlaggikn Maritime Cricket But Dodge . . Battle Hero 6 8 8 8 A 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 2 0 0 0 13 11 10 8 8 8 7 6 5 BSacon Firo Hunting Go Monarchy .. Jordan Huli Belle Tres Sec Siohg .. Gold Pit .. Adult Azalla Motlastic . . Arrowsntlth— Priclbui fiily bfable Scotfch Tea Khoekiorig Palace . . Earthquake 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 5 5 5 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 (J 0 or 0 0 MHTROJPOIilTAN HANDICAP, Of ldoo sets. One rtlle arid a jtflf. ■ *"• 'St lb Historic . S 6 Wgb 7 " 3 Star Sti-anger 9 4 Lucky Light 7 . 3 Concentrate !) a Ranelaftli ..73 Hunting Cry 8 13 Black lJtike 7 2 Mefry Damon 8 8 Courageous 7 |! Prodlce . . 8 7 My Own ..71 Vertlgfern . . 8 7 StarShooter 7 0 Psquito . . 8 0 jfjyriann® .. 7 0 Bright Glow 8 3 Desftrt Glow 7 0 First Slfitt 8 1 Duelloiia . . 7 0 Gay Crest . . 7 13 bfeseirt Soiig 7 0 Count SpeArmisB . . 7-0 Palatine 7 iO NaSsock . . 7 0 Arikhvai .. 7 8 Iiavini . . 70 Pahu . . 7 8 fceau G6ste 7 0 Gustavo . . 7 7 Balloofi . . TO Shrewd 7 6 Doloniite . . 7 () White Fang 7 5 High Gear 7 0 High Court 7 5 'Tourist . . 7 0 Count Cavour 7 5 The BUia . . 7 0 Lutin Quarter 7 r> ilount Singleton . . 7 4 Shannon 7 0 STOilStfilt/BSr HANDICAP, Of 400 govs. Ob# tails. Gustavo Lady Piini Oentlire Love Sbtitf Commandant A1 Jolson Vandyke Arisus Dunruvon Spoon Lineage Jenny TJiver Satisfy Appledore ' * Biri Adelpl" St 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 '8 11) 6 1 11 11 11 10 7 G 6 6 5 3 4 0 13 12 Johneen Ilkley Cliarmdine Sleiimer Kitig Musket Pharaoh WiftSOme Hind Parysia ftdyal Love v Intruder i. Sharp Tfloirii Zephyrug Terra Firma Ball DrggE . . Minerr*! .. St 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 T 7 * 7 7 7 T lb ia is ia 9 5 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 ft

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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 20084, 13 November 1930, Page 14

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OAKS DAY. Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 20084, 13 November 1930, Page 14

OAKS DAY. Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 20084, 13 November 1930, Page 14