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COLLEGE WIN. SCHOOL BEATEN BY FIVE POINTS. DEADLY TACKLING HAS ITS ! EFFECT. ! < r S Tivo thousand spectators watched iOme delightfully free and open Rugby In the second half of the match between Boys' High School and Christ's College played at the School Grounds yesterday afternoon. College -won by eight points to three—a converted and an unconverted try to an unconverted try. College owed their victory chiefly to clean and deadly tackling which, time end again, pulled up the relentless attacks of the High School backs, who were on the offensive for most of the game. The tackling on both sides was lard —almost severe* —but College could not have come off the field victorious unless they had maintained their solid lnan-to-man defence from beginning to end. In the first spell tho game was not particularly in the second, it changed completely. College had the better of the opening stageß, tho Blue-and-Blacks being unablo to swing into action till near the end of tho spell. After the interval they opened with a fine burst, looking as if they might run up a score, but College, back and forward, countered them effectively. They eould not get home but came again and again only to be frustrated until they found that to get through and make up the leeway of five points scored by College in the first spell was indeed a difficult task. It was only occasionally that College were allowed to sally out of their own territory, but, so quick were they to grasp opportunity, that they scored from one of these sorties. The School forwards wero giving their backs plenty of the ball and even then it looked as if they would turn the scale, but they wero kept at bay through a series of determined attacks and had to be content : With an unconverted try. In the first spell the football was not •f the standard usually seen in this match. High School especially seemed . to lack vim. In the second, however, it had all the sparkle, enthusiasm, and quick change of fortune which is so characteristic of secondary Bchool Bugby. College were robbed of many , opportunities for attack after tho interval by failure to control the ball in the Bcrums. They mado good use of What they did get and were quick to pounce upon any mistakes or ragged play among tho opposing backs. Their forwards, too, using their heads as well ms their feet, often cleared from dangerous positions by keeping tho ball at their toes and thrusting their way down field. They got out of more than one tight corner in this way and in loose play generally surpassed the School pack. School's place-kicking was weak. • They might have equalled if not passed the College score by penalties alone lad they possessed one player who had puiy ability in this department. v That College won was not the fault 5. •£ Cobden tho School full-back. He defended his lino very ably. Dawson, on Jjven© wing, was the most enterprising of T tha rearguard, but he generally found two or more men confronting him. McClelland, the other winger, suffering \from leg injuries, did not show up very 5 much. Roberts at centre kicked well. :<♦,< Cook, at first five-eighths, did a tremenV doua amount of work, but he was allowed little room. The Christ's College backs were impressive in defence and not one of them : let his side down. Held together well l>y , Aitken, at centre, who played a Bterling gamo throughout, they were also often dangerous in attack. Their inside backs—particularly Webb and • Monteath —seemed to out-manoeuvre ' their opponents persistently and generally managed to wriggle out of trouble. Webb played a particularly effective game all through, while Monteath got 'i, the ball away cleanly. Ferguson, tie College captain, led his team well, and; was in the forefront of many telling forward rushes. Both packs worked tirelessly. High School were more effective la the tight play but College crutahoaa jkkem in the loose. ' The teams were:— CHRIST'S COUJSOE. Full-back: J. J. M.„ollivier Three-quarters: f . Jlf. SdDestoa A. J. Aitken P. W. Bhteld .Five-eighths: J. U. McCracken G. C. C. "Webb " Half-back: A. P. J. Monteath ,■■■■■ Wing-forward: J. 3iL Kerr Forward*! X. Hilgendorf D, H. Arthur *. P. Smith J. H. Holderaess B. F. Anderson Jl B. Ferguson (captain) A. H. Harding. BOYS' HIGH SCHOOI* Full-back: A. P. Cobden Three-quarters: H MeGlelland S. A. Roberts D. A. Dawson Five-eighths: W, J. A. Brittenden H. E. Cook Half-back: J. Saiindercock Wing-forward: E. Young Forwards: 35. J. Lee (captain) J. ©. Bankin JL Gaudin J. T. Thacker N. House X. <3. McNeill W. Braortoa The Play. Both teams took the field to the •wad of ringing cheers and hakas from their respective schoolmates. After one two College attacks had been frustrated, Aitken, the College centre, faoke through and scored, converting lis own try. College 5, School 0. I College, with tricky work behind tho •warn, continued on the offensive. Webb *'Os playing a great game at first fivetighth, but McCracken outside him missing his passes now and then. Roberts sent play downfield with a J»ag kick, and Lee had a drop-kick wun a penalty, which narrowly missed. A centring kick Baw College in trouble, OHivier forcing. House was injured in ft* knee, and had to be assisted to tho iia*» I. Morrison replacing him. School forwards wero making the game lively now, but no sooner had the ball got out to the backs than Collega were in amongst them. McClelland, with a good solo effort, took play to tire corner, where the position looked dangerous. In a second attempt be Spoilt his chance by kicking for the line, •Instead of making n bid to score. Col-' leg* cleared, and Roberts marked on th'or twenty-five line in the centre of th« field. His drop-kick only just fell •uort, College charged upfield on the flank, but Aitken kicked too hard ana : Cohden forced. The Blue and Blacks were warming t to the attack and their forwards *"« re down very suddenly on , to cny ragged back play. After some loose hack thrusts the ball traveled jjfeh* throcuh the School line for th« Wtt tia»« during the match and Daw*

s®" l pe i Mt * «own the line b®o stopped. Half-time sounded g e j® both teams leaving the School set up a hot back attack soon . . cr . rc suming, McClelland making a t or ground. Webb saved with a good ark in the face of the opposing pack. r ,w ®J r came again in a sparkling r> m ° VOmen t—the brightest so far — ana Dawson, running past Sharp, clevery centred, but overran the ball five yards from the line. Then ensued a not melee right beneath the posts, and j .iT® 80 t scrum on the line, College dribbled clear. There was a quick change of fortune. The College forwards sent the ball away from the loose, and their backs were across, but were called back Cor an infringement. From the ensuing scrum, Monteath, with rare judgment, sent Rolleston across on tho blind aide. Aitken missed the kick. College 8, High School 0. , ranged up and down the field, the Blue and Black backs straining every nerve to get through, but the defence hold. Cobden had a good chance from a penalty just outside the twen-ty-five line, but hiß direction was all wrong. The School wingers, McClelland and Dawson, made good runs, but there were generally two players there to receive them. After a period during which School were attacking strongly Christ 'a College took a turn and Aitken cut in to give Shield a chance, but he was forced out. Instantly play took on a different aspect, and Roberts and Dawson were off with the ball. Dawson was almost past tho last man when Aitken, with a flying tackle, brought hira down on the side-line. Two penalties for School followed, but they could make use of neither. School were pressing in the corner, attempting to score on either flank. At last Cook sent the ball on to Dawson on the blind side for him to dash over near the corner flag. Lee missed a difficult kick. College 8, School 3.

A lightning back attack saw Robertß "dummy" twice. He was well on tho way to success with McClelland waiting outside him when ho slipped on the greasy ground and College kicked into touch. Ferguson broke right away with the ball at toe, but Cobden cleared nicely to the line. On the throw-in Ferguson was on the ball again, but it went out. Cook had a shot at goal from a mark, but it missed, and the whistle Bounded with the score. College 8, School 3. Mr R. J. G. Collins was referee. SECONDARY SCHOOLS* COMPETITION. SIXTH ROUND. Yesterday matches wore continued in the Christchureh Becondary BChoolb' competition, when tho fifth round of games was played. Owing to the annunl match between Christ's College and Boys' High School, a fair number of the ordinary competition fixtures were postponed. The following were the results: — SECOND GRADE. Playing at tho High School Old Boys' ground, Riccarton corner, Technical Hieh School defeated St. Andrew's College by 14 points to 6. Mr J. B. Mcßride was referee. At the Rangiora recreation ground, liangiora High School defeated Christ's College by 82 points to nil. Mr G. B. Beattie was referee.

The remaining games in this grade were postponed. THIRD GRADE. All matches were postponed. FOURTH GRADE.

Playing at the Polo Grounds, St. Andrew's College defeated Technical High School by 13 points to 3. Mr R. McKenzio was referee. The postponed match between Christ's College B and St. Andrew's College took placo on Monday. Christ's College B winning by 88 points to 11. Mr H. E. H. Denham was referee. The remaining games in this grade were postponed. FIFTH ORADE.

Playing at tho Technical High School ground, Ensor's road, St. Bode's College dnfeated Technical High School by 45 points to nil. Mr J. Pugdale was referee. At the Christ's College cricket ground, Boys' High School A defeated Christ's College Aby 5 points to nil. Mr L. H. Williams •was referee. The postponed match between St. Andrew s Collars and Boys' High School A took place ob Monday, and resulted In » draw, eachsido scoring three points. Mr H. L. Jamieson was referee. . _ . The game between Christ's College B ana St. Andrew'b Collage was postponed.

SIXTH GRADE. Playing at the West Christchureh Old Boys Ground, West Christchureh District High School daieated Technical High School B by 18 points to 3. Mr A. Thompson was referee Thi other games In this section w«rs postponed. SEVENTH GRADE. (Under 7rt 71b.) Playing at the Polo Grounds, St. Beds b College defeated West Christchureh District High School by 6 points to 8. Rev. Father P. Scanloo, 8.M., was referee. At the 'Varsity ground, Riccarton corner. Technical High School A defeated Technical High School Bby 16 points to nil. Mr U. 11. Newton was referee. , . The game between Boys High Bchool A and Beys' High School B was not played.

EIGHTH GRADE. (Under 7st 71b.) piayjnjc at tho Polo Grounds, St. Andrew s Collet* defeated West Christchureh District High School by 25 points to ail. Mr 6. S. MeKenxie was referee. The snatch between Boys* High School A and Beys* High School B was not played. At the Y.M.C.A. ground, Riccarton corner. Technical High School A defeated Technical High School Bby 15 points to nil. Mr G. M. R«ye was referee. NINTH GRADE. (Under 7st 71b.) Playing at the St. Andrew's College ground, Strowan. St. Andrew's College defeated St. Bede's College by 9 points to 3. Mr C. W. R. Dart was referee. At the Linwood ground, Riccarton corner, Technical High School A defeated Technical High School Bhy B4 points to nil. Mr C. McC. Harper was referee. The match between the two Boys' High School teams was postponed. TENTH GRADE. (Under 7st 71b.) Playing at the High School Old Boys' (round. Riccarton corner, Technical High School A defeated Technical High School B by 15 points to nil. Hr H. P. Wise was referee. At the Polo Grounds, West Christchureh District High Bchool A defeated West Christchurch District High School B by 11 points to nil. Mr V. H. Thwaites was referee. Boys* High School had the bye. ELEVENTH GRADE. (Under 7st 71b.) Playing at the Technical Old Boys' ground, Riccarton corner, Technical High School B defeated St. Andrew's College by • points to S. Xr V. J. Wilson was releree. At the Polo Grounds, Technical High Bchool X defeated West Christchureh District High School by 83 points to nil. Hr W. Brydca w«a referee. The postponed match between Boys' High School and West Christchureh District High School was played on Monday, and resulted in a win for Boys' High School by S points to nil. Mr P. A. Wicks waß referee. Boys' High School had the bye. JUNIOR SCHOOLS' COMPETITION. UPPER GRADE. Playing at the Christ's College cricket ground, Cathedral Grammar School defeated Christ's College B by 27 points to nil. Mr ! A. G. Pitt was referee. At the Medbury ground, Fendalton, Christ's College A defeated Medbury Preparatory School by 20 points to nil. Mr E. J. Chensells wss referee. LOWER GRADE. j (Under 7st.) Playing at the Medbury ground, Pendalton, Cathedral Grammar School defeated Medbury Preparatory School by 17 points to nil. Mr E. J. Chennells was referee. At Rugby Park, Technical High School defated Victory Memorial School by SO points to nil. Mr J. 3. I. Hunter was referee. SYDENHAM CLUB. Following is tha under fist 71b tesm to meet Christchureh on Lsncsster Park oval at 11.45 p.m. on Saturday-C. Campbell, R. Blackmore, G. Toombs, C. Wards, L. Anstiss, S. Connor, R. Forscutt, K. Gabb, L. Walsh, W. Harvey, B. Harris, J. Mowbray, R. Johnston, A. Britten, R. Antman, J. Carmine, J. Duke. The players are requested to attend at the clubs rooms this evening at 6.45, whon the final selection will be made. Those not attending will not be considered for inclusion in the team. CHRISTCHURCH LOCO. CLUB. The Canterbury Rugby Union have Bpproved the application of the Christchureh Loco. Football Club for the use of the Shovir grounds nn Saturday morning for k match against the Dunedin Loco. Pootbal! Club. This is an annual fixture and last year's game was won by Duneirtn. Up to yesterday no further applications for grounds on Saturday had been received by the Union.

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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 19970, 3 July 1930, Page 13

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FOOTBALL. Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 19970, 3 July 1930, Page 13

FOOTBALL. Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 19970, 3 July 1930, Page 13