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Tlie Lady Editor will be pleased to receive for publication in the "Women's Corner" Items of social or personal Levi. Sack items should be fully authenticated, and engagement notices must bear tie signatures of both parties. Correspondence is invited 01 any matters affecting, or of interest to, women.

Mrs Wilies (England), who lias been visiting Sir Heaton and Lady Rhodes, Otahnna, is at present staying at the Hermitage, Mount Cook. She will pay a round of visits to relatives and friends in South Canterbury before returning to Otahuna.

Mrs Vesey Robinson (Marlborough) is paying a visit to Christchurch.

The Misses Buckley (Leinst-er road) are leaving on Monday for a holiday visit to Akaroa.

Miss Blanche Hennah (Merivale) left yesterday for a short visit to Mrs Hawkins, the Vicarage, Gtenroark. Mr and Mrs H. Pennington have returned to Dunedin, after paying a short visit to Christchurch.

Miss Olivia Spencer-Bower (Fendalton) and Miss Mary Hogg (Cashmere Hills) are visiting the Hermitage, Mount Cook. Miss Spencer-Bower is leaving in April for England to continue ner art studies.

Miss Mavis Reese (Rossall street) has returned from a holiday visit to Inver-t-argil 1 and Dunedin. Mrs H. C. Nolan (Wairoa) is arriving in Christchurch this morning to visit her mother. Mrs Gerald Westenra, Garden road.

Mr and Mrs B. F. "Williams (England) are staying at the Clarendon Hotel. Mr E. D. Mosley, S.M., will leave Christchurch abont March 12th on a nine months' trip abroad. He will join the Orford at Sydney on March 26th. He and Mrs Mosley will make up a party with Mr and Mrs J. D. Benton and their son, Mr M. Benton, of Christchurch. The party have planned a most attractive itinerary, taking in England, Italy, Switzerland, Prance, Belgium, Germany, and Holland. They will go Home via Colombo and Suez, making a break to visit the Pyramids and Cairo and Port Said.

Latest arrivals at the Franz Josef Glacier Hotel, Waiho Gorge, include: — j Mr E. Lupton (England), Mr and Mrs Harman (Christchurch), Mr and Mrs Williams (Nelson), Misses M. and L. Brown (Lyttelton), Mr and Mrs N. T. Norton (Lyttelton), Dr. and Mrs Holme (New Plymouth), Mr J. Sinclair (Christchurch), Mr and Mrs Stevens (Christchurch), Mr Milne (Perth), Mr I R. T. Moore (Melbourne), Mr and Mrs j Williams (England), Messrs Goodman and Manchester (Christchurch), Mr and | Mrs JefFerson (Dunedin), Mr B. Morley (Westport), Dr. Stack (Liverpool, England), and Mr Abercrombio (Wellington). , Latest arrivals at the Hotel Federal include:—Mr G. H. Masfen (Auckland), Mrs C. Cole (Greymouth), Miss G. Lindsay (Wellington), Mrs N. Cbnrchers (Wellington), Mr "F. Picot (Wellington), Mr and Mrs K. D. Orr (Auckland), Mr and Mrs Gallagher (Ashburton), Mr P. J. Roberts (Gis- j borne). Mr and Mrs N. W. Smith ! (Timaru), Mr and Mrs T. T. Truesdale I (Omakau), Mr W. D. Thompson j (Christchurch), Mrs N. M. Tomlinson i (Greymouth), Mr A. L. Bezett (Dunedin), Mr and Mrs J. R. Palmer (Wellington), Mr H. S. Hewlett (Blenheim), Mr and Mrs Russell (Geraldine). Mr C. M. Asher (Oamaru), Mr D. K. Griffen (Oamaru), Mr and Mrs Wood (Timaru), and Mr M. S. Bradbury (Timaru). The usual weekly dance will be held in Dixieland to-morrow night, when a programme of the latest dance music will be supplied by the Dixieland Orchestra. CAN'T BE WITHOUT IT. Let Sno-Wite keep your clothes spotlessly clean. Because of Sno-Wite Washing Powder's extra help it does your washing in almost half the usual time. Sno-Wite is economical, too—and doesn't harm the hands. Sno-Wite is a help you can't afford to be without—just you try it. —-2 HUNT FOB A DISH. Tour hunt for an appetising dish on a hot day can end with cold meat and Military pickle. Particular people, who particularly want a Pickle with added zest are particular to emphasise "Military" pickle when ordering. It pays to specify that name. —1 HAPPY—YET MARRIED I All Bath-Clubbers are happy—for how could a man be otherwise when be slips out of bed straight into a steaming hot bath : J Their Mercer Vacuum Electric Cylinders heat an abundance of water overnight without the slightest inconvenience. Particulars from J. Mercer and Sons, Ltd., 54 Oxford terrace (near Montreal street bridge). —6 AN EXHAUSTED HUSBAND. "My husband used to come home every night absolutely tired out, and with hardly any appetite. Even the best of roasts would not appeal to bim, until I started making the gravy with Melhuish's Gravy Colouring. That did the trick. Melhuish's gave the gravy such an appetising colour that he couldn't resist." —1 Pannell's special purchase of Boys' School Boots are now offering at very attractive prices. A real good serviceable boot for hard wear, with or without toe and heel plates. 9's to 10's 14s 3d, ll's to 13 15s 6d, 1 to 2 17s, 3 to 5s 18s 6d. Pannell and Co., 105 Manchester street. Thone 694. —0


An enjoyable time was spent at the home of Miss Eva Nottingham v/ben a gathering of young people met to honour Miss Jean Steele, who is shortly to be married to Mr W. H. Kennedy. Miss Steele was the recipient of many useful gifts for her new home. Dancing, games, and competitions, won by Miss Nottingham and Miss Steele, were enjoyed. The intfic was supplied by Miss D. Whitworth and Mr H. Thorn.

Among those present were: —Mesdames Benson, McPberson, Bugler, and Wakefield, Misses Jean Steele, Minnie Steele, Eva Nottingham, Jessie Lpuie, Connie Yates, Dorothy Whitworth. Emma Beer, Annie Gibson, Kath_ O'Brien. C. Scott. Molly and Frances Gibb, Messrs W. H. Kennedy, F. Harrison, J. Benson. H. Thorn, J. Algie, G. Benson, T. Brett, C. McGregor, F. Smith, M. Murphy, T. Waters, A. Lang, and R. Adams.


MRS WALTER DE THIER. The announcement of the death of Mrs Constance Gladys Mary de Thier, wife of Mr Walter de Thier, Heathcote Bridge, will be received with sincere regret by a large circle of .friends throughout the Dominion. The deceased, who was only forty years of age, was a daughter of Mr Peter Trolove and the late Mrs Trolove, and a grand-nieoe of his Grace Archbishop Redwood. Before ner marriage, the late Mrs de Thier was a particularly promising golfer, and was a popular member of the Christchurch Ladies' Golf Club. Her charm of manner, her unselfishness and dauntless courage won for her the deep affecton of many friends. For many vears she had not enjoyed ccod health, and she bore her last long, tedious illness with wonderful patience and fortitude. Much svmpathy will be felt for her husband and voung family, and for her father, brother and sisters. The funeral, which will be private, takes place this morning, and will be preceded by Requiem Mass, celebrated at St. Mary's at 9 a.m. dance at papanui. 0 n Tuesday evening the members of the St. Paul's Choir and Bellringers, Papanui, entertained the members of their parish and their many friends at a dance, given in the schoolroom. The committee had worked hard lor the success of the gathering and their efforts were justly repaid. The hall was prettily decorated in blue, gold* and red streamers. During the evening the Waialane Players gave selections of Hawaiian music. The Rev. W. H. Orbell and Mrs Orbell acted as host and hostess, and Messrs W. A. Wilson and C. J. McKay assisted in many ways. _ Those present included: —Mesdames W H. Orbell, E. E. Heywood S. Caverhill, Jones, Synje, Wilson, Knight, A. Rhodie, and Gilchrist, Misses E. Mavne, D. Jones, G. Marsden, R. H. McClean, S- E. Corsbie, E Burrowe®, Mann, J. Seabrook. A. I/ow, R. Hill, F. Hill, L. N. Corsbie, G. Dalley, M. Hosking, J. Fletcher, S Tullet, P. Thompson, K. Moore, B. Black, I. Under, T. Burn 3, T. Gee, A. Brown, L. Gardiner, B. Pilgrim, B. Lysaght, E. Lysaght, M. Park, M. S. Caverhill, L. Church J. Church, B. Goodman, J. Veitch, N. Hill, D. McKay, L. Gilchrist, M Williamson, E. Jones, M. Haisley (Grevmouth), N Williamson, J. Williamson, N. Davidson, J. Lynskey, B. Thompson, I. Johnson, Z. Gamble. R. Gamble, P Turner, D. Parker (Wellington), T. Willar, M. Reynolds, M. McCnllough, Rev. W. H. Orbell, Messrs T Mayne, H. Peers, R. Price, "C. J McKay, W. A. Wilson. R. Mowbray, E. C. Eggleston. M. J. Moon, G. Minmtt, P. D. Corsbie, B. N. Taylor, A. Jones, C. Lilley. A. Thome, J. Thorne, A. Morley, W. Perfect, M. McKendry, E. Crawford, A. Syme, B. L. Absolam, B. Scott, A. Mollison, A. Rhodie, L. Cookroft, K. Black, A. Reynolds, I. Thompson, K. Turner, 0. Perry (l>unedin), T. Scott. A. Gilchrist. Burrowes, Woodard, K. Shirlaw, J. Parker, S. Wilson. J. Thomnson. S. C. Thompson, C. M Gray, P. Hill, M. McKechnie, C. Dalley, W. Hilmer, b. Green, D. James, and G. May.

W.C.T.U. i ■tJj-j first fortnightly meeting this year or" the Christehnrch branch of the W.C.T.U. was held on Wednesday. Miss Henderson presided. Apologies were received from Mrs Israelson and Miss Jewell. It was decided to send two delegates to the Convention at Wellington in March. The balance-sheet was read and proved satisfactory. I It was decided to send a congratulatory letter to the Ashburton Union, as Ashburton has secured No-license. It was reported that a membership campaign had been organised during the month in an attempt to gain three thousand new members before Convention. Satisfactory reports were read from members who had promised to canvass. Members were asked to be present at the Methodist Berwick street morning service on Sunday, also at the Trinity Congregational evening service on the last Sunday in the month, when the Rev. "D. Gardner Miller would conduct a special service to further the cause of the Union. Donations were received from mem* bers towards a presentation to Dr. Blackmore. Members were asked to assist in parcelling literature for the ' backblocks, also to do sewing for the Fresh Air Home. It was proposed to send charts to district schools. The president read many interesting remits from the National Council of "Women. At next meeting Frances Willard Day will be celebrated. Sister Ruth Fawcett will be the speaker. The meeting closed wjth the Benedie- ! tion.

WEDDINGS. HOUGHTON—MORRISOK. Although the ceremony was extremely quiet, many friends assembled at St. Marys Church, Merivale, yesterday morning, to show their kindly interest in the wedding of Miss Mary Farquhaxson Morrison, only child of Mr and Mrs A. F. Morrison, Merivale lane, and Mr Hugh Fraaer Houghton (I.C.S. retired), North Canterbury, only son of Mr Bernard Houghton and t&e late Mrs Houghton. Oxford, England. Archdeacon P. B. Haggitt performed the ceremony, Mr A. Worsley wa* organist, and Mr Morrison escorted his daughter. The bride wore an attractive model suit of French crepe de chine, the pleated skirt being of tabac brown and the smart jumper of ivory erepe de chine, embroidered in all-over floral design in tones of tabac delphinium blue and banded at tlie V neck. cuffs, and waist with tabac to match the skirt. Her becoming bat of delphinium blue felt, with wide drooping brim, was bound and banded with tabac-corded ribbon, which also formed the chic little bow on the cro*n, held with a small brilliant buckle. A shoulder po«y of softly shaded blue flowers and a long string of gold Nads were charming complementary adjuncts to a distinctive ensemble. After the ceremony, relatives rnd * few intimate friends were entertained bv Mr and Mrs Morrison at their Loan* in Merivale lane. Mrs Morrison wore a beautiful frock of soft sapphire blue crepe de chine, with pleated skirt and panels of pin-tucks on the bodice and at the waist, which 'xas finish.*! with a sapphire blue and brilliant Libertv buckle. Her blue felt hat to match was trimmed with corded ribbon.


Miss Ida Withers was hostees at * ''pantry evening" held at her home, Frederick street, in honour «f Miaa Tlielma Rowe, whose marriage take® place on Wednesday. The evening was spent in competition* and games, and songs were rung bv Misses TheJma Rowe rnd Elsie Keen. Those present included Mesdames R**e. V< ithers, Keen, D. I'rown, Misses T. Rowe. G. Crawford. RTillvshort. E. I'eddie. E. and L. Keen M. Sladen. S. Collins. D. Birth, una Trixie Bradley.

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Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19545, 15 February 1929, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19545, 15 February 1929, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19545, 15 February 1929, Page 2