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N.Z. CHAMPIONSHIPS. SEVERAL RECORDS MADE. LEADBETTER BREAKS EVENS IN 100 YARDS. ;r-ICSi ASSOCIATION 7E!.£G?.AM.) ArCKLAXD, rebruary i: Xw records disqualification*, and a-ri* dentj, mado the New Za'and amateur athletic and cycling championship meeting which was concluded at the Domain to day one which the 500U spectators will not soon forget. The track was in perfect order, and except for a light shower the weather was line. Competing in ihe 320 yds hurdles. U. tV. Lander equalled the Australian and New Zoaland record of 15 l-ssec established by 11. E. Wilson (Wellington) in J'J-- 1 . In tho lOOyda championship, M. Lcadbctter (Canterbury) won for the third successive year, and equalled the Australian and New Zealand re* cord of y t-osrc shared by W. T. Mac* phersnn, J. ][. 11 empton, £. W. Oarr, and J. V Schol?. He also won the 2'JOyds chain* pion&hip for the second time. Mis* K. Manton (Wellington) broke tho New Zealand record of 11 -i-osec held by Miss F. Muxwell, by l-ssee, in winning the. 10<*>ci< ladies' championship. S. J,ay (Unworn) broke his own New Zealand record of 198 ft 7|in in throwing the javelin. A. C. Oarlick (Auckland) created a new record of 58soo for the 440 yd« hurdler, aud J. T. Fleming (Wellington) returned ihe best performance by a New Zealander in winning the 44Uyds flat championship in fiOsec, but he missed a record of 49 l-ssee established by (j. Parker (America) in 1914. In the hop, step, and jump championship, J. W, Shirley (Auckland) increased hi* Dominion record by 11 2«f»m to 47ft 4 tf-Mn.

The disqualification of O. Gibbons fWonsa-nui-Taranaki) caused a sensation in the mile championship, as the time. 4min 25sec, shows that the pace was very solid, and both runners were at their limit on tho Inst lap. It was in the final sprint that (iilibons jostled Snvidan, and caused tho latter to stumble. The act was unintentional but obvious, and Ihe referee promptly disqualified Uibbons, placing Savidnn first and Priestly second. No protect was entered by Savidan, who was heard to soy ho would take his beating and had mi intention of protesting. There was moro. excitement in the thrco miles walk, when Lankey began fo "lift" in the spurt home, and Cabot pulled up and left tho trackjust after tho Wellington mail had passed him. He changed his mind and finished, but ho had broken the rules by leaving the track, and when Lankey was disqualified tho only course remaining was to declare no race. O. Droad ( Wanganul-Taarnaki), who finished second, was disqualified in the 120 yds hurdles through knocking three hurdles. Shirley was placed second. Canterbury's trio, (.rose, I'Anson, and Ferguson, fared badly in the mile cycle championship, Grose falling in the straight and bringing down big team mates and Klett (Wellington). as well as affecting Lamb, tho Victorian, who, however, won the half and three miles championships fplcndidly. In tho eyclo handicap If. G. llaird, a local rider, sustained a broken finger, when he und two others crashed. Leadbotter ran with admirable freedom in retaining his sprint titles, while all tho other running champions had to reveal exceptionally fine form to win. E. O. Sutherland proved his ability as an all-rounder, and was placed in all field events. ltesults:—

100 yds Championship—Lendhetter (Canterbury) 1, Williams (Auckland) ", Klllott (Auckland) 3. Williams got a splendid start, and Imd a break on the field at 60yds. From that point Leadbelter began to show up, mulling with a beautifully free action, and making up grouifll rapidly. Williams began to tire, and Elliott drew up on him. Tho last burst saw the title boldor irrrsistible, nnd ho won by ono yard, six inches separating second and third. Fleming was n close fourth. Leadbetter's time. 3 l-ssec, equalled the Australian nnd New Zealand record.

220 yds Championship—Leadbettcr (Canterbury) 1, Fleming (Wellington) 2, Klliott (Auckland) 3. Also started: Williams (Auckland). Johnston (Canterbury). A good start saw Williams leading tho field, but it was not long beforo Leadbettcr moved forward and showed tho way. Ho increased his lead, but thon Fleming mado up much, ground. However, he could not pass Leadbettcr, who won by half a yard. Elliott was six inches away third. Time. 22 3-sscc. •140 yds Chsmpionship—B'leroing (Wellington) 1. Newton ( Wanganui-Taranaki) 2, Garlick (Auckland) 3. Also started: Henry and McCoy (Auckland), Maitland and Gilmour (Wanganui-Taranaki), Eastwood ond Smith (Wellington), Laing (Canterbury), and Olsen (Otago). McCoy made tho early running. Fleming was in chargo at 230 yds, and led into tho straight from a bunched field. In the dash to the tape Fleming won brilliantlv by three yards from Xewton. with Garlick third. Time OOscc, the best performance by a New Zcolander. ■ Half-mile Championship—Olseu (Otago) 1, Xewton (Wanganui-Taranaki) 2, Allan (Wellington) 3. Also started: Kells, Griflln, Leikis (Auckland), liilmour (Wanganui-Tora-naki), Scotney and Gully (Wellington), and Lalng (Canterbury). Griflln led over the first -UOydt, followed by Allan, Gilmour, and Olsen. There was no change until ncurlng the turn on the back stretch, when Olsen shot to the front. Olsen won by two yards from Newton, Allan being one yard away third. Timo lmin 59sgc. Ono Mile Championship—Savidan (Auckland) 1, Priestlej (Wellington) 2. Also started: Gibbons (Wanganui-Taranaki), Donovan (Auckland). Thto was a sensational race. Donovan set out to make the pace, ond kept ahead for two laps- Savidan led over the third lap, when Donovaii retired. It was evident that Gibbons and Savidan would flght out tho finish. They tested each other all tho way over the third lap. and Gibbons led into tho fourth lap. Gibhons's pace momentarily carried him woll clear of Savidan, but the latter challenged, and drew abreast. Gibbons shook him off, only to bo challenged again, just before tho straight was reached. Savidan now led over the last stretch. Thrill followed thrill, and fifteen yard* from the tape the sensational happened. Savidan was inches to tho good, and very close tn Gibbons, who was on the inside. Tho Wanganul champion accidentally collided with Savidan, and the Aucklander stumbled ten- ysrds from tho tape. Ho kept on his feet just long enough to pass tho tape, *nd then pitched forward. Gibbons won bv nearly tlireo yards, and was announced as the winner. The bumping was investigated by the referee, Mr R. W. MeVilly, who disqualified Gibbons, and placed Savidan firit, and Priestley third. Gibbons' time was 4min 25scc.

120 yds Hurdles Championship.—Lander (Otago) 1. Slilrloy (Auckland) 2. Broad (Wanganui-Taranaki) 3. The only othef starter was disqualified for knocking down three hurdle*. Lander gavo a beautiful display of hurdling, and won by six yards from Broad, who beat Shirley in the sprint to the tape. However. Shirley received the serond award. Timo 15 l-ssec, equalling the Australian and New Zealand reeord. 440 yds Hurdles Championship—Garlick (Auckland) 1, Vangioni (Wellington) 2. Nefdale (Auckland) 11. Also started: Murray (Auckland). Broad (Wanganui-Taranaki)., Darby (Wanganui-Taranaki). Lander (Otago). Broad was the early leader, but dropped baek. and Nesdale led to the turn, where Vangioni displaced him. Garllck then made a very strong challenge, nnd drew away from the last fence, to beat Vangioni by n yard. Xesdale was eight yards away, and inches in front of Darby. Time 58scc —a New Zealand record.

One Milo Walking Championship— Cabnt (Otago) 1. Lankey (Wellington) 2. Clarkson (Auckland) 3. Tho only other starter was disaualifled. Cabot won as he liked by ten yards. Time 6min 39tec.

100 yds Ladies' Championship—Miss Manfnn (Wellington) 1, Miss F. Swinburne (Wellington) 2. Miss Eastwood (Gisbornn) 3. Also started; Misses Dick (Auckland), Porter (Wellington), Collins (Wellington), Gill (Wellington). This waj. a stirring rare, Mi«s Manton holding on to win by one foot in the rccoVd time of 11 3-sse<" —l-ssec better than tho previors reeord. Miss Eastwood was a foot away third.

Ladies' 75yds Invitation Srratch Race — Miss Manton (Wellington) 1, Miss Eastwood (Gisborne) 2. Mi#« Swinburne (Wellington) 3. Won by on© loot. Time 8 4-sscc.

Pole Vault Championship—BaUtone (Canterbury). 10ft Sin, 1: Sutherland (WeltinKton), 10ft. 2. AI?o . competed: O'Connor. Gilmour, Cullhern (Auckland). Throwing 161b Hammfcr Championship— Harver (Welling 00 )- 142 ft, 1: Hunt (Wansanul-Taranakl), 126 ft, 2- The only competitors. Runnlnc High Jump Championship—Shirler (Auckland). sft OJin, 1: Sutherland (Wellington), Sft Sin, 2: Kalausher (Wcllinston), Sft 6in, 3. Also competed: Fausett (Auckland). Gillivcr (Wanianui-Tara-n«ki). Sceatea (Wellington). Neville (Canterbury). Running, Hop, Slep, and .Tump Championthip—Shirley (Auckland). 47ft 4Jin (a N»w Zealand record) 1: Sutherland (Wellington), 45ft 3i«, Kalauglier ( Wellington), 4Wt 7Jin. 3. Also competed: Gilliver (Wanfa-nui-Taranaki). Waußh (Auckland). Throwing the Discus Championship—Hunt fWansanui-Taranaki). 119 ft I'm. 1; Sutherland (Wellinston). 10»ft lOJin. 2: Shirley (Auckland)." 06ft 10} in. 3. Al.«n competed: liander fOtaco). Uy (Wansanui-Taranaki), Brocao (Auckland). Half-mile Cycle Championship—Lamb (Victoria) 1, Gro«e (Canterbury) Flett (Welllncton) .1: I'Anson (Canterbury) 1. Also started: Nicholson (Ot«to), Oakley

(Wellington). Ferguson (Canterbury). I*Anson mado tlic early pace, and led into the .second Up. Lamb then moved up from sixth plnce, and gradually wore down the Held, but Grose made a dash for the lead. He v.-as momentarily ahead, but l.amb wn* with him entering the Mraight. and petting thft inside position, fought a wonderful tiui*h. The Victorian won by half a length from Grose. The third man was two* lengths away, aud rAnson four lengthi- further back. Time lmin ">9<ec.

One Mile Cycle Championship—Oakloj (Wellington) 1, Byrnes (Auckland) 2, l>ouglas (Auckland) 3. Also started: l.amb (Victoria), Klett Gross (Canterbury), Ferguson (Canterbury). What would ha've been an excellent rare va» marred by an accident at the entrance to ti •• straight on the last lap. as the result which Grose, Flett, I'Anson. and Ferguson fell, the last-named faring the worst. Ho was. badly shaken, but recovered after alien tion on the ground. Grose was also wintled. but Flett and Ferguson were not hurt. \\hen the mishap occurred Grose was coming up with a splendid burst in pursuit of Byrnes, who led into the straight from the back stretch. Suddenly Grose foil, and I'Ansou, Ferguson, and Flett were brought down. Byrnes maintained his advantage uulil near the line, when Oakley challenged, and von by inches. Pouglas was three lengths further back. and then came Lamb, who v.-is deprived of any winning ehanco by the mi; hap. Time 2min 32 2-ssec.

Three-mile Cycle Championship—l,am;! (Victoria) 1. Oakley (Wellington) U, Byrne; (Auckland) ?>, Casey (Auckland) 4. * T!.r only starters. Lamb put in a great finish and von by a length, Byrnes being very clo;.*. Time 7niin 9 2-sseo.

Tho final points scored for the interpret;;* oiat trophies arc as follows:—Championship Shield: Wellington 57, Auckland 05, Tantebur>- 20, Otago 15, Wanganui-Taranaki 15. Queemland Memorial Shield for Standards and Records—Auckland and Wellington 'i; : Y 1 " 1 . , n J P° sn . ts each, the Shield going Auckland, which secured most records.

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Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18925, 14 February 1927, Page 11

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ATHLETICS. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18925, 14 February 1927, Page 11

ATHLETICS. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18925, 14 February 1927, Page 11