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iht oub couaeaaAL, iditos.) rame from four fifths of the Dominion—even if tho most important fifth, Anrklnnri, is excepted—!,, jestcrdaj's Addinslon market. 'n, cr o w( . rc Mnre „| ICOI , from a a far auay ;,>, Hick's Kay, on tkn Kast Coast of the. Norll, Island, I'ovcrly and Hawkn's Bay, and the West (oust of the Island, bh'.cp and lambs from Nelson down to the cdjf of Mttlemculs in South AVcstland from Marlborough, Kaikoura. and the Chatlmms. and fat ,heet. from South Canterbury and Sout'ibrnJ. In addition there were fat cattle from the West Const mid Southland, and ab„ ~ic s f rr)m ,)„. somher,,. most province. The sak- of fat lambs, fat fheep. and cottle was satisfactory throughout, but the huso entry of store sheep, many of them ased and poorly-eouditioned, slipped back in r.rice. The heft classes of ewes, local and shipped, sold fairly well, hut the continued dry conditions aro making buyers operate with a cood deal of caution. A downpour of rain would no doubt buoy tho market, and if such does not come tlierp is likely to lie another at ne:;t week's sale, as a Rood few Tnes were passed vesterdav, and several boats nre due to arrive, before next Wednesday with furl her consijtnmcnls. The holdinc of so many sheep within distance of the, yards is becoming something of a problem to agents. The full buying strength of the farming community will not re available for a fortnight yet, n's tho harvest has to be dealt with, and it would seem 1 lint operators in outside sheep have started oft tho mark too soon this ' Beaton. Yesterday some of tho' local dealers saw what appeared n margin in the value of shipped, and a few lines fell to their bid-..

STORE SHEEP. I'ractically all the accommodation for storo sheep was filled with lines drawn from widoly divergent parts of the Dominion, and In addition there were n good many lots of Banks Peninsula lambs, besides the usual representation from North Canterbury nnd tho Plains. Buyers nltendcd in largo numbers, but tho dry weather was responsible for a cautious attitude on their part, and they were not prepared to pay tho figures ruling even last week, and values were lower. Jt was not often that SI wnR touched for ftore lambs, and they had to be of outstanding quality to go over this figure. Medium quality lambs were back by 3s a head on last week, and many gnnd-class rape lambs were sold round about 10s. Forward buyers, in particular, were reluctant to accept the prices offering, nnd a good many pens wero not sold in the early stages when offered, but private, sales later were made in many instances. The sale- of ewes was disposed to drag, particularly for tho heavy section forward of nged stuff, and passings in this class wero fairly numerous. There was n fairly well sustained demand for the better class of shipped sheep, but they also wero lower than last week by is to Is Gd n head. Tho entry of wethers was small, but the sale was lifeless, and most of them wero passed. Towards the end of tho sale aged and low-conditioned sorts were quilted only nt civc-away price:*. Tho salo rontinucd on until after (I o'clock, by which time the circle of buyers had dwindled to small proportions. The following is' the range of values:— Forward rape lambs, 10s to 2i>s Gil. Medium lambs. 17s 3d to 18s i'd. Small lambs. 13s Oil to 15s Od. <' Cull and inferior lambs, V-'s to 13s Gil. Good halfbred wether lambs. 18s Gd lo .20s lid. .Medium halfbred lambs, 10s Gd to 18s. Threc-quartcrbrcd ewe lambs, -'os Od to 22s 3d.

Two-tooth halfbred ewes, 20s Gd to 31s 1.1. Four nnd six-tooth thrcequartcrbrcd ewes to 23s Od. Four and six-tooth crossbred ewes, 23s Gd to 235.

Sound-mouth crossbred ewes, 18s to 20s. Two-tooth crossbred ewes, 21s to 235. Aged crossbred ewes. 5s to Bs. Better-conditioned aged ewes, 10s to 12s. Four and six-tooth halfbred wethers, 20s to 21s 3d. Two and four-tooth crostbred wethers, 18s Cd to 19s 4d. Small and low-conditioned crossbred wethers, 13s. Two-tuoth crossbred wethers, 18s 10.1. Lambs —70 crossbred at 14s Id, 102 threcquarterbred at 20s to 20s 2d, 103 small Gorriedalc at 14s 8(1, 60 crossbred at 17s 3d, 00 cull halfbred wether at 12s Od. 178 forward at' 20s, 150 crossbred at 17s 10.1, 150 m.s. crossbred at 17s, 80 rape at 10s lid, 100 threc-quarterbred ewe nt 2ls 7.1, 210 m.s. at 10s, 130 crossbred nt 15s, 70 threc-quarterbred pwc nt SltSil, 431 halfbr,cd wothcr at 17s lOd, 417 threc-quarterbred wether at 17s 5d to 17s halfbred wether at 20s lOd to 20s ltd, 131. crossbred lambs at 13s lid, 377 halfbred WE tt«s at ISs lod. DO halfbred wether at 17s Od. 103 wether at 17s id, 2=B forward threc-quarterbred nt 20s, 140 thrcoquarterbred at 10s 2d, 00 small halfbred at 13s 4.1, 217 tlirc(W|ii«rleriircd at 18s Od, 121 small nt 15s 3d, 233 rape at 18s 4d, 70 halfbred wether at 17s 9d, 71 halfbred wether at 14s Od, 01 m.s. at lis od, Gl m.s. cull at 14s Gd, 94 thrcequartcrbrcd at 17s 3d, 01 wether at 13s 3d, 240 halfbred wether at 18s 4d lo 18s 6d, 190 crossbred at 16s 3d. 283 Komncy cross at IGs 4.1, 19,0 forward Romney at 19s. 3d. 43 shorn lit 13s lOd. 4a crossbred, ewe at 18s 9d, 252 shorn Komncy at 13s 7.1. ~ „„ • Wethers—2B halfbred at l">s id, 03 crossbred at 205,'41 cull at lis._ 42 i«o and four-tooth crossbred at 19s 4d, 79 halfbred at "0s 9d. 49 halfbred at lis 9d. 28 halfbred nt 19* 0.1. 25 nt 18s 3d 39 at 21s 3d, 33 at 19s 9.1, 112 at 18s Od, 24» crossbred at 13s, 111 four nnd six-tooth halfbred at 2"ls 3d. 41 two-tooth at 18s 10(1. K WCS —178 four, six, nnd eight-tooth crossbred at 22s sd. 150 two-tooth •""e-quarter-bred at 3ls ltd, 501 six and eight-tooth crossbred at His Cd, 02 f.m. at los. Jb aged at 7s lOd. 50 s. and f.m. crossbred at 19«, 31 s.m. threc-quarterbred at 2js, .17 s.m. crossbred at l«s 3d, 45 four. six. nnd eiehtlooth Ihrccqiiarterhred at 245, o9 four. sW. nnd eight-tooth crossbred nt 14s I><l. oJ uli-mouth crossbred at 21s Cd 99 aged u 1, 8d 182 two, four, six. nnd eight-tooth crossbred at 235. 231 s.m. crossbred at -Is Od 220 four, sixth, and eight-tooth crossbred at 24s 3d. 205 two. four ■•*.«"« eight-tooth crossbred at 20s Id to 20s .d. 01 f.m. crossbred at 18s Gd, 22 four, six and eight-tooth crossbred at 23s hd. UJ> s.m. crossbred nt 21s, 71 four six and eight-tooth Ihreeqnarterbrcd at -Js lil. i« six and eight-tooth Mtbnd .» -K l"j four and six-tooth halfbred at 26s Id. -U* 'Z. halfbred nt 20s Id 117 four six and "cighHooth crossbred at 22s. 3d 24 two and tot A crossbred at 23, 8d «0 «'d »* 4, "79 tour, six. nnd eight-tooth crossorea .;'•>■>« Od to 23s 2d, 110 aged nt is. -•' sr'naUbred af'i if Vtwo. I™^.% Vi.x\oo,h three-quartcrbred at 2., 0.1 111 four and six-tooth halfbred nt -™ ""• ? 'two tooth crossbred nt 23s 135 age,l at 4s od. 104 s. and f.m. at 12. 3d. -M (»»'•»!*'. ««d eight-tooth »' a Vos Id. tooth crossbred at ~*. J' u ." g ,"/od 120 52 s.m. thrcequartcrbrcd at 19 .d. i s.m. threc-quarterbred at -.s ««. - looth threc-quarterbred at 29s In. ," p „,/ cu at 45 3d] 322 two tooth halfbred nt 31s. Values v.rre: —

Forward rape lambs. It's to -ts d. Medium Inmbs. 17s 3d '". k'i Small lambs. 13* rd to h.s 6-i. mil and inferior b.nbs. 1-* '°,V'\m ,o (iood halflrcd «cthcr lamb,. 1»» bd to 20s 1 Id. , ~, u , Medium balfbreii lambs, lOs Gd to• . . Thrco-quarterbrcd eve brul.s, -Js oa lif tlu.l. "hrce'.uar'ierured 1 ewe, "ta a ;!d ,ix-tooth crossbred f»«s. 2Js Cd

t 0 -•'*■ . 1 . l»s IO "(is. Sound mouth crossbred e".s. ' 5 .',..-' Two tooth cro-sbr.s.l ewes. 21? .0 -"•• Aged crossbred ewes. •" !" >'• - v Itcttcr-coiiditioncd aged e«cs. n . i - ; • lour and six-tooth halfbred wether.-, -u. 10 Two a n nd four-luolU crossbred nether*. IS* Cd to I'Js 4d. , ■ i ..rns.hrcd Small and low cond.tionod cro^.-br t u "tZl'mu' cro»brcd nether-. iSs 10d.

FAT LAMBS. The entry cuinpiiicd 310.) head, will, WOO l«t week. I he \\e.t Co art *a ; «-uin livav h- n-prcicnlefl. The >ar.lin„. •■ oi >i'c t; P ,0,1d have been exeep ■ o»ailv stnull had it »»t been for .a.nb» from across th.. ranges. Quality y» 1 neien. nut s.-mc ?occl drafts were forward. ">'', Utohera' ku-bs .ere were .««"'"»• last week. Th.. sale was a « lM » d X> ~r.e. there l.ein K a -or all J« u:a £ «». For most of export quat.O » lomlovcatai ia»t'-J »P t0 ».« kllllE S P^ l

!'rad, and for unfinished by )<•«• Top pno "" for a line oi 111 sold by G. and F. Mcllwrailh iS.iuthbridgoi, which averagco is.' Jd. The best pen of a doirn made 31s Id. Values unro:--Kxlra prime lamb.". ?U tn 31s Id. Trim's lamb?, 28s to 2>s 6d. Medium lambs. •J.'!' 6d to 253 t'd Lizht lambs, -Jin i>] to 235. Tho following were th» principal pair? On account of (;. and F. " Mcllwr.iith 'Southbiidgc;, 111 n t of*. ](«j tn 31." Id; .1. V. Ni.-klaus lYaldhurst). ): at 30s lOd ; \V. •' Lcdingham trV-ndal'.oni, 3 at 3".' 7d. client, 7t at 27.. (d to 30- Id; S h>ast iSpringstnm, 5 at i9s )0d: \V. l,i!l»v <Sout!>- ! ridiri, -i) a t, 07, |,i ,„ .xi,. w. C'hamliers Wet MMtoni, s<) at :r,., H to -.Kb !0d: Mrs C B'ishby. 5 at 2Gs loi to -JSs Id; .1. A t'rawford (Yaldhursn, 12 at 27s lOd; J. V. t'ougall (Yald burst.!, ]>) at 27s 7d; K. M. Tweed (Burnham), 20 at 27s 7d: F. S. Candy (Brooksidci, 41 at 2Cs Id 1o 27s Id; B. McLachlan (Dovle-stojil, 3G at 24s Id tn 27s Id, B. O'Shaughnessv iSlicffieMi. 31 at 25s lOd to 27s Id; H. .1. Grronwrod (Soiith.>nrl K p|, 57 -at 25s Hid to 27s Id; \V. I\ Spencer (t'liancv'si. 12 at 2C- md; J. Dur«v (Uomrtli, 32 at 2tis 4.1 to 2Gs )0d; !'. Wvnn \\'l,limns (Waiparal. 19 at 21s Id to 26s l"i>); M. and I'. C. Candv (Brooksidol. 51 at 24s Hid to 2Cs7d, I'. J. Bro,vn (l'rebbleton\ IHI at 24s :d to 20s 4d; It. S. lloper (Halkctli, 150 at 25s Id to 26s td; A. \V Scare 'Swannatioal, <» it 25s Id to 26s Id • K. Scott, 17 at 26s Id; .1. Mover (Jackson's), 12 at 24s 4d to 2Gs Id; I). E. Grip? (Bnnksidcl. G4 at 23s Id to 2os lOd; J." Davison (kaikounu, 70 at 22.S 10il lo 25s 7d; J. 11. IV/pper (Waitalia). Gl at 21s to 25s 7d • J 15. Anderson fl,eeston\ 20 nt 23s 7d iJ 25s <d; \\. Clayton < 75 at 22s Id to 25s 7d: W. Campbell (Grccnparkh 32 at 233 10d to 25s 7d; client, 11 at 25s 7d • G \V. Forbes (Cheviot). 64 at 23s lOd to' 25s •id; Mcintosh'* Estate (Glenrov). 77 at "4s Id to 25s 4d; T. W. McClelland (Burnham), G at 21s -Id lo 25s Id; T. Jackson (Jackson s) 82 at 23s 10.1 to 25s 4d; S P. Askin Hal lapu), 66 at 23s lOd to 25s 1,1; 1! and J. Little- (Annandale), 167 at 23s lOd to n* i : .. J ', 1, , o?an < Uomc 't», 20 at 255; \V. U Bedford (Kmvce), 77 at 21s 10.1; A. S Cunningham (Jackson's), 22) at "Is 4.1 to 2is Hxl: J. P. Doolan (West Coast), 30 at o? ','} , t0 «. 3 l M: AV - Krrr 'Burwood), 20 at 2-U.lOd: \N. I-ranks (Ynldhurst). 10 nt 24s (West Melton), 30 at 21«7d; J. I). Wvllie '"\lW h - (Little Akaloa). ,8 at 22s 7.1 to 245-Id: A. H. Barnes (Wa.parj), 20 at 24s Id; Gibb Bros. Wa.moK IS at 24s Id; 11. Field (Port .1 o ' !^: J ' Gn - V ,Purt Lew). 160 SL> « . i? 2 ;'? 7, i : ] ' ""bi"""" rsprcvon.' ,"? "„? ! , Id , ; °' Pro »d!->ck (TempleIon). 12 at 22s lOd to 23s 4d; client 44 at 20s 4d_ to 2-2, 10d; C. H. Ferguson (?£ BJiMn> 12 nt 22a 4d; T. K.L. Robert. lerson n? S '• ", fl 'r n at - is 4d: M . He.!

FAT SHEEP. An average cntrj . o{ tcn , eluded more than the usual proportion of Chatham Island consignments, drafts from the West Coast, and smaller lots from Kaikoura, Neson, and Southland. All round It was u fair to good quality display. The sale opened at about last week's rates, and maintained a good level throughout. If anything-, there was n tendency to firm, but little quotablo difference could "bo mentioned During the week the export price for ewe mutton cased by a farthing per lb. prime under 48's being quoted nt 3Jd, 48-31's 3d, and overweights 2M and 2d. These prices were maintained throughout the sale, as was tho schedule figuro for wether mutton, i.e., to 3}d for firsts and 5d and 4}d for the next classes, overweights being 3Jd. S. Cox and Sons (Lyndhurst) sold 121 wethers at 27s ld to 30s Id, and K. Skurr (Dunsandel) (X at 28s 7d to 3Cs Id, top-oriced pen of tlic day.

Ynlucg were : - - Kxlra prirno wethers to 30s Id. Prime wethers 23s 9d to 27a Ed. Medium wethers 23s 9d to 23s Od. Light, wctlicrs 22s to 23s 6d. Kxtra prima ewes to 23s 7d. I'rimc owes 18s to 21s Gd. Medium ewes 13s to l"a Gd. ' Light ewes 9d to lis Cd. Aged ewes 10s to 12s. The following were the principal sales: On account of K. Skurr (Ounsunucl'., CO | at 28s 7d to Ms 4d; S. Cox und Sou (Lyndhurst), 124 to 27a Id to 30s Id; W. D. Hunt (Invcrcargill), SS at 28s lOd to 29s 7d; Belcher Bros. (Kaling), Gl at 2Gs ml to 29s 7d; J. F. Scott (Opawa), 293 at 23s 7d to 29s Id; B. O'Shaughnessy (Springfield), 13 at 28s 7d to 29s Id; F. W. Mitchell (Chatham Islands), 46 at 26s Id to 28s lOd; J. Connor (lialing), 53 at 27s 4d to 28s 10d; G. K. T. Shand (Kaikoura), C 5 at 21s 10d to 2=B Id; N. It. A. Cox (Chatham Islands), 83 at 21s 7d to 2Ss Id; Ham l'nwari (Chatham Islands), 93 at 21s 7d to 27s lOd; T. Mitchell (Lauriston), H at 27s Id to 27s lOd; W. Addison (Nelson), 11 at 25s 4d to 27s lOd; J. K. Forrester (Hawarden) G2 at 24s lOd to 27s 7d; Nicholla (Nelson), 23 at 23s Id to 27s 4d; W. Ferguson (Nolson), 8 at 20s lOd; Iticlimond Hill Kstate, 22 at 2Cs 104; C. VTishart (Chatham Islands). C 5« Bros. (Annandttlc), 120 at 22s Id to 26s 4d: J no. Nixon (Killinchy), 11 at 2ls lOd to 2Gs ■ld; W. Shaw (Nelson), 29 at 24 8 10d to 26s Id; Skilton Bros. (Nelson), 12 at 26s Id; client 30 at 25s lOd; F. E. Gilbert (SouthbridEc) Ul at -Us 4d lo 23s lOd: P. Pomarc (Chatham Islands), 33 at 24s JOd to 23a lod: D O. Macfarlahe (Parnassus), 128 at 22s lOd to 25s lOd; B. Wynn-Williams («aiparaK 13 at 23s lOd; F. Langdale (West Mellon) .188 at 21s to 23s 7d: A. H. Barnes (Wnipara), 62 at 23s lOd lo 25s id; H. Grennall (Chatham Islands), 102 at 23s to 2oS 4d- W P. Spencer (Chancy's), 10 at 2os Id; A 'Cowic (Woodirrove), 20 at 24s lOd; J as. Cunnrsn Bror-.dirO). i', at 24s 6d; client, 17 at "Is id; T. V. Ketallick (Sumner), 41 at °4s- W. 0., Copland (Chertscy), 23 at 23s"ld;'-S. Henderson (Chatham Islands), 12 at 235. __ . Kwcs-On account of clieut, 16 at 25a 7d; \V Lilley (Southbridgo), 20 at 19s Id to 23s 3d- Jno. Harrison (Culvcrdcn). 12 at 18s Id to '"2s 4d; client, 70 at 15s 4d to 20s 7d: T Vovce. (Tuinplcton), 19 at 19s 4d to 20s Id- Paparua Prison Farm, 22 at 20s Id; Cowio and White (Hawardcn), 45 at 17s 4d to 19s lOd; T. Mitchell lUunston), 50 at 14s lOd to 19s 10d; It. M. Tweed (Burnham), 15 at 19s 10d; F. W. Mitchell (Chatham Islands), 6 at 19s Id; J. K. Forrester (Hawarden), 27 at 14s 4d to 18s 10d; H. Candy (Brooksidc), 24 at 16s Id to 18s 4d; V. J. Cunningham (Hawardcn), 67 at 13s ,d to 18s Id- Blenheim client, 68 at 13s Id to 17s Id- W. J.C'rosswell (Burnham), 62 at IV. Id'to lCs 10d; Geo. Thompson (Racecourse Hill). 132 Dt Us Id to 16s 4d, client, 116 at 12s lOd to lCs Id; Blenheim client, 31 at lis 10d lo 15s 10d; W. K. Candy and Son(Doylcslon), 36 at 14, Id to lo* Id; Blenheim client, 110 at 10s to 15s Id; estate A McLachlan (Doyleston) 41 at 12s 7d U> i- id- J I>. AVjllio (Scflon), 43 at 14s 7d i u.'lOd' H. J. Greenwood (Southbridge), n if ll,T'lOd- W. Bedford (Kirwcc, 61 at 10 at Us "*•'?• " A w Sear l e (Swan"lal iVi ls7d; client 7. at lis 7d to U . ?d; A. A. Penfold .(W-jprn). 70 at 10, !i i is 7d- Jno- Nixon (Killinchy), ot at 4(1 '?, I i.' M F S. Candv (Brookside), lis 4d to 14s 4d, I- 4 d . W. Campbell ". n. Id client. 100 at 8s 7d to 13; 4d: at Us I<l. cue"'■ . , f, 3 „ t g s 7d to 12 *,; 1.1 3 Hotpn (Domett). 21 at »» ,'d 1 - W \i'CandyTnd Sons (Doyleston,, 30 * H. Bidge (Grccnpark), 26 ai --»

FAT CATTLE. »;.~1 lfi7 head compared The " ntr >; »"" A though there with 1W at She .'"*",„ of cow*, there »•» B ? ain ," * aho" n B of well-finished wB3 a much better »» d b(linp ..rer beef, an lr „ werc a few i..cludfd!««"J Sot £«*£,' ,„, „ r , his c la„ vc n, "«>"l^SS' f The demand o( beef is no* '°™ m H ,; , URM w h;n offering, t>« 11 .„•,., a „ po( | s:i e. Ger.errfachcd. there -M» '*»•»«■» -°™ „ hlde Blly all the qu»M catte .orf °LW X S .boSf the .."me. Over the tow beet >eus, however, when most ,; ! 11 . C V eheri we attending the !.t sheep "•, UC ,ii.po bVere more ditfcult to effoet. ,„,.»; ca>e. > to h ;jl , , „v t«f 3ls to .Mi, medium beef 093 \° i n c of HI Southland .■.ecr*. _sold bj J. K Grant iUorc. averaged £lj u=. {lrimi .l«:e. £l3 10s U £l M«li".iu steer,. XII A AT! sj. i Hit «:ccrs. £S to £lO 10«. ■•xtr» prime hei.'ers. £ll to £l3 17s tu. rrincUfor.. ±9 1* to ilUlOi. Medium heifei*. K » i c *? •*■ I.iTht heifers, ±0 to to .?^d. Extra F"""- cows, to £'.■: l .>_.,! I'rime cows. £. 1m to 1U U'. rou lb to t, 10. I.iclit mas. it JS t.. « 1«. The principal sales «?«"-, 1 C Hav ! Pigeon Bayi * j:e*r.- a: £»-» ...'gj to £'-J " s <*•'• Tcpliss ir.d Son (Inchhonnic* C sU'cr* at £lO K* M. 3 heifeiß at £9 °P 0d to £ll ITs 6d, 3 cows at £8 17s Cd <o £lO 7s6d: H. Turner lAtiahua), cow at f7 ]7s Cd: O'Neill Bros. (Te Taho), 6 heifers, nt £S 2s 6d to £IJ "s 6d. in cows at li 12s CJ to £3 Ti 6d; client, l'J heifers at £3 to £8

17s Gd. 3 cows at £3 17s (k! lo £8 2s tkl j Anderson's fistuto (Ladbrooks), G cows nl £1 2a Ikl to £3 12s Cd; \V. Buinbridgc, sen. (Cheviot), otcor at £ll 12« Gd. 3 ton »t £3 12s Bd to £lO 17a Cd, heifer at £8 12s Cd; r" Leonardo (Lo Bon's Bay), 19 steers ot £l2 2s Cd to £l4 17s Gd, 4 cows at £8 17s Gd to £lO 12s 6d, heifer at £lO 17s 6d; southern client, 8 steers at £ll to £l2 2s Gd, 83 cows at £0 17s 6d to £9 7s 6d; Wood and McDonald (Halswell), 9 heifers at £3 17s Gd to £7 2s Gd, 2 cows at £8 7s 6d; Lincoln client, G cows at £8 7» Gd, heifer at £8 2s Gd: client, 11 cows at £6 2s 6d to £6 12s Gd; W. Field (Teddington), 7 steers at £l2 2s Gd to £l2 7s 6d; South Canterbury cliint, 9 heifers nt £!) 7s Gd to £U2sGd; client, !! heifers nt £8 7s6d; \Ve3t Coast client, 8 steers at ±TI2s Gd lo £ll 17s 6d: client, 6 cows at £1 17s 6d to £8 17s Gd, atcer at £l3 2s Gd, 9 cows at JB-1 17s 6d to £7 12s tkl; J, Wyilio (Omihi). heifer at £ll 17» Gd; J. Lydster (Kaiapoi), 4 cows ut £G 12s fd to £7 17s 6d; S. M. Deans (Kilmarnock), G steers at £l3 7s Gd to £l4 7s Gd: G. Van A?ch (Cashmere), 7 steers nt £l2 7s Cd to £l4; Knsor and McCrackcn (Pcndlr. Hills). 6 cows at £7 7» Gd to £lO 12s 6d; client, 8 steers at £l4 2s 6.1 to £ls 12s Gd, 4 cows at £7 2s Gd to £9 2s Oil, heifer at £8 2s Gd, steer at £9 7»6d; (i. Gißbs (Motunan), 3 cows at £0 12s 6d to £ll 12s GJ. 2 heifers nt £7 17s Gd; K. Leonardo (Lo Bon's Bay), 5 cows at £8 12s Gd to £lO 12a Gd. 2 steers at £8 17s Cd .to £ll 2s Gd, 14 heifers at £S 17s Gd to £Hl7s6d: It. Haskell (Mt. Hut'.). 2 cows at £1 7s Gd to £8 17s Gd; client, 7 co.vs at £7 7s 6d to £ll 17s Gd; heifer nl £9 12s 6d; Southern client, 5 cows at £1 to £7 7s Gd; Southland client, 34 steers at £l4 12s Gd to £l6 2s 6d; P. L. Carney (Aknroa). 5 heifers at £8 12s Gd lo £9, steer at £ll 7s 6d, :i cows at £8 2s 6d to £9 2s Gd; client, 3 cows at £8 17s Gd to £9 17s Gd.

VEALERS. The ynrdin; of vealers was smaller thnn last week. On the whole tho qualitv was poor, and all lots fit for killing sold at an advance on late rates. Values were: Kunncr.l to £7 Job. Good calves £3 5s to £6. Medium calves £3 35s to £5. Small end inferior calves 10s to "3«. STORE CATTLE. There was a fairly la.-<;» entry of etorr cattle. Tlio demand for forward sorts was Rood, though it was not quit© as keen ns last week. Values were: Two and threc-ycar-old steers £5 15s to £5 15s. Good cows to £4 10s. Medium cows £2 13s to £3 13s. Inferior cows £1 to £2. Bulls £3 to £lO. DAIRY CATTLE. The yardinp; of dairy cattle numbered 49 head, compared with 78 last week. The demand throughout was Rood, and prices advanced slightly on late rates. Values were: Best second, third, and fourth calvers £lO to £l3 13s. Medium sorts £7 lo £9 10s. Inferior sorts £1 to £S 10s. Best sprinsinc heifers £8 to £l2. Others £« to £7 15s. Ccws in profit £l los to £l. FAT PIGS.

There *ras a medium entry cf fat T;* — F - At the stirt of the sale prices were a hub* better than last week, hut the demand ea:-cd towards the finish. Values were: Choppers £2 10s to i't. Light huconers £3 108 to £Z 17s M. Heavy baconers £1 to i't 'i CdKrtra heavy Uaconcri to i't lis. Average price per lb 5Jd to tijd. Light porkers 4Ss to oof. Heavy workers 37s 6d to 613. Average p'rica per lb Tid to Sd.

STORE IMGS. A itnall catrr- Tfcc market »P*««« « n » car with last v«!c. ">.: ca«d off ibe end of t!: ; «>.'y o- Meaner;. Values v:,re: Smell wctncm 13! to lw «>. - Medium weane.-s K« tr> 13s. (Jood wesnora -Oa to 23:. Slips 23s io -I'M Cd- _; stores SJc to S3«. Mediura 'tore! 3il to «a. Large atoros t» W* **

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Bibliographic details

Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18922, 10 February 1927, Page 11

Word Count

ADDINGTON MARKET. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18922, 10 February 1927, Page 11

ADDINGTON MARKET. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18922, 10 February 1927, Page 11