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SATURDAY'S TRANSACTIONS. Salci rc;>:r'.cd—iia::* o: .'.'t.v Lei.and, a.-a 6<i; sundtrd lr.s_rdi.ic, :7s. .Sales en C;im: .■.v-Mj.-.'.ilti.a -J.-ewcrj, 20s. LATEST QUOTATIONS.

OTHER EXCHANGES. (r-atss issocunov tslsuum.) AUCKLAND, Februerv 5. Sales—Auckland Electrio rower Board; 61 debentures, 1945, £99 10s; Devonport Ferry, 24s 9d; Kswerau, 8a Sd. WELLINGTON. February 5. Sale on 'Change—Union Bank, £ls 6a. Sales Imported—Wellington Gas (ord.), 275. DDNEDIN, February 6. Sales on 'Change—Auckland Amusement Park (eont.), 6s 9d prem.; Kawarau, 8s 3d (eight); Nokomai Sluicing, 6a (prem.). 4 —— WAIMATE MARKET REPORT. '• The fin* weather is bringing in the crops quickly, and reapers and binders are to be seen everywhere• hard .at work' catting- the corn. Not a great deal of wheat has been out as yet, but .some crops an to be seen in slook' on °-the' lighter land. "Take-all" has.been serious in some instances, and one ,ox two farmers hare fared badly. - It was once thought that the disease was due to over-cropping, but in face of farmers' experience this year they cannot account for it. The disease is to be found in second crop, after Unseed, and in land that has been grassed for 10 and 15. years. .A. pscolisj: instance cams, tinder notice recently. About eight years ago a farmer had "take-all" in one corner of a paddock—of about half an acre. The paddock has been grassed down until this season, and it is a Strang* coincidence that "take-all" shows again in exactly the same spot, the rest of the crop being free from it. The wheat area' planted ia about a third more than last year, but the crop may not thresh as wall. However, farmers should have a satisfactory return. Prices should stabilise at about ss'9d net on trucks tor Tuscan. ' Oats an looking well, and are sure to thresh heavily, although in some (laces rtibt will lower the yields and epoil the 'straw for chaff. The value at prwnt is: A grade 2s 7d, B 2s 3d, Algerians 2s to 2s 3d. Bsrley crops are looking exceptionally well. Most of this is grown on contract, and growers should receive satisfactory returns. The Australian potato embargo, it is ! stated, will seriously affect the prospects I of growers obtaining a profitable return. The ; crops hers received a setback from the nnI favourable weather experienced np to ChristI ra»s. The area planted is much the same Ia ( last year, but the setback will reduce ! the yield considerably. Crops should turn : out about half as good as last season. The I present value U £3 per ton. sacks m, Aprili June delivery, and unless the price shows I an increase farmers are faced with a loss. i Ryegrass is very quiet. With merchants I holding large stocks it may be a difficult matter to dispose ©f this season's crop exI eept at » figure tnat ml not pay the grower.

EXPORT OF VALUABLE ROMNEYS Br the as. Manuka, which left ton for Sydney on February 4th. Dalgety and Company. Ltd.. shipped a very valuable consignment af Romney Marsh sheep to Australia for Mr A. Y. Carr. Chatsbary. Gonlburn, New South Wales. The ■ consignment comprised the two-tooth ram that was sold on account of Mr E. B. Bhort at the record price for New Zealand of 600 guineas, also 50 specially-selected aged ewes, and one two-tooth ewe from the far-famed Parorangi dock. TATTBRSALL'S HORSE BAZAAR. TatterssH's Hone Bassar was en a par with other country ssles that have been held recently. Owing to the extensive harvesting operations, the attendance was exceptionally small, and the entry totalled only 14 horses. Sales trere hard to make, but the prices obtained were on a par with those k rnltng on previous occasions.

£6,000,000 PROFIT.

TOBACCO COMPANY'S RECORD. Another instance of flie wonderful prosperity of tobacco companies is afforded by the announcement of the Britinh American Tobacco Company that its profits for tho past year have reached £6,105,817. This is £1,050,579 more than for the preceding year, and is by far the best in the history of the company, whoso issued ordinary capital has been increased since prewar days from £6,254,320 to £23,340,279. Hore is a ten-year profit record of the company:—

Not only have the shareholders received substantial dividends throughout this period (24 per cent, is the lowest), but they have received free share bonuses—one of 25 per cent, last July, when they also had the privilege of applying for one new £1 share st psr for every five shares held. The present price .of. the shares is £4 18s. It was only recently that Cnrroras, Ltd., reported record profits of £1,027,945, against £777,683 for the preceding year. • i LONDON WOOL SALES. . The Department of Agriculture has received the following cablegram, dated 3rd instant, from the High Commissioner for New Zealand, London:—Wool sales closed Wednesday. Competition active and sustained throughout. Home trado strongly supported crossbred, and French and Belgian operated freely, particularly in merino. Compared with last closing rates, finest merino 7J per cent., ordinary par to 5 per cent., fine crossbred and medium crossbred 5 per cent.. - coarse crossbred barely S per cent. higher. Total number of bales offered was 124,000, of which 103,000 were sold, Continent taking 56,000, Home trade 44,000, "and America 3000 bales. Average closing values: 60-64's (merino) nominally Is 6}d to 2s OJd (nothing representative offered in this grade) 66's (super halfbrcd), Is 9d to Is Usd; 48-So's (fine crossbred). Is 4d to Is 51d; 44-16's (medium crossbred). Is 2Jd to Is 3Jd; 30-40's (coarse crossbred), Is Ud to Is 2sd. Next aeries commence March 15th. POULTRY AND EGGS. Tho Canterbury Co-op. Poultry Producers, Ltd. report that there was a largo entry of poultry for the markets during the week and good prices were realised for prime quality birds. Following are prices p»r pair: Table chickens, light 4s Gd to 7a, heavy 7s Gd to 13s; hens, light 3s to 4s 6d, leavy 5s 6d to 7s; ducks, 5s to 7a; «'uckl;ngs, 7s to 0s; turkey hens, 15s to 255; gobblers, 30s to 455. Eggs continue to come forward irct'ly, rind there is a keen demtnd. The following prices are quoted per dozen:—Firot-grado hen eggs Is M, second-jrooo 1* "i. and duck eggs Is Sd. LONDON MARKETS. («t CABLE—rSESS iSSOCTATIOK—COriBIGBT.) UvsT»ALiur urn ».». caslb isbocxatio*.) LONDON, February 5. Cotton—Liverpool quotation: American middling upland, March delivery, 7.21 d per pound. Rubber—Fine hard Para 15 jd per lb; plantation, first latex crepe 18Jd per lb; smoked ribbed sheet 18Id per lb. Jute—lndisn native, first marko, FebruaryMarch shipment. £3O 7s fid per ton; New Zealand hemp, February-March shipment, £37 10s per ton. Copra—South Sea, February-March shipment, £26 2a 6d per ton. Linseed Oil—£33 10s per ton, equal to 2s 10ld per. gallon. Turpentine—s2s 3d per ewt, einal to 3s 111 per gallon. WHEAT. («? CABLS—TSESS IMOCUTtOJf—COPHUOBT.) (ICSTBJOJIJt AITD X.J. CABLI iISOCUTIOS.) (Received February 6th, 5.5 p.m.) NEW TORK. February 5. Chicago wheat quotations are:—May, 142J cents s bushel; July, 135f; September, 132).

Buy. ;ri. Selle rs. i. b. d. £ s. d. N.Z. GOVT, :^3;-.:.V(. - i: £.3 — Ij i.-.-r ,-n'.. lii.n^d. ::<■!-. — DG 10 0 ;j i. : .:e;.t. lionjd, :-c io 0 9G lj 0 J ,..!.- cc.'it. Inscribed, ;'J2T 03 2 6 J ! ■ : cent. Bjnds, :S-~ 30 2 C 33 T C *; ;;-•■ coat. Inscribed, ;oi o 0 101 :> 0 .'i :.rr cent. Bonds, ij-'i 101 2 6 _ C JU'A.NT DEBKNTCHK ;s— N.Z. lire cries, Inscribed and Bonds BANKSl t 3 - Adelaide 9 i O _. Aust. Banl:. in' Coir.ui. I 12 t; 1 13 3 Australasia ii 3 6 — .'.ustralasia iljond'jil ijpgistci) -- 14 12 G • f'..inm. of Aust. (rights) 0 •) t i> 9 8 Coram, oi Sydney i'l 5 ij 2t> 12 U Cumni of Svdney (right?; 11 K c — K., S., and A. — 8 10 0 National oi Australasia <£j paid) .. 3 1 0 — Nntionii of N.Z. 7 2 0 7 3 0 New South Wales (cum div.) IS l.i 0 ■13 10 0 New Zealand .. 2 13 1 2 13 6 New Zca'and (Mortgage Shares) 0 11 6 0 11 11 Royal (£1 paid) i \e 0 1 19 C Royal (£1 paid) 7 J 0 — Union of Aust. i5 3 0 15 7 0 Victoria (ord. .ex div.) 9 15 0 10 5 0 Western Australian 2 18 0 2 19 0 INSURANCEMercantilo Mutual 1 6 0 — National 3 14 3 New Zealand (cum div.) 1 17 ■2 1 17 5 Queensland 2 15 9 2 16 6 South British 2 13 9 2 16 B Standard 2 16 9 2 17 G LOAN AND AGENCVDalscty and Co. Goldebrougb, Mort National Mortgage IS 2 6 15 5 0 2 10 3 2 10 10 — 3 7 0 N.Z. and River Plato 1 «• 0 — SH1PPINGHoward, Srhith 1 12 ■i 1 13 9 Huddart-Parkcr 2 6 9 2 7 6 P. and 0. Deferred Stcck 307 0 o : 271 0 0 FROZEN MEATCanterbury (pref.) 4 13 0 4 17 6 N.Z. Refrig. (£1 paid) N.Z. Re/rig. (coutr.) .. 0 13 11 0 It G 0 6 0 0 6 3 WOOLLENS-: Kaiapoi (17s paid) 0 9 0 — Kaiapoi (7* paid) ~ — 0 4 3 COALWeatport — 1 15 6 GASAnckland (cum div.) .. 1 2 9 1 4 0 Auckland (contr.) — n is 0 Chriatchurrh (cum dir.) — 1 6 0 BREWERIES— Crown — 0, 16 6 Manning n 19 r, 1 0 Montnith'fi 1 0 3 1 1 3 New Zealand .. — 2 10 3 Staples 1 17 0 T 18 3 Timaru — 0 16 0 •Ward — 2 7 0 CEMENTSVilaon'a 1 16 1 1.16 8 TIMBER- i Bartholomew 1 1 6 — MISCELLANEOUSAllicd 'Motors — 1 5 S Beath and Co. ' l '1 0 1 12 3 British Tobacco .. > 3 13 6 2 13 0 Burm, Pbilp' a o 3 — Dominion Rubber 2 7 6 — Electro. Zino (ord. cum ' aw .. , .. 1 16 0 — Electro: Zino (pref. cum div.. 1 • 1 16 8 1 17 0 Glenmor* Brick and Til* 1 6 0 — Mason, Struthera (£1 paid) — 1 2 6 Mason. Struthsra (U* piid) — 0 15 0 Mason, Strulnora (10s paid) .. ■ . : . 0 10 0 0 10 3 Mercantile Financo Corporation (£1 paid) •— 0 19 0 Mercantils Finance Corporation (5s paid) •. .0/ 4 2 0 4 7 N.Z. Drug Co. — 3 10 0 N.Z. Guarantee. t Corpn. 0 10. 2 .0 10 5 Whiicouib* and ,Torabi 3 11 0 — N.Z. Malay Rubber .. '. — 2 10 0 MINING— Kawaraii 0 3 1 0 3 4 Mt. Lyell 1 8 3 1 8 6

Year. Not Profit*. a. 6,195,817 . 6,145,238 . 4,866,266 . 4,494,972 . 4,400,784 Year. Net Profits. 1935 . 1824 1923 . 1922 . 1921 . 1920 . 1919 . 1918 1917 . 1916 . . 4,323~481 . 4,879,177 . 3,776,508 . 3,140,174 . 3,105.002

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Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18919, 7 February 1927, Page 10

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CHRISTCHURCH STOCK EXCHANGE. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18919, 7 February 1927, Page 10

CHRISTCHURCH STOCK EXCHANGE. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18919, 7 February 1927, Page 10