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PERSONAL. The Hon. Mr Xosworthy, PostmastrrGiiural, who has been spending a few davs in Ashburton, has returned to Wellington. The He v. A. G. Irvine has returned to Ashburton after having been on annual leave. Miss I'. Edmonds, 8.A., who has been appointed teacher in general subjects at the Ashburton Technical School, lias arrived in Ashburton to take up her new duties to-day. She has recently been connected with the staff of the Chilton House School, Wellington. Mr (\ A. Cooper has returned from Auckland, where !jo was hurriedly called owing to the illness of his mother. Miss K. Aiken, of the Ashburton Technical School, has returned from a visit tn Australia, extending over two mouth-. Obituary. Croat sorrow was expressed in Ashbiuton on Saturday afternoon when it was learnt that Mr James Bland Christian, of w'ills street, west, one of the town's most highly-rcspcelcd and worthy citizens had passed to his rest. Mv Christian had been failing in health for some months, and a recent operation not having effected an improvement, his condition gradually becanio worse, until latterly he was confined to his home. There will be a private interment. Labour Market. During the last few days a general demand has set in for harvesters, and enquiries are being received for men by local labour agents, from fanners in all parts of Ihc county, with the exception of Methven, where it is stated that the harvest is a little later. Fire on Goods Train. An ],a waggon, carrying about two tons of goods, including fruit for various business linns in Ashburton, caught lire on the Christchureh-Ashburton goods train on Friday morning in the vicinity of ltukain, and a considerable ai'ount of damage was dono beforo it was extinguished. The outbreak was caused through the fumes from petrol, about six cases of which wero in the truck, igniting from a hot axle-box on the waggon. A fair quantity of the goods was salvaged, but none of it reached its destination, it being returned to Cliristcliurch. Swimming Carnival. Good entries have been received for Ihc Ashburton Amateur Swimming Club's annual carnival, to be held in the Borough School baths on Wednesday evening, when there will be competitors taking part from Timaru and Christcliureh, in addition to many from local clubs, all of which will be well represented. The programme consists of nine handicap events and a novelty event, tho principal being tho, 100 yds relay race for the Dc Beer (hip, open to teams of threo inen from any afliliated club. Drivers' Licenses. The Ashburton County Council Trafficcetor (Mr E. N. Johnson) has issued 2033 licenses to drive motor vehicles within the county sinco April Ist, 1920. The new issue, to take effect from April noxt, will bo commenced from tho beginning of next month. Technical School Enrolments. The number of new pupils who have enrolled at tho Ashburton Technical School, which reopens to-day, is most gratifying, and already there is an increase of 110 over last year's figures. It is expected that tho number of new pupils will bo between 20 to 25 per cent, greater than it was last year. Tho Principnl (Mr R. J. Thompson) said, on Saturday, that n pleasing feature was tho increaso in the number of pupils who arc taking the third and fourth year courses. The High School also resumes to-day. Tho enrolments for the new year tiro so far satisfactory. Fairfield Picnic. The Fairfield Freezing Works' employees will hold their annual picnic on Caroline Bay, Timaru, on Saturday, February 10th. As "in previous years, the committee has forwarded a number of complimentary tieketa for the use of the members of the County Hospital staff. Groquot. The usual monthly tournament was played on the Ashburton croquet lawns on Saturday, nnd resulted in a number of closcly-contCßted games. Tho' senior match was won by Miss Moore, with a scoro of 33, and tho junior match by Mrs W. W. Garton, with 29. Tho match against Kaiapoi on the Ashburton lawns next Saturday, is being looked forward to with much interest, as it will bo the first occasion on which the Kaiapoi players will meet the Ashburton Club on its own lawns. Band Fete. Tho committee controlling tho band fete, which is being held in tho Drill Hall with tho object of raising funds to enable tho First Canterbury Mounted rtiflcs' Bund to attend tho contests at Wellington this'month, has decided to extend the function until to-night. On Saturday evening a better attendance could not have been desired, and the various stallholders received a fairly liberal response to their appeals. A good crowd assembled at tho Domain during tho evening, whero tho band paraded to play tho contest quickstep, "Wairarapa," and it gave an excellent Tendering of the piece. Tho band also contributed several numbers at the Drill Hall.

MOUNT SOMERS. The weather (hiring the month of January has been ideal for the farming ornmunity, and there has been an almost total absence of winds. Rain has fallen only on three days since mid-month, when the prolonged spell of broken weather ceased. Rain was recorded on 11 davs during the month, the total being 2."Gin, as against 2.73 in for the same period last year. " Th>; maximum fall of 1.02 in was recorded on the 2nd. Fros was registered on three mornings, with a maximum of three degrees on the 13th. The maximum tempernturc reached over 80 degree, on 10 days, the highest being S< grees on the 30th. Miss J. Davidson, assistant mistress, has returned from holidays spent in Australia, and resumed school duties. BOWLING. Three rm!i3 from the Methven Bo.'.li;;Chib playca a friendly match ag.iinst thi> howlim; nection of the AHonton Snorts Club on Saturday afternoon, at Allenloii. Mr D. Alo.-?an. president of the Allcntoa Club, extended a welcome to thn visitor*. ;ind expressed the hope that the match that dav would be the forerunner cf mane more. Mr G. Warrinrron repliert on behalf of *hn Methvon Club. Allentcn obtained :i win by T3 points tn 51. Detnils are a* fol'ow', Methven player* lein» mentioned firs'.: Coins?, Wnid. Ccoksley, Sim .. 23 W. Walker, Math:e*on. B.ur, Morgan Forrest. Cock-son. Oiwn .. 11 Stephenson, J A. WuUter. Dobson, Stevenson .. .. Rlcfcirds. Mtnr.iny, i>.;U.e, Waddinifton . Ifi Bithurst, Houston, Carrie, Toaiplcion ... ~ ... ... S3

CRICKET. Splendid v.eathev prevailed on Saturday, v h--!i tlio Ashburton Coitntv Cricket Associa- ! competitions wore continued. In ! t match against Maynclu, Fairfield bat- ' ted first two weeks ago, and declared (or 322 i for the loss of five wickets, and on Saturday i Mist Ma.v!:e!d played two innings, compiling ' 71 in the first and 01 in the second, though | they did not have a full team during cither ' strike. In the first innings Green knocked |up not out ' an( ' 21, while in the | second Green made 33 and Paterson 15. The I howling for Fairfield was' done by S. Willi* (two for S) and Mora (two for 9) in the first innings, while in the second innings Mora took four for 32. Fairfield v. Mayfleld. FAIRFIELD. F ; r«t innincs (declared) .. ~ 322 MAYFIELP. First Innings. Orchaid, inn out .. . -.. 21 Faterson, b Willis ■■ .• 1 iteveley, c Wntkins, b Mora .. .. .'1 Green, not out •• •• .. 39 i (jrai?, Ibw, bS. Willis ■■ .. 0 ! Guine'v, c Wntkins, bS. Willis .. 1 ! Whiting, b Mom .. .. .. 0 | F.xtras .. •• •• ..9 r L\.tal (for six wicket?) .. 71 I Howling analysis-P. Willi* took one wi.Urt (or iuna, S. Willis two for J. Mora two for 1), R. Drcnnan none for 10. j ' Second Inning.". ]• c 3'- Willis, '> Mora .. .. 15 | ciai'-'. »' !'• Willis, b Mora .. .. 1 ! (j.rHi, c Wntkins, b Mora .. .. 3:1 ! (11l hard, c Walking, b Mora .. ... 3 i (Ininoy, c HulTam, bS. Willis .. 1 Iteveley, c and bS. Willis .. .. 1 Whit in;:, not out " Kxtias Total (for six wickets) .. .. G-l Bowling analysis—S. Willis took two wickets for 02 runs, Mora four for 32. Ashbnrton A v. Ashburton B. In the A Grado match between Ashburton \ and Ashburton B, on tho Domain Oval, tvo weeks ago Ashburton A went in first and knocked up 295, to which the B team replied with 39 for seven wickets, and on Saturrlav the latter team continued the inninigs and wero all out for 17. They thm went in for their second strike, Ashburton A having declared in tho meantime. fins time tile play was a complete reversal of the previous day's game and they finished up with .TO for the fall of eight wickets. To. wauls this nmount J. B. Nicoll contributed 123, a really line saving score. Other double fi'Mire men were:— F. J. Jacobs 11, I?. Johnstone 32, and A. Gourley 37. Bowling for the A team B Lane took four wicketß for ■l3 runs, and R. McGregor look two for 3a. Scores: ASHBURTON A. First Innings .. •• 29,> ASHBURTON B. First Innings .. •• •• •• 4| Second Innings. J. Jacobs, b Bentley •• « J H Nicoll, b Lano *-■' C. Brady, b McGregor ' R. Johnstone, lbw, b Lano .. ». JC. <5. Androws, b Lano •- " n B. McShcrry, run out " W. Rupley, b McGregor •• •• » A. Gourley, not out J ' S. Toomev, lbw, b Lano .. •• •; „ ' ' .. 40 hxtras .. •• •• Total (for eight wickels) ..303 Bowling analysis-Charles took no wickets tor 58 tuns, Bentley one for 2U, °" I1C lor 11, McGregor two for Jo, Mllllchamp lione for 32, Lano four for 15, Judgo none lor 10, Nieolls none for 12, Slirimpton none '°ln lite junior match between Fairfield and Rakaia, at Fairfield, tho alter stained a two-noint win on tho first innings. On the first daV s play Fairfield made 132 nine, and niado. 181 for seven wickets in tho second innings, and declared. Rntawv mado M for seven wickets the first day and completed that innings on tho eeoond day, makij»B the total 210 (O'Connor not out U., U" ■ no In the second innings they made SO for eight (Ilawkeswo'th 33). . Just before tho t all of time, Urquhart, bowling for . Fjl !, fic . ,• took four wickets with four succcssi\e balls. tennis. The Mid-Canterbury Lawnv TennU SubAs!'lath's junior eompetltlons wero con"""1 the "whole very closo SS Kill Ashburton met To Marao o» » 105 l£ 111 tho mateli between Tinwaldß and Ashburton A, played at Tinwald, the latter won bv lii sets (123 games) to 4 sots (81 games). Details were as follow, Tinwald names first:— Ashburton A v. Tinwald B. MEN'S SINGLES.. Bryant 7, Thomas 9. Tarbotlon 9, Lawson 8. Frow 3, Buckingham D. Hunter 3, Dliyrbcrg 9. LADIES' SINGLES. Mrs Reddlcllffe 5, Miss McLennan 7. Miss Watson 7, Mrs G. Niclol 5. Miss Falconer 3, Miss Burgess 7. Mrs Mllllchamp 7, Miss Hunter 6. MEN'S DOUBLES. Bryant and Tarbotton 0, Thomas and Lawson 9. Frow and'Huntor 3, Buckingham and Dyhrbcrc 9. LADIES" DOUBLES. Mrs ReddlclifTe and Miss Watson 3, Misses McLennan and Burgess 7. Miss Falconer and Mrs Mllllchamp 8, Mrs Nicolls and Miss Hunter 7. COMBINED DOUBLES. Bryant and Mrs RoddiclifTo 6, Thomas and Miss Hunter 9. Tarbotton mid Miss Watson 9, Lawson and and Miss Burgess 4. Frew and Miss Falconer 2, Buckingham and Miss McLennan 9. Hunter and Mrs Mllllchamp 7, Dbyrberg and Mrs Nicoll,9. Ajhburton B v. To M&rae A. MEN'S SINGLES. W. Hscnan 9, 11. Taylor 6. Dr. Ryborn S, W. R. Toathcrston 0. J. Todd 7, S. Christlo 9. A. Brtico 4, N. Robllllard 9. LADIES' SINGLES. Miss Pettey 7, Miss Dickson 4. Miss Bell 7, Miss Porter 5. Miss Cuff 2, Miss Thompson 7. Miss Oakley 7, Miss Eastorbrook 8. MEN'S DOUBLES. Hcenan and Tod 9, Taylor and Featherston 5. Ryburn and Bruce 7, Christie and Itobllliard 9. LADIES' DOUBLES. Misses Pettoy and 801 l 7, Misses Dlelcson and Porter 2. Misses Cull and Lane 3, Misses Thompson and Easterbrook T. COMBINED DOUBLES. Hcenan and Miss Pettoy 9, Taylor and Mlsb Dickson 5. Rybum and Miss Bell 9, Featherston and Miss Porter 8. Todd and Miss Cuff 9, Christlo and Miss Thompson 5. Bruce and Miss Lano 8, Robilliard and Miss Easterbrook 9.

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Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18919, 7 February 1927, Page 4

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MID-CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18919, 7 February 1927, Page 4

MID-CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18919, 7 February 1927, Page 4