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TURF GOSSIP. Nominations for tho Core Racing Club's Summer Meeting closo to-day. Acceptances for the tlifden and Toterty Hay Meetings eloso to-tiny. Acceptances for tho Kotorua Racing Club's Annual Meeting close- to-ruonow. Nominations for the IV.iitcrbu-y Jockey C'lul/s Midsummer Meetitr; clo.-o on Wednesday. The Bunedin Jockey Club wero favoured with very satisfact >ry acceptirnies for tho first day"s racing of their Aetnmn Meeting, to lx> held on Thur--day next. The F)uni.:lm Cup has attracted twelve acceptors, representing riigh-ela-s iierformers, and including re- c-iit ini|rortant v iiiners in Count I'Wlall. I'.apier, C'entrepie:i', and ><ct Sail. The f hanipague Stakes ha* eloped with a field of seven and an interesting contest is promised. Knouton stable* are strongly icpre-cntcd. Hie following liors<\s leaving to-day and to-morrow:— ltadiac (A. K. Wormaid): Hayonara. Ophir (I!. I.onghyi, I'm Route, Thoindale, W'nterlow IK. I'. <'laridgei, (ilcritrnin. Ma Mai, Count favour t'Y. H. (!i!lett-i. Nincompoop, Precious fJ. Hoyrl), Young I.oehinvar, TJattlcmcnt, Cnirite (V. I>. Jones), ('■ountorsign (K. .Seoullar). Go'el Mint (J. LiiKlsay). Rrightling (J. 13. Poar»nnV Knpier, Chiekwheat (H. Nursei. Centrepiece, Front Wank, Serotina, Proadmoor, Wild Work (H. and A. Cutts). Cro«sbow, Silver Coot, Don Jnso (ft. J. Pino), Mils/tor Clareiuc (U. Kmerson). and Jericlio (\Y. Hohhs). Mr J. S. Ilarrott last week disused ttf his two English-bred mares, Prophet's Mark and Violet 11.. to Mr J. Snnalfi, Vrxtmrrfl iStud, Wanganui, and both were shipjtod north on Kridnv. Althouch in lull training, they %il| bo immediately retired from coinTniMioii and turned cut until the next *tud season. Mr IXxialtl's' purchases liavo brought the number of Knglishbrcl maroo at his stud to eleven. cNisottc was booked for ii trip to Dunedin, but she developed shoulder ■orouess on Friday and lias been ea.ved tip by J. Boyd. Tho Ricartou mentor intends to Rcjin tako.up Tnrleton and C'arnot on nis return from Dunedin, and recently added to his string a five-jrcar-old untried gelding. Golden Image, trv Treadmill from Gold Top by Soult from a Gold Reef mare. Monte and Matnranga fell in the riurdle event at Gishorne on Saturday, and C. Stratton, rider of tho former, had an arm broken. At tho Canterbury Park (Sydney) Meeting on Saturday the Now Zealandbred Father's Voiec, carrying 8-12. led all tho way in the Flying Handicap nnd beat Oreryssel (7-7) by three lengths in 1.11. Parody (9-81 dondheated for Hccnnd place in the first division of tho High-Weight Handicap, and Cherry Ripe (7-1) ran third in the Canterbury Handicap.

TROTTING NOTES. Acceptances for the Metropolitan T.C.'B February Meeting close tomorrow at noon. Handicaps for the Otahuhu T.C.'s Summer Meeting will bo declared tomorrow. VoloroM was not allowed to start in the District Trial Handicap ab Cheviot on Saturday owing to the daughter of £1 Carbino and Manuku not being owned and trained in the district threo months prior to the, closing date of the nomination. At tho conclusion of the Parnassus Handicap at tho Cheviot Meeting, J. Bryco, driver of Katute, was called before tho Judicial Committee to explain his conduct during the running of tho race. It was stated by li. frost, driror of Royal Audubon, that Bryco advised him "to caw up as ho had no chance." Thero being no corroboration tof tho statement, no action was taken. Excellent nominations have Itcen rewitod by tho Otahuhu Trotting Club for its Bummer Mooting. As usual; Canterbury stables an» well represented and included in tho list aro M. H. Edwards (Logan's Drivo and Firpo), J. J. Ivcnnerley (Logan Chief and £?. ler 5f n « 8 . n 2» W - J - Ton.kinson (Elsear, Conchff, Peto Peter, Don Dou- «"* JStPPT *£>*, and Direct Wood). '•_, WiMjWa (Real the Great, Potcr Swift, Groat G. S. Smith (Loeanda Mac), D. Warren fKempton and Ayr), ft. H. Bennett (Sahib). H. Fa.??." 7 , I 8 ** P<)ar, >' A - Hendrikscn (Cardinal Logan), R. E. Mills (Cor"•"•n. Jlstivo Morn). F. Holmes (Tnlfgo. ««jr Logan, and Bonny Logan\ N B«r«a* (Bessio Locnn>, J. Bmc fKonara), H. Frost (Talent and William tho Great), P. Riddle (Parkwood and Doanwood).


Splendid conditions prevailed for training operations at Hiccarton on Saturday, the bulk of the work icing don« before brenkfeet. A number of interested spectators were present, and *hey were rewarded with somo interesting winding-up gallops by horses due to compete at the Dunediu Meeting on Thursday and Saturday next. All fast work wss confined to toe plough track, which had been liberally watered overnight and was in ideal order. Ceatmpiccc (W. Brown) and Front Bank (0. Eastwood) were associated in a mile gallop. They eet an even paco from the hop-off and although tho former bad a good Advantage at the distance post, Front Rank finished on welt mad there was only a half length margin between the pair at the finish. The distance was covered in 1.43 4-5, n very creditable gallop on the part of both Chokeboro representatives. Centrepiece will be making his second effort over a mile and a half in the Donfedin Cup, and his showing will bo frfllctod with interest. * Cwint Cavoor (W. Brown), Bapier (A. B. Eastwood), and Footfall (C. Xbattrood) were responsible for an •itrsetiVb task over a mile and a quarter. The first half mile was covered in S&ec, and seven furldngs in 1.31 2-5. Tt» trio were practically together up to the nine furlong post, which was reached in 1.57 3-5. At this point Count Cavotir shot to the front, and increasing his advantage in tho run to tho post, finished four lengths in front of Rapier, who was two lengths in advance of Footfall, the full journey occupying 2.10 3-d. The weights carried were approximated: Count Cnrour 8-2, Rapier 7-0. and Footfnll 7-10. % The effort of the first-named was most creditable, and served to gain him Want frionds for the Dnncdin Cup. Kapler failed "to show his usual brilliancy over the closing staßcs, but tho galldp would do him a vast amount of good, and lie should strip n very fit none on Thursday next. Footfall appeared tn be on the light side, and it is possible that his recent hard racing has hid'its effect. On the othor hand, M wMJsjMom shone in track .work, •no «itti»- strong horseman aboard at I Wioßittri, he must not be left out of ' «alealatio»s. An "effort w«s made to; •♦nilf the service* «f J*. IT. Morris to ride him, Imt the Norl* JtarwwnjmwmMirta «t tfw» Tsnmakl Ifwtlug. Witl. these .three

horses and Battlement. JJiccarton stables arc certainly strongly reprcsentcl in the big Southern race, and their names .should Ik; j>romiuent in the final placings. Glentruin Ikicl Bachelor as a companion in a live luriong gallop, ami although the latter was never tar away 11 om tne English mare, the was going iiniifortably in I runt at the finish, ami nit out. the journey in ].'.' 3-5. On the morning's work, it would ap]>cur as it Gillctt's stable will have an important say in the decision of the "double" figuring on the day's propamine.

Bntlnnciii and Cnlcitc were dispatched together from the nine I'uiiony ))*•;:. tlie latter eased off when ,-oicn furloiic-; had been covered. Battlement held Ins companion t>afc up to this point, and continuing alone, traversed tho full distance in l.o'J l'-3, the concluding seven furlongs lieing covcr'd in !..'!•"). Battlement was ridden by thr apprentice, A. liroun, who will pilot linn in the Dunedin Cup. lie iias improved with every recent gallop, and with 7-li on his buck, hu.s only to reproduce the form lie showed in Australia to be amongst the placed division.

Young I/oeliinvar. who figures in the Publicans' Handicap at Dunedin. strode o\er six furlong-, in 1.18 :.'-">. lie has executed muiio encouraging work during the past fortnight, but it is probable, that he might be in need of a laec to offer serious opposition to more seasoned performer.-, in the .six-furlong event.

Jericho, whose properts in the Dunedin Champagne Stakes are considered in a favourable light, galloped six furlongs in company with Scrip, the pair finishing on terms in 1.10 without being fuMv extended.

The Chokebore representative in the Champagne Stakes, Broadmoor, accomplished a live furlong task in 1.4 -1-5 ■with Serotina. who is included in the field for the Berwick Handicap on the opening day. Wild Work, from the same stable, who will contest tho Trial Stakes, also got through useful work over the name distance.

Brightling was sent over a mile journey, assisted by Red Wink over the initial sis furlongs. He completed his ta-k in good order in 1.10 4-o, the hist kcvcii furlongs taking 1,31. lie will lie the sole representative of J. B. Pearson's stable at Dunedin and .should be i-een to advantage in the President's Handicap on Thursday. Gold Mint, who will also be included in the field for the President's Handicap, comfortably got to the end of seven furlongs in 1.31. The Catmint gelding is in great henrt and should annex n stake at the Meeting. He will bo ritlden in his engagements bv J. Beale.

Chiekwheat showed a return to past track work by easily accounting for Precious !i'n a well-run six furlong gallop, taking 1.17. He has not had a race for some time and may not he nblo to do himself justice in his engagements at Wingatui, but an improvement in his form can be looked for later in the season's programmes. Ophir, Snyonara, nnd Radiae finished in that order nt tho completion of a mile task, occupying I.IG 4-.">. Ophir will fnco tho starter in tl . Stewards' Handicap, one mi'c, at Dunedin on Thursday, and although the company appears to be above his class, lie can Ik> depended upon to bo in tho tiring lino when the post is within reach. Sayonara lias come to hand wouderfiillv well, while it may be said of Radia'c that Wormaid has him in better racing condition now than at any time during the Absurd gelding's career. Countersign was not extended to cover five furlongs in 1.4, 6nishing on terms with her stable-mate, Gold Brick, who is not engaged at Dunedin. Countersign will bo ridden by C. Eastwood in the Publicans' Handicap on Thursday, and as this combination prevailed on their last appearance at Wingatni in December, she will command a fair share of public patronage. She has certainly been given every opportunity with 7.11. F. P. Claridge, who has made a good recovery from tho effects of his recent operation, was present to see his representatives for Dunedin, Thornda'e, Waterlow, and En Route in action, the tr !° getting through satisfactory tasks. With the near approach of the Canterbury Jockey Club's Midsummer iMeeting, Riccnrton trainers have been getting busy during the past week with horses destined to be produced on February 19th, and judging by the number in preparation, the fields for the one-day gnthcrin'g should be substantially strong.


PRINCIPAL EVENT WON BY SCOTCH MIXTURE. (TRESS ASSOCUTIOS TELTGBJUt.) GISBORNE, February 5. weather %T W " hcld in wcaiiicr. The course was very fast. The , totaheatoi 'investments woro £ 18,043. com. pnt through the machine for tho two davs otalled £25006, compared with £97ffls twelve months ago. Results:- ' SECOND HANDICAP HURDLES, of 150 •ots; Um~4 BLUE JAY 10 6 T. S Fai wng 1; a Copper Nob 0-8 2; 1 Many Col°^!ii Mari s,° TBr °-° : 7 Matauranga 9-0 also MartotJ. Monse and Matauranga fell. C. Stratum, rider of the latter, having an arm biokon. Won by two and a half lengths: seven lengths second and third. Time, 3.11 3-j —a courso record. JUVENILE HANDICAP, of 120 aovs; Sf -3 ATUMLAD 7-7 P. Mcllroy 1; 4 Tea a^. 7 « 7 *v 5; ,? N i 8,, T B -°, 3 - 1 Kin *' s Dream B-0, 5 Newbridge.6M) also started. Won by two lengths: half a length second and third. Time, 1.3 1-S. TASUHERU HACK HANDICAP, of 120 eovi; lm-1 GOLD DOT 9-9 H. Dulieu 1: 5 Crishna 8-4 2; 2 Sunliko 8-5 3. 3 Carnrela 8-4; 4 Rakauponga 7-4; C First Prince 7-3 also sUrled. Won by threo lengths: head second and third. Time, 1.43 2-5. TRIAL HANDICAP, of 100 sovs; Gf-1 P.9 LD STREAK 6M) T. S. Fanning 1: 3 Miss Willonyx 8-5 2; 6 Pcrlo do Rougo 8-0 3. 2 Hakuwai 8-7; 4 L'Autumn 8-0; 11 Polytivious 8-0; 10 Moisturo 80; 7 White Sister 8-0; 9 Loch Lvon 8-0; 5 Wilfred 8-0-8 Master Damon 8-0 also started. Won hv half a length; two lengths second and third. Time, 1.16. GISBORNE RACING CLUB HANDICAP, of 200 sova; second 30, third IS. lm. J. Allen and KirkpatrickV b g SCOTCH MIXTURE by Heather Mixture-Ta-pora aged 8-2 .. C. W. France 1 2. L. G. Claire's ch g Royal Diadem Svrs 7-5 .. .. H. Wiggins 2 3. A. F. Laurie's b g Serenade aged 70 L. Daly 3 4 Othon 7-l» also started. Won by two Tongths; threo lengths second and third. Time, 1.40 4-5. SECOND WELTER HANDICAP, of 120 aovs; 7f-2 MOUNTAIN TOP 10-0 R. B. Footo 1; 3 Westerner 9-12 2: 1 Roval Flicht 9-3 3. 4 Garron 10-5; 6 Forest Gold 10-0 also started. Won by two lengths; length second and third. Time, 1.29. AWAPUNI HACK HANDICAP, of 120 aovs; 6f-3 MON MINT 8-0 P. Atkins 1; 2 Nightsong 8-5 2: 1 Superb King 9-9 3. 4 Cohesion 9-3 alio started. Won by half a length; three-quarters of a length second and third. Time, 1.14 2-5. BRIGHT MEMORIAL HANDICAP, of 130 sovs; 6f-5 GOOD SPORT 8-3 H. Wiggins 1; 3 Pita fi-5 2; 1 Ngawati 8-10 3. 2 Startlu 8-7; 4 Gold Bos 8-0 also started. Good Sport won 4>y half a length from Ngawati, with Pita three-quarters of a length back third. At a meeting cf steward? after the wee. P. Mcllroy. rider of Ngawati, wn* suspended ior a week for interfering with Tita, and Pita was placed second and Ngawati third. Time, 2-5.


BIG HANDICAP TO DILLON GOLD. The Cheviot Ttotting Club held iM fift .••nnual totalizer mcetin- m Saturday, on the Iccal raceco.usr. The weather was hot and faitry. i"it there was a pood attendance, the special train from Chrisicimrch bcina «-e-.l .-jtrcnised. while nuny M«itors travel'rd to the fixture in meter-cars, which were nmeh in evidence en the course. A lew ven" apu ih» district received a racing permit, and two mcetincs weie held en its course, whirl, w> fo'itH to he unsuitable or (;al].>n!r ? and fv.barq'Kiitly one !:::tnre was held'at i!:ccurtcn The club then aiudc .in application to the authorities to change tioltini.'. and after Ion? negotiations. it wa« succc-m!. Despite the moderate Makes the clu'j leceived an excellent list of seminations and, with the rc«'.i!t that sonic inter-stin? rncinc was witi.f.«.«cd. The diit track, which i« a ntt.c over five furloncs, «'»■' exceptional y :n?t, due to the recent spell c' dry weather and the absence of water. Consequently the majoritv of the winr.eis and placed horses will l-e found rucin" in better company in future. Speculation was limited: £1314 10s was handled .••• the totalisa'.or staff and a lciisonable would hiico resulted but for the Distriit race, which failed to find favour with investors. The meeting was wel' managed am! the .lull's i fficials have every reafou to be satisfied with their < ftorts. DIsTIMCT 'l'ltlAb HANDICAP (in saddle!, of in sovs; second 7, third 3. .'1.53 class. l'Mi. .',. T." Wiillier - .. hr c GOLD.MAI'.K by it-wal Itothichild- Stanley mare aired :16 • • Owner 1 1. I). ('/Cornell'* b m Nikau aged 12 Owner 2 2. A. Tapp's b jr Lou liaro'd s>rs SI YV. Mnncvbone 3 1 Yanco rcr; 3 Country Life 120 also started. Won by twelve lengths, four lengths and Ihiid. Cotmtrv Life was fourth. Timea—t.lS >-.>, 3.51, 3.30. Winner trained by owner. DOMETT HANDICAP (in saddle 1 , of 45 sovs; second 7, third 3. For unhnpplcd trotters. 3.53 class. Um. •1. A. llbvcv's b g MIDLAND by Midas— Merrv Whispers aged scr S. Davcy 1 1. J. Teahen'a b g Hissnn aped ser K. Townley 2 J. J. Dorc's b rj lloval Audubon Gvrs IS 11. "Frost 3 !1 »er: 7 Lassiter ser: 10 Nelson Moor sir; 3 David scr; S Nihau 12 and Blazer Wi'soa 21 bracketed: 8 (loldmiuk M inc. 43 pen.; G Peter McMillan 132 also started. Won by a len-lh; twelve lengths, second and llihd. tloldinaik was fourth. Tinies--3.3G l-j, 3.3G 2-3, 3.53 1-3. Winner trained by owner. C'HKVIOT TROII'INO HANDICAP (in harness), o' 100 rov3; second 20, third 10. 1.56 class. 2rn 2. W. Connelly's ch R DILLON (iOLD by Harold Dillon—Lluvia d'Oro syrs 21 ..A. Ilendrikflen 1 1. Mrs E. L. Tounsford's blk k Ariki 4vrs 21 .. M. B. Kdwn'rda 2 ■t. D. Burke's ch g Jollv Hoger 6vrs 36 J. I). Smith 3 3 Thraneen acr; G iliss Dorothy rcr: 5 First Imperial scr; 7 Copra acr; la Po'o Jim 36: 8 Miss Locands. 60; 11 Satin Princes.* 81; S Koraki 81 also started. Won by two lengths; same oecond and third. First Imperial was fuorth. Tinie3— 1.11 2-3. 4.12 2-5, 1.13. Winner trained by A. Hcndrikscn. MINA HANDICAP (in harness), of 55 savs; second 7, third 3. 5.5 class. 2m. 5. W. J. Smith's b in SARELLA by St. Swithin—-Necessity aged 60 D. Wilhcis 1 3. A. I'ice's b g Peter Nash ae;cd 12 1"' Holmes 2 1. I!. Townlcy's b m First Imperial uyrs. scr .. .. .. Owner 3 C Alec Dillon acr; 10 Mac Dillon str; -I Brown Admiral scr; 2 Peter White 2); 0 Silent Member 3G; 8 Kclbiirn GO; 7 Country Lifn GO also started. Won by ten lengths; four lengths second and third. Kclbiirn was fourth. Times—--4.4'J, 1.57, 1.50. Winner t.uincd by owner. SI'OTSWOOD HANDICAP (in harness), of 53 sovs; second ?, third 3. 3.13 class. Hm. I K. O. McCullough's b m BETA TRACEY hy Pctcrcti-Florß Tracey aged scr .. E. C. McDermwtt 1 2. W. J. Davidson and G. S. Walton's b g Bingonwood 4yrs scr J. Davidson 2 10. J. J. "Wright's ch g John Gilbert syrs «cr .. .. Owner 8 12 Yanco acr; 13 Lady Way scr: 2 PointcrKood scr; 9 Saucy Sue «cr; 6 Mac d« Oro scr; 11 Pat Dillon scr; 5 Necraonscr; BRoyal Junior 86; 2 Jessie Huon 36; 7 Bonalcna 60 also started. Won by four lengths; six lengths second and third. Necrson was fourth. Times—--3.41 1-5, 3.42 1-5, 3.43. Winner trained by E. C. McDcrmott. PARNASSUS HANDICAP (in harness), of 70 sovs; second 10, third 5. For unhoppled trotters. 5.10 class. 2m. A. R. M. Morten's in f KATUTE by Nelson Bingen—Jluricata lyrs 132 . , J. Bryce 1 5. J. Dore sb g Royal Audubon Ojts -IS il. Frost 2 12. F. Mcsscrifs b g Peter McMillan a?ed 108 .. .. ». H. Stove 3 15 B!azer Wilson scr; 10 Lassitcr scr; II Nclaon Moor scr; 8 David scr; 7 Oval scr; 3 Great Amazon scr; 2 Leo Bellman scr; 9 Golden Spray scr; 6 Hassan scr; I Trampcrisp scr; 11 Peter tho First 156; 1} Koraki 223 also started. Won by six Icnsths; a hundred yards second and third. Koraki was fourth. Tivncs—--1.50 2-3, 4.59 2-5, 4.59. Winner trained by J. Bryce. MACKENZIE HANDICAP (in h.rness), ot 80 sovs; second 10, third 5. 3.1 class ljm. 2. R. Ward's b t THRANEEN by Logan Pointer—Coin 4yrs scr .. F. Holmes 1 1. E. G. McCullongli'a b m Rota Traccy ag_cd 36 inc. 36 pen ageuscr .. E. C. McDcrmott 1 3. W. J. Davidson and G. S. Walton'a b g Bingenwood 4yrs scr » „..„ „ J- Davidson 3 8 Will Soon scr; 7 After Dork scr; C Miss Dorothy 12; 9 Ynys Joy 12; 10 Jessie Huon 12; S Pavlova 24; 11 Koraki 48; 4 Peter King 84 also etaiied. Won by thrco lengths; six lengths second and Uurd. Miss Uorothy was fourth. Times —2.56, 2.53 1-S, 2.59. Winner trained by F. Holmes. BOLLARD HANDICAP (in saddle), of 55 sovs; accond 7. third 3. 2.30 class, lm. 9. J. H. Twomcy's b g DILLON LAD by Harold Dillon— Irvington maro

10. R. lownloye b m First Imperial Gyrs . J ct ft t, • . •• •• Owner 2 4. airs i,. L. Founsford's oik g 4yr« 36 ~ T , _ M. B. Edwards 3 14 Lady Way scr; 2 Audalio scr; 6 Flossio Pointer scr; 1 Welcomo Pearl scr; 16 Silent Mwnbcr scr; 3 Peter Nash 12; 8 Glaucus l : „, Goneral Brcnt 21> - 13 Kclburn 24; 5 12 Annorloy 18 also atartcd. ..T°?i.- b 5 th "?Jensth*; ten lengths second ™? o h !, r , d -, K Kc ' b " r " *" fa ««h. Tiroes—**j. —I 4-5. 2.1 M 4*o. «inner trained by owner. NOTES ON THE RACING. *»J h T- TS °s 7 £tc 41,,,r1cr8 in Ih <> District Inal Handicap. Speculation was limited; the pool totalled only J9.1 eovs, with lanco favourite and Lou Harold the best hacked w the ethers. The race'aroused little interest, and resulted in a win fcr GoldmarK, an tged trotter by Roval Hothschild ft * - Stanlc y """•> who was the outsider of tho field and paid a usfetil double-flguro dividend. Nikau was prominent for a little over a mile, when lie broke, but Settled down in timo to beat Lou Hnrokl for second money. Country Lifo was fourth and the favourite, Yaoco. last. Midlanl, mi aged gelding by Midas from Murry Whispers, was always well placed in the Domett Handicap, und", after trotting a sound nice, ho won nicely from the fastfinishing Hassan, followed by Royal Audubon and Goldmark. Hassan, ridden by It. Townley, showed speed in patches, but such chance as he possessed was lost through his leopatej mixing of hia g.iit. Royal Audubon, who won a race at the pacing e 'ait at Kelson early in the season, trotted u good race into third place, with GoMniarJ;, winner of the previous race, fourth. The ancient Peter McMillan, from 132 yds, was with the leaders at ihc end of a mile, and looked like playing a prominent part in the settlement of affairs, but a bad break quickly put him out of court, and he finished in the ruck. Tim eleventh-hour withdrawal of Oueen Ida from the Cheviot Handicap left eleven starters. Ariki was favourite, with Dillyn Gold and Thrancen all well supported. Tha lace was full of interest, and tho final iaauo in doubt until three furlongs from home, when Dillon Gold. Ariki, and Joliy Roger drew clear from the Test of the field and had the finish to tliem<3<Jve«. Ariki and Jolly IJoegr both gave out a 6trong challenge, but Dillon Gold had sufficient left in resenT to win by a co-.iple of lengths from Ariki, who was a similar distance away third. Kitst Imperial wis fourth slid Copra fifth. Th* winner, Dillon Gold, is a five-year-old gelding by Harold Dillon from Llnvia d'Oni. He is owned bv the South Canterbury sportsman Mr W. Connelly, and was driven by his trainer. A. Hendrikeen. Ariki paced a solid race inlo second place, for three-parts of the journey the Yaldhursttrained gelding was on the outside of th~ field, but when it came to the actual finish Dillon Gold easily held him Bale. Jolly Roger finished third, after being a long way back in the earl; stage. First Imperial,

Copra, unci Mi;s Dorothy ran wcl! for threepart's of the journey. 'J'hr3iicc:t did not po away co.icctlv and was n"t with, while the rest of tli" field »crc !>"atcn for speed and finished some distance behind the pieced muses. The nee was inn in fa«l tunc an! the placed liTscs —l)il on Old. Ariki. and JoKy on tiici; handicaps 12 n-Sscc, 11 3-? sec, nnd Psce respectively. The Min.i Handicap drew a field of ten horses, bit i'. "'a' » l' nor >''- v - " 5 V lO •n-ijo-itv failed to pro out th- two miles *Vi'fuctorilv, and at the finish the lield was strung ru'.'Vcr a futlor.p. Sarolla. from ivn-d« an awl marc by S'. Swithin from \"eces«i'v. driven hv ]l. Withe:?, gradually made'nn' her handicap, tinti! entering the final circuit she was in front, and ran horn'' an rnsiv winner in '■■'•'}. "r Hs:v letter than her handicap Pct-r Nash looked '.ike cytendnp tl'.e winner, but three furlongs from'heme lie tired, and S.nella easily held him safe at the finish. On hi? pond ehowir" in the uTvious race, First Imperial was installed favourite. lie ran well for a mile nnd a ha!:, but stopped badly, ~i:d Im'shcl verv tiled in third place, vita kjlburn L.urth and Brown Admiral fifth. The free use of the tcratc'iuip ren in the <Si)otsv.-o>»i Handicap reduced She field to thirteen sorters. Ileta Tracry war. favourite, and then came a hip drop in the oettinp, w-th B'r."etr.vood. Pointeiweo-i, and Jessie n'rou couidiv backed at the head of the n'lien The" carlv 'oadcrs included Reta Tmcev John Gilbert, Bincen»W., and W-r-'-'ii. and after an inteicstmg nice Hot-' Tracer won with snmeihinp in hand from I'li-cnw-od and John. Gilbert Th- winner. Keta Traccy, is a liul:'-«i=l <-r to Trimmer, by lVte-e'.a 'from Flora Tinccv. She is a crelv mare, but is not too sound binpenv;or,f who finished second, paced a prnvl race.' He i« only a four-year-old. and luc ~,uiy of Nelson Bir.ccn s pragrny may he expected to improve wi,h ape. .Mm (.1 ■ iH-rl slnwed a lot o s-0.l in patches. I. it |.. lvk c wh-:i extended. NeerS'.n wa<= fourth, hit IVnlorwood and Jessie Huon. who were well backed, made a poor showinp Fifteen unhoppled trotters facer the •darter in the Parnassus Handicap, and after trr'tinp a solid race Katnte. from l.,2yda. ~..i1v accounted for the opposition in 4.00 •■>"•, or 'I 3-osee better than her handicap, and paid' a v»fnl dividend. Hoyal Aittliihon looked 'ikr cxtendinp the winner, but halt i m :, e from home Katule had his measure, „nd 'he was easily beaten for second pkvr peter McMillan was a poor thud and ho.alci fouith in front of a ft rung-out field, which ™,,ded 1.0 B-llman and Great Aiuaron, the three best backed Iw.s.m in the race. . , .... Thraneen was seen in a favourable ig i M the Maekcn/i.' Handicap, and fcor.yl an ncrdue win. Hhe did not bcp.n cpiite as well as some of her opponents, hut once ii.lo her stride she I'i.ced a line race, and had the result in safe keeping a Inns,: «»■ Iron. home. Despite a pc.iii:W of Jb>ds.for h,. r win in tl»- Spotswood Handicap, T, lt ev beat nil but the winner, and prove; ,l„t she is more than u.-fiil over a nhoil oi.rse. Bii.penwood ii.atir the cany running. ,u a quartc°r of a mile from homo he ired m I wa« br.-.ten into third place. Outside replaced horses. Mis, Porothy and \ny» .lov made the best .show.n?, nit even mi never locked like wnners Ihewu ne , Thraneen is 3 four-year-o'd filly by L'jpail Veinter from Coin, dam of that fine pacer, She has a preal e. reputation Welcome Pearl, sheltered in 1!. B. Berry s stable, was installe<l a warm favourite in the Bollard Handirnp, hut she broke up at tl,„ start and fnilinp to settle down pave her admirers a poor run for their money. The 'carlv leaders included Ui'.'on Ud and First Imperial, and the actua finish was confined to these two AMiourl. .the rormcr broke i» tbe last furloup he quickly cnni" back to h>, pnit and scored an easy win nnd raid a double-figure, dividend, the hirpest of the day. First Imperial, who was in.ik.iu her third appearance on the day found the distance o! one mile more to her lil;inp. Like Dillon Lad. she wasjittle fancied, and was paying a nice price to ™ V A » kl „*s Kelburn foueht out ~ pood for t.iJ place, the former paminp the verdict M ,"nrro* miririn. and reler Nash two horses that weir well backed, made a poor showinp, and at |h' of (he race were a long way behind the placed hones.


CUP WON BY DAY GUARD. (BTECIAI, TO TBI PRESS.) TE KUITI. February fi. The Tc Knitl Racing Club;a Annual Meeting opened to-day in fine weathor. The totallsator investments were £15,43.1 10s. a decrease ef M6lO 10s. 'Results:— HACK HURDLE HANDICAP, of 125 sots; about ljin—s DEAD SWEET OS W. Row.1; 4 Uralla 10-2 2: n West Abbey 10-2 3. 1 Gold Rep 10-5; 2 Pourl 010; 0 Ahircre n-0 also started. Won by a neck; three lengths second and third. Time, 3.10. MAIDEN HANDICAP, of 100 sots: 7f—l TOWN GUARD 0-0 R. McTavish 1; 4 Lady Clntra 8-7 2; 2 Rallachulish 8-3 3. C Lndy Spalpeen 8-12; 12 Delysian 8-7; 8 Day Lass 8-fi; 5 Cnptaiu C'obham 8-. r .; 10 Vilma Day 8-3; 17 Lady Faye 8-3; 11 Day Rose 8-3; 13 Rcdmar R-3: 0 Acushla 8-3: 7 Catelaw 8-3: 14 Mixs Comet 8-3; 15 Ktimak 8-3; 10 Orbit 8-3; 3 F.lmestru 8-3 nl»iO started. Won by three lengths; lencth nnd a liiilf second and third. Time, 1.31 3-5. TE KUITI CUP HANDICAP, cf 310 sovs, including Gold Cup vnluo 40 sovs; second 40, third 20. IJm. 2. J. M. Zimmerman'* b g DAY GUARD by Day Comet —Keep Wntch syr» 8-5 R. W. McTavish 1 1. L. J. Hyde's b m Miss Vera nged 7-0 W. 11. .Tones 2 4 John Falcrson's b g Royalform Gyrs 7-1 T. Green 3 3 Gold Jacket 8-2; 7 Lord Star 70: fi Rarangi 7-0; 5 Kamchamcha 7-0 also started. Won by a neck; length nnd a half second and third. Time, 2.7. TE KUMI HACK HANDICAP, of 110 sovs; lm—3 LLANDUDNO 810 T Green 1; 1 Ngarara 0-1 2: 2 Air Queen 8-7 3. 6 Topping 8-6; 8 Sailor Hoy 80; 4 Piano Pearl 8-0; 5 Whctuhino 80; 7 Haurna 80 also stnrtcd. Won by n length; length and a half second and third. Time, 1.43. STEWARDS' HANDICAP, of 200 sovs; 6f— 1 FLYING- JULIET 8 7 T. Green 1; 2 Polham 812 2; 4 Arrh Opal 7-13 3. 3 Quinctte 7-fi also started. Won by half a length; length and a half second and third. Time, 1.14. PUKETUTU HACK HANDICAP, of 125 sovs; 7f—l PEGAWAY 9-9 It. W. McTavish 1; 2 Ring the Bell 90 2; 4 Pepin 80 3. 3 The Author 9-0 also started. Won by a neck; three lengths second and third. Time, 1.29. OTOROHANGA HACK HANDICAP, of 100 sovs; Of—2 MACROOM 8-5 R. W. McTavish 1; 5 High Roso 70 8; 9 Gold Clip 7-3 3. 3 Dobbin 813; 10 Rarangi 89; 7 Bracken Abbey 7-10; 1 Value 7-7; 14 Winsome Boy 70; 13 Soßio Lady 7-5; 4 Judgo's Box 7-5; 11 Bright Comet 7-1: 15 Nlopai 70; 1G Hiss Joyce 7-0; 8 Abbey Queen 7-10; 12 Lucy Glitters 7-0; 6 Venus Abbey 7-0 also started. Won by a head; ono and a half lengths second and third. Timo, 1.15. AWAKINO HANDICAP, of 150 sovs; Of—--1 YORK ABBEY 90 W. Rcnnio 1: 2 Miss Egypt 80 2; 3 lllingnr 7-0 3. Won by a neck; two lengths second and third. ACCEPTANCES FOR TO-DAY. PlOriO HACK HURDLES HANDICAP, of 110 sovs; about lm sf—Royalform 11-4; Uralla 10-5; Gold Rep 10-3; Dead Sweet 10-2; Pouri 9-9; Star of tho Kaat 9-1; Rangiawahon 9-2; Lady Spalpeen 9-0; Ahitcro 9-0. TRIAL HANDICAP, of 110 sovs; 6f-Lady Cintra 9-0; Bright Comet 8-13; Acusbla 8-8; Catclaw 8-7; Captain Cobliam 8-4; Mangane S-i; King Peg 8-1; Lady Fayc 8-2; Vclma Day 8-2; General Maniapoto 6-2; Komak S-2; Elmestra 8-2. WAITOMO HANDICAP, 6f 250 aova; 9fDay Guard 9-1; Fogawav 8-8; Pclliam 8-0; Gold Jacket 8-0; Ring the Bell 7-9; Now Moon 7-3; Arch Opal 7-3; Lord Star 7-3; Macroora 7-0. * MAMAPOTO HACK HANDICAP, of 100 sovs; lm—Town Guard 9-3; Air Quccii 8-9; Topping 8-5; Lady Cintra 8-2; Piano Pearl S-0; Whctuhine 8-0; Day Lass 8-0; Ballachulish 8-0; Miss Comet 8-0; Haurua S-0; Delysian 8-0. MAIROA FLYING HANDICAP, of 75 eovs; 6f—Day Guard 9-12; York Abbey 9-9; Flying Juliet 9-3; Mis* Egypt 7-1; Quinctto 7-3; Dobbin 7-2; lllingar 7-0. RANGITOTO HANDICAP, of 120 E ovs; 7f—Ring the Bell 9-4; Miaa Egypt 9-2; Mi?; Vera 8-12; To Korokc 8-8; Uralla 8-2; Ngarara 8-0; Pepin 8-0. HAN-GATIKI HACK HANDICAP, of 100 i-ovs; Cf—Rarangi $-12; Bracken Abbey 7-13. Gold Clip 7-12; Abbey Queen 7-10; Value 7-10; Winsome Boy 7-9; Judgo'ii Box 7-8; Some Lady 7-8; Sailor Boy 7-4. , FAREWELL HANDICAP, of 130 eovs; 5i —Prince Abbey 7-7; Dobbin 7-3; lllingar 7-1: Value 7-0; Venus Abbey 7-0; High R<w 7-0: Bright Comet 7-0: Miss Joyce 7-0; Miss Sphinx 7-0; Lucy Glitters 7-0.


AUTUMN MEETING. trE£3%issocnno« tilioham.)

TARANAKI J.C. ACCEPTANCES. (I-JIESS ASSOCIATION MLEOBAM.) HAWERA, February 6. The following acceptances hara btcn received: —

WELLINGTON*, lebruar; r c The fnlloWii ig h» ndicapi have been declai red liv Mr H. Co vle:STEWARDS' HANDICAP. of 350 boti i. sjr. 0 '_' Royal Mint .. 7 5 Civililv s 12 Bonogno 7 1 Ma>k . 8 8 Konhommo .. 7 2 . 8 9 Beaumont . • 7 Eden Hall . 8 8 (ilengarriiY .. 7 0 Tioga Firs-t Acre . . 8 •> Decoy Bird .. 7 0 , 8 1 Asleep 7 0 Hipo ,Inv King • ■ s 1 Royal Diadem 7 0 s 1 Curraghmore 7 0 7 12 Kilperon 7 0 7 12 Tip Tree 7 0 The Lamb ' 7 12 Thunderclap 7 0 | 7 !> Troilus 7 0 Monoghnn WF«-TMF.RI" HURDLES HANDICAP, of 5 " .„«.. ILmit Um ::s 1J m. San Vera •. . 10 8 Ardath n n Little River 0 n rrinri ; 10 5 Pouri 9 fi Flvactto . 10 5 Cfold Peak .. n 0 Matu , 10 :i Empire Camp !) O Wi-st Abbey ft 11 Foitive p 0 All Wind . . . 0 11 VICTORY WELTER HANDICAP, of 300 snvi *. 1m am I a distance. Kiliniss 3 n Pop Off 7 12 Outfit 8 11 Archon 7 9 Wendny , S i:i Troilus 7 !l ( Day s 11 Conviction .. 7 9 Captain Left 7 7 Gazclc; ,■ s 10 Radiate 7 7 Illend 8 7 Airtight 7 7 Acred 8 « Blue Peter . . 7 7 Onward a 4 Advaneo Camp 7 7 Partaga Bent 8 4 Oreadcs 7 7 , 8 •1 San Pedro .. 7 7 King's Folly 8 3 Anolo 7 7 Capitulation 8 3 BrouBtnll 7 7 ] noe 8 2 Lieutenant Bill 7 7 WANCiANTI CL'P HANDICAP, of 100 j In. BOVB. Rapine , 10 4* Mint Leaf .. 7 r< Star Stranger o in Euphonium .. 7 c. To Monanui .. . !) 0 Opa "> I'iuth.iir . 8 2 Nukumal 7 2 Ngata 8 2 Novar 7 O Eden Hall .. 8 0 Royal Mint .. 7 0 Scatovwi 7 13 Bnnhotnmo .. 7 0 riarinda 7 12 Killoch 7 0 Merry Hay .. ', 7 8 Thunderclap 7 0 JUVENILIS HANDICAP, of 200 bovs. For 1 lwo-y ear-olds. 5f. Runnui , 8 0 Mnrena 7 .*» Metis™ 8 4 Vigilance 7 0 Panther , T 8 lciogno 7 0 Damans , T 5 Silent 7 0 PKTKK HACI' C HANDICAP, of 200 botr. Of. Whominnul . , . t) 11 Break o" Day 7 r> Ned Kelly .. . 9 S Silver Tray .. 7 3 (ireat Day . . 8 12 Bissac 7 2 Outfit 8 in Dimmer 7 0 Jazr. Baby . , 8 10 Skypnint 7 O Helen 8 7 Paltnnu 7 0 Acred 8 (i Seastnr 7 0 Partaga . 8 2 Mnnsogno 7 0 Kings Folly 8 0 Royal Ai-ro .. 7 (1 Royal Kim .. . 7 11 KrlngoBrngh 7 0 Onward 7 9 Romantic 7 0 Olmi 7 8 Ilymestraaon 7 0 Molto . 7 5 Fortalico 7 0 Some Lad . , 7 5 FLYING HANDICAP, of 400 sots. 6f. Rercmnana . , . 9 n Yoma 7 8 The Hawk . . , 0 8 Rascal 7 « Tnmateto . 0 0 Mirousonta .. 7 n Shirley 8 10 Buoyant 7 5 Tukia Orchid 8 . 8 7 B Deluge Oration 7 7 4 Civility 8 G LRdy Bentinck 7 2 First Acre .. . 8 5 Nadarino 7 0 Royal Damon 8 5 Merry Jest .. 7 0 The Thorn .. 8 3 Star Area .. 7 O Mimetic 7 13 Decoy Bird .. 7 0 Henznrn 7 9 Ned Kelly .. 7 0 The Lamb 7 8 Olcninnia 7 0

WA1TABA HURDLES HANDICAP, of 235 *0V5. 11m 100yds. Viftin' itohulal . 0 1.1 Through 10 10 Ardftlll . !> IS Pcndcnnis .. 10 8 Tnk» Take . .08 Mountain Bell 10 S Lord Bnico . . 0 0 Little Itivcr.. 10 3 Urtclo Dave . . 9 0

NGAMOTTJ JUVENILE HANDICAP of 225 SOVS. SI. Helen • •< , 9 3 Tn Tim* . .i « 1 Silvermine . • !> 1 Miss Pat 7 6 Melissa 8 3 Lenox 7 U Baby Bun .. 8 2 FLYING HANDICAP, of 400 iovj i. (if. First Acre .. 8 12 Oration 7 10 Bcnzora • • 8 1 Nadarino . 7 5 Gaillard 7 11 Tip Tree . 7 0 Pouma 7 11 MOTUROA KLECTIUC HACK KACE, . of 150 core . Wcifrht 8-<>. M. Barrysnda Kriu-GoBragli Tc Mai Koyal Aero Midnisl la it Camp Henier Wh'akahihi Advam-i i Camp Turkish Fire Mendip Punwhato Taneorim Skypoint Glcntoe Ardailo TAKANAKI CUP HANDICAP, of 000 sovs. To Monanui .. p !» Mint Leaf . . 7 8 Income 8 10 Opa 7 7 riiithair 8 7 Koyal Mint . 7 0 Town Blink .. 7 0 OKATO HACK HANDICAP, of 200 tort. Mint Leaf .. 10 0 Bent . 7 11 Captain Closeflrc 7 8 Gazelcy 8 7 Always - 1 Blend S 1 Anolo t •' Partaga 8 1 Airtight , 7 2 Asleep 7 13 Blue Peter .. 7 .0 MIMI HIGH-WEIGHT HANDICAP, of 230 The Lamb .. 9 U Vivo R 0 Bonhomme 8 » Crossfire 8 0 Lady Bentinck 8 7 Troilim 8 0 TIMAItU HACK HANDICAP, of COO sovs. Partasa 8 7 Onward , 8 0 Manly 8 2 Toapaiti ► . 7 10 Quillfiro 8 2 The Swell -v 7 0 Oraione 8 2 Paitonu 7 5 Billikins S 0 Soastar 7 -1

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Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18919, 7 February 1927, Page 12

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SPORTING. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18919, 7 February 1927, Page 12

SPORTING. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18919, 7 February 1927, Page 12