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ASHBURTON. PERSONAL. Dr. IT. ?. Bill-d-fT. medical superintendent of (lio Ashburton Comity Hospital, left yesterday morning to attend the Medical Congress at Duncdin. Lieut.-Colonel Hoar», of Wellington, will conduct a ten (lays' campaign at the Salvation Army, Ashburton, commencing to-morrow. Mr H. C. B. Withcll lias been appointed 1 lie representative of the Ashburton County Council on the Peel Forest Scenic Reserve. Presentation. Mr S. If. Sullivan, who has been headmaster of the Alleiiton School for the past eighteen months, and who has been appointed to a, similar position at the Fairlic District High School, was met by members of the Committee, parents, teachers, and children, on Thursday afternoon, and accorded a presentation in recognition of his good work at the schools. The chairman of the Committee (Mr R. Houston) referred to the excellent standard of efficiency the school had maintained under Mr Sullivan's control and expressed the regret of all at his departure from the district. He then presented him with a handsome leather suitcase a3 a mark of the esteem in which ho was held by the Committee, parents, and pupils. Miss E. Knox handed Mr Sullivan a lady's handbag for Mrs Sullivan, and a silver serviette ring for Ngaire Sullivan. She eulogised the work of both Mr and Mrs Sullivan, on behalf of the School, and various social and sports bodies in the district. Other speakers were Messrs 13. C. Bathurst and McPhcrson (assistant-mas-ter.) Mr Sullivan suitably returned thanks. Plunket Society. Mrs Arthur Grigg presided over a vcrv largo attendance of the members of "the Ashburton Branch of tho Plunket Society yesterday morning. It was reported that during January the Plunket Nurse visits had been made as under: —Ashburton 77.1, Rakaia 97, Hinds 0, Stavcley 14, Coldstream 0, Mt. Somers 19, May field 18. | A motion of sympathy was aecord- ! cd Sir Truby King in his recent bereavement, all members standing in silence. The president spoko in feeling and highly appreciative terms of the splendid work of Lady Truby King, in conjunction with Sir Truby King on behalf of the Plunket Society. A warm welcome was accorded Miss A. Patrick, director of Plunket Nurses, who, in company with Miss Liddiard, Matron at tho Mothcrcraft Centre in London, had just recently completed a tour of tho whole of tho Dominion, in order that Miss Liddiard might have an opportunity of closely studying the methods and working at tho New Zealand branches. Miss Patrick gave a most interesting and instructive address on the work of the Plunket Society in London and other parts of Great Britain, and also on what she had seen during her recent tour of the Dominion. She expressed her great pleasure, at tho splendid work which was being done by the numerous branches at the Plunket Society. At the close of her address tho speaker was accorded a hearty vote of thanks for her visit to Ashburton. Loyal Ashburton Lodge. At the fortnightly meeting of the Loyal Ashburton Lodge, M.U., 1.0.0. F., held on Thursday evening, tho N.G., Bro. J. Dickinson, presided. The following candidates were nominated for district offices: D.G.M., Bro. D. T. Paterson, D.D.G.M.; D.D.G.M., F.G, Bro. W. Garrad; D.S., P.G., Bro. A. C. Hardy; D. Trcas., 1\ G. Bro. F. W. Watt"; management committee: P.G.'s Bros. E. 11. Childs, W. Garrard, D. Milne, J. Phelps, T. G. Hardy, and G. Currie; auditors and book examiners, Bros. G. Currie and S. Culverhousc; relieving officer, T. Morgan. Tennis. In the junior grade of the Mid-Can-terbury Lawn Tennis Sub-Association's competitions tomorrow, Ashburton will be represented by tho following:—Ashburton A v. Tinwald B, at Tinwald: \V. Thomas, D. Lawson, Dr. Billcliff, A. Buckingham, Mrs G. Nicoll, Misses M. McLennan, V. Burgess, M. Hunter. Ashburton B v. To Marao A, at Ashburton: W. Heenan, Dr. Rybuta, J. Todd, A. Bruce, Misses E. Pettcy, K. Bell, R. Cuff, M. Oakley. Magistrate's Court. Mr C. R. Orr Walker, S.M., presided at the sitting of tho Magistrate's Court yesterday. Lan Lockland Shaw, a young married man, aged 22 years, was charged that at Mount Somers on Janury 29th, he did assault a female, with intent to commit a crime. Accused was remanded till Thursday February 10th. Bail was refused. L Judgment for plaintiff by default was given in.the following civil cases: Lambert Bros. v. T. Clark, £3 13s 4d (costs 23s b'd); N.Z. Farmers' Co-op. Association v. H. McPherson, £3 2s (costs 26s (id); Ashburton Mail and Guardian v, E. H. Hcalcy, £2 5s 3d (costs 24s 6d). Arising out of an accident that occurred on Walnut avenue, Ashburton, on the evening of August 18th, 19215, Robert Frederick Lynn, school boy, resident of Ashburton, proceeded against Charles William Pyno Shearman, also of Ashburton, claiming £l5O general damages, and £3l 7s 6d special damages. Mr A. K. North appeared for tho plaintiff and Mr C. S. Thomas for tho defendant. Decision was reserved. County Council. At the first meeting of the County Council to be held sinco the new year, vesterdav, thero were present: Crs. A. Horsey (chairman), W. T. Lill, D. J. ! Morrow, J. Moore, J. Lambie, H. Jcsi sop, J. Carr, J. Bruce, R. Houston, H. C. B. Withell, the County Clerk (Mr G. Kelly), and the Engineer (Mr A. A. Fooks). A resolution of sympathy with the relatives of the late Mr A. McFarlanc, a former Councillor, was passed, all standing in silence for a brief space. The financial statement showed that there was a credit balance of £1371 3s 3d, while tho accounts passed for payment at. the meeting, amounting to £5093 16s 2d, would leave a debit balance of £3722 12s lid. The expenditure for the year was £48,157 16s, against which the revenue to date amounted to £47,245 3s 3d. The chairman reported that be had made an inspection of the plantation at Windermere, and found that the recent fire made a break in the most necessary position, thus rendering the ploughing of a fire break unnecessary. He recommended that the Council purchase a suitable plough for its own use. The total rates for the current year amounted to £29,622 15s Bd, and of this amount £22,343 5s 7d had been collected, leaving £7279 outstanding. Of the £4234 levy for water charges, £3OBO 18s 2d had been collected, leaving £1154 outstanding. A permit had been granted to the British Imperial Oil Company

to instal a kerosene tank at its depot on East street. The proposal had been approved by the Inspector of Explosives, Wellington". The position of the counties in the South Island in regard to tlio Main Highways Act was causing much concern, and it was probable that a conference, at which the Council should be represented, would be held at an early date to fully consider the position.

The chairman said that a 10-milc fire break, 10 yards wide, was being ploughed ab'iiit Dromore and Chertsey. Some difficulty was being experienced owing to the length of the grass. In his report, the Inspector of Reserves (Mr E. X. Johnson) stated that Mr ilynam had agreed to carry out the work of ploughing fire breaks the railwav reserves, and the Railway Department had agreed to pay half the cost.

The Inspector (Mr E. X. Johnson) reported that unfortunately an outbreak of diphtheria had occurred at Willowby and 'Wimlemerc during the month, there being five cases, with one death in one family, seven cases in another, and one in another. Two carriers were discovered after a number of eases were swabbed. The tuberculosis cases had also increased for the month, there being one each at Methven, Eiffclton, Myronan, and two at Allcnton, with one death. Reports were made to the Medical Officer of Health at Christchurch. The Engineer reported that there was an abundant supply of wctor at the Pudding Hill intake, and 'Hie supply stream in the river was now in a more satisfactory position. The water was very low at McFarlanc's terrace race, but a small supply had been brought in from the river which would benefit the occupiers in the lower reaches. The intake of the lower Acton main race had lately required a great deal of attention "owing to the many freshes which had occurred in the Rakaia river. A scour started at a low place along the bank below the gates, washed away a few willows, and threatened to work its way towards tho race. He had temporary protection made with willows and fascines, and at present it was doing good work in keeping the river in its old course. Supplies from tho north branch of the Ashburton had been ample for Winehuiore, Wakanui, and Sealicld up to January 25th, when the river rapidly fell. A gang of men was immediately sent to the south branch of the Ashburton river at the intake of o'Shea's creek, and constructed a dam to lead tho water into tho creek. In the meantime the race becanio nearly dry, but tho energetic action of the men gradually increased the supply, ami eventually full flow was obtained. On January 27th there was a considerable fall of water in tho Ashburton river at the intake of tho main race, which reduced the supply to a very low degree. Prompt action soon restored the supply, and all races are now being supplied. The intake at the South Ashburton river was in good order, and providing a good flow of water through the gates. The supplies from tho Hinds Gorge, Mr.. Somers, and Limestone were quite suflicicut. The races generally were overgrown with vegetation, and required cleaning in tho lower part of the district. It had. been diflicult to maintain a regular How. The contract for metalling portion of the main highway near Chertsey had been completed. The survey of the deviation through the property "of Mr Patterson, at Hinds, was commenced. Tho Mayiield bridge had been resurfaced with asphalt. The repairs to tho bridge over tho .South Ashburton at Mt. isomers had been completed. The approach to the bridge at Lambie's crossing was in the course of completion, while the Poplar road bridge over the Hinds was also practically finished.

The reports were adopted. Mr Robert Nish, of Winehmore, wrote stating that as he had an agreement with tho late Engineer of the Council to keep in repair all bridges over the main race on his property, he desired the Council to repair one bridge which was in a bad state. The Engineer said that if the Council undertook the repairs to the bridges it was accepting a big responsibility. It was decided to grant him the timber to do the work himself.

Tho matter of granting timber to .T. "Woods, of Klondyke, was left to the Engineer with power to act. Permission was granted the Ashburton Acclimatisation Society to plant willows on a reserve at Lako Clearwater. It was decided to thank tho Railway Department for the institution of a faster morning and evening train service between Ashburton and Christchurch, commencing on February 14th, and to write pointing out that a better carriage service should be provided, namely, second-class carriages with cross seats "should be included on the early morning train. Cr. Carr mentioned that there was still room for improvement in the Methven service if the Department wished to compete on a favourable footing with the bus service. Band Fete. The baud fete, which was continued in the Drill Hall lost evening, was attended by an even larger crowd thau on the opening night. The public responded tairly liberally, and again tho stalls and side-shows were well patronised. Much interest centred around tho poster parade. ' The results of tho voting will bo eagerly awaited after tho final parado this evening. A great deal of amusement was obtained by thoso who visited tho tent containing Ashburton's mysterious six, comprising masked photographs of six feadmg citizens. Prizes are awarded to thoso who rccogniso all tho portraits each evening. Several popular orchestral numbers were given lust evening- , , . Tho fete will bo opened this afternoon and concluded this evening. Tho First Canterbury Mounted Rifles Band, for which the funds aro being raised, will parade on tho Domain this evening at 6.30, when it will play tho contest quickstep, "Wairaran'a," afterwards marching to tho hall, when it will contribute among other numbers the contest selection, "Lortzing." METHVEN. The Mount Hutfc Road Board has suggested to tho District Traffic Manager, Mr Chapman, that better carriage accommodation for passengers should bo . .ed on the Methven branch lino than that at. present in use. It is also suggested that a through carriage be run from Methven to Christchurch and back by attaching it to tho front of the Ashburton train, and thus save travellers, especially women an I children, the ordeal of waiting on the Rakaia platform for about twenty minutes, especially in cold or wet wcntlicr. RAKAIA. The following bowlers will represent tho Rakaia Bowling Club in a friendly match against Leeston at Rakaia today:—Newman (skip), Nickolls, Weaver, Cooke; Borland (skip), Stubbs, Milne, Tattersou; Henderson (skip), Hardy, Palmer, Laraman; doubles, McNamara and Black; emergencies, Eviaon, Spencer, Rnpley. The monthly meeting of, the South Rakaia Road Board was held on Thursday. There were present: Messrs Jas. La'mbio (chairman), W. W. Carruthers, and G. S. Hardy. The clerk reported that receipts sine* last meeting totalled £lslO 13s and that rates for tho currcat vear remaining unpaid amounted to £o*o2 10s lid. It was decided to take legal proceedings to recover all rates unpaid by February 17th. Ac-

counts amouuling to £261 16s 7d wero passed for payment. Notice of the transfer of a pieco of land was received, and the clerk was instructed to inform tho parties concerned that approval of tho salo would bo withheld until all rates were paid. Tho Board desired that tho attention of ratepayers be called to tho need for caution in regard to tho lighting of fires and also the necessity for ploughing fire breaks in order to minimise the danger of fires spreading.

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Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18918, 5 February 1927, Page 8

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MID-CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18918, 5 February 1927, Page 8

MID-CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18918, 5 February 1927, Page 8