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RUGBY, v TOMORROW'S MATCHES. The record opening crowd that attended Lancaster P»rlc last Saturdiy ably demonstrated the firm Bold that Rugby hu taken on football enthusiasts in Canterbury and makes it oertain that the publio'i interest in the variou* Canterbury Rugby Union gune*, and the senior competition in particular, will be keener than ever during the coming ceason. By concentrating kU senior cames at Lancaster Patk, the Cr.ion is able to provido its patrons with spectacular football, and judging by the results of last week's matches the contest, both on the Oval and outside grounds should be of particular interest.

The star attraction to-morrow will be the meeting between Old Boys, last year's champions, and the Linwood team. On their showing against Varaitv, the Old Bon, proved themselves to be a Terr formidable combination which can play fast and exciting Rugby, the forwards and back* co-operat-ing in a remarkable manner, Linwood, after their opening game with Merivale, in which they were defeated by t, narrow margin after a singularly fast and dashing game, are ft team that their opponents will find very difficult to defeat, possessing as thev most certainly do, fast forwards and nippy hacks. Linwood havo a voung team which should this season reap the benefit of their experiences in fast matches last year, and their supporters are confident that Old Beys will be, extended to their utmost. On the south ground, Vsrsity will meet Chnstehurch, and a particularlv interesting game should result, as botn teams play fast and open football. Albioi tries conclusions with Merivale on the west ground. On all grounds early sixth grade games will be played as curtain-raiser* to the more important fixtures. At the, Show Grounds two particularly attractive senior B games will be played, Varsity t. Technical Old •Boys, and Linwood v. Xorth Canterbury. CHRISTCHURCH CLUB. Christehureh. Club's teams for to-morrow are:— Senior A. v. 'Varsity, Lancaster Park— A. J.eill, Fyfe, Robilliard, Brown, Hart, McGregor, Mullan, Feast, Galbraith, Godfrey. Leahy, Gibson, Bacon, Frame, Scrimshaw; emergencies, Kirby, Cowlishaw. Senior B v. Merivale, Ohristchurch No. 24, North Park —Boon, Lewis, Stoddart, Bell, Cocks, Finnegan, E. S. Young, Gudsetl, Moore, Millar, Lawson, Farrant, Kennedy, Lattimore, B. Taylor; emergencies, F. S. Taylor, Moon. Juniors v. Old Collegians, Elmwood Park No. I—Higgins, Dave Mitchell, 0. Pengelly, N. Koill, D. A. Young, Morris, Bruce, Pannell, Coster, Weston, Waddell, Gordon, Wil- ' son, Scott, Walker; emergencies, G. J). Burn, A. J. Smith. Third Grade A t. Old Collegians, Elm. j wood Park Ko. 2—Galvin, Malley, Mcllraith, Marshall, Graham, Seager, W. Pengelly, Stringer, Bird, Darby, Godfrey, Conroy, Pisse, Archbold, E. j, Fraser; emergencies, Lewis, Nicholl. Thijd Grade B t. Aranui, Polo Ground No. 8, South Park—W. Anderson.. Ball, Barrett, Olinch, Nash, Mather, Monxies, L. Norton, Coombes, Witbrock, T. A. Jones, King, East, A. J. Christie, Milsonj Woodham, Corrigan. Under 19 v. 'Varsitr, 'Varsity Ground No. 9, North Park—Gasßon, J. Brown, Logie, Radburnd, Williamson, Thiele, Upton, McOullough, Beveridge, Grenfell, Heath, Rote, Boddington, E. Garbutt, A. Smith. Under 18 v. Technical, Ohristchurch No. 7, North Park—Mills, N. M. Smith, Don Mitchell, W. Smith, McDonald, Park, H.: G. Johnston, Curtis, L. Taylor, Hogwood, R. Fraser, A'Court, McOracken, Woolcock, Ellis; emergency, R. Taylor. Any player whose name has been omitted or who is unable to play, please advise Mr Hughes, 'Phone No. 166, at. once. SYDENHAM CLUB. The following players will represent the above «lub to-morrow:— Juniors v. Merivale, at Polo No. I—Vf. Ferguson, .E. Harper, J. De Joux, D. Marshall,. L. Howartb, S. Faulkener, J. M. Page, A. B. Kennedy, L. Bisman, J. Gibbs, C. Gibbs, G. Goodwin, E. Lord, W. Caldeiwood G. H. Hill, E. Davies.

Third open v..Albion, at Waltham Park— S. French, A. Flanagan, H. . Brown, F. Easton, J. Gronfell, A. Seelen, Hi Roberts, C. Blyth, J. Page, J. Dyer, H. Brown, C. Roberts, Higgs, J. Brown, T. Mellowship, A. Pegley, J. Jackson. Under-nineteen v. Albion, •at •Park—F. Kerr, C. Bell, R. Druiy, J. Kiddev/ L. Templeton,' B. Lapslie, G. Bavliss,, R. Gibbs W. Betts, E. Deans, H. Waiklin, T. Thin, C. Clark, A. L. Brown, J. Pbilipson, A. McGeorge, F. Carter, S. .Winter. Under Seventeen v. Jforth Canterbury, at • Rangiora (team to meet at station at' 1 pm.)-F. Britt, W. Brown, G, Brown, C. ,Bla«kler, J. Clark, G. M. Connor, R. •Hazelhurst, F. Jackson, W. Kerr, C. Line, T. McFall, R. Patterson, W. Rastriok, D. Riley, E. Upton, H.' Hartland, N. Squirei, B. Nixon. Train leaves 1.3 p.m.; faro Is ga. Under fifteen and a half v. ■ Technical A, at. Lancaster Park, "(Vest rtound, 1.80-J. Simpson, I. Crockett, W. Fright,' H. FowJJ' d '«X; Hampton, L. Hocking, A.'Laurie, E. M.'Patrick, A. Simpson, H. Roberts, W. Wilson, Jim Clark, P. Brothers, R. Brown N. Davis, J. Phillipson, C. Hampton, J. Howison, L. Brown. ' n ALBION CLUB. , The Albion senior A team for to-morrow ™}— Eggleaome, Mortlock, Smith, Beaumont, Thompson, Lilburne, Kaacworthy, . Grotty ™ ?- g)> «- ( £F onnori Hopkins. McDonald, wylie, McCleary,.Kennedy, Middleton; emergencies, Sincock (forward), Finnegan (back). WEST CHRISTCHURCH OLD BOYS The following teams wili represent West Chnstchmch District Old Boys to-morrow; Juniors v. Riccarton, • at Riccarton— Stewart, Lee, Marshall, Batte-n, Robertson, Riordan Cole, Robb, Anderson, Moore, Jack, Hannifan,, Smith, Banettv Blythe, Cook,

Third Grade v. Merivale, on West Christchurch Old Boys' ground at Spreydon Park —Brown,* Bedwell, Barnett, Bell, Burgess, Campion, Graham, Galagher, Loney, Needbam, McNeil, McKay, Siundera, Wilkinson, Robertson. Miles, Biggs, Adams, Woodward, Kearney, Steans.

Under Nineteen t. Belfast, No. Co ground, Aorth Park—Roberts, Bradley, Thomson, Phillips, Chinnery, Marks, Wilton, Calder, Taylor, Brougb, Peake, HiighsoflJ Stanton, Sntherland, Collett, Dunn. . Under Seventeen r. Kaiapoi, at Kaiapoi (bus leaves Gbvemniont Buildings, Cathedral square, fare Is- 6d)—Stacey, . Lewi*, Taylor, S. Bennett, Sutherland, (3. Smith, J. Bennett, Campbell, J, R. Smith, Blcoinfield, Hattcrsley, Collett, Glanville, Shrimpton, Waldron, Barnett; emergencies, Hadley, Balloch, Josland, Wilson, O'Neil. TECHNICAL COLLEGE OLD BOYS. Technical College Old Boys' Rugby Football Club teams /or to-morrow:— Senior B v. 'Varsity, at Show Grounds, No. I—Bainford, Moulin, Marshall, Burrell, Waddell, Mardon, Bellamy, Geayley, Bell, Todd, Barnes, Nesbit, Porleous, Peny, Chapman, Mann, T. Hay, C. Ward. Juniors v. Halswell, at Polo No. 3, South Park—A. Hay, Perry, Wilton, Angas, Grafton, Allen, Elliott, Lorrell, Smith, Ford, McCallum, Austin, McHugh, Skelton, Donaldson; emergencies u Howie, Jardcn, Wills, Barnes, Steans. \ Under 20 v. St. Andrew's, »t Enior's road—Westwood, Thompson, Bigham, Bott, Watorbouse, Johnston, Wilson, M. Scott, R. Scott, Welch, Henderson, Gray, Barnett, J. Smith, Betteridge, Hollands. Under 19 v. High School Old Boys, No. 13, North Park (opposite Riccarton Hotel)—X. Freeman, Collier, Hutton, Bunny, Lorrett, Kidd, Rodgers, Anderson, Beaumont, Aldersley, Vincent, Speak. Hempstalk, Carlyle, Kilty, Rhind, Stanley. Under 18 v. Christchurch, at Christchurch No. 7, North Park—Keed, Spencer, Nelson, Freeman, l!. Sneddon, Halliday, Eldridge, Hinchey, Parnham, Wheeler, Fineran, Hall, Kotlowski, Mather, Bull, Broadhead. Under 17 A v. Linwood, at Albion No. 21, South Park—Blakeway, Hobbs, Bennets, Qtiaid, Collings, Stokes, Dawkins, Patten, Welch, Burgess, Allen, Sowden, . Almond, Marshall. V. Fieeman, Barton, Bull.

Under 17 B v. Albion, it No. 14, North Paik—Calvert, Carpenter, Charleawarrth, Hendry, Jones, Line, McKain, Normh, Hieharcis, Robertson, ftountree, Stoneman, Tyro, Brown, Hurley, Eich, Schou, Johansen, McLachlan. ST. ANDREW'S COLLEGE OLD BOYS. The following are the team* for to-morrow: Senior B gride t. High School Old Boys', at St. Andrew'* College, at 2.<5 p.m.— England, Hilson, Thompson, Foraytbe, Smith. Reynold*. Prieslnall, Heasley, McDonald. Batea, Taylor, Kay, Sciluter, McDonald, Hilaon. Third Grade B v. New Brighton, at New Brighton—Morriaon (captain), Pbilp, Anderson, Tattle, Dowling. Lee, Eliom, Royds, Brown, Sinclair. Hadfield, Priestnall, P«riin«, Andersen, 'Woodi. Tram leavsf Square -at 1.55 nan.

■ BOYS* GORDON HALL. The team to represent Y.H.C.A. fourth* in the match versus Technical College, on Eu•or's road ground, to-morrow, at 3.15 p.m. sharp, will be chosen from' tba following: Shirr, McPfcerson, Cope, Bennett*, Hobbi, Plummer, Roi. Brace, McDonald, Bryan, Edwards, McConncll, Whittaher, Towait, Smith. ARANUI CLUB. '*" Aranui again*! Christclijch 8, ** ground No. 8, tcwmeiTow:—G. iTfgo, R. Stokes. Aker, Nankivell. Doek, Gait, Parsons, Martin, Smith, Duncan, PaMerson. Rose, Kstob, Richards, F. lggo, Rae, and 'Williams. MALVERN SUB-UNION. The annual meetinp of th* Malvern SuhUnion was held in the DarfieM Memorial Hall, a (rood representation of delegates being present. The report and balance-sheet as presented were adopted, the latter showing a credit balance of £SI It*. 3d. The following officer* were el«ct#d for the ensuing year:—Patron, Mr D. McMillan; president, Mr G. F. Wright; vice-oresidenU, Rev. T. Patterson, Messrs A. Charle*, J. Gallagher, A. W. Ironside, with two still to be elected; auditor. Mies A. K. Colthart; honorary secretary, H. W. Otten; assistant secretary, L. A. Westwcod: delegates to C.R.U., Messrs R. H. North, C. W. Allard: Selection Committee, Messrs D. Johns, G. D. Marsh, Q. A. Wright. It was decided that the senior competition open on Saturday with the jun : ors to commence at a later date to be arranged. A resolution was passed to purchase a shield at the earliest possible date for the senior competition. It was decided to inscribe all past records on the shield, the cast banner to be hung in the meeting room of the Sub-Union.

The following js the draw for the first and second' rounds of the senior competition matches, to be. played on the grounds of the first-mentioned team in each instance, commencing to-morrow:— First round-April 24th: Darfield v. Kirwee, Sheffield v. Hororata, Springfield t. Glentunnel. May Ist: Kirweo v. Sheffield, *t°, r , or **«' ▼• Springfield, Glentunnel v. Darfield. May Bth; Hororat* v. Kirwee, Glentunnel r. Sheffield. Springfield t. Darfield. May 16th: Darfield t. Hororata, Kirwee. t. Glentunnel, Springfield v. Sheffield. May ?? n .2 : ,J Klr T* e . v - s Pring«*]d, Sheffield t. Darfield, Glentunnel r. Hororata. Second round-May 29th: Kinveo v. Hatfield. Hororata t. Sheffield. Glentunnel r. Spnngfield. Jiine 6th: Sheffield v. Kirwee, Springfield t. . Hororata, Darfield v. GlcnLl. .;, Ju 2 l ? 12,n: kirwee r. Hororata. Sheffield v. Glentunnel, Darfield v. Spring' field. June 19th: Hororata r. Darfield, Glent"" Sheffield y. T . Springfield. SpnngfieJd t. Kirwee! Darfield t. Sheffield, Hororata v. Glentunnel. WAIHORA CLUB. Teams representing the Waiboia Football Club to-morrow are as follows; Juniors v United, at Springaton, 1.30 p.m.—A. Hodgen, D. Jones, C. Joblin, C. Brown, H. Silvester, A..Miller, W. Kimber, D. Suckling, D. Hunter.,R. Humphreys, G. Young, S. Turner, M. Bradv, E. Taylor R, Tobeck, I. Brown, C. Dennehy, W. Barnett. Seniors v. United, at Springaton, 3 p.m.— G. Macartney, T. "Wlieeler. C. Anderson, C. Millar,. E. Schnack, E. Tobeck. F. Chapnwi, X. Withell, R. Anderson. D. Wheeler, H. Thomas, G. Thompson. T. Bainey, F. Withell, K. Suckling, J. Miller, W. Joblic. Car« -will )c*t« store, Motuk.rarm, at 12.45' and Tai Tapu at 1 , LEAGUE. TO-MORROW'S MATCHES. For the. .past • two- seasons, the .Mariat Club, by fielding a, well-balanced thirteen, composed of weighty .forwards, with a complete absence of "passengers," and an exceedingly speedy and - tricky set of backs, Laving »' good understanding of one another's tactics, have 'carried off most of the.League trophies,on the top grade. This year the position' is - difforent. Hornby, always at a disadvantage hitherto through a weakness in the back division, have secured the services of the Auckland and New Zealand crack, Wilson-Hall, i,n. addition. to A. Mundy, and the former is proving the pivotal player of. whom the club was no much. in.need. The' Black' pack scales,. in the aggregate, round about Half a ton, and ia headed, as far as weight.goes, by. Mason, an 18-stone Maori from Auckland... Marists havo-never-trained more, thoroughly or with better musters than this season—that'- on .Wednesday night ,waa a record in' the history of the. club— so» that sensational footballs niay be anticipated at Monica. Park to-inorrow afternoon, when these two teams meet. The attraction' on . the No. 2'ground' is the first-round match between Waimairi and Sydenham. ' • ' HORNBY CLUB. The following teams will represent Hornby to-morrow:— Seniors v. Marist A, at Monies, Park, No. I—J. Mundy, F. Warr, B. Itacki*^.WilsonHall,'A. Mundy, A. Hackie, L. ' Vivian, W. Le.W'arne, L. Mason, N. Vivian, F. Henry, W. Woodgatej G. Dawkins; emergency, W. Davis. ■ . Juniors v. Addington,. at Hornby—C. Worsley, A. Scott, A. Cameron, H. Wilson; J. tfuttall, B. Mots, T. Hodgkinson, B. Vivian,.A. ,Ward, G. Watson, J. Moffat, F. Horwell, L. Cooke, G. ' Stephen*. Third Grade v. Templeton, at Templeton—W. Muir, R. MeGrath, B. Neville, M. Willan, A. McGregor, N. Vivian. A. Cullen, J. Burgess, H. McGregor, J.'Halliday, K. Halliday, R. Stewart, W: Vivian, L. Spicer, F. Whitelaw. Fourth Grade- r. Mariat, at Hornby. Sixth-Grade A v. Sydenham, at Hornby—, P.' Burns, R. Spicer, L. Mcpregor, L. Begle,, B. . Beale,, C. Wilkie. ,h. . Hegarty, S. Pyper, H. Standeven, K. Lennox, T. Baker. B. Garrett, M. Standeven, E. Garrett, C. McGarry. H. Taylor. ' Sixth Grad* B v. Sydenham, at Sydenham, I.SO p.m. ASSOCIATION. ASHBURTON. The aniiilal meeting of the Ashbiirlon Football Sub-Association was held last evening,- Mr A. Amos presiding. The Ashbuiton Sports Association wrote that as there was no reply from the SubAssociation •it ' had been deprived of the use of No. 2 ground on the Domain and froni 'representation on the Association 'lhe letter was referred to the secretary, ilr J. S. Wilson, who was not, present. ' Mr W. Anderson: It is fuuny that a secretary calls a meetiog tnd . docs not remain for it. 1 move that, the meeting adjourn until he ia able to attend. The chairman :■ It is getting late in the seascn, and we should elect tho officers. Mr B. ' Wilson: There are not enough, n.embeis present.. • The chairman:'lf you talk of adjourning the meeting, it will make it hard. If we do not get going quickly we will ■ have a job to get the clubs' to hang together. Mr R. Wi'son seconded the motion,.'which waR carried.

' The chairman: If you wind up the Association, yon will have to ca»l together the delegate* of Ihree club? lo keep (he .sport going. * • ■ The meeting was adjourned until Tuesday night. There was an attendance of four delegates at the meeting..

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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18673, 23 April 1926, Page 11

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FOOTBALL. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18673, 23 April 1926, Page 11

FOOTBALL. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18673, 23 April 1926, Page 11